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New findings!

News article:

Humans glow in the dark

Ultra-sensitive cameras reveal that our bodies emit tiny amounts of light that are too weak for the human eye to detect


Human bioluminescence

Bioluminescence at different times of day. C: 10:10. D: 13:10. E: 16:10. F: 19:10. G: 22:10. H: Changes in photon intensity from five volunteers over time. I: Thermal image of the subject. Photograph: PLoS ONE

Amazing pictures of "glittering" human bodies have been released by Japanese scientists who have captured the first ever images of human "bioluminescence".

Although it has been known for many years that all living creatures produce a small amount of light as a result of chemical reactions within their cells, this is the first time light produced by humans has been captured on camera.

Writing in the online journal PLoS ONE, the researchers describe how they imaged volunteers' upper bodies using ultra-sensitive cameras over a period of several days. Their results show that the amount of light emitted follows a 24-hour cycle, at its highest in late afternoon and lowest late at night, and that the brightest light is emitted from the cheeks, forehead and neck.

Strangely, the areas that produced the brightest light did not correspond with the brightest areas on thermal images of the volunteers' bodies.

The light is a thousand times weaker than the human eye can perceive. At such a low level, it is unlikely to serve any evolutionary purpose in humans – though when emitted more strongly by animals such as fireflies, glow-worms and deep-sea fish, it can be used to attract mates and for illumination.

Bioluminescence is a side-effect of metabolic reactions within all creatures, the result of highly reactive free radicals produced through cell respiration interacting with free-floating lipids and proteins. The "excited" molecules that result can react with chemicals called fluorophores to emit photons.

Human bioluminescence has been suspected for years, but until now the cameras required to detect such dim light sources took over an hour to capture a single image and so were unable to measure the constantly fluctuating light from living creatures.

While the practical applications of the discovery are hard to imagine, one can't help wondering what further surprises the human body has in store for us.
I'd be interested in seeing if the bio-luminescence changes under stress, fear, anger, compassion, laughter, empathy or feelings of love. And, I wonder if bio-luminescent sea creatures can perceive their own bio-luminescence? :whistle:
If humans have bioluminescence, I wonder if they have quorum sensing:

Wikipedia said:
Quorum sensing is a type of decision-making process used by decentralized groups to coordinate behavior. Many species of bacteria use quorum sensing to coordinate their gene expression according to the local density of their population. Similarly, some social insects use quorum sensing to make collective decisions about where to nest. In addition to its function in biological systems, quorum sensing has several useful applications for computing and robotics.

Quorum sensing can function as a decision-making process in any decentralized system, as long as individual components have (a) a means of assessing the number of other components they interact with and (b) a standard response once a threshold number of components is detected.


Quorum sensing was first observed in Vibrio fischeri, a bioluminiscent bacterium that lives as a mutualistic symbiont in the photophore (or light-producing organ) of the Hawaiian bobtail squid. When V. fischeri cells are free-living (or planktonic), the autoinducer is at low concentration and thus cells do not luminesce. However, when they are highly concentrated in the photophore (about 1011 cells/ml) transcription of luciferase is induced, leading to bioluminescence.

I am not sure about this, but I speculated before that, in future, something like this could happen when the system becomes decentralized.

I think we have a lot to learn from Nature, but we don't have proper tools to do the research, without harming the Nature, or manipulating the Nature. Maybe some day we will...

Just my two cents, fwiw.
Data said:
Speaking of fluorescent lamps regarding the human body: Tanning beds come to my mind:

The Field said:
He also discovered something else curious. When light was shone on living cells, the cells would take this light and after a certain delay, shine intensely — a process called `delayed luminescence'. It occurred to Popp that this could be a corrective device. The living system had to maintain a delicate equilibrium of light. In this instance, when it was being bombarded with too much light, it would reject the excess.

Aside from that, it would be interesting to know if there is a difference between light from sunbeds and light from the sun - except light intensity or spectrum. In other words: Is there a different effect in DNA/cells/body induced by natural light (from the sun) as opposed to artificial light? Can it be that the sun casts out some sort of 'information' - maybe like supernovas?

Interesting thread. I was reading about the incredible gains in LED technology with regard to living plant growth. Because LEDs do not generate the heat, or consume the power that older technology halide plant lights do, they are gaining in popularity. They run for pennies and last forever. But, the biggest breakthrough is that the resonant wavelengths to plants (the red end and the blue end of the spectrum) can be focused upon with the LED. (chart below). This seems to have a favorable effect on the plants.

Apparently the strobing effects of the LEDs are inconsequential to the plant. Or are they? Have they isolated the sun's most beneficial radiations for plants? Will the use of strobing LEDs in some way alter plant DNA. If so, would that ingested altered plant DNA have some effect on the DNA of those consuming it? I don't know. Much to ponder here, but it would seem that the best way to find out would be to roll up the sleeves and experiment.

Given the climate where I live, and the fact that the winters are mild enough to grow covered crops year around, I have set up a small translucent tent cover for spinach, kale and chard this winter. This keeps the bugs, slugs and frost out of the equation. The plants are doing well enough, but the growth has slowed recently. I presume that this is due to the extended periods of sunlessness that we experience over the winter months. I may invest in an LED light source for the tent to see if it can stimulate the growth that seems lacking due to the weeks of overcast skies.

I cannot find the original article that I read about the LED plant bulbs, but a quick search has turned up a lot of sites selling them.

Edit: I did not notice it when I posted the chart below, but the most chlorophyll production and the most absorbsion of the blue spectrum LED light happens right around Popp's 380 nm.


  • LEDHIDCH1.jpg
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I've read only half of this material, but I just had to stop mid-stream to comment. I can barely read for scribbling notes! Seems every paragraph links into other material, such as:

* "The Fields Of LIfe" (a book I discovered last year when an acquaintance, who'd never gone to college, gave me the yellowed paperback copy he'd read back in 1972!). It was written by Dr. Harold Saxton Burr, who's mentioned in this material. Needless to say, the book was fascinating, as is this article which picks up and goes forward from those revolutionary ideas. Burr's book has an appendix this article makes me want to re-read: "Electro-Magnetic Field Monitoring of Changing State-Function, Including Hypnotic States."

* Masaru Emoto's book, "The Hidden Messages In Water" where I first learned of Rupert Sheldrake's intriguing theory. (By the way, many friends and I have tried Emoto's "little" experiment of making a cloud disappear by focused thought--and it worked every time within 5 minutes!!)

* "Electric Universe" article linked on Laura's blog which makes an excellent case that gravity is a small player in the universe compared to electricity.

Seems radical paradigm shifts are coming in more frequent waves: not long ago we read, it's not gravity, but electricity running the universe; now we learn, it's not chemicals running our bodies, but light! Didn't the C's says something about truth, light and electricity all being the same thing on different densities (i.e. 5D, 4D, and 3D)?

Perhaps one apt metaphor is that we're each a liquid crystal in an LCD screen.

If a lowly plant can convert light into matter (e.g. tomatoes), then perhaps we can dis-cover how to do the same--or even the opposite. Time to "ketchup" (couldn't resist)
JGeropoulas said:
* "Electric Universe" article linked on Laura's blog which makes an excellent case that gravity is a small player in the universe compared to electricity.

Just a quick note that I read The Electric Universe over Christmas break, and I had no idea that Laura had linked to this site, so its good to know that she and Ark find it viable. I am hoping to get ahold of Thunderbolts of the Gods, which is another book produced by the same group focusing on mythology.

here's the google film on Thunderbolts of the Gods, which can also be ordered as dvd or in the book form; and now I'll *have to* read the book. An hour long synopsis of the theory, which discards the classic view of the Universe and the stars as thermonuclear furnaces, also gravitational fields holding the Universe together and quantum mechanics, and instead explains pretty much all observable phenomenon of the Universe as coherent to the behavior of electrical plasma. The portions on mythology and comets are must see. So there goes my favorite portion of quantum, the multiverse, which provided locales for the other densities to reside in. Paradigm shift dead ahead, this is an elegant and comprehensively workable view of the Universe.
So many books, so little time :)
This is my first post on this forum, and I hope a moderator will respond to what I will say.

I happened on the SOTT website while google searching the Mubarak family fortune. Prior to that, I had been reading on the Discover magazine blog, "Bad Astronomy", which featured an article on homeopathy. And prior to that I had been reading on the Institute of Physics site,, "Physicists discover new quantum state of water" (Feb. 4). After reading a little about Mubarak, I decided to look into the forum at the SOTT website. I gravitated toward the science-leaning forums, and found the "Important Threads". Imagine my surprise when I found the "The Field" thread, dealing with aspects of water behavior seemingly applicable to homeopathy, belittled on the Bad Astronomy site but with a "newly-discovered" small-scale quantum state revealed on the IOP site! I don't recall such a "triple coincidence" before. I take this as an omen, or at least as a sign (if there is a difference). A sign of what? Of a path to take.

After reading some of the posts on different boards, I have a feeling I may not be very well suited for this forum - perhaps due to my advancing age, and background (mathematical potential abandoned, physics-scientific potential never experienced). However, I will let the moderator decide where (or if) I belong. My agenda is as follows: for quite some time I have been studying from a lay perspective the foundations of modern day physics, i.e. relativity and quantum mechanics. And the original purpose for this study was to find whether there is a natural basis for morality, the same denied by such as Dawkins and a subject of inquiry on this site. I believe there may be such a basis in a harmonic principle which lies unrecognized in the quantization of energy, and extends through the entire evolution of the systems of the universe (not simply as emergent properties but as harmonic systems).

As an starting point, say that the scientists ask, "What in nature demands the quantum of energy?" They find no "cause" for quantization but settle for the "measurement uncertainty" principle to "explain" why an electron does not plummet into a proton. They extend a measurement principle to nature itself, and this does not make sense to me. I find instead that an electron does not plummet into a proton because the electron and the proton exist in a harmonic relation: they "fit" with each other, and this is due to their common origin, and also to their form.

So I am saying that the electron and proton have a common origin, i.e. a neutron, and a form: a shape. This is not recognized by current particle-field theories, which deal with them (and other hypothetical particles) as mathematical point particles, excitations of mathematical fields. So you can see I have quite a large subject on my plate: not only the subject of a harmonic principle in nature but the form and action of nature itself. But as I say I have been studying this for quite some time (since around 1993 or so). And I have made some interesting discoveries along the way. I would like to pass them along. I don't know how long I will be around or how far I will be able to go with what I have found so far. Maybe it will take someone younger and/or more ambitious to carry on with what I have found. As I said, I am neither a mathematician nor a physicist, but I can do some math.

I am putting this post in "The Field" thread because in the scenario I describe, at the root of the evolution of natural systems is a field - what Einstein might call "the whole field", a fundamental field which is lost in the confusion of fields invented to deal with natural systems as particle-field systems. The skeletal scenario I have envisioned, and the harmonic principle it embodies, has many gaps and unexplained parts, but it includes several interesting mathematical results, the most interesting of which (to me) is the calculation of the electron magnetic moment to within the N.I.S.T. uncertainty, by a method completely unrelated to that which uses the electron spin-g factor.

Having said that, I have to ask whether there is space somewhere in this forum to relate what I have found, and to explain as well as I can the (far flung) concepts which have brought me here. If so, I will start right away to make some threads and maybe eventually the threads will come together as some kind of whole cloth. At the present moment, my thought is to begin a thread dealing with the "central mystery", as Feynman called it: the two-slit experiment. I hope this will illustrate my bona fide interest in fundamental understanding.

If this sounds like asking permission, or blessing, to start such a thread - it is! I value politeness as I believe you do, and it would not feel right just doing it out of the blue.
Hi David George,

I suggest you post what you found on the Science board here. Create a new topic, give it a title and post your findings. Other members who are more knowledge in the subject matter will then be able to read it and ask questions or make comments.

In the meantime, welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves. You can read through the many newbie introductions to get a feel for how others have done it. Thanks.
Just recently posted on the Keshe Forum is this post below which appears to be relevant to this topic.

It should be noted that the sentence structure and grammatical errors are due to Mr. Keshe not being a native English speaker, and sometimes a bit of effort is necessary to understand what is being said.

Grow or Remove

by MTKeshe » Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:28 pm
This might sound out of reality and sci-fi talk.

But, did you know that the Foundation in the past two-month has taken two opposite trial cases in its medical sector.

One case is to generate and rebuild damaged parts of the body which have been lost over the past 20 years and the other trial case is to remove parts, which the body has made too much of over the past 10 years.

Our knowledge in the medical sector has advanced so far that we have through the same processes as before managed to instruct the body to repair parts of the body, which have been destroyed over twenty years that in this case the body cells are allowed to rebuild themselves back to their original shape as of twenty years ago.

At the same time in a reverse parallel in another trial case, through the same process, we have instructed the body to removed from the body or degenerate parts of body, which it has made too much of and the body is to remove physical tissues extended parts which are in solid matter growth lumps and physically visible on the hands of the volunteers over the past 10 years.

This means that we are working and soon trials will start on a case, where we will try to instruct the body to rebuild the lost parts of the body in an orderly manner. For example we will try to instruct the body to rebuild an amputated finger or hand back to its original size and shape as before.

These are important trials as for example in the near future as we have done in two cases before that we can instruct the body to dissolve cancer cells which it has produced, and in opposite direction we can instruct the body to rebuild the brain cells in parts of brain, which cells for example have been lost in an accident like in gunshot wound or brain haemorrhages.

Originally we ran a test on these bases about 3 years ago in Holland, but the knowledge was not complete, but with trial with the coma and other cases we have more or less completed the process and we can say the body does both process of rebuilding and removal on its own in better way than ever thought possible.

But from present current trials we are hopeful that these processes should be rather more rapidly achievable with production of a simpler systems in the coming months, as results from both trials are encouraging and effects recorded already are as has been expected and bodies are responding according to pre-planed systems development.

One must not forget that we are using no medication except our developed space health technology usual systems.

The understanding of regeneration and degeneration criterions of cells are important in the space technology of the future, as for example in time when we might need a new heart-valve, where there are no heart donors in deep space or we might need new reproduction of nerves for damaged spinal cord, then these developments can be implemented.

I see this achievement of the cell reproduction technology around the corner in the coming month and year for us, and then this will change the life of a number of paraplegics in the world.

Initially we think that the end-cells of for example amputated arm will grow and then the brain will start reproducing information for restructure and the rest of the body parts reproduction like muscles and bone according to original DNA memory of the human body will follow.

In fact what we have achieved is similar to what reptiles do once for example they lose their tails in an accident.

But now we speed up the same process in the body in the same manner in reproduction of the same cells in the same location, but as our nano matter production of protein from air in layers, this time the body controls the sequential layering of adjacent cells in 360 degree direction, where the body will think the parts are still in their original place, but in sending the massage to replace the old cell with the new ones as it normally does, now the body orders the reproduction of them in the same manner as once the organs were created in the first place as in the first time when the life was developing in the body of mother.

But the trick with the process is to create cells, which are the same size and age as the present age of the volunteer and not when he was for example six month old.

In due course we will release the videos of the these two cases on our you-tube channel of the Foundation.

There have been already some amazing results which can be seen at the health sub-pages of the Keshe Foundation website:

An overview of the varied technology Mr. Keshe and associates are working on can be found at
This was mentioned in a facebook group I'm in.


Etheric biology
W. John Martin
Center for Complex Infectious Diseases, 3328 Stevens Avenue, Rosemead CA 91770, USA
Received 2 March 2005


Several observations made during the course of studies on stealth-adapted viruses are explainable by a pervasive, energy-rich, ether environment. Activation of an alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway provides stealth virus damaged cells with a repair mechanism that is independent of the cellular immune response. ACE activation can also assist in the systemic healing of infections caused by conventional viruses such as Herpes simplex virus, Herpes zoster virus and human papillomavirus. ACE pigments convert conventional forms of physical energies into a biological cell healing energy, the nature of which is still uncertain. More recent studies suggest that ACE pigments may also capture etheric energy. In addition to cellular repair, ACE pigment activation can lead to the biogenesis of lipid-like chemical structures. ACE pigment and virus culture healing activities were also seen with several natural products, including a homeopathic formulation. A colloidal silver solution appeared to facilitate the transmission of ACE and to enhance its biosynthetic activity. These results open a window into a greater understanding of a fundamental force of nature of potential therapeutic importance.
2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Ether and etheric energy

Ether (aether) is a classical term used by empiricists for a space filling medium through which all forms of energy are transmitted (McTagghart, 2002)...

It goes on to relate ether/aether to push gravity (I'd rather relate it to Ark's work) and mentions this which seems related to Morgellons:

Alternative cellular energy pigments (ACE pigments) The particulate material comprised conglomerates of much finer components that assemble into solid particles, long threads and short ribbons. The fine components are produced by the virus-infected cells and are initially seen as dark pigmented materials within individual cells and within clusters of infected cells. These materials commonly aggregate into larger particles that are extruded from the cell clusters (Fig. 1). Threads and ribbons that are sometimes brightly colored have also been seen coming from these clusters...

In some patients, the particles provoke a sense of irritation leading to scratching and skin excoriations. Patients would observe the particles’ electrostatic activities or the slow uncoiling of a long colored fiber and believe they were infested with parasites. Not being understood and bearing the burden of a stealth-adapted virus encephalopathy, the patients were occasionally labeled as having delusional parasitosis (Bhatia et al., 2000)...

The electrostatic, magnetic and electrical properties of ACE particles can be quite variable over time. A particle obtained from a patient’s dried perspiration was observed to jump several inches from a metal table to an electrostatically charged plastic ruler, rotate on the ruler and fly back to the table only to be attracted back to the ruler then the table and so forth for several cycles.
What an absolutely mind blowing thread -lots of stimulating thoughts, looking forward to reading this a 3rd time. At the moment I'm simultaneously reading 'The field' and 'Body electric' by Dr. Bob Becker mentioned in the former. Dr.B is another badgered scientist obstructed every time his research overlapped what the military boys. Here is something on his excursion into acupuncture mentioned in the main article:
(perhaps a bit basic in scope of what this thread is reaching at, but good 'fundamental' view I find)

Body Electric p 234 said:
Any current grows weaker with distance, due to resistance along the
transmission cable. The smaller the amperage and voltage, the faster the
current dies out. Electrical engineers solve this problem by building
booster amplifiers every so often along a power line to get the signal
back up to strength. For currents measured in nanoamperes and microvolts,
the amplifiers would have to be no more than a few inches apart—
just like the acupuncture points! I envisioned hundreds of little DC
generators like dark stars sending their electricity along the meridians,
an interior galaxy that the Chinese had somehow found and explored by
trial and error over two thousand years ago. If the points really were
amplifiers, then a metal needle stuck in one of them, connecting it with
nearby tissue fluids, would short it out and stop the pain message. And
if the integrity of health really was maintained by a balanced circulation
of invisible energy through this constellation, as the Chinese believed,
then various patterns of needle placement might indeed bring the currents
into harmony, although that part of the treatment has yet to be
evaluated by Western medical science.

The biggest problem Western medicine had in accepting acupuncture
was that there were no known anatomical structures corresponding to
the meridians, those live wires supposedly just under the skin. Some
investigators claimed to have located tiny clusters of sensory neurons
where the points were, but others had looked for them in vain. My
proposal offered a convenient way into the problem. If the lines and
points really were conductors and amplifiers, the skin above them would
show specific electrical differences compared to the surrounding skin:
Resistance would be less and electrical conductivity correspondingly
greater, and a DC power source should be detectable right at the point.
Some doctors, especially in China, had already measured lower skin resistance
over the points and had begun using slow pulses of current,
about two per second, instead of needles. If we could confirm these
variations in skin resistance and measure current coming from the
points, we'd know acupuncture was real in the Western sense, and we
could go on confidently in search of the physical structures.
I got the grant and used part of the money to hire Maria Reichmanis,
a brilliant young biophysicist who was Charlie Bachman's last Ph.D.
student. Her combination of mathematical gifts and practicality got us
results fast. Together we designed a "pizza cutter" electrode, a wheel
that we could roll along the meridians to give us a reliable continuous
reading, as well as a square grid of thirty-six electrodes to give us a map
of readings around each point.

Along the first meridians Maria measured, the large-intestine and pericardial
lines on the upper and lower surfaces, respectively, of each arm,
she found the predicted electrical characteristics at half of the points. Most
important, the same points showed up on all the people tested. Since
acupuncture is scuh a delicate blend of tradition, experiment, and theory,
the other points may be spurious; or they may simply be weaker, or a
different kind, than the ones our instruments revealed. Our readings also
indicated that the meridians were conducting current, and its polarity,
matching the input side of the two-way system we'd charted in amphibians,
showed a flow into the central nervous system. Each point was
positive compared to its environs, and each one had a field surrounding it,
with its own characteristic shape. We even found a fifteen-minute rhythm
in the current strength at the points, superimposed on the circadian
("about a day") rhythm we'd found a decade earlier in the overall DC
system. It was obvious by then that at least the major parts of the
acupuncture charts had, as the jargon goes, "an objective basis in reality."

Mod Note: Added paragraph breaks for readability
Sorry, I´m just in the middle of the text, but I have already something to say.
In hungarian világ = world, világosság= light , világos = clear, light
in slovakian svet= world, svetlo = light
and now I can continue...

i'm somewhat late in arrival to this thread.
that was definitely an amazing read on ''The Field''.

the thing that stood out most to me was reading about the - photon - DNA correlation.

Q: How many people were there on the planet and did they have to take each one and do this individually?
A: Whoa.

Q: (L) How many people?
A: 6 billion.

Q: (T) That's 500 million more than there are now.
A: No, 200 million.

Q: (L) Okay, there were this many people on the planet, how did they effect this change on all of them?
A: Light wave alteration.

Q: (L) And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) What was the origin of the light waves?
A: Our center.

Q: (L) What is your center?
A: Our realm. STO. (service to other-selves)

Q: (L) So, how did the Lizzies use the light from the Service to Others realm...
A: They used sophisticated technology to interrupt light frequency waves.

Q: (L) Well, what I am getting out of this that you are saying from what you are not saying is that it was almost like,... well, was
there a battle and you guys lost?
A: Yes.

A: Frequency envelopes are realms, however they are "in concert," which implies a degree of scripting at some level.
Some members if the orchestra do not play well. Some do not play in tune. Some are out of synch.
Others expect the one next to them to play their part.

this brings to mind the cs' comments about STS attempting to always 'possess' and control and how STO tends to choose more natural evolution pathways.
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