The Field - Important Findings Valuable to All!

soulsurvivor said:
... there is no mass. There is only charge."

I'd like to hear direct comments on the above and how you do or don't relate this to your own perception of reality.
My perception of reality may be skewed, but if there is only charge, then where is space? There is only one charge? Or many charges? If there is only one - then we do not exist. If there are many, where are they located?

So my direct comment is: "word salad".

But even word salad may be useful, as it may make some people angry, and anger energy can be transformed, if an appropriate transformer is available, into a creative energy!
ark said:
soulsurvivor said:
... there is no mass. There is only charge."

I'd like to hear direct comments on the above and how you do or don't relate this to your own perception of reality.
My perception of reality may be skewed, but if there is only charge, then where is space? There is only one charge? Or many charges? If there is only one - then we do not exist. If there are many, where are they located?

So my direct comment is: "word salad".

But even word salad may be useful, as it may make some people angry, and anger energy can be transformed, if an appropriate transformer is available, into a creative energy!
I think IMHO that the extract from "the field" soulsurvivor is quoting is not talking about a foundamental perception of reality, but it just states that inertia may be described with electromagnetic interaction between charge destribution in the particule with the surrounding zero field energy fluctuations. What they suggest is that inertia (and perhaps gravitational interaction?) is a manifestation of electromagnetic interactions. But charges are still in a spatio-temporal continuum as usual.
MKRNHR said:
I think IMHO that the extract from "the field" soulsurvivor is quoting is not talking about a foundamental perception of reality, but it just states that inertia may be described with electromagnetic interaction between charge destribution in the particule with the surrounding zero field energy fluctuations. What they suggest is that inertia (and perhaps gravitational interaction?) is a manifestation of electromagnetic interactions. But charges are still in a spatio-temporal continuum as usual.
Reality includes all this physics stuff, and being a physicist Ark is quite likely making a valid point. Even in your scenario the degees of freedom involved are more than just EM charge and EM is kind of related to charge like gravity is to spacetime, hence one can't just throw gravity out and expect spacetime to stay happy. There's also the color charge to keep in mind. In other words one has to be rather specific or even good ideas can come out as word salad.
MKRNHR said:
What they suggest is that inertia (and perhaps gravitational interaction?) is a manifestation of electromagnetic interactions.
This has been suggested by some physicists before Puthoff. But the author of the book seems to be completely blind to anything that is not related one way or another to the American Intelligence guy - Puthoff. Now, once we notice that the main hero of the book is Puthoff, it is also useful to notice what is MISSING in the book. A WHOLE domain of physics. Try to guess what it is?
John G said:
Reality includes all this physics stuff
Retrospectively you are right, a particular vision on a physics principle may condition our interpretation of reality in a more general sense. I had just emited an opinion about a possible clarification of that particular quote without paying attention to its possible metaphical implication. My comment started by "the extract from "the field" soulsurvivor is quoting" and it was about the quoting itself, not the book :)

Ark said:
But the author of the book seems to be completely blind to anything that is not related one way or another to the American Intelligence guy - Puthoff.
I have just started to read "the field" and I'm just at the beginning. The book recounts some interesting experiments in different domains, and that's I think the only positive aspect of the book. In the beginning the author speaks about quantum mechanics. It was something diturbing to read so I did it rapidely, thinking that because the author is not herself a physicist, it is possible that it would be some misundertanding or that the way to present basic facts in a too simple way leads to mistakes. For exemple, I didn't like her comments on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradoxe but I have to re-read it in order to point what was exactly the problem. Then came the zero-point field explanation for non-locality (and everything in the universe) and that zero-point field could explain quantum phenomena without using quntum mecanics. Maybe I'm wrong but zero-point field is conceptually a concequence of quantum realm (in asimple interpretation as a consequence of the Heisenberg peinciple) and then she says that this zero-point field conceals quantum physics! quantum physics doesn't exist and gravity doesn't exist! Well, I thought that it was just a misinterpretation. But in the following, in the few I've read, all phenomena are related to, and explained by this zero-point field. I have to be honnest and read further before emiting such a conclusion but is what appears until now. I don't know this Puthoff but if he's related to this sero-point energy interpretation of everything, I understad why you say that he is author's hero in this book.
Zadius Sky said:
Data said:
Aside from that, it would be interesting to know if there is a difference between light from sunbeds and light from the sun - except light intensity or spectrum. In other words: Is there a different effect in DNA/cells/body induced by natural light (from the sun) as opposed to artificial light? Can it be that the sun casts out some sort of 'information' - maybe like supernovas?
Well, the only thing that I know so far is that the artificial lighting do not affect the body's circadian rhythms. However, only the sunlight plays an important role in our body's internal clocks.
Yes, that could be the case. But that doesn’t mean that artificial light sources do not affect us at all. For sure they influence our biophotonic fields as shown in the delayed luminescence experiments by Popp.

There are also a lot of gadgets on the market that relate to "feel good" or "changes" which are translated as some sort of growth. If those gadgets wouldn't do or change something I don't think they would spread so easily. Few people ask what exactly is changed, what are the consequences, or how is it handled by people?

Back to the SQUARE WAVE issue:

AC welding, infrared inspection, IR or other light frequency laser acupuncture, rife, ultra sound inspection, zapper (Hulda Clark), High Voltage AC sterilisation of food, soil penetrating radar , and many more, all work or perform “better” because square waves are used.
Is this because they all result in deeper penetration of the material to be treated or inspected ? In many cases this is exactly was is claimed…. Deeper penetration.

I have been asking around. One civil engineer came up with an explanation. As he was doing this, it was quite clear to me that I was touching a domain that made him nervous. I found that kind of weird as I know the person quite well. He never really admitted that the base frequency of a square wave penetrated deeper into a new medium that is being struck. His idea (explanation) in this case was that it facilitated interpretation of the incoming data. I could see that, okay.

It is only later that I realized that this explanation can only cover technologies that have the aim to do some sort of prospectus in which incoming data have to be analyzed. But what about all those instances wherein square waves are used to “treat” some kind of material? Why are square waves used in these cases?

So maybe it is still possible that he became nervous because he didn’t know an all encompassing answer?

And as to "penetrating" capacity, you can read about the remarkable difference between the old fashioned mechanical sirens (with square waves) and the modern electronic sirens (with sine waves) and how the latter, albeit less PENETRATING result in more noise pollution.


I for one can attest to this penetrating effect of old fashioned sirens, and the problems that arise from the modern electronic ones. (Sorry Dant that your keen perception will miss this one; I am just curious as to how others people perception is, and the memories of it.)
sleepyvinny said:
Charles, your talk of electronic sirens made me think of something.

The way I understand the greek myth of the sirens (ie: using STS desire to lure the sailors onto the rocks), it is about entrapment via forced resonance with a certain frequency.

I've no idea how the modern counterpart they got their name, but the connection between the greek 'siren song' and the electronic police siren seems to be remarkable.
Thanks for that Sleepyvinny. That is a good observation!

Explained in that way it would make sense that the electronic sirens only work for people who are dominated by A influences/STS desires, which is just about everybody. Those who are not dominated by A influenced must therefore be on a different frequency. Anyway I like the image of the greek(celtic?) sirens and what it provoked of thoughts. Got me thinking ;)
I made some of the same connections that others mentioned, but I was also reminded of something else. Dr. Nick Begich hasn't been discussed here (according to the search I did) and I wonder if anyone knows anything about him or who he is or anything? I don't, but I heard a passage read from one of his books, Controlling the Human Mind, and it was shocking -- it suggested that the PTB know a lot about this stuff and that their technology of control utilizes this concept of everything having a very fine, unique resonance -- and messes with it, of course, to achieve the results they want. Has anyone researched Begich? The suggestion certainly seemed to be that all this about electromagnetic radiation and resonance with the many parts of our biological systems has been covertly researched and is now understood to some degree.

A quick search turned up _
A relative handful of bioenergetic scientists have diligently applied themselves over the decades and can now produce some amazing results. Much of this new science is based on the recognition that various organs produce or respond to certain resonant frequencies. Detection can be accomplished by determining the body's frequency codes. The application of certain frequencies with specific modulation and pulsation can cause effects in the many bio-circuits of the body. The effects depend on many details that are naturally present in the realm of bioenergetic science, the devices used to achieve those effects and the intent of the device's operator.

Much of bioenergetic science has been focused on understanding the operation of the mind and healing the body. But the discoveries of those in the healing arts have not gone unnoticed by those engaged in the warfare and social control professions. The practical difference between these disparate interests is only a matter frequency choices, delivery systems and intent.

At the core

The level at which these effects begin are described by Dr. Begich: "Within living cells proteins exist that have specific three dimensional physical characteristics and forms. The form of proteins arise out of their unique order of amino acids, electrical charge and polarity. Sequences of amino acids have been found to coil or wind themselves into a helical spiraling shape called an alpha-helix. In electrical terms, coils and helices are inductors, transducers and antennas. These can change shape and act as on/off switches or perform binary functions, which are required for any computer to work whether it is your desktop or the human body functioning as a super computer. These coils and helixes are biological circuits serving the same kinds of functions as inorganic, nonliving electrical circuits...the use of light, sound, microwave, radio, television networks, computer systems or power grids, all of through which a pulse-modulated signal can be introduced, can be used to create a deliberate effect, or a side effect, impacting living organisms in neutral, positive or negative ways."

Hi Ad

Typing His name into Google returns about 29 entries the first of which is a lecture video called "Controlling the Human Mind in the 21st Century". It is dated 6-Aug-07 and runs about an Hour and 4 min.

I just watched the first part of this lecture and it seems to be showing off a number of electronic gadgets for biofeedback and and other such resonance machines that he sells. There may be more but I have only given it a very quick look as it is getting late here.

He used to do a weekly radio show on both GCN & RBN and his archives are on his earth web site and end in January 07. That was about the time RBN got shaken up? May or may not be significant.

His first book that I remember seeing was "Angels Don't Play This Haarp".
I actually did read here on this forum the bit about Begich being on RBN and disappearing after that shake-up. I also found a 06-Feb-2005 article by Laura that mentions, "The idea that HAARP was created to control weather was promoted in a big way by Nick Begich in a book entitled Angels Don't Play This HAARP. " And, "Our own interactions with the folks that financed Begich's book, as well as controlled its content, chronicled in the Adventures With Cassiopaea series, (do read this for some inside details of how COINTELPRO approaches are made), suggest that describing HAARP as a "weather" or "geological weapon," is merely disinformation."

But there was much more. if I could only find that passage. I know I wrote it down somewhere. In my mental database, I associate Begich with talking about HAARP and mind control, which few do. Statements such as, "The use of the ionosphere in the CIA's experiments reminds one of the possibilities now available with systems such as HAARP," from the Controlling the Human Mind book (_ reinforce this. Maybe he's learned something? Oh, well. Perhaps it is somewhat off-topic.
AdPop said:
But there was much more. if I could only find that passage. I know I wrote it down somewhere. In my mental database, I associate Begich with talking about HAARP and mind control, which few do. Statements such as, "The use of the ionosphere in the CIA's experiments reminds one of the possibilities now available with systems such as HAARP," from the Controlling the Human Mind book (_ reinforce this. Maybe he's learned something? Oh, well. Perhaps it is somewhat off-topic.
Yes, maybe he has learned that gaining money by publishing sensational books can make one bump accidentally into some REAL horror. But I don’t know, honestly, and neither I read “Angels don’t play this HAARP.”

What follows will bring it back to the topic of our thread (our coherent field of biophotons).

I bumped into a site yesterday, which I can no longer connect to as it is now blocked by the company I work for (in ONE day!).

In it you can read an article by the hand of a certain Michael Persinger. It has become impossible for me to assess the scientific credibility of that article (right now). But I remember that there was an entire reference list. Here is a part of it (that I had saved yesterday).
Persinger said:
The apparent dependence of organismic responses upon the
intensity of the applied electromagnetic field, the
"intensity-dependent response curve," could simply be an
artifact of the absence of biorelevant information within the
wave pattern. If the temporal structure of the applied
electromagnetic field contained detailed and biorelevant
information (Richards, Persinger, & Koren, 1993), then the
intensity of the field required to elicit a response could be
several orders of magnitude below the values which have been
previously found to elicit changes.
For example, Sandyk (1992)
and Jacobson (1994) have found that complex magnetic fields with
variable interstimulus pulse durations could evoke unprecedented
changes in melatonin levels even with intensities within the
nanoT range.
Persinger said:
Above these minimal thresholds, the information content of the
wave structure becomes essential. The simplest analogy would be
the response of a complex neural network such as a human being to
sonic energy. If only a 1000-Hz (sine wave) tone were presented,
the intensity required to evoke a response could well exceed 90
db; in this instance the avoidant response would be overt and
crude. However, if the structure of the sonic field was modified
to exhibit the complex pattern which was equivalent to
biorelevant information such as "help me, I am dying," field
strengths several orders of magnitude weaker, e.g., 30 db, could
be sufficient.
This single, brief but information-rich stimulus
would evoke a response which could recruit every major cognitive
domain. If the information within the structure of the applied
magnetic field is a major source of its neurobehavioral effect,
then the "intensity-dependent" responses which are interpreted as
support for experimental hypotheses of biomagnetic interaction
could be both epiphenomenal and artifactual. Such amplification
of electromagnetic-field strengths would also increase the
intensity of the extremely subtle and almost always ignored
subharmonics, ripples, and other temporal anomalies which are
superimposed upon or within the primary frequency. These subtle
anomalies would be due to the artifacts within the different
electronic circuits and components
whose similarities are based
upon the fidelity of the endpoint (the primary frequency) despite
the different geometries employed to produce the endpoint.
And the message to take home here is … that square waves are always a superimposition of many subharmonics, (which theoretically infinitesimally cover the entire range of higher frequencies). Thus, one or many patterns that encode biorelevant information will also be embedded in such complex pattern, thereby decreasing the intensity of the field required to elicit a response with several orders of magnitude.

It also makes it understandable as to how seemingly personalized “info” can be transmitted with the use of a “standard” or general signal. Biorelevant information for one individual will not necessarily be relevant for another. Or each individual will retrieve (or perceive?) the info that is relevant to that individual (a bit akin to the photon sucking idea of Popp).

Persinger said:
If information rather than intensity is important for
interaction with the neural network (Jahn & Dunne, 1987), then
_these_ unspecified "background" patterns may be the source of
both the experimental effects and the failures of
interlaboratory replications. A concrete example of this problem
exists within the putative association between exposure to power
(60 Hz) frequency magnetic fields and certain types of cancer.
The existence of these transients, often superimposed upon the
fundamental 60-Hz frequency, is still the least considered factor
in the attempts to specify the characteristics of the fields
which promote aberrant mitosis (Wilson, Stevens, & Anderson,
Within the last five years, several researchers have reported
that direct and significant effects upon specific neuropatterns
can be evoked by extremely weak magnetic fields whose intensities
are within the range of normal geomagnetic variations. Sandyk
(1992) has discerned significant changes in vulnerable subjects
such as patients who were diagnosed with neurological disorders
following exposure of short durations to magnetic fields whose
strengths are within the pT to nT range but whose spatial
applications are multifocal (a fasces-type structure) and
designed to introduce heterogeneous patterns within a very
localized brain space. The effective components of the field
(which are assumed to be discrete temporal patterns due to the
modulation of the frequency and intensity of the electromagnetic
fields) are not always obvious; however, the power levels for
these amplitudes are similar to those associated with the signals
(generated globally by radio and communication systems) within
which most human beings are exposed constantly.
,which brings me back to something that I read on the site you referred to: _

His research reveals that, "the brain can be altered with very little power, including that which is released from the natural geomagnetic activity of the Earth or via contemporary communications networks...within a very narrow set of variables, we can stimulate the sense of smell, taste, touch, sight or hearing in a manner that would not permit us to see the difference between the laboratory created experience and using the Earth's natural energy fields a signal could be generated at power levels consistent with the Earth's and would be hidden in the 'noise' created by the many manmade background radiating sources of energy." .
Continuing the discussion about flickering LEDs, Post #92 and following...

While translating SOTT Focus article The Last Inch... it occured to me that the following quote from The Myth of Sanity somehow answeres the question as to how strobe lights (most prominently 100 Hz, 10% duty cycle flicker of car taillights) could act as a "hypnotic opener". Dr. Stout, discussing the dissociated state of human mankind, gives a hint:

Dr. Stout said:
The result is that adult human memory performs something like the old-fashioned kinetoscope, a peephole looking into a winding roll of separate pictures that together simulate a moving, undivided whole. Though we are largely oblivious to the fact, our lives as they advance are lined with countless unwanted blank seams of nonawareness.
Maybe flickering enforces and trains the illusion of an continuous stream of something that is essentially a long lasting void in between short periods of true content?

In the last weeks I observed more and more flickering LED appliances (car taillights, even pulsed dashboard illumination, traffic signs, displays of conusmer electronics) and pondered again over the question, WHY are they all pulsed? Maybe I will have the definitive common-logic answer in a few months, because I will be working for a mainstream developer of automotive onboard computers and electronics. BTW, theres much dicussion about this visible flickering in other forums. Most people see it and find it distracting.

dant said:
Cs 951118 said:
A: Strobes use minute gold filament.
I was curious as to "gold filament" and if you google: "Diode LED Gold Au" you may find that Au/Ni is used as wire bonded to the gold-plate on the substrate itself. I thought maybe it was part of the substrate itself but I could not find it, so perhaps it is literal: "Gold wire" - or "filament".
It's true, LEDs use a minute gold filament, see picture and reference below. A hint from the C's? But why "it ain't from Fort Knox" doesn't make sense to me.


See also sketch at www
From Dant mentioning monatomic gold here

And now Data reference to gold filaments, I came across an unverified article of reference that may lead to more clues concerning the light and gold connection.


The doctor [Dr Puthoff] is mentioned in the article, I am assuming it is laced with disinfo. Nevertheless, it seems to cover a lot of ground which may lead to a new trail of questions.
It is an interesting article, but as always be suspicious. It seems to give *some* history,
but it needs direct reference to actual data - oftentimes skirted and vague. It does not
say what the real pros and cons are and tends towards the pro - as if this is the substance
you ought to consume. The C's says - "no". MG has interesting properties but as the C's
hinted, the STS also uses it for control - so those who consume it may be easily trapped.

I see this as a "Pandora's box" - more fraught with danger than benefits. Kinda reminds
me of Big Pharma's push of their drugs emphasizing on its benefits and very quickly
running down a laundry list of "side-effects", so fast that you'd miss the road signs.

Again, the "mechanical-ness" seems to be the focus of this article, rather than focusing
on the esoteric, who we are and what we already possess - without need for "drugs", OSIS.

article said:
Scientists are reporting evidence that intact, double-stranded DNA has the "amazing" ability to recognize similarities in other DNA strands from a distance. And then like friends with similar interests, the bits of genetic material hangout or congregate together. The recognition - of similar sequences in DNA's chemical subunits - occurs in a way once regarded as impossible, the researchers suggest in a study scheduled for the Jan. 31 issue of ACS' Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
Don't know the significance of this, but it looks like it might be potentially useful data. Would be interesting to get more details though.
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