Perri475, I can understand where you are coming from - but if the hosts of the show came across a bit 'jokey' about the whole issue, I think it's because of the sheer amount of ridiculousness about this topic in the mainstream media. I didn't take it as hostility against trans people. As always, this topic is not so simple. Here are a few thoughts:
Perri475 said:
Didn't sott run an article a few months ago about how the human brain is a culmination of male and female traits? With that in mind, is it really so hard to accept that some people don't feel like either gender? I listened to this SOTT focus, and one of the first things said *paraphrased* was "these people don't like being called what they are, words that have always been used to describe gender'', this confused me because him/her/he/she aren't some sort of objective system of identification, but man-made constructs that apply to physiology (now) and profiency (back then, i.e. hunter/gathering).
I don't know, but I think this is a bit simplified. As far as I know, gender theory postulates that everything about gender is forced on people by society. Although some of the things we associate with gender nowadays (blue pants for boys, pink for girls etc.) is of course due to societal influence, there are obviously biological facts as well, including hormones and such. Then I think there is the more spiritual dimension of 'male energy' and 'female energy', which probably ties in with the idea of archetypes. Obviously, we can manifest both components, but I guess the biological gender has a big influence on which of these energies/archetypes we connect more to.
What seems to be a running theme in our psychopathic society, and I think this shows in the whole gender debate as well, is that we are fed the illusion that we can be 'free of all restraints', biological and spiritual, which I think is a dangerous path. There is something like a 'natural law', although since the 'enlightenment', this concept was kind of abolished. But as Gurdjieff said - spiritually, we can only
choose which influence we come under to an extent, we cannot be
without influence from the higher realms. So in terms of gender issues, I think an 'anything goes' attitude is not helpful, which is not to say that there exist cases where male and female energies mix, or gender identification problems arise due to biological factors and/or spiritual reasons.
Which brings us to the question of how to treat such people. I think they deserve compassion and love as everyone else does, and it is clearly inhumane to discriminate against them in any form. But compassion means to know what is going on with them (as the Cs said - to love is to know). Just postulating "every gender issue should be accepted without question" isn't helpful here I think. We should ask instead which underlying psychological issues are at play, which biological problems there are etc., to help these people find their way, however it will look like. In other words, it depends on the specific situation, as always: for some the gender issues come from childhood trauma, some may have biological malfunctions, and might just connect more with 'female energy'. But if society promotes an 'anything goes' attitude, no questions asked, those who have psychological problems will never get them solved, and some people will just change genders on a whim, while still others use their gender issues to have their way with society at large (bathrooms, language etc.), nevermind they are an
extremely small minority. Not to mention the very problematical surgery option, which clearly hasn't existed until recently and seems to be done even to teens and children nowadays! That is child abuse indeed.
Perri475 said:
I do think that euro-centrism has latched onto the concept and is being very ridiculous in trying to police language, but writing off non-binary people as mentally ill is really jumping the gun, especially when you can trace people feeling that way all throughout history. Of course most people didn't hear about it at all, history has had a tendency to white-wash anything that doesn't fit the pre-made narrative. Because of social media and the internet, it gives the disenfranchised more of an opportunity to voice themselves. With that comes societies slow acceptance, but first it has to be turned into a fashion trend, which is exactly what's happening right now.
I think that such things become 'fashion trends' is precisely the problem. It is a way for the psychopaths to co-opt genuine interests of a minority and align them with their soulless 'anything goes' agenda. Look at what happened to feminism, which started with some clever women imagining a different world where the feminine energy has the place it deserves and that the world needs. And now? Women have the same 'rights' as men to live out their psychopathy on a global level, yay! Or the gay movement: again, as far as I know, the early gay movement had some very sound political visions, but the psychopaths and their media quickly turned it into a totally degenerated, over-sexualized freak show that society 'had to accept'. And now the transgender thing: what was a very small minority with genuine interests now became a fashion trend, and we know 'have to accept' the lunacy of totally unscientific new genders, an invasion of our language, and children being surgically 'gender-changed'! It's the same dynamic playing out again IMO.
Anyway, these were a few aspects that came to mind.