The languages of the Ex-Yu Kasiopejski materijal

We would like to inform you that yesterday morning, due to a heart attack, Aleksandar Dubljevic, founder of the Cassiopaean transcripts for the former Yugoslavia on the Facebook platform, died.

Obaveštavamo vas da je juče ujutru od posledica infarkta preminuo Aleksandar Dubljević, osnivač Kasiopejskih transkripti za prostor bivše Jugoslavije na fejsbook platformi.
May Aleksandar rest in peace.
I was with Aleksandar when he died, it was such a shock... it was very early morning, and some strange sound/noise woke me up, It was very strange, so I got up and then i found him in his last moments... couldn't help him... I feel extreme sadness and sorrow, but I am telling myself that his wonderful and loving soul is now peaceful.

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