1. What is the point of developing a "separate" soul? We accumulate knowledge, gain experience, our energy becomes different. Will we be able to use this in some kind of fight for freedom?
If we consider that we are all essentially just fractalized analogs of the entire universal consciousness, one point of developing a soul would be to experience all of the content the universe has to offer and also to create the content.
We are eternity experiencing infinity, all experiences are worth having imo no matter how bad they are. The fact that third density STS seems to be quite awful should invigorate us to want to leave, and the way to leave is to do "the work", which is in itself a fight.
2. Is there a chance that humanity will be able to fight back against its oppressors? Or if we rebel, will we simply be crushed into dust?
A: Transitioning will give those humans with receivership capability "abilities." Also, as you noted the planet is being reduced to a rather primitive condition in many areas. The elite do not realize that this process has a domino effect and their money and "power" will be essentially worthless.
They have stated that the "playing field would be leveled", and that those with receivership capability will inherit abilities. They have also stated there would be some sort of battle when the transition happens. Something I have thought about for quite some time.
Another thing to consider is that what seems to be a majority of humans are not ready to graduate. Our "becoming STO" nature tells us that we want to liberate these people from their chains, and help in any way we can.. but I do not think that is the point. This is an STS world, and I think that the calamity humanity faces is just a natural process.. a way for the universe to "cleanse" the planet and recycle souls where they need to be maybe. There is ,however, dissent increasing everywhere, people are waking up, albeit slowly.
There really seems to be no script. The law of free will means that we essentially can create or destroy with our choices. Maybe if one of us was so incredibly influential and charismatic, we could go on social media and divulge information in a way that helps polarize the planet towards the light, reach millions of people and reshape life for everybody.. I don't think this kind of thing is impossible, just probably not likely. They have talked about how at any point, we could create a sort of force field that prevented 4th D STS from influencing our planet by coming together and anchoring a frequency.. All of these things are seemingly within our grasp.. the question is what will we do about it? What will you do? What will I do? It's all choice.
What I would be interested in knowing is :
What are these abilities that those with receivership capability receive?
I have had several dreams recently of "practicing" abilities in what I can only describe as training for the 4th density, and they involved things like harnessing the energy from the energy centers to perform stuff like healing, manifestation, matter manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy, aura reading, channeling etc. Essentially all of these parapsychological abilities being talked about for a long time, and I would assume things that are utilized extensively on 4th density among many others i'm sure.
What function do these abilities serve?
If everything needs a reason to exist, I am wondering what these abilities will do to level the playing field... Does this mean that we will actually be using these abilities to fend off/fight Nephilim/lizards/STS? Will they only be used in 4th density or will they somehow be used in 3rd density to aid the souls still here?
3. Do we have a mission - one that can be achieved or failed - but one that is real and not illusory?
They have talked about some of us being 4th density STO Nordics who have injected to 3rd density in preparation of what's coming, they have talked about us having to deal with the Nephilim when they arrive, albeit in 4th density, they have shown us how destiny works to a certain extend, in regards to the Fellowship.. there are all kinds of variables at play that makes any sort of ultimate description in regards to a "mission" for humanity pointless.. It depends on the individual.. I am sure there are a myriad of reasons why any soul has injected here at this point in space/time.. I am also sure that these reasons will change whether you are a 3rd density native or a Wanderer, for example.. whether you are here to correct an imbalance in your soul profile, or if you are here to fight on the 4th Density when the transition happens.. the point being the possibilities are endless. Finding these things out, discovering self, etc.. that is part of "the work" and also what I have found to be genuinely fulfilling in life.
Its hard to imagine the chronology of all of these events, and how long of a timeline we are talking about here, or even how much of this plan has been changed/disrupted since these sessions happened.. but assuming that the first stages of the going ons will be global turmoil, economic impacts, possibly more wars, dissent happening on a global scale, people "waking up"(all of which is already happening).. all leading in to cataclysm, whether its the ice age, comets, brown dwarf appearing.. all leading in to a transition in to 4th Density (for those that will be transitioning right away), and perhaps the survivors of the cataclysms having to deal with Nephilim invasion/alien takeover..
I do feel like "fighting" is going to be a part of the future, for pretty much everybody.. whether its fighting for survival, fighting for the truth, fighting tyranny, fighting self, fighting nephilim, fighting lizards.. there seems to be this very strong narrative at these levels of reality in regards to fighting. The friction between light/dark, STO/STS, good/evil.. its pretty much everywhere, video games, movies, wars, sports, debate, competition in general .. on the 4th Density, I am sure the wars are fought in different ways, but the general principle remains the same.
All of these things pique my curiosity more than anything.. and I see enough merit in them to want to stay and see it all unfold.. to overcome my self in order that I get to experience them.
This may be more ego than anything, but I would also love to see these monstrous souls that are committing atrocities on our planet get whats coming to them, which may or may not happen in this lifetime, but it's enough to keep me grinding.