The mission of humanity and man. Is there really a point in fighting?

We come up with some percentages, look for confirmation in various messages.
"Percentages" or figures are not a primary issue to me, and I think that "confirmations" found in the texts of concern are only significant for us when they significantly resonate with our own experience-based knowledge and intution. No need to dogmatize texts.

At the same time, there are other messages that tell us directly that not everything is so simple, and we need to gain knowledge and energy, otherwise we are simply finished.
Sure, both simplicity and complexity are naturally present in a spectrum. A tree is very simple in terms of its general shape or outlook, but gets more and more complex as you zoom in. In problem solving, especially when we are stuck, it's often a good idea to take a few steps back and check from the core (the simplest known) to the more external or more complex to try to understand where the problem is originated.

The main thing is not to take a position where evil is done to us, and we do nothing to counter it, because we think about balance.
In the experiential spectrum, there can be different levels where what you need do to counteract an evil committed against you depends on the specific level. But, to me, at the core of the issue of good and evil, the following statements of the C's resonate with me significantly:

Q: (T) Do I have implants?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) These implants are what they use to control my emotions and amplify them so that they can feed off of them?

A: Not control, influence.

Q: (T) No, not to control; influence. But when, say, I get angry, then I'm angry for a short time but then I'm angry for a long time because they have used this technology to amplify and extend this; is this what they do?

A: Yes. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Q: (T) Can I feed back through their equipment what I choose?

A: Not necessary.

Q: (T) In other words, if I get angry and realize that I am being more angry than I should be, and I change that to something positive, and feed that back to them while they have their amplifiers wide open, will that affect them? Sour their milk, so to speak?

A: Now you are "fighting fire with fire."

Q: (T) Well, is that something that we are supposed to be doing?

A: Open. But what does phrase imply?

Q: (L) If you feed it back at them, in other words, what they are saying is, I think, when you feel yourself getting angry, the only way to stop the whole thing is to stop being angry and be happy or at peace. When you are happy and at peace there is not in you the desire to send anything back.

A: Bingo.

Q: (J) Redirect the energy into something positive. (F) You can't fight fire with fire. (LM) Well, actually you can in reality. (T) What I am getting at is, is it possible to do that, to change the emotional state to something more positive than what they are expecting and feed that back to them. Is that a possibility?

A: Why.

Q: (T) Just to give them a taste of their own for a change. (J) Do you want to antagonize them? You are still feeding them your energy. (L) The only change you could really have would be the opposite emotion which would be peace and if you are truly feeling peace...

A: 4th density STSers feed off negative energy.

Q: (J) So, give them nothing. (T) But what I am thinking about is the energy... I have a natural... They are feeding off negative energy. They put something in me, some technological thing, because they come into 3rd density to mess with us...

A: Yes.

Q: (T) ...that will amplify this for them. Make it even stronger.

A: Analogy follows: How effective is a light socket without a plug in it?

Q: (T) Well, how effective is a light socket without a socket in it... I'm trying to learn here so you guys give me some latitude.

A: What?

Q: (T) If you take a light socket and pull the socket... pull the plug on the light socket you no longer have light. (L) Well, the Lizzies are the light bulb and you are the power source so you just pull out their plug. (J) Unplug yourself. (T) Am I the socket?

A: How effective is a motor that is never turned on?

Q: (J) Do not be their source. If they feed off negative energy, starve them.

A: Implants are ineffective if not used.

Q: (J) The power source has to be on for the implant to work for them to get the juice and the power is negative thoughts and emotions. (T) But I am still a 3rd density being. I have all the emotions of a 3rd density being, the whole gamut, and that is part of what makes me a 3rd density being. Therefore I can't turn one emotion off without upsetting the balance of the other emotions, emotions are almost an analogy to the light and the dark.

A: No.

Q: (T) I have positive emotions and I have negative emotions; they both make up who I am.

A: If you choose, you may have only positive emotions.

Q: (T) Now, if I have only positive emotions, which is a nice thing to have and I'd like to have that, what does that do to the sensor equipment of the Lizzies?

A: Cancels them.

Q: (T) So they are tuned to negative frequencies?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Having positive feelings cuts off the implants. If I cut off the sensors by having positive feelings, what will the Lizards do?

A: Go elsewhere.

Q: (L) Am I correct in my thought that when you first start turning this off that they may increase their efforts for a period and then finally they realize that you are really in charge here and then they go away?

A: Exactly.

Q: (T) Okay, and you said that the Lizzies feed on the negative energy?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Who feeds on the positive energy?

A: You do.

Q: (T) How do we feed on the positive energy?

A: Progression toward union with the one, I.E. level 7.
I am an optimist and I am sure that everything makes sense. But in each individual case it is difficult to find an answer. Especially for those who rarely study various sources or do not know about them.

Our world is very complex. And the more you learn, the more depressing it can be. For example, it is difficult to accept the fact that some creatures feed on our energy and blood. That they do this with impunity and there is no prospect that we - as humanity - are able to fight back.

As if we are bacteria in a cheese starter, and we have no chance to stop the production of cheese. So you can decide that our soul, our experience, our energy - all this is nothing more than a type of cheese. We are entertained and intimidated so that we produce better. Maybe some piece of cheese will be thrown away and not eaten, but it will simply rot on the outside, considering itself freedom.

1. What is the point of developing a "separate" soul? We accumulate knowledge, gain experience, our energy becomes different. Will we be able to use this in some kind of fight for freedom?
2. Is there a chance that humanity will be able to fight back against its oppressors? Or if we rebel, will we simply be crushed into dust?
3. Do we have a mission - one that can be achieved or failed - but one that is real and not illusory?

Google translate from russian:
Я оптимист и уверен, что во всём есть смысл. Но в каждом отдельном случае ответ найти сложно. Особенно для тех, кто редко изучает различные источники или не знает о них. // Наш мир очень сложный. И чем больше узнаешь, тем это сильнее может угнетать. Скажем, тяжело принять тот факт, что нашей энергией и кровью питаются некие существа. Что они это делают безнаказанно и нет перспективы, что мы - как человечество - способны дать отпор. // Словно мы бактерии в сырной закваске, и мы не имеем шансов остановить производство сыра. Так можно решить, что наша душа, наш опыт, наша энергия - всё это не более, чем сорт сыра. Нас развлекают и запугивают, чтобы мы лучше производили. Может, какой-то кусочек сыра выбросят и не будут есть, но он просто сгниёт снаружи, считая себя свободным. // Вопросы. 1. В чём смысл развития "отдельной" души? Мы копим знания, набираемся опыта, наша энергия становится другой. Мы это сможем использовать в какой-то борьбе за свободу? 2. Есть ли шанс, что человечество сможет дать отпор своим угнетателям? Или если мы будем бунтовать, нас просто сотрут в порошок? 3. Есть ли у нас миссия - она может быть достигнута или провалена - но реальная, а не иллюзорная?
Is there a chance that humanity will be able to fight back against its oppressors?

I think the answer is yes, but it would depend on what you mean by fighting. I'm reminded of an article I read years ago (I can't remember any specifics), but it was about indigenous tribal communities (possibly native Americans, not that it really matters, it could be any small group dependent on the stable working of the community for their survival). I've given this a lot of thought over the years, it's one of those things that just 'sticks' with you, probably because I never really understood the consequences of what they were referring to. Having read what Laura (and many others similar) have written about psychopaths, it became clearer. The point of this article was the damage a psychopath could potentially do within a small community, any community really. Whether it was the shaman or the tribal leaders, more likely a combination, would observe and decide that a particular person within the tribe was potentially a psychopath, and they understood what it could mean. It would be quietly 'allocated' to one or two of the younger men that on a hunting or scouting trip this particular person would be "helped over a cliff" or some sort of 'accident' would befall them. Raises all sorts of moral questions, but when the survival of the many depends on it, there is perhaps some justification.

I'm reminded of what the Romanians did with their 'tyrant' Ceaușescu 30 odd years ago, it was quite an operation. He was 'arrested' by some of the population, he was given a common law trial, found guilty and executed, I personally don't have to much of a problem with that. It was done without emotional anger by a mob, it was (apparently) a well targeted, planned and executed operation, done out of necessity. And here lies the problem of fighting. I'm talking specifically about what I observe happening in the UK at the moment, mostly because it has the potential to effect me, but I see similar in other parts of the western world. Divisions and anger are being slowly and deliberately stirred up by the 'authorities' who know exactly what the result will be. The outcome, more 'freedoms' being removed, Problem, Reaction, Solution as David Icke so adequately frames it. Indiscriminate fighting and violence toward opposing groups or the bought and paid for state thugs in costume, is just going to cause more problems, exactly what the 'authorities' want (in my view). The fight has to be targeted, without emotion or malice, at the selected few who are orchestrating the problem. I'm thinking more like what was done with Ceaușescu rather than uncontrolled riots and violence. That is going to be a tall order when many of the population are driven by egotistical anger and fear and are still deeply unconscious.
When I read this thread, conclusion for me is that on this questions C's could answer simply as always "yes" or "See yourself". If I feel the meaning of this questions correctly, maybe better question would be: " If anyone from this forum would meet right now himself in the future after all of this effort living here and making things "right" according to C`s material would this person be happy to see who he had became?"
"Is there really a point in fighting?"

I want to rephrase this question to: "Is there really a point in healing?"

Healing often involves a kind of fight in our mind and body. Mentally, the fight or struggle is against false and/or self-damaging thoughts and beliefs.

In the context of work on self for healing from ego, I want to attract attention to our relationship with goodness or wellness.

Goodness/wellness is here and now, inside and outside us. It's universal, existential. It's accessible in thought/belief. If you reeeally want to feel (and be) well, what can stop it? There can be exceptions but I think the rule is that what can or will stop it is our own thoughts/beliefs to the contrary, reinforced by the Matrix reality. So, in ego (false self), we're kind of sabotaging ourselves. I know, this is a bit too simplistic. We are part of a world, a life, a society, etc. There are great difficulties, tyrannies. Naturally, we can't help but often be very intimidated, saddened, and outraged by what we and others endure. There's a certain fight especially in terms of awareness against the direct and indirect perpetrators of the Matrix in front of and behind the curtains, and this forum is a great example of this human struggle and I'm very happy for this fact. The forum is also a great venue of discussion about the "internal fight" in the sense of increasing awareness on how "ego" (the most problematic part of the STS inside us) works and so, in connection with my own struggle against my ego, this is what I especially like to focus on, although I also have a certain interest in learning more about the affairs of the external world. There's most probably a need for balance between our efforts in these two semi-separate venues.

I think that goodness/wellness (positivity, optimism) is a manifestation of being or existence. STS forces also "exist" but they have to gradually diminish and eventually quit their STS polarization (their negativity) to get closer and closer to the core of existence, which I suppose is pure positivity, pure being.

There seems to be a kind of synonmy between positivity and being. So our effort for accessing and experiencing positivity is essentially our effort for "being". I conclude that "positivity is us" in the most essential sense. When we try to reach positivity, goodness, wellness through various practices, we essentially try to reach being.

In my efforts for gradually healing from my ego by immersing in positivity for a few second or minutes, I fail most of the times. To me, the criterion for success is getting rid of all fears, anxieties, and enjoying a deep sense of peace for some time. I'm trying to understand what is causing the frequent failures. Of course, the difficulties and troubles of worldly life are a great, almost the greatest, cause. And presumptively I also factor in hyperdimensional attacks, manipulations, programmings, etc. But believing in the virtue of "free will", I feel I shouldn't give up. Currently, I suppose that this about one's sense of "Where/what do I belong to?" And this ties to the "balance scale" I mentioned previously. The first pan is "timeless" and "eventless", although the second pan, which is full of individuality, persons, societies, events, dimensions, times, spaces, is also a part or extension of the first pan. They are eventually the same and single thing but there's also a semi-separation, at least from our perspective. So, I feel forced to ask myself, which one do I really belong to? Which one is transient and which is eternal? etc. Sometimes, in this questioning, I let go of the world(s), let go of the idea of being an individual but be all, one. I associate that oneness with pure positivity, pure being. Even if temporarily, getting rid of fears, anxieties, and enjoying mental and semi-physical healing effects is an evidence to me that this helps me gradually loose my ego. But as the "world/matrix" reality soon beings to leak in, sometimes this causes a significant burst of anger in me. Like, "I saw and approved the truth, why the hell do I have to continue to endure this nonsense of worldly troubles again?" Then, sometimes, I can't help but admit that I'm no longer with the truth, I need to go back to it, stay longer and longer with it, until I settle in it. This is a process of transformation that necessitates great patience.
Soy optimista y estoy seguro de que todo tiene sentido. Pero en cada caso individual es difícil encontrar una respuesta. Especialmente para aquellos que rara vez estudian diversas fuentes o no las conocen.

Nuestro mundo es muy complejo. Y cuanto más aprendas, más deprimente podrá ser. Por ejemplo, es difícil aceptar el hecho de que algunas criaturas se alimentan de nuestra energía y sangre. Que lo hagan con impunidad y no hay perspectivas de que nosotros -como humanidad- seamos capaces de contraatacar.

Como si fuéramos bacterias en un iniciador de queso y no tuviéramos posibilidad de detener la producción de queso. Entonces puedes decidir que nuestra alma, nuestra experiencia, nuestra energía todo esto no es más que un tipo de queso. Nos entretenemos e intimidamos para que produzcamos mejor. Quizás algún trozo de queso sea desechado y no comido, pero simplemente se pudrirá por fuera, considerándose libertad.

1. ¿Qué sentido tiene desarrollar un alma "separada? Acumulamos conocimiento, ganamos experiencia, nuestra energía se vuelve diferente. ¿Podremos utilizar esto en algún tipo de lucha por la libertad?
2. ¿Existe alguna posibilidad de que la humanidad pueda luchar contra sus opresores? O si nos rebelamos, ¿simplemente seremos aplastados en polvo?
3. ¿Tenemos una misión, una que pueda lograrse o fracasar, pero que sea real y no ilusoria?

Traduce Google del ruso:
, остимист и уверен, что во вс ⁇ м естВ смКл. Ко в ка0дом отделВном случае ответ найти слоно. Особенно для тех, кто редко изучает различнКе источники или не знает о них. // Каς мир оченВ. сло《нй. И чем боллВе узнаеÆВ, тем 1то силВнее мо《етаттВ. Скаеем, тя ело принятл тот ̄акт, что натей нергией и кровВе6 пита0тся некие су3ества. тто они 0то дела00т безнаказанно и нет перс」ективК, что мК - как человечество - ссособнο датВор. // Словно мК бактерии в сКрной закваске, и мК не имеем (ансов остановитВ. Вак моно ре ⁇ итл, что на0а дура, на0 опКт, на0а 1нергия - вс ⁇ ⁇ то не более, чем сорт стра. Кас развлека0ти и запугиваÆт, чтобК мК луче производили. Мо《ет, какой-то кусочек стра вКбросят и не будут естВ, но он он просто сгни ⁇ т снару《и, считая себя свободн ⁇ м. // ВопросК. 1. В В ⁇ м смКсл развития "отделВной" ду ⁇ и? МК комим знания, набираемся опта, нааа нергия становится другой. МК ⁇ то смо ⁇ ем иссолВзоватВв в какой-то борОбе за свободу? 2. ̄стВ ли ⁇ анс, что человечество смо ⁇ ет датО отпор своим угнетателям? Или если мК будем бунтоватВ, нас просто сотрут в поро ⁇ ок? 3. КстВ ли у нас миссия - она мо《ет бКтВдостигнута или провалена - но реалВная, а не иллguerraзорная?
Maybe life is like a prosperous and abundant virgin forest but there are also lumberjacks, bad weather and some pests willing to eat the grass and wood.
Many times we have nothing left but the uncertainty of knowing if we will reach another new day to open our eyes and hug our children, that miracle happens so quickly without us realizing that we could evaporate at any moment.
Even so, I have enough faith to move forward even if there are no more ways to take another step.
Getting rid of a disease. Getting rid of ego, specifically.
Interesting. Getting rid of disease sounds like defining darkness as the absence of light. Kind of doesn’t get there for me. And ego, it’s a great concept but it also might include awareness of self (and others) which isn’t necessarily a totally negative thing to eliminate? It also isn’t necessarily referencing the lower self. And then there is physical health vs emotional and mental health. I think it’s wise to differentiate them rather that considering them all together in general.

Anyway, definition of terms is very important and can often be overlooked. So many misunderstandings occur because people assume other people know what they mean and where they are coming from. Thanks for the clarification of how to reference what you are saying.

So…. Ego = disease? That’s what it sounds like.
1. What is the point of developing a "separate" soul? We accumulate knowledge, gain experience, our energy becomes different. Will we be able to use this in some kind of fight for freedom?
If we consider that we are all essentially just fractalized analogs of the entire universal consciousness, one point of developing a soul would be to experience all of the content the universe has to offer and also to create the content.

We are eternity experiencing infinity, all experiences are worth having imo no matter how bad they are. The fact that third density STS seems to be quite awful should invigorate us to want to leave, and the way to leave is to do "the work", which is in itself a fight.
2. Is there a chance that humanity will be able to fight back against its oppressors? Or if we rebel, will we simply be crushed into dust?
A: Transitioning will give those humans with receivership capability "abilities." Also, as you noted the planet is being reduced to a rather primitive condition in many areas. The elite do not realize that this process has a domino effect and their money and "power" will be essentially worthless.

They have stated that the "playing field would be leveled", and that those with receivership capability will inherit abilities. They have also stated there would be some sort of battle when the transition happens. Something I have thought about for quite some time.

Another thing to consider is that what seems to be a majority of humans are not ready to graduate. Our "becoming STO" nature tells us that we want to liberate these people from their chains, and help in any way we can.. but I do not think that is the point. This is an STS world, and I think that the calamity humanity faces is just a natural process.. a way for the universe to "cleanse" the planet and recycle souls where they need to be maybe. There is ,however, dissent increasing everywhere, people are waking up, albeit slowly.

There really seems to be no script. The law of free will means that we essentially can create or destroy with our choices. Maybe if one of us was so incredibly influential and charismatic, we could go on social media and divulge information in a way that helps polarize the planet towards the light, reach millions of people and reshape life for everybody.. I don't think this kind of thing is impossible, just probably not likely. They have talked about how at any point, we could create a sort of force field that prevented 4th D STS from influencing our planet by coming together and anchoring a frequency.. All of these things are seemingly within our grasp.. the question is what will we do about it? What will you do? What will I do? It's all choice.

What I would be interested in knowing is :

What are these abilities that those with receivership capability receive?

I have had several dreams recently of "practicing" abilities in what I can only describe as training for the 4th density, and they involved things like harnessing the energy from the energy centers to perform stuff like healing, manifestation, matter manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy, aura reading, channeling etc. Essentially all of these parapsychological abilities being talked about for a long time, and I would assume things that are utilized extensively on 4th density among many others i'm sure.

What function do these abilities serve?

If everything needs a reason to exist, I am wondering what these abilities will do to level the playing field... Does this mean that we will actually be using these abilities to fend off/fight Nephilim/lizards/STS? Will they only be used in 4th density or will they somehow be used in 3rd density to aid the souls still here?

3. Do we have a mission - one that can be achieved or failed - but one that is real and not illusory?

They have talked about some of us being 4th density STO Nordics who have injected to 3rd density in preparation of what's coming, they have talked about us having to deal with the Nephilim when they arrive, albeit in 4th density, they have shown us how destiny works to a certain extend, in regards to the Fellowship.. there are all kinds of variables at play that makes any sort of ultimate description in regards to a "mission" for humanity pointless.. It depends on the individual.. I am sure there are a myriad of reasons why any soul has injected here at this point in space/time.. I am also sure that these reasons will change whether you are a 3rd density native or a Wanderer, for example.. whether you are here to correct an imbalance in your soul profile, or if you are here to fight on the 4th Density when the transition happens.. the point being the possibilities are endless. Finding these things out, discovering self, etc.. that is part of "the work" and also what I have found to be genuinely fulfilling in life.

Its hard to imagine the chronology of all of these events, and how long of a timeline we are talking about here, or even how much of this plan has been changed/disrupted since these sessions happened.. but assuming that the first stages of the going ons will be global turmoil, economic impacts, possibly more wars, dissent happening on a global scale, people "waking up"(all of which is already happening).. all leading in to cataclysm, whether its the ice age, comets, brown dwarf appearing.. all leading in to a transition in to 4th Density (for those that will be transitioning right away), and perhaps the survivors of the cataclysms having to deal with Nephilim invasion/alien takeover..

I do feel like "fighting" is going to be a part of the future, for pretty much everybody.. whether its fighting for survival, fighting for the truth, fighting tyranny, fighting self, fighting nephilim, fighting lizards.. there seems to be this very strong narrative at these levels of reality in regards to fighting. The friction between light/dark, STO/STS, good/evil.. its pretty much everywhere, video games, movies, wars, sports, debate, competition in general .. on the 4th Density, I am sure the wars are fought in different ways, but the general principle remains the same.

All of these things pique my curiosity more than anything.. and I see enough merit in them to want to stay and see it all unfold.. to overcome my self in order that I get to experience them.

This may be more ego than anything, but I would also love to see these monstrous souls that are committing atrocities on our planet get whats coming to them, which may or may not happen in this lifetime, but it's enough to keep me grinding.
1. What is the point of developing a "separate" soul? We accumulate knowledge, gain experience, our energy becomes different. Will we be able to use this in some kind of fight for freedom?
In general, delimiting a group soul into several individuals could open the door to an intensification in the development of consciousness due to the availability of more individual experiences and because we can observe/interact with others in this way, these experiences, once acquired, could even later become part of the collective if this again generates some kind of union. Developing-establishing an individual soul depends on taking a certain path of learning in life through the use of free will and with this path and once you obtain its fruits you become a transducer of higher energies that does this work in an increasingly refined way, think about the advantages that this individual can present together with other similar ones for their close and wider environment.
2. Is there a chance that humanity will be able to fight back against its oppressors? Or if we rebel, will we simply be crushed into dust?
In general, it depends on the type of oppressors and how the fight must be carried out. There have been fights against psychopathy in the past and there will continue to be, as it is part of the lessons; both on an individual and collective level, everything ultimately depends on the cycles and how informed the masses are about what they are really facing. According to these two main variables (there may be others), the results vary in their implications.
The fourth density is a more balanced environment, so a fight where there are real possibilities of following a path of "total liberation" can only happen when the cycles allow us to be collectively in that reality.
3. Do we have a mission - one that can be achieved or failed - but one that is real and not illusory?
That depends on what we choose, just lessons, nothing more as the Cs say, I think the general mission would be precisely to "change our reality" which is not so favorable from a certain angle and to achieve that we must become transducers, so that would be for example a mission, become a transducer of higher energies by making certain adjustments in your life... it is basically the theme of the universal monomyth where there is a fall of humanity and a path of redemption is presented to return to a "divine" state.
I am an optimist and I am sure that everything makes sense. But in each individual case it is difficult to find an answer. Especially for those who rarely study various sources or do not know about them.

Our world is very complex. And the more you learn, the more depressing it can be. For example, it is difficult to accept the fact that some creatures feed on our energy and blood. That they do this with impunity and there is no prospect that we - as humanity - are able to fight back.

As if we are bacteria in a cheese starter, and we have no chance to stop the production of cheese. So you can decide that our soul, our experience, our energy - all this is nothing more than a type of cheese. We are entertained and intimidated so that we produce better. Maybe some piece of cheese will be thrown away and not eaten, but it will simply rot on the outside, considering itself freedom.

1. What is the point of developing a "separate" soul? We accumulate knowledge, gain experience, our energy becomes different. Will we be able to use this in some kind of fight for freedom?
2. Is there a chance that humanity will be able to fight back against its oppressors? Or if we rebel, will we simply be crushed into dust?
3. Do we have a mission - one that can be achieved or failed - but one that is real and not illusory?
1. What is the point of developing a "separate" soul? We accumulate knowledge, gain experience, our energy becomes different. Will we be able to use this in some kind of fight for freedom?

I think in trying to weed out the falsehoods we are constantly exposed to, both outside ourselves and within ourselves, we can get to a point where our foundations individually and collectively are based in truth and the pursuit of truth. It is not a fight so much as it is an act of choosing to act in favor of our own destinies and acting in favor of truth itself.

2. Is there a chance that humanity will be able to fight back against its oppressors? Or if we rebel, will we simply be crushed into dust?

I don't think there is much of any chance in fighting back against entities and an environment that is totally controlled by the current STS hyper-dimensional forces. But we can choose to act in favor of truth and our own destinies.

3. Do we have a mission - one that can be achieved or failed - but one that is real and not illusory?

Yes, I think we do have a mission. By choosing to act in favor of truth and our own destiny we create the possibility of an alternate path. Those with ears to hear and eyes to see may also choose that path.

A couple of C's session excerpts I am fond of:

Session 3 May 1997

A: Not correct concept. You do not need to "act against them," you need to act in favor of your destiny.

Session 24 September 2001

A: Pronto! Dear ones, we want to see you succeed in your mission.
Q: What is the mission?
A: You will discover it.
Q: (L) Are we going to be unhappy or happy when we discover it?
A: Joy unspeakable!

And finally, I was heartened recently by a blog post of Ark's. It took me back to 25-30 years ago when Ark presented similar ideas, the ideas of quantum future, macro-cosmic quantum collapse, a new reality that embraces both matter and spirit. I think "a new reality that embraces both matter and spirit" is the mission and I think it is achievable.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Quantum Leap: A Journey Beyond Reality

The world around us is not merely changing; it is experiencing a quantum leap. This is not a mere evolution but a dramatic transformation, and we are all participants in this grand phenomenon. Some of us are active players, diving headfirst into the unknown, while others are passive witnesses, watching the spectacle unfold. Yet, many continue their daily routines, blissfully unaware of the seismic shifts happening around them.

In my theory of EEQT (Event Enhanced Quantum Theory), these jumps occur at seemingly random, yet precisely timed moments. When the time is ripe, reality takes a leap, and these jumps, theoretically instantaneous, are in truth processes that transcend our material world, touching upon hyper-dimensional realms beyond our comprehension.
In this quantum leap, we are bound not just by the physical world but by a tapestry of consciousness that stretches into the hyper-dimensional. As we stand on the brink of this new reality, we must embrace both the matter and the spirit, understanding that they are not opposing forces but facets of a greater whole. The future is here, and it is beyond anything we have ever imagined.
Getting rid of a disease. Getting rid of ego, specifically.
I see healing as all the above that integrates an individual into a single ‘I’, solidifying the magnetic centre. Collecting fragments of the self broken off by illusions, misconceptions, physical and mental illness, lies we tell ourselves, or are told, that we believe.
The C’s say we (humanity) are the war, the battle is fought through us. The war is over when you can no longer be used as a food source… we win by becoming completely healed.
1. What is the point of developing a "separate" soul? We accumulate knowledge, gain experience, our energy becomes different. Will we be able to use this in some kind of fight for freedom?

I think in trying to weed out the falsehoods we are constantly exposed to, both outside ourselves and within ourselves, we can get to a point where our foundations individually and collectively are based in truth and the pursuit of truth. It is not a fight so much as it is an act of choosing to act in favor of our own destinies and acting in favor of truth itself.

2. Is there a chance that humanity will be able to fight back against its oppressors? Or if we rebel, will we simply be crushed into dust?

I don't think there is much of any chance in fighting back against entities and an environment that is totally controlled by the current STS hyper-dimensional forces. But we can choose to act in favor of truth and our own destinies.

3. Do we have a mission - one that can be achieved or failed - but one that is real and not illusory?

Yes, I think we do have a mission. By choosing to act in favor of truth and our own destiny we create the possibility of an alternate path. Those with ears to hear and eyes to see may also choose that path.

A couple of C's session excerpts I am fond of:

Session 3 May 1997

A: Not correct concept. You do not need to "act against them," you need to act in favor of your destiny.

Session 24 September 2001

A: Pronto! Dear ones, we want to see you succeed in your mission.
Q: What is the mission?
A: You will discover it.
Q: (L) Are we going to be unhappy or happy when we discover it?
A: Joy unspeakable!

And finally, I was heartened recently by a blog post of Ark's. It took me back to 25-30 years ago when Ark presented similar ideas, the ideas of quantum future, macro-cosmic quantum collapse, a new reality that embraces both matter and spirit. I think "a new reality that embraces both matter and spirit" is the mission and I think it is achievable.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Quantum Leap: A Journey Beyond Reality

The world around us is not merely changing; it is experiencing a quantum leap. This is not a mere evolution but a dramatic transformation, and we are all participants in this grand phenomenon. Some of us are active players, diving headfirst into the unknown, while others are passive witnesses, watching the spectacle unfold. Yet, many continue their daily routines, blissfully unaware of the seismic shifts happening around them.

In my theory of EEQT (Event Enhanced Quantum Theory), these jumps occur at seemingly random, yet precisely timed moments. When the time is ripe, reality takes a leap, and these jumps, theoretically instantaneous, are in truth processes that transcend our material world, touching upon hyper-dimensional realms beyond our comprehension.
In this quantum leap, we are bound not just by the physical world but by a tapestry of consciousness that stretches into the hyper-dimensional. As we stand on the brink of this new reality, we must embrace both the matter and the spirit, understanding that they are not opposing forces but facets of a greater whole. The future is here, and it is beyond anything we have ever imagined.

How nice to know that he will be happy.
Do we all have a mission to discover?
If there was a mission that I had in mind it would be with my soul mate because there is nothing better than living in true love between man and woman green fields clear water animals nature and working on being (guardians of the universe).
Interesting. Getting rid of disease sounds like defining darkness as the absence of light. Kind of doesn’t get there for me. And ego, it’s a great concept but it also might include awareness of self (and others) which isn’t necessarily a totally negative thing to eliminate? It also isn’t necessarily referencing the lower self. And then there is physical health vs emotional and mental health. I think it’s wise to differentiate them rather that considering them all together in general.

Anyway, definition of terms is very important and can often be overlooked. So many misunderstandings occur because people assume other people know what they mean and where they are coming from. Thanks for the clarification of how to reference what you are saying.

So…. Ego = disease? That’s what it sounds like.
Without ego there is no sense of self, from what I can see it is necessary to start there, noticing the ego and the way it dictates and dominates causing self serving responses.
Without ego there is no survival, we are empty vessels, no baby would survive past its first year if it didn’t develop an ego first. It is not a disease in and of itself, though it can be, unrestrained it caused all kinds of problems, physically, psychically, projected outwardly, but I see it as a child that needs to be taught how to behave so it can be of use to the adults thus becoming a functional and helpful part of a dynamic and eventually learning to grow up and integrate to fortify the whole and complete being.

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