It’s a sight to see but also fills me with a lot of sadness and a twinge of anger to see people that I’ve known for years buy into this, to watch them so easily manipulated and programmed that they’ve changed so drastically.
Around here (live in a small rural community) people are being pounded by news and authorities. Schools down. Alberta cancels for 12 weeks, or in reality until September (daycare's are also mentioned) and BC weighs in tomorrow:
The potential extended closure is a stark contrast to other provinces, which have planned for schools to reopen in two or three weeks. Hinshaw noted that evidence suggests that for a school closure to effectively slow the spread of viruses, it needs to last for eight to 12 weeks.
The dictate from the Ministry of Health in BC is no more than 50 people (including staff) in a restaurant et cetera. Any large gatherings are done.
Looks like my work (still fortunate to have it for now) is to be all remote - no meetings of any type, not withstanding Skype and phone, or in the area. My wife does health type work, and that is now done until further notice.
Interestingly, many people here who were of one mind and yet who have eyes and ears, had been just like you said (easily manipulated), however they are starving for some better understanding and some have done a 180 degree turn once realities were better focused upon, while others are too inculcated. In fact, the latter see, as many do, something that needs to be stopped before all is lost - omg don't you see its bad, what is the matter with you, the exclaim. They see the 'markets' doing the avalanche things while their pensions start to evaporate, yet they will empathize with the markets knowing in their hearts it will all turn around as they, are after all, are being run by smart people with their best interests at heart.
One local Co-op banker was lamenting (in private) that the system is being screwed with bad - no argument.
Meanwhile, the politicians on stage (when not in self-isolation) are looking like zombies as they rollout from the ranks authorities to help deflect and explain it all in more caring ways; it pains us all deeply to do this, they say.
A local doctor decides it was warranted to write the citizens of our neighbors in Alberta, telling them to just stay-away and come back another day (even though those people have homes and even family here and support the communities economically).
Left, right and center people are going to experience, and are experiencing, things they never have thought possible, and that is an uncomfortable message that is starting to register. The confusion is massive, and that is where people can try and help each other settle it down if possible:
Their buttons are being pushed so easily that the programming really is complete. At least for some people.
Yes, in these times of hyper-stress and uncertainty it seems to jump around depending on the person. And sometimes, which you said above, you get surprised thinking you know the person.