Monoatomic Gold

Heuristic said:
Sorry for not being clear, I'm not looking for a shortcut, just some info to pass along to my Brother-In-Law to help him make an informed decision about his involvement with the ppl from the site I mentioned above. The site didn't feel comfortable to me based on all the info I've gathered on this site, but my BIL doesn't have that luxury...yet. I did mention this site to him, but if he studies here that will be his choice. In the mean time I thought I'd give him a heads up.

You could give him a heads-up by saying that you've read that this stuff could be detrimental, and then you can see from his reaction if he really is interested. If he is, give him the link to our forum. If not, you more or less have to let it be. From his reaction you can deduce his choice/will, and we should respect the Free Will of anyone.
Q: (L) Now, we have wondered about obtaining and taking some of this Monoatomic Gold. A: Are you serious? How about some small helpings of arsenic, anyone?

I recently watched " Into the Wild" which is a movie based on the true life story of Christopher McCandless who died out in the wild because of an error in choosing food that he thought was safe, but it was not. The article concluded that he died of ignorance.

In 1942, as a macabre experiment, an officer at Vapniarca started feeding the Jewish inmates bread made from seeds of the grass pea, Lathyrus sativus, a common legume that has been known since the time of Hippocrates to be toxic. “Very quickly,” Hamilton writes in “The Silent Fire,”a Jewish doctor and inmate at the camp, Dr. Arthur Kessler, understood what this implied, particularly when within months, hundreds of the young male inmates of the camp began limping, and had begun to use sticks as crutches to propel themselves about. In some cases inmates had been rapidly reduced to crawling on their backsides to make their ways through the compound …. Once the inmates had ingested enough of the culprit plant, it was as if a silent fire had been lit within their bodies. There was no turning back from this fire—once kindled, it would burn until the person who had eaten the grasspea would ultimately be crippled …. The more they’d eaten, the worse the consequences—but in any case, once the effects had begun, there was simply no way to reverse them …. The disease is called, simply, neurolathyrism, or more commonly, “lathyrism.”

Kessler, who … initially recognized the sinister experiment that had been undertaken at Vapniarca, was one of those who escaped death during those terrible times. He retired to Israel once the war had ended and there established a clinic to care for, study, and attempt to treat the numerous victims of lathyrism from Vapniarca, many of whom had also relocated in Israel.

It’s been estimated that, in the twentieth century, more than a hundred thousand people worldwide were permanently paralyzed from eating grass pea. The injurious substance in the plant turned out to be a neurotoxin, beta-N-oxalyl-L-alpha-beta diaminoproprionic acid, a compound commonly referred to as beta-ODAP or, more often, just ODAP. Curiously, Hamilton reports, ODAP affects different people, different sexes, and even different age groups in different ways. It even affects people within those age groups differently …. The one constant about ODAP poisoning, however, very simply put, is this: those who will be hit the hardest are always young men between the ages of 15 and 25 and who are essentially starving or ingesting very limited calories, who have been engaged in heavy physical activity, and who suffer trace-element shortages from meager, unvaried diets. ODAP was identified in 1964. It brings about paralysis by over-stimulating nerve receptors, causing them to die.

As Hamilton explains, It isn’t clear why, but the most vulnerable neurons to this catastrophic breakdown are the ones that regulate leg movement…. And when sufficient neurons die, paralysis sets in…. [The condition] never gets better; it always gets worse. The signals get weaker and weaker until they simply cease altogether. The victim experiences “much trouble just to stand up.” Many become rapidly too weak to walk. The only thing left for them to do at that point is to crawl….
Cyndi said:
Q: (L) Now, we have wondered about obtaining and taking some of this Monoatomic Gold. A: Are you serious? How about some small helpings of arsenic, anyone?

I recently watched " Into the Wild" which is a movie based on the true life story of Christopher McCandless who died out in the wild because of an error in choosing food that he thought was safe, but it was not. The article concluded that he died of ignorance.


Horrifying, this forced feeding and it's toxic biological effects upon these people. :(

It is not surprising in many plant based foods that they produce some pretty nasty toxins, especially if on a solid diet of one variety such as this grass pea.

This recent SoTT article also furthers this to include many different toxic plant based species:

Plants bite back: The surprising, all-natural anti-nutrients and toxins in plant foods

[...]Mother Nature puts anti-nutritional factors and toxins in grains, nuts, seeds and beans for a variety of reasons. Phytates, for example, block seeds from sprouting prematurely. Protease inhibitors, saponins, lectins and phytoestrogens harm insects, animals and other predators that would otherwise eat too many of them. If evolutionary theories are correct, wounded plants produce extra inhibitors and other anti-nutrients to save the plant species.[...]
I've been researching alchemy and mono-atomic substances for over a year now. I am an engineer with a background in electronics, mechanics, medical devices, vortex dynamics, and alternative energy, I have delved deeply into the history of science, spirituality, and ether theory. I have found this thread to be one of the most interesting and yet has little discussion of the dynamics of how it actually works. I will share my perspective on the matter. As far as I can tell the Casseopeans are another "trap" designed to keep one away from learning the true dynamics of the etheric sciences albeit at a very high level.

I've noticed in the material they are very happy to discuss etheric interations in their structure which is supposedly derived from their extremely high-viewpoint at the sixth density, but from the third density I am groking something slightly more complex, yet engineerable whether through technological or biological means, but the only way to do either is to know the structure that you are interfacing with either empirically or intuitively. I think this is what truly scares the greys, reptilians, and all other etheric predatory/manipulative/parasitic beings looking to suck our will to live. They do not fear that we will learn to love everything (as long as it includes them to an unhealthy degree), or that we will fly by them one day in the fourth density, or even that everyone knows they exist. What they fear is that we see them, and know the nature of the illusion game to the point that they lose any advantage. And buddy at the moment it would seem they have all of us over a barrel technologically (whether etheric or material) and biologically. I hope I made that point clear. When they lose that advantage, that is the point where we will no longer need to fear them. It is at this point humanity will be able to truly progress spiritually unimpeded in fellowship and commonwealth. Another part of my research points to the "great cataclysmic wave" being a wave that will among many other effects induce large amounts of monatomic precipitation in the atmosphere. This may have a great deal to do with the terrestrial spraying programs as well as Wilhelm Reich's finding that at least some UFO phenomena create Detrimental ORgone (DOR) conditions in the atmosphere (or more accurately the ether-sphere) of the earth.

Getting back to the Casseopeans I've noticed that with regard to most topics EXCEPT monoatomic elements they tend to maintain a very high-order vocabulary and will not interfere with free will a great deal (I believe this is because as long as the context is correct for their purposes i.e. the dimensional and density structure they outline is not violated by the questions they provide enough decent information to keep many psychonauts/free thinkers interested). I think it is within this context that they give expanded, articulate, and factual answers about things that are already known or make little difference to the overall agenda (i.e. the degradation, corruption, and assimilation of mankind through biological and technological means), allowing the context to provide the distortion as any good propagandist does. But the Monoatomics are a BIG exception to the above, there are no uncertain terms about it that these are off-topic and little technical or practical information is given beyond "the filament of strobe lights" inference. The reference to strobe lights is telling in and of itself as strobe lights are actually xenon arc-lamps. Xenon has been theorized by John V Milewski to be an azeotrope with gaseous monatomic elements in the atmosphere (water is an azeotrope of alchohol which is why alcohol is so hard to distill - it's like a bonding affinity) which accounts for Xenon's RANGE of boiling points. An element that has no fixed boiling point for a temperature is a pretty big anomaly in science which is almost never mentioned for Xenon, it must be looked up. Anyhoo, this does align with monatomic elements, but no specifics are given for why they are "part of the program". All of my research indicates that they are naturally occurring materials that are essential for life and provide the energetic basis for all modern electronics in the form of quartz or silicon as monatomic elements nestle within crystalline structures. I believe monoatomics are what form the basis of "crystal power" utilized by people for thousands of years. Monoatomics also seem to be part of what provides properly circulated, filtered, and imploded water with it's properties, especially it's consciousness expanding and healing properties. Couple that with the fact that water is a liquid crystal and the affinity for water with monatomic elements is even clearer. What monatomics really are is a material-energetic interchange pathway of sorts. Further evidence can be found in Wilhelm Reichs initial experiments with cloudbusting to disperse etheric disturbances an alleviate the DOR black powder coating the area around Organon with the discovery of it's opposite POR white powder (both ofwhich I believe to be a monatomic precipitate). That is not to say there are not dangers associated with monatomics, overdosing (too much too soon) will cause premature thought manifestation which can cause all sorts of hell for those who do not have a firm grip on every thought in their head. There is also the legacy of both black and white schools of alchemy throughout history that points to this being a double edged sword, and I am sure one that the powers that be at all levels utilize in a very very covert manner (see Joseph P Farrells research about cold-war monatomic weapons in his book Philosopher's Stone)
John V Milewski on Ormus and Xenon
John V Milewski on precipitating gold from the Ormus in bottle glass and black sands.
Don Nance shows Dragon's Blood

Some of the scientific basis that undergirds the above:
First the basics:
Mono-atomic substances are a result of the fact that we do not live in a 4D space-time continuum as postulated by Einstein. Einstein essentially formulated a box that has kept scientific theory restrained, while I think that this was not intentional on his part, he cut too deeply with occams razor which was due to the INTERPRETATION of the experimental results of Michaelson and Morely that there was no ether (the medium of light which either interacts with space or is space). This was wrong as Tesla knew and commented at the time, and as others have said before and since (some of the more notable being Dayton Miller's Mt. Washington experiments, Viktor Schauberger's vortex dynamics, Wilhelm Reich's body of work on Orgone Energy, and Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev's work with torsion waves). Einstein was subsequently promoted beyond all reason VERY INTENTIONALLY. To account for spatial waves in the form of gravity and light he had space curve and somehow managed to shoehorn time in as a dimension. Time is in fact an illusion as the Casseopeans have said, being a quantum (scalar/torsion/orgonic/longitudinal/standing wave) phenomena which is supported by Kozyrev's experiments. Tesla knew that space was a fluid which is what set him apart from the etheric scientists of his day who believed the ether to be a solid (that interpretation is what contributed to the interpretation that Michaelson and Morely's results were null (no evidence of ether).

Okay, so space is a fluid. But what kind of fluid? There are incompressible fluids (like water), compressible fluids (like air), non-newtonian fluids (like corn-starch mixed with water or silly putty). According to my research, based on the statements of Nicola Tesla and others it is an incompressible fluid with a granularity defined by the plank scale. This would make sense as gravity in this context is a result of matter being dragged by spatial flow toward a high matter concentration. This is due to the fact that as Tesla said: "There is no energy in matter other than that received by the environment". Why on earth would matter need energy from the environment you might ask? Ever wonder why those little electrons don't crash into the nucleus? Charge separation? No, the atom is not a perpetual machine any more than anything else, it is a part of the flow of the universe. Atoms and light are both composed of etheric vibrations, while light is pure etheric vibration, matter is a vortex of vibration, whose resonant key is determined by it's structure and size.
I think the above is what atoms are like, only expanded farther in the third dimension.

Just to let everyone know this is all a very first-order explanation, and a great deal of detail has been left out, but I hope you will follow up on some of the name drops and read for yourself. To sum up: ether = light = matter just in different vibratory configurations and monatomic elements seem to act as a bridge. In the historic alchemical context just like any other technology, it has potential for great improvements or terrible destruction depending on how it is utilized
Physicists at The Australian National Univ. (ANU) have engineered a spiral laser beam and used it to create a whirlpool of hybrid light-matter particles called polaritons.

“Creating circulating currents of polaritons – vortices – and controlling them has been a long-standing challenge,” said leader of the team, theoretician Elena Ostrovskaya, from the Research School of Physics and Engineering. “We can now create a circulating flow of these hybrid particles and sustain it for hours.”

Polaritons are hybrid particles that have properties of both matter and light. The ability to control polariton flows in this way could aid the development of completely novel technology to link conventional electronics with new laser- and fiber-based technologies.

Polaritons form in semiconductors when laser light interacts with electrons and holes (positively charged vacancies) so strongly that it is no longer possible to distinguish light from matter.

The team created the spiral beam by putting their laser through a piece of brass with a spiral pattern of holes in it. This was directed into a semiconductor micro cavity, a tiny wafer of aluminum gallium arsenide, a material used in LEDs, sandwiched between two reflectors.
See 29:00
What I think Jesus was renound for was the transmutation of his physical body to light through the biological method- similar to the reaction of ORMUS material in strong light recorded by Hudson. In buddism this transmutation is called a "rainbow death" which consists of the integration of the physical body with the light body.

Best Wishes.
I made a mistake in the above, I stated that I believed space (or ether, there is a bit of a question whether they are the same or merely connected) was an incompressible fluid. I meant to say compressible fluid. Part of the evidence for this is the way that it interacts as a more solid transmission medium at higher frequencies. A way to think about this is like air being moved so fast that it does not have time to get out of the way and acts as a more viscous fluid. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.
There are other thread that discussion about the substance that harmful to the humans that can brings destruction.
But, I like to make it to it’s own, because, there is chance that someone might looking for side affects.
And then furthermore, I or others might find more products that detrimental to the human body and mind.

September 12, 1995

Q: (L) OK, now, let's ask real quick, this David Hudson tape, about what he calls the Philosopher's Stone. What is this substance that David Hudson has discovered? We watched the video about it; I'm sure you guys watched it with us, so, what is this stuff?

A: Watch developments there only from a distance.

Q: (L) Is taking this substance [monoatomic gold] as he is talking about, is it dangerous, as I kind of think it is?

A: Possibly.

Q: (L) So, in other words, I should not get involved in that, either?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) I know it's up to me, but you said to watch it from a distance, so I'm assuming that is a clue...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, my feeling is that there is some negative energy behind that, even though he is trying to be a positive person and do positive things, and that...

A: This is often true!

Q: (L) I think that taking something like that to transform your consciousness without doing the work or having it occur naturally is black magic. That's what I think. (F) It's too easy... (L) I think trying to initiate yourself ... (F) I read over the years bits and pieces from various different sources that all the things he described in there are possible for those who are willing to sacrifice, to us would appear to be an extreme extent ethereal and spiritual level, such as some of those in India, and all that... (L) I don't think you even have to sacrifice so much as have the desire and the natural destiny and ..... (F) Well, did Jesus take this gold powder? (L) Did Jesus take this powder?

A: No.

Q: (L) Did Adolph Hitler take this kind of powder, or something similar?

A: Yes.

Q: (F): That paints a rather bleak picture, doesn't it? (L) Could this powder be utilized to transform a person to a very positive entity doing great good? I just don't think it's right.

A: Or could it be utilized to transform an entire race of beings into hypnotic submission!!!!!!!!!!!

Q: (F): Wow! (L) Put it in the water. (F) Or even just advertise it as the "Manna from Heaven" and get the biggest corporations in the world to ... I mean, you know that if this guy were not meant to spread this stuff all around, by now he'd be running into roadblocks, you wouldn't be allowed to get tapes like that. That was one thing I was suspicious of, like why he hasn't even been stopped, if it's really as wonderful as... I mean it just doesn't fit. Anything that's really, really good, and it's going to go against the... remember who runs this world, and has for 309 thousand years, are they just going to sit back and say "Oh, yeah, we'll just let this gold powder get spread round everywhere, and get totally defeated," just like that? I don't think so! (L) Oh, that's a scary thought! Boy, I'm sure glad you guys are out there!

A: Okay

September 24, 1995

Q: (L) Okay, square one: Is the quorum composed of humans who have been alchemists, who are presently in possession of a substance called "the elixir of life" and which David Hudson calls "monoatomic gold?"

A: And much, much more! Monoatomic gold is but one minor issue here. Why get lead astray by focusing upon it solely. It would be akin to focusing on the fact that "Batman" can fly! Is that the only important thing that "Batman" does in the story? Is it?

Q: (L) Of course not! (R) Batman fights crime!

A: What we mean is that alchemy is but one minor piece of the puzzle.

Q: (L) Okay, I understand. But, understanding the alchemical connection, and its potential for extending life and opening certain abilities, makes it more feasible to think of a group that has been present steadily and consistently for many thousands of years on earth.

A: They are not the only ones

Date: April 25th 2010

Q: (L) Okay, I canceled our trip to Amsterdam today. Was that the optimal reaction to the revelation that they are going to suddenly have this Jim Humble there who's clearly in my opinion a snake oil salesman?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. My take on the whole thing was that his presence first of all was offensive. But what carried even more weight with me was the fact that they didn't want to invite Richard Dolan, and we let them know that he was interested in being there also. They said there were no time slots, so they basically refused to invite him. Then at the last minute, they put this Jim Humble in there. For me, it was the clearest statement that they had an agenda.

(Ark) Of course, they had an agenda to trap you.

(L) Was that it? Was there some kind of agenda?

A: Maybe not entirely conscious on their part, but, yes.

Q: (Burma Jones) An agenda that the Nexus organizers didn't know about, but that Humble's handlers imposed.

(L) Or somebody.

(Rabelais) Who are Jim Humble's handlers?

A: This sort of thing works through several levels of deniability. Therefore, few so called cointelpro agents realize that they have made a pact with the "devil".

Q: (Perceval) Was their motivation for inviting him financial?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) They figured they could sell a lot of his stuff.

(Ailén) It still sounds fishy because of this creation of his religion. Where'd he get that idea from?

A: Remember why you discontinued your subscription to the magazine?

Q: (L) Yeah, because it had become nothing but what I would consider to be cointelpro. It was like the whole character of it changed. I cancelled my subscription back when we lived in Florida, and that was eight or nine years ago. And I wasn't interested in anything they were doing since. So you asked something about the religion thing?

(Ailén) Yeah, where did that idea come from?

A: Humble is "handled" at a different level. You could say that he is more in the league with Vincent Bridges and his ilk.

Q: (L) Well, you said that Vinnie was like a "hot popper", and pathological. Does that apply to Jim Humble?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, that means that he is some type of psychopath?

A: Yes.

Q: (Rabelais) Is there any medical benefit to taking MMS?

A: None. It is dangerous in the extreme.

Q: (Rabelais) Is there some reason this MMS is so popular in terms of controlling people, like with monoatomic gold, or does it just destroy their physiology?

A: Simple destruction and induced illness ultimately.

Q: (Ark) Is there any danger that if we publish this, we will have a multi-million dollar lawsuit from Humble?

A: Who is he going to sue? Sixth density

“Q: (L) Well, what about his product that he markets, this "Magneurol", that's supposed to make you super-psychic? Is there anything to that?

A: Sure... It makes you susceptible to microwave and other transmissions and your brain can literally light up like landing lights!

Q: (Simon) Landing lights... (L) Landing lights? Like something is going to land there?

A: You got it!

Q: (Simon) Does it make people identifiable to 4D or some alien race or species or...?

A: That is not the main purpose. It attracts those entities that seek certain "experiences." {Part of answer deleted which refers specifically to Eric Pepin.}

Q: (L) In other words, say earth-bound spirits "land" on these people or connect to them because of this Magneurol and induce them to seek out or desire or want the kinds of activities that Pepin promotes behind the scenes? Is that what you're suggesting?

A: Pretty much.

Q: (Joe) Is that why they don't report it? Because they "zone out"? (Scott) Like they’re in full possession mode. (L) Very interesting.“
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Is MMS made with bleach? I had a communication with someone who said they are taking this MMS! And to me they seemed like theyre "possessed"... But since I never had an experience like this I thought Im imagining things. It was like I was exchanging e-mails with 3 different persons. Now I think the goal of this person was to hook me with some information that I found interesting and then lead me into a fearfull state of mind while probably making me dependant on what was being said and offered... and then to lead me into a state where I would be open for some kind of parasitic/vampiric "entities"!? This person was also having reiki sessions and as soon as I learned that fact I was extra carefull and vigilant because of the warnings in the texts from The Wave series! As soon as I deduced what could be their goal I successfully cut the communication and after 3-4 days started feeling MUCH better!!! I admit I have no physical proof and I cant be 100% sure but my gut feeling/intuition is very clear on this! And I think that this person isnt aware of what was going on either..

So Im really gratefull for this info!!! If I didnt have it I think I could have ended up in some deep doodoo 💩 🤨 ...
Be carefull with strangers that are approaching you on the net peeps!!

Huge thank you @Kay Kim and @Laura 🙏 IOU!
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Please note: There already is a dedicated thread about MMS and Jim Humble. There's a lot of info there and it would probably be less confusing if there is any more information on MMS that it be posted there.

Also, there are very good articles about MMS and Jim Humble on SOTT as for example:

Please note: There already is a dedicated thread about MMS and Jim Humble. There's a lot of info there and it would probably be less confusing if there is any more information on MMS that it be posted there.
If you ask me I would leave this thread just because it has all the Cs info in the initial post and its not only about MMS. And maybe I wouldnt find what I was looking for if I had to go through 23 pages ... Kay Kim saved me a lot of time :-D .
Thank you, Nienna and Gandalf for providing the main link of more information. I was hoping someone would do that.
Simply, I just want to help someone who might looking for side effects of the substance that they might thinking about using those stuffs.
So, I choose the headline as The side effects of Monoatomic gold, MMS, Magneurol.
Confusing. Bought an water distiller online and saw all kinds of colloids which they are selling in bottles on the same shop.

Gold, zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, palladium, platinum, titan, tin and silver colloids. So I added a bottle of each, without thinking much of it, to my order.

After, something sparked within me, and I searched google and cassiopaea and got reminded of the C's warning of monoatomic gold.

I went back to the shop and read the descriptions more carefully, translated from Swedish it says:

Colloidal Gold Water A new generation of minerals A uniquely produced mineral water with monatomic, diatomic and nanoclusts of gold. Produced with deionized water.

And all colloidal minerals there have similar descriptions, like the iron one for instance:

Colloidal Iron Water A new generation of minerals A uniquely produced mineral water with monatomic, diatomic and nanoclusts of Iron. Produced with deionized water.

I assume that monatomic and monoatomic is the same thing?

So from reading their descriptions it sounds like it is "nano" "colloidal" "monatomic" etc all souped up in one mix.

Could be selling tactics, dunno.

They describe that nano-particles are smaller than colloidal particles but isn't all "colloids" in the nano scale?
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I was reading the latest session 13 march 2021...and that made me think about herbs that improve inmunity (elder and dwarf elder kept coming to my head, and its violet hue) then colloidal gold came to mind (tbh it is something I have heard of before but no idea what it was used for as it never intrigued me enough before)
Well my first search hit came up with something I did not expect, it is part of a covid test 😳
Then I search the forum for info...and bumped into this post.
This is beyond my chemistry knowledge but perhaps there is someone in here that can make sense out of it...
Thank you


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Hi everyone, sorry to use the private forum but this is a somewhat personal question. My wife came back from a trip yesterday (she went to visit her mother) and told me that since a friend of hers had done very well, she had bought to drink (I quote more or less as she put it to me) "a product with various minerals that is prepared with sea water". When she told me that, I thought she had gotten Quinton Water or something like that, so I asked her if she wanted to show it to me to have a good look at it. When he brought it to me I was flabbergasted, the brochure said "Monoatomic Gold" (see photos below). At the time I didn't say anything, I read the whole datasheet and looked at the bottle to see what it said. When my wife asked me I didn't want to tell her anything outright because she is not very open to forum information and in fact, the times in the past when I have tried to share something with her, at best she has not shown the slightest interest and at worst she has become anxious and asked me not to talk to her about "that stuff". Therefore, for a long time now, I have not been sharing information directly with her. So for this reason I told her that I seemed to remember reading something about MG and to let me look it up. She asked me if what I had read was good or bad, and I told her that I thought it was not good. Finally she told me that she was going to drink it anyway because it had been good for her friend. I didn't say anything else and we changed the subject.

Anyway today I was re-reading the old sessions that talk about MG and as I remembered it is dangerous. Now, from what I understand, the MG has gold (which is logical), but the product my wife is going to take, if you pay attention to the pictures, you will notice that it has NOTHING EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO GOLD :huh: , but Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Sodium and Zinc. Apparently it is made with sea water which (and I translate directly the leaflet) "was impregnated with subtle information through biomagnetic devices, resonant frequencies at 432hz, and sound massages with Tibetan singing bowls that order its molecular structure". Honestly, to me, it sounds like pure gibberish.

That said, I ask for your opinion: How dangerous do you think this preparation can be? I ask because it is not easy for me to dialogue with my wife, knowing her, I know that it is possible that she may become defensive and feel that I am boycotting her project. I would like to help her and prevent her from hurting herself, at the same time I don't want to violate her free will. Therefore, if this product poses no danger, I could strategically keep my mouth shut. On the other hand, if it does pose some kind of risk, perhaps I could make some more attempt to subtly comment or talk to her about it.

Thanks for reading.


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oh boy,

Well Mau, I am thinking of two possibilities, without knowing much about MG myself, though I could read about it I suppose.

The first, which you might've missed your chance for, or perhaps not, would be to ask her what was her purpose for getting it in the first place? What is she trying to address? I think even if it does turnout to be a simple and harmless solution, her mindset might be more important in this case than what she's drinking. Does that make sense? I do think it's positive that even if she isn't open to everything you might discuss with her, she at least understands enough to ask your opinion about it, I think that means that at some level she trusts your knowledge and knows you care about her.

Now, you might know better than me but the ingredients listed on the bottle do seem to simply be salt water... which leads me to think that, she was probably sold very expensive salt water, with the name brand "oro monoatomico" as one could sell salt water with the name "Miraculous super electrolytes" or something, in which case it would be harmless. Or the regulations in Argentina do not require the manufacturer to list all their ingredients, in which case they didn't have to list them at all and it could be more troublesome.

If it's just a saline solution, I would probably wouldn't be too concerned, but I do think it would be a good idea to inquire about what she's trying to address and perhaps suggest quinton to her instead? Becase even saline solution, plus a strong placebo effect could have an effect on her.

Just a few thoughts.
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