The Situation In Germany

From a bird's eye view, the perception that the middle class in Germany is the target of the attack is entirely correct. The vast majority of the so-called middle class will be pushed into the upper poverty line by the time they retire. They are not part of the government assistance because their pensions are still above the red line. Due to increased prices, they slip below the poverty line, but because of their pension level, they have no right to expect government assistance. They are also unable to obtain food from the social food banks. The middle class owns the most real estate and has the greatest cash assets. The upper middle class can still handle the costs and I wonder in what way it will be attacked. Presumably it will be the 2024 equalization of burdens. Personally, I am sure that the current market dictatorship is the preparation for the collapse of the system in 2023 as an intended side effect. The social systems will be blown up because they can no longer be financed. Everything will be unified - health insurance, pensions - citizen's money for all. Of course, there will then be the appropriate survey in which "the majority of Germans" approve of this unified measure.
Not to forget the fact that the sickness rate will rise to unimaginable heights and thus many will fall into reduced sick pay or will no longer be able to work. Many in my circle are contemplating an earlier start to retirement with high losses. This is also a consequence of these measures and desired by the government. A pension cut through the back door.
The breakup of the "Greens" is for me a strong indication that the green agenda has failed worldwide. Also the speed of all political measures and threats shows that everything has gone off the rails here. A major reason will probably be the fear that many people are now waking up, as their existence is seriously threatened. This leads to disappointment that the state has abandoned its protective role and thrown them into the deep end. At the same time, the incredible injustice suddenly becomes visible in all issues. The people are first rebelling on a small scale - at home, at the bar. People are currently testing out whether opinions against the state and the market can be expressed publicly. At the same time, the government says that criticism of measures is right-wing. One suddenly finds oneself on the side of the conspirators. Germans are cowards - before they express their opinion, they need to be sure that they are in the majority group. Only then do they become loud and brave - one prefers to howl with the dogs in the herd. This process is taking place at the moment. What is needed now are courageous leaders who will allow people to express their needs on the streets.
The time line we are on in Germany is in the end a dead end with great material and human losses. It is the time line of Schwab with the dream of enslavement. Putin cannot save us - we have to do the work ourselves. And it is absolutely necessary that this evil system installed by psychopaths must be destroyed completely. From the ruins we will rise and build a new world. The nightmare of the Deep State - a connection between German capital, German technology with the raw materials and human capital of Russia will become a reality. What belongs together will always find each other.
I think this is an eyeopener for many, it is Gaby Weber interviewing Werner Rügemer. They talk about the sellout of Germany, that is going on since Chanceler Schröder. He was bragging about bringing in big Money, Merkel continued it, but kept quiet about it. Blackrock came in then. Now Blackrock is investing in EVERY DAX-noted Korporation! But the Bundeskartellamt seams to be blind to this new kind of Monopolization (is that the word?)...

only in german.

But besides the normal worries I have for my family, I would have wished for them to spend their retirement without having to think twice or three times if they still can afford to do the things they enjoy, besides that, I am angry. I thought I had learned a thing or two over the last 2 years. For example that people's choices are their own, that I can't make them see what is going on, and that it is not my task to push them on what I think would be the right path for them. Including minor hiccups in the form of some tense short discussions about me not being, and not getting vaccinated, we managed as a family. I distanced myself from them with regard to some truths and topics but tried to seek common ground wherever possible. But now, this utter acceptance of the changes in their financial situation, the compliance to rather cut back on things that you love doing? My father said they have it so good, we in the West had it so good (I fear someone discovered the ailment of Western privilige). All that without any questions if this is what should be happening. Without doubting the rightfulness of Western sanctions. Just meekly getting in line with, what sounds and is like good old wartime perseverance slogans. It gets at me. In Germany, we have the fitting phrase "vorrauseilender Gehorsam". Some kind of anticipatory obedience. I am sick and tired of having seen it reemerge over the last few years. Please excuse this little rant, I thought I share it as an anecdote. And I will try to gain back my balance and not lose energy in the process. Upwards and onwards, these times are anything but boring.
I can understand your frustration, especially when it comes to family and loved ones. It's hard to watch them hurt and undermine themselves on the basis of a false belief. It's not much different with my parents, who are pretty much in line with the official narratives. Whatever they do, I know it's their choice and that they have the right to choose their own path, wherever that might lead to. And even if I really knew what would be best for them (maybe I just think I know) I couldn't force it, even if I wanted to. It's like forcing a blind man to see a danger visible on the horizon. But still ...

When I met my parents a few month ago I tried to keep my opposing views to myself and focus on the things we have in common, which worked well most of the time, but at some point I couldn't help it. It was about Ukraine. I carefully infused some facts and reminded them of things they once knew, but got burried under layers of propaganda. But even after they admitted certain truths I knew very well that it won't be for long. I gave it three mornings of news paper reading and three evenings of tv news and it's all burried again. When my father recently called he had nothing better to do than informing me about the latest "News". Talking to my parents is like switching on the tv or radio. It's almost like dealing with children, who get easily impressed and easily excited, who are highly suggestible. "But we talked about this, don't you remember?" No, all burried.

It's ironic that the very things that were associated with being a responsible grown up - reading the newspaper and watching the evening news - are the very things, that turn you into a child when push comes to shove. I found it very dissapointing to realize that at one point.
Imagine that my father introduced me to the writings of the German author and historian Sebastian Haffner, who witnessed a similar kind of brainwashing in Nazi Germany and who was able to see through it and analyse it.

Every time I get triggered, I'm wondering the same thing: Don't you know better by now? But than I say to myself: Yes, you do - it's just a little more difficult with parents and it needs practice.
Germans are cowards - before they express their opinion, they need to be sure that they are in the majority group. Only then do they become loud and brave - one prefers to howl with the dogs in the herd. This process is taking place at the moment. What is needed now are courageous leaders who will allow people to express their needs on the streets.

Fwiw, and agree, many must seek refuge in crowds, however the crowd part is generally the path of least resistance, yet I don't know what it was like in Germany before (I've family who live in Germany) - say a decade ago. Here at home in Canada, people here are generally either one way (leftish), or they are quiet - many are quiet now, so things are difficult to gauge sometimes. Cowardliness, so to speak, seems to have been incremental, accompanied by media that fails to listen, algorithms that herd, education changes to modify, social platforms to denounce and new laws and orders to make things official, all played a big role. Also; and this hit so many of us at the same time, workplace policies started to change (it had always seemed to me they basically took these policies off a shelf as they all look the same). The real divide and breakdown timeline, here anyway, seems to have center around Trump's run, and then his election, and thereafter all hell broke loose socially - or the appearance of it was highlighted and even clapped (even if not living in that country). Even at that - Trump, people could still speak, as divided as people were. Other steps since, such as gender identity and say BLM, appeared to ramp it all up, and covid buried the hatchet (also quickly exposing their game). The latter has broken so many people, with little room for them to push back, and institutionally, no one seems to listen or care anyway, so there is no place to turn. It may also be that many are now more strategic, just not disclosing - I think what can be seen is that people are not alone when they think they are, it is just that they are frightened to become socially ostracized (or in Canadian fascism, have your bank account locked down). If you get them talking alone outside a crowd, it is sometimes surprising what you hear.

I found it very dissapointing to realize that at one point.
Imagine that my father introduced me to the writings of the German author and historian Sebastian Haffner, who witnessed a similar kind of brainwashing in Nazi Germany and who was able to see through it and analyse it.

It sure does seem to follow the old words of Haffner, with some nuanced changes here for the offering:

With fearful menace {orders} the state demands that the individual {the individual now must be completely controlled - it is all for the greater good; C02, Covid-vax etc.} give up his friends {distanced on physical and ideological levels}, abandon his lovers, renounce his beliefs and assume new, prescribed ones {with new laws to back them up}. He must use a new form of greeting {pronouns for instance or in code to those they know}, eat and drink in ways he does not fancy {might be bugs eventually, but a passport has been needed}, employ his leisure in occupations he abhors {masked - and slightly Marxist}, make himself available for activities he despises {at work, this might be anything that forces indoctrination of egregious social policies - with forced participation in same}, and deny his past and his individuality {maybe his white privilege et cetera}. For all this, he must constantly express extreme enthusiasm and gratitude {free of any kind of microaggressions - basically, breaking peoples authentic selves}.

During work before, had a colleague that had a serious side when appropriate, but also a happy go-lucky side, with the ability to change often serious atmosphere to help people. He is too scared to say a word now. It is like one giant scratch test, people react at the slightest thing - looking over your shoulder has become the norm.

Anyway, in the west there are not big margin as to where you are in all this nonsense (as the C's say it is not where you are), and perhaps it might be easier here and harder there, yet it is prolific across continents. Perhaps, too, the tides will change - and they will eventually, but it is painful watching and waiting; and this gets back to your opening on expressing opinions, they just are not doing so. This also seems to get back to the Session discussions on suffering, they have not suffered enough. Sad.

May all of you in the EU find something to hold through the processes of these changes.

Because of reduced gas supplies from Russia: RWE wants to operate lignite-fired power plants​

In view of the energy crisis, RWE is increasingly using coal to generate electricity. This is "hopefully a short-term problem". In the longer term, they want to operate in a more environmentally friendly way, but a secure supply must first be guaranteed.

Because of reduced gas supplies from Russia: RWE wants to operate lignite-fired power plants
Source: © Wassilis Aswestopoulos /imago-images/ Global Look Press
Wind turbines, a lignite power plant and bucket-wheel excavators near the Garzweiler II mining area, Lützerath, Germany.
Essen-based energy giant RWE AG plans to increase the use of coal for power generation in the short term given the drop in gas supplies from Russia, Chief Financial Officer Michael Mueller told CNBC . "RWE supports the German government and other European governments in overcoming the energy crisis. That is why we will continue to increase our coal capacities in order to master the situation," said Müller.
RWE plans to operate three lignite-fired power plants to generate electricity from October. The company's website states that lignite, considered the most polluting energy source, "has remained reliable to date." RWE produces millions of tons of the fossil fuel every year.

"What is happening now is hopefully a short-term problem where we have to ensure a secure supply," said Müller. "And so we feel it is our duty to support the German government in restoring (electricity generation) capacity in the short term. ... So in the short term we will have to resort to additional coal, but it should be clear that we also have the program for renewable Energies will accelerate in order to achieve our long-term goals," emphasized Müller.

The company has been criticized by environmental and consumer advocates because, according to them, it declares fossil fuels to be environmentally friendly and, on the other hand, benefits from the enormous cost increases that many private consumers find difficult to afford. The energy giant presented its business figures for the first half of the year on Thursday. As early as July, the group had raised its forecast for the year as a whole based on preliminary figures – an adjusted operating result (adjusted EBITDA) of EUR 5 to 5.5 billion was expected. That's over a third more than originally estimated; RWE had already corrected the previous forecast upwards in mid-February. The reasons for the increase included good business in energy trading, where RWE is benefiting from high energy prices.

France: Two nuclear power plants reduce their output

France: Two nuclear power plants reduce their output

The Essen-based energy group sees the decision to continue operating its Emsland nuclear power plant beyond the end of the year as a political one. "It is important that a stress test is carried out now. On the basis of the stress test, politicians will then make the decision and we will wait and see," said RWE CEO Markus Krebber on Thursday in Essen when the half-year figures were presented. After the decision, things are going "in the direction that politicians want".

Krebber further explained: "We have said before that the capacity of the plants that would be available is manageable. The effect on gas savings is also manageable. There are legal and regulatory hurdles." In the so-called stress test, the transmission system operators are to check the security of the power supply in Germany under more stringent conditions. When the result will come is still open.

On Wednesday, the energy company E.ON expressed reservations about the continued operation of its Isar nuclear power plant in Lower Bavaria, but at the same time signaled its willingness to talk. "If the federal government comes to a reassessment of the situation as part of the ongoing stress test, then we are ready to talk," said E.ON CFO Marc Spieker.

There are still three nuclear power plants connected to the grid in Germany. The operator of the third power plant in Neckarwestheim (Baden-Württemberg) is the energy group EnBW.

More on the topic - Low Rhine level can exacerbate energy problems
Mysterious mass fish kill in Oder River: Climate change or poison? | DW | 12.08.2022

Quick summary: A large amount of dead fish have been found in the Oder river on the border between Germany and Poland. Chemical pollution is suspected, although they're currently seeking to blame this on all kinds of potential causes (climate change! being their favorite, ofc).
The particular timing of this "incident" makes me think it wasn't an accident and could help in breaking down our sources of food and supply chains in the near future; a continuation of what has been happening in the Ukraine and the Netherlands.

As a sidenote, Germans know that their rivers are generally polluted to a high degree (especially the Elbe in Northern Germany) and have been in this state since quite some time. Not as bad as what I've seen in China and India, but bad enough.
Pollution of rivers has been mentioned in the German newscycles regularly, although this is the first time in recent years that they've tried to create panic around mass dyings and food supply.
At this point, the fact that the fishermen have become alarmed by the large amount of poisoned/dead fish indicates that this is unusual, and not necessarily simply the outcome of long-term pollution and/or "climate change" as news articles would like to indicate. Sabotage can therefore not be ruled out.
"We should think about camps again..."

Comedian, presenter and measure critic Daniel Kus reports outrageous things from street surveys.

Dr Reiner Füllmich (Corona Investigative Committee, Berlin) published a little video clip on his Telegram Channel, showing a scene in which Daniel Kus reported about his experiences in the streets of Germany, when asking people - what about those who do not participate in the vaccine campaign... ?

And some people seriously suggested that "we should think about camps again".

Parts of my birth country appear to have turned into a deep disgrace.

Our dear leaders are having such fun. Enjoy the summer while you can! : Ab September: Habeck plant Verbote und Verordnungen zum Energiesparen

From September: Habeck plans bans and regulations to save energy

Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck is planning further energy-saving measures: According to the drafts, these should apply from September 1st. The planned regulations at a glance.

From September: Habeck plans bans and regulations to save energy
Source: © Soeren Stache/dpa
Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck.
If Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Bündnis90/Die Grünen) has his way, citizens, industry and the public sector should do more to save energy. He wants to exceed the EU's voluntary energy saving target of 15 percent less gas. A paper from his ministry states:

Gas surcharge instead of excess profit tax – who benefits from the gas crisis?

Gas surcharge instead of excess profit tax – who benefits from the gas crisis?
"According to the current status, Germany has to achieve around 20 percent gas savings in order to avert a gas shortage."

According to Bild , a number of regulations and bans will also apply from September 1st to February next year in order to reduce energy consumption. The corresponding ordinance must be decided by the cabinet, the Bundestag and Bundesrat do not have to agree. The following is planned in detail:

For public buildings:

  • Transit areas such as corridors, foyers or technical rooms should no longer be heated.
  • The lighting of buildings and monuments for aesthetic reasons should be switched off.
  • The heating of so-called common areas should be prohibited with exceptions. These include, for example, tea kitchens, corridors and the like. Excluded are buildings where there is otherwise "risk of material damage" as well as daycare, medical and nursing facilities.
  • According to the picture , there should also be no hot water in public buildings , exceptions apply to hygiene standards.
  • Excluded are medical facilities, care facilities or day-care centers.
  • Curiously, the maximum temperature values are to be regulated depending on the type of activity: 19 degrees Celsius for light physical activity and predominantly sedentary work, 18 degrees for light physical activity, predominantly standing or walking, 18 degrees for moderately difficult and predominantly sedentary activity, and predominantly for moderately difficult activity 16 degrees when standing or walking and only 12 degrees for heavy physical activity. Hospitals, clinics, care facilities, schools, day-care centers and other facilities are excluded.
Plans for the private and commercial sectors include:

  • Plans for the private and commercial sectors include:
    • Clauses in leases that stipulate a certain minimum temperature should be temporarily suspended.
    • Private pools should no longer be heated with gas and electricity. Exceptions: "therapeutic applications" and "prevention of damage to the pool area".
    • Gas suppliers and landlords of larger residential buildings should inform customers and tenants in good time about energy consumption, costs and savings opportunities, at the latest at the beginning of the heating season.
    • Illuminated advertising systems should not be allowed to be operated from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. the following day.
    • Shop doors and revolving doors in retail should no longer be kept open permanently. Exceptions are escape routes and emergency exits.
  • Further measures are also to come into force from October 1st. Among other things, these provide for annual inspections for buildings with gas heating. Furthermore, hydraulic balancing for heating systems is to become mandatory, and inefficient, uncontrolled heating pumps are to have to be replaced. Companies with an energy consumption of more than ten gigawatt hours should also be obliged to take energy-saving measures
Our dear leaders are having such fun. Enjoy the summer while you can! : Ab September: Habeck plant Verbote und Verordnungen zum Energiesparen

From September: Habeck plans bans and regulations to save energy

Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck is planning further energy-saving measures: According to the drafts, these should apply from September 1st. The planned regulations at a glance.

From September: Habeck plans bans and regulations to save energy
Source: © Soeren Stache/dpa
Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck.
If Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Bündnis90/Die Grünen) has his way, citizens, industry and the public sector should do more to save energy. He wants to exceed the EU's voluntary energy saving target of 15 percent less gas. A paper from his ministry states:

Gas surcharge instead of excess profit tax – who benefits from the gas crisis?

Gas surcharge instead of excess profit tax – who benefits from the gas crisis?
"According to the current status, Germany has to achieve around 20 percent gas savings in order to avert a gas shortage."

According to Bild , a number of regulations and bans will also apply from September 1st to February next year in order to reduce energy consumption. The corresponding ordinance must be decided by the cabinet, the Bundestag and Bundesrat do not have to agree. The following is planned in detail:

For public buildings:

  • Transit areas such as corridors, foyers or technical rooms should no longer be heated.
  • The lighting of buildings and monuments for aesthetic reasons should be switched off.
  • The heating of so-called common areas should be prohibited with exceptions. These include, for example, tea kitchens, corridors and the like. Excluded are buildings where there is otherwise "risk of material damage" as well as daycare, medical and nursing facilities.
  • According to the picture , there should also be no hot water in public buildings , exceptions apply to hygiene standards.
  • Excluded are medical facilities, care facilities or day-care centers.
  • Curiously, the maximum temperature values are to be regulated depending on the type of activity: 19 degrees Celsius for light physical activity and predominantly sedentary work, 18 degrees for light physical activity, predominantly standing or walking, 18 degrees for moderately difficult and predominantly sedentary activity, and predominantly for moderately difficult activity 16 degrees when standing or walking and only 12 degrees for heavy physical activity. Hospitals, clinics, care facilities, schools, day-care centers and other facilities are excluded.
Plans for the private and commercial sectors include:

  • Plans for the private and commercial sectors include:
    • Clauses in leases that stipulate a certain minimum temperature should be temporarily suspended.
    • Private pools should no longer be heated with gas and electricity. Exceptions: "therapeutic applications" and "prevention of damage to the pool area".
    • Gas suppliers and landlords of larger residential buildings should inform customers and tenants in good time about energy consumption, costs and savings opportunities, at the latest at the beginning of the heating season.
    • Illuminated advertising systems should not be allowed to be operated from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. the following day.
    • Shop doors and revolving doors in retail should no longer be kept open permanently. Exceptions are escape routes and emergency exits.
  • Further measures are also to come into force from October 1st. Among other things, these provide for annual inspections for buildings with gas heating. Furthermore, hydraulic balancing for heating systems is to become mandatory, and inefficient, uncontrolled heating pumps are to have to be replaced. Companies with an energy consumption of more than ten gigawatt hours should also be obliged to take energy-saving measures
My my my, this is outrageous and at the same time it is a way of programming people, not only to make them suffer, which is already the basis, but to prepare them for war. I think. These are pre-war means. (Because people are being prepared, it seems to me, before the war for the war). In Great Britain, we called this situation the Phony war in 1939. Restrictions, vouchers, compulsory work in the arms factories, compulsory community work, and of course blackouts. A year later, when the war was finally launched, people were mentally prepared. And they were very tired, also.

Here in Spain, too, shops are forced to have low air-conditioning even if it is 40 degrees outside. After the obligation of masks for the employees, now they have to endure the heat, while working. They can't get over the tiredness of two years of masks, they continue to feel tired from the lack of air conditioning. One employee told me how tired they are since the restriction of air-conditioning.

In the streets, shops are required at night not to turn on their windows lights. A sort of small blackout.

We are at war, we must not forget it. It's when you read about other wars that the parallels are obvious.
My my my, this is outrageous and at the same time it is a way of programming people, not only to make them suffer, which is already the basis, but to prepare them for war. I think. These are pre-war means. (Because people are being prepared, it seems to me, before the war for the war). In Great Britain, we called this situation the Phony war in 1939. Restrictions, vouchers, compulsory work in the arms factories, compulsory community work, and of course blackouts. A year later, when the war was finally launched, people were mentally prepared. And they were very tired, also.

Here in Spain, too, shops are forced to have low air-conditioning even if it is 40 degrees outside. After the obligation of masks for the employees, now they have to endure the heat, while working. They can't get over the tiredness of two years of masks, they continue to feel tired from the lack of air conditioning. One employee told me how tired they are since the restriction of air-conditioning.

In the streets, shops are required at night not to turn on their windows lights. A sort of small blackout.

We are at war, we must not forget it. It's when you read about other wars that the parallels are obvious.
Here in Germany, South, Bavaria, in the City of Augsburg to be clear, they were already plastering big advertisement walls with an "Thank you for saving Energy" Message from the BMI... It says "we already feel the effect"... It is programming, indeed, that is being done.
'Between freezing and bowing.'

Canada to return turbines for Russian gas

24 Aug, 2022
Ottawa shrugs off Ukrainian objections to say it will send Nord Stream 1 components back to Gazprom

Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said on Wednesday that her government will ship the five turbines from Montreal back to Germany, despite demands from ethnic Ukrainians and Kiev’s ambassador in Ottawa to hold onto them. Joly revealed that the decision was made after a request from German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who is currently visiting Canada.

“That was the decision that we took,” Joly said in an interview with the state broadcaster CBC. “That’s exactly what Germany asked us.”

“Canada doesn't want to give any form of excuse to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to continue to weaponize his flow of energy to Europe,”
Joly told CBC’s Hannah Thibedeau.

Six Siemens turbines were in Montreal for maintenance when Canada announced an embargo against Russia over the conflict in Ukraine. At Germany’s request, Ottawa announced an exemption for the turbines in July, and sent one of them over, but Gazprom declined delivery, citing irregularities in documentation.

Scholz, who was in Ottawa this week to sign agreements on developing hydrogen power with his Canadian counterpart, Justin Trudeau, told CBC that the two countries would continue to cooperate on having the five remaining turbines returned.

“I think there is political understanding that we will cooperate, that we are friends and that we will not make it feasible that the Russian game is working,” Scholz told host Vassy Kapelos.

Ukraine and Germany have accused Russia of holding the EU hostage with gas deliveries. Gazprom has said it would fulfill all of its contractual obligations but cannot be faulted when the EU or Canada impose unilateral embargoes on equipment – such as the Siemens turbines for Nord Stream 1, a pipeline under the Baltic Sea that bypasses Ukraine.

Both Kiev and Canada’s ethnic Ukrainian lobby have protested the decision to return the turbines, saying that it won’t prevent Moscow from “terrorizing” the EU by withholding gas.

“We do think that this waiver should be canceled and now,” Ukraine’s ambassador to Ottawa, Yulia Kovaliv, told Canadian Press. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress issued a statement saying it was “disappointing to our community that Canada missed the opportunity to cancel the permit during the chancellor’s visit.”

The price of natural gas in the EU skyrocketed this week, after Gazprom announced it would be shutting down Nord Stream 1 for repairs between August 31 and September 2. Nord Stream 2, which does not use Siemens turbines, has been completed – but is not operational, as Germany refused to certify it in protest over Russia’s recognition of Donetsk and Lugansk as independent states.

Germany fails to find replacement for Russian gas – Die Zeit

23 Aug, 2022
Berlin’s LNG talks with Canada turned out fruitless, the newspaper reports

Attempts by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to secure Canadian gas in order to reduce the EU’s reliance on Russian energy have been unsuccessful, Die Zeit newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Scholz met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Montreal on Monday to discuss the idea of shipping some of Canada’s abundant natural gas across the Atlantic to terminals in Germany.

However, Trudeau appeared to pour cold water on such an idea, according to the report.

While not ruling out a role for Canadian natural gas in alleviating Europe's energy shortage, the Canadian leader stated there isn't a clear business case yet for building a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal in Saint John or elsewhere.

He then pointed out that natural gas would have to be shipped by pipeline from the fields of Western Canada to a still-unbuilt liquefaction terminal on the Atlantic coast. That would be a costly undertaking and might not be a prudent investment, given Europe’s commitment to rapidly transitioning to clean energy, noted Trudeau.

“There has never been a strong business case because of the distance from the gas fields, because of the need to transport that gas over long distances before liquefaction,” he explained, adding that “right now, our best [solution] is to continue to contribute to the global market, to displace gas and energy that then Germany and Europe can locate from other sources.”
Dr Reiner Füllmich (Corona Investigative Committee, Berlin) published a little video clip on his Telegram Channel, showing a scene in which Daniel Kus reported about his experiences in the streets of Germany, when asking people - what about those who do not participate in the vaccine campaign... ?

And some people seriously suggested that "we should think about camps again".

I think there have always been parts of the authoritarian followers among the population that, when confronted with their fears or events that go against their grain were instinctively demanding harsh measures.

This is nothing new it could be observed throughout the decades in tabloid newspapers following events like terrorist attacks, striking cases of espionage, child abuse or cruelty to animals.

Local news reporter: "Are you in favor of introducing the death penalty?" 🎤 "Yes!"

I am worried about many things but hardly about such utterances.

When I come to think of it, in six months time they may actually be asked whether t h e y are prepared to move into a camp...

"If there's central heating, satellite TV and enough food, why not?"
Chancellor Scholz:
- Could I have a bottle of Water ?

- With or without gas ?
Scholz may have to pay extra even for a bottle of carbonized water. Here is a translation from German.
Brewers warn of significantly higher beer prices

Rising energy prices could soon make the beer significantly more expensive. It was "very likely," warns the brewer Federal.

26.08.2022, at 23:13

Berlin. The German Brewers ' Association warns that in the absence of carbonic acid from rising beer prices. "Because of the current energy prices, several manufacturers of ammonia have placed their equipment in shut down, because its production became unprofitable," said the Association of the German business magazine "Business Insider".

Ammonia is required for the production of carbonic acid. The lack of ammonia lead to missing quantities of CO2 that would otherwise be procured, the Brewers ' Association. Because of the scarce quantities available and "significantly more expensive prices" are rising beer prices, therefore, "very likely," said the brewer Federal. The chemical industry has complained often that high energy prices were the production of ammonia is particularly.
I found the above via another Twitter link that was posted by Wagenknecht
Another article shared on Twitter was:
Plowshares to swords
Arno Luik
Suddenly, howitzers, tanks, rocket launchers, fighter jets, the things, the peace are. The new pleasure device on heavy military and enthusiasm for powder, steam and steel thunderstorm. How could it come to this?

Yes, we're back in action. In 1914 and 1939 – the Horror of them is forgotten. If you are ready for a New one.

There are other Ws in German politics, like Weidel (homepage), But it is not W&W, because officially they are left and right, though if the spectrum was a circle they would be closer. In reality, both appear to argue against more weapons to Ukraine, see for instance this Tweet from Weidel against the mask and vax drive, and they both try to raise the voice against the energy and foreign policies that will ruin the country.

Reading Wagenknecht, I learned that in German, their Government is known as the "Die Ampel-Regierung", which translates as "Traffic light Government" In South Africa, a traffic light is called a robot. So using this translation for Ampel, we can translate the German moniker to "The Robot Government", but then the question is: What is running it?
Reading Wagenknecht, I learned that in German, their Government is known as the "Die Ampel-Regierung", which translates as "Traffic light Government" In South Africa, a traffic light is called a robot. So using this translation for Ampel, we can translate the German moniker to "The Robot Government", but then the question is: What is running it?
You are reading too much into it. They're using that name because the coalition consists of three major parties, and their colours happen to be the same as the ones found on a traffic light. Red(SPD), Yellow(FDP) and Green(The Greens).

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