Well, what did Germany's Scholz expect ?
I mean just look at it... 80 years later, full of lies to the public, to his people... while driving the country towards ruin all levels. He certainly tries with all his, and his "buddies" might.
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Here is an interesting (video)
(only in german language) at Punkt.Peradovic
Regarding the current "Green" Politics in Germany. It's exhausting to listen to how Germany is being driven down the ruin - deliberately. It goes so far, that "green" technologies are being forbidden, which actually would separate and eliminate CO2 and still give cheaper energy compared to the prices that exist today, thanks to the EU's extreme CO2 taxes being laid upon industries and people. (For those who think removing CO2 is a smart thing, there are however technologies indeed, and still cheaper compared to the consequence of expensive Green politics in Germany)
What I mean was, even by keeping yourself within the limitations of today's hoax with CO2 laws, the remaining technologies exist, are cheaper still,
but are forbidden as well hidden away in Germany... I mean, jesus, seriously ?
The video interview tells a story of that nothing of today's Green Politics in Germany makes sense (while being deeper scrutinized in this interview). It never was, and isn't really about saving the climate, or eliminating CO2 in Germany. I have mentioned before what I believe is going on in my opinion; there are powerful forces at work for quite some time, who want to see the people in Germany getting destroyed and utterly humiliated.
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"Green policy destroys industry" - with Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt
„Diese grüne Energiepolitik führt in die Katastrophe. Das kann die Industrie nicht überleben“, sagt der Energieexperte Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt. In seinem Buch „Die große Energiekrise“ beschreibt Vahrenholt die aktuelle Situation und stellt Lösungen vor. „Überall auf der Welt wird an der 4...
"This green energy policy is leading to disaster. The industry cannot survive this," says energy expert Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt. In his book "The Great Energy Crisis," Vahrenholt describes the current situation and presents solutions. "Everywhere in the world, research is being done on the 4th generation of nuclear power plants, only not in Germany." Likewise, the traffic lights refuse to produce their own shale gas and make coal CO2-neutral. "I'm sure there has to be a rethink on all points," says the chemist and former SPD environmental senator from Hamburg.