The Situation in Mexico

She was the projected winner all along the electoral process, her rivals never stood a chance. What is more interesting is that Sheinbaum's party, Morena, and its associates (PT & PV), have won Congress. They have absolute majority (though I expect infighting after the honeymoon is over).
Of course they are legitimate. The virtual president even got 5 million more votes than the current president AMLO whose level of acceptance is around 70% so we can also speak of a secondary effect.

I think you have the wrong country, the fraud was more to the north.
It's not all honey on the cake, the fact that she was in the magazine says a lot, it says collision.
In fact, I believe that Mexicans are between a rock and a hard place.

And on the other side, the media opposition, pro-Ukraine, pro-Israel, pro-Vaccine, pro-Biden, pro-2030 Agend narrative as well.

Although the elections are very well studied and regulated, I cannot think about this:
Joseph Stalin is attributed with the quote “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
With a lot of manipulation from all sides, I don't think it was in most cases a well thought out vote.

Many who were in favor of the opposition feel betrayed and disillusioned because the opposition threw in the towel too soon, accepting the result without much complaint.
Many who were in favor of the opposition feel betrayed and disillusioned because the opposition threw in the towel too soon, accepting the result without much complaint.

They were bound to lose. A political coalition conformed of leftist, centrist and right wing parties can only be described as a tragic Frankenstein monster. And even worse, they attempted to become populists, mirroring the ruling party's policies, offering the same social programs, so why would people vote for them?
Many who were in favor of the opposition feel betrayed and disillusioned because the opposition threw in the towel too soon, accepting the result without much complaint.

At no time during the political campaign did Xóchitl Gálvez have a chance to win, the disillusionment of her voters was due to wishful thinking reinforced by television programs, communicators and intellectuals of dubious repute. There was no surprise and it is not that The Economist was right in its prediction when the president's level of acceptance never fell sharply as it did with Peña Nieto or Calderon. There were all the ingredients for the continuity of the 4T project.​
On top of that, the opposition coalition's whole raison d'être centered around being "anti-AMLO." A narrative they fostered during the 6 years of his presidency, but did close to nothing in terms of winning the hearts and minds of those on the other side, instead, they just polarized the population but failed to persuade for a change.
They were bound to lose. A political coalition conformed of leftist, centrist and right wing parties can only be described as a tragic Frankenstein monster. And even worse, they attempted to become populists, mirroring the ruling party's policies, offering the same social programs, so why would people vote for them?
I am talking about those I know of family and friends who believed, however deludedly - that not only was she going to win but that they were going to "save Mexico from communism, socialism, pro Venezuela, pro Bolivia" an existential threat to them. Because unfortunately what you say, their TV gods, the opinion makers, never let them know.

I dared to comment and...oh boy! They were so angry because their broadcaster, influencer, friend, family member who "was close to the government" had not said anything on that matter.

In fact, one or the other, I would come out with the "vote for the lesser evil because Pope Benedict said".

Many middle class Catholics voted for Xóchitl, because also the Catholic church which they feel very identified, hinted to them, suggested not directly because it is forbidden to mix the church with the state.

I found in fact a very interesting article on the "lesser evil".... In a nutshell the lesser evil becomes the worse evil over time, I shared it on FB... disregarded and FB also did its own thing, in fact X, too.

This is the article:
Is it lawful not to vote for the lesser evil? The doctrine of the lesser evil is a matter not only well known, but also much debated.

"... husband is not faithful to his wife, but justifies himself by claiming that he cheats on her with prostitutes (lesser evil according to him) but not with a fixed mistress, which he considers more serious."
"Those who have voted for the lesser evil, and promote it, are not sorry about it, on the contrary: they reproach those who do not follow them for wasting their vote or favoring the imminent greater evil, [12] , they want to make the choice for the lesser evil obligatory."
"One of the easy things to check is that the lesser evil, repeatedly applied, grows: what in the previous elections was scandalous in the following ones can be presented as a lesser evil with respect to something worse. "
"Conjecturing which vote will be more useful is only valid among good options. For the lesser evil the conditions of lesser and "useful" -recompensated- are opposed. In the case of the lesser evil rightly observed, the maximum concern is to minimize the evil for which one is forced to opt, but from the consideration of "usefulness", it will result that one will no longer support with the vote the least bad program of all, but that bad one, not even the least, that can easily come out, provided that there is one even worse [14] ."
At no time during the political campaign did Xóchitl Gálvez have a chance to win, the disillusionment of her voters was due to wishful thinking reinforced by television programs, communicators and intellectuals of dubious repute.

There was no surprise and it is not that The Economist was right in its prediction when the president's level of acceptance never fell sharply as it did with Peña Nieto or Calderon. There were all the ingredients for the continuity of the 4T project.​
It is not clear to me whether it is prediction or underpinning, though.
Claudia Sheinbaum was elected the new president of Mexico this week. Once again, Latin America gets one of those presidents that has very contradictory opinions and it is hard to tell if she is a globalist or not. His political ally, Obrador, spoke against American intervention in the Ukraine War. But Claudia is CLEARLY an environment advocate, by the way, she is an Energy Engineer who has published a lot in defense of energetic transition, needless to say, she is 100% in resonance with 2030 Agenda. Of note, while a mayor she was a staunch proponent of strict measures during the Pandemics. Any comments about her?
I just find weird how Latin American leaders usually behave, it even seems the consortium has little control over them.
Claudia Sheinbaum was elected the new president of Mexico this week. Once again, Latin America gets one of those presidents that has very contradictory opinions and it is hard to tell if she is a globalist or not. His political ally, Obrador, spoke against American intervention in the Ukraine War. But Claudia is CLEARLY an environment advocate, by the way, she is an Energy Engineer who has published a lot in defense of energetic transition, needless to say, she is 100% in resonance with 2030 Agenda. Of note, while a mayor she was a staunch proponent of strict measures during the Pandemics. Any comments about her?
I just find weird how Latin American leaders usually behave, it even seems the consortium has little control over them.
There is already a thread where this is discussed: The Situation in Mexico
After Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum's victory, the international financial powers are reminding her who is really in charge. The MORENA party not only won the presidency and several governorships it also won a qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies which gives the party the power to make constitutional changes. The pro-opposition media is talking about the Mexican people giving Sheinbaum all the power.

The following image shows the number of seats obtained by MORENA (National Regeneration Movement), in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Chamber of Senators (which comprise the Congress of the Union), in the color red.​
Source. El economista

According to the results of the Electoral Institute, MORENA and its allies, Partido Verde (PV) and Partido del Trabajo (PT) would reach up to 380 deputies and 88 senatorial seats. This would give the party the power to carry out constitutional reforms that could not be carried out during the term of President AMLO.

This set off alarm bells in international finance, as the idea has been promoted that Sheinbaum would turn Mexico into a communist state by affecting private property. (Oh yeah... the US is going to allow a communist state on its southern border).

The Mexican peso started yesterday trading at 16.97 pesos per dollar and closed at 17.65 in Mexican markets, a drop of 4.3%. It became the world's most depreciated currency among its peers. Today (june 04) opens at 17:76 It has been the deepest depreciation since June 11, 2020.​


Meanwhile, the Prices and Quotations Index (S&P/BMV IPC) lost 6.11%, with respect to the previous close, to 51,807 units. This is the deepest drop since March 9, 2020, when it fell 6.42%.

"There is a sense of seeking less risky investments than Mexico given the uncertainty of what both the president and the party with a qualified majority in Congress may do. We already have Sheinbaum's legislative plan outlined and there are several things that the markets don't like, including the concentration of power," said Luis Gonzali, financial strategist at Franklin Templeton in Mexico City.

One of the main concerns of the financial power groups is that foreign investment in the energy sector, which are basically oil and electricity generation, would not be allowed.
I just found some interesting information regarding the new Mexican female president: apparently, she's on board with the Global Green Agenda. It does not sound good to me...

Far-left Jewish climate cultist becomes Mexico’s first female president –

Sheinbaum is also part of the climate cult and previously worked on the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. She is expected to push for clean energy and transportation initiatives. She researched energy use in Mexico’s transportation sector for four years at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California while she was a Ph.D. candidate in the 1990s.

California Governor Gavin Newsom shared his excitement about having an ally for his misguided climate initiatives, writing in an emailed statement: “Sharing already strong historical, cultural, environmental, and economic ties with Mexico, California looks forward to continuing its fruitful relationship with President-elect Sheinbaum.”

Sheinbaum outlined green energy plans
It is believed that she will help Mexico pursue energy independence and maintain its state-owned electricity and petroleum monopolies. However, she may deviate from her predecessor when it comes to renewable energy investments. For example, whereas Lopez Obrador embraced fossil fuels and backed state oil company Petroleos Mexicanos, Sheinbaum outlined a nearly $14 billion energy plan that will shift to renewables like solar and wind power and build the infrastructure needed to support these alternatives. She also said she is aiming to add 13.7 gigawatts of electricity to Mexico’s grid; 1 gigawatt can power roughly 750,000 homes in the U.S.

She is also seeking to modernize Mexican hydroelectric stations and add more than 2,300 miles of transmission lines. She said: “We are going to accelerate the energy transition. Going forward, we are working on this energy plan not just with an eye on 2030, but also through 2050 to align with international commitments on climate change.”

However, meeting her goals could be complicated as she will inherit Mexico’s biggest budget deficit since the 1980s. This will also make it hard to tackle some of Mexico’s other environmental challenges, such as the water crisis in Mexico City, widespread deforestation and drought.
I have read on X mainly messages from ignorant people who confuse the Jewish religion with Zionism and Israeli nationality. Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum is of Mexican nationality and of Jewish religion, whether she is a Zionist remains to be seen, but she has never expressed ideas of supremacism, or of the moral superiority of Israel or of the Jewish religion as other international politicians, as is the case of Milei in Argentina or Trump in the USA. Since his youth as a student at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM, to which I proudly belong and that is why my user name is Puma the mascot of the University), she participated in activities in defense of students and other social causes.

Many of the ideas that have been revolted against Claudia come from conservative and ultra-right groups in Mexico that are reflected in the same type of groups abroad, who as the Christ would say "see the speck in someone else's eye, and not the log in their own". In fact, former President Vicente Fox, who was discussed in some session, had the rudeness to call her derogatorily "Bulgarian Jew" as if being of the Jewish religion was a symptom of something evil or of all the problems facing the world.

This is my opinion and I prefer to give her the benefit of the doubt and open myself to the possibilities than to define the future of Mexican politics.
I have read on X mainly messages from ignorant people who confuse the Jewish religion with Zionism and Israeli nationality.
I know the article I published has this as a title and talks about it a bit, but I want to ignore that as irrelevant as you point out.

I rather wanted to focus on the Globalist Green Energy Transition Plans that I underlined in my previous post. I believe it is more concerning than any religious affiliations because they paint her as a "UN climate change zealot". What do you think?
I know the article I published has this as a title and talks about it a bit, but I want to ignore that as irrelevant as you point out.

I rather wanted to focus on the Globalist Green Energy Transition Plans that I underlined in my previous post. I believe it is more concerning than any religious affiliations because they paint her as a "UN climate change zealot". What do you think?

Mexico has large oil reserves and one of the pillars of the social policies of the Fourth Transformation regime is PEMEX, since it is from the profits of the state-owned company that part of the resources that the government disperses among the poor, the young and the pensions of the elderly are obtained.

Leaving oil aside and focusing exclusively on the development of clean energies would be suicide for the 4T. This has been expressed by Dr. Claudia

"We have to work on two schemes. On the one hand, refinancing the debt and allowing this refinancing to be associated with oil production and refining and, at the same time, Pemex's entry into other energy sources or other electricity generation schemes,

Sheinbaum cannot say that she will focus exclusively on the development of the oil industry, as we know there are powers behind the Climate Agenda which must be addressed without losing sovereignty or bringing the country to a state of financial and economic danger through sanctions. We are not Russia, our economy can be brought down at the slightest hint of rebellion.
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