New Age Deep State Part 5: Whistleblower Annette O'Toole
In this breakthrough Part 5 episode of New Age Deep State, Dark Journalist welcomes Whistleblower Annette O’Toole
from the Ascending Starseed website who worked closely as a former insider with the 3 Year Disclosure Marketing Cult of self-proclaimed ‘Time Traveling Astronaut’ Corey Goode and his Business Partner Roger Ramsaur. The Marketing Cult includes questionable aspects in their program such as a therapy network to help followers cope with disclosure, ‘Corey’s Kids’ space gear promotions and a Comic Book based on Goode’s adventures in Secret Space with Blue Avian aliens.

Full Disclosure Corporation Harvesting Operation
O’Toole, who has successfully run the Ascending Starseed website for many years, recounts her experience working with Corey and Company to set up a Solstice Conference for the Summer and how she spent months formulating the event as the corporation encouraged her to build it up. She soon became wary of dealing with Goode when the 3 Year Disclosure Marketing Cult started to control the terms of her association and she saw her colleagues used as proxies, treated poorly, and then thrown aside.

She decided the group was not so much interested in 'love and light' and a Space Being philosophy of oneness as it was in optimizing their bottom line at the expense of their members. Eventually, through a series of slick corporate business moves, O’Toole found herself cut completely out of the loop of her own conference.

Five Major Figures Come Forward
O’Toole’s powerful account fits with a wider pattern of using assets and ideas without permission and general disregard for intellectual property that the marketing group seems to embrace. Five major figures in Alternative Research have come forward with accounts of these kind of incidents, including popular Web Bots developer Clif High, Dr. Joseph Farrell, Linda Moulton Howe, The Object Report’s Agent K and UFO Filmmaker Jim Nichols.

O’Toole’s message is not one of bitterness, but of awareness in dealing with what she views as 'unethical and shady’ business practices of he 3 Year Disclosure Marketing Cult. Her personal experience with Corey and Company has set her on a path of helping others to question the claims of any group that purports to be in touch with ‘Higher Beings.'

Note: Due to the important nature of this video and it’s many revelations, you may at your discretion download it and upload it to your channel with proper citation and share it with your viewers to make sure it is not censored.

The fantastic track at the end of the episode was performed by The Anthropophobia Project.
Find out more about them here:

For more information on Ascending Starseed and to visit Annette's website go to:

Shocking, informative, eye-opening and powerful, don’t miss this important Dark Journalist episode!

(thank you walker)
I wasn't sure where to post this, here or the Alex Jones thread but decided here since there has been discussion about NASA announcing life on Mars.

Robert David Steele on The Alex Jones Show. June 30,2017

Nasa has been forced to deny a bizarre conspiracy theory that it is running a child slave colony on Mars. The theory was cooked up by ex-CIA case officer who spouted the wild allegations on a US national radio show on Thursday

Ex-CIA officer Robert David Steele made the comments on The Alex Jones Show
He claimed that children have been secretly shipped to Mars to work as slaves
In response, a Nasa spokesman said that 'there are no humans on Mars'
Earlier this week, Nasa was forced to deny that it was soon to announce the discovery of alien life

"We actually believe that there is a colony on Mars that is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space on a 20-year ride,' Mr Steele said.
So that once they get to Mars they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony.'

Mr Jones agreed, saying 'clearly they don't want us looking into what is happening' because 'every time probes go over they turn them off.'
'Look, I know that 90 per cent of the Nasa missions are secret and I've been told by high level Nasa engineers that you have no idea. There is so much stuff going on,' he said.

The agency's statement comes just days after a rumour surfaced that it was soon to announce the discovery of alien life.

The hacker collective Anonymous set conspiracy theorists abuzz this week after it claimed Nasa is on the verge of announcing the discovery of alien life.

In a video, shared to an unofficial YouTube channel said to be affiliated with the vigilante group, a masked presenter cited snippets of a recent talk by Nasa Associate Administrator Dr Thomas Zurbuchen to support their prediction.

But shortly afterwards Nasa confirmed that no such announcement is on the way.

Dr Zurbuchen took to Twitter on Tuesday to assure that the reports were false, and said that we still do not know if we are alone in the universe.

Another note on Cern:

June 1 2017
In an unprecedented move, the Director General of CERN, Fabiola Gianotti will be attending the 2017 Bilderberg Group meeting this July, when all of the planetary muckety-mucks get together a give talks to each other. off-the-record.

CERN is reputedly the largest machine ever built and it produces a magnetic field 100,000 times more powerful than that of the Earth, which is disturbing because the Earth’s EM affects everything on it, notably the pineal glands of vertebrates, which are involved in the innate ability of birds and fish to accurately navigate vast distances in their annual migrations. One wonders what the effects of these massive frequencies might be on humans.

Scientists rarely attend Bilderberg meetings, which are largely composed of bankers and technocrats but apparently, they’ve got something to talk about [unleashing on the planet] this year. There have been reports of CERN’s Director for Research and Scientific Computing, Sergio Bertolucci’s references to interdimensional doorways at a recent press briefing, when he said, “Out of this door might come something, or we may send something through it.”

_ (a somewhat reliable source?)

Opening the door to other dimensions: 10 mind-blowing facts about CERN

One year after CERN’s grand opening, Sergio Bertolucci, former Director for Research and Scientific Computing of the facility, grabbed headlines when he told a British tabloid the super collider could open otherworldly doors to another dimension for "a very tiny lapse of time,” mere fractions of a second. However, that may be just enough time “to peer into this open door, either by getting something out of it or sending something into it.”

"Of course," added Bertolucci, "after this tiny moment the door would again shut; bringing us back to our 'normal' four-dimensional world ... It would be a major leap in our vision of nature… And of course [there would be] no risk to the stability of our world."

Naturally, this comment has triggered fears that the CERN collider could unwittingly invite unwanted visitors from other time-space dimensions. Anybody for dinosaurs strolling along the Champs-Élysées, or alien life forms seizing the entire planet? Such scenarios – at least for some scientists – are no longer confined to the fictional world of Isaac Asimov novels; with the ongoing work at CERN, there is even talk of opening up a portal for time travel.

Simply postulating such futuristic scenarios shows how far mankind has traveled in a relatively short expanse of time, and our dystopic future predicted in books like “Brave New World” and “1984” may already be here. Will man be able to control the technology he has created, or will the technology destroy him, his works, and with it the entire planet?

CERN’s curious choice of geographic location

Now on top of all the speculation as to what CERN scientists are really attempting to do with their Large Hadron Collider, many observers could not help but notice that the town in France where CERN is partially situated is called “Saint-Genus-Poilly.” The name Pouilly comes from the Latin “Appolliacum” and it is believed that in Roman times a temple existed in honor of Apollo, and the people who lived there believed that it is a gateway to the underworld. It is interesting to note that CERN is built on the same spot.

Religious leaders – always suspicious of the aims of the scientific world - drew a connection to a verse straight out of Revelations (9:1-2, 11), which makes reference to the name ‘Apollyon.’ The verse states: “To him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit… And they had a kind over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.”

Now try telling a spiritual leader that the Bible is conspiracy theory.
It looks like they are really serious about this "National Space Council"?

The National Space Council, which was disbanded in 1993 and recently re-established by President Donald Trump, will hold its first meeting later this summer to fill a void in government policy that has plagued US space exploration, according to US Vice President Mike Pence.

First Meeting of US Space Council in 24 Years Marks New Era of Human Exploration

The National Space Council, which was disbanded in 1993 and recently re-established by President Donald Trump, will hold its first meeting later this summer to fill a void in government policy that has plagued US space exploration, Vice President Mike Pence told guests at the Kennedy Space Center on Thursday.

"For nearly 25 years, our government’s commitment seems to have not matched the spirit of the American people," Pence stated. "Our National Space Council will re-energize our pioneering spirit in space. It will restore our confidence and our confidence that we can and will achieve the impossible."

Pence, who serves as chairman of the council, said the body will hold its first meeting before the end of the summer. Trump re-established the council with an executive order last week.

Council members include secretaries of multiple Cabinet agencies, including the departments of State, Defense and Homeland Security, as well as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, intelligence officials and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) administrator, Pence explained.
Jim Nichols is the man who Goode & Co. ripped off his artwork for the cover of their book. Here's his response to what he's seeing with Goode/ Wilcock, Gaia TV and the Secret Space Program. There are many good pictures with the article I couldn't share here. VERY good article! I want to thank the people at the Project Avalon forum for staying on top of this story and providing such good material.

‘Corey Goode Controversy’ Blog

Over recent years whistleblower Corey Goode has gained national prominence regarding his claims to be privy to classified information regarding a fully operational Secret Space Program. Thanks to the efforts of researcher David Wilcock and Gaia TV Goode has become a full-fledged celebrity within the field of ufology. However over the course of 2016 it would seem that a team of unscrupulous promoters have launched a marketing campaign designed to propel Goode to near ‘rock-star’ status as ‘alien-contactee’ guru, time-traveler and comic book series hero. This blatantly commercial exploitation has placed Goode’s integrity as well as the validity of his extraordinary ‘insider’ testimony under serious critical scrutiny.


Actually escalation of this whole ‘Corey Goode Controversy’ has become a worthy study in Exopolitics: the examination of how a possible extraterrestrial contact my impact our population socially. With this in mind Corey’s Controversy serves as an excellent showcase of just how ‘Alternative-Media’ can be used and abused for nefarious purposes. At first blush it seems the Corey’s story may well be crafted to deflect and discredit serious research into the Secret Space Program itself, a topic of growing concern in recent years. However it should be clearly understood that challenges to Corey Goode’s credibility should not be viewed as an assault on Secret Space research altogether.


Control of space is serious business. On January 7th, 1958, 33rd Degree Freemason Senator Lyndon Johnson made this cryptic statement concerning the future status of our National Defense and the Race for Space:

"Control of space means control of the world. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth's weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the Gulf Stream and change temperate climates to frigid. There is something more important than the ultimate weapon. And that's the ultimate position. The position of total control over the Earth that lies somewhere in outer space."

The case for a covert space program remains solid and substantial and keeping the public in a constant state of cognitive-dissonance confusion about this operation protects its secrecy. Very likely Goode’s fanciful tales serve just such confusion.

But certainly Goode’s claims are NOT the linchpin that holds this research together—rather it seems like insubstantial fluff to keep the real story fogged with entertaining fiction. The core of the Secret Space Program’s authenticity lies in the testimony and research of credible individuals like, Gary McKinnon, William Tompkins, Dr. Robert Wood, Catherine Austin Fitts, Joseph P. Farrell and Richard Dolan as well as former astronaut Clark McClelland. Thus at the end of the day with Corey Goode’s testimony totally removed from this equation the case for a Secret Space Program remains solid and substantial.

Using common sense one asks, if in 1945 the military had technology to build an atomic bomb—would they? Of course they did and in complete secrecy. And today if the military has the technology to build a fully operational space fleet in complete secrecy—would they? I think the question answers itself!

The tragedy in all of this is that while the technical skills of covert agencies grows exponentially the ignorance of the general public grows in equal proportion. The public is locked out of Area-51, chem-trails, transhumanism, Antarctica, free-energy, anti-gravity propulsion as well as Secret Space Projects! And the very agencies that enforce such public ignorance conversely mock the public for being so stupid! The mass population is being exponentially marginalized to utter irrelevance by an unseen world of super-technology; generating an overarching agenda that appears more anti-human with each passing moment.

Consider the recent VIP visitations to Antarctica: Patriarch Kiril III of Moscow [Knights of Malta], John Kerry [Skull & Bones], astronaut Buz Aldrin [Freemason] are all three SECRET SOCIETY members: For the general public Antarctic is now as off-limits as Area-51!

So in this regard one must ask if Corey Goode’s testimony proves utterly false does that prove him a lone opportunist charlatan or is he a shill for a cold, cunning intelligence PSYOP designed to further deepen public ignorance. Either way it seems the uphill slope to get to the REAL truth about any secret Deep State project just gets steeper and slipperier!

Merchandising Corey

As Corey Goode’s merchandizing campaign gained full steam I found myself drawn inadvertently into its machinations as well. Upon discovering unauthorized use of my own artwork on a proposed Corey Goode book-cover I filed a quick protest to his unscrupulous managers stating that in no way would I allow my art to be used to endorse the dubious claims of Corey Goode.

As well Corey’s managers had the audacity to publicly list researcher Linda Moulton Howe as a contributor to his book--also without proper permission.

Blatant, flagrant merchandising of “Sphere Being Alliance”, “Corey’s Kids” and Corey’s SSP story in ‘comic book’ form does not lend one iota of authenticity to his notorious whistle-blower claims; nor does the shrill hysteria from his ardent followers screaming his critics are “Deep State/Fake News” shills. Sadly such vicious mudslinging only confirms to the mainstream public that all UFO researchers are nothing but a bunch of crack-pot con-artists in the first place.

Truth is there’s no LAW that says clever opportunists can’t sell UFO fictions to the public. And there’s no law to protect people from their own gullibility… “A fool and his money are soon parted…” in fact the fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place! “Ya pays yer money and takes yer chances!” Gambling casinos do NOT protect gamblers from their own folly, and when tragic addicted gamblers lose their homes, cars, savings and self-respect, casinos do not kindly reimburse to these poor unfortunates the full measure of their losses.

As well it must be understood that there’s a vast counter-culture market out there that WANTS to “believe” and is willing to PAY for enthralling, seductive tales of imminent ‘Alien Salvation!’ Is it wrong then for clever flimflam artists to take advantage of that cash market selling just the kind of “Gee-Whiz” “Space-Alien” entertainment those folks want to hear? [Gaia TV] It may not be honest, moral or ethical but it ain’t illegal! Anyway, why is it the public always seems more eager to pay for lies than for truth in the first place?

“Rationality belongs to the cool observer but because of the stupidity of the average man he follows not reason but faith, and this naïve faith requires necessary illusion and emotionally potent over-simplifications which are provided by the myth-makers to keep the ‘ordinary’ person on course.”

Noam Chomsky

Darker implications surfacing from the Corey Goode controversy suggest he and his team may be a front for a sex-magick drug cult behind the façade of “Sphere Being Alliance”. Are “Blue Avians” actually astral entities conjured up in their Magic-Circle workings???

It appears as well that the main thrust of “Sphere Being Alliance” is preparation for the arrival of alien“Guardians” a near ‘angelic’ host of ‘benevolent’ extraterrestrials come to assist the human race—could it be a ‘False-Flag Alien-Savior’ PSYOP is in play here also? Otherwise it should be noted history of “Sky-God” intervention on planet Earth has resulted in the rise of some of the most cruel and oppressive belief systems imaginable.


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt launched this investigation into Corey Goode’s fantastic claims in May of this year with an introductory discussion featuring Project Avalon’s Bill Ryan. In a lengthy accounting Ryan accurately detailed the fundamental flaws and outright fabrications of Corey Goode’s Secret Space story.

But regarding Goode’s outrageous claim to be communing with ‘Blue Avian’ extraterrestrials, Ryan emphasized in the annals of ufology there was NO reference to half-human, half-bird, ‘Blue Avians’—a point to which I must take exception. If we take time to examine remote antiquity we find a very notorious ‘Blue Avian’ carved on the walls of Egyptian temples—the god Horus! This brings to mind the magical workings of occult Satanist Aleister Crowley, which in 1904 ushered the “Aeon of Horus” into our world—the age of Horus, the crowned and conquering child, when youth an immaturity will overthrow the age of Pisces and Christianity.

In the annals of the occult, demons or astral entities conjured up in magical workings traditionally assume physical form as half-human, half animal, a fact that lends disturbing suspicion to the possibility that rather than contact with ‘benevolent’ aliens, Corey Goode himself may in fact be conjuring astral entities for nefarious purposes. Actually the illustration renderings of Goode’s ‘Blue Avians’ blatantly display the two-finger ‘Baphomet’ satanic gesture.

As well, the “Sphere Being Alliance” logo itself graphically suggests occult magic circle ritual for conjuring the ‘Blue Avian’ entity. As such we should regard any claims that ‘Blue Avians’ are benevolent “guardians” with extreme caution!

Of course this is not to say Corey’s ‘Avians’ are in fact malevolent but the public does have a right to be properly informed of potential hazards in any exchange with extraterrestrial or extradimensional entities.

“UFOS and the Occult Extraterrestrial War”

Earlier this year I produced both an OPED blog as well as a video production for UFOTV Youtube, entitled “UFOS and the Occult Extraterrestrial War” which examines the “military industrial complex”in relation to the alleged “Secret Space Program”. This production was inspired in part by the revelations of former Navy engineer William Tompkins. Although far-fetched Tompkins’ revelations contained a structural, historical congruency that complimented my research into alleged German flying saucer projects from World War II. Tompkins explained how over the years those Nazi technologies evolved into what we now call the Secret Space Program.

And though I did not fully accept all of Tompkins’ claims, the historical facts he referenced seemed substantial enough to warrant further examination. Despite his age Tompkins’ testimony seemed lively and engaging and I was hoping at some point to even have the opportunity to interview him personally.

Of course concurrent with the rise of William Tompkins in the public spotlight has been the testimony of Corey Goode who also claimed insider knowledge of Secret Space Operations, however by comparison Goode’s version seemed little more than exaggerated embellishments of Tompkins’ tales. On camera Goode’s demeanor seemed flat and far less convincing than Tompkins. As well since Goode’s testimony lacked the wealth of substantiating historical evidence that Tompkins produced I saw no value in including Goode’s material in either my blog or video production.

William Tompkins’ last interview with Kerry Cassidy, scheduled in January of this year, was abruptly cancelled and Tompkins has been silent ever since—a vacuum that has been copiously filled with vacuous Corey Goode blathers ever since. In his absence William Tompkins’ testimony has been totally eclipsed by Corey Goode selling his distracting, fanciful “Sphere Being Alliance” stories instead, which begs the question, has William Tompkins been DELIBERATELY silenced?

Conveniently Corey Goode and his managers have since made proprietary claims to Tompkins’ material by including it in a forthcoming book, which with dubious integrity they are allegedly producing along with Michael Salla and David Wilcock.

However, it would seem to me if Corey Goode’s testimony was truly valid he would welcome and actually encourage continued open discussion from William Tompkins to further legitimize his own ‘Sphere Being Alliance’ claims. But instead Corey Goode has elbowed his way into exclusive center stage limelight in the SSP discussion totally dumping Tompkins into the shadows. This all seems calculated, diabolical and suspiciously motivated by more than marketing profits to me! As well one must ask if Tompkins’ story is TRUE what agencies would benefit by having him silenced?


But who needs Corey Goode when you’ve got CAPTAIN AMERICA? Why just talk about a Secret Space Program when you can actually SEE it? Marvel’s 2014 sequel to Captain America is a full-fledged ‘info-mercial’ for the Deep State’s Secret Space Program. Everyone knows Hollywood is the “Town-Crier” for the National Security State to publicly showcase its One-World -Order ambitions.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is no exception! This film graphically reveals “the overall plan of the technocratic elite to create an enslaved, biologically retarded mass under the dominance of an A.I. grid.” Intrepid Super-Hero Steve Rogers is pitted against the launch of space battle-ships bent on full-spectrum dominance, bristling with beam-weapon cannons and propelled with anti-gravity engines—the work of Tony Stark’s [Iron Man] genius father Howard Stark [Howard Hughes] and his corporate defense industry empire.

Howard Hughes/Howard Stark?

Segments of this film could easily have been pulled directly from the whistle-blower testimony of former Navy engineer William Tompkins who last year confided “I was assigned to design for the Navy about 16 to 18 different classes of U.S. Navy battle-group ships… These ships fly in space …I designed U.S. Navy Spacecraft Carriers, which finally got built back in the late '70s up in Utah, underneath the ground.”

The Captain America movie graphically shows the underground bunkers where these space ships are constructed and even reveals their propulsion to be advanced from top secret World War II Nazi engineering projects just as Tompkins stated. Upon viewing these ominous warships hero Steve Rogers understandably questions whether such weapons are intended for defense or domination—the same question we are asking about SSP right now!


As far back as the summer of 1952, CIA Director Walter Bedelle Smith sent a memorandum to the Director of the Psychological Strategy Board, MJ-12 member Gordon Gray, outlining the CIA’s proposal to the National Security Council stating that the UFO issue presented clear "implications for psychological warfare.”

Smith went on to state, “I suggest that we discuss at an early board meeting the possible offensive or defensive utilization of these [UFO] phenomena for psychological warfare purposes.”--A mind-control game that continues to this day. Both mainstream and alternative media continue to serve as testing platforms for monitoring public reactions to the idea of extraterrestrial contact--to see how easily and who specifically can be fooled into believing anything!

Ultimately the whole Corey Goode controversy itself seems suspiciously to serve as a clever distraction from the fundamental issue—the SECRET SPACE PROJECT itself--So let’s get back on topic! Once again let me re-state the serious questions I posed at the conclusion of my “UFOS and the Occult Extraterrestrial War”video…

Are claims of the existence of a Secret Space Fleet actually legitimate, and if so who ultimately OWNS that space fleet; the U.S. Navy or Rothschild/Zionist bankers?

William Tompkins revealed "We've all been lied to for a minimum of 6000 years."—as well he declared the Second World War with Germany was nothing more than the terrestrial extension of a far greater inter-galactic conflict between Draco-Reptilians and Nordic extraterrestrials that has been raging for centuries.

“Our planet has been a battleground for warring extraterrestrial cultures for thousands of years...The result has been wars, destruction and attempts to hinder our progress.”

Trillions of dollars unaccountably vanish from our national defense budget--are these monies financing secret space fleet protection? They could just as easily be financing a utopian off-world habitat for the super-elite while leaving the planets’ expendable surface dwellers to languish in toxic, sweat-shop slavery…! Skunkworks aerospace engineer Ben Rich stated…

An arrogant declaration that begs the question, if these technologies don’t benefit humanity, just who DO they benefit??? Is a Secret Space Fleet the ultimate protection of the human race—or the ultimate threat?

These urgent questions remain unanswered and foolish ‘Corey Goode controversies’ bring us no closer to getting these questions answered. Time has come to put SERIOUS Secret-Space-Program research back on track and start drilling deeper for the truth of this dangerous, demanding mystery!


Milton William Cooper [1943-2001]

In his book “Behold a Pale Horse” Cooper reveals the full text from a document discovered in an IBM copier in 1986 that explicitly details an ‘Illuminati’ blueprint for engineering a fully mechanized totalitarian social order…

“… In view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent.

Consequently, in the interest of future world order, peace, and tranquility, it was decided to privately wage a quiet war against the American public with an ultimate objective of permanently shifting the natural and social energy of the undisciplined and irresponsible many into the hands of the self-disciplined, responsible, and worthy few.

Silent weapon technology has evolved from Operations Research, a strategic and tactical methodology developed under the military management in England during World War II…

It was soon recognized by those in positions of power that the same methods might be useful for totally controlling a society.

Social engineering, the analysis and automation of a society, requires the correlation of great amounts of constantly changing economic information, so a high-speed computerized data-processing system was necessary which would race ahead of the society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation.

Thus a nation becomes divided into two very distinct parts, a DOCILE SUB-NATION (the great silent majority) and a POLITICAL SUB-NATION (the National-Security-State). The political sub-nation remains attached to the docile sub-nation, tolerates it, and leaches its substance until it grows strong enough to detach itself and then DEVOUR its parent.”

This begs the question; if the Secret Space Program is a tool of the National Security State does it serve as the instrument for the “Final Solution” demise of the DOCILE SUB-NATION?


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This is the video mentioned by Jim Nichols although the name is different, I believe it is the one he refers to. A few topics- History of Military Industrial Complex, Nazi saucer technology as the basis for the present SSP. Maira Orsike, a Austrian medium, channels ET technolgie for Torsion Physics to the Nazi's. A brief interview with Gary McKinnon and his hacking discoveries. A very young Bob Lazar speaks of knowledge hidden from the public. Hollywood and Star Trek deliver the SSP to the public.

Quote from article "Corey Goode Controversy Blog":

Earlier this year I produced both an OPED blog as well as a video production for UFOTV Youtube, entitled “UFOS and the Occult Extraterrestrial War” which examines the “military industrial complex”in relation to the alleged “Secret Space Program”. This production was inspired in part by the revelations of former Navy engineer William Tompkins. Although far-fetched Tompkins’ revelations contained a structural, historical congruency that complimented my research into alleged German flying saucer projects from World War II. Tompkins explained how over the years those Nazi technologies evolved into what we now call the Secret Space Program.

UFOTV: The Extraterrestrial War - America's Secret Space Fleet - The Movie

Published on Feb 16, 2017
America"s Secret Space Fleet - is it protection against alien invasion or a creation itself of malevolent aliens? Since 2015 NAVY engineer William Tompkins has made astounding claims that he personally participated in designing kilometers-long battle cruisers for the clandestine "Military Industrial Complex." But even more astounding is his revelation that our planet has been a battleground for warring extraterrestrial cultures for thousands of years. The result has been wars, destruction and attempts to hinder our progress. Has hidden knowledge of this galactic war and alien exploitation of Earth been the greatest occult secret of all time?

Coming to Digital and DVD from UFOTV®.

©2017 Jim Nichols and UFOTV®, All Rights Reserved.
Hmmm... looks to me like most of this stuff is just a disinfo program to keep the hard-core conspiracy minded UFO/Alien peeps busy and spinning their wheels.
There is an interesting paragraph from Judge Anna von Reitz today as well.

"Its time to wake up, Little Suzie.

Today, I heard a most charming story. I was told that the United States Treasury is “locked down” and that our accounts are not on the “black screen” pending the worldwide Global Currency Reset and Re-Valuation, popularly known as the GCR/RV.

This process is being overseen by a nameless, faceless “Committee” that so far as I know is accountable to nobody. They brag about having “Off World” members — reptilian extra-dimensional beings that pop in and out of view like mirages, walk through walls, and lord it over us while they live in “secret bases” on the dark side of the Moon.


If you believe that, after all the other horse shit you’ve been told in your life…. what can I say?"
I can understand Judge Anna von Reitz's need to vent on the military and the lawyers in congress. She points out valid historical events that got us to this point. said:
If you believe that, after all the other horse shit you’ve been told in your life…. what can I say?

With that being said Hmm...

Trying to see through the "horse shit" is not easy is it?

Are we just wasting time being "hard-core conspiracy minded UFO/Alien peeps busy and spinning their wheels"?

If we never get past the "horse shit" then I think, yes. But if we ever find the truth by doing the best we can to use our brain and critical thinking then, no.

Do the Cs ever mention space or what's going on "out there"? I think they do or I wouldn't spend much time trying to see if they are correct.

"Out there" could include comets and asteroids too I suppose but what about the moon? said:
Q: (L) Are there alien bases on the Moon?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Who do the bases belong to?
A: Grays.

I've always wondered why we haven't been back to the moon. Maybe the grays don't appreciate our presence there.

Speaking of "out there" and other possibilities for it there is this 2016 session: said:
Q: (Perceval) Those strange circular objects that fell in Spain, they
said they were gas tanks from a satellite. Is that what they were?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Question is: How come they're falling?
(Perceval) Why did two of them fall in the same place in Spain?
A: Put there as message.
Q: (L) Are you saying that aliens in spaceships put them there?
A: Something like that.

Q: (L) And what about the satellites that they were attached to?
A: Gone. Poof. Part of the message.
Q: (L) Huh?
(Perceval) A message to who?
A: Who do you think? The people that put them in space!
Q: (Perceval) I think they're saying they were put there as part of
the message. Directly placed. But the satellites were shot down, and
that was part of the message. They were from American satellites?
A: Yes
Q: (Scottie) Of course, we don't know what kind of satellites they
were. There are many kinds of satellites. Hmm...
A: The kind that were intended as "defense" against what is "out

Q: (Scottie) So they really ARE clueless then!

So, we may be looking for aliens in spaceships or "Something like that".

According to Kerry Cassidy William Tompkins was going to talk about the reptilians as predators and the danger especially to children before he canceled their planned interview.

Here is her explanation for the cancelation (short only 5:14):
goyacobol said:
Trying to see through the "horse shit" is not easy is it?

Are we just wasting time being "hard-core conspiracy minded UFO/Alien peeps busy and spinning their wheels"?

If we never get past the "horse shit" then I think, yes. But if we ever find the truth by doing the best we can to use our brain and critical thinking then, no.

I guess it depends on how a person spends their resources, including mental.

You know, I was quite taken with the book "Uriel's Machine" by Knight and Lomas. You can read my review of it on amazon:

Since the time of that review, I haven't changed my mind much but I HAVE added a lot more understanding about apocalypticism thanks to reading a raft of studies on the topic. And these weren't popular alternative history pieces either, but long, dry slogs through academia. One thing led to another and I ended up with Zoroaster and some other interesting connections. What's more, I could see that Paul was a hard core apocalypticist as well, so began to try to understand what all of these types have in common. From my perspective of the Cs experiment, it seems that they were in tune with similar sources/ideas, so the big question is still: where does this come from? How can we study and test the origins of knowledge? Obviously, scientific materialism is not the best or only answer because every few years what is "known" in science changes with new "discoveries". But "inspiration" isn't the solution either because there are so many varied inspirational sources that conflict with one another.

Along the way, it was necessary to dig deeply into the foundations of "civilization", i.e. Sumerian/Babylonian, invention of writing and so forth. At this point, whenever I hear anybody going on about the "Annunaki" as space visitors or the "tablets of destinies" as space maps or whatever, my eyes roll back in my head and I have to tune out whatever else they say because they clearly have no clue and have not done the homework. Reading books about cuneiform writing, texts, etc, is another long, dry slog. And whenever I've followed a new thread and read all the top experts on that subject, I've had to learn a whole new jargon. Along the way, I've learned to read Latin and Greek somewhat - forced by necessity - and that helps when you deal with academics who cite original texts in the original language... sheesh!

Anyway, I read bibliographies first before I even read a book. When I pick up a book and see that most of the sources are "alternative" and I know that those alternative sources have not done their homework, I just groan.

The point is not to say that the academic sources have the correct solutions, the point is to say that if a person has NOT studied the academic angle, they often make complete fools of themselves with their ridiculous ideas: Sitchin being a case in point. And anybody who relies on Sitchin suffers the same foolishness.

In the end, what we are dealing with are problems of epistemology and hermenuetics.

... and all of it is thorny and problematical. It does us no good whatsoever to engage with works and peeps who are not really aware of the foundational issues here.
Laura said:
goyacobol said:
Trying to see through the "horse shit" is not easy is it?

Are we just wasting time being "hard-core conspiracy minded UFO/Alien peeps busy and spinning their wheels"?

If we never get past the "horse shit" then I think, yes. But if we ever find the truth by doing the best we can to use our brain and critical thinking then, no.

I guess it depends on how a person spends their resources, including mental.

You know, I was quite taken with the book "Uriel's Machine" by Knight and Lomas. You can read my review of it on amazon:

Since the time of that review, I haven't changed my mind much but I HAVE added a lot more understanding about apocalypticism thanks to reading a raft of studies on the topic. And these weren't popular alternative history pieces either, but long, dry slogs through academia. One thing led to another and I ended up with Zoroaster and some other interesting connections. What's more, I could see that Paul was a hard core apocalypticist as well, so began to try to understand what all of these types have in common. From my perspective of the Cs experiment, it seems that they were in tune with similar sources/ideas, so the big question is still: where does this come from? How can we study and test the origins of knowledge? Obviously, scientific materialism is not the best or only answer because every few years what is "known" in science changes with new "discoveries". But "inspiration" isn't the solution either because there are so many varied inspirational sources that conflict with one another.

Along the way, it was necessary to dig deeply into the foundations of "civilization", i.e. Sumerian/Babylonian, invention of writing and so forth. At this point, whenever I hear anybody going on about the "Annunaki" as space visitors or the "tablets of destinies" as space maps or whatever, my eyes roll back in my head and I have to tune out whatever else they say because they clearly have no clue and have not done the homework. Reading books about cuneiform writing, texts, etc, is another long, dry slog. And whenever I've followed a new thread and read all the top experts on that subject, I've had to learn a whole new jargon. Along the way, I've learned to read Latin and Greek somewhat - forced by necessity - and that helps when you deal with academics who cite original texts in the original language... sheesh!

Anyway, I read bibliographies first before I even read a book. When I pick up a book and see that most of the sources are "alternative" and I know that those alternative sources have not done their homework, I just groan.

The point is not to say that the academic sources have the correct solutions, the point is to say that if a person has NOT studied the academic angle, they often make complete fools of themselves with their ridiculous ideas: Sitchin being a case in point. And anybody who relies on Sitchin suffers the same foolishness.

In the end, what we are dealing with are problems of epistemology and hermenuetics.

... and all of it is thorny and problematical. It does us no good whatsoever to engage with works and peeps who are not really aware of the foundational issues here.

I agree with you Laura. I once told a friend that epistemology is my problem and it is kind of a lifetime hobby. Do you think that the child abduction is really more of a 3D problem rather than "space aliens"? I am not in your league with the hermeneutics and vast amount of reading you have done and only had a bit of Latin and Spanish in high school but I do understand the work it represents.

With all the pedophilia reports and satanic ritual being associated with some of the pedophilia I am wondering if that is not just a red herring to use as an excuse to blame the crime on a religion or the aliens.
A bit off topic, but reading Laura's post made me think out loud here...

Laura and others, do you think that the "magnetic centre", as described by Gurdjieff helps in discerning various information? Is there in your experience any such thing as a magnetic centre, and can you develop it as Gurdjieff says?

My personal experience is, that there seems to be something what could be described as a magnetic centre, that helps to "see" and discern more quickly what information to trust and what not. Or, this could be just called accumulating more and more knowledge (or if you think Gurdjieff, B-influences), which helps to discern more quickly. One idea could be: every time you believe/fall for a lie, the "magnetic centre" gets weaker, and every time you "get it right" and see/identify the lies, the MC gets stronger.

Having said this, there are of course very skillful psychopaths and agencies whose lies are sometimes almost impossible to identify. And one should of course dig deep enough to learn the facts, not only relying on that "blink"-discernment. But those blink-moments are often proven right, or that is at least my experience. Related to this, it's often impossible to explain to someone who is asleep, why I believe something to be true/untrue, because we don't "speak the same language" as Gurdjieff put it.

Lastly, I often think about what Gurdjieff said about spreading the truth; how the amount of people knowing/seeing the truth is limited, how it's impossible that everyone would be awake and aware. This option is not built in the "living system", and it can't be forced/altered.
Laura said:
Hmmm... looks to me like most of this stuff is just a disinfo program to keep the hard-core conspiracy minded UFO/Alien peeps busy and spinning their wheels.

Yes, this is definitely one aspect to this whole hullabaloo with Goode and all the people who have been drawn into the subject. More distraction, add it to the list. I suppose people looking at this from outside the US may think "look what those crazy Americans are up to now!"

And thanks for your further elucidating on the complexities of discovering information about our history. Years ago, I was a avid listener to Coast to Coast radio and there was a man(name ?) speaking a few times about Sitchen and his faulty interpretation of the Sumerian tablets. These days, its not uncommon to hear people speak of Sitchen who have built their entire history of the planet based on his interpretations. Sitchen has been a substantial influence.

I highlighted certain areas in the Jim Nichols piece because it got me thinking about certain things I hadn't considered before. Specifically about "ritual" being involved and this could be the case after connecting a few obscure dots. At first glance it may sound silly and wild speculation but considering many of the people involved perhaps true. All presented as beneficial of course to the members and may be thought of as "white magic" but I doubt they would use that term.

All in all, for the sake of psychic hygiene, the "alien agenda" is not a area to invest to much personal energy into .

As Goyacobol has said also, the C's have stated many of these same things we find in the UFO/alien dialogue such as bases on the moon. So that gets thrown into the mix for people studying the C's material as we hear of the same being popularized in parts of the public. Suspiciously so in some cases

edit to add: Here is a very informative summary of ritual use and White and Black Magic.
Well, funny that you bring up rituals and magic; that's another topic I gathered a lot of info on by slogging through ancient Mesopotamian stuff. If you want to get the skinny on it, and be amazed that anybody really buys into this stuff as it is presented, read Jean Bottéro's "Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia" and "Philosophy before the Greeks - The Pursuit of Truth in Ancient Babylonia " by Marc van de Mieroop. "A History of the Ancient Near East, ca. 3000–323 BC" by the same author is pretty much necessary, though there are several other comprehensive histories by other authors that I like also, particularly Mario Liverani. Anyway, this small list will just get your toes wet.
Aragorn said:
A bit off topic, but reading Laura's post made me think out loud here...

Laura and others, do you think that the "magnetic centre", as described by Gurdjieff helps in discerning various information? Is there in your experience any such thing as a magnetic centre, and can you develop it as Gurdjieff says?

My personal experience is, that there seems to be something what could be described as a magnetic centre, that helps to "see" and discern more quickly what information to trust and what not. Or, this could be just called accumulating more and more knowledge (or if you think Gurdjieff, B-influences), which helps to discern more quickly. One idea could be: every time you believe/fall for a lie, the "magnetic centre" gets weaker, and every time you "get it right" and see/identify the lies, the MC gets stronger.

Yes, I think there is something like that and I guess those terms are the best we have to talk about it though it may not be exactly as depicted.

In the Ra Material, there was some discussion about a "bias" toward Truth that was integral to the soul that was inclined toward STO consolidation. It may have been in a discussion about Wanderers or something like that. Obviously, the individual who consistently chooses against that "still, small voice" would eventually annihilate it. But we've also read articles about how lying rots the brain, so to say, so I think that there is some kind of "reader of reality" available to most people only they let their lower emotions rule them so that they disregard the signals.

Then, there is "selection and substitution of premises" that Lobaczewski talks about which seems to me to be circling around the same thing. Again, that seems to be due to domination of emotions, i.e. wishful thinking. The same thing is discussed in Oakley's book "Evil Genes" in a study about political affiliations and how facing reality is painful for some people - so painful they would do anything to avoid it.

From the Cs, we understand that the issue is to separate limiting emotions from those that help one grow. Sometimes that seems to amount to quelling our wishful thinking in favor of feeling bad while facing truth. And in the end, that might be the key that ties all the various approaches together. That is discussed in a few places on the forum here under "negative emotions" as a stepping stone to soul growth.

I recall that Cayce once said something along the line of "In patience you possess your soul". That might very well be the same thing because it is certain that patience is required to face reality and deal with negative emotions.

I recently read Jordan Peterson's "Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief" which has some helpful ideas and language but, of course, coming from my background, I had some problems with his use of myth. I would have liked it better if he had found some different methods to illustrate his points.

Finally, there is what we loosely call "psychic abilities". There is some overlap and this may simply be Ra's "bias".

Aragorn said:
Having said this, there are of course very skillful psychopaths and agencies whose lies are sometimes almost impossible to identify. And one should of course dig deep enough to learn the facts, not only relying on that "blink"-discernment. But those blink-moments are often proven right, or that is at least my experience. Related to this, it's often impossible to explain to someone who is asleep, why I believe something to be true/untrue, because we don't "speak the same language" as Gurdjieff put it.

Lastly, I often think about what Gurdjieff said about spreading the truth; how the amount of people knowing/seeing the truth is limited, how it's impossible that everyone would be awake and aware. This option is not built in the "living system", and it can't be forced/altered.

Yes, this also plays into the phenomenon. It still astonishes me that, out of the BILLIONS of people on this planet, so few seem to be able to lay aside their programming, their emotions, their wishful thinking, and simply open their eyes, look around, think, and find that middle path between empiricism and inspiration. It really does seem to come down to 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.
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