SummerLite said:
Corey Goode, Project Blue Beam, MK Ultra and the Luciferian Agenda, Coast to Coast Radio. Echos my first impression that the Blue Avians may be a step towards Project Bluebeam. She makes the point that a MK Ultra person BELIEVES what they are saying and because of that others believe/trust them because the "signal" of deception isn't there. A worthy message to all Earthly Humans.
I think she makes a lot of sense. She may be correct about Project Blue Beam. I like the way she cautioned about the Maitreya and a one world religion/new world order. And I think this will be a very subtle deception. The idea that psychopaths know how to use our own empathy and compassion against us like a weapon rings true too (Pity those who pity).
When she says MK-UTRA subjects believe their programing and have handlers does possibly seem to be why Roger Ramsaur is in the mix.
I think some of the other players are possibly just being used and "hoodwinked" so to speak.
There is a video by Tessa Gianni, the girl who supposedly went to a ritual with Jason Sather. She gives her background and how Derrick Faust fits into the picture. She seems sincere and credible as does Jason Sather. Of course the more credible people you include the easier it is to sell the subtle deception.
Another player that is mentioned in the Corey Goode project is James Gilliland. I have watched a few of he videos but don't know all of his background except he has a ranch where people go to see UFOs. I think they use infrared binoculars a lot. I found a video interview with James and Jason Sather. I think they have very similar views to many of the subjects we talk about and really sound fairly grounded. The only area I noticed where they could be in disagreement with our forum material is a concept of "zero point" energy. Without knowing their definition of "zero point" energy it is difficult to know for sure.
And one recent development with Jason Sather is this video that has a down to earth feel to it:
I hope that eventually that "subtle" kind of deception will become more transparent to all of us. I think maybe we can give some credit to those who basically try to see the "real" reality even if they don't have the whole banana.
I can't help but try to watch almost everything these days. It really is a huge task but I don't "see" any other way to do it so far.
The Cs say this about watching: said:
Q: Anything in particular we should be watching for?
A: No. Be open to all possibilities.
Q: Are we on the verge of a) an alien invasion; b) a cometary
impact; c) the appearance of a twin sun, a death star in our
solar system?
A: Wait and see.
Q: I don't want to wait and see! (A) Wait and see! When it
hits us, we will know! (L) Let me ask this....
A: What a glorious transition to 4th density STO. With maybe
a quick stopover in 5th just to pick up a few things for the trip!
Q: Are you saying that we are getting ready for the Big
A: Only Don Ho knows for sure.
I'm beginning to think the "alien invasion" is mainly a distraction from earth changes and natural Cosmic events that they are trying to cover up. said:
Q: (L) Vewy intewesting. Any other questions on that topic? I think I
asked this before... I have the feeling that the so-called "alien
invasion" is really comets.
A: Pretty much.
Q: (L) What about these sinkholes? I mean, sinkholes everywhere!
This is getting to be really bizarre. I have never heard of so many
sinkholes in my entire life happening all over the planet. I mean,
sinkholes are kind of common in Florida, but... What the heck is
going on?
A: We mentioned an infinitesimal slowing of the planet's rotation
causing everything to "open up"?!
Q: (L) Yes, you did.
A: We were being literal in that instance.
Even if they try to pull off Project Blue Beam I don't think it will work. This is maybe how far they have come so far
7D Hologram Technology Amazing Show in Dubai !!.
As for a "fake invasion" here is a reference: said:
(L) Could be, yeah. And they would come as the US is trying to do some kind of fake invasion or false
flag stuff. Is that what we're talking about here? That when the Western Consortium-type government
tries to take over the world with their faked invasion, that's when everything is going to go kaflooey?
A: More or less. You will see!
Q: (Pierre) That will be exciting, eh?
(Perceval) You got any more questions?
(Carlisle) What was the cause of the recent fish die-offs off of the UK coastline?
A: Methane.
Q: (Carlisle) We've seen a reduction in fireball sightings in the last few months. What's the cause of the
A: The passage through preliminary cluster, pause, then larger and denser cluster. These bodies tend
to be clustered due to both breakup proximity and gravity.
And for "zero point" energy or "free energy" there is this reference:
Q: (L) Let me ask a quick question about this other thing on my
mind... There is a gentleman who is a member of our group and who
posts on our forum who is seemingly obsessed with some kind of free
energy thing? Is that what it is, Data?
(Data) Yes, Keshe technology.
(L) And can you explain it for the readers?
(Data) These are various devices that claim to produce energy
without input. So the question is: Do these devices indeed produce
energy that has not been input?
A: No.
Q: (Data) Apart from that, it's claimed that these devices make
electrical energy more friendly for humans or nature. Is that correct?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is it a scam?
A: Yes
Q: (Data) I have an additional question. There are many people
watching these videos and replicating these machines. What is this
fascination that's created by this technology that so many people
have fallen for it? Why is that?
A: Programming partly.
Q: (L) So, it's part of their programming?
A: Yes
Q: (L) They are fascinated by things that are supposedly illegal, or
suppressed, or revolutionary, or they think that they're gonna save
lots of money or make lots of money, or have a miracle cure or
something like that? They're taken in by these schpiels?
(Pierre) It's a very powerful attraction, this Keshe thing. Ultimately,
what it is offering is unlimited power. It's a strong archetype.
(L) It's the attraction of power?
(Pierre) Free, unlimited power.
(L) Yeah.
(Pierre) Even in the media in our culture, you see this praise for
power, and people resonate with that.
(L) Whether they understand it or not, it's about power?
A: Yes
Q: (Data) Is that similar to how the alchemists have been
misunderstood. The alchemists did something, but all the uneducated
people interpreted something into it that wasn't there, like they
thought it was real gold. But the alchemists only used "gold" as a
A: Yes
Well, this is a lot to watch and think about but as Laura says "There is no free lunch". I've been thinking about all this for a long time and this is where I am so far.