Theun Mares (Toltec Seer) - Facing The World Crisis

anart said:
When challenged, his posts degenerated to include, repeatedly, the phrase 'BS' - previously he had at least presented himself somewhat intelligently. Such an infinitesimal challenge to his belief system, and the result was an instant regression to middle school, scatological phrasing and lack of logic. From there, he further degenerated into 'mental masturbation' - perhaps indicating quite clearly the stage of development at which Mark is 'stuck'.

Were I Mare, I think I would beg and plead with Mark to please stop taking my side. If Mark is the result of Mare's work, then 'by their fruits you shall know them' ... and not much more needs to be said.
Sort of "with friends like Mark, who needs enemies?" :)
But in all seriousness, the main problem (and this is not the first nor the last time this will be seen), is that Mark is ruled by the very same thing that he is trying to make jokes about: the foreign installation! Since he has not recognized that it exists, he has no way of working against it, and has no way of knowing if its gone in himself or if it is gone in others. Therefore, when he asks whether anyone has been able to remove it (and his confusion of the fliers with the predators mind is just a confirmation that he doesn't understand his own question), there is no way to answer that in a way that would be helpful. C'est la vie.
Still wading through Mares' so called Relationship Resolution website. A true word salad gem!

About sex I learned:

Humanity's challenge lies in finding the DIFFERENCE between HAVING sex and USING the creative power of the Void! In the first you FORE-GET RESPONSE-ABILITY! In the second you RE-SPECT RESPONSE-ABILITY!
About marriage I learned:

Neither of you feel any REAL warmth towards one another!

About divorce I learned:

Write an email. I did not say phone your wife. Phone calls can become VERY personal and messy, whereas emails can be read again and again and serve in putting things straight for the record.

About parenting I learned:

Do you still love your ex-wife? No, clearly not, otherwise you would NEVER have gotten divorced! And so why should it be different between you and your kids?

About relationships with parents I learned:

As a warrior it is now YOUR responsibility to learn why you chose him to be your father. Having said this I must also add that there is NO reason as to why you should accept your father's behaviour.

About relationship with self I learned:

Your wife CANNOT forgive you, my friend! Only YOU, through your OWN learning, through your OWN actions, can learn to forgive yourself!

About friendship I learned:

You will never know the meaning of true friendship; you will never know the meaning of unconditional love in action.

And about business relationships I learned:

The overall focus (...) will remain that of using a joint venture as a means to build a relationship with themselves, with each other, and with the world around them. In this way they will be choosing for a partnership and a way of life that is based around quality and real opportunities for growth and fulfillment.


Reading this thread, i couldnt help but notice what i percieved to be judgements bandied about. Didnt the c's say that judging is sts? Or was this simply objectivity, which can be harsh at times depending upon one's perspective? This small observation troubled me enough to write this post.
Bar Kochba said:
Reading this thread, i couldnt help but notice what i percieved to be judgements bandied about. Didnt the c's say that judging is sts? Or was this simply objectivity, which can be harsh at times depending upon one's perspective? This small observation troubled me enough to write this post.

Could you be more specific about when and where you thought that judgments were being improperly given? Please quote each post that you feel degrades into unfair judgment. This is the sort of meta-comment that tends to be frowned upon here.
I didnt say anything about "unfair" or "improper" judgements - my point was about judgements, period, fair or unfair. Didnt the c's say any kind of judgement is sts? My browser is not capable of quoting posts, unfortunately. I dont want to single anyone out, either. I should have posted this elsewhere with no mention of this thread because i dont want to offend anyone, i just want input. What is the difference between passing judgements and making objective comments?
Bar Kochba said:
I didnt say anything about "unfair" or "improper" judgements - my point was about judgements, period, fair or unfair.

Can you consider that your implication was that judgment is negative, you used the word 'harsh', which is negative - thus you were, in that, 'passing judgment'?

bk said:
Didnt the c's say any kind of judgement is sts?

You'd have to find the relevant session, I'm not bringing that one up at the moment, but I could be missing it. They did say that determining the needs of another is sts - perhaps you took that as judgment? I do think that judgment, as it is commonly understood, tends to be directly linked to inner considering - something that does not 'please' a person in one way or another, so that would be sts.

bk said:
My browser is not capable of quoting posts, unfortunately. I dont want to single anyone out, either.

Well, it's not about singling anyone out, that, and the judgment comment is rather a paramoralism. What was requested is that you simply provide more data and not make sweeping statements - provide the data of what you think is a 'judgment', why and why it offends your sensibilities.

bk said:
I should have posted this elsewhere with no mention of this thread because i dont want to offend anyone, i just want input.

But wouldn't that have provided even less data?

bk said:
What is the difference between passing judgements and making objective comments?

I would think it would be data - objective data that is relevant to the discussion, and that might even extend to experience, discernment and application of knowledge as it applies to similar constructs or information. In short, judgment tends to be fueled by emotion, I think - such as your being offended (or taking as 'harsh') statements made in this thread - that is an impression based on emotion, which would then make it more of a 'judgment' than an objective observation, since emotion almost always (if not absolutely always) skews perception. osit.

It also seems like you're a bit confrontational, which usually means something is 'up' - so is something other than this thread bothering you?
have to excuse the poor English in my post, I live in South America and across the google tranlator I could access this forum.
Here I am encouraged to respond to the theme of the Toltecs (more specific would be to talk about culture Anáhuac) that Carlos Castaneda is a imprescindbile bridge, though not inevitable, that most readers do not differentiate between what Castaneda says, the cree that Castaneda and the true teachings of Don Juan of course, this is a very important point, that and the language barrier (Castaneda wrote his books in English, first) ...
I would like to complement the knowledge and interest in the toltequidad of people in the forum, which sincrómisticamente study in the last time (with the quoted material by Laura Knight Jadczyk Spanish and Cassiopea ....) with a book that I do not know whether to in English, can be downloaded from here: and is called "The 5-point Nagual"

There is also a fascinating article (in Spanish too), which is an interesting guide to not getting lost in the labyrinths of Castaneda and place within the boundaries of the ancestral culture and the Anahuac toltequidad.
can download it here:


texto original:

han de disculpar el precario ingles de mi mensaje , vivo en sudamerica y atravez del google tranlator he podido acceder a este foro.
me anima responder aqui al tema de los toltecas ( más especifico sería hablar de la cultura anáhuac) de la que Carlos Castaneda es un imprescindbile puente , aunque no insoslayable ,por que la mayoria de sus lectores no diferencian entre : lo que dice castaneda , lo que cree castaneda y las verdaderas enseñanzas del supuesto Don Juan,, este es un punto sumamente importante , eso y la barrera del idioma(castaneda escribió sus libros en ingles , primeramente )...
quisiera complementar los conocimentos e intereses en la toltequidad de las personas del foro , que sincrómisticamente estudio en el ultimo tiempo ( conjuntamente con el material transcrito al español de Laura Knight Jadczyk y los Cassiopeos....) con un libro que no sé si estará en inglés , pueden descargarlo de acá : y se llama "El Nagual de 5 puntas"

tambien hay un interesante articulo ( en español tambien) , que es una interesante guía para no perderse en los laberintos de Castañeda y enmarcarlo dentro de los limites de la ancestral cultura Anáhuac y la toltequidad .
pueden descargarlo aqui :

Bar Kochba said:
I didnt say anything about "unfair" or "improper" judgements - my point was about judgements, period, fair or unfair. Didnt the c's say any kind of judgement is sts? My browser is not capable of quoting posts, unfortunately. I dont want to single anyone out, either. I should have posted this elsewhere with no mention of this thread because i dont want to offend anyone, i just want input. What is the difference between passing judgements and making objective comments?

Keep in mind that the word "judgment" carries the connotation of blame and punishment. Assessment, evaluation, putting each thing in its place, and making choices, on the other hand, are necessary for us to navigate this life and "grow" to the next level.

Have you read the Eric Pepin thread?
Confrontation is the farthest thing from my mind. I just wondered, is calling a spade a spade judgement or being objective and seeing things as they are? For ex, i can say my friend is close-minded. Data supports this, yet if i tell her this she will accuse me of passing judgement on her. No i have not read the eric p. thread. I will do so now. Thanks for the input, anart and laura.
Bar Kochba said:
I dont want to single anyone out, either. I should have posted this elsewhere with no mention of this thread because i dont want to offend anyone
You appear to me to be running some sort of 'be "nice" above all else' programming. ("nice" according to inner considering, in other words imagination)

If what you have to say - as you'd say it - is valid, and someone gets offended, then that is that someone's problem and lesson, not yours.


Bar Kochba said:
I just wondered, is calling a spade a spade judgement or being objective and seeing things as they are?

My understanding is that not being able to call a spade a spade is being locked into subjective considerations (judgments!).

Everything is what it is. Simply stating that something is what it is as a result of understanding that it is so, is expressing understanding - no less, no more.


Bar Kochba said:
For ex, i can say my friend is close-minded. Data supports this, yet if i tell her this she will accuse me of passing judgement on her.

In that case, doing so may express a lack of external considering - doing what is constructive - as she is not able to handle it objectively or constructively but will instead respond by passing judgment on you. Which is a separate issue, though of importance. Here, though, people are supposed to confront their subjectivity, and as such calling a spade a spade is appropriate (constructive). OSIT.
Bar Kochba said:
Confrontation is the farthest thing from my mind. I just wondered, is calling a spade a spade judgement or being objective and seeing things as they are? For ex, i can say my friend is close-minded. Data supports this, yet if i tell her this she will accuse me of passing judgement on her. No i have not read the eric p. thread. I will do so now. Thanks for the input, anart and laura.

As you can gather from Anart's post, there are many factors to be considered here. Every situation is different. Looking at your example, there are different parts. Collecting data about your friend and coming to a hypothesis is one part of it. Is your data clean or is it influenced by your emotions? Have you checked with others and compared notes? If you come to a conclusion, are you invested in the conclusion or are you open to revising it if new data comes to your attention?

You can also consider why it is important to you to investigate the question of "Is my friend close-minded?" What emotional triggers are being set off in you? Are you wishing to be 'right'?

After the data is in and you have made an assessment, then the question is, do you say anything to your friend? Why would you? What reason is there? To prove a point? To show your friend the vast amount of data you have gathered to show that you are 'right'?

Perhaps, objectively, your friend is close-minded. If that is true, and your friend is not asking for help in changing, then perhaps it would just be better to accept your friend and not discuss those issues that are points of contention. Or maybe you stop seeing the friend. That depends upon the context of your friendship.

So the answer is not so cut and dried as you appear to believe.
This is exactly what i am struggling with, henry. For example, exercising external consideration seems to be more complicated than i first thought because what if i am running a "be nice above all else" program? This little thread has caused quite a bit of turmoil in my head. I am only about 15 pgs in to the 110 pg eric p. thread but wow what an eye-opener.
Bar Kochba said:
This is exactly what i am struggling with, henry. For example, exercising external consideration seems to be more complicated than i first thought because what if i am running a "be nice above all else" program? This little thread has caused quite a bit of turmoil in my head. I am only about 15 pgs in to the 110 pg eric p. thread but wow what an eye-opener.

Just keep reading... it's quite an amazing journey. And it is even more fun to keep in mind, while reading it, that a whole boatload of attorneys and a judge and judge's assistants, were combing through that thread too only a few months back, that a lawsuit was launched over it, and ... well, just keep reading.
Bottom line with the man who calls himself Theun Mares, he is not what he appears to be or says he is. he certainly knows a bit about black magic too:

(1) He claimed for years to be celibate and encouraged (more like required) all non-married apprentices to refrain from sex as well; FACT - Mares was engaging in sex for years, even during retreats, when about 50-75 people would gather for a four-day weekend. So this is not news if one knows about Carlos Castaneda and Miguel Ruiz and their, shall we say "habits" with their apprentices, but the catch in this case is that Mares prefers men. Something he does not hide in his books if you read carefully, just as he does not hide that "Theun Mares" is not his true name. MANY have come to him for help or in search of something over the past 15-years or more and today all but maybe 10 (and most of these people came along only in the past few years) are still with him. I would estimate over 100 over the years have come to work with him personally and left and I have documentation to back-up that estimate. Clearly I am one who worked with him for awhile but left years ago, in turmoil, and the conflict following that separation was more than many could bear. Yet in talking to many other former apprentices, this is what all of us went through, complete chaos and conflict for a while until life again reached a new equilibrium.

He taught me some valuable lessons, this is true, but I never would have guessed he could lie and manipulate with such impunity, foolish naivete on my part I suppose and so I no longer have any qualms or illusions about giving the lie what it demands, truth.

(2) Once, when traveling through Europe, we were waiting for the rest our party one morning in the hotel lobby when Mares, quite casually said, "I've always wanted to have a gang bang."' I did not know what to make of this going on 5-years celibacy at the time and just kept quiet. FACT - he and a handful of apprentices were doing so already anyways, and had been for a number of years. Again interestingly enough, most, but not all, of these people have left as well.

(3) A few years back he left South Africa to live in Slovakia and a number of apprentices went with him, pooling all of their money into account which HE had access and control over. - FACT - many people left "in the middle of the night" for various reasons, some of these people lost (or left behind) very large sums of money. But the main idea is that the place was described as "dark" and "joyless" and as many have said to me they were miserable, intensity was ripe and people would sit around tearing into one another, (feeding) thinking they are the last and only link to "save humanity" - for this is what he tells those who are still with him. That THEY are the strong ones (and only they, apparently) for they have stuck it out against impossible odds, etc. Reminds me of the Michael Topper essay on Negative versus Positive forces.

(4) A healer was in the group. I have heard from multiple sources that this healer was doing energy work on TM and confronted him saying that as a healer he could see/feel that Mares was sucking the energy/life of those around him and that if he continued he would end up killing people. I was not there personally, but the story goes TM then got irate, claimed the man did not know what he was talking about, and kicked him out of the group. Now if this is true (I mean the energy vortex, for I have no doubt it is true that he kicked the man out) then it could be the case of a "dark magnetic center" but more so, and again what this ENTIRE POST IS ABOUT - THEUN MARES IS NOT WHAT HE APPEARS TO BE!

I have struggled with writing this for at one time Theun Mares was, to me, the cat's meow. But over the years in learning more about the "non-existent" line for him between "light" and "dark" it seems imperative to expose some of the lies paraded publicly on his forum and websites for the truth behind them.

Now I am NO angel and so it is NOT about blame and ridicule. It is about the possibility of anyone who considers working with him to come across this post and hopefully ask themselves (and him) some serious and thoughtful questions as to what they might be getting into.

The nature of this post is controversial, so I wish to say that the views and opinions expressed here are my own and are not expected to reflect what SOTT forum moderators or owners may think or believe concerning Theun Mares. These views and opinions were arrived at from personal experience as well as conversations with others (who wish to remain anonymous) who also have had experience working with him.

From: _

Theun Mares wrote several books on the Toltec teachings, building upon Carlos Castaneda's books. From my personal experience, the Toltec teachings system works well as a practical structure for self-growth.

I know that Laura asked the C's once about a particular statement in one of Mares' books and they said that it is not true. While I am aware that the Cass material is not 100% accurate because of 'transmission errors' etc., this direct contradiction left me a bit suspicious about whether everything Theun Mares is saying is true.

The below answer appeared originally on the forum of Theun's website and was later published on another website. I find it interesting how openly he talks about the NWO, Big Brother, Codex Alimentarius and other pressing topics that are often avoided in spiritual or New Age circles. He even mentions "the real Dark Forces" that are behind the NWO people (whom he calls Old Sorcerers, as in those who practice black magic).
Leoursa said:

Perhaps, for those with eyes to See, Mares is exactly what he appears to be. Considering what has been determined about Mare thus far, your input is not at all surprising - and additional data is always helpful! It seems at the core of many of these 'newage spiritual' frauds is manipulation for sex/control.

About his command of celibacy, it rather makes sense if you consider that he is depriving people of something, so that they are much more hungry for it when he offers his own 'services'. Or, perhaps it's just a 'power trip' - anything is possible.
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