Bottom line with the man who calls himself Theun Mares, he is not what he appears to be or says he is. he certainly knows a bit about black magic too:
(1) He claimed for years to be celibate and encouraged (more like required) all non-married apprentices to refrain from sex as well; FACT - Mares was engaging in sex for years, even during retreats, when about 50-75 people would gather for a four-day weekend. So this is not news if one knows about Carlos Castaneda and Miguel Ruiz and their, shall we say "habits" with their apprentices, but the catch in this case is that Mares prefers men. Something he does not hide in his books if you read carefully, just as he does not hide that "Theun Mares" is not his true name. MANY have come to him for help or in search of something over the past 15-years or more and today all but maybe 10 (and most of these people came along only in the past few years) are still with him. I would estimate over 100 over the years have come to work with him personally and left and I have documentation to back-up that estimate. Clearly I am one who worked with him for awhile but left years ago, in turmoil, and the conflict following that separation was more than many could bear. Yet in talking to many other former apprentices, this is what all of us went through, complete chaos and conflict for a while until life again reached a new equilibrium.
He taught me some valuable lessons, this is true, but I never would have guessed he could lie and manipulate with such impunity, foolish naivete on my part I suppose and so I no longer have any qualms or illusions about giving the lie what it demands, truth.
(2) Once, when traveling through Europe, we were waiting for the rest our party one morning in the hotel lobby when Mares, quite casually said, "I've always wanted to have a gang bang."' I did not know what to make of this going on 5-years celibacy at the time and just kept quiet. FACT - he and a handful of apprentices were doing so already anyways, and had been for a number of years. Again interestingly enough, most, but not all, of these people have left as well.
(3) A few years back he left South Africa to live in Slovakia and a number of apprentices went with him, pooling all of their money into account which HE had access and control over. - FACT - many people left "in the middle of the night" for various reasons, some of these people lost (or left behind) very large sums of money. But the main idea is that the place was described as "dark" and "joyless" and as many have said to me they were miserable, intensity was ripe and people would sit around tearing into one another, (feeding) thinking they are the last and only link to "save humanity" - for this is what he tells those who are still with him. That THEY are the strong ones (and only they, apparently) for they have stuck it out against impossible odds, etc. Reminds me of the Michael Topper essay on Negative versus Positive forces.
(4) A healer was in the group. I have heard from multiple sources that this healer was doing energy work on TM and confronted him saying that as a healer he could see/feel that Mares was sucking the energy/life of those around him and that if he continued he would end up killing people. I was not there personally, but the story goes TM then got irate, claimed the man did not know what he was talking about, and kicked him out of the group. Now if this is true (I mean the energy vortex, for I have no doubt it is true that he kicked the man out) then it could be the case of a "dark magnetic center" but more so, and again what this ENTIRE POST IS ABOUT - THEUN MARES IS NOT WHAT HE APPEARS TO BE!
I have struggled with writing this for at one time Theun Mares was, to me, the cat's meow. But over the years in learning more about the "non-existent" line for him between "light" and "dark" it seems imperative to expose some of the lies paraded publicly on his forum and websites for the truth behind them.
Now I am NO angel and so it is NOT about blame and ridicule. It is about the possibility of anyone who considers working with him to come across this post and hopefully ask themselves (and him) some serious and thoughtful questions as to what they might be getting into.
The nature of this post is controversial, so I wish to say that the views and opinions expressed here are my own and are not expected to reflect what SOTT forum moderators or owners may think or believe concerning Theun Mares. These views and opinions were arrived at from personal experience as well as conversations with others (who wish to remain anonymous) who also have had experience working with him.
From: _
Theun Mares wrote several books on the Toltec teachings, building upon Carlos Castaneda's books. From my personal experience, the Toltec teachings system works well as a practical structure for self-growth.
I know that Laura asked the C's once about a particular statement in one of Mares' books and they said that it is not true. While I am aware that the Cass material is not 100% accurate because of 'transmission errors' etc., this direct contradiction left me a bit suspicious about whether everything Theun Mares is saying is true.
The below answer appeared originally on the forum of Theun's website and was later published on another website. I find it interesting how openly he talks about the NWO, Big Brother, Codex Alimentarius and other pressing topics that are often avoided in spiritual or New Age circles. He even mentions "the real Dark Forces" that are behind the NWO people (whom he calls Old Sorcerers, as in those who practice black magic).