Toxic Heavy Metals Urine Test - Micro Trace Minerals

Got my results back. I did 2100mg of DMSA (no notable symptoms) and collected urine 2 hours later.

On the mineral side, Chromium and Vanadium didn't register, and Molybdenum and Cobalt where nearly nonexistent.

On the heavy metal side only Nickel was slightly high, but still in the green zone.
Other HM's that where detected but super low where: Arsenic, Barium, Cesium, Lead and Thallium.

I'm now wondering if I should have left collection for the 4 hours mark instead?


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RedFox said:
I'm now wondering if I should have left collection for the 4 hours mark instead?

Ideally, it should be after 6 hours of taking DMSA 15mg-30mg/kg.
Gaby said:
Ideally, it should be after 6 hours of taking DMSA 15mg-30mg/kg.

Thanks Gaby, I'll be ordering a new kit shortly.

I was a little surprised by the Nickel content, the C's where asked about this:
Q: (Joe) Andromeda and Chu and I had high levels of strontium which is supposedly a beneficial one. Um, well... Almost everybody had high levels of nickel. Is that from smoking?

A: No. Car exhaust and industrial chemicals not from cooking pots!

Q: (Joe) Do we get any negative metals like cadmium or cesium from smoking?

A: Some but those are generally easily detoxed.

Well, it may explain the inflammation some people can't seem to get rid of.
Nickel toxicity, specifically, was evaluated by researcheres at Michigan State University who found it presented a multi-tiered toxic attack. First, nickel causes essential metal imbalances. It severely disrupts enzyme action and regulation. Finally, it causes and contributes to a high amount of oxidative stress. [8]

Wiki says:
The average daily exposure does not pose a threat to human health. Most of the nickel absorbed every day by humans is removed by the kidneys and passed out of the body through urine or is eliminated through the gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed.

This made me wonder if rather than our bodies being loaded with Nickel, they where exposed to a daily source.
I remember when buying steal cookware I made sure to get the type that had low Nickel and was unlikely to leak it. So what if we have a source of poor quality steel coming into contact with food/drink daily? The only thing I could think of in common is the metal pipe in our water distillers. So I ordered a general heavy metal water testing kit and here are the results from a freshly distilled batch of water:


The test says it registers metals over 5 ppm. I have one of the large white (Water Wise) distillers. From the results it looks to be a mix of yellow/olive and orange, so potentially Nickel and either Mercury and/or Cadmium/Colbolt.

I guess this may not be the most accurate test, but it sure does make you wonder. I think I'll be breaking out the berkey filter and run a test on the water out of that too.


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I did the test a month ago and I started IV EDTA 300 mg. Next Wednesday it's going to be my third IV, the doctor told me that I am going to need 14 IVs. I should mention that a possible cause for my high levels of lead has to do with living relatively close to a metalurgic complex, and the fact that it has been proven that this company was the main culprit for children nearby having high levels of lead in their blood too.

I have joint pain, muscular weakness, rheumatoid arthritis, fatigue. Also last year I hurt my ankle and I am still in pain, I read in an article that injuries may not heal quickly with heavy metal toxicity

After two IV the pain in my knees has subsided. I did metabolic test three moths ago and the result showed a lot of oxidative stress despite of diet change and taking supplements, I think heavy metals are a huge problem. I am taking cofactor such as NAC, ALA,VITAMIN C, TRACE MINERALS, B COMPLEX,and doing infrared sauna.

I am going to attach the results, there are before the chelation agent and with the chelation agent.


I just got the results of my urine provocation test back.

So the results of the test show that I'm really high in lead and strontium, high in copper and borderline in nickel. It also shows that I'm low in molybdenum. Mercury doesn't seem to be an issue at all, which makes sense since I've never had any amalgams or had any kind of exposure I'm aware of, but I was surprised none the less since it was the highest reading on the EDS test I did a couple of months ago. Guess that makes the whole EDS testing thing a little dubious. I'm speculating the strontium is probably being pushed out of the bones due to lead, since I know it displaces calcium from the bones, but I'm not entirely sure.

I've been doing some basic chelation with a regiment of chlorella, activated charcoal and MCP for about a month now (attempting to address the gut as per the Chris Shade article mentioned here), but I haven't started any mobilizers yet, like iodine, cilantro or R-Lipoic Acid. I might continue on with this for a bit, then try out the mobilizers and see if I still get that metal taste in my mouth. If it's still there, I'll bring out the big guns - DMSA.
seek10 said:
Finally, I received my Doctors'data urine test results with 2grams of DMSA ( 30 mg/kg). Lead is too high, Barium and cesium on the edge.
I am not sure of the reasons. Probably, it is due to too much american spirit. I only smoke organic.
Whatever the reason, I think it's time to get back on to DMSA or probably EDTA.
I did one more toxic metal test after 8 or 9 rounds of DMSA and 6 months gap. Most metals reduced, Lead overload reduced to almost half though it is still more than reference, cesium didn't change (above reference) and Mercury increased for some reason(though food wise nothing changed) though well below the reference.

Metal Reference Mar-16 Oct-16
Cesium (Cs) <10 17 17
Lead (Pb) <2 21 12
Mercury (Hg) <4 0.5 1.2

I started doing EDTA for the last 2 weeks and hopefully I will reduce lead below the reference value soon.
Got my results some weeks ago, high levels of lead, aluminum and uranium (wonder how that one got there) and in lesser degree nickel and cadmium.

The chelation therapy that proved to be the fastest and most effective for my wife (after trying the oral ones) is the IV therapy (with EDTA) and I am scheduled to have these sessions ASAP. The problem is that there is no EDTA available for now at the clinic. I will report back what happened after 5 or 6 sessions. If the positive results are similar as hers, for her were life-changing, at least a bit, I'll be incredibly grateful.


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Got my results of the challenge test from Micro Trace Minerals today. The most are ok, but:

baseline urine norm test value (mcg/g Creatine)
Nickel < 3,000 4,354
Molybdaen 9,700 --- 100,000 1,716
Zinc 0,060 --- 0,780 1,706
Strontium < 200,000 386,228
Barium < 5,700 20,853

I did 2000mg of DMSA, 2000mg EDTA and 100mg DMPS and collected urine 2 hours later.
Seems that you guys and gals have a lot of heavy metals in you.

Nickel: A source of nickel you come in daily contact with is coinage. Another one is jewellery.

Copper: Water pipes is the obvious source. Fill your kettles from the COLD water tap only. There may also be some copper in your coinage.

Lead: If you are drinking water that comes off a roof, there may be lead flashings on the roof sealing the joins somewhere, especially on chimneys. Another source of lead is the lead weights used in curtains to make them hang better. Or you may be a fisherman, using lead sinkers. Most of the cheap brass fittings used in tapware contain some lead. If lead is a problem for you, consider upgrading to a more expensive lead-free tapware. Alternatively, allow your tap to flush a little before using the water.

Hey guys, I've been looking to do the urine test for a while but never got round to it. Joe created this thread in Feb 2016 and some of you only did the test recently. Joe suggested asking for a discount, do you think they'd still offer it now, a year later?

I've done 4 rounds of DMSA already, two days each, and weirdly enough I actually feel really good when I'm on it. The day after I stop it I end up depressed, brain-fogged and fatigued though but it goes away quickly.

I also did one 2-day round of EDTA and boy that was a real nightmare. I had a ridiculously intense headache that wouldn't go away for a month and I felt exhausted during the day and unable to sleep at night. EDTA crosses the brain-blood barrier and I was scared I moved all the horrible stuff from where it was stored to much worse locations, like my brain (hence the headaches?).

It looks like this test requires taking EDTA, I'm going to have to brace myself for this! At the end of the day I have a Mon-Fri job to go to so I need my little brain fully operational!

seek10 said:
seek10 said:
Finally, I received my Doctors'data urine test results with 2grams of DMSA ( 30 mg/kg). Lead is too high, Barium and cesium on the edge.
I am not sure of the reasons. Probably, it is due to too much american spirit. I only smoke organic.
Whatever the reason, I think it's time to get back on to DMSA or probably EDTA.
I did one more toxic metal test after 8 or 9 rounds of DMSA and 6 months gap. Most metals reduced, Lead overload reduced to almost half though it is still more than reference, cesium didn't change (above reference) and Mercury increased for some reason(though food wise nothing changed) though well below the reference.

Metal Reference Mar-16 Oct-16
Cesium (Cs) <10 17 17
Lead (Pb) <2 21 12
Mercury (Hg) <4 0.5 1.2

I started doing EDTA for the last 2 weeks and hopefully I will reduce lead below the reference value soon.

So it looks like DMSA itself does help with lead too. Good, EDTA scares me BIG time.
Altair said:
Got my results of the challenge test from Micro Trace Minerals today. The most are ok, but:

baseline urine norm test value (mcg/g Creatine)
Nickel < 3,000 4,354
Molybdaen 9,700 --- 100,000 1,716
Zinc 0,060 --- 0,780 1,706
Strontium < 200,000 386,228
Barium < 5,700 20,853

I did 2000mg of DMSA, 2000mg EDTA and 100mg DMPS and collected urine 2 hours later.

I did it as well recently with 1500mg of DMSA, 2000mg EDTA and 100mg DMPS and collected urine 2 hours later. My results are ok as well, exept:

Zinc 0,060 --- 0,780 1,859
Lead >5000 19,247
Copper 1450 --- 60,000 247,769

Since I used a glass bowl to collect the urine and cooked it beforehand with tab water (to make it sterile), it could be that the result could be from the tab water as well and not from my body. I guess if I do it again somewhere down the line I should use a unused plastic cup (which wasn't available).
Pashalis said:
Altair said:
Got my results of the challenge test from Micro Trace Minerals today. The most are ok, but:

baseline urine norm test value (mcg/g Creatine)
Nickel < 3,000 4,354
Molybdaen 9,700 --- 100,000 1,716
Zinc 0,060 --- 0,780 1,706
Strontium < 200,000 386,228
Barium < 5,700 20,853

I did 2000mg of DMSA, 2000mg EDTA and 100mg DMPS and collected urine 2 hours later.

I did it as well recently with 1500mg of DMSA, 2000mg EDTA and 100mg DMPS and collected urine 2 hours later. My results are ok as well, exept:

Zinc 0,060 --- 0,780 1,859
Lead >5000 19,247
Copper 1450 --- 60,000 247,769

Since I used a glass bowl to collect the urine and cooked it beforehand with tab water (to make it sterile), it could be that the result could be from the tab water as well and not from my body. I guess if I do it again somewhere down the line I should use a unused plastic cup (which wasn't available).

Since a colleague of mine did it the same way (only without the cooking part), at the same time, and the lead and copper was in the normal range, I deduct that it could be from my body.
Pashalis said:
Since a colleague of mine did it the same way (only without the cooking part), at the same time, and the lead and copper was in the normal range, I deduct that it could be from my body.

Was the bowl dried before you used it? If glass was the only material, the test could reflect your true load. Is the local water known to be rich in copper?

Perhaps you work with copper materials on a regular basis?
Gaby said:
[...]Was the bowl dried before you used it? If glass was the only material, the test could reflect your true load. Is the local water known to be rich in copper?

Perhaps you work with copper materials on a regular basis?

Yes I dried it with a paper towel, but there is a possibility that is was still wet. I couldn't find a reference if the local water has copper in it. It could also come from the pipes I guess. At least the warm water goes through a copper pipe in the house.

My drinking water is also from the tap water (filtered through).

In work there isn't much - none copper used.
Pashalis said:
Yes I dried it with a paper towel, but there is a possibility that is was still wet. I couldn't find a reference if the local water has copper in it. It could also come from the pipes I guess. At least the warm water goes through a copper pipe in the house.

My drinking water is also from the tap water (filtered through).

In work there isn't much - none copper used.

Perhaps you can write to the lab asking for feedback. Would trace amounts of water in a glass bowl change the readings?

If the levels are reflecting your true load and you can't nail a copper exposure, it could be a metabolic imbalance like pyroluria. Although you don't seem to fit the profile of pyroluria (i.e. no zinc deficiency), we have a thread on that in the forum and there is a questionnaire on the Mood Cure book that you can check out to see if you can relate to it.

Do you take a supplement that could contain copper? Sometimes copper is added to a supplement and they just list it in small letters in the ingredient list.
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