Toxic Heavy Metals Urine Test - Micro Trace Minerals

Hey Zar, I wanted to add my 'thank you' for writing up the summary of the videos. I'm a bookworm type so I learn better through reading than through listening or watching videos so it was really helpful for me personally. :flowers:

Though DMSA is not the more accurate test for heavy metals I did a test a few weeks ago and forgot to post my results so here they are.

According to DMSA test I'm relatively heavy in lead with is a surprise. So I've started the DMSA protocol and will maybe update later.

I haven't done the heavy metal test yet but apparently EDTA is better to chelate lead than DMSA. The latter works better for mercury. Here's a post where this was mentioned (among other places): Detoxification: Heavy Metals, Mercury and how to get rid of them

I've done around 10 rounds of DMSA and I feel surprisingly well on it, with hardly any negative symptoms. EDTA on the other hand gave me massive headaches that lasted for two weeks after I stopped taking it. I also felt really bad, nauseous and exhausted for a long time.

This led me to conclude I may have high levels of lead in my body. I won't know for sure until I do the test but I was wondering whether you have taken EDTA? If yes, what symptoms did you get?

Is this your first round of DMSA? I hope it goes well for you and you get some of that nasty stuff out quickly!
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I haven't done the heavy metal test yet but apparently EDTA is better to chelate lead than DMSA. The latter works better for mercury. Here's a post where this was mentioned (among other places): Detoxification: Heavy Metals, Mercury and how to get rid of them

I've done around 10 rounds of DMSA and I feel surprisingly well on it, with hardly any negative symptoms. EDTA on the other hand gave me massive headaches that lasted for two weeks after I stopped taking it. I also felt really bad, nauseous and exhausted for a long time.

This led me to conclude I may have high levels of lead in my body. I won't know for sure until I do the test but I was wondering whether you have taken EDTA? If yes, what symptoms did you get?

Is this your first round of DMSA? I hope it goes well for you and you get some of that nasty stuff out quickly!

Hey Ant,

Thanks for the link, I had read it but forgotten it's there. Very useful information.

I have read that EDTA is better for lead than DMSA but I was under the assumption that DMSA would still remove lead just that it's not as effective. Though what happened with you seems like your 10 rounds of DMSA didn't remove a significant amount of lead. I'm wondering if the effectiveness of EDTA vs DMSA may vary with people or if DMSA just doesn't go near lead. I'd like to have more info but so far I started my first round yesterday so I don't have much to report, meaning I'm feeling fine so the DMSA may not do an adequate job of removing the lead(so far).

If I feel nothing for the first/second round then I'll switch over to EDTA and deal with the horribleness that it'll probably bring (not looking forward to it:scared:).
I've been wondering about the EDTA as well but am kind of nervous about taking it as it seems much harder on the body. The DMSA seems to move out the lead or it wouldn't have shown up in my urine provocation. I don't know if that's an erroneous assumption or not but since there was a lot of lead in the urine it seems to have pulled out some. I seem to remember reading that the DMSA has preference for certain heavy metals and doesn't pull them out at at the same rate but once some are cleared they grab others, like mercury first? Perhaps after I've done several more rounds of DMSA I can get a hair and/or blood analysis done? Input in this regard from others is welcome.
Hey Ant,

Thanks for the link, I had read it but forgotten it's there. Very useful information.

I have read that EDTA is better for lead than DMSA but I was under the assumption that DMSA would still remove lead just that it's not as effective. Though what happened with you seems like your 10 rounds of DMSA didn't remove a significant amount of lead. I'm wondering if the effectiveness of EDTA vs DMSA may vary with people or if DMSA just doesn't go near lead. I'd like to have more info but so far I started my first round yesterday so I don't have much to report, meaning I'm feeling fine so the DMSA may not do an adequate job of removing the lead(so far).

If I feel nothing for the first/second round then I'll switch over to EDTA and deal with the horribleness that it'll probably bring (not looking forward to it:scared:).

Thanks for your reply Zar. According the Wikipedia page on chelation, DMSA does remove both lead and mercury, while EDTA is used specifically for lead poisoning: Chelation therapy - Wikipedia Other sources I found consistently say the same thing.

I asked the above question becuase I wanted to compare your EDTA symptoms with mine. I did have a very strong reaction to it and if you had told me that yours was similar, this would point me towards lead toxicity being something I should address. Of course there's a strong chance EDTA itself just didn't agree with me. Especially that DMSA does remove lead so it must have pushed some out of my body, yet I feel OK using DMSA.

Since your test showed quite a high amount of lead in your body, do you have any of the lead poisoning symptoms?

Here's a shortcut to a list in case it's useful: Lead poisoning - Symptoms and causes

Also, do you take iodine? It removes heavy metals too so if you do your high lead levels are surprising. On the other hand, it can take years for them to be removed and the world we live in is committed to ensuring an ongoing supply. :umm:

I've been wondering about the EDTA as well but am kind of nervous about taking it as it seems much harder on the body. The DMSA seems to move out the lead or it wouldn't have shown up in my urine provocation. I don't know if that's an erroneous assumption or not but since there was a lot of lead in the urine it seems to have pulled out some. I seem to remember reading that the DMSA has preference for certain heavy metals and doesn't pull them out at at the same rate but once some are cleared they grab others, like mercury first? Perhaps after I've done several more rounds of DMSA I can get a hair and/or blood analysis done? Input in this regard from others is welcome.

Hey Bluefyre, I can't give you any definite answers but DMSA does remove more than just mercury, I provided a link in my response to Zar above.

It is necessary to remineralise right after each round of DMSA. I normally feel OK during the round but sluggish and sleepy for a day or two afterwards, which I guess is evidence that minerals have been removed and it's important to put them back in.

Others may be able to offer more feedback, but IMO if you are concerned about EDTA I think sticking with DMSA would remove lead too, although at a slower pace than with EDTA.

A hair/blood analysis would be a good idea to get a clearer picture of your progress but assessing the improvement in your symptoms is probably a useful indication of what's going on in your body as well.
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Goes in-depth into the extracellular matrix, which the lymph and plasma fluid plays an important role. Metals causes the extracellular fluid to coagulate and thicken. One of the best ways to develop the membranes attached to this matrix is to supplement with phosphatidyl choline.

Wow! There's apparently no correlation between poor methylators, someone with MTHFR mutations and high demethylators of methyl-mercury. He's measured the levels for people who have severe C677T polymorphisms and found almost no traces of mercury in their test results. It wasn't until they worked through the poor methylation issues and cleared up diet, EMF sensitivities, etc. did mercury actually start to show up on the test results. So for whatever reason, if someone has active polymorphisms, mercury holds up in tissue to the point of being almost unreadable in urine and blood tests.

Thanks for the summary Turgon - this may explain why I do well with phosphatidyl choline, and may partially explain why my results in this thread (despite loading with DMSA) resulted in low results on all trace metals. Guess I'd need to focus on phase 3 and the MTHFR in order to detox properly.

Thanks for your reply Zar. According the Wikipedia page on chelation, DMSA does remove both lead and mercury, while EDTA is used specifically for lead poisoning: Chelation therapy - Wikipedia Other sources I found consistently say the same thing.

I asked the above question becuase I wanted to compare your EDTA symptoms with mine. I did have a very strong reaction to it and if you had told me that yours was similar, this would point me towards lead toxicity being something I should address. Of course there's a strong chance EDTA itself just didn't agree with me. Especially that DMSA does remove lead so it must have pushed some out of my body, yet I feel OK using DMSA.

Yah sorry, I don't have enough experience with EDTA or DMSA yet to give you an informed opinion. Do you think you're still heavy in led? You probably already know this but getting a heavy metal test is probably be the best way to check your levels.

Since your test showed quite a high amount of lead in your body, do you have any of the lead poisoning symptoms?

Here's a shortcut to a list in case it's useful: Lead poisoning - Symptoms and causes

Well now that you mention it and give me this neat list to follow I think I qualify on two of these symptoms.

Sluggishness and fatigue - You're probably well aware that I was very fatigued all the time before NO, prob had chronic fatigue syndrome. I don't have it anymore so I'm not sure if that was led or my own nervous system due to trauma(or both). I've been able to easily sleep for 10 hours a day if I had the time throughout most of my life. The thing is since NO seems to have taken care of it, I'm not sure if it was the led or my own NS, or maybe I still have the led but my brain has worked around the led to restore my fatigue levels.

Difficulties with memory or concentration - I definitely have this symptom, and have had it for a long time. Aside from a lack of concentration and general trouble with memory(though I think my long term memory fluctuates, and is getting worse that my early 20s). It's not constant but throughout the years at odd times of the day(not sure when it started, early teens maybe) I seem to forget certain things. Like simple things/words/memories/people even though I know the thing that I'm currently forgetting i.e. at bluefyre's place, the other week, I forgot the word for "child health services" or I once forgot my memories of an entire person whom I worked with for several years. It was the oddest thing because I "knew" her at some level but couldn't recall her name or any memory of her(she wasn't very pleased to say the least). This still persists today and is a problem because it happens at random times, and sometimes I forget things while working and end up causing hours spent on fixing my problems. The oddest thing is that now a days I'm sometimes aware at some level of what it is I'm not registering(other times I'm not aware) but I can't seem to make the connection to that part of my consciousness. Like my left and right hemisphere's misfire at odd times or something. Might be two separate issues mixed into one troubling symptom.

So yes I do have these symptoms that I'm aware of and I'm hoping this detox will help, especially with the second one. Did you have symptoms? and did any of them go away after the protocol?

Also, do you take iodine? It removes heavy metals too so if you do your high lead levels are surprising. On the other hand, it can take years for them to be removed and the world we live in is committed to ensuring an ongoing supply. :umm:

The thing is I've been taking iodine since a last january(2016) and somewhat maintained it. Lately I think my level's have dropped so I've upped the dosage. And I agree, I was very surprised that I have these high levels of led. I assumed I had something but I though it would be mercury or alluminum. Bluefyre also has basically the same led levels so we were thinking it might be the west coast of canada but I've seen enough evidence that led is everywhere.
Thanks for the summary Turgon - this may explain why I do well with phosphatidyl choline, and may partially explain why my results in this thread (despite loading with DMSA) resulted in low results on all trace metals. Guess I'd need to focus on phase 3 and the MTHFR in order to detox properly.

If you have some active mutations, then yeah, it seems like taking the DMSA may not have been very effective. The key seems to be getting the metals into the bloodstream and then taking the DMSA to chelate it out. So I wonder if for some people, going the gentle but long road is the way to go as in not actively looking to detox, but strengthening all the pathways and working towards better overall stability and health, and over time, what needs to be released will start to release of its own accord. Dr. K talked about that in his book Why Isn't My Brain Working? where he didn't recommend his clients try detoxing, but many of them were in pretty serious decline already, so that's particular to their conditions.

But stress increases tension and causes all sorts of dangerous cytokines and inflammatory markers which causes people to 'hold on tight' to whatever toxins, emotional and otherwise, that are in the body, as Dr. Shade said, preventing people from detoxing. So like with breathing, when you start deep breathing and allowing yourself and your body to release tensions of all kinds, usually buried emotions and memories will start to surface that can be processed and let go of. I wonder if heavy metals works on the same principle and those pesky mutations put a lot of roadblocks in the way.

I'm just wondering how you know the phosphatidyl choline helps, and in what ways? This article says developing the extracellular matrix has been linked with the myelination of the peripheral nervous system, which would be very beneficial!
But stress increases tension and causes all sorts of dangerous cytokines and inflammatory markers which causes people to 'hold on tight' to whatever toxins, emotional and otherwise, that are in the body, as Dr. Shade said, preventing people from detoxing. So like with breathing, when you start deep breathing and allowing yourself and your body to release tensions of all kinds, usually buried emotions and memories will start to surface that can be processed and let go of. I wonder if heavy metals works on the same principle and those pesky mutations put a lot of roadblocks in the way.

I'm just wondering how you know the phosphatidyl choline helps, and in what ways? This article says developing the extracellular matrix has been linked with the myelination of the peripheral nervous system, which would be very beneficial!

Phosphatidyl choline helped quite a lot with reducing nerve over/hyper sensitivity, along with methylcobalamin B12 for neurological healing mention here: MTHFR mutations

Gaba plays an important role in detoxification because it's the inhibitory factor to glutamate's excitation. And a lot of toxins glob onto glutamate receptors including mercury. So the more that's activated, it creates free radicals as well as anxiety and low-level inflammation while keeping the brain in a sympathetic fight and flight tone. When in that state it's impossible for the body to detoxify.

Interesting, because I found Lithium Orotate very helpful, and it works by (I'm paraphrasing from memory) re-balancing the brains glutamate system, as well as helping B12 be utilized properly because things like mercury can oxidize it.

- Enterohepatic circulation of mercury is happening in the gut while the body is trying to detox itself. As mercury loaded glutathione enters the GI track through the bile the glutathione disintegrates and allows the re-absorption of the mercury. Because of this circulation it takes a long time to get rid of mercury (and I'm assuming other heavy metals as well). Need to use specific binder that grab the metals before they are reabsorbed, he mentions asialate and cilica.

Additionally I will add, that I've noticed having a low level painful (inflamed) gut near the liver over the years, especially when trying to detox. I concluded long ago that my liver was detoxing something, and that something was inflaming the gut (and possibly being re-absorbed).
So that would potentially tie up those observations.

On the note of stress/tension, the Healing Developmental Trauma book has been a god send in this regard, above and beyond anything else. I won't get into it on this thread, but it has allowed me to understand and then relax and let go of emotional things.

Funny how this all ties together to that last step (Phase 3) of letting go of toxins, and detoxing without them being re-absorbed (without being re-traumatized by emotions that come up).

Going to dig into all this, and see what I can do about a slow and steady detox.
Additionally I will add, that I've noticed having a low level painful (inflamed) gut near the liver over the years, especially when trying to detox. I concluded long ago that my liver was detoxing something, and that something was inflaming the gut (and possibly being re-absorbed).
I would just add that this sounds a lot like hepatic cholestasis. Basically, when bile flow and expulsion (in otherwords, phase 3) is diminished.

Phosphatidyl choline is something which can sort this out, especially when taken alongside bitters such as dandelion, milk thistle, etc. However, it is also determined by the methylation status.
I find coffee enemas help, especially during the 3 days of DMSA. I have a tendency towards gallstone and could really feel some after the first round so I did the gallstone flush and passed some stones the size of the digit of my little finger. I'm also taking chlorella to mop up what my kidneys don't catch as well as herbs for kidney support. The phsophatidyal choline link is interesting as I take liposomal vitamin C regularly as well. I've experienced severe and chronic insomnia for most of my adult life. I attributed it to hypervigilance and NO and all the trauma work has helped somewhat but has not resolved completely. So after the second round of DMSA I've had four nights of deep 8 hours of sleep, only waking once during the night and then going right back to sleep. Amazing! I feel almost human after these nights and can think much more clearly.

Turgon, thanks for the link to the book Why My Brain Isn't Working. I wasn't aware of it and will be ordering shortly. Another to add to my reading list!
My own results for the heavy metals DMSA provocation test are here. High for Lead and Mercury. Currently I'm using liposomal glutathione and a B vitamin/folate supplement to help detox. I'm considering incorporating DMSA itself into the protocol, as it is obviously getting stuff out.


Additionally, for those of you who are looking into heavy metal detoxification to fix brain issues, recently I've grown more interested in a compound called sulforaphane. Dr Rhonda Patrick speaks often about it, and very favorably. It directly improves phase 2 detoxification, and increases cellular glutathione. Interestingly enough, this effect was even observed in brain tissue as well, with effects ranging from improving memory to decreasing symptoms of autism, alzheimer's, and learning impairment in schizophrenia . It can be found in cruciferous vegetables, with the highest concentrations in broccoli sprouts (steamed at 70 celsius for 10 minutes, but no higher or longer). I found a comprehensive list of the other documented benefits here:
39 Sulforaphane Benefits, Foods, Supplements + Broccoli Sprouts - Selfhacked
@Ant22 I'm going to try taking EDTA in several weeks and I'll let you know how that works but I'm wondering how much EDTA did you take when you experienced that horrible episode?
I'm doing a bit of research and the recommended dosage I'm finding varies, some say 2-3 capsules a day for 5-10 days, with some rest days afterwards, and others say other amounts. It seems a little odd that you had such a horrible experience, and I'm hoping you didn't take too much or you reacted to some other substances that were removed along with heavy metals, but I still wrapping my head around this.

And also did you have symptoms that have improved after the whole ordeal?
Hey Zar, so here I am, replying very unfashionably late :-[

Yah sorry, I don't have enough experience with EDTA or DMSA yet to give you an informed opinion. Do you think you're still heavy in led? You probably already know this but getting a heavy metal test is probably be the best way to check your levels.

Yeah, I realise that. But the "always something" syndrome (which seems to be life's default setting) gets in the way and other expenses become a priority. I was actually going to buy a water distiller this month. :whistle:

I guess I should finally do it though. Comparing symptoms when there are so many other variables in the picture isn't going to get me far.

Well now that you mention it and give me this neat list to follow I think I qualify on two of these symptoms.

Sluggishness and fatigue - You're probably well aware that I was very fatigued all the time before NO, prob had chronic fatigue syndrome. I don't have it anymore so I'm not sure if that was led or my own nervous system due to trauma(or both). I've been able to easily sleep for 10 hours a day if I had the time throughout most of my life. The thing is since NO seems to have taken care of it, I'm not sure if it was the led or my own NS, or maybe I still have the led but my brain has worked around the led to restore my fatigue levels.

This is really interesting, I could actually write the above paragraph myself. In fact, I actually did write something similar here. All this time I was convinced the issue was physical toxicity and food intolerances and then NO happened and sorted a huge chunk of it out. I'm still not 100% super, which makes me wonder whether it is a combination of toxicity and neurological issues, or I simply need more NO.

So there is in fact a similarity of symptoms between us, I'm glad I asked then. :-)

The difference is that for me, fatigue issues started around a year after I became vegetarian. Due to the delay I didn't link them to the diet and kept going as a vegetarian for another 12 years - despite my condition continuously deteriorating throughout that time. :ohboy:

When I finally found this forum and read through the Vegetarian Stance thread I was hoping that reintroducing meat was going to solve the problem. Yet it was only an incremental improvement rather than a drastic change. I had good and bad days but the problem never really disappeared. I have the MTHFR mutation and I've had digestive issues since the age of 4, at least this is when they first appeared in my medical record, and there's likely more at play that I am yet to discover.

Difficulties with memory or concentration - I definitely have this symptom, and have had it for a long time. Aside from a lack of concentration and general trouble with memory(though I think my long term memory fluctuates, and is getting worse that my early 20s). It's not constant but throughout the years at odd times of the day(not sure when it started, early teens maybe) I seem to forget certain things. Like simple things/words/memories/people even though I know the thing that I'm currently forgetting i.e. at bluefyre's place, the other week, I forgot the word for "child health services" or I once forgot my memories of an entire person whom I worked with for several years. It was the oddest thing because I "knew" her at some level but couldn't recall her name or any memory of her(she wasn't very pleased to say the least). This still persists today and is a problem because it happens at random times, and sometimes I forget things while working and end up causing hours spent on fixing my problems. The oddest thing is that now a days I'm sometimes aware at some level of what it is I'm not registering(other times I'm not aware) but I can't seem to make the connection to that part of my consciousness. Like my left and right hemisphere's misfire at odd times or something. Might be two separate issues mixed into one troubling symptom.

So yes I do have these symptoms that I'm aware of and I'm hoping this detox will help, especially with the second one.

I can somewhat related to that too Zar. A couple of years ago I was at a point where I was literally losing track of conversations. Half way through a sentence I would blank out what the conversation was about and I'd state at the person in front of me as they were waiting for me to answer. I had to take naps in the bathroom at work. I would go to sleep at 8pm on Friday and I could sleep until 3pm on Saturday and still wake up exhausted. My profession is very client facing and client focused so I was terrified I would lose my job.

It was 2013/14 and it was in the middle of that constant brain fog that I started reading The Wave. Coincidentally, when I started NO sessions I began to read it again. There is a thread here on the forum about deformed skulls and I was really interested in that topic. So imagine my shock when I was re-reading early chapters of The Wave and noticed that the very same topic was discussed there. I did have a wee bit of a breakdown. Just how much did I really get out of those books if I'd completely forgotten such huge chunks of the content?

I've almost finished the last book of the series now and my memory seems to be much better. The difference is that before, when my brain was mostly struggling to stay awake, I had an overall feeling or impression of what I read. I got the gist of it but I wasn't able to repeat what I read or remember and recall the details. This time around I noticed that I can recall the whole process and explain it to others in a manner that doesn't have holes in it and isn't just a general gist of an idea.

That said, like you, I too sometimes catch myself forgetting words, both in English and in Polish. During my recent holiday back home we had a chat about mercury and I just couldn't recall what it was called in Polish. Luckily someone spoke English was was able to help me out. I guess that's just yet another sign that there's still work to be done but it doesn't terrify me anymore.

Do you think the memory and fatigue issues are connected in your case? As my own fatigue problems began to get better my memory significantly improved too so there most likely is a link in my case.

I do hope your health will improve Zar. Heck, if I dragged myself out of that hole there must be a way for you too! There was a time not so long ago when I was convinced that I was a lost cause. That my health was at a stage where there was no hope for improvement and the answers I searched for came way too late.

But hey, here I am, plodding along and reporting improvements :knitting:

The thing is I've been taking iodine since a last january(2016) and somewhat maintained it. Lately I think my level's have dropped so I've upped the dosage. And I agree, I was very surprised that I have these high levels of led. I assumed I had something but I though it would be mercury or alluminum. Bluefyre also has basically the same led levels so we were thinking it might be the west coast of canada but I've seen enough evidence that led is everywhere.

I have been taking iodine since December 2015 so only a month longer than you. It was said in the iodine thread that it can take years to detox heavy metals. I guess 2-3 years may not be enough. If my reaction to EDTA means that my lead levels are high too, it may be due to the fact that it used to be added to paint when I was little. I guess I do have to finally get the test done.

@Ant22 I'm going to try taking EDTA in several weeks and I'll let you know how that works but I'm wondering how much EDTA did you take when you experienced that horrible episode?

I'm doing a bit of research and the recommended dosage I'm finding varies, some say 2-3 capsules a day for 5-10 days, with some rest days afterwards, and others say other amounts. It seems a little odd that you had such a horrible experience, and I'm hoping you didn't take too much or you reacted to some other substances that were removed along with heavy metals, but I still wrapping my head around this.?

I don't remember how much I took but I normally start new supplements on low doses so it couldn't have been a lot. I normally go for half of the recommended amount and increase it from there. My dose of DMSA was initially quite low too but I was able to quickly increase it. To the point I took more than the recommended amount per kilogram of body weight, and yet I felt OK.

And also did you have symptoms that have improved after the whole ordeal?

Actually yes. Each round of DMSA came with some sluggishness for a day or two until I remineralised properly but after that I felt more alert and awake. Which, as you can imagine, was an improvement that felt like a light at the end of the tunnel.

Also, I have hemochromatosis and from my late teens I had quite high iron levels and really severe tummy aches. Doctors somehow failed to out those two symptoms together and I only did a test for hemochromatosis a couple to years ago when I finally gave up on them and decided to help myself.

Tummy aches kick in when my iron levels are on the higher end of the spectrum, but still within the acceptable range. I suspect DMSA removes iron along with other junk. I took it when my tummy started to play up and each time it ended the symptoms successfully. Apparently fatigue is also a symptom of hemochromatosis so no wonder I felt more awake after DMSA, although the improvement was not as noticable and intense as the results I got from NO.

I think this whole fatigue business is a complex issue really. I'll see if there's a thread about it here as I wouldn't like to kidnap the discussion more than I already have.

For me the biggest change was meat and fat rich diet, no gluten, NeurOptimal, Quinton water, melatonin and intermittent fasting. The last one was really huge and probably just as important as NO. I can't handle long-term keto diet, I'm a skinny girl and the thought of losing any more fat scares me. But intermittent fasting puts our bodies into short term ketosis and it really works for me. I bought keto strips and they show ketone levels close to the top of the range daily. I follow the protocol Renaissance described here and there's only been a couple of days when I cheated. It was meant to help with skin issues but I ended up getting some ricochet improvement as well.

Do keep us posted on your progress Zar, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for your progress. :hug2:
Detox EDTA

Here’s a snapshot of my EDTA detox, from February 2015 to April 2017, hopefully it will be useful to others to see what to expect with levels of heavy metals. i.e. lead being high, then going low, then high again.
The first urine reading for May 2015 is without provocation, the 2nd is after provocation.
Cadmium and Nickel were high even without provocation (cigarette smoking? Environmental exposure?) I live in an urban(between downtown and suburbs) environment.
The hair analysis is interesting for the ratios (at the bottom) Perhaps I am taking too much salt years after transitioning into keto and supplementing with magnesium.
The reason for the break(Feb vs. May) between the hair analysis and the EDTA provocations is that the doctor wanted to test my liver function before doing the IV EDTA.
I plan in going back soon and doing another hair analysis, and pre and post IV EDTA urine testing.
ref. refers to reference range, bolded elements refer to those that are still high, urine analysis is in umg/gr (micrograms per gram)

HAIR 2/2015 ref. Level URINE ref. 5/15 5/15 11/15 6/16 4/17
mercury 1 0.25 mercury <3 0 4.7 5.8 1.1 2
lead 1 1.57 over lead <2 0.7 46 13 9.7 22
cadmium 0.1 0.04 cadmium <0.8 1.1 7.5 8 4.3 7.5
arsenic 1 0.12 arsenic <75 6.4 8.8 28 7.9 24
aluminum 10 3.31 aluminum <25 0 130 150 98 130
antimony 1 0.12 antimony <0.2 0 0.2 0 0 0
barium 1.5 0.57 barium <75 51 57 12 140 8.2
beryllium 0.05 0.001 beryllium <1 0 0 0 0 0
nickel 0.15-1 1.165 over nickel <8 10 16 11 11 21
bismuth <1 0 bismuth <2 0 0 0 0 0
palladium <1 0.013 palladium <0.1 0 0 0 0 0
platinum <1 0.001 platinum <0.1 0 0 0 0 0
thalium <1 0 thallium <0.5 0.2 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.4
uranium <1.5 0.013 uranium <0.03 0 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2
tungsten <2 0.003 tungsten <0.4 0 0 0 0 0
tin <2 0.151 tin <4 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.5
cesium <9 4.5 11 9.2 12 12
gadoiinium <0.5 0 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3
tellurium <0.5 0 0 0 0 0
thorium <0.03 0 0 0 0 0
creatinine 45-230 58.4 25.6 33.1 50.2 69.6

Urine testing ends here, hair analysis continues
calcium 200-630 463
magnesium 18-78 54
sulphur 35000-50000 35505
silicon 15-80 29
boron 0.5-3.5 16.46 over
phosphorus 125-360 159.4
strontium 0.8-6.0 2.3
mainly electrolyte
potassium 10.0-80.0 106 over
sodium 25-180 200.4 over

mainly cofactor
zinc 140-200 141.5
copper 12.0-35.0 12.1
iron 6.0-15.0 8.1
selenium 0.8-2 0.79 under?
chromium 0.2-1.2 0.43
manganese 0.2-0.8 0.27
nickel 0.15-1.0 1.165 over
vanadium 0.01-0.15 0.005 under
monlybdenum.03-0.15 0.024 under
cobalt .02-0.2 0 .016 under

other elements
bismuth <1 0
palladium <1 0.013
platinum <1 0.001
silver <1 0.017
thalium <1 0
uranium <1.5 0.013
tungsten <2 0.003
germanium <0.8 0.086
lithium <0.1 0.015
tin <2 0.151
zirconium <0.4 0.083
lanthenum <0.05 0.09 over
carium <0.05 0.134 over

significant ratios
ca:mg 4.0-20.0 8.6
ca:p 1.5-7 2.9
ca:k 9.4-135 4.4 calcium:potassium(high)
ca:na 3.8-44 2.3 calcium:sodium(high)

ca:fe 21-109 57
na:k 2.0-4 1.9 sodium(high):potassium
na:mg 0.2-2.2 3.7 sodium(high):magnesium

zn:cu 4.0-17 11.7
fe:cu 0.2-1.5 0.7
ca:pb >84 295
fe:pb >4.4 5.2
fe:hg >22 33
se:hg >1.0 3.21
zn:hg >200 573
zn:cd >800 3724
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