Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

With the never before seen stats at COMEX and LBMA, threat of tariffs, Trump push for lower dollar, Fed to keep interest rates low, push to increase the debt limit a couple of trill more, resulting inflation impacts, etc., there has been renewed speculation that there may be a plan and race to officially revalue gold to shore up national finances and that it would only take an executive action by Trump to revalue gold on the books ($41 USD still??) to much more than the manipulated price of $2,800ish to suddenly have a couple trillion more in the government coffer depending on how much the official revaluation (we are talking in the 10s of thousands if they are after making a dent in the national debt or much less but still impressive if they want money for current and near future needs).

Heard such speculation over the decades but with quickdraw Trump at the helm, it could possibly really happen if not already entertained in his secret meetings.
The more I think of Trump's Gaza idea, the more it seems to me to be terrible. I still think he had a strategy of sorts that included - even if as a side effect only - saving Palestinian lives. But as I said before, it is not a very well thought strategy. It's sloppy and shallow, and it looks like he counts on the details sorting themselves out, when the whole world (except perhaps Israel) is against it. Rather than turning Gaza into a 'riviera' paradise, he is inviting a situation that can go as far as a regional war. There are a few other pessimists (realists?) out there, like Colonel McGregor:

and George Galloway:

Benz seems pretty cautious in his outlook for the situation and the actions of DOGE. On the one hand he's pleased that the material is being released. On the other, he acknowledges that it's very risky and is concerned about how things will unfold.
I've only listened to the first half of Tucker's interview with Benz, but I was a bit surprised by how almost naive and apologetic Benz was regarding the Deep State's reasons for meddling with other countries and spreading depravity. He made it sound like the only reasons for these 'color revolutions' and other schemes are to further the US Deep State's influence, power and wealth all over the world, and that sometimes it might be justified. I got the impression that he's not knowledgeable of psychopathology and certainly not other-dimensional evil manipulations. As I see it, the reason for them spreading/imposing depravity is not only to destabilize other nations (also their own population) to have more power and control, but they're also doing it because these peeps (psychopaths etc.) enjoy depravity and spreading it (creating their own 'paradise'), enjoy seeing others fall from grace and participate in Sodom and Gomorrah type of activities, enjoy braking down traditional family values and morality and so on. Maybe one could say that some of the Deep State peeps are basically 'satanists' who like to spread their evil as much as they can.

While I appreciate the work Benz is doing, to me it appears that he's missing the spiritual and psychopathological context of what's going on, and he migh be in for a rude awakening.
I've only listened to the first half of Tucker's interview with Benz, but I was a bit surprised by how almost naive and apologetic Benz was regarding the Deep State's reasons for meddling with other countries and spreading depravity. He made it sound like the only reasons for these 'color revolutions' and other schemes are to further the US Deep State's influence, power and wealth all over the world, and that sometimes it might be justified. I got the impression that he's not knowledgeable of psychopathology and certainly not other-dimensional evil manipulations. As I see it, the reason for them spreading/imposing depravity is not only to destabilize other nations (also their own population) to have more power and control, but they're also doing it because these peeps (psychopaths etc.) enjoy depravity and spreading it (creating their own 'paradise'), enjoy seeing others fall from grace and participate in Sodom and Gomorrah type of activities, enjoy braking down traditional family values and morality and so on. Maybe one could say that some of the Deep State peeps are basically 'satanists' who like to spread their evil as much as they can.

While I appreciate the work Benz is doing, to me it appears that he's missing the spiritual and psychopathological context of what's going on, and he migh be in for a rude awakening.

I was also a bit taken aback watching what Benz said there.
The document storage facility that Musk talked about is located near Butler, Pennsylvania where the assassination attempt was made. The original Iron Mountain is in the Hudson Valley of NY.

Data depository: Today, the Iron Mountain information-storage company has more than 140,000 corporate clients around the globe. But the firm got its start 60 years ago in an underground bunker in Germantown.

These days, Iron Mountain, an information management services company based in Boston, has three main functions: record management, data protection, and information destruction (that’s shredding to you and me). But it was a different world when the company was first launched in 1951. At that time, the threat of nuclear war permeated all aspects of everyday life. Savvy mushroom farmer Herman Knaust saw a business opportunity, and turned his underground farm in Germantown into a bunker to store business records. “When it first opened it was mainly oil companies and banks,” says Randy Crego, general manager of Iron Mountain’s New York metro market. “It was outside the blast zone of New York City. The game plan was that, when the ICBMs were headed toward New York, the top executives would be flown up to Germantown where they could hole up underground and ride out the storm.” In fact, through the early 1970s, companies like Exxon and Shell would send their executives there on an annual basis to stay in underground apartments. “Exxon was the largest; they had 65 private rooms,” says Crego.

And there was the 1967 "Report on Iron Mountain" which some have characterized as satire and fiction but its contention that a permanent state of war is necessary for government and society to function (as corporate and government types think, to maintain their control) seems to be what we've experienced since then.

The report pointed out that the authority of the government over the people stemmed from its ability to wage war. Therefore, without war the government might cease to exist:

'war' is virtually synonymous with nationhood. The elimination of war implies the inevitable elimination of national sovereignty and the traditional nation-state.

The report included a number of recommendations that the government should follow just in case peace did break out. For instance, it suggested that expensive institutions be created that would mimic the economic function of a war, such as:

(a) A comprehensive social-welfare program, directed toward maximum improvement of general conditions of human life. (b) A giant open-end space research program, aimed at unreachable targets. (c) A permanent, ritualized, ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system, and variant of such a system.

The report also recommended that the government invent "alternate enemies." For instance, it could mobilize the population by scaring them with reports of extraterrestrial threats, massive global environmental pollution, or "an omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force." Alternatively, the population could be roused by "socially oriented blood games" done "in the manner of the Spanish Inquisition and the witch trials of other periods."

The recent change in the USA marks a positive step forward, but will his efforts last four years and possibly lead to reelection?

Lies by the Pew Research Center of disinformation, propaganda, and public manipulation.
A British nonpartisan think tank.



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    Screenshot 2025-02-11 at 16-11-58 Second cabinet of Donald Trump - Wikipedia.png
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The document storage facility that Musk talked about is located near Butler, Pennsylvania where the assassination attempt was made. The original Iron Mountain is in the Hudson Valley of NY.

And there was the 1967 "Report on Iron Mountain" which some have characterized as satire and fiction but its contention that a permanent state of war is necessary for government and society to function (as corporate and government types think, to maintain their control) seems to be what we've experienced since then.

I came across The Report from Iron Mountain in a used bookstore just off Dupont Circle, right after 9/11. The timing was perfect. It describes the need for an exotic scapegoat, for example. Definitely a recommended read.
The possible re-election or at least continuity will be very important for the years to come, if US was going to make it. There is one thing of uncovering and stopping corruption, but completely different thing of rebuilding industries destroyed (or being destroyed as we speak) by offshoring or other means without some sort of guarantee for the future.

I am yet to see such narrative. While it is still early for sure, I think we should be seeing some attempts already.
Several days ago I listened to the following analysis by the Russian economist Khazin. He shared his view on what is going on right now in the US, and what Trump is doing or not doing. Unfortunately his analysis isn't optimistic (strictly from the economy point of view), unless Trump will take very specific steps.

Donald Trump has done a lot of things lately, but there's something very interesting to talk about. The main thing is that he doesn't have a strategic plan. I mean, he's taking some active steps, he's creating some activity and some buzz, but he doesn't have a strategic plan.

At least a couple of things have became clear over the last week. The first thing is that Trump's plan (or the people who actually put it forward) was to replace the Fed, that is, the bankers' tool to control the financial system with a digital alternative.

That is, it was the Magnificent Three: Thiel, Musk, Sachs, who were supposed to make some new structure that would replace the Fed, and as a result, the bankers would leave and the whole Bretton Woods system would go away.

And in its place, with the same economic model, there would be a completely different financial superstructure that is controlled by completely different elite groups, and this is quite a questionable scheme.

It means that Trump has begun to destroy the Bretton Woods system very actively. We can see it with the naked eye in this whole tariff story, because the demands that he made at any rate officially to Mexico and Canada could have been made much more gently.

But no, it was done in an extremely harsh way. And most importantly, it was clearly shown that Trump is not interested in the World Trade Organization, and since the WTO is one of the backbone elements of the entire Bretton Woods system, the picture is clear of what he is trying to do.

But if something stands on three whales and you kill one of the whales, then the system becomes highly unstable, that is the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO cannot exist without each other for a long time, this is a fundamentally important point.

And at the same time, we shouldn't forget that the sanctions against China have not gone anywhere, and tariff restrictions against Russia have not gone anywhere either. The sanctions that amount to maximum tariffs have not gone away, and the threats against the European Union and other countries have not gone away. So, in general, the picture is more or less clear.

But here is a fundamentally important point, which is simply impossible to explain to the American experts with their liberal economic thinking. (a note: liberal economic thinking is present among republican economists too) The crisis that is happening today is not a crisis of the financial system, as they think, but a crisis of the economic model.

The economic model, which was built in the logic of stimulating the demand of the emission sector and the loss-making real sector, which was compensated by increasing capitalization. This model is no longer working.

And for this reason, whether you have the dollar or whether you have a digital currency is irrelevant. That's the reason why this whole team is going to be quite surprised by the unexpected events/results of their actions. Namely after they will destroy the dollar system and offer the world a digital analog.

For the last 2 weeks the picture in general with the economic crisis has been more or less clear. So what happened: Well, first of all, prices for intermediate industrial goods in the United States of America began to rise, until now they were slightly falling in price, which meant that American manufacturers are trying to compete with imports by reducing prices.

Over the last couple of months, prices have stopped falling, which means that the ability of American industry to compete with imports has been exhausted. As a result, there has been a surge in imports of both goods and services.

There was another significant event in January, in October, November, and December. The length of the U.S. work week was about the same. The December data has been reduced, and the January data is further reduced.

This means that in the United States of America the economic recession has been accelerating for the last 2 months, and for this reason we should not expect any positive economic developments.

Trump hasn't done anything significant yet. Yes, of course, he said there are only two genders. Yes, of course, he banned gender reassignment. Yes, of course, he started demolishing the transgender ideology. He dismantled the ideological structure of power groups hostile to him. But nothing yet when it comes to economy.

I also recommend listening to this video (if you know Russian) or watch it using automatically generated subtitles. In this yesterday's video he shares more on the same topic. According to Khazin, the key problem for the US isn't replacing dollars for digital assets, but the grave necessity to realize or create a new economic model that would provide proper environment for the reemergence of the added value. Otherwise reconstruction of the US economy is impossible.

In reality the inflation in the US is much much higher, and printing more money won't be able to keep it for long.

He also says that US theoretical economists are completely closed to the possibility of another model, but people who factually deal with finances in a real and practical way can see it.

Khasin theorises that Trump is going to cooperate with Russia not only regarding Ukraine, but it's possible that his team will also ask for an intellectual economic assistance, because at the moment they don't know how to change the model and what to do. But there are people in Russia who do know. It all depends on how it will go and what Trump will choose.

But the global economic model is going to change, regardless. The current/old economic model soon is going to be completely destroyed, and it's a process that has begun at least 20 years ago. The US economy is also on the edge before the collapse, and there is no way to stop it. That's why, according to Khazin, all kind of very drastic political changes are going to happen, but they will have to do with economy at their core.

The above also correlates with Joe's views in the following quotes, and also puts what he said in the context.

From what I understood, Trump's plan (and/or Thiel's, Musk's, Sachs's) is to make changes within the same Bretton Woods economic system. And this, according to Khazin, isn't going to work. The Bretton Woods system is about to collapse. So what Trump and his team are doing now is not going to work. The system is going to collapse anyway. Their only hope is to gain knowledge and ideas elsewhere (like Russia), and use them to change the economic model. This is their only hope.

In theory, maybe, but the process would have to have started many years ago. Instead, they expanded their global control at the expense of others. Today, America the economy is leveraged via massive national debt that is "serviced" (i.e. bought) by the rest of the world. That is a fundamentally exploitative, unbalanced and precarious position, that is only sustainable as long as the US economic model (reserve currency, petrodollar and military might) prevails. If any of those three aspects fail, then the US economy will also fail.

While Trump will, in some way, attempt to rein in the Neo-cons Department of Imperial Outreach, he can still benefit from the imperial structure that has been in place for 80 years. Trump is unlikely to roll up the US' 180 military bases around the world, likewise the entrenched American multi-national businesses that dominate many global markets. Also, America's clients and "friends" around the world aren't just going to suddenly walk away from America. Many of them have become far too dependent on US largess and protection to even think about going it alone. That said, if Trump makes significant efforts to replace the Dept. of Imperial Outreach with the Department of Imposing Tariffs UnAmerican Countries, then he could, eventually, force formerly client/Altanticist countries to form different alliances. Whatever way it goes, it looks like a race to the bottom at this point.

On a completely unrelated topic, I stumpled upon the following video of Melania. I think it clearly shows that she is definitely not a mail-order bride or trophy wife, and she understood her future role even before it was on the horizon.

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From what I understood, Trump's plan (and/or Thiel's, Musk's, Sachs's) is to make changes within the same Bretton Woods economic system. And this, according to Khazin, isn't going to work.
I don't think Trump's plan is to go digital or eliminate the dollar. He may want to end the Fed. Would that be so damaging though? I've read on ZeroHedge and on X that the US Treasury is buying lots of gold, and that Trump wants to go back to a gold-backed currency. He talked about it in 2016 too.

See this thread for an interesting hypothesis for where things could go economically:

I don't think Trump's plan is to go digital or eliminate the dollar. He may want to end the Fed. Would that be so damaging though? I've read on ZeroHedge and on X that the US Treasury is buying lots of gold, and that Trump wants to go back to a gold-backed currency. He talked about it in 2016 too.

Yeah, Khazin is bent on promoting his idea of a different economic model, so he bases his views and analysis on that. According to him, no matter what steps are taken within the same model, they are not going to work, because this system is going to collapse anyway.

He also lacks an obvious knowledge and understanding of larger, overaching themes that could influence the events. For example, regarding the "drones" affair his analysis was that US agencies were searching for a nuclear device. So he clearly has blind spots.

When it comes to the economy, though, he is sure that the model at some point will be changed. No way around it. It doesn't mean that the dollar will collapse. He makes sure to make this destinction. He does make sure to indicate that US won't see any growth unless it changes its model. And that this is the eventual outcome.

So we will have to wait and see how it goes.
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I've only listened to the first half of Tucker's interview with Benz, but I was a bit surprised by how almost naive and apologetic Benz was regarding the Deep State's reasons for meddling with other countries and spreading depravity. He made it sound like the only reasons for these 'color revolutions' and other schemes are to further the US Deep State's influence, power and wealth all over the world, and that sometimes it might be justified. I got the impression that he's not knowledgeable of psychopathology and certainly not other-dimensional evil manipulations. As I see it, the reason for them spreading/imposing depravity is not only to destabilize other nations (also their own population) to have more power and control, but they're also doing it because these peeps (psychopaths etc.) enjoy depravity and spreading it (creating their own 'paradise'), enjoy seeing others fall from grace and participate in Sodom and Gomorrah type of activities, enjoy braking down traditional family values and morality and so on. Maybe one could say that some of the Deep State peeps are basically 'satanists' who like to spread their evil as much as they can.

Yeah, he missed the point about psychopaths/spiritual evil enjoying turning the world upside down, although he alluded to it in terms of "ideological capture" of these institutions.

Overall, I found his take refreshingly honest: you can be morally outraged by regime change operations and all those shenanigans, but at the end of the day, they serve a purpose: they secure the empire, project power, and Americans have profited from this for a long time. So either they change their model drastically and scale back, or they will have to continue with these things. There is also a bit of hypocrisy here because now that the world is changing and in many ways they CAN'T do these things as before anymore, suddenly it's like "boo-hoo, evil USAID!" But back when it was wildly successful and Americans enjoyed the spoils, nobody wanted to know... (This is also true to a lesser extent for other Western nations.)
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