Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

Musk has revealed that he is deeply committed to his 'mission', and that that mission is fundamentally not aligned with the popular understanding of MAGA.

Popular (American) understanding of MAGA, while noble, is not practicable in the real world. Most Americans have no idea how and why they came to be the "greatest country on earth". They all believe the narrative that it was through some kind of innate "greatness" of the people and leaders and their work ethic and love for "freedom and democracy".

In reality, it's the fruit of about 100 years of global imperial "outreach" that manipulated, threatened, blackmailed, invaded, occupied or coup'd other nations and, in that way, captured many of them, economically, ideologically and culturally to a significant extent.

Long before now that economic, ideological and cultural capture has led to the US becoming an attractive place for immmigrants, which made the US economic model increasingly dependent on immigrant workers who, due to the relatively depressed standards of living in their home nations (due in large part to US "imperial outreach" over the decades) are willing to work for significantly less pay (and more restrictive contracts) than the average American worker.

At the same time, over the last 20 years, "woke" US universities have been increasingly churning out mediocre students in mediocre disciplines ill-suited to "making American great again" in any real sense.

So today, there is no quick and easy way in which the US economy can be restructured to operate at the same level without these immigrant workers, if it can be done at all (where there's no will, there's no way).

Worse still, with the burgeoning multi-polar world and the threats to American hegemony from Russia and China in particular, America is going to have to significantly increase the number of immigrant workers to have a chance of competing with China, which has 4 times the population of the US on the same landmass, most of whom are hard at work in continuing to make China great for the first time, and they're doing it for much less pay than the average US worker demands.
Popular (American) understanding of MAGA, while noble, is not practicable in the real world. Most Americans have no idea how and why they came to be the "greatest country on earth". They all believe the narrative that it was through some kind of innate "greatness" of the people and leaders and their work ethic and love for "freedom and democracy".

In reality, it's the fruit of about 100 years of global imperial "outreach" that manipulated, threatened, blackmailed, invaded, occupied or coup'd other nations and, in that way, captured many of them, economically, ideologically and culturally to a significant extent.

Long before now that economic, ideological and cultural capture has led to the US becoming an attractive place for immmigrants, which made the US economic model increasingly dependent on immigrant workers who, due to the relatively depressed standards of living in their home nations (due in large part to US "imperial outreach" over the decades) are willing to work for significantly less pay (and more restrictive contracts) than the average American worker.

At the same time, over the last 20 years, "woke" US universities have been increasingly churning out mediocre students in mediocre disciplines ill-suited to "making American great again" in any real sense.

So today, there is no quick and easy way in which the US economy can be restructured to operate at the same level without these immigrant workers, if it can be done at all (where there's no will, there's no way).

Worse still, with the burgeoning multi-polar world and the threats to American hegemony from Russia and China in particular, America is going to have to significantly increase the number of immigrant workers to have a chance of competing with China, which has 4 times the population of the US on the same landmass, most of whom are hard at work in continuing to make China great for the first time, and they're doing it for much less pay than the average US worker demands.
Elon is soon to find himself swimming in hot rooibos tea.
There’s been an intentional effort to dumb down and make ill the American people. So now most are stupid and lazy as a result. So people are right to feel we need to put the people here first. But it will take time to get people healthier and better educated. In the meantime we will need talent from abroad.

It will be walking a tight rope to maintain global dominance while helping the indigenous population of the U.S. It may be impossible at this point but what’s the alternative?
There’s been an intentional effort to dumb down and make ill the American people. So now most are stupid and lazy as a result. So people are right to feel we need to put the people here first. But it will take time to get people healthier and better educated. In the meantime we will need talent from abroad.

It will be walking a tight rope to maintain global dominance while helping the indigenous population of the U.S. It may be impossible at this point but what’s the alternative?
What flavor of talent from abroad? Woke European, or spicy Eurasian? No other talents available due to American policies of domination.
There’s been an intentional effort to dumb down and make ill the American people. So now most are stupid and lazy as a result. So people are right to feel we need to put the people here first. But it will take time to get people healthier and better educated. In the meantime we will need talent from abroad.

It will be walking a tight rope to maintain global dominance while helping the indigenous population of the U.S. It may be impossible at this point but what’s the alternative?

At least in theory I would say it would be relatively “easy“ for America to take part in the world of today civilly, “simply“ by joining the emergence of a multipolar world rather then continuing to view themselves as “the best of the heap“ and “policemen of the world“ and fighting for a strange kind of “global dominance“ with a clear tyrannical and bloody flavor. They are and will continue to be invited by the sane part of the world to do just that. Realistically speaking, America will have to suffer and sacrifice quite a lot either way but I would reckon that such an approach would be far less devastating and hard for the Americans and the world at large in the long run. The problem though is: An american/imperial/global system that is so deeply corrupted and used to be the bully that something like that will be very hard to implement. And on top of that, way too many Americans (and to some extent westerners as a whole) have swallowed lies about their own greatness/superiority/exceptionalism that it would make such a process even harder. But the door was and is still open for American/-s and/or westerners to come to their senses.
At least in theory I would say it would be relatively “easy“ for America to take part in the world of today civilly, “simply“ by joining the emergence of a multipolar world rather then continuing to view themselves as “the best of the heap“ and “policemen of the world“ and fighting for a strange kind of “global dominance“ with a clear tyrannical and bloody flavor. They are and will continue to be invited by the sane part of the world to do just that. Realistically speaking, America will have to suffer and sacrifice quite a lot either way but I would reckon that such an approach would be far less devastating and hard for the Americans and the world at large in the long run. The problem though is: An american/imperial/global system that is so deeply corrupted and used to be the bully that something like that will be very hard to implement. And on top of that, way too many Americans (and to some extent westerners as a whole) have swallowed lies about their own greatness/superiority/exceptionalism that it would make such a process even harder. But the door was and is still open for American/-s and/or westerners to come to their senses.

There is no problem. America, corrupted or not, irrelevant aspect really, allready has complete financial dominance and can destroy any country that is not Russia or China.
It is so funny...the Exceptional America invoking the victim mentality.
As for Musk's behavior, he's really screwed the pooch on this. At least Vivek Ramaswamy had the good sense to bow out. Musk instead began cussing and ranting at people, encouraging others to block them, throttling opposing views, and outright banned some accounts. He's made a complete ar$e of himself and alienated key supporters on X and in the MAGA movement in general. And that political vacuum he opened - however small, for now; I don't want to overstate it - has been filled by genuinely racist right-wingers who want the status quo to collapse in favour of a theocracy.
Last week, one of my team member(who was on H1B) mentioned about this debate on X. I was busy to close some deliverables and ignored it. This is pretty old debate and LOT had happened in the last 30 years. What is new here? I tried to make sense by looking at the situation on X. This will be long post and wants to address many "emotional" click bite rants going on the X. You may consider it as a rant.

Going Chronologically w.r.t my understanding:
  • When I tried to choose specialization in my college in India (1986), the choices was between Electronics & communication and Computer Science, I was told, there is electronics hardware for next 100 years, but no body knows whether software is built over it or not. If some body software is built, Software has future. so I went with Electronics.
  • Decade Forward (1995), Software Craze started initially in my state capital (Hyderabad, India, followed by all other big cities like Mumbai and other south Indian cities Bangalore, Chennai) primarily fueled by US demand
    • Y2K need,
    • Companies desire to replace laborious mainframe (software and hardware) to Unix Systems.
    • Netscape browser was written and people started seeing the potential etc.
      • All this needs technical graduates, who are flexible to claim any thing 'this new market' Wants and get Job done or at least 'manage' situation. Previous decade saw massive increase in the graduates (in Engineering) in my state (Andhra Pradesh, India) due to normal Farmers desire to spread the risk and heavily invested in the education of the Children. It is these unemployed technical graduates who clamored newly opened software institutes to check their luck and soon safely employed people too joined to see what the buzz is all about. All this fed into a supply chain mechanism then called 'body shoppers' . A middle man company submits candidate resume to American middle man's company , that feeds into big American software companies (IBM, AT &T and so on). Now we call it subcontracting. In this market, Indians are preferred by American companies because they has "better" English to communicate than Chinese.
      • Those days H1B is temporary worker visa, only 6 years unless one gets green card in between (which was not that easy). Else one has to go back to native country and not eligible for 6 months for reapplying and Person can't stay unemployed more than a month etc. Lot went back leaving the car in airport parking lot and mailing key chain to the lending bank. It was very uncertain situation and these small middle companies hold passport to avoid people moving companies and there were complaints against them and Govt. raids and so on.
      • But the Internet boom hype started by end of the 90's and companies spent ridiculous amount of money for website brand (even advertised on Radio) and networking the world by putting under water cables all over the world. But, that bubble burst, leaving the under/unused ocean cable network. So companies tried to monetize the bandwidth moving small jobs to India and soon led to Wall Street ( or Venture capitalists) demanding shifting Software development to Offshore (India is prime candidate).
  • By 2004, All Major corporations started the process and to address the employee concerns (cultural, communication gaps and job security etc.), they took us to lectures that preach 'Diversity and Inclusion' etc. Initial estimation is that it takes 2 years to transfer the skill set and we all were asked to shift to management or look for new Job. Well, all didn't went well smoothly, the 'Savings from that investment' has to be realized in layoff's that followed with in 3 to 5 years. Those days, what we were told that is 'It is like restaurant menu', you get the requirements from business and manage the Outsourced company to do it. Big US companies. don't want to rely on small suppliers and saw the advent of Gorillas of today ( IBM, Cognizant, Infosys, HCL etc.)
    • We wondered how these offshore company handle this sudden demand? - Answer is Simple. They throw in 10 people and out of which 2 or 3 pick up and run the show. They made them team leads and let them run the show and recycle other people in other projects. In this process of clabber for raising to higher positions( bringing more money), few really sticks to learning basics ( coding or technology or business needs).
  • This explosion of Outsourcing (primary offshoring) needed lot of H1B visa even to 'keep lights on', But there is lot of resistance to increase the H1B quota per year. The middle ground is let them stay after 6 years as long green card process is in specific state and person can't jump company when this is going on. So, now it takes 10 to 15 years even to get green card. It is very uncertain period for the most.
  • The consulting companies who make more money moving to India, play all sorts to avoid doing green cards. They want to bring in Indians to onsite coordinate offshore operations. Handling offshore resources is NO JOKE. Why?- Even those guys were shuttled in so many projects and uncertainties, they never had opportunities to learn the basics or stick to one position. But, the deliverables has to be managed.
  • Moving 2 decades forward (2024):
    • In this company 85% consultants 15% American FTE's( full time employees). Out of the consultants, 70% offshore and 30% onshore. H1B is only needed for this 30% onshore consultants.
    • In Theory, Director orders the dish from menu, it should come. But it doesn't come, so they need senior managers, leads, analysts to fill the gap as a "buffer". This is the Gap most of the FTE's fill.
    • I was talking to my client director few months back and she expressed why her teams projects are not moving any where. My answer to her is - 80/20 rule or Pareto curve. She says that is unacceptable. If some body not doing home work of basics and every body wants to blame it on others, I can't violate his free will. She says 'there is no free will'. There is a saying in mother tongue - 'Fruits doesn't fall to ground for mantras'. One can endlessly complain of others, do fine talk according to whatever amendment, at the end work has to get done. If the consulting companies does the work as they promise, most of us wouldn't have jobs for the last 2 decades.
    • But, consulting companies has VERY BIG advantage in this world where technologies change TOO fast. To day, you ask for A skill set, they have so-called "experts". Tomorrow your ask for B Skill set, there have it too. You can't replicate that in-house.
Who is better?

After working in the Industry for almost 30 years, IMHO that is wrong question. Where ever I went I see 80/20 rule or Pareto curve in any group irrespective of group composition ( white/black/brown , on site/offsite , Christian/Muslim/Hindu , American/Indian/Chinese). why is it so? God knows. This is where US companies prefer consulting companies, as they don't need to deal with hiring and firing complications and re-adaptations.

What's New in the latest Debate?

Before, any consulting company brought in, there are vague private promises made in advance between the higher ups over 'whatever'. All this is done in advance and people who supposed to implement the mandate brought in later. What does 'Government' guy has any thing to do with H1B?. Isn't enough Govt. system already working on Out source(Offshore) mode in the last decade? Obviously there is more.

How many times, we heard 'Efficiency' or similar word, whenever upper management change, replace people, promote 'new direction', cook up and present glossy results, take their millions and move on with in 4 to 5 years? It is same 'Lather, rinse, repeat'.

Musk is just laying seeds in the form of the debate.

Who are the Losers?

30 years back, Software grew out of nowhere to prepare and had to import. But now, they have 108,000 computer science graduates every year. Even sharp and hard working students are struggling to even get a one Internship as there is so much ridiculous competition and they spend 150 to 200 thousand dollars even to graduate. It is ridiculous to say American Universities worse than Indian Institutions. They are not. In any group of people, there is always that 20% despite all the ideological nonsense going on.

What it really means is Outsourcing companies don't want to take Americans for the Jobs. Nothing new or surprising from Outsourcing companies perspective either. Even if one is hired, it is no easy job to handle with principles or work-life balance or Free speech and so on.

This is double whammy for Americans. One end, the people who had jobs is going to loose, the new graduates won't get it and some body else is going to get it. Is there any hope?

What does Trump wants to do?

One end, he wants to bring in manufacturing for his MAGA, other end he wants to send high end software Jobs to offshore? How does that translate? If he is serious about training his people, he can do what has been done 30 years back. H1B is temporary visa for 6 years and train your people in those years. Reality is lot more complicated.

If some body can create ridiculous gender non-sense, appoint to top positions, force all the work force in that nonsense, he can easily prioritize Americans in all Jobs, If he wants. True, Outsourcing companies won't give the 'deal' he is looking for. At the end, he will be out in 4 years to see the fate of this work force.

Musk may crib, throw his position in DOGE, go against Trump and so on, if H1B is not increased. It is his prestige issue. As a elected leader, Trump will have to find some body else. That is his job.

Stereotyping and slander

Normally, India doesn't play much role in Western news cycle unless they want to remind themselves as conquerors to project some 'Virtue' or remind people of Nuclear war going to destroy every body.
  • How many people remember John Oliver show on the eve of 2014 Modi's inauguration? In that he asks a neocon guy about 'India and Modi'. His answer is "what India? Is it George Bush's Dog?".
  • I find it bizarre to see recycle old images of trains full of people, naked sadhus as the H1B visa guys. It is indication of Americans hopelessness in influencing their own elected leaders.
  • 'Hindus Killing Muslims' nonsense. Where are they when Muslims massacring Hindus?
  • Any positive news of India evokes weird reaction in the Western masses. If one reads the comments on RT articles which projects any positive image of India (which they are doing for last 2 to 3 years), one see the same set of stereo typical unease (some times disgust) in the form of "snakes, elephants, idol worshippers, caste", unclean and corrupt so on. Is that all India there is in the country? This is the question I asked my self during last 2 years trying to make sense of origins of this "image". To quote one British official of early 20th century to the Feminist author of best "porn" job on India published and promoted wildly in West century ago - "Mother India"
To such Indians as I met, whether then or later, I made the same statement. In the period that followed, the introductions that both gave me, coupled with the untiring courtesy and helpfulness alike of Indians and of British, official or private, all over India, made possible a survey more thorough than could have been accomplished in five times the time without such aid.

"But whatever you do, be careful not to generalize," the British urged. "In this huge country little or nothing is everywhere true. Madras and Peshawar, Bombay and Calcutta - attribute the things of one of these to any one of the others, and you are out of court."

One can pick and choose whatever one want, publish to their "glory". It is not typical Western Individualistic society and may not fit into their model or their expectations. When Westerners one day woke up and talk about 'Diversity, Inclusion' and 'Racism', Most of the Indians laugh at it ( "You know nothing, Jon Snow" sense). I called it in my childhood 'mind numbing complexity', with largest state has population that contains more than the entire Europe and each state is like another European country.

What does Indians think about all this?

Conflicts of Migrants and Locals are nothing new to Indians. It took many forms (politics, violence, armed rebellions, demand for separate nation and so on) over its short 75 years history. It existed long before Vasco da Gama "Invented" India with its own issues and problems.

This H1B is just a drop in the ocean of their India's unemployed who is looking for legal route. Those who wants to go on illegal route, they will do it any way and will have their "lessons".

There is a old saying 'If Rockefeller in American has million dollars in New York bank, it doesn't fill my stomach'.

At the end, This is American Political issue rather than Indian. If it is not Indian, it is Chinese or Philippines or Polish or who ever. It is up to Trump to decide what he wants to do.
It's kind of funny they want depopulation on one hand and repopulation on the other; looks like it's all just a ruse to create a servile slave caste.

The real problem here is that world domination has allowed for the creation of a veritable nation of middlemen who profit off of various frauds and scams, selling each other spurious services, instead of creating anything real. This is why I didn't vote at all in the last election, because while it's fun to see Trump get another crack at the deep state, the frauds and scams are so deeply entrenched that attempting to eliminate them collapses the entire state of being that Trump and his managerial buddies know, all the way down to vast swaths of make-work service industry jobs, such that no one will attempt it. America either needs to bet the farm on the world domination schtick and make it work, or undergo a radical restructuring that will almost burn it to ashes and rebuild it from the ground up. There isn't much middle ground except for a few arcane options, which would still be radical, but perhaps a bit less destructive.

The main pillars of the domestic economy, education, healthcare, and the military, as well as the various consultancy firms that flit between them, are fraudulent almost top to bottom. Unwinding the frauds does a great deal toward unwinding the competitiveness crisis because the cost of living is greatly reduced from having to pay for $100K degrees and hospital procedures or $1k toilet seats. (Even if most of these costs are hidden by tax, insurance, or money printing schemes, they are still there and must be borne by the population in some way) The reason there is a demographic problem is that it is uneconomical to raise children in the United States legally, once all of the middlemen have been paid off, a $100K salary becomes the starting point to enjoy a decent standard of living and put your kids on a solid foundation in most large cities. Eliminating the frauds and scams eliminates much of the US professional class, which now have to go out and find real jobs, and eliminates a lot of services which are purchased by that professional class, which unemploys a huge part of the US workforce that is working in roles that only marginally contribute to the economy, causing an economic depression. The only long term option is to create a set of ideals and cultural bonds which bring people together for something more inspiring than money to weather that transition, but that requires a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to actually create something for people to believe in. None of these turbo capitalist types have that, and so the easy solution is to paper over the existential vacuum they have created by importing more people. While not ruthless psychopaths like some of the people on the democratic side of the aisle, all of these people made their fortunes largely thanks to the frauds and scams the middle man economy provides instead of being true producers. Trump hustled real estate, Ramaswamy hyped dubious pharmaceutical products and then pulled his money out before it collapsed, Tesla was built largely on carbon credits for EVs, and SpaceX was basically handed old NASA technology on a silver platter, which Musk streamlined and tweaked a bit and claimed as his own. The frauds and scams are so intertwined with the reality perceived by these people, that I think it is impossible to conceive of life without it.

So it's full steam ahead for the American Empire project as the only path to avoid the deep all-consuming maw of total irrelevance which the business class senses relentlessly pursuing it, no matter how increasingly untenable it may become. A possible middle ground to save certain aspects of the Empire without it completely collapsing would be the controlled release of something akin to UFO free energy tech, with the military industrial faction acting as the gatekeepers and coopting what remains of healthcare and academia to suit its purposes. This may be a lot of what is behind the disclosure movement recently, as it becomes a way for the Empire to avoid collapse but doesn't completely avoid the problems of a radical shift. It would have to managed in such a way that the removal of scarcity doesn't give the people too much sovereignty and the military keeps all of the top-tier stuff to run its super powerful AIs and ubiquitous surveillance grid, which preserves an element of the existing order. Most of the middle man economy still gets destroyed, as they are unable to adapt to the new paradigm, but the offering of a surveillance/security panopticon in exchange for material abundance as the new social contract may be seen as the most viable solution for some deep state factions.

For what it's worth, I found this video to be a good synopsis of the H-1b situation with a little bit of its broader context thrown in.
At least in theory I would say it would be relatively “easy“ for America to take part in the world of today civilly, “simply“ by joining the emergence of a multipolar world rather then continuing to view themselves as “the best of the heap“ and “policemen of the world“ and fighting for a strange kind of “global dominance“ with a clear tyrannical and bloody flavor.

In theory, maybe, but the process would have to have started many years ago. Instead, they expanded their global control at the expense of others. Today, America the economy is leveraged via massive national debt that is "serviced" (i.e. bought) by the rest of the world. That is a fundamentally exploitative, unbalanced and precarious position, that is only sustainable as long as the US economic model (reserve currency, petrodollar and military might) prevails. If any of those three aspects fail, then the US economy will also fail.
So it's full steam ahead for the American Empire project as the only path to avoid the deep all-consuming maw of total irrelevance which the business class senses relentlessly pursuing it, no matter how increasingly untenable it may become.

While Trump will, in some way, attempt to rein in the Neo-cons Department of Imperial Outreach, he can still benefit from the imperial structure that has been in place for 80 years. Trump is unlikely to roll up the US' 180 military bases around the world, likewise the entrenched American multi-national businesses that dominate many global markets. Also, America's clients and "friends" around the world aren't just going to suddenly walk away from America. Many of them have become far too dependent on US largess and protection to even think about going it alone. That said, if Trump makes significant efforts to replace the Dept. of Imperial Outreach with the Department of Imposing Tariffs UnAmerican Countries, then he could, eventually, force formerly client/Altanticist countries to form different alliances. Whatever way it goes, it looks like a race to the bottom at this point.
Worse still, with the burgeoning multi-polar world and the threats to American hegemony from Russia and China in particular, America is going to have to significantly increase the number of immigrant workers to have a chance of competing with China, which has 4 times the population of the US on the same landmass, most of whom are hard at work in continuing to make China great for the first time, and they're doing it for much less pay than the average US worker demands.
There's the other factor which is, countries want to do business with China while they have to do business with the US, they have been coerced into remaining "loyal" as a mafia boss would, nordsteam is the perfect example of this. The US is indeed an attractive market, but that attractiveness has been sort of artificially maintained over the decades, if countries had been allowed to follow things organically, the US would still have a place in a global community, but it would not be so large.

And I mentioned it elsewhere but it's sadly what JFK and RFK were going on about before their untimely demise, things don't have to be this way, there is another way to remain in a leadership position without making enemies, and without being a pushover.

Another ironic aspect of it is that if most people were told, whether they're on the right or left, that they could get the country cleaned off of immigrants, or get rid of all the US imperial and "racist" practices abroad, but that they would have to sacrifice their lifestyle, most people would refuse.

And it's largely another part of the US culture, and it is visible in the way schools and the media convey information. Most stories in the US are very childish, or presented in such a way, simple bad guy stories and that has permeated their worldview, that's why Russiagate worked, and Putin/Assad/Gadaffi/Maduro/Iran is evil works. I think it's that perpetual child mindset that is maintained and has created an understanding of world events and of their own nation that is essentially infantile, and nuanced situations like this are just too complex to consider.
That is a fundamentally exploitative, unbalanced and precarious position, that is only sustainable as long as the US economic model (reserve currency, petrodollar and military might) prevails. If any of those three aspects fail, then the US economy will also fail.
A condition that is already in progress. BRICS is encouraging member countries to settle trades in national currencies while also developing a framework for an alternative reserve currency. The Saudis have abandoned their exclusivity deal for selling oil in USD and 2023 estimates by JP Morgan show that 20% of the world's oil is sold in non-USD currencies, a situation which will have only accelerated since then. And US military might has been upstaged in Ukraine and also noticeably by the Houthis in Yemen.

Three different AI models (Perplexity, ChatGPT and Grok) estimated the probability of a major US economic failure in 2025 to be somewhere between 10-20%. Given the BRICS countries as a stabilising axis for global trade, this estimate is probably realistic. Western countries are likely to continue to slide into recessions and central banks will probably continue to reduce rates in an attempt to provide more economic 'stimulus', artificially propping up stocks, bonds, housing and derivatives/speculative assets for a little longer.

The big question is: will some faction of the 'elite' attempt to pre-empt this process of slow degradation that favours the accelerated onset of increased multipolarity in the world and what will be the multi-polar world's response to this?
In theory, maybe, but the process would have to have started many years ago. Instead, they expanded their global control at the expense of others. Today, America the economy is leveraged via massive national debt that is "serviced" (i.e. bought) by the rest of the world. That is a fundamentally exploitative, unbalanced and precarious position, that is only sustainable as long as the US economic model (reserve currency, petrodollar and military might) prevails. If any of those three aspects fail, then the US economy will also fail.

Yes. And if we talk about likely scenarios, Putin has, for a number of years now, “predicted“ prolonged periods of large regional and even somewhat global instability and chaos. Most recently again by saying that, objectively speaking, paraphrasing, “in the coming 20 years“ profound conflicts, revolutions and shifts are likely to take place, primarily because the global hegemon (the west in general including in big parts America) will not let a transition to a multipolar world happen peacefully and instead will fight tooth and nails for the old system to continue, and if that doesn’t work, will try to bring everyone else down with them. I think that is a realistic and likely scenario.
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Yes. And if we talk about likely scenarios, Putin has, for a number of years now, “predicted“ prolonged periods of large regional and even somewhat global instability and chaos. Most recently again by saying that, objectively speaking, paraphrasing, “in the coming 20 years“ profound conflicts, revolutions and shifts are likely to take place, primarily because the global hegemon (the west in general including in big parts America) will not let a transition to a multipolar world happen peacefully and instead will fight tooth and nails for the old system to continue, and if that doesn’t work, will try to bring everyone else down with them. I think that is a realistic and likely scenario.
I agree 100%. I had to write the response as it is more than a thumbs up.
However, I hope the octogenarian old guard die hard Kissinger and Brzezinski followers, will soon reach the forever lush green hunting plains and leave the Congress for younger geriatrics at least.
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