Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Hesper said:
As to Niall's question about why others couldn't seem to come to the similar conclusions about Trump that we did I think perspicacity is important. Laura wrote about it here and it seems especially relevant now:

And this brings us to what the Shaykh calls “perspicacity.” This is the special development of the “eye of insight,” or “seeing the unseen” that is crucial to the Seeker. Just as the physical eye, with the refraction of light from the Sun, can discern between the large and the small, the beautiful and the ugly, colors, the moving from the still, high and low, the ability to see the unseen is a property of an “inner light.” This light reveals to the seeker things about external objects that are NOT apparent to the five senses. It reveals to its possessor when a choice that may appear to be benevolent, is a step on the path of Evil. It reveals when a choice that may appear to human estimation as negative is actually a difficult step to felicity for all involved. The Sufis tell us that some individuals have achieved such a level of “seeing” that – upon seeing a person’s footprint on the ground, even if the person is not present – they are able to say whether he is following a life of felicity or wretchedness.

This is a good point. And I would add, that this "eye of insight" also includes the development of ones own "strategic eye" – knowing almost immediately (in a "blink") when communicating with others, how much it's wise and meaningful to share with others of what you really know. And also noticing those rare opportunities with rare individuals, where you can "shoot straight", and "go deeper".

I'm sure we've all experienced this many times with friends, family and other people we know, that with some of them it's a bad strategy to share e.g. positive views about Putin. That will only confuse your relationship, and possibly, in the worst case make you their enemy. And if they can't "see" Putin for what he is, then you can be sure that they can't "see" the truth with Trump, vaccines, climate change either.

Of course, it's good and fun to drop a little "teaser" here and there even with the most stubborn authoritarian followers, as long as you deliver the information in a strategic way, without getting completely exposed.

Geez, what I describe sounds like straight from Orwell's 1984 – but I guess we're living that now. ;)
Another demonstration set for Tuesday.

Wave of Demonstrations Against Trump Cabinet Expected on Tuesday

Hoping to ride the coattails of the massive Women’s March on Washington, a liberal organization is riding the momentum for a wave of demonstrations against the cabinet appointees of President Donald Trump on Tuesday.

There are over 100 “Stop Trump’s #SwampCabinet” events planned by the billionaire global financier George Soros-funded group

“Republicans are trying push through some of the most problematic, troubling nominees ever. He must be stopped,” MoveOn wrote in their protest announcement. “That’s why, on Tuesday, January 24th, MoveOn members are joining with Working Families Party, People's Action, and other allies across the country to rally Democratic and Republican senators with a clear message: ‘Stop the #SwampCabinet.’”

The rallies will be taking place at local district Senator offices, urging a delay in confirmation or cancellation of Trump’s cabinet choices. The three cabinet appointees that the organization is most vociferously protesting are philanthropist Betsy DeVos, for Secretary of Education; Georgia Representative Tom Price, for Secretary of Health and Human Services; and Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General.

[...] It is highly unlikely that President Trump’s cabinet nominees will be blocked, as three years ago the Democrats forced through controversial new rules, called the “nuclear option,” allowing all presidential appointments to the executive or judiciary branches (with an exception for Supreme Court Justices), to be conformed by a simple majority.

In order for any of Trump’s appointees to be turned down, it would require Republicans to vote against them, which currently appears to be a lost cause for Democrats.
Timótheos said:
Is it true that Breitbart is a Zionist website and staunch supporter of Likud? I've read that certain people claim that their website is "anti-semitic" in some way...

Nah, it's a ruse. Breitbart was founded in Israel:

Breitbart News: Founded for and by Israel?

Canada's The Rebel Media (Laura Southern et al) is, by the way, a project of Ezra Levant, a Canadian Israel-firster.

Timótheos said:
How does Abbey Martin reconcile these two claims?

Israel is kinda the contradiction at the heart of 'left-right'.

I think it works something like this: if you report about 'globalists and bankers', you're anti-Semitic because it's assumed that you're referring to 'the world Jewish conspiracy'. If you report about Israel's crimes or express support for Palestinians' rights, you're anti-Israel. The latter is the conservative's stance; the former, the liberal/progressive's stance. George Soros, for example, condones anti-Israel views right across his media empire. Breitbart counters with explicit support for Israel embedded throughout its castigation of 'the left' as being 'the root of all evil'. It's as if Breitbart has free reign to say whatever it wants about the global oligarchy, provided it pay homage to Israel. Soros networks can say whatever they want about Israel, provided they pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It's kinda the price to pay if you want to play in their casino (where the House always wins). Breitbart's revolution has just been handed the keys to the kingdom, at a cost. Same for anyone else. Len Pen may get her set of keys in France next year, and in order to get thus far, she first had to 'get with the program' and switch from anti-Zionism to anti-Islam.
Interesting article on the prospects of an American Maidan.

It's begun: America's Maidan rears its head

When I put forth the thesis in the Russian info-sphere that the US is turning into a bigger Ukraine, at first many thought that this was a funny political joke. But what is happening in Washington and other American - and some European - cities these days shows that this is not a joke, but the harsh reality we are living in. If we attentively and impartially look at how skillfully Donald Trump’s administration is being shaken, then it is easy to see that the same techniques are being used against him that were worked out on the squares in Kiev, Cairo, Hong Kong, and Moscow. If we delve further into the details, then we can say for certain that an American Maidan is being prepared not only with the same patterns as the bloody color revolutions in other countries, but with the same sponsors. Let’s break this down.

A wave of protests against newly-elected President Donald Trump is engulfing American cities. The demonstrations are allegedly being held in support of women’s rights, but mainstream American media and demonstrators themselves have clearly said that they’ve come out to protest against the new administration. According to various estimates, the number of protesters in this “women’s action” in Washington totals somewhere at 200,000 people, but the organizers have said that they have a “million women march on Washington.” Stop. “March of millions”…does this not remind you of something? This is the same brand-motto that the Russian liberals organize their marches under. And the similarities do not end there.

The role of the instigator of the revolting creative class at the rally was played by Madonna who, by the way, never fulfilled her promise to orally satisfy everyone who voted for Clinton. In Russia and Ukraine, the “protest ringleader” part was also played by rock stars: Shevcuk and Vakharchuk. Demonstrations in support of the American “march of millions” have taken place in many European cities, which is really reminiscent of the demonstrations in support of the Maidan and Bolotnaya. The first broken windows and beaten police have also already appeared, as have several dozen arrested whom the anti-Trump press have rushed to call political prisoners, peaceful protesters, and innocent children. As the American police have reported, baseball bats and sharpened wooden stakes brought out to the protests were confiscated from these “innocent children.” Doesn't this also remind you of something? Literally every detail here - from the media defense of “innocent protesters” to baseball bats - are elements that we have seen on all three Maidans.

And now a few words about the most important aspect, the money. An ex-Wall Street Journal reporter conducted an investigation of those NGO’s that have identified themselves as the organizers and “key partners” of the “march of millions.” Among these NGO’s were found 56 organizations officially receiving money from George Soros' agencies. This is public information. And now just imagine what’s going on behind the scenes.

For now the new administration is holding up well. In fact, there were plans to disrupt the inauguration, but Trump’s supporters organized an undercover operation to film the "activist workshops" on preparing massive riots in Washington and then leaked this information on the internet a few days before the inauguration. This could not but interest competent authorities. The plans of so-called “anti-fascists” involved blocking the capital’s metro and creating traffic jams. In one of the footage samples of such a “workshop” for protesters, you can hear how the organizer says “a blow to the throat works.”

As pro-Trump journalists have reported, this information leak and exposure of plans forced the Clintonite mercenaries to greatly reduce their riot plans. The protests then turned out to be rather lethargic. But it must be understood that next time everything could go differently.

Now it is clear that the organizers of the American Maidan are ready to literally besiege Trump and batter-ram his administration until it is completely destroyed. They are looking for the same trigger that can turn protests into something massive, a main accusation which could allow a maximum number of people to be drawn out onto the streets.

For now they’ve tried to spin the take that Trump “hates women.” This didn’t work out so well. I am sure that there will be more attempts to organize protests of African Americans and Mexican immigrants and then attempts at uniting all of them together. The inevitable finale would be charging Trump with treason and working for the Kremlin, as was the case with how they brought down Yanukovych.

I won’t argue: this is a good plan. But there is one “but.” Trump is not Yanukovych and, in the case of emergency, he really could call all of his supporters to Washington. There would be more than enough of them glad to lend him their armed support in the case that some security forces suddenly refuse to obey orders to disperse the American Maidan. In this case, blood - lots of blood - would flood American streets and the consequences would be unpredictable. This is bad for the whole world, as a Maidan in a country with nuclear weapons is a threat to the whole planet.

The only chance of avoiding a “Maidanization” of the US is if Trump and his administration rapidly and accurately begin depriving the key organizers of the American color revolution of all of their financial resources. The coming months will show whether the new administration has enough strength and courage to take such a step.
Well Trump could kill two birds with one stone? Take Soros to Russia on his first visit and hand him over to Putin as a gesture of good will.
Latest Video on RT's 'Cross talk' with Peter Larvelle, had one of his guests ( can't remember his name) comment that Trump could start to rebuild trust with the Russians by removing the troop build up on their borders.
Niall said:
Timótheos said:
How does Abbey Martin reconcile these two claims?

Israel is kinda the contradiction at the heart of 'left-right'.

I think it works something like this: if you report about 'globalists and bankers', you're anti-Semitic because it's assumed that you're referring to 'the world Jewish conspiracy'. If you report about Israel's crimes or express support for Palestinians' rights, you're anti-Israel. The latter is the conservative's stance; the former, the liberal/progressive's stance. George Soros, for example, condones anti-Israel views right across his media empire. Breitbart counters with explicit support for Israel embedded throughout its castigation of 'the left' as being 'the root of all evil'. It's as if Breitbart has free reign to say whatever it wants about the global oligarchy, provided it pay homage to Israel. Soros networks can say whatever they want about Israel, provided they pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It's kinda the price to pay if you want to play in their casino (where the House always wins). Breitbart's revolution has just been handed the keys to the kingdom, at a cost. Same for anyone else. Len Pen may get her set of keys in France next year, and in order to get thus far, she first had to 'get with the program' and switch from anti-Zionism to anti-Islam.
Thank you for your insight, Niall.
Pashalis, Still working on a response to your inquiry. I am contacting former non-working (retired), and currently employed friend's on the subject of bias, racism, prejudice, (then and Now.) in California in the USA.

These are people (Human beings, of different ethnicity's) that may give me (with respect to freewill), some feed back and what there feeling's of said subject.

And I am also still collecting massive amounts of data to address my response.

So thank you for your Patience.


Trump Supporter Surrounded at Women's March in LA
Regarding the left-wing people that seem to be stuck in an anti-Trump discourse, I think too that it is not all black and white. I suppose that a lot comes from political correctness, especially among the common people who are usually in their everyday lives and are part of an organization of a movement. They don't want to oppose their peers because it wouldn't be "nice", so to say.

I was discussing this with a leftist friend the other day, and he told me that there is a lot of fragmentation among left movements that tend to focus on just one aspect of a few aspects of all the social issues. So, for example, women's organizations focus on women's rights, equality, gender identity and so on, but they fail to see the big picture because they're focused on that. Same with environmentalists, etc... So there is a tendency for each movement to simplify issues towards one thing and come to even claim (sometimes) that the issue in which they are focusing is the most important one. I haven't been around these movements for a while now, but from my past experience, I can say that this is mostly true. People from one group ignore the issues raised by another group, and they even fight each other because each considers that their view is more important or correct.

This fragmentation diminishes their ability to try to see different aspects of the reality they are supposedly trying to change. And, another thing is that many of them dedicate little time to actually research, read, think deeply about things. Many of them rely on their usual spokespeople and sources of information (i.e. alt-media with a marked leftist view). I don't mean to say that they are fools by saying that they don't dedicate time to research, what I mean is that many of them are normal people like many of you and me, with jobs and families and lives to take care of, who sometimes use some of their free time to help and participate in their organization's activities. So, normally, they aren't thinking a lot about these issues but they rather trust in what their organization of choice has decided to fight for. You know, sometimes it takes effort and time to think about things and many are just so saturated that they rather let others do the job of thinking and they will just chime in to support the people they decided to trust. And here comes the role of the organization's leaders who pass down the information and decide the posture they're going to take on things. Which, in its turn, leads to the people who are financing the organization. So I think that, in this case, there are many layers of knowledge and responsibility, so to say.

For the ones who do research a bit more and think more deeply about these things, I think that they have embedded an ideology in their thinking instrument and we know it's not easy to break one perspective once we came to believe in that perspective. With this whole idea of identity, and "building and expressing your identity", I think that many adopt one identity of left-wingers liberal and progressive and it becomes a hard-nut to crack. Maybe some of them will change their minds in a while, maybe some of them won't. It reminds of the time when Maidan started in Ukraine, or the Arab Spring. Many leftists at the time started supporting the Arab Spring and then the Maidan, saying that these where people fighting against oppressive regimens and all that. The feeling they had was genuine for the most part but they were taking in the disinformation that was being brought to them. After a while, many of them changed their minds, some others didn't.

I think this also has a flavour that is similar to the New Age movement and COINTELPRO. Many of the initial ideas that concerned the people who began these social movements where genuine and important things to consider, but then many of them were co-opted and became trapped in an ideology that was simplified and distorted.

So yes, it's shocking to see some of the things that are happening, it's also sad, but it also has many layers and nuances that are important to consider instead of having a black and white thinking. I think that the activity in Twitter and Facebook is important in one more sense. Some of these people who support an ideology without even knowing it's an ideology can see what other people think, maybe a friend or an acquaintance, and they can suddenly wonder why this person thinks differently, and then they can ask questions which can eventually open their minds to new information and ideas. People tend to be more open when they see their friends saying something different, they are more likely to consider a friend's view, OSIT. Of course, in some cases it's better to be strategically quiet about some things. But I think that sharing, keeping the signal on, can make some difference in some people who aren't so stuck in one ideology or another.
C.A]Meanwhile: Trump Supporter Surrounded at Women's March in LA [embed]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/embed][/quote] I am suddenly having a deja vu :P [quote][quote author=bjorn said:
This guy addressed some good points in a decent way against an army of Anti-Trump protesters. Takes a while before he get's full steam, but he is trying to calm the tide of hatred. Difficult job to do because those people are completely hysterical. But if you don't raise your voice, get loudly and persist, you never get the chance to tell them differently.

Trump Supporter Surrounded at Women's LA March

I especially liked the last part:

There are so many people who supported Trump, but they where afraid to openly support him. But you know when they supported him, in the voting booth. That's what all you people don't understand. A lot of people supported Trump but they where, even your friends, where afraid to tell you they supported him. And you know what, when they went to the voting booth, the voted for him. And that's why all you people are now shocked, because you couldn't believe he could be elected. You need to unite behind him, because you know what, if you continue to do what you are doing. You are going to divide this country, you are going to bring about martial law. You are going to lose your rights and lose your freedom. And then comes about your biggest fear, he will be a dictator than. You better be smart people, you don't understand what is ready to happen. Wake up and be smart.
Don't mean to go off-base, but something's kinda struck me about how the vote rigging with Trump and Brexit teaches people in the West that their nations are divided. Obviously it helps to keep the masses under control (divide and conquer) and sow discontent and friction... or civil war.

But it's got me wondering about how that's juxtaposed against Putin and Medvedev, Assad; Jinping, maybe? When people in the West hear about leaders of other countries who have over 80% percent approval ratings, they just can't believe it and can't take it seriously. Like the idea of a united people living and working together under common values is an impossibility, but the irony is that I think most people do have similar values; it's just the way the psychos play their games, people can't see that truth that's right under their noses.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there.
Anna Chapman, the former Russian spy expelled from the U.S. in 2010, had this to say in her Instagram regarding the current situation:

More than 2 million Americans took to the streets to protest Donald Trump’s inauguration. The Clinton clan together with the security services are doing all they can to see Trump impeached. CNN has even theorized about what would happen, if the new president were assassinated.

It feels like everyone who is actively trying to sabotage the new US president doesn’t understand one thing: if Trump is killed or impeached, the US will see another cold war. Many of the states that voted for him might want to secede. The internal tension in the American society is deeper than it has ever been.
bjorn said:
I am suddenly having a deja vu :P



You scooped me bjron. :)..... Mods, feel free to Delete my second's.
c.a. said:
bjorn said:
I am suddenly having a deja vu :P



You scooped me bjron. :)..... Mods, feel free to Delete my second's.

Haha, I forgive you :P

[quote author= article Angelburst]
Interesting article on the prospects of an American Maidan.

It's begun: America's Maidan rears its head

Thanks for the article Angelburst,

While protesting is part of our democratic and human rights to chance government policy in a peaceful way. Calling for bloody revolution to bring about chance is something else entirely that results in death and destruction.

The 'Left' better start to realize that real soon. Because when it turns out to be bloody violent, expect that some conservatives groups will strike back voilent and deathly. And that's exactly what Soros and his gang are after to complete the choas.
T.C. said:
Don't mean to go off-base, but something's kinda struck me about how the vote rigging with Trump and Brexit teaches people in the West that their nations are divided. Obviously it helps to keep the masses under control (divide and conquer) and sow discontent and friction... or civil war.

But it's got me wondering about how that's juxtaposed against Putin and Medvedev, Assad; Jinping, maybe? When people in the West hear about leaders of other countries who have over 80% percent approval ratings, they just can't believe it and can't take it seriously. Like the idea of a united people living and working together under common values is an impossibility, but the irony is that I think most people do have similar values; it's just the way the psychos play their games, people can't see that truth that's right under their noses.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there.

(1) Simple Understanding Number 1 BOLDED

Yas said:
Regarding the left-wing people that seem to be stuck in an anti-Trump discourse, I think too that it is not all black and white. I suppose that a lot comes from political correctness, especially among the common people who are usually in their everyday lives and are part of an organization of a movement. They don't want to oppose their peers because it wouldn't be "nice", so to say.

I was discussing this with a leftist friend the other day, and he told me that there is a lot of fragmentation among left movements that tend to focus on just one aspect of a few aspects of all the social issues. So, for example, women's organizations focus on women's rights, equality, gender identity and so on, but they fail to see the big picture because they're focused on that. Same with environmentalists, etc... So there is a tendency for each movement to simplify issues towards one thing and come to even claim (sometimes) that the issue in which they are focusing is the most important one. I haven't been around these movements for a while now, but from my past experience, I can say that this is mostly true. People from one group ignore the issues raised by another group, and they even fight each other because each considers that their view is more important or correct.

This fragmentation diminishes their ability to try to see different aspects of the reality they are supposedly trying to change. And, another thing is that many of them dedicate little time to actually research, read, think deeply about things. Many of them rely on their usual spokespeople and sources of information (i.e. alt-media with a marked leftist view). I don't mean to say that they are fools by saying that they don't dedicate time to research, what I mean is that many of them are normal people like many of you and me, with jobs and families and lives to take care of, who sometimes use some of their free time to help and participate in their organization's activities. So, normally, they aren't thinking a lot about these issues but they rather trust in what their organization of choice has decided to fight for. You know, sometimes it takes effort and time to think about things and many are just so saturated that they rather let others do the job of thinking and they will just chime in to support the people they decided to trust. And here comes the role of the organization's leaders who pass down the information and decide the posture they're going to take on things. Which, in its turn, leads to the people who are financing the organization. So I think that, in this case, there are many layers of knowledge and responsibility, so to say.

For the ones who do research a bit more and think more deeply about these things, I think that they have embedded an ideology in their thinking instrument and we know it's not easy to break one perspective once we came to believe in that perspective. With this whole idea of identity, and "building and expressing your identity", I think that many adopt one identity of left-wingers liberal and progressive and it becomes a hard-nut to crack. Maybe some of them will change their minds in a while, maybe some of them won't. It reminds of the time when Maidan started in Ukraine, or the Arab Spring. Many leftists at the time started supporting the Arab Spring and then the Maidan, saying that these where people fighting against oppressive regimens and all that. The feeling they had was genuine for the most part but they were taking in the disinformation that was being brought to them. After a while, many of them changed their minds, some others didn't.

I think this also has a flavour that is similar to the New Age movement and COINTELPRO. Many of the initial ideas that concerned the people who began these social movements where genuine and important things to consider, but then many of them were co-opted and became trapped in an ideology that was simplified and distorted.

So yes, it's shocking to see some of the things that are happening, it's also sad, but it also has many layers and nuances that are important to consider instead of having a black and white thinking. I think that the activity in Twitter and Facebook is important in one more sense. Some of these people who support an ideology without even knowing it's an ideology can see what other people think, maybe a friend or an acquaintance, and they can suddenly wonder why this person thinks differently, and then they can ask questions which can eventually open their minds to new information and ideas. People tend to be more open when they see their friends saying something different, they are more likely to consider a friend's view, OSIT. Of course, in some cases it's better to be strategically quiet about some things. But I think that sharing, keeping the signal on, can make some difference in some people who aren't so stuck in one ideology or another.

(2) Simple Understanding Number 2 BOLDED

T.C. said:
Don't mean to go off-base, but something's kinda struck me about how the vote rigging with Trump and Brexit teaches people in the West that their nations are divided. Obviously it helps to keep the masses under control (divide and conquer) and sow discontent and friction... or civil war.

But it's got me wondering about how that's juxtaposed against Putin and Medvedev, Assad; Jinping, maybe? When people in the West hear about leaders of other countries who have over 80% percent approval ratings, they just can't believe it and can't take it seriously. Like the idea of a united people living and working together under common values is an impossibility, but the irony is that I think most people do have similar values; it's just the way the psychos play their games, people can't see that truth that's right under their noses.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there.

(3) Simple Understanding Number 3 BOLDED

Siberia said:
Anna Chapman, the former Russian spy expelled from the U.S. in 2010, had this to say in her Instagram regarding the current situation:

More than 2 million Americans took to the streets to protest Donald Trump’s inauguration. The Clinton clan together with the security services are doing all they can to see Trump impeached. CNN has even theorized about what would happen, if the new president were assassinated.

It feels like everyone who is actively trying to sabotage the new US president doesn’t understand one thing: if Trump is killed or impeached, the US will see another cold war. Many of the states that voted for him might want to secede. The internal tension in the American society is deeper than it has ever been.

(4) Simple Understanding Number 4 BOLDED

bjorn said:
c.a. said:
bjorn said:
I am suddenly having a deja vu :P



You scooped me bjron. :)..... Mods, feel free to Delete my second's.

Haha, I forgive you :P

[quote author= article Angelburst]
Interesting article on the prospects of an American Maidan.

It's begun: America's Maidan rears its head

Thanks for the article Angelburst,

While protesting is part of our democratic and human rights to chance government policy in a peaceful way. Calling for bloody revolution to bring about chance is something else entirely that results in death and destruction.

The 'Left' better start to realize that real soon. Because when it turns out to be bloody violent, expect that some conservatives groups will strike back voilent and deathly. And that's exactly what Soros and his gang are after to complete the choas.

(5) Simple Understanding Number 5 BOLDED

There was so many good thoughts close together here that I didn't want to miss them because they seem to really get to the heart of something the Cs said way back in 1996.

Session 29 June 1996

Q: (L) Well, that leads back to: what is the wave going to do to expand this awareness? Because, if the
wave is what "gets you there," what makes this so?
A: No. It is like this: After you have completed all your lessons in "third grade," where do you go?
Q: (L) So, it is a question of...
A: Answer, please.
Q: (L) You go to fourth grade.
A: Okay, now, do you have to already be in 4th grade in order to be allowed to go there? Answer.
Q: (L) No. But you have to know all the 3rd density things...
A: Yes. More apropos: you have to have learned all of the lessons.
Q: (L) What kind of lessons are we talking about here?
A: Karmic and simple understandings.

4D is not something we usually associate with everyday events such as these but when I think more about it, we are supposed to being heading into 4D and maybe that is why you guys are making these comments about how simple it should be for humanity to see what is "under their noses"? :huh:
Yas said:
So there is a tendency for each movement to simplify issues towards one thing and come to even claim (sometimes) that the issue in which they are focusing is the most important one. I haven't been around these movements for a while now, but from my past experience, I can say that this is mostly true. People from one group ignore the issues raised by another group, and they even fight each other because each considers that their view is more important or correct.
And here comes the role of the organization's leaders who pass down the information and decide the posture they're going to take on things. Which, in its turn, leads to the people who are financing the organization. So I think that, in this case, there are many layers of knowledge and responsibility, so to say.
So, normally, they aren't thinking a lot about these issues but they rather trust in what their organization of choice has decided to fight for
they may have used different topics for seeding multiple movement to make it look like natural, but it seems to fire back.
to me their behaviour looks very emotional and religous. what is a bit scary is they seem to have no awarness about how they appear from their 'opponents' perspective and they also don't have any concept or knowledge about how others don't agree with them and why.

Aeneas said:
Niall said:
Israel is kinda the contradiction at the heart of 'left-right'. ...
Thank you for your insight, Niall.
yeah thanks Niall. that post is a nicely condensed bunch of keys.
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