Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

From recent activity, I noticed that RT has become a target, on many levels. The treatment of this one RT reporter, in covering the protests seems extreme?

Reporter of RT, who was covering the march of anti-capitalist nature held in the US capital on the day of Trump's inauguration, was detained by police, according to the media outlet.

US Police Detain RT Reporter Covering Trump Inauguration Protests

US police officers on Friday detained Alexander Rubinstein, reporter of the RT broadcaster, who was covering the protests in the US capital ahead of the inauguration of US President Donald Trump, the media outlet said.

Ahead of the inauguration ceremony and during the event, US citizens participated in anti-Trump rallies in Washington and other cities across the United States. A metro police officer told Sputnik that US police started detentions of anti-Trump protesters, who turned violent in Washington.

Rubinstein was covering the march of anti-capitalist nature held in the US capital on the day of Trump's inauguration, when policemen circled a group of people, including the manifestants and detained several of them, the RT broadcaster reported.

According to the media outlet, Rubinstein was detained despite he had shown his media credentials to police.

Earlier in the day, Trump was sworn in on Capitol Hill as the forty-fifth president of the United States.

Alexander Rubinstein, reporter of the RT broadcaster, who was detained when covering the protests in Washington, DC, ahead of the inauguration of US President Donald Trump, faces up to 10 years of prison and a $25,000 fine, the Superior Court of the District of Colombia said in a statement.

RT Reporter Detained at US Inauguration Protests Faces Up to 10 Years of Prison

On Friday, the RT broadcaster said US police officers detained Rubinstein, who was covering the march of anti-capitalist nature held in the US capital on the day of Trump's inauguration. According to the media outlet, Rubinstein was detained despite he had shown his media credentials to police.

A preliminary hearing in Rubinstein’s case will be held on February 16, as he had been charged with a second-degree felony, the statement, published on the court’s website, said.

The RT broadcaster’s press service confirmed that the reporter, who had been released, was facing charges over participation in mass unrest.
Trump says he'll approve Keystone and DAPL. Not really surprised, though, considering he took these positions during his campaign.


Donald Trump "We Are Going To Be Cutting Taxes MASSIVELY! For Both The Middle Class And Businesses"
Published on Jan 23, 2017 C-SPAN

Trump Advances Keystone and Dakota Pipelines, Fulfilling Pledge January 24, 2017,
The moves, among Trump’s first actions since taking office, are a major departure from the Obama administration, which rejected TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone proposal in 2015 and has kept Dakota Access blocked since September. Environmentalists, concerned about climate change and damage to waters, land and Native-American cultural sites, now face an executive branch that’s less sympathetic to their efforts. For the oil industry, it heralds more freedom to expand infrastructure and ease transportation bottlenecks.

“A powerful alliance of indigenous communities, ranchers, farmers, and climate activists stopped the Keystone pipeline the first time, and the same alliance will come together to stop Keystone again if Trump tries to raise it from the dead," said Travis Nichols, a spokesman with Greenpeace.
Energy Transfer owns the Dakota Access project with Phillips 66 and Sunoco Logistics Partners LP. Marathon Petroleum Corp. and Enbridge Energy Partners LP announced a venture in August that would also take a minority stake in the pipeline.

Trump Vows Prompt Review of Rejection of Dakota Pipeline
December 4, 2016,
The pipeline "is something we support construction of, and we will review the situation when we are in the White House to make the appropriate determination at that time," Jason Miller, a spokesman for the Trump transition team, told reporters Monday.
Trump has pledged to overhaul the nation’s energy policy in a way that favors oil and natural gas producers. He has also said he will find a way to reverse the Obama administration’s rejection of TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL pipeline, and overturn environmental regulations he blames for quashing energy production.
Trump has had a financial interest in two companies involved in the pipeline, according to the financial disclosure form he released in May 2016. Trump owned between $500,000 and $1 million of stock in Energy Transfer Partners LP, which earned him $15,000 to $50,000 in income in 2015. He has sold those shares, spokeswoman Hope Hicks confirmed Monday. He also owns between $100,000 and $250,000 worth of shares in Phillips 66, which has a major stake in the project.

Josh Nelson, the deputy political director of the CREDO activist group said the action would show Trump is "in the pocket of big corporations and foreign oil interests."
Russia Insider
Putin's Press Secretary Peskov: Big mistake to think Trump is 'our' man, he is 'America's
Published on Jan 23, 2017
- Dmitry Sergeevich! Is Donald Trump our man?
- He is not our man. He's America's man. And, perhaps, this is the biggest mistake on the part of the Western analysts and on the part of some of our political analysts to believe that he is our man.
Probably, it is the biggest mistake to indulge in some illusions about the future of our relationship in the sense that the future of our bilateral relationship is free of contradictions, free of controversy. This cannot happen.
We are the two largest countries in the world. And we cannot exist without friction, without conflicts of interest. The success of the development of bilateral relations will depend on how we are able to approach the solution of these conflicts through dialog.

Russia Insider
Russian Top Journo Ridicules Libtards Protests on Trump Inauguration Speech (Russian Dialog with English Subs)
Published on Jan 24, 2017

President Trump's Press Secretary Sean Spicer Perfectly Shuts Down ABC News Reporter Jonathan Carl! 1-23-17
I think it's interesting the many different interpretations of Trump's inaugural speech. Some see it as an outright attack on the Establishment while the MSM throw the word 'Hitlerian' around because they are part of the Establishment.

Juan Cole of Informed Comment, a longtime alt-media commenter with a seeming sharp eye, seems to have fallen into the latter category calling Trump a 'neo-fascist'. I guess we'll have to see on that. But it seems to me like another hysterical reaction without any evidence to back it up, other than a speech that might just be another politician saying what he thinks people want to hear. I'm a bit dismayed at his stance.

Translating Trump’s inaugural Speech from the original German

Donald Trump’s inaugural speech, like the candidate himself, was a chain of falsehoods, saber-rattling and scary Neofascist uber-nationalism. But it could be difficult to follow because so much of it seemed stolen from the mass politics of the 1930s in central and southern Europe. So here is a plain English translation of some key passages.

Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the people.
You may be confused, as an English speaker. Trump, a billionaire real estate developer and serial grifter who founded a phony university that defrauded thousands, has appointed a cabinet of billionaires and multi-millionaires, the wealthiest and most elite cabinet in American history, which even includes the CEO of petroleum giant Exxon-Mobil.

How, you might ask, can he represent this coup by the super-rich as ‘giving’ power ‘back to’ ‘the people’? The people wouldn’t even be allowed on the grounds of the gated communities where Trump’s officials live.

The confusion arises from thinking in English instead of 1930s German. “Das Volk” or the people was a mystical conception for the German far right. It comprised the German people as an organic whole, uniting great landlord and lowly peasant. The great German corporations, too, were said to be expressions of “the people” (Hence the German automobile company Volkswagen, now led by perfectly nice people but not so much in the 1930s). The phrase comes into focus if you understand “the people” as “white Protestants and some lately admitted ethnic Catholics” who are united across social class (though of course led by their billionaire betters), and who stand in contrast to the cosmopolitans, the mixed-race people, infiltrating minorities, the socialists and others bent on diluting “the people” and subverting its prosperity and power by kowtowing to foreigners.

Trump also used the typical 1930s diction of the traitor within:

“For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.”

The traitors to das Volk, the people, are the intellectuals and persons with an international outlook, and socialists secretly working for an international cabal, and the peacemakers and diplomats– who were seen as weak and feckless. There are also religious and ethnic groups who polluted the integrity of the bodily fluids of the White body politic; for Trump these especially include Mexican-Americans and Muslims, though some people around him think that high-placed liberal Democratic Jews are manipulating the Fed against American interests. Obama was one of these infiltrators, the faux American born in Kenya who is secretly a Muslim or maybe a Muslim-Communist. These treasonous bureaucrats and artists and thinkers and soft businessmen ultimately make a pretty penny and gain social prestige and power by betraying the helpless Volk and reducing them to weakness and poverty. They may even be in the pay of foreign Powers.

The Volk are helpless before these traitors unless the natural leaders within the White community take charge and reestablish the mystical union between working class whites and corporate whites. The policy? Economic protectionism and monopoly capital inside one country. The enemy? International competitors like Chinese firms.

“But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge; and the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.”

The United States has 5% of the world’s population. But its gross domestic product (GDP), at $18.5 trillion, is 22.5% of the GDP of the entire world in nominal terms! The US economy is the largest in the world and is substantially larger than that of its nearest competitor, China (at $11.5 trillion), which, however, has about 4 times as many people as the United States. That is, on a per person basis, Chinese are positively poverty-stricken compared to Americans. Trump has taken the most flourishing economy in the world, which admittedly has large internal inequalities, and made it an economic graveyard by his gloomy rhetoric. (He in fact intends to increase the inequalities). Only by proclaiming a crisis and obscuring the US success story and US prosperity can he hope to convince das Volk that they need a great leader to restore them to their previous glory. Note that abandoned factories are highlighted here, mostly caused by mechanization and robotification of labor so that the big corporations don’t need as many American workers. The actual blight on the landscape of oil spills and mercury dumps and coal-fired plants– the pollution caused by corporate malfeasance– is not mentioned, since, of course, the corporations are The People.

Crime, too, has dramatically fallen in the United States in the past 20 years, but Trump wants people to believe the opposite. Again, only if there is a crisis of brown and black crime will das Volk be willing to surrender their rights to the Great White Trump.

By the way, those gangs he alleges are laying waste to our cities? He isn’t talking about skinheads or white supremacists or neo-Nazis. They, of course, are an essential part of das Volk, perhaps even the shock troops of The People.

Likewise, US education is not the vast wasteland Trump depicts. The US ranks in the middle of industrialized countries on math and reading. But much of the shortfall is because of the lack of funding for schools in poor districts (since local schools are funded by local taxes, the school system reflects America’s vast class and racial inequalities). Trump’s idea of fixing these schools is not to pump Federal money into the poorer districts to even the playing field but to privatize the school system so that the poor can’t even afford schooling at all. That is the kind of thing Betsy DeVoss, who wants to use the government to indoctrinate children into extremist forms of Christianity, promotes.

I could go on analyzing Trump’s lies and his Neofascist code words. But you get the picture. He and his billionaire cabinet are the natural leaders of the white Volk of Amerika, so much so that they are The People. Unlike the racialists of the 1930s, he will allow some individuals from the minorities along for the ride if they are ideologically aligned with the real Americans. He is going to kick out the cosmopolitan, half-breed traitors in the name of America First (not being a historian of the United States, it was only about a decade ago that I discovered how ugly this seemingly admirable phrase is). And he is going to run down all of America’s beauty and achievements and causes for pride so as to pull the wool over the eyes of The People and get them to back him in a new, authoritarian coup government for the United States– one where de facto most of the Bill of Rights are abolished except for the Second Amendment.
c.a. said:
Trump Advances Keystone and Dakota Pipelines, Fulfilling Pledge January 24, 2017,
The moves, among Trump’s first actions since taking office, are a major departure from the Obama administration, which rejected TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone proposal in 2015 and has kept Dakota Access blocked since September. Environmentalists, concerned about climate change and damage to waters, land and Native-American cultural sites, now face an executive branch that’s less sympathetic to their efforts. For the oil industry, it heralds more freedom to expand infrastructure and ease transportation bottlenecks.

I haven't seen any indication yet that Trump is less sympathetic to the environmental concerns.

USA today reports:

... In reversing the Obama administration policy to disapprove the Keystone pipeline, Trump emphasized that the construction isn't a done deal. "It's something that subject to a renegotiation of terms by us," he said. "We'll see if we can get the pipeline built. A lot of jobs, 28,000 jobs." ... The president also signed a similar order on the Dakota Access Pipeline, a 1,172-mile pipeline from North Dakota to Illinois that has been the subject of heated protests. ... Then he signed a separate action requiring that the steel used in the pipelines be made in the United States. "
It seems, we have only witnessed the beginning of the protests against Trump - Soro's set up a $10 million fund back in November, in the event Trump won.

Soros raising $10 million for anti-Trump revolt

The news media has been more interested in the histrionics of anti-Trump rioters than the presidential inauguration. Consistent with history the liberals and the Left are being manipulated by oligarchic interests. This manipulation can occur because of the banality of Left-wing analyses, the fundamental common world-view of the Left and global oligarchy, and the psychoses and neuroses afflicting both the leadership and rank-and-file of the Left.

Oswald Spengler observed that the Left has served the interests of money since Tiberius Gracchus was backed by the equites. In his own time he noted that there has not been a proletarian, not even a communist, movement that has not served the interests of money. (Spengler, The Decline of The West, London, 1971, vol. 2, p. 464, note 1; p. 402). During the French Revolution funds were provided by the Duc d’Orleans. During Spengler’s time Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb & Co. was funding the Russian revolutionists via the Amercian journalist George Kennan. Funds were provided by Olof Aschberg of Nye Banken, Sweden, who became the first director of the USSR’s Ruskombank; William Boyce Thompson, mining magnate and Federal Reserve Board director; Parvus-Helphand, the Menshevik turned arms merchant, et al. (Bolton, Revolution from Above, London, 2011, pp. 57-65). It seems that more often than not revolutions in the name of ‘the people’ are a façade for the replacement of a traditional ruling class by an oligarchic ruling class; in this we can include the Reformation of Henry VIII, the Puritan Revolution of Cromwell, and the ‘Glorious Revolution’.

So when today we talk of oligarchs behind ‘colour revolutions’ throughout the world, the dismissive, smirking response from academic and journalistic pundits about ‘conspiracy theorists’ wears thin, particularly since the oligarchic interests are open about their aims. Such is the confidence they have in their ability to manipulate the mass mind with buzz-words such as ‘human rights’, and ‘equality’. How the Trump presidency will play out is extraordinarily difficult to forecast, given the presence of oligarchs and Russophobes at cabinet level. Regardless, Trump has unleashed a populist revolt which is deeply troubling for the oligarchs.

George Soros, the speculator, one would think would be anathema to the ‘social justice’ street walkers of the Left. However, the extent of their moral and intellectual bankruptcy is shown by their zeal in furthering the Soros-globalist agenda.

One might be puzzled as to the vehemence of the reaction by the Left, which is supposedly anti-globalist, anti-TPP, and anti- interventionist, to a president who is, at least at his word: anti-globalist, anti-TPP, and anti-interventionist. However, to Soros an ‘open society’ means the global free flow of labour (undertaken in the name of ‘humane immigration’), and ‘money’, or whatever one wishes to call paper shuffling of the type that can bring a state to bankruptcy overnight. To the Left, such globalisation of capitalism is part of the dialectics of history, and the reason why Karl Marx supported the revolutionary character of Free Trade, as opposed to ‘conservatism’ of protectionism, as he commented in The Communist Manifesto. It is little wonder that as a movement and as an ideology, the Left has been inherently worthless in resisting capitalism. Of course one might doubt the word of Trump, or might question how he is to achieve his agenda when he has certain elements in his cabinet whom one might suspect. However, what at least can be said is that Hillary Clinton was openly globalist, free trade, Russophobic and war-mongering, yet large elements of the Left at all levels are hysterically devoted to her. Again it shows a lack of reasoning ability among the Left, and manipulation by those who will continue to hold power in key sectors of the USA regardless, who could only be removed by a literal revolution, regardless of who assumes the presidency.

Colour Revolution comes to the USA

The riots against Trump have the marks of a ‘colour revolution’ Soros-style. One might ask what the anti-Trumpists aim for, given the legitimate election of the president? The answer, one must assume, is to make the USA ungovernable: a permanent state of anarchy. Soros has devoted a fortune to resisting ‘populism’ and subverting traditional values around the world: he is not going to rest while his adopted nation (insofar as such a person can be identified with any nation) undergoes an unexpected populist reaction. The oligarchic revolutionists are attempting to unleash aggrieved minorities and sectional interests. Feminists have long served the oligarchy, at least since Gloria Steinem was sponsored by the CIA (Bolton, Revolution from above, op. cit., pp. 164-170), and Steinem is among the anti-Trumpists (Women’s March, honorary co-chairs:, still ever-willing to serve the Establishment behind a façade of anti-Establishment rhetoric. These disaffected sectional interests are being cynically manipulated by Soros fronts through shameless fear-mongering. Soros has prepared these disaffected sectional interests through the strategic funding of their lobbies. There are also many Democrats involved in the manufactured anarchy, including those who have been close to the Obama Administration, such as those at the EMILYS List (below).

Among of the most zealous of the anti-Trumpists is the Women’s March on Washington, taking place as this is written. This has spearheaded a worldwide movement of the zealously airheaded, which included marches in New Zealand on 21 January for reasons that are strained at best. Among the sponsors of the Women Marchers are Planned Parenthood; EMILY’s List, a political action committee of the Democratic Party dedicated to getting ‘Pro-choice Democratic women’ elected to office; NARAL Pro-Choice, a leading abortionist lobby; Human Rights Campaign, and (Women’s March:

The Human Rights Campaign, heavily funded by corporates such as Goldman Sachs (ironically, given the several appointees in the Trump cabinet), works with Soros’ Open Society Foundation around the world. ( Planned Parenthood receives Soros funding. In August 2016 leaked Soros documents showed that the Open Society Foundation granted $1.5 million to Planned Parenthood for a ‘fight back’ campaign, after beign exposed in trafficking body parts of aborted foetuses. (Katie Yoder, ‘George Soros gave Planned Parenthood $1.5 million to cover up sales of aborted baby parts’, Life News, 25 August 2016: Soros is the third largest donor to ‘Planned Parenthood’. (‘Planned Parenthood’s top 7 donors’, Life News, August 2015: was founded in1998 as a lobby to oppose the impeachment of Bill Clinton. So much for their morality in politics. Initial funding came from Soros. (Fatcheck. August 2010: MoveOn was among the first to call for mass demonstrations in Washington against Trump. (‘MoveOn calls for protests over Trump victory’, Epoch Times, 210 November 2016:

Soros $10 million Fund

On 22 November 2016 the Open Society Foundations announced the launch of a $10 million fund raiser to ‘confront hate’. This is unconcealed fear-mongering. The Soros foundation aims to generate a feeling of insecurity among targeted minorities to maintain a strategy of anarchy and make the USA ungovernable. It is doing this by stating that disaffected interest groups stand in imminent threat from the Trump administration. Soros has resorted to citing a report from the Southern Poverty Law Center claiming over 700 ‘hate crimes’ since Trump’s election in November. This figure was obtained largely through internet complaint forms to the SPLC. ( As cynics who have observed such matters over the years might suspect, a great many of the alleged ‘hate crimes’ are bogus, trivial, or unrelated to Trump. (See: SPLC: Already many of the examples have been exposed as fraudulent. (‘There is no violent hate crime wave in Trump’s America’,

Additionally, the report did not document the many more reported incidents of abuse of white children, associated with the Trump election. Paul Sperry of the New York Post reported:

‘At least 2,000 educators around the country reported racist slurs and other derogatory language leveled against white students in the first days after Donald Trump was elected president. But the group that surveyed the teachers didn’t publish the results in its report on Trump-related “hate crimes.” The Southern Poverty Law Center partnered with the American Federation of Teachers, which formally endorsed Hillary Clinton, to circulate the questionnaire among its 1.6 million mostly Democratic members. The survey was sent out to K-12 teachers and administrators who subscribe to its “Teaching Tolerance” newsletter’. (Paul Sperry, ‘Report buried Trump related hate crimes against white kids’, New York Post, 5 December 2016:

The Amercian Federation of Teachers, the co-sponsor of the SPLC report, is also a sponsor of the Women’s March on Washington. On 19 January the AFT, as part of the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools, ‘spearheaded’ mass demonstrations against Trump at more than 200 cities. (‘Thousands send message to Trump on eve of inauguration’,

Using this dubious SPLC/AFT report, a Soros press release on the fund raising states:

The Open Society Foundations initiative is an effort to move swiftly to address this urgent problem, providing support designed to encourage and empower communities to resist the spread of hate and strengthen services and protections for their most vulnerable neighbors’. (‘Open Society Foundations announce $10 million fund to confront hate’, press release, 22 November 2016:

The OSF states that grants will be made to ‘grass roots community groups’ to protect the vulnerable against hate crimes. (Ibid.). This is a euphemistic reference for funding leftist street histrionics. The modus operendi has been used dozens of times by Soros throughout the world in manufacturing ‘colour revolutions’ to overthrow regimes that resist some factor of the globalist agenda. The funds are to launch what is being called a ‘Communities Against Hate rapid-response initiative’, (‘Communities against hate’,, which I suggest is a euphemism for the type of mentally-challenged and unbalanced antics of car- burning and store smashing that occurred on the day of the presidential inauguration. It should be recalled that the ‘colour revolutions’ are always portrayed as peaceful protests and spontaneous indignation, not matter how violent and long-planned. OSF president Chris Stone explains:

‘Trump’s election calls for both a short-term and a longer-term response. In the days and weeks ahead, we need to attend to the victims of these hate incidents, prevent further attacks and intimidation, and join in solidarity with the communities now living in fear. Many of these groups have suffered attacks like these for centuries—hatred, racist bigotry, and sexist violence are not new—but the frequency and scale of the attacks since November 8 are alarming. We need to act now. At the Open Society Foundations, we will be supporting community organizations across the United States ready to aid the victims of hate and prevent these incidents from happening in the first place.’ (Stone, ‘hope on the road ahead’, 18 November 2016:

It is not known, given most abuse apparently related to the Trump victory has been directed towards white children, whether the KKK will be applying for a Soros grant as a ‘grass roots community group’.

The type of activity Stone at all have in mind is indicated by his endorsement for the Women’s March on Washington. This seems to confirm that street action is the intended strategy; not only peaceful litigation and education. Again, Stone also confirms that this is part of a wider global agenda against any sign of populist revolt:

‘The rest of the world, too, needs a long-term program. The success of Trump’s populist campaign links the United States to a global trend in which truth is trashed, fear is exploited, and democracies are transformed into mafia states. We need to build new and stronger institutions at local, national, and international levels—transparent institutions with integrity, open to the participation of all people. If nothing else, recent events have forged a sudden solidarity among people with very different experiences, a degree of solidarity that I have not seen for more than a decade’. (Stone, ibid.).

Among hypocritical jargon about peaceful and lawful protest by the frontman for an organisation founded and chaired by an economic parasite who has brought mayhem across the world to pursue ‘open societies’ in the interests of predatory finance, Stone states: ‘On the global scale, we need to recognize the present crisis as a powerful backlash against decades of progress in forging more open societies’. (Ibid.). Never mind that the ‘backlash’ has been against the oligarchic parasites who masquerade as champions of humanity. The anti-Trump street mobs are too befuddle to understand, and too bigoted to listen. Perhaps an apt response, given the hysteria of the rioters, and the kid-gloves of the police, would be for the mobilisation of American workers and farmers with axe handles to the ready?
I got lots of free time, and decided to do something productive. Maybe I start a blog, I tried to write something for the 'Anti Trump' folks. Hoping it might give them another perspective. I could have included a more complete overview of the crimes Killary commited against Humanity. But who hasn't done that already. So I decided to highlight the positive things Trump has on the agenda, maybe that will help them to start thinking. I could have added more, but than I would have turned it more 'conspiracy like' with truths, and they can't handle the truth very well.

I decided to keep it short, since the ''Anti folks'' don't seem to like long articles? Or at least, 99% of humanity hates that. Being all instant gratification and all that. I copied some sentences and info I collected from people on the forum and elsewhere. So thanks for that.

Maybe you like it, maybe you don't.

Oh, and does anyone know how to place a hyperlink in a word? I know that google is my friend, but today it seems, we where enemies. Because I kept searching and I found nothing usefull.

The bloody Revolution to come? And how to prevent it?

While protesting is part of our democratic and human rights to chance government policies in a peaceful way. Calling for bloody revolution like several celebrities ( did to bring about chance is something else entirely that can only result in death and destruction. Just consider the full consequences of what can happen if more destruction ( and voilence ensues along this path;

If Trump is killed or impeached, many states that voted for him might want to secede.

Another possible scenario is that Trump might have to usher in Martial law to stop the deathly violence from tearing the country apart. And then he will have the power of a dictator.

Either way it doesn't look good if people refrain from protesting in a peacefull manner. Directing anger in a responsible way is key to bring about bringing real positive chance. Violence as the solution to get your way will only create suffering and death.

And that accounts for both sides. Because if both fail to listen to each other and can only see each others as enemies. It will only be matter of time that they will treat each other as such in the full meaning of the word.

Those who voted for Trump versus the opposition.

Fact is that many people supported and voted for Trump. And that came as a shock for the opposition. Because many of them couldn't believe Trump could be elected. The reason behind this can be blamed duo to people being afraid of openly supporting Trump. Family, friends, coworkers etc where afraid of being branded a 'racist', 'sexist', homophobic'' And brushing them simply away as that, like many media outlets did, created a climate where it became difficult and stressfull to respectfully explain why people supported Trump. The fears about Trump whet ever legitimate or not could have been discussed in a more healthy and productive way without a fearfull climate of ''persecution''

Taking a closer look why people really supported Trump, what Trump proposes and appears to be sincere about, it might give a whole new perspective for those who are fearfull of him.

- Friendly relations with Russia, while Hillary called for a no fly-zone over Syria, which if executed. Would have brought US/NATO troops in opposition of Russia.
( )

So yes, Hillary basically promised WW3 in her campaign. Can you blame people of being afraid of that above all else? And can you blame people of being afraid whenever Hillary celebrates and laughs about the death of a leader of a country she helped to destroy as secretary of state: ( )

Or laughs about a possible war with Iran while claiming she is working hard to make that possible:
( )

Nobody wants another warmonger in chief, and going through Trump's promises further down below, it becomes clear that he represents the complete opposite of that.

- Healthcare for every citizen, The Healthcare Obama promised but never delivered :

- Rein in Big Pharma, Healthcare not for profit, but for the people, of the people.

- Stop big business moving US manufacturing jobs overseas, creating jobs to counter massive um-employment. Trump promised to create 25 million jobs with his economic plan.

Do people with jobs care about detail such as this? For many unemployed fellow countrymen who are drowning in poverty, this is a life saving promise they are desperately in need of to provide for their families and themselves. Just put yourself in their shoes. Hillary promised none of this, in fact her support for trade agreements such as the TPP would have send even more jobs oversees.

- Stop Intel agencies selling Fake Intelligence to the public to start wars. After all the media and intelligence agencies sold the public the illegal deceitful war in Iraq and everything that has come with it. This is one of the main reasons why Trump speaks rightfully so against Fake news.

- Pull back on US 'regime change' and the destruction of other countries, certainly something the rest of the World can't wait for, it caused endless suffering on a global scale, which is also the reason why many Muslims supported Trump. If he succeeds in making this a reality, the whole World would be a better place.

[quote author= Trump]"We will pursue a new foreign policy that finally learns from the mistakes of the past...We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments.... Our goal is stability not chaos, because we want to rebuild our country [the United States]... We will partner with any nation that is willing to join us in the effort to defeat ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism ...In our dealings with other countries, we will seek shared interests wherever possible and pursue a new era of peace, understanding, and good will."[/quote]

Trump has said incentive things, no doubt about that, and his wife agrees ( while Trump apologized for it. ( But those incentive things he said doesn't fall positively in comparison if he truly put his promises in action. To support Trump you don't have to stand behind him a full 100%. But it's about having a sense of proportion. It's about placing substance above appearances. To them Trump promised considerable positive policies that outweighted the negative, and that's why many decided to vote for him. And those reasons is what many people missed on the other side of the spectrum, hopefully it becomes more obvious now that simply brushing all Trump supporters away as 'racist', 'sexist' , 'homophobic' holds no basis in reality.

If this could have shared in a climate where fear and ridicule weren't brought on by many media outlets during Trump's candidacy. Meaningful discussions could have ensued throughout the presidential campaign. Having a concept of knowledge about why others disagree or agree is what makes a thriving and peacefull democracy. Address you fears and those of others, talk to each other and be open for what others have to say. Have humane interactions, recognize that there's a good in people and that we all can be led astray from time to time, there are goodhearted people on all sides.

Hold dear to true democratic value's. And don't follow celebrities and all those who are advocating violence as a solution, that will only lead us to a path of suffering and death.

Don't lose your touch with humanity. If you decide to protest, please practise this peacefully. And if you support Trump, try to consider and address the fears correctly of those who are against the president.

It remains to be seen what will happen, but Trump deserve a chance, he has positive policy's on his agenda and is elected in pure democatic fashion.


Trump the 'homophobic' holding a LGBT flag while Hillary accepted money from Gulf State countries where being gay is punishable by death. (
Beau said:
I think it's interesting the many different interpretations of Trump's inaugural speech. Some see it as an outright attack on the Establishment while the MSM throw the word 'Hitlerian' around because they are part of the Establishment.

Juan Cole of Informed Comment, a longtime alt-media commenter with a seeming sharp eye, seems to have fallen into the latter category calling Trump a 'neo-fascist'. I guess we'll have to see on that. But it seems to me like another hysterical reaction without any evidence to back it up, other than a speech that might just be another politician saying what he thinks people want to hear. I'm a bit dismayed at his stance.

Translating Trump’s inaugural Speech from the original German

I can understand you are a bit dismayed as it appears af if Juan Cole has taken it upon himself to defend the Obama legacy, the swamp and in short the Establishment. It looks like the description "mush for brains" is fitting and his position does not look so different from others like Palast, who paint Trump as the new Hitler. It also means that they would have preferred Hillary and that just boggles the mind.

Are these signs of the approaching Wave and the sudden disintegration of people? It that is the case, then we are in for a whole lot more of it, I fear.
PhoenixToEmber said:
Trump says he'll approve Keystone and DAPL. Not really surprised, though, considering he took these positions during his campaign.



I remember Joe talking about the pipeline around 2 months ago on the radio show.
The gist I think was that it 'needs' to go ahead because America is super dependent on oil.
That's not to say the pipeline or where it is being routed is right, just that America and it's military would collapse if it exceedingly high demand isn't met.
RedFox said:
PhoenixToEmber said:
Trump says he'll approve Keystone and DAPL. Not really surprised, though, considering he took these positions during his campaign.



I remember Joe talking about the pipeline around 2 months ago on the radio show.
The gist I think was that it 'needs' to go ahead because America is super dependent on oil.
That's not to say the pipeline or where it is being routed is right, just that America and it's military would collapse if it exceedingly high demand isn't met.

Also think about the natives' environmental concerns vs. creating new jobs. I think here is the first "damned if you do, damned if you don't"-style decision that the Kennedys faced that now Trump faced and both had to make a decision. Lot's of grey areas. Also US nuclear plants are leaking pretty bad now, so where should be the environmental concerns expressed? Organize standoffs for the environment all over the US?

Make a pipeline that doesn't break? Surely its expensive and DAPL investors don't wanna waste money on keeping people's land clean.

Finally a super fast decision from Trump's team that will have to provide answers during next Monday's press briefing. Watching Sean Spicer's expression this Monday made me think about this: "Wait until serious answers need to be given.." Then I'm curious, how will he face those questions vs. previous administration's demented "dirty dodgy liars game".
RedFox said:
PhoenixToEmber said:
Trump says he'll approve Keystone and DAPL. Not really surprised, though, considering he took these positions during his campaign.



I remember Joe talking about the pipeline around 2 months ago on the radio show.
The gist I think was that it 'needs' to go ahead because America is super dependent on oil.
That's not to say the pipeline or where it is being routed is right, just that America and it's military would collapse if it exceedingly high demand isn't met.

Trump just ordered a media blackout of several environmental agencies including the EPA and a temporary freeze to all contracts, grants and interagency agreements pending a review. It might help quite down some of the protesting in Dakota around the pipeline? And maybe some compromises can be agreed to, so that the pipeline can be built but with modifications on the locations? If you think in terms of facing a mini ice age or worse, those pipelines may become "life-lines" verses freezing to death?

Trump Orders Media Blackout At Government Agencies: Bans Use Of Social Media, Bars New EPA Contracts

It wasn't just the EPA.

Earlier today, we reported that the Trump administration instituted a media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding any new contracts or grants.

Emails sent to EPA staff since President Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday and reviewed by The Associated Press, detailed the specific prohibitions banning press releases, blog updates or posts to the agency's social media accounts. On Monday, the Huffington Post reported that EPA grants had been frozen, with agency employees barred from speaking of the matter. The memo ordering the social media blackout is shown below.

[...] Cited by The Hill, Myron Ebell, who leads the Trump EPA transition, confirmed the freeze to ProPublica. They’re trying to freeze things to make sure nothing happens they don’t want to have happen, so any regulations going forward, contracts, grants, hires, they want to make sure to look at them first,”

[...] The agency also was asked by the White House on Monday to temporarily halt all contracts, grants and interagency agreements pending a review, according to multiple sources. The EPA awards billions of dollars worth of grants and contracts every year to support programs around environmental testing, cleanups and research. According to Reuters, the White House sent a letter to the EPA's Office of Administration and Resources Management ordering the freeze on Monday. "Basically no money moving anywhere until they can take a look," the staffer said, asking not to be named.

George Soros, who fancies himself a god and intends to remake the world, is the Lord of Chaos and pursues a world order that is demonic, not divine.

George Soros: The “God” Who Should Be Jailed

[...] The anti-Trump demonstrations and riots — both before and after the election — follow a pattern that we have seen over and over again, from the protests of Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter to Dream Act/Open Borders. Not only are the tactics the same, but many of the same groups and individuals keep reappearing in all of these seemingly spontaneous outbreaks of organized chaos.

[...] As to be expected, Soros PR minions deny that their boss has anything to do with the mayhem caused by those he funds. “George Soros is not funding these (anti Trump) protests,” Soros spokesperson Michael Vachon said in an interview with Value Walk. Of course, Soros also denied funding the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement. But financial records showed that he had provided millions of dollars to the Tides Foundation, which then passed through funding to the OWS activists.

This is why official congressional and prosecutorial investigations are necessary. Soros and the other funders of the riots, subversion, and anarchy will continue to deny the obvious, as they have been doing for decades. The undercover videos of James O’Keefe’s Veritas Project have exposed top Democratic Party operatives boasting of their illegal activities, such as voter fraud, busing in demonstrators, fomenting riots, initiating fights, illegal funding, etc. This is happening on a massive scale and can only be stopped by utilizing the same legal bulwarks that are used against organized crime. The financial records of the funders and organ­izations involved must be subpoenaed, and individuals placed under oath, where they will face the full penalty of perjury. As the saying goes, “follow the money,” and prosecute those who are financing the ongoing demolition of America.

Investigation and prosecution of the rioters — and especially those who fund and direct them — is important not only for redress of the crimes already committed and social harm already done, but also to deter plans for similar future havoc.
Some satire.

'The Netherlands Second?' Satirical Dutch Video Welcomes Trump in His Own Words (Video) (4:04 min.)

As a political figure, US President Donald Trump has never been one to mince his words. However a Dutch TV program has done exactly that, making a satirical video poking fun at Trump’s "America First" approach, by calling on Washington to put "The Netherlands second."

The video, from the Zondag met Lubach (Sunday with Lubach) program, makes fun of Trump's distinctive speaking style by offering a welcome message to the newly inaugurated president.

In very Trump fashion, the "introductory video" takes aim at the Spanish ("total scumbags"), the Danish ("total disaster") and the "fake" German language.

With references to pony parks, building great walls at Mexico's expense and "racist" Black Pete celebrations, the video makes light of some of Trump's controversial moments while on the campaign trail.

However, behind the jokes it also touches on some serious issues concerning the Netherlands, such as the country's "best tax evasion system," the "great great great dependency on the United States" and fears Trump will abandon NATO.

​In a final pitch to the new president, the video called on Trump to sort out his international alliances.

"We totally understand it's going to be America first, but can we just say: The Netherlands second?"
bjorn said:
Maybe you like it, maybe you don't.

Thanks for collecting all of these links in one place bjorn, I just made a bunch of tweets from them. Big help!

bjorn said:
Oh, and does anyone know how to place a hyperlink in a word? I know that google is my friend, but today it seems, we where enemies. Because I kept searching and I found nothing usefull.

Is this what you mean?

[url=]Signs of the Times[/url]
= Signs of the Times
angelburst29 said:
Some satire.

'The Netherlands Second?' Satirical Dutch Video Welcomes Trump in His Own Words (Video) (4:04 min.)

As a political figure, US President Donald Trump has never been one to mince his words. However a Dutch TV program has done exactly that, making a satirical video poking fun at Trump’s "America First" approach, by calling on Washington to put "The Netherlands second."

The video, from the Zondag met Lubach (Sunday with Lubach) program, makes fun of Trump's distinctive speaking style by offering a welcome message to the newly inaugurated president.

In very Trump fashion, the "introductory video" takes aim at the Spanish ("total scumbags"), the Danish ("total disaster") and the "fake" German language.

With references to pony parks, building great walls at Mexico's expense and "racist" Black Pete celebrations, the video makes light of some of Trump's controversial moments while on the campaign trail.

However, behind the jokes it also touches on some serious issues concerning the Netherlands, such as the country's "best tax evasion system," the "great great great dependency on the United States" and fears Trump will abandon NATO.

​In a final pitch to the new president, the video called on Trump to sort out his international alliances.

"We totally understand it's going to be America first, but can we just say: The Netherlands second?"

I saw this earlier and thought of posting, you beat me to it!

The narrator does a great job imitating Trump's speaking style and I liked the beginning of the video and the end. Even the joke about the wall was really funny, but I thought some of the jokes in the middle about crowd sizes, racism and the disabled politician was kind of lame. I think its pretty funny.

Maybe we could create a video in this style but aimed at debunking some of the MSM fake news storylines? Can anyone do a good Trump impression?
PhoenixToEmber said:
Trump says he'll approve Keystone and DAPL. Not really surprised, though, considering he took these positions during his campaign.



If it goes through those native areas and dangerously under rivers, many many people (and I) will be very disappointed. They can detour it a bit (heck, that might create a few more of those jobs being talking about).
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