Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Alada said:
I wonder if there’s an 'as above so below' component to it as well? That what we see happening in the world 'out there' is a reflection of what is happening to people’s inner worlds. First there can be a 'reality splitting' moment internally, or several over time, which then have cumulative effects on everyone else when those worlds combine/collide, or at least it’s the groups influencing each other to 'split' and that then creates the potential for a larger reality split of the world 'out there'? Hope that makes sense!

This is a really interesting point. To me, learning about the hyper dimensional reality almost felt like a reality split. I divide the way I look at my own life into ‘before’ and ‘after’ because there’s a completely different point of reference to filter everything I experience through.

Alada said:
So just as there’s a battle to pay attention to objective reality 'out there’ and not get swept away with others who are taking sides, forming extreme views etc, on both left and right, so there’s a kind of decisive battle internally. But we know how difficult it is to accurately perceive and access one’s own inner world, to spot false narratives, lies, fantasies, wishful thinking, emotional thinking etc, and you have to want to do it and be actively looking, and that’s a relatively a rare thing it seems. Most folk tend to react before 'paying attention' has chance to step in and say "woe, hold on a second there, let’s not be too hasty!", and then there are all the social pressures coming to bear that push emotional buttons before thinking can wake up. In that sense the cards are really stacked against us!


So in a way it looks like people facing the choice of deciding/declaring what kind of reality they prefer and wish to live in, both externally AND internally. If they choose to throw their lot in with the subjective, then the matter of knowledge is released – and that’s all a part of the cycle.

The above parts of your post reminded me of this part of the session from October 10th 2015:

Laura said:
A: For those who find themselves in a life situation that is less than desirable or optimal, small daily acts that declare their affinity for another reality will accumulate and trigger a phase transition.

Q: (L) Well, okay... You've said steps, daily steps. You don't like the reality that you're in so you look around yourself and you see things about your reality that you don't like... I mean, what kind of first daily steps can you take? If you're in a reality that's freaking controlling you and everything around you, how can you take steps? So many people are in situations where they can't even do that sort of thing. What kind of steps can people take at the most basic level?

A: Changing the mode of self-presentation and self-representation is the most basic.

Q: (Galatea) So like, changing habits?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Changes in lifestyle here and there.

(L) Yeah, changes in your lifestyle?

(Perceval) Changes in your mode of self-presentation is kind of like what you identify with, ya know? It gets into what we were just talking about earlier. If a person is wearing clothes that identify him with a certain aspect of common popular culture, then if you are at odds with the world at large because of the insanity and suffering, that would be one of the first things to change: you identification with “popular culture”.

(L) So in other words, if you are not at home in the world the way it is and the way it has grown and the way it has developed, you need to put yourself into a different world NOW with small changes.

(Perceval) And at least stop identifying with this one. All the aspects that popular culture today pushes on people as means to identify with the reality of this world and what makes it tick - which is all kind of depraved and dysfunctional... And people absorb that and they start wearing clothes, and speaking differently, and that's all nothing but identifying with a manufactured aspect of this world and culture.

(L) Hairdos, clothing...

(Perceval) Anything.
Ant22 said:

Alada and T.C. I have been wondering about similar things and I read your posts with a lot of interest. Since Trump’s presidency came as a surprise to the PTB (same thing goes for Brexit apparently), then why didn’t they just go back in time to fix the error and change the outcome in favour of Killary?

Ant22, I don’t think it works that way. It is a much more complex system then that, OSIT.

The trump phenomenon is far much too local from the perspective of the “time masters” aka lizards. Their reality is so much further from our understanding that you have to look at it from the perspective of how we would manipulate bacteria.

We don’t really focus on individual local choices that the bacteria make, only that we set things up so that the general final outcome will be an energetic benefit for us humans.

So IMO, how we perceive the manipulations of the lizzies is entirely up to our level of being and comprehension.

A good example of that concept might be the way we perceive the lizzies themselves. They are not really physical lizards. Only that due to our limited perceptions as human beings for us the closest symbolic representation that we can perceive makes them appear that way.

Don’t know if that made any sense.
Nima said:
Ant22 said:

Alada and T.C. I have been wondering about similar things and I read your posts with a lot of interest. Since Trump’s presidency came as a surprise to the PTB (same thing goes for Brexit apparently), then why didn’t they just go back in time to fix the error and change the outcome in favour of Killary?

Ant22, I don’t think it works that way. It is a much more complex system then that, OSIT.

The trump phenomenon is far much too local from the perspective of the “time masters” aka lizards. Their reality is so much further from our understanding that you have to look at it from the perspective of how we would manipulate bacteria.

We don’t really focus on individual local choices that the bacteria make, only that we set things up so that the general final outcome will be an energetic benefit for us humans.

So IMO, how we perceive the manipulations of the lizzies is entirely up to our level of being and comprehension.

A good example of that concept might be the way we perceive the lizzies themselves. They are not really physical lizards. Only that due to our limited perceptions as human beings for us the closest symbolic representation that we can perceive makes them appear that way.

Don’t know if that made any sense.

Thank you Nima, that made a lot of sense actually! Especially comparing the situation to bacteria! Using your metaphor, the way I saw it was that us, regular people are like bacteria whilst someone like Trump would be more like a "superbug" that has more impact on the desired outcome (or lack of it). It's much clearer for me now, thanks for taking the time to reply :flowers:
[quote author= Ant22]Alada and T.C. I have been wondering about similar things and I read your posts with a lot of interest. Since Trump’s presidency came as a surprise to the PTB (same thing goes for Brexit apparently), then why didn’t they just go back in time to fix the error and change the outcome in favour of Killary? [/quote]

About Time travel, I am guessing that when you learn lessons you are in progression toward union with the one, I.E. level 7

7D exceeds 4D, which leaves 4STS powerless to do anything about it.

So their set of timeline alternatives is limited and can only be altered when Entropy is present. In other words, if people are asleep in their interaction with creation, 4STS can and will alter the timeline to make sure it stays that way.

But when you start to learn lessons, no matter how small you are fulfilling the intentions of creation. Learning lessons is progression towards 7D.

4STS is not all powerful when it comes to time travel. They are limited, and the more conscious people there are. The less they can temper with the timeline. We are all transducers of Energy, true Light-Workers fill and make the world breathable with Creative energy. The more there is, the more people can act upon it. The less 4STS has room to maneuver with.

- Or so I think, If I was an expert in time travel, I would have already build such a machine. :P
bjorn said:
[quote author= Ant22]Alada and T.C. I have been wondering about similar things and I read your posts with a lot of interest. Since Trump’s presidency came as a surprise to the PTB (same thing goes for Brexit apparently), then why didn’t they just go back in time to fix the error and change the outcome in favour of Killary?

About Time travel, I am guessing that when you learn lessons you are in progression toward union with the one, I.E. level 7

7D exceeds 4D, which leaves 4STS powerless to do anything about it.

So their set of timeline alternatives is limited and can only be altered when Entropy is present. In other words, if people are asleep in their interaction with creation, 4STS can and will alter the timeline to make sure it stays that way.

But when you start to learn lessons, no matter how small you are fulfilling the intentions of creation. Learning lessons is progression towards 7D.

4STS is not all powerful when it comes to time travel. They are limited, and the more conscious people there are. The less they can temper with the timeline. We are all transducers of Energy, true Light-Workers fill and make the world breathable with Creative energy. The more there is, the more people can act upon it. The less 4STS has room to maneuver with.

- Or so I think, If I was an expert in time travel, I would have already build such a machine. :P[/quote]

Gosh, this is actually really logical: why else would it be so important to them to keep us asleep? Only this way they can do what they do to us. Thank you for explaining this Bjorn!! :flowers:
I can identify with this mans experience. I'm still thinking about a long time friend no longer speaking to me, who considers I've gone to "the dark side". It does look like a psychotic break down, reality split occurring, the slippery slide into fascism. But the people who sincerely love me could care less if I'm a Trump, hopeful supporter. Water off a ducks back. And I'm bonding with my brother after many years of the liberal/conservative divide, which is real nice. Throw in Ann Coulter as well.

Escaping the liberal bubble: Coming out as a conservative in liberal, gay New York _

An article in the New York Post by Chadwick Moore, a self-described gay man, is an excellent window into the poisoned political atmosphere resulting from (and perhaps contributing to) the election of Donald Trump (“I’m a gay New Yorker — and I’m coming out as a conservative“). The very many Trump supporters who have found that longtime friends, lovers, and family will no longer speak to them — apart from invidious name-calling — will perhaps find a bit of solace in his experience.

Moore made the tragic mistake of writing a neutral article about Milo Yiannopoulis in Out, a liberal magazine catering to gays.

After the story posted online in the early hours of October 21, I woke up to more than 100 Twitter notifications on my iPhone. Trolls were calling me a Nazi, death threats rolled in and a joke photo that I posed for in a burka served as “proof” that I am an Islamophobe.

I’m not.

Most disconcertingly, it wasn’t just strangers voicing radical discontent. Personal friends of mine — men in their 60s who had been my longtime mentors — were coming at me. They wrote on Facebook that the story was “irresponsible” and “dangerous.” A dozen or so people unfriended me. A petition was circulated online, condemning the magazine and my article. All I had done was write a balanced story on an outspoken Trump supporter for a liberal, gay magazine, and now I was being attacked. I felt alienated and frightened.

I hope New Yorkers can be as accepting of my new status as a conservative man as they’ve been about my sexual orientation.

I lay low for a week or so. Finally, I decided to go out to my local gay bar in Williamsburg, where I’ve been a regular for 11 years. I ordered a drink but nothing felt the same; half the place — people with whom I’d shared many laughs — seemed to be giving me the cold shoulder. Upon seeing me, a friend who normally greets me with a hug and kiss pivoted and turned away.

Frostiness spread far beyond the bar, too. My best friend, with whom I typically hung out multiple times per week, was suddenly perpetually unavailable. Finally, on Christmas Eve, he sent me a long text, calling me a monster, asking where my heart and soul went, and saying that all our other friends are laughing at me.

I realized that, for the first time in my adult life, I was outside of the liberal bubble and looking in. What I saw was ugly, lock step, incurious and mean-spirited. …

I began to realize that maybe my opinions just didn’t fit in with the liberal status quo, which seems to mean that you must absolutely hate Trump, his supporters and everything they believe. If you dare not to protest or boycott Trump, you are a traitor.

If you dare to question liberal stances or make an effort toward understanding why conservatives think the way they do, you are a traitor.

Note particularly the last comment: “If you dare to question liberal stances or make an effort toward understanding why conservatives think the way they do, you are a traitor.” Being a Trump supporter is not simply misguided. Such a person malevolent. Such a person is consumed by hatred, anger and fear towards gays, women, non-Whites, and every group in the victim class pantheon. Even trying to understand such a person is itself evil.

And that’s the problem. Being cast as evil means you are outside the moral community. There’s no need to talk with you, no need to be fair, or even worry about your safety. You are like an outlaw in Old Norse society —“a person [who] lost all of his or her civil rights and could be killed on sight without any legal repercussions” — or sucker-punched by antifas, an action that is much approved on the left. By vilifying us as moral cretins, people automatically close off the possibility of even trying to see the world as we see it. After all, if a person is morally culpable, there is the implication that that person is blameworthy. Excuses like having different, sincerely held beliefs, no matter how well-founded, don’t have to be considered. Immorality implies malicious intentions.

When I was growing up in the Midwest, coming out to my family at the age of 15 was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Today, it’s just as nerve-wracking coming out to all of New York as a conservative. But, like when I was 15, it’s also weirdly exciting.

I’ve already told my family, and it’s brought me closer to my father. He’s a Republican and a farmer in Iowa, and for years we just didn’t have very much to talk about. But after Trump’s inauguration, we chatted for two hours, bonding over the ridiculousness of lefties. But we also got serious: He told me that he is proud of my writing, and I opened up about my personal life in a way I never had before to him.

I’ve made some new friends and also lost some who refuse to speak to me. I’ve come around on Republican pundit Ann Coulter, who I now think is smart and funny and not a totally hateful, self-righteous bigot. A year ago, this would have been unfathomable to me. …

And I hope that New Yorkers can be as open-minded and accepting of my new status as a conservative man as they’ve been about my sexual orientation.

Good luck with that!
SummerLite said:
I can identify with this mans experience. I'm still thinking about a long time friend no longer speaking to me, who considers I've gone to "the dark side". It does look like a psychotic break down, reality split occurring, the slippery slide into fascism. But the people who sincerely love me could care less if I'm a Trump, hopeful supporter. Water off a ducks back. And I'm bonding with my brother after many years of the liberal/conservative divide, which is real nice. Throw in Ann Coulter as well.

SummerLite, thanks for sharing your experience and this article, which I found fascinating. Wow, the mask is truly off. And all that remains is the ugly face of hating, devouring ignorance and meanness. I guess that is what the Wave is about - it causes chaos and reality shifts left and right. Some people are revealed for what they are, others are crushed because they have not integrated their shadow in any way, becoming their shadow. Still others, like this man from the article, leave the bubble and rise, forming new bonds and coming home. Truly touching.
Ant22 said:
Alada and T.C. I have been wondering about similar things and I read your posts with a lot of interest. Since Trump’s presidency came as a surprise to the PTB (same thing goes for Brexit apparently), then why didn’t they just go back in time to fix the error and change the outcome in favour of Killary?

I guess wishful thinking prevented them from assessing the situation correctly and now we have Trump as president. And for reasons unknown to me it is better to work with the current scenario than go back in time and prevent it from happening. I may be totally off here of course, I'm just trying to make some sense of it.

I think of it this way:

In 3d, we can't walk through walls. But we can knock part of the wall down and install a door. So, we CAN walk through walls, but it takes a lot of work.

Of course, if you have paws instead of hands, a door is still a wall. And our dog might look at part of the wall of the house and think, "I don't understand these humans. If they can walk through walls, how come they don't install a Magic Wall right here where I want to go inside?" The dog doesn't understand money, the fact that his owner just lost his job, the work involved, etc.

In 4d, apparently time might not matter so much. But it's like the wall: you might be able to travel through time, but it takes energy and work (I almost said, "time and energy" :lol: ). So 4d does not equal all-powerful.

I'm not sure if this limitation is technological in nature, or more like one has to take into account free will and other stuff. Maybe?
Scottie said:
Ant22 said:
Alada and T.C. I have been wondering about similar things and I read your posts with a lot of interest. Since Trump’s presidency came as a surprise to the PTB (same thing goes for Brexit apparently), then why didn’t they just go back in time to fix the error and change the outcome in favour of Killary?

I guess wishful thinking prevented them from assessing the situation correctly and now we have Trump as president. And for reasons unknown to me it is better to work with the current scenario than go back in time and prevent it from happening. I may be totally off here of course, I'm just trying to make some sense of it.

I think of it this way:

In 3d, we can't walk through walls. But we can knock part of the wall down and install a door. So, we CAN walk through walls, but it takes a lot of work.

Of course, if you have paws instead of hands, a door is still a wall. And our dog might look at part of the wall of the house and think, "I don't understand these humans. If they can walk through walls, how come they don't install a Magic Wall right here where I want to go inside?" The dog doesn't understand money, the fact that his owner just lost his job, the work involved, etc.

In 4d, apparently time might not matter so much. But it's like the wall: you might be able to travel through time, but it takes energy and work (I almost said, "time and energy" :lol: ). So 4d does not equal all-powerful.

I'm not sure if this limitation is technological in nature, or more like one has to take into account free will and other stuff. Maybe?

Such a clear explanation Scottie, thank you! :flowers: Discovery of the day: my brain responds to metaphors pretty well :D
If time travel and manipulation is happening, that theoretically would split branches according to the many worlds theory.

4d STS, whatever or whoever it is (or if it's intrinsic in all life here and channeled "upward" to create chaos?), can't just change things without having to pay for it.

So, let's say they had unlimited "UNDO" button to change the past to get what they want. That leads to a dead universe, nothingness and so on. Basically, you are cancelling out the "chaos" that allowed you to become self-aware?!!!

Chaos/entropy is in everything that has "heat". The complete cessation of movement/randomness is at absolute zero (-273.1 C or 0 Kelvin) where molecules/matter stops moving. Everything is in perfect order. That seems to be the epitome of perfect control, to stop everything. As Laura wrote in the wave, STS seeks to "not be" essentially by controlling and subjugating everything.

Maybe it's the reason why black magic and other mumbo jumbo loses it's effects on people who are curious and aware. By aware, I don't mean blind belief/acceptance in the magic, but using one's experience, logic, and feeling to try to be as objective as possible- meshing those together to make the "most probable" observation. I put most probable, because we don't have 100% of the data, nor the way to obtain it. The stoics would say some of it is providence, in the hands of "gods". I see it as "luck" or randomness that sometimes repeats a number. If it weren't really truly random, that would mean we are under the control of some order.

So when it comes to even the PTB and their plans regarding Trump, I would think the best "most probable" observation would be that they planned for this with contingencies. After all, it was so easy to throw people into chaos and perpetual war by doing 9-11, despite the horrible obvious lies. The people who accepted those lies, whether by choice or by ignorance, feed the narrative that gave the PTB this current day power. I could guess that the C's see that STS will fail by that same issue of duping the masses, they have less free will and fuel the PTB/STS into deeper and deeper wishful thinking. They're like the spoiled brat who can get whatever they want by screaming. But, quickly this spoiled brat becomes bored of the easily obtained goods- and wants something new. It reminds me of the anticipation of reward being more addictive re: dopamine than even the result. In the end they are junkies looking for more and more fixes which depends on their minions/authoritarian followers justifying their addiction by having it too. After so long of this, they get more and more bored... what happens then?
I think Many Worlds is important to understanding this; At a higher level of reality than 4D, all possible outcomes occur. In order for the STS agenda to succeed, the people must choose enslavement. It can be coerced, influenced, or even temporarily forced, but it must, in the end, be chosen. Ultimately, the end game is for humanity to worship 4D STS, in whatever physical form it may finally manifest, as the salvation and divine authority which will lead to nirvana. 4D STS cannot choose for a collective of hundreds of millions of humans without losing a great deal of energy. A study of 3D dictatorships reveals this. The "supreme leader" may start out with incredible power, but once people cease to be persuaded by him and lose more and more confidence, he must expend more and more of his own energy to compensate and keep people subdued with fear and violence. This often leads to a feedback loop, where the more he abridges their freewill, the quicker people turn against him, which causes him to resort to even more brutal methods, which accelerates the process even more, until the "almighty leader" suddenly runs out of energy and is then quickly overthrown in a dramatic coup. 4D STS has learned this lesson well, and that's why they won't do an Independence Day style invasion.

So, the mass consciousness chooses the timeline it wants to experience, and while the Lizzies can meddle with it, they can't completely override it. So perhaps they think Trump is a problem and they want to get rid of him. I don't think this is actually the case, which I'll get to in a moment, but we will start with this assumption. They go back to 2015 and beam him with some type of death ray and he has a heart attack and dies. The people who really hate him, such as the snowflake movement, may be really asking for that reality and so the Lizzies may be able to capture their "loosh" by getting them to resonate to that particular timeline and move into it. On the other hand, there is a large group of people who do want to experience the Trump reality and will never rest until they see it. These people will not accept the Lizzies' new timeline unless forced, and bringing that energy down to 3D to force that many people is way too costly. I believe that since time is simultaneous and not linear, the people who are so happy right now that Trump got elected emanate impressions which can reach across the spacetime and influence themselves when they were striving and yearning for Trump to get elected. Therefore, with this understanding, the future can affect the past which creates the present. In fact, this basic premise provides the basic theoretical framework for understanding how the Cassiopaean transmissions are possible. For all intents and purposes, on the timeline that we are currently on, it looks pretty much impossible that we could ever evolve into anything remotely resembling the Cassiopaeans. And yet they say this occurred, and they are broadcasting energy from the future into the past which changes our present timeline in a sort of stairstep fashion.

So we have people who move into the Hillary reality and the Trump reality. A proponent of linear time would say this creates a paradox, but the universe has room for all possibilities to maximize the richness of the grand experiment. So what actually happens is that the reality splits. On our timeline, the people wanting the Hillary reality, move into that timeline, and on our timeline they either fade into obscurity or become like zombies because their soul energy has basically left this particular branch of reality. So even if the Lizzies killed Trump, it would only be experienced by the people they could persuade, or were willing to force (basically by broadcasting thought projections that he could never win, so there was no point and making it something of a self-fulfilling prophecy), to accept that timeline. In order to fully destroy a timeline, they have to make it so that it has no observers. So they will try to engineer these splitting events to get as many people as possible corralled into a timeline that they like, perhaps only resorting to physical violence as a mop-up operation to eliminate a few stragglers who might be causing problems. Of course the stragglers will then most likely reincarnate on a different planet that is more strongly polarized towards STO, and will be an even bigger headache later on in their bid for total control of 1-4D. All of that would depend on if the risk of a distant war with some other more strongly polarized planetary base is worth the reward of cementing control over Earth now and adding another world to the Orion Empire. So the game is extremely vast. In order to secure complete control of the planet, they would have to remove all STO observers from decillions of possible timelines for all of eternity. While they may dream of this, I believe they will have to accept partial victories at their present level of power.

The second question is does Trump really matter that much? I don't believe that he does, as long as in the long run it allows the Orion group to capture more and more timelines in their bid for complete control. Perhaps a businessman is just what they need; some of Trump's ostensibly positive ideas could be twisted to support the business of cosmic conquest. Maybe humanity needs an economic revitalization so that it can cheerfully build the infrastructure that is required for the "invasion" to take place. Since much of our modern technology is based on reverse engineered Roswell tech, the integration should be seamless. Furthermore, everything will be viewed as a resource, ores and minerals, plants and animals, and human beings, and how to allocate them efficiently will be the most esteemed science. While this may lead to a more equitable society with less waste, the single minded focus on business efficiency will not encourage any sort of personal or spiritual growth on its own. The American business ethos (before it was twisted by neoliberalism) may be good for growing an economy, as long as it is somewhat mediated with common-sense regulations, however there is danger if it is placed on a pedestal as the divine archetype which rules all of human life. Taken to its ultimate manifestation, the machine-like efficiency and preoccupation with economizing energy to undercut the competition and become the biggest and best corporation in existence is not so much different than Dr. Jacobs musings about the guiding philosophy of the extraterrestrial society which he has ascertained from abductee data. Maybe, in his own way, he's preparing the ground for acceptance of that society. I'm sure that's not quite the vision that Trump intends, but there is good and evil and the specific situation which determines which is which. For two concurrent situations, what is evil in one of them may be good in the other. Does Trump understand the Law of Three? Does he understand that the Earth is a school and people incarnate here to have certain experiences which contribute to their spiritual growth, and for all he knows about business, it is only a means to that end? Does he understand that in its current state, everything humanity does or accomplishes is "food for the moon?" I don't think he poses enough of a threat to the hyperdimensional control system for 4D STS to be too concerned about him. I don't think he understands how he can be used, despite having the best of intentions. So if the mass consciousness wants to take a slightly different route, the Lizzies will go with it and attempt to subtly incorporate it into their planned endgame. Until these concepts and more are part of the mainstream political discourse, I think any leader you get will at best be a flash in the pan as far as being able to facilitate positive evolution for humanity because they don't have a wide enough view to effectively deal with the reality of the human condition.
Graham Phillips has published this latest prank by Russian pranksters Lexus and Vovan with US Congresswoman Maxine Waters about the Russian 'invasions from Lvov to Limpopo', US sanctions and more:

The pranksters told the Congresswoman that Putin has meddled in the election of Limpopo to get rid of Barmaley and install Doctor Aibolit instead... A must listen! :rolleyes:
Neil said:
I think Many Worlds is important to understanding this; At a higher level of reality than 4D, all possible outcomes occur. In order for the STS agenda to succeed, the people must choose enslavement. It can be coerced, influenced, or even temporarily forced, but it must, in the end, be chosen. Ultimately, the end game is for humanity to worship 4D STS, in whatever physical form it may finally manifest, as the salvation and divine authority which will lead to nirvana. 4D STS cannot choose for a collective of hundreds of millions of humans without losing a great deal of energy. A study of 3D dictatorships reveals this. The "supreme leader" may start out with incredible power, but once people cease to be persuaded by him and lose more and more confidence, he must expend more and more of his own energy to compensate and keep people subdued with fear and violence. This often leads to a feedback loop, where the more he abridges their freewill, the quicker people turn against him, which causes him to resort to even more brutal methods, which accelerates the process even more, until the "almighty leader" suddenly runs out of energy and is then quickly overthrown in a dramatic coup. 4D STS has learned this lesson well, and that's why they won't do an Independence Day style invasion.

So, the mass consciousness chooses the timeline it wants to experience, and while the Lizzies can meddle with it, they can't completely override it. So perhaps they think Trump is a problem and they want to get rid of him. I don't think this is actually the case, which I'll get to in a moment, but we will start with this assumption. They go back to 2015 and beam him with some type of death ray and he has a heart attack and dies. The people who really hate him, such as the snowflake movement, may be really asking for that reality and so the Lizzies may be able to capture their "loosh" by getting them to resonate to that particular timeline and move into it. On the other hand, there is a large group of people who do want to experience the Trump reality and will never rest until they see it. These people will not accept the Lizzies' new timeline unless forced, and bringing that energy down to 3D to force that many people is way too costly. I believe that since time is simultaneous and not linear, the people who are so happy right now that Trump got elected emanate impressions which can reach across the spacetime and influence themselves when they were striving and yearning for Trump to get elected. Therefore, with this understanding, the future can affect the past which creates the present. In fact, this basic premise provides the basic theoretical framework for understanding how the Cassiopaean transmissions are possible. For all intents and purposes, on the timeline that we are currently on, it looks pretty much impossible that we could ever evolve into anything remotely resembling the Cassiopaeans. And yet they say this occurred, and they are broadcasting energy from the future into the past which changes our present timeline in a sort of stairstep fashion.

So we have people who move into the Hillary reality and the Trump reality. A proponent of linear time would say this creates a paradox, but the universe has room for all possibilities to maximize the richness of the grand experiment. So what actually happens is that the reality splits. On our timeline, the people wanting the Hillary reality, move into that timeline, and on our timeline they either fade into obscurity or become like zombies because their soul energy has basically left this particular branch of reality. So even if the Lizzies killed Trump, it would only be experienced by the people they could persuade, or were willing to force (basically by broadcasting thought projections that he could never win, so there was no point and making it something of a self-fulfilling prophecy), to accept that timeline. In order to fully destroy a timeline, they have to make it so that it has no observers. So they will try to engineer these splitting events to get as many people as possible corralled into a timeline that they like, perhaps only resorting to physical violence as a mop-up operation to eliminate a few stragglers who might be causing problems. Of course the stragglers will then most likely reincarnate on a different planet that is more strongly polarized towards STO, and will be an even bigger headache later on in their bid for total control of 1-4D. All of that would depend on if the risk of a distant war with some other more strongly polarized planetary base is worth the reward of cementing control over Earth now and adding another world to the Orion Empire. So the game is extremely vast. In order to secure complete control of the planet, they would have to remove all STO observers from decillions of possible timelines for all of eternity. While they may dream of this, I believe they will have to accept partial victories at their present level of power.

The second question is does Trump really matter that much? I don't believe that he does, as long as in the long run it allows the Orion group to capture more and more timelines in their bid for complete control. Perhaps a businessman is just what they need; some of Trump's ostensibly positive ideas could be twisted to support the business of cosmic conquest. Maybe humanity needs an economic revitalization so that it can cheerfully build the infrastructure that is required for the "invasion" to take place. Since much of our modern technology is based on reverse engineered Roswell tech, the integration should be seamless. Furthermore, everything will be viewed as a resource, ores and minerals, plants and animals, and human beings, and how to allocate them efficiently will be the most esteemed science. While this may lead to a more equitable society with less waste, the single minded focus on business efficiency will not encourage any sort of personal or spiritual growth on its own. The American business ethos (before it was twisted by neoliberalism) may be good for growing an economy, as long as it is somewhat mediated with common-sense regulations, however there is danger if it is placed on a pedestal as the divine archetype which rules all of human life. Taken to its ultimate manifestation, the machine-like efficiency and preoccupation with economizing energy to undercut the competition and become the biggest and best corporation in existence is not so much different than Dr. Jacobs musings about the guiding philosophy of the extraterrestrial society which he has ascertained from abductee data. Maybe, in his own way, he's preparing the ground for acceptance of that society. I'm sure that's not quite the vision that Trump intends, but there is good and evil and the specific situation which determines which is which. For two concurrent situations, what is evil in one of them may be good in the other. Does Trump understand the Law of Three? Does he understand that the Earth is a school and people incarnate here to have certain experiences which contribute to their spiritual growth, and for all he knows about business, it is only a means to that end? Does he understand that in its current state, everything humanity does or accomplishes is "food for the moon?" I don't think he poses enough of a threat to the hyperdimensional control system for 4D STS to be too concerned about him. I don't think he understands how he can be used, despite having the best of intentions. So if the mass consciousness wants to take a slightly different route, the Lizzies will go with it and attempt to subtly incorporate it into their planned endgame. Until these concepts and more are part of the mainstream political discourse, I think any leader you get will at best be a flash in the pan as far as being able to facilitate positive evolution for humanity because they don't have a wide enough view to effectively deal with the reality of the human condition.

Thank you for the time and effort it took to write this! It seems like a reasonable way to look at this to my eyes. :)
Good points have been made above about the workings of the universe and timelines. A facinating line of thinking. The point I didn't see really mentioned that, IMO, is an important factor is the yin and yang balance of good and evil that MUST BE maintained in a duality freewill experiment system as we are living in as 3D STS beings. I think that Trump represents that BALANCE against the corruption that is so rampant in the world. First came Putin but, in the US, there had to be this element as well. All the energy and resources of this US have been focused on take over and destruction. There had to be a change regardless of what the hidden hand may have wanted. Consent seems to be the other ingredient that determines a timeline. Without the possibility of 50/50 good and evil or freewill or awareness, amidst the tinkering there would be no reason to hope for better lives or futures or worlds. It wuuld pretty much spell doom from the get go against the psychopathy in this world.
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