Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Laura said:
One thing that really puzzles me: for the past 15 years we've been bombarded with "Radical Islamic Terrorism" by the state terrorists who launched the war of terror against the whole world on 9-11. That, certainly, turned a significant number of Muslims into terrorists, but mainly the ones who would be terrorists no matter what their religion. Heck, probably most of them aren't even real devout Muslims of any kind, and a whole LOT of terrorist activity is committed by the aforementioned state terrorists in the form of false flag ops. Okay, so why didn't that propaganda "take" on the screaming lefties??? Why did it only "take" on the Trump supporter types?

I've been trying to figure it out. I think there are several things going on that made it this way. First, on a basic level, I think the propaganda did work on the Lefties, just not in the same way and to the same extent. And I think part of this comes down to temperament, and part to circumstance.

First, on the Islamophobia. I don't know what percentage of the "Never Trumpers" are "truthers", but I'd guess it's not a majority. And if we ignore for now the "neither Trump nor Clinton" camp, that leaves the hardcore Democrat supporters and the Lefties that buy into mainstream Leftist ideas. These aren't people who would be willing to believe that Clinton et al. were aiding terrorists, that 9/11 was a black op, etc. They were fine with Obama continuing Bush's wars, "killing Bin Laden", and continuing the War on Terror for the foreseeable future. There were no viable anti-war Democratic candidates. If Clinton would have won, it would have been more of the same. The Lefties would've been fine with Clinton's War on (Muslim) Terror, but they wouldn't call it that, as Trump likes to point out.

This is where temperament comes in. Liberals tend to be more open and agreeable (Big 5 traits). So, while they may be susceptible to believing the propaganda, they also manifest a sort of "compassion" towards the victims, but only the victims they're willing to acknowledge exist, e.g. refugees. (They block the deaths caused by their military/intelligence/executive, and by extension they themselves, from their consciousness.) They're more open to other cultures, more willing to be friendly and to want everyone to get along and be treated well. And because of some historical conditions, they're more willing to see Muslims as a minority and thus part of the oppressed class - again, blocking out the reasons for this which implicate themselves. (In different circumstances, they'd be just as willing to see Muslims as the "oppressors", but that's not the direction Leftist trends have gone for the past decades.)

Conservatives are less open and more conscientious. They're more insular, weary of or even hostile to outsiders. And they're more inclined to search for the solutions to bring order to chaos, even if that means being rigid (too much order). So I'd say conservatives are more inclined to see ALL Muslims as bad. (Writing off 99 innocent people is worth it to protect against the 1 guilty one, in the name of order and stability.) And they're just as efficient at selecting and substituting data.

Now, the way it has all played out. Back in the 90s, there wasn't a huge network of Islamic terrorists that posed any real threat to the U.S. In fact, the head "Al-Qaeda" honchos were working with the Americans the whole time. According to Sibel Edmonds, in 1996 or 1997 the CIA decided to rebrand Gladio using Muslim extremists as the weapon to use primarily against Russia (via Central Asia and the Caucasus). So while they'd already used these guys in Afghanistan and the Balkans, the project was reorganized primarily under NATO. This was just after the First Chechen War.

Then comes 9/11 and the War on Terror. Bush was the conservative version, then we got the Obama liberal version. Both were equally Orwellian: propping up a manufactured enemy to go to war against for ulterior motives, but the second version had a more "humanitarian" image. But what they essentially did was to weaponized ponerogenesis/pathocracy. (Lobaczewski describes something very similar in his section on "artificially infected pathocracy".) And the problem naturally metastasized. What used to be a ragtag bunch of crazies became an army, and now a pseudo-state. In essence, the CIA and friends created the very enemy they needed, and which they largely had to pretend existed previously. Now, there IS a giant army of crazies. Given other circumstances, it could have been Hindus, or Jews, or Buddhists, or Christians.

And that's not to say that the U.S. created it out of whole cloth. Every group always has its aspiring pathologicals (Israel has a lot of them in the West Bank, for example). Wahhabism has been around for a couple hundred years, and radical Islamic political ideas and theorists from before the first war in Afghanistan. The Americans didn't write the books, even if they inspired them. These guys have their own schizoidal "Marxes", their ideological "professors", etc. And when it comes down to it, they're not much different than the Communist revolutionaries in Russia pre-1917. It's all in Ponerology - just strip back the ideology and the progression of the disease is the same.

You can get a glimpse of this in the Hizb ut-Tahrir movement. They're a "moderate" revolutionary Islamic group that fully supports the Syrian rebels (they won't go as far as to support ISIS, though). See the comment on these two articles on SOTT, for example:

Notice that Russia has banned the group. They want to create a Caliphate and say they want to do so peacefully, but check out the video linked in the comment. They fully support the "revolutionaries" in Syria. They're the equivalent of naive Marxists who want to set up a Communist state - the end fully justifies the means. And if they're sincere about being an "intellectual, political" group, they're double dupes - playing into the hands of the CIA as well as the pathologicals who will just use them to create another ISIS.

Also, there's the fact that the CIA didn't create the terrorism problem in Chechnya, though they certainly exploited it, fanned the flames, and supported it. Again, the Chechen terrorists had their own ideologues, grievances, plans, etc. For the Russians, terrorism has been REAL in a way it hasn't been for Americans.

So essentially, we've had the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations creating a Frankenstein monster. However fake it started out, it's relatively real now. Not real in the sense of "OMG they're going to take over every Western country and install Shariah law." Yeah, a lot of them have such big ideas (like all ponerogenic unions), but it's mostly a pipe dream. Even then, they do pose a real threat, primarily to the countries they're currently operating in: Syria, Iraq, Libya. And even if all their American handlers were to get Raptured away and a lot of their intel/funding/logistical support were taken out in the process, all these guys would still be there. Some might pack up their bags to go home, but not all of them.

So now comes the wild card, Trump, who sees the problem that Clinton/Bush/Obama created and, whaddyaknow, actually seems intent on fighting it. That wasn't part of the plan. And he comes with a typical conservative backing, and all that goes along with that (i.e., the right-wing authoritarian mindset). It would probably look different if a Democrat like Tulsi Gabbard were in the same position. And the reason his rhetoric works is that it's plausible in a way Bush's and Obama's wasn't. Basically, "You know these guys Bush and Obama have been talking about for years, and not really fighting? Well not only was Clinton supporting a lot of them, but now I'm really gonna get the job done!" He piggy-backed on their propaganda, which they never intended to follow through on.

One of the reasons it's scary, IMO, is that it's uncertain. Trump could go "full conservative", really stoke up the anti-Muslim sentiment, and basically implement the "Phoenix Program" option. It might be more effective than the U.S.'s current "efforts", but it would also be ugly, bloody, and could get totally out of control.

Or he could turn out to be more responsible in the same situation, like Putin. But I think that's less likely at this point. Like others have said, he doesn't seem to have the moral backbone for that. But even with that said, I don't see him as an ideological nutbar like Hitler. If anything, how he handles this could create the conditions for a Hitler type, at which point the Phoenix Program would turn itself onto all Americans. And, ironically, the U.S. would be living under a regime that has more in common with ISIS than they'd like to admit.
Seems like Trump is serious about cleaning up the USA of it's undesirables - as this seems like an official step in a desirable direction.

Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking
Trump's Game Of Chess

I read this article today, and thought it was quite interesting.

The author of the article thinks that Trump is playing a "chess game", but not as an expert chess player playing an opponent who is also an expert. He claims that Trump is the kind of chess player that simply follows certain simple rules that enables him to defeat anyone that doesn't study chess full time.

Anyway, I thought it was interesting because if that were the case, and it was all a chess game, then Putin would be an "expert" chess player. :D
Wow the chess game analogy works well, thanks for the article.

The PTB is a huge hulking lumbering mass, like a big warship that needs a lot of preparation and time to change course. Trump is like a little gunboat that keeps faking out the movements, so the captain of the ship has no clue what general direction to aim at.

Reminds me of the guerilla tactics used to defeat huge armies, keep them guessing and afraid of what you will say next!
Jordan Peterson shared this video on social media, which I think kind of fits to Approaching Infinity's analysis of the situation. The guy has a lot of heart and brains and puts it brilliantly IMO. He also makes it clear what's at stake here (warning: some explicit language):

Note what a truly multicultural bunch that is :)
Approaching Infinity said:
Conservatives are less open and more conscientious. They're more insular, weary of or even hostile to outsiders. And they're more inclined to search for the solutions to bring order to chaos, even if that means being rigid (too much order). So I'd say conservatives are more inclined to see ALL Muslims as bad. (Writing off 99 innocent people is worth it to protect against the 1 guilty one, in the name of order and stability.) And they're just as efficient at selecting and substituting data.

Assuming the PTB/controllers/hidden hand/etc remain confident in their Authoritarian power structure implies that the events we see today are orchestrated and proceeding as planned. If this is roughly true, then such a power structure must take as its enemy any perceived competing Authoritarian power structure - in this case, the religious right (Fundamentalist Authoritarians). A good strategic move on the controller's part would be to get the leaders of the competing Authoritarian power structure to identify themselves for a future tactical attack/roundup.

From where I am in rural Tenn, if the above is the plan - then it is working very well. This area is dominated by the religious (Authoritarian) right, and there are very many that sincerely believe that there is a coming crusades-like war between Christianity and Islam. Based on what I have seen (and been told by many of these folks), this inflammation has been going on for a long time. Something similar may be going on in the EU - the difference being that the plan for the EU required a massive influx of ME refuges.

In my talks with local community groups, I've used the chart (attached below) to illustrate a possible trap in this Christian/Muslim black/white thought process that dominates here. Its infectious and even effects those that are not particularly inclined to the religious right - sometimes its downright alarming!


  • Authoritarians.jpg
    152.6 KB · Views: 291
LQB said:
Assuming the PTB/controllers/hidden hand/etc remain confident in their Authoritarian power structure implies that the events we see today are orchestrated and proceeding as planned. If this is roughly true, then such a power structure must take as its enemy any perceived competing Authoritarian power structure - in this case, the religious right (Fundamentalist Authoritarians). A good strategic move on the controller's part would be to get the leaders of the competing Authoritarian power structure to identify themselves for a future tactical attack/roundup.

Well, I think one of the reasons they don't like Trump is that he has the ability to subvert that. As the head honcho, he can "sway" that base in pretty much any direction he wants (within limits). Whether that happens, and how far he actually deviates from the accepted course, is open to question, though. He's following the line in many ways, so I'm sure a lot of the "power structure" are telling themselves, "OK, we can work with this."

But like you said, any alternative power structure is seen as a threat. And in a crisis or a regime-change scenario, that means purges. So if Trump creates factions loyal to him AND he deviates from the agenda, they'd be some of the first to go.
angelburst29 said:

What Is Antifa? Anti-Fascist Group Behind Violent Berkeley Protest Against Milo Yiannopoulos (Video)

Soros-Funded Group Gave $50K to Radical Group Antifa Who Provoked Berkeley Riot


The lady in the picture above is Yvette Felarca SHE ORGANIZES PROTESTS AND RIOTS ACROSS AMERICA FOR ANTIFA “BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY ” the most violent of their protesters are brought from across the country to create mayhem and destruction and it seems according to Yvette Felarca this is just the beginning

Eight months ago, a number of organizers from The Base launched the Rapid Response Network, which aims to establish neighborhood groups, connected via a hotline that can provide safety, first aid, and assistance in the event of Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids on undocumented individuals, as well as a physical presence and defense from in the event of racist street attacks

On the BASE website all of their training is fight training in other words this is an agitator training website. (Article continues.)
One of the most-liked comments under this latest PJ Watson video ('Conservatism is the NEW Counter-Culture') reads:

I became conservative because I'm a true liberal.

I think what we're seeing is a re-stating, re-affirmation, 're-birth', etc. of liberalism. Locke, Mill, Hobbes, the Founding Fathers, etc. On the level of ideology, people are pleading for and seeking 'the original values' that 'made us great'.

They would be disappointed though, if they looked too closely: those 'great thinkers' also promulgated "concepts flavored with the shoddy ingredients of a schizoidal apprehension of reality," as Lobaczewski would say.
luc said:
Jordan Peterson shared this video on social media, which I think kind of fits to Approaching Infinity's analysis of the situation. The guy has a lot of heart and brains and puts it brilliantly IMO. He also makes it clear what's at stake here (warning: some explicit language):

Note what a truly multicultural bunch that is :)
Thanks for that link.

That is quite a reality check video and it also offers or at least ask for dialogue. When one then sees the other group that Angelburst linked to, the Soros sponsored Antifa, a group that does not appear capable of listening to other views than their own, then a conflict could well ensue and one that could be violent. The person Yvette Felarca seems to be person with some pathological issues. It is her way or the highway according to her.
Laura said:
I think the questions about Snowden raised in this thread ought to be put into an article along with all Aeneas has brought up. Aeneas, you up to it?
I will try and put something together, but it will have to wait a week as I am quite busy with work. Then again, it probably is not such an urgent thing. Just to be clear, I don't have my mind made up about him either as his role can be viewed from many perspectives, some speaking for him and others against him. But I guess that can be said about many things as things rarely are black and white.
Aeneas said:
luc said:
Jordan Peterson shared this video on social media, which I think kind of fits to Approaching Infinity's analysis of the situation. The guy has a lot of heart and brains and puts it brilliantly IMO. He also makes it clear what's at stake here (warning: some explicit language):

Note what a truly multicultural bunch that is :)
Thanks for that link.

That is quite a reality check video and it also offers or at least ask for dialogue. When one then sees the other group that Angelburst linked to, the Soros sponsored Antifa, a group that does not appear capable of listening to other views than their own, then a conflict could well ensue and one that could be violent. The person Yvette Felarca seems to be person with some pathological issues. It is her way or the highway according to her.

That was a great link. That young guy said many profound things. It is easy to focus on either end of the polarities. Those firmly entrenched on either side, which really is only one side, as it is the controllers and manipulators who are doing this. The other side is just reactionary. Very often I think of the majority, the silent majority I guess you could call it. They are the ones that are being bid for. As was stated in the video, they can not win by turning violent. They are outnumbered, and probably by a larger margin that they would have you think. They are desperate, and it is coming out in their actions. The silent majority, or the middle ground is partly befuddled, but that does not necessarily mean they will go to war with you when the going gets tough. So I agree with him, they can't win but they have put themselves in a position where they have nowhere else to go. So I don't see it ending anytime soon.
I had another think about the title of this thread and I had to wonder what makes people think that we are about to enter a fascist era? Aren't we already in one and have been for some time! Up to our eyeballs in it, or so it seems to me. We have no freedoms anymore, commencing in the George Bush era, a person who was voted in via electoral fraud, and who was simply a puppet for the shadow government to assert stronger means of control on the public and start wars that they can make a lot of money from.

It's been a long time since a President actually had any power (JFK) and we all know what 'they' (the shadow government) did to him.

We don't need a person or a figure head to lead us to a fascist era, we're already there, and it has occurred by stealth.

It seems to me that this thread is currently discussing who believed and/or still believes what lies, and how they came to believe them based on their political leanings/ideologies. It is a study on how the public has been manipulated. I think this has been happening over a very long period of time. It shows you how easily people can be fooled and how readily they believe lies.

In addition whether people like Julian Assange or Edward Snowdon have been manipulated or 'played', (whether either will allow that, are aware of it, and to what extent) is like saying 'does it rain'? Of course both sides are trying to do that, as these two people would not be controlled and would not stay silent. They are trying to reassert control and they are doing it for their own benefit. They do this in any way they can. That's what the 'power's that be' do.

It's just that fascist governments will try and wrap it up in righteousness, lie more readily, and use propaganda probably in a way that could be described as more effective, until they have to use force and coercion to get away with it.

Anonymous did a pretty good video- without the stupid computer synth voice about the hypocrisy of the left. The title is misleading, probably click bait. Anonymous is showing how Bush/Obama were the ones who set up this big fail situation and Trump is a wild card.

I especially like how he talks about the protesters who are pretty much lining up with Hillary who wanted worse in terms of world war.

I'm still weary of Trump and his banking/business/corporate ideals, but it could very well be just an act. I hope so.
Yesterday, while i had lunch at work, my colleagues sitting at the table started talking about Trump. One of them told us, how her teenage kids, who have never before shown ANY interest in world events or politics, are now very strong Trump-haters. And that they are feeling afraid for the future of mankind. She told us all this in a matter of fact way, as if hating Trump is the most natural, and "fashionable" thing to do right now.

Then as the other started praising the recent "persistence" by E. Warren at the Sessions-hearings, I started to feel nauseous. I would have liked to join the conversation, just out of courtesy, but suddenly I felt that I couldn't open my mouth to say anything. I didn't feel "speshul" or better for perhaps seeing more of the big picture, I just felt disconnected from these people. These people are one of the brightest minds at our university, and still they haven't noticed anything of what's been going on the last 20 years, and NOW they think they've "invented the wheel"?

An interesting detail in all this was how our religions professor, who was sitting opposite to me, noticed my discomfort and changed the topic of discussion to something completely different.
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