Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Laura said:

The intercept is the gang that Greenwald helped found with his Snowden files.

In Snowden's latest interview with Katie Couric, he sounds very reasonable and I like him, but there is an odd flavor to it that is disturbing.

So, anyway, it just seems to me that the whole thing is a minefield and we need to pick our way with care and not get taken in by either side.

I watched part of that interview the other day. He was acting odd. Something seemed strange to me and I stopped watching it after Katie listed some of the names of who is financially backing some kind of petition for him to come back to the U.S. I was multi tasking at the time and missed some of what was being said but I had the impression that he was no longer a good guy and maybe never was. Or maybe he did not trust her and that is what created the unease in watching it. I am not sure what it was about that interview that made me uncomfortable but it was enough for me to not want to continue using up my bandwidth on it.
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
I watched part of that interview the other day. He was acting odd. Something seemed strange to me and I stopped watching it after Katie listed some of the names of who is financially backing some kind of petition for him to come back to the U.S. I was multi tasking at the time and missed some of what was being said but I had the impression that he was no longer a good guy and maybe never was. Or maybe he did not trust her and that is what created the unease in watching it. I am not sure what it was about that interview that made me uncomfortable but it was enough for me to not want to continue using up my bandwidth on it.

That may be what really bugged me about it. It was like he was SO SURE he was the one who knows and the one who is right, but he really doesn't even know himself and how capable the human being is of self-deception.
This article describes a radical group, known as ‘Antifa’ or ‘Anti-Fascist Action’ imported from Europe and now operating in the US. I never heard of them before but apparently, one of the many things these thugs like to do is "sucker punch" unsuspecting victims. Reminds me of a spate of violent attacks by teenagers, ganging up on an older victim, without any signs of provocation, being reported a year or so ago in the news?


From the outsider’s perspective, the United States appears to have entered the peak stages of a psychotic meltdown over its newly elected president Donald J. Trump. His election and subsequent time in governance of the world’s most powerful country has torn the mask from a stagnant pool of malcontents who have in the wake of political earthquakes been activated by their paymasters to cause as much panic, disruption, and violence as possible.

Not all of this will be mainstream news outside of the USA, and so I bring you this synopsis of events so that you can better understand exactly what is going on in Trump’s America, and what he needs to do in order to deal with it, because the longer it is allowed to fester then the more dangerous the situation will be. Instigations like the ones I am going to list are not undertaken with no end-goal in mind. Just as similar radical assets of the globalist liberal cabal were activated in Georgia, Ukraine, and other places, utilizing both useful idiots and committed fanatics to bring about so-called color revolutions, so too are the seeds of a color revolution being sewn in the United States.

The first thing to note is the vitriolic hatred of Russia that has emerged particularly from the 'liberal left' in the past year, and from which they justify much of their present activities. Once a bastion of the neoconservatives, fear and loathing concerning the Russian president and his omnipresent hacker collective have been whipped up by the mainstream media and the Democratsto convince the public that Russia somehow rigged the election in favor of Trump. This of course de-legitimizes the president, but also unleashes a stream of bile and insults against Russia itself. One such example is noxious so-called ‘anti-racism educator’ Tim Wise, a pseudo-academic who is routinely invited to American universities and news networks to deliver hate-filled rants. Tweeting out on the 15th of December, Wise said: “With each new day, I know why part of my family left sh**hole of imperial Russia. 100 years after last rev(olution) lets hope for another one” as well as “seriously, when your contribution to the world is Faberge eggs, autocracy and pogroms, no one should much care what you think.” Leaving aside that pogroms first happened in the 1300s in Western Europe, autocracy is as old as humanity, and Faberge Eggs are auctioned for more than Tim Wise will make in a lifetime, the statements of this self-described anti-racist filled with nothing but utter loathing for ethnic Russians were but a taster of what was to come.

With the never-ending stream of lies pumped out about Russian actions in Syria to end the terrorist insurgency there, liberals took their first step towards outright violent sentiment against Russia later that same month. The day after the brutal and cowardly assassination of Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, a writer for the NY Daily News named Gersh Kuntzman applauded the murder and called for further killings of Russian diplomatic staff. Though Russia demanded an apology, it was never given, on the grounds that Vladimir Putin was the equivalent of Adolf Hitler.

After the election, the calls for violence were directed inwards at Trump’s supporters and the man himself. The depraved Women’s March in Washington DC, egged on by feminist radicals known for mailing period blood and creating banners such as “if Mary (the blessed Virgin) would have had an abortion, we wouldn’t be in this mess”, assembled a motley crew of washed-up celebrities to declare that Donald Trump was also Hitler and make clear their desire to murder his family and blow up the White House.

Things only escalated from there as Trump swiftly moved to fulfill his campaign promises in quick succession. The callous majority of the Democrat Party vowed to protect illegal alien criminals using sanctuary cities, and dismissed even the cries of those whose relatives had been brutally murdered by Central American gang members and unhinged lunatics. Meanwhile, George Soros (who had denounced Trump as an imposter after his election) was pouring funds into the transposition of a violent European anarchist movement into the United States.

The group, known as ‘Antifa’ or ‘Anti-Fascist Action’ is a gang of anarchist thugs who have terrorized Western Europe for decades with violent mob assaults, home invasions, destruction of property, and other forms of harassment.
Everyone with whom they disagree is a ‘fascist’ and is thus fair game for their eerily 1930s-reminiscent tactics. Since Trump’s victory, local branches in the USA have been recruiting across university campuses, and made their presence felt at the recent event at the University of California Berkeley, under slogans such as ‘Kill Trump’ and ‘This Is War’.

Milo Yiannopoulos, the controversial but harmless gadfly of Breitbart News, was set to speak at the campus after having been invited by the College Republicans. This is covered by his 1stAmendment right to free speech, and the university is obliged to provide him a safe platform given the circumstances. The event was mobbed by roughly 1500 people who worked to protect and obscure a core group of about a hundred violent Antifa anarchists using a tactic known as ‘the black bloc’ which works to conceal their identities and prevent arrest as they cause property damage and commit assault and battery. These thugs pepper sprayed a college age girl, and beat a man half to death with shovels. They damaged private property with wanton abandon, and much to the glee of municipal authorities, the event was cancelled. During this chaos, another roll-call of Hollywood degenerates demanded coup and civil insurrection, including the likes of comedian Sarah Silverman and director Judd Apetow. Further to this, an Antifa branch in Arizona threatened to kill a reporter’s daughter, leading many to formally request Donald Trump brand this organization as a domestic terrorist group.

It’s not the only time Antifa had engaged in this kind of behaviour in the USA. Some time earlier, AltRight figurehead Richard Spencer was sucker punched by one of these masked cowards in DC. And even more recently, a talk by libertarian Gavin McInnes was disrupted in New York, again by these black-clad zealots. Thankfully, NYPD behaved competently on this occasion and arrested many of them.

These pathetic terrorists are recruited from the ranks of university trust-fund babies to attack women, children, and the unsuspecting with the worst forms of puerile assault, all from behind anonymity (and it should be said you negate your right to anonymity when you are committing violent crimes). The majority of them don’t even lift, and thus perform poorly when fights are more equal, but they love their work and are paid handsomely for it. Trump’s supporters, and even neutral bystanders caught up in the pandemonium have to suffer because such criminals are aided by elements of the Democrat Party and the media who play interference for them with outright lies. In fact, one of the biggest changes of the Trump era is that the media are openly calling for vicious assaults themselves.

Donald Trump needs to understand that this violence and the calls for more violence, will only escalate from here. For as long as they are allowed to behave in this way, his enemies will push the limits, all the way to actually carrying out Madonna’s threats. This needs to be ended now, and that means starting with something that is long overdue: arresting George Soros and confiscating his assets. Financing domestic terrorism is a crime, and the links between Soros’ Open Society foundation and the violent protests rocking the United States are not hard to untangle. Furthermore, the president needs to pursue charges of incitement and even sedition against elements of the media and entertainment industry who are calling for an American Maidan. He should follow through with his threat to defund universities where his supporters are harassed and beaten with the tacit consent of the administrators. Finally, he needs to brand many of these radical groups such as Antifa as domestic terrorist, for which support can carry a 15 year prison sentence.

For as long as these would-be revolutionaries are allowed to harm the innocent and cause disruption and mayhem, the administration will be under constant threat and won’t be able to focus on its domestic policy agenda. It is time to decapitate this viper, and its filthy slithering brood. Trump must follow the example of zero tolerance for this type of agitation, set by Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban and Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Violent protests that led to the cancellation of a speech by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos at the University of California, Berkeley Wednesday night has cast a spotlight on a group of anti-fascist activists known as “Antifa.”

What Is Antifa? Anti-Fascist Group Behind Violent Berkeley Protest Against Milo Yiannopoulos (Video)

Following the unrest, Yiannopoulos ascribed the violence to the general “Left” and President Donald Trump even called for taking away funds from the prestigious university. However, according to reports, the protests were peaceful until a group of several dozen black-face-mask-clad activists showed up. Soon, videos showed them shooting fireworks at the building and smashing windows.

Such a physically confrontational approach characterizes “Antifa” and separates it from the organic protests that have sprung up in the wake of Trump’s inauguration as president.

“We won’t put up with the violent rhetoric of Milo, Trump or the fascistic alt-right,” one Berkeley student who said he identified with the “Antifa” movement told The Guardian. “We are willing to resist by any means necessary.”

It was the same anti-fascist movement that was behind the “Disrupt J20” protests in Washington, D.C., on the day of Trump’s inauguration, leading to injuries to police officers, who retaliated with pepper spray and stun grenades. On the same day, the man who coined the term alt-right and appeared to give a Nazi salute while celebrating Trump’s election victory, Richard Spencer, was punched in the face in a video that went viral across social media.

“Antifa combines radical left-wing and anarchist politics, revulsion at racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, and Islamophobes, with the international anti-fascist culture of taking the streets and physically confronting the brownshirts of white supremacy, whoever they may be,” Antifa NYC told The Nation last month.

“Antifa” dates back much further that Trump and the rise of the alt-right. The movement began in Europe as a response to the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1930s. One of the first notable clashes occurred in London in 1936 at the Battle of Cable Street, when a march of 5,000 uniformed Blackshirts led by the leader of the British Union of Fascists, Sir Oswald Mosley, was greeted by an estimated 100,000 anti-fascist protesters.

The form of protest spread to the United States in the following decades and has attracted fresh prominence following the rise of Trump, who has surrounded himself with several advisors and cabinet members espousing far-right views.

The opening line of the latest post from the NYC Antifa group makes clear that they are anticipating plenty of activity in the year ahead. “2017 promises to be a busy year for antifascists around the world,” it reads.

The Alliance for Global Justice is funded by a Soros-backed charity called the Tides Foundation, who gave $50,000 to help fund a radical-left group called “Antifa,” who used extreme violence to shut down the event at UC Berkeley featuring Milo Yiannopoulos.

Soros-Funded Group Gave $50K to Radical Group Antifa Who Provoked Berkeley Riot

From PJ Media

The Alliance for Global Justice, an organization funded by the Tides Foundation — a George Soros -backed charity – gave $50,000 to help fund a radical-left group that used violence to shut down an event at the University of California-Berkeley featuring Milo Yiannopoulos.

“Refuse Fascism” bragged on its website about how they used “righteous” violence against “fascist” Yiannopoulos and how they set a shining example for others to follow.

The full name of the group is “In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America” — a mouthful, to be sure.

The Daily Caller ferreted out the major backers of this bunch of wackos:

The left-wing group that helped organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large companies.

The Alliance for Global Justice, based in Tucson, is listed as an organizer and fiscal sponsor for Refuse Fascism, a communist group that encouraged left-wingers to shut down the Yiannopoulos event.

The call to arms succeeded. Yiannopoulos’ talk was cancelled after demonstrators lit fires, vandalized businesses, and assaulted Donald Trump and Yiannopoulos supporters.

Refuse Fascism, which includes Princeton professor Cornel West as one of its founding “initiators,” defended the response, issuing a statement on its website that called the shut down “righteous.”

And on its Facebook page, the group asserted that the vandalism and arson were not “violence.” Instead, the group argued that Yiannopoulos and Trump perpetrate violence through the policies they support.

“Dismantling police fences is not violent. And to compare preventing someone like that from speaking to the real-world violence that they perpetuate everyday is ludicrous,” reads one post on the group’s Facebook page.
angelburst29 said:
This article describes a radical group, known as ‘Antifa’ or ‘Anti-Fascist Action’ imported from Europe and now operating in the US. I never heard of them before but apparently, one of the many things these thugs like to do is "sucker punch" unsuspecting victims. Reminds me of a spate of violent attacks by teenagers, ganging up on an older victim, without any signs of provocation, being reported a year or so ago in the news?


From the outsider’s perspective, the United States appears to have entered the peak stages of a psychotic meltdown over its newly elected president Donald J. Trump. His election and subsequent time in governance of the world’s most powerful country has torn the mask from a stagnant pool of malcontents who have in the wake of political earthquakes been activated by their paymasters to cause as much panic, disruption, and violence as possible.

Not all of this will be mainstream news outside of the USA, and so I bring you this synopsis of events so that you can better understand exactly what is going on in Trump’s America, and what he needs to do in order to deal with it, because the longer it is allowed to fester then the more dangerous the situation will be. Instigations like the ones I am going to list are not undertaken with no end-goal in mind. Just as similar radical assets of the globalist liberal cabal were activated in Georgia, Ukraine, and other places, utilizing both useful idiots and committed fanatics to bring about so-called color revolutions, so too are the seeds of a color revolution being sewn in the United States.

The first thing to note is the vitriolic hatred of Russia that has emerged particularly from the 'liberal left' in the past year, and from which they justify much of their present activities. Once a bastion of the neoconservatives, fear and loathing concerning the Russian president and his omnipresent hacker collective have been whipped up by the mainstream media and the Democratsto convince the public that Russia somehow rigged the election in favor of Trump. This of course de-legitimizes the president, but also unleashes a stream of bile and insults against Russia itself. One such example is noxious so-called ‘anti-racism educator’ Tim Wise, a pseudo-academic who is routinely invited to American universities and news networks to deliver hate-filled rants. Tweeting out on the 15th of December, Wise said: “With each new day, I know why part of my family left sh**hole of imperial Russia. 100 years after last rev(olution) lets hope for another one” as well as “seriously, when your contribution to the world is Faberge eggs, autocracy and pogroms, no one should much care what you think.” Leaving aside that pogroms first happened in the 1300s in Western Europe, autocracy is as old as humanity, and Faberge Eggs are auctioned for more than Tim Wise will make in a lifetime, the statements of this self-described anti-racist filled with nothing but utter loathing for ethnic Russians were but a taster of what was to come.

With the never-ending stream of lies pumped out about Russian actions in Syria to end the terrorist insurgency there, liberals took their first step towards outright violent sentiment against Russia later that same month. The day after the brutal and cowardly assassination of Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, a writer for the NY Daily News named Gersh Kuntzman applauded the murder and called for further killings of Russian diplomatic staff. Though Russia demanded an apology, it was never given, on the grounds that Vladimir Putin was the equivalent of Adolf Hitler.

After the election, the calls for violence were directed inwards at Trump’s supporters and the man himself. The depraved Women’s March in Washington DC, egged on by feminist radicals known for mailing period blood and creating banners such as “if Mary (the blessed Virgin) would have had an abortion, we wouldn’t be in this mess”, assembled a motley crew of washed-up celebrities to declare that Donald Trump was also Hitler and make clear their desire to murder his family and blow up the White House.

Things only escalated from there as Trump swiftly moved to fulfill his campaign promises in quick succession. The callous majority of the Democrat Party vowed to protect illegal alien criminals using sanctuary cities, and dismissed even the cries of those whose relatives had been brutally murdered by Central American gang members and unhinged lunatics. Meanwhile, George Soros (who had denounced Trump as an imposter after his election) was pouring funds into the transposition of a violent European anarchist movement into the United States.

The group, known as ‘Antifa’ or ‘Anti-Fascist Action’ is a gang of anarchist thugs who have terrorized Western Europe for decades with violent mob assaults, home invasions, destruction of property, and other forms of harassment.
Everyone with whom they disagree is a ‘fascist’ and is thus fair game for their eerily 1930s-reminiscent tactics. Since Trump’s victory, local branches in the USA have been recruiting across university campuses, and made their presence felt at the recent event at the University of California Berkeley, under slogans such as ‘Kill Trump’ and ‘This Is War’.

Milo Yiannopoulos, the controversial but harmless gadfly of Breitbart News, was set to speak at the campus after having been invited by the College Republicans. This is covered by his 1stAmendment right to free speech, and the university is obliged to provide him a safe platform given the circumstances. The event was mobbed by roughly 1500 people who worked to protect and obscure a core group of about a hundred violent Antifa anarchists using a tactic known as ‘the black bloc’ which works to conceal their identities and prevent arrest as they cause property damage and commit assault and battery. These thugs pepper sprayed a college age girl, and beat a man half to death with shovels. They damaged private property with wanton abandon, and much to the glee of municipal authorities, the event was cancelled. During this chaos, another roll-call of Hollywood degenerates demanded coup and civil insurrection, including the likes of comedian Sarah Silverman and director Judd Apetow. Further to this, an Antifa branch in Arizona threatened to kill a reporter’s daughter, leading many to formally request Donald Trump brand this organization as a domestic terrorist group.

It’s not the only time Antifa had engaged in this kind of behaviour in the USA. Some time earlier, AltRight figurehead Richard Spencer was sucker punched by one of these masked cowards in DC. And even more recently, a talk by libertarian Gavin McInnes was disrupted in New York, again by these black-clad zealots. Thankfully, NYPD behaved competently on this occasion and arrested many of them.

These pathetic terrorists are recruited from the ranks of university trust-fund babies to attack women, children, and the unsuspecting with the worst forms of puerile assault, all from behind anonymity (and it should be said you negate your right to anonymity when you are committing violent crimes). The majority of them don’t even lift, and thus perform poorly when fights are more equal, but they love their work and are paid handsomely for it. Trump’s supporters, and even neutral bystanders caught up in the pandemonium have to suffer because such criminals are aided by elements of the Democrat Party and the media who play interference for them with outright lies. In fact, one of the biggest changes of the Trump era is that the media are openly calling for vicious assaults themselves.

Donald Trump needs to understand that this violence and the calls for more violence, will only escalate from here. For as long as they are allowed to behave in this way, his enemies will push the limits, all the way to actually carrying out Madonna’s threats. This needs to be ended now, and that means starting with something that is long overdue: arresting George Soros and confiscating his assets. Financing domestic terrorism is a crime, and the links between Soros’ Open Society foundation and the violent protests rocking the United States are not hard to untangle. Furthermore, the president needs to pursue charges of incitement and even sedition against elements of the media and entertainment industry who are calling for an American Maidan. He should follow through with his threat to defund universities where his supporters are harassed and beaten with the tacit consent of the administrators. Finally, he needs to brand many of these radical groups such as Antifa as domestic terrorist, for which support can carry a 15 year prison sentence.

For as long as these would-be revolutionaries are allowed to harm the innocent and cause disruption and mayhem, the administration will be under constant threat and won’t be able to focus on its domestic policy agenda. It is time to decapitate this viper, and its filthy slithering brood. Trump must follow the example of zero tolerance for this type of agitation, set by Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban and Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Violent protests that led to the cancellation of a speech by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos at the University of California, Berkeley Wednesday night has cast a spotlight on a group of anti-fascist activists known as “Antifa.”

What Is Antifa? Anti-Fascist Group Behind Violent Berkeley Protest Against Milo Yiannopoulos (Video)

Following the unrest, Yiannopoulos ascribed the violence to the general “Left” and President Donald Trump even called for taking away funds from the prestigious university. However, according to reports, the protests were peaceful until a group of several dozen black-face-mask-clad activists showed up. Soon, videos showed them shooting fireworks at the building and smashing windows.

Such a physically confrontational approach characterizes “Antifa” and separates it from the organic protests that have sprung up in the wake of Trump’s inauguration as president.

“We won’t put up with the violent rhetoric of Milo, Trump or the fascistic alt-right,” one Berkeley student who said he identified with the “Antifa” movement told The Guardian. “We are willing to resist by any means necessary.”

It was the same anti-fascist movement that was behind the “Disrupt J20” protests in Washington, D.C., on the day of Trump’s inauguration, leading to injuries to police officers, who retaliated with pepper spray and stun grenades. On the same day, the man who coined the term alt-right and appeared to give a Nazi salute while celebrating Trump’s election victory, Richard Spencer, was punched in the face in a video that went viral across social media.

“Antifa combines radical left-wing and anarchist politics, revulsion at racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, and Islamophobes, with the international anti-fascist culture of taking the streets and physically confronting the brownshirts of white supremacy, whoever they may be,” Antifa NYC told The Nation last month.

“Antifa” dates back much further that Trump and the rise of the alt-right. The movement began in Europe as a response to the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1930s. One of the first notable clashes occurred in London in 1936 at the Battle of Cable Street, when a march of 5,000 uniformed Blackshirts led by the leader of the British Union of Fascists, Sir Oswald Mosley, was greeted by an estimated 100,000 anti-fascist protesters.

The form of protest spread to the United States in the following decades and has attracted fresh prominence following the rise of Trump, who has surrounded himself with several advisors and cabinet members espousing far-right views.

The opening line of the latest post from the NYC Antifa group makes clear that they are anticipating plenty of activity in the year ahead. “2017 promises to be a busy year for antifascists around the world,” it reads.

The Alliance for Global Justice is funded by a Soros-backed charity called the Tides Foundation, who gave $50,000 to help fund a radical-left group called “Antifa,” who used extreme violence to shut down the event at UC Berkeley featuring Milo Yiannopoulos.

Soros-Funded Group Gave $50K to Radical Group Antifa Who Provoked Berkeley Riot

From PJ Media

The Alliance for Global Justice, an organization funded by the Tides Foundation — a George Soros -backed charity – gave $50,000 to help fund a radical-left group that used violence to shut down an event at the University of California-Berkeley featuring Milo Yiannopoulos.

“Refuse Fascism” bragged on its website about how they used “righteous” violence against “fascist” Yiannopoulos and how they set a shining example for others to follow.

The full name of the group is “In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America” — a mouthful, to be sure.

The Daily Caller ferreted out the major backers of this bunch of wackos:

The left-wing group that helped organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large companies.

The Alliance for Global Justice, based in Tucson, is listed as an organizer and fiscal sponsor for Refuse Fascism, a communist group that encouraged left-wingers to shut down the Yiannopoulos event.

The call to arms succeeded. Yiannopoulos’ talk was cancelled after demonstrators lit fires, vandalized businesses, and assaulted Donald Trump and Yiannopoulos supporters.

Refuse Fascism, which includes Princeton professor Cornel West as one of its founding “initiators,” defended the response, issuing a statement on its website that called the shut down “righteous.”

And on its Facebook page, the group asserted that the vandalism and arson were not “violence.” Instead, the group argued that Yiannopoulos and Trump perpetrate violence through the policies they support.

“Dismantling police fences is not violent. And to compare preventing someone like that from speaking to the real-world violence that they perpetuate everyday is ludicrous,” reads one post on the group’s Facebook page.

I don't know, what do you think? Is this supposed to be moves, (a la Game Theory, that force your opponent into a move that you desire) that is calculated to make Trump crack down eventually on these ever escalating protests? It seems counterproductive to just wanting to sway peoples opinions.
Alejo said:
I concur with Scottie,

I was just thinking over this weekend that, whoever is benefitting from this divide being shoved down our eyes constantly, does not care one bit about humanity's well being. They don't care about right or left or center or brown or white or nothing.

Which is the whole point. Someone being right in the argument isn't the point or goal, the goal is the divide itself. When we're divided we forget that the other is human. A human being just like us with a whole bunch of programs and blind spots and fears and so on. The division makes us stop caring about each other's suffering and worse yet, wish it upon the other.

And it's the perfect time also, both sides of the spectrum have so much to be revealed that it can keep both oppositions constantly and validly pissed at them. The left has got as much blood on their hands as does the right and they're constantly screaming accusations while pointing their bloody fingers at the others bloody hands.

Here! Here! A quote I came across in my journal :

"Unconscious beliefs can influence events as well as conscious. Mass emotional vibration can influence."
SoTT radio- Earth Changes in an Electric Universe: The Human -Cosmic Connection- 15 June 2014.

It would serve us well to know ourselves and what we believe in. What truths do we hold dear? Whom are we serving by hose beliefs ? The crowds that the media hypes have no clue.
Hello H2O said:
angelburst29 said:
This article describes a radical group, known as ‘Antifa’ or ‘Anti-Fascist Action’ imported from Europe and now operating in the US. I never heard of them before but apparently, one of the many things these thugs like to do is "sucker punch" unsuspecting victims. Reminds me of a spate of violent attacks by teenagers, ganging up on an older victim, without any signs of provocation, being reported a year or so ago in the news?


Just saw this article on SOTT, and it kind of answered my question.

But I still wonder about him being maneuvered into that position. Am I missing something here?
c.a. said:
Laura said:
In Snowden's latest interview with Katie Couric, he sounds very reasonable and I like him, but there is an odd flavor to it that is disturbing.

So, anyway, it just seems to me that the whole thing is a minefield and we need to pick our way with care and not get taken in by either side.

I can understand and appreciate as the C's have expressed to know one's self. With the prospects of disabling the triggering mechanisms that put us in danger of the pandemic mind set.

It is a mind-field. Not to change the wording of what is meant. But it does help to fully understand how pernicious is in the United States and to quote "one thing is clear, we need to pick our battles very carefully. Nothing is black and white."

So like so many others have come to Know. We have been gifted many safe guards as means of guidance that we continue to share and network.

And as we do we may for fill our lesson plan, in this incarnation, and hopefully graduate to 4DSTO. That would be so Cool.

Funny she says in the video that he sounds like a salesman. At my job, I work with contractors who try to put new equipment in- not having an ability to stop it, I feel annoyed at some of them. Same for certain managers. I'm not trying to brag, just make a connection- there's something about a salesman or manager that is true and one that is inventing a story/narrative to sell. This Snowden is so full of himself, I feel the same about Trump, but he does show a bit of childish "selling" which I can appreciate a little bit.
[/size]Honestly, I never liked Snowden, this gut feeling, this annoyance. It can come from a voice or how someone speaks to me. It's hard to stand by my feelings when so many looked up to him as some hero, but deep down I was like something is wrong and bugs the heck out of me with this guy!

Back when I used to think that Noam Chomsky was a real truth seeker, I still disliked listening to him. I felt like I was crazy! But it turns out he was the big gate keeper for the people who question the PTB.

Oh and Assange goes in that list too. I sound really picky, but I swear, not everyone gives me this feeling- a lot of times it can be someone I logically am not sure about, but I feel ok about them. Maybe it comes from a sort of hypersensitivity to sound in how people speak, whether they are direct or trying to pace their words to over emphasize things??? At the extremes, they also say that psychopaths like to use a lot of big words but without a proper 'emotional' context. If you are angry, you wouldn't try to sound scientific, if you are deep thinking- you wouldn't try to sound crude, etc....
c.a. said:
Laura said:
In Snowden's latest interview with Katie Couric, he sounds very reasonable and I like him, but there is an odd flavor to it that is disturbing.

So, anyway, it just seems to me that the whole thing is a minefield and we need to pick our way with care and not get taken in by either side.

I can understand and appreciate as the C's have expressed to know one's self. With the prospects of disabling the triggering mechanisms that put us in danger of the pandemic mind set.

It is a mind-field. Not to change the wording of what is meant. But it does help to fully understand how pernicious is in the United States and to quote "one thing is clear, we need to pick our battles very carefully. Nothing is black and white."

So like so many others have come to Know. We have been gifted many safe guards as means of guidance that we continue to share and network.

And as we do we may for fill our lesson plan, in this incarnation, and hopefully graduate to 4DSTO. That would be so Cool.

I recently saw the Snowden interview as well.

My impression ran along these lines...

“Edward Snowden is a very smart man, who was brave and remarkably sensible in the execution of his act of opposition against pathocracy. His oral command of language is absolutely phenomenal, his thoughts and opinions are well measured and clear. HOWEVER.., why are we now giving his opinions regarding current political affairs our attention? Snowden is a remarkable individual, certainly, but beyond his immediate area of expertise in data and computers, (and now I suppose, his personal stake as a political refugee), is his political information really any better or worse than that of any other smart person with an opinion and a laptop newsfeed?”

So I have reservations in that regard, but I do not -at all- share the narrator’s vitriolic opinion of Snowden.

For a number of what I think should be perfectly self-evident reasons, it was waaaay out of line to insist that he is an idiot. -Not the least of which being you don’t get hired to program warehouse-sized CIA computers unless you have some fairly decent grey matter. -Nor do you choose the hard road he did over a safe and comfy salary if you don't have a conscience, -not to mention, some serious backbone and the ability to out-maneuver the intelligence community. An idiot he is most certainly not!

Nor do I think it is fair to criticize his speaking manner. -When you are being featured in an interview which is going to be seen and judged by the whole screen-enabled world, and upon which your very life can be realistically said to hang, I think it is perfectly reasonable to prepare your arguments with precision and to deliver them using the most refined speaking manner possible. The narrator actually made a point of heaping scorn upon him when he took a long moment to compose his thoughts before speaking. Would she rather he speak without thinking?

Sure, he sounded a bit like a salesman. He’s selling the idea that maybe a whistleblower like him shouldn’t be disappeared into a black site or just flat-out executed. I don’t know if I could have performed half as well under that kind of pressure.

Now.., I won’t close myself off to the possibility that he may be some sort of actor in a global CIA mind game. If that were to become inescapably apparent at some point in the future, I won’t be shocked. But thus far, I have seen virtually nothing which leads me to think this is the case.


That all being said...

I can also understand perhaps the base discomfort which caused the narrator to react so strongly in her video critique. Snowden did come across with a touch of narcissism in that interview, -which I don’t think was present in his earlier press releases.

He’s a guy living in isolation while at the same time, is living well beyond his 15 minutes of fame; thrust into a major global spotlight, being told he is Very Good or Very Evil (but Very Special either way). Fame has driven many lesser minds thoroughly mad.

While Snowden is clearly above-average in many respects, I don’t get the impression that he has a Network available to regularly put his psyche under a microscope in an effort to untangle his programming. Moreover.., is he aware of the hyper-dimensional Matrix control system? -Of the 4D predator class? Does he know how to differentiate between his own genuine (albeit error-prone) thoughts and those whispered into his mind by unseen manipulators?

Is he spiritually aware or is he a die-hard materialist? -I get the impression that he might be more of the latter. Engineering types very commonly are, and that lack of knowledge puts him at considerable risk of compromise.

It should be remembered that other notable figures who found their way into the spotlight, who started by speaking apparently earnest and insightful Truths with a compelling public voice.., when they posed a risk of significantly changing the public mind, they have gone on to self-destruct in some utterly spectacular ways. (Remember Charlie Sheen?)

I wonder if Edward Snowden doesn’t prove easily converted to useful idiocy for the Dark Side now that he is a respected public figure, if we will in a year’s time learn that he is in fact a woman and is exploring sex-change surgery?

From both his actions and words, I like Edward Snowden. -I respect and admire what he has done, but I also worry about him.

But regardless.., he’s still just a guy. His political opinions are not something I’d take on board without vetting.
I find it pretty interesting that despite 15 years of the "war on Islamic terror" during which Muslims were rounded demonized as terrorists to Western populations, plus dozens of "terror attacks" in Western countries and all the horrors of "al-qaeda" and "ISIS", it seems to have taken the events surrounding the election of Trump and the reaction of the 'left' to his election and the counter-reaction of the 'right', to really enable open public and political discourse that seems to be going in the direction of really "doing something" about Muslims.
Joe said:
I find it pretty interesting that despite 15 years of the "war on Islamic terror" during which Muslims were rounded demonized as terrorists to Western populations, plus dozens of "terror attacks" in Western countries and all the horrors of "al-qaeda" and "ISIS", it seems to have taken the events surrounding the election of Trump and the reaction of the 'left' to his election and the counter-reaction of the 'right', to really enable open public and political discourse that seems to be going in the direction of really "doing something" about Muslims.

And with that, I think that more things are becoming full circle.

Does this bring to light the final role of Alex Jones & Infowars?

Whetever if they are conscious about it or not. They gave the Anti Muslim agenda a real boost. And are still pushing it relentlessly, and whatever happened with 9/11 and false flag attacks? is it still even worth mentioning? The 'Muslim problem' seem to be their main agenda + also marking the Left as traitors.

Don't forget that their influence is huge these days !! While that of the MSM is dying.

Besides, the Old Establishment has been become so hated upon. That many may dismiss the crimes of the new. I am not saying that Trump is the new Hitler. But perhaps, that exactly why people can't see what is about to happen? Perhaps this climate is necessary to get things going in a certain direction.

Trump isn't the New Hitler now. And maybe never will be. But if something happens with Trump. I am afraid that this may provide the right fuel for something incredible Evil to rise up and take his place. And maybe that's not even necessary. Maybe 4 years with Trump will provide the right fuel nonetheless. Just look at what is happening with the populace, people are losing their minds.

Next to this, Trump might understand what he is up against, but does he also understand what he might have to become to secure his position? Embracing the Israeli lobby is playing with fire. And like the saying goes: You don't dance with the Devil, the Devil will dance with you.

I am afraid that so long as the 9/11 lie stands, the second holocaust is inevitable.

I felt relieved with Trump coming in office. But the reaction of the populace is down right scary. I didn't saw this coming. While Trump may have good intentions, the fighting between the 'Left' and the 'Right' that caused all this is heading to another direction.

The C's said that 4STS is keen on exterminating the Arab people. It's not some 3STS psychopath pet project. It are the Gods who demand it. And now things are becoming full circle.

Woodsman said:
I recently saw the Snowden interview as well.
My impression ran along these lines...
Thanks Woodsman, A nice retrospective, interpretation of said video.

I agree, that the You Tuber seems unable to stay balanced with her emotions, to stay unbiased.

Though i agree with many, (especially with our intuitional gut feelings), which questions, what are the motivations of the messenger, after the message has been delivered.

Important Aspects to Oliver Stone's Snowden Movie! Feb 7, 2017

Edit: Image unnecessary. Internal consideration.
c.a. said:
Woodsman said:
I recently saw the Snowden interview as well.
My impression ran along these lines...
Thanks Woodsman, A nice retrospective, interpretation of said video.

I agree, that the You Tuber seems unable to stay balanced with her emotions, to stay unbiased.

Though i agree with many, (especially with our intuitional gut feelings), which questions, what are the motivations of the messenger, after the message has been delivered.

Important Aspects to Oliver Stone's Snowden Movie! Feb 7, 2017

That's fair. -Exploring the process of trust.

I remember spending a couple of years on and off swinging into horrible fears that the C's were an elaborate manipulation and the people working with that source unwitting accomplices. Trust doesn't come easily for me. -Or rather, too easily. I find I am inclined to let people in quickly and offer more trust than is perhaps called for. -I project humanity into the people around me, so I've been a rich target in the past. (Though, I am also maybe designed this way on a soul level, because I also come equipped with the strength and cunning to escape traps when I realize their nature. One of the best ways, if you can manage it, to disarm a trap is to spring it and survive -and carry the knowledge of its workings for next time). But it does take a toll and is probably part of the reason I have found it difficult to balance between being too guarded and too trusting.

I take great encouragement from some of the C's words, -so it can be argued that it's circular logic, (though I disagree)... Knowledge is pure, and if we constantly seek to collect and refine and test it, it becomes its own absolute filter. That makes sense on many levels, regardless of the source.

Time will tell with Snowden.

In the meanwhile, so long as we recognize that he's not necessarily a reliable authority on global affairs or a political leader, it doesn't actually matter that much. His information has increased the knowledge base of the human consciousness, and it's our job to keep on collecting more and to keep on refining it. Snowden's character and ultimate allegiance is tangential to that process at this point.

I also think there are several noteworthy differences between the encouraged rumors of the efficacy of the Nazi intelligence apparatus of yesteryear, and with our current situation. That is, I'm not sure how viable the theory is that the Snowden info dump was intended as a dark side population control measure.

As a big for instance.., knowledge of the general scope and shape of CIA surveillance powers is reasonably presented given what we know of technology. But it hasn't prevented anybody from speaking their minds or attending demonstrations, etc. -If anything, people seem disconnected from caring, as they share everything about themselves online and click the "I agree" ELUA button with barely a moment's consideration. --Whereas the force which actually does act to silence and control people is the manipulation of the social element; that of one's community, (digital or otherwise) collectively "shaming" or shouting down or denouncing those who hold disloyal views.

As seems to be the case, time shows its cyclical nature, and the same energy is present again, that of people being scared and repressed in their private thoughts and actions, but today it wears a different hat, coming together in a new, unexpected form.

If the lesson were worded in exactly the same way as before, what would be the value in it?
Neil said:
Here are my notes from the webinar, with approximate times in the video, which will eventually come out, I'm sure.

I listened to the first part of the presentation prior the question and answer section last night. Neil’s notes are a good summation, so I won’t recreate them. Instead I will give some impressions from her presentation.

From what she said, Trump seems like he is in a very tough position both domestically and geopolitically. She says he is being put in a straitjacket by the press and the Congress via his appointments in that he and his cabinet are having to concede points, such as Russia taking over Crimea and that the US should continue to undermine Russia. Trump is up against a faction of TPTP (the Soros, financial, mainstream media neoliberal part) and trying to move quickly with campaign promises in order to garner support of the military, law enforcement and the other faction of TPTP (the industrialist). He has little support from his own party and is facing an increasingly agitated and hostile portion of the American people.

Geopolitically, he seems to be following Henry Kissinger’s advice to try to separate the Russian and Chinese partnership and also target Iran, yet the US position is very weak, since Russia is ok with the sanctions continuing for now and remembers how they were treated during and after the fall of the USSR. In short Putin will not fall for such moves even when the US eventually says they will give Russia back the influence they had in Eastern Europe and former republics to try to separate them from China. The US has the losing hand.

She says Trump has become president in a fading empire and she equates Trump with Gorbachev in that Trump is trying to reform and save the US Empire from collapse.

From my perspective of the presentation, it is almost like everywhere Trump turns and whatever action he takes he is in losing situation.

Overall, I was impressed with her presentation and will start following her work more closely.
Woodsman said:
I recently saw the Snowden interview as well.

My impression ran along these lines...

“Edward Snowden is a very smart man, who was brave and remarkably sensible in the execution of his act of opposition against pathocracy. His oral command of language is absolutely phenomenal, his thoughts and opinions are well measured and clear. HOWEVER.., why are we now giving his opinions regarding current political affairs our attention? Snowden is a remarkable individual, certainly, but beyond his immediate area of expertise in data and computers, (and now I suppose, his personal stake as a political refugee), is his political information really any better or worse than that of any other smart person with an opinion and a laptop newsfeed?”

So I have reservations in that regard, but I do not -at all- share the narrator’s vitriolic opinion of Snowden.<snip>

I can also understand perhaps the base discomfort which caused the narrator to react so strongly in her video critique. Snowden did come across with a touch of narcissism in that interview, -which I don’t think was present in his earlier press releases.

He’s a guy living in isolation while at the same time, is living well beyond his 15 minutes of fame; thrust into a major global spotlight, being told he is Very Good or Very Evil (but Very Special either way). Fame has driven many lesser minds thoroughly mad.

While Snowden is clearly above-average in many respects, I don’t get the impression that he has a Network available to regularly put his psyche under a microscope in an effort to untangle his programming. Moreover.., is he aware of the hyper-dimensional Matrix control system? -Of the 4D predator class? Does he know how to differentiate between his own genuine (albeit error-prone) thoughts and those whispered into his mind by unseen manipulators?

Is he spiritually aware or is he a die-hard materialist? -I get the impression that he might be more of the latter. Engineering types very commonly are, and that lack of knowledge puts him at considerable risk of compromise.

It should be remembered that other notable figures who found their way into the spotlight, who started by speaking apparently earnest and insightful Truths with a compelling public voice.., when they posed a risk of significantly changing the public mind, they have gone on to self-destruct in some utterly spectacular ways. (Remember Charlie Sheen?)

I wonder if Edward Snowden doesn’t prove easily converted to useful idiocy for the Dark Side now that he is a respected public figure, if we will in a year’s time learn that he is in fact a woman and is exploring sex-change surgery?

From both his actions and words, I like Edward Snowden. -I respect and admire what he has done, but I also worry about him.

But regardless.., he’s still just a guy. His political opinions are not something I’d take on board without vetting.

Very, VERY good run-down/assessment that gives some balance. I think the narcissism thing is what bugged me. But, like I said, I liked his voice and way of speaking - it seems thoughtful and careful to me. I really wonder about the internal landscape of the critic in the second video??

I think all of the above probably applies to Assange. I tell ya, Gurdjieff was right: without a network of others seeking to escape the trap, there is NO HOPE. And there's no point in having one if you don't use it!
Laura said:
Woodsman said:
I recently saw the Snowden interview as well.

My impression ran along these lines...

“Edward Snowden is a very smart man, who was brave and remarkably sensible in the execution of his act of opposition against pathocracy. His oral command of language is absolutely phenomenal, his thoughts and opinions are well measured and clear. HOWEVER.., why are we now giving his opinions regarding current political affairs our attention? Snowden is a remarkable individual, certainly, but beyond his immediate area of expertise in data and computers, (and now I suppose, his personal stake as a political refugee), is his political information really any better or worse than that of any other smart person with an opinion and a laptop newsfeed?”

So I have reservations in that regard, but I do not -at all- share the narrator’s vitriolic opinion of Snowden.<snip>

I can also understand perhaps the base discomfort which caused the narrator to react so strongly in her video critique. Snowden did come across with a touch of narcissism in that interview, -which I don’t think was present in his earlier press releases.

He’s a guy living in isolation while at the same time, is living well beyond his 15 minutes of fame; thrust into a major global spotlight, being told he is Very Good or Very Evil (but Very Special either way). Fame has driven many lesser minds thoroughly mad.

While Snowden is clearly above-average in many respects, I don’t get the impression that he has a Network available to regularly put his psyche under a microscope in an effort to untangle his programming. Moreover.., is he aware of the hyper-dimensional Matrix control system? -Of the 4D predator class? Does he know how to differentiate between his own genuine (albeit error-prone) thoughts and those whispered into his mind by unseen manipulators?

Is he spiritually aware or is he a die-hard materialist? -I get the impression that he might be more of the latter. Engineering types very commonly are, and that lack of knowledge puts him at considerable risk of compromise.

It should be remembered that other notable figures who found their way into the spotlight, who started by speaking apparently earnest and insightful Truths with a compelling public voice.., when they posed a risk of significantly changing the public mind, they have gone on to self-destruct in some utterly spectacular ways. (Remember Charlie Sheen?)

I wonder if Edward Snowden doesn’t prove easily converted to useful idiocy for the Dark Side now that he is a respected public figure, if we will in a year’s time learn that he is in fact a woman and is exploring sex-change surgery?

From both his actions and words, I like Edward Snowden. -I respect and admire what he has done, but I also worry about him.

But regardless.., he’s still just a guy. His political opinions are not something I’d take on board without vetting.

Very, VERY good run-down/assessment that gives some balance. I think the narcissism thing is what bugged me. But, like I said, I liked his voice and way of speaking - it seems thoughtful and careful to me. I really wonder about the internal landscape of the critic in the second video??

I think all of the above probably applies to Assange. I tell ya, Gurdjieff was right: without a network of others seeking to escape the trap, there is NO HOPE. And there's no point in having one if you don't use it!

I agree with the assessment probably applying to Assange as well.

A coworker sent me Assange's book Cypherpunks via Audible, and I found it rather hard to listen to as there was a similar air of narcissism throughout. The author's may be intelligent and quite knowledgeable about computer programming and I think some of what they do is useful, but I got the impression that they all think highly of themselves and that was just rather off-putting.
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