Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Laura said:
luc said:
One interesting thing is that both sides, including the semi-alternative news crowd on the left and the right (like the Intercept and the right-wing media), don't get much into the big 'conspiracy' angles - 9/11, false flags etc. Then you have the conspiracy crowd going bonkers with flat earth, actors theory and so on.

I think it was good that the focus recently was more on semi-mainstream-compatible angles like imperialism, US meddling etc., but maybe it's time to bring back some of the more far-out things? I mean, the 'terrorism' narrative of the right-wingers completely crumbles once you factor in 9/11 and other false flags. The narrative on the left also crumbles in light of the massive deception across all party lines.

Not sure though, but I find it interesting that the conspiracy angle kind of faded to the background of the alternative discourse (if that's the case). It's worth noting as well that RT, while doing such a remarkable job navigating the waters and neither siding with the left nor the right, also stopped talking about 9/11 and false flags completely. But that's kind of the elephant in the room, isn't it?
Yeah. We need to get back to the roots of the issues: 9-11 as an inside/MOSSAD job designed to demonize Muslims; the War OF Terror waged by the Terror State and its cronies in the ME and EU; ignoring real climate change while propagandizing global warming and carbon taxes; and of course, the biggies, psychopaths and pedophiles in power.

All we have to do is read Protocol 12 to get our bearings:

Yeah, very true about not losing sight of the pivotal and intended effects of 9/11. And reviewing the ultimate play-book known as the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” always helps put current events in perspective (complete Protocols can be read here: _

Related, here’s a 1997 quote by the late (executed) ex-naval intelligence officer/whistle-blower, Bill Cooper that was quite prophetic:

Copyright © 1997 William Cooper All Rights Reserved

Veritas News Service - The following is fact. It is not a theory, it is a genuine conspiracy. I witnessed the Top Secret/MAJIC documents from which this information is excerpted while a member of the United States Navy attached to the Intelligence Briefing Team of Admiral Bernard Clarey, Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet. I can produce the names of approximately 38 U.S. Navy officers and enlisted men who also witnessed these documents while in the service of their country.

There will be more bombings, chemical, or biological attacks. They will escalate in the destruction, maiming and killing of men women and especially children. More shootings at shopping centers, restaurants, and schools will occur. As a last resort, if all else fails, the Illuminati are prepared to detonate an atomic weapon in a large American city such as New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles. A war may be promulgated in the Middle East in order to provide the excuse needed to explain terrorist attacks upon the United States of America to the American sheeple in order that they will accept personal disarmament in the interest of peace and security.

The terrorists attacks which will be launched in the United States will be blamed upon middle eastern religious fanatics, Christian fundamentalists, white supremacists, Patriots, or Militias. A more immediate result of these operations will be the increased use of military forces, weaponry, and equipment such as tanks and armored personnel carriers in civilian law enforcement, the suspension or elimination of Habeas Corpus, the elimination of jury trials, the attempted disarming of the American People, and the institution of martial law with show-trials conducted by a tribunal of judges.
I think Snowden is blind to what he was lead to because of his self importance. He might think he is really opening the back rooms, but obviously he is serving someone.

I also don't get why the leaks are so weak, documents of programs? What about the serious stuff? 9-11? Like Assange, they poo poohed 9-11...

So many whistle-blowers get taken out by "accidents", so quickly that we don't hear about them. Sometimes they discredit them or pin some crazy charge on them to make them look insane.

Even Putin said, how come they couldn't ground his flight from Hong Kong?

We also see that what he did was a service. Now people have been programmed that they are spied on and it also lead to the acceptance of it in the war OF terror.

Trump may be going in the same direction, despite him saying out loud what the PTB doesn't want us to know, the way he says it puts a "joke" onto it. The interview with Oreilly was taken as a big joke by people I spoke to. They don't seem to pick up the horror of that situation.

It's all a big joke, an accepted system of evil that now has MORE free will given away that they say what they say and people accept it. Soul smashing indeed...
NormaRegula said:
Laura said:
mabar said:
So, what would you think of this? Because, from one part, I usually do not trust what government denies or says, and US remain silent ... one wonders ... and the other part thinks that someone through AP and/or via the MSM want to create more circus? or focus in something else? ... ---spanish
_ said:
President Trump Threatens to Send U.S. Troops to Mexico to Take Care of 'Bad Hombres'

President Donald Trump threatened in a phone call with his Mexican counterpart to send U.S. troops to stop "bad hombres down there" unless the Mexican military does more to control them itself, according to an excerpt of a transcript of the conversation obtained by The Associated Press.

...just read this article -finding more about this issue-, and is from June 2016 _ ... the author has good points, I think.

I don't see a version of this article on RT English, but it IS the headliner on WaPo and derived from AP. That, in itself, is suspicious. And, VT is pretty well-known disinfo site.

According to the Washington Times, the AP misreported the story: _

A spokesperson for the Mexican President said Trump did not threaten to invade Mexico during the phone conversation. Looks like more faked or misrepresentation from the MSM.
NormaRegula said:
Laura said:
mabar said:
So, what would you think of this? Because, from one part, I usually do not trust what government denies or says, and US remain silent ... one wonders ... and the other part thinks that someone through AP and/or via the MSM want to create more circus? or focus in something else? ... ---spanish
_ said:
President Trump Threatens to Send U.S. Troops to Mexico to Take Care of 'Bad Hombres'

President Donald Trump threatened in a phone call with his Mexican counterpart to send U.S. troops to stop "bad hombres down there" unless the Mexican military does more to control them itself, according to an excerpt of a transcript of the conversation obtained by The Associated Press.

...just read this article -finding more about this issue-, and is from June 2016 _ ... the author has good points, I think.

I don't see a version of this article on RT English, but it IS the headliner on WaPo and derived from AP. That, in itself, is suspicious. And, VT is pretty well-known disinfo site.

According to the Washington Times, the AP misreported the story: _

A spokesperson for the Mexican President said Trump did not threaten to invade Mexico during the phone conversation. Looks like more faked or misrepresentation from the MSM.
I think there was no misrepresentation, perhaps the "tone/threat" was changed to not look that bad for Peña Nieto, it appeared later on RT and there was another journalist who took it out too
_ said:
A person with access to the official transcript of the phone call provided an excerpt to The Associated Press. The person gave it on condition of anonymity because the administration did not make the details of the call public. A Mexican reporter's similar account of Trump's comments was published on a Mexican website Tuesday. The reports described Trump as humiliating Pena Nieto in a confrontation conversation.

As Business Insider further adds, citing an interview between the Mexican news outlet Aristegui Noticias and Dolia Estevez, a journalist based in Washington, DC, who cited sources on both sides of the call, "It was a very offensive conversation where Trump humiliated Peña Nieto."

"I don't need the Mexicans. I don't need Mexico," Trump reportedly told the Mexican president. "We are going to build the wall and you all are going to pay for it, like it or not."

Trump hinted that the US would force Mexico to fund the wall with a 10% tax on Mexican exports "and of 35% on those exports that hurt Mexico the most," Estevez wrote in Proyecto Puente.

"He even complained of the bad role the [Mexican] army is playing in the fight against narco trafficking," Estevez, who writes for Forbes and is close to the Mexican journalist and anchorwoman Carmen Aristegui, said during an interview with Aristegui's eponymous news outlet. Trump "even suggested to [Peña Nieto] that if they are incapable of combatting [narco trafficking] he may have to send troops to assume this task," she said.

The US president "said he would not permit the drugs coming from Mexico to continue massacring our cities," Estevez added. She said Trump went so far as to say, "I really didn't want to go to Mexico last August," referring to Trump's visit to the Mexican capital last year.

Peña Nieto was accompanied on the call by people from his country's foreign ministry, while Trump was joined by "the famous son-in-law," likely meaning senior adviser Jared Kushner, and chief strategist Steven Bannon. Kushner is reportedly close to Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray, and they were seen as the likely go-betweens for the two governments.

"Before this unusual onslaught, Peña was not firm," Estevez said. "He was stammering."
This is where the AP's transcript comes in to fill in the remaining blanks.

As expected, Mexico's foreign relations department denied that account, saying it "is based on absolute falsehoods." The reason is obvious: if accurate, it shows just how little leverage the Mexican president has, if he allows Trump to talk in such a manner.
Trump has since tasked his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner - a real estate executive with no foreign policy experience - with managing the ongoing dispute, according to an administration official with knowledge of the call. At a press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May last week, Trump described his call with Pena Nieto as "friendly."

A White House spokesman did not respond to the AP's requests seeking a comment if Trump indeed threatened to invade Mexico.
And I think the possible incursion of american troops would be in the "form" as John Ackerman mention. Subtle, is what I think it may be as had been, and I would not doubt about this Prian "agreement"? with Trump ... --using google traductor said:
Donald Trump threatens to invade Mexico
John M. Ackerman
Surprise: US agents are already in Mexican territory.

Nowadays, Mexican President Vicente Fox shows off his supposed patriotism, but on October 1, 2002, during his term and the George W. Bush administration, he allowed Mexico to join the North American Command (Northcom) And will formally enter the United States military security perimeter.

Another former Mexican leader, Felipe Calderón, also complains about Donald Trump's plans to build a wall on the US-Mexico border, but he was the one who completely subordinated the military and security forces to Washington.

In fact, Calderón and Barack Obama set up numerous fusion centers - a model first tested in Iraq and Afganistan - in Mexican territory, where US and Mexican agents "share information." At that time, the US drones. Also began to fly over Mexican territory.

With the current leader of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto , the situation has worsened. Now, US agents are wearing Mexican military uniforms to participate directly in public safety actions, according to information from the Wall Street Journal; For example, in the detention of 'El Chapo' Guzmán in February 2014.

In 2015, the Mexican Congress authorized the carrying of weapons by foreign agents in Mexico, while WikiLeaks cables have revealed how the Armed Forces of that Latin American country, and in particular the Secretary of the Navy, Vidal Soberon, work In close relationship with the US Armed Forces.

With all these facts, it should come as no surprise that on January 31, Northcom chief General Lori Robinson made a secret visit to Tapachula (Chiapas) by Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray and the US ambassador . In Mexico, Roberta Jacobson, to ensure that everything was "in order" on "its" southern border.

For these reasons, it is not gratuitous that Peña Nieto and Trump do not want to make known the conversation that they had the past 27 of January. Everything seems to indicate that there is a secret agreement between the two leaders to open Mexico wide to the US military in exchange for impunity for Peña Nieto and political support for the alleged union of the Institutional Revolutionary Party and the National Action Party (Prian) In the Mexican presidential elections of 2018.

We can not afford it.
angelburst29 said:
In her references to Trump, like in the quote below, does Lada give any indication that Soro's will succeed in his "Color Revolution" against Trump?
I do distinctly remember her saying, "The NWO is finished." It is also interesting to note that on her timeline, that the dollar begins to hyperinflate in 2-3 years and Trump will leave office in 2-3 years. Then she says there will be radical changes on the political scene in 2019, again 2-3 years. In the scenario where she saw him lasting 5 years, she said it was due to the possible new timeline being created due to such an intense burst of activity and attempted reforms immediately upon entering office, that it may buy him some additional "credit" with the universe and he may last a bit longer; but his "destiny" appears to be to preside over the bankruptcy of the USA. She says she usually goes with her first intuition when making her predictions, and doesn't put much stock in the 5 year scenario. One possible reason given for him leaving office is that the electoral rules could be changed going into 2020 and the US may have a new constitution.

My deduction from all of this is that she sees the US is only held together by the dollar and the pursuit of money. Once the dollar dies, the populace will splinter into militant groups vying for power and control and/or independence. Russia had a taste of this with the Chechnya situation, but she is saying the US version will be much more pronounced. At this point Soros would be caught between trying to control a failed state which is bankrupt, which also happens to be a major source of his power, while simultaneously being banned from the rising Eurasian superpower. It looks to me like he will be desperately throwing out anything he can in an vain hope that something, anything, will stick and gain some traction. In Lada's scenario I don't think it is Soros that does Trump in per se, it will be the shattering of the national unity after there is no more money. Soros may control a couple of the factions, but it looks like it will be alongside a "real revolution" which would tend to push him into irrelevance.
Session140517 said:
A: In fact because there will soon be no money. Notice that banks are already making gestures toward confiscating funds.
Trump is a businessman, and when there is no money, there is no business, or not very much. So I think that when the dollar dies, Trump and his all-American lets make everything great again capitalism dies with it. Here I go a little further than Lada, I think this is where the NWO will make their last big push, but it will be from a higher level than Soros and Brzezinski, and if there's Nazi technology or whatever coming out of Antarctica, that's when it will happen. It may not last very long, but that's my prediction.

As far as the whole debate whether Trump is good or bad goes, I look at this whole political situation through the lens of the evolution of man in a 4th way sense. Mouravieff went on at great length about how Work on a planetary scale would necessitate the formation of an "esoteric elite" which would serve as a seed stock to provide shocks to humanity to get them to escape from the Law of Accident. Without going into too much detail about it, I had envisioned the formation of a sort of "Jedi Council" which thoroughly understands the difference between A influences and B influences, and can serve as the core attractor for the B influences, using its "powers" to draw society along that path. Putin, with his intelligence, strategic training, martial arts experience, and probable spiritual leanings resultant from his exposure to Eastern Orthodoxy, would sort of fit my definition of a "Pre-Jedi," or Padawan, for the Star Wars purists. He may, in fact, have some limited understanding through his efforts to make things more equitable for everybody, that he is an instrument for doing some version of the Work on a planetary scale. Perhaps this provides him some degree of protection under the Law of Exception, which allows him to do some of the things that he does. Is there any comparable "magnetic center" in Trump? I very highly doubt it. He's better than some because he doesn't choose conscious evil, but he is adrift in a sea of A influences, which is why some things he does are great, others horrifying, and others just like what the...? Some of those A influences coincidentally more or less align with the B influences, but I think he is wholly subjected to the Law of Accident, which always turns the tide at the next "shock." I really do think he is just a mechanism for America to repay the karma it owes while allowing some people in other countries to pursue their hopes and aspirations on a planet that is still livable, and it appears that Lada agrees.

It would be nice if he was so intelligent that I'm just a blithering idiot standing next to him, and he really is just an expert at playing everyone kind of like the Cassiopaeans suggested, but at this point I'm not feeling it.
Thank you very much Neil for your summary of Lady Ray's predictions and your thoughts. Really interesting.

As for this:

Neil said:
It would be nice if he was so intelligent that I'm just a blithering idiot standing next to him, and he really is just an expert at playing everyone kind of like the Cassiopaeans suggested, but at this point I'm not feeling it.

I agree, and I don't think the Cs suggested Trump is an "expert at playing everyone", I understood their comments more as "he knows more than he admits", which seems reasonable and is to be expected from a guy like him. They also said he "will try" (in terms of foreign policy). But this doesn't mean he will succeed, and it doesn't mean that he really knows what he's doing, just that he knows what he's up against and that he's willing to give it a shot. At least that is how I understood it. Here's a session excerpt:

Session 12 November 2016 said:
Q: (L) Well, I guess the only question is: Will Trump make any kind of decent president considering he's so loaded with ego?

A: Wait and see!

Q: (L) Well he's already picking some people that I consider to be quite questionable. His attitude towards Israel and the Palestinians is completely delusional.

A: Yes... It seems...

Q: (Galatea) He's playing everybody, I think. My impression is that everything he's been doing has just been an act, and he's secretly, covertly doing some good things. He's just being evil to be good.

A: Close. He knows what he is up against!

Q: (Joe) You don't just walk into a system like that that's very entrenched and start knocking things over and throwing people around the place and cutting ties. If you wanna do anything, you have to ingratiate yourself and make like you're part of the team, ya know? And THEN gather your forces...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) When you've gathered your forces, then you can do something.

(Pierre) That's a smart move. I mean he's not even president and now he can't go against Israel full blown. It's too powerful. Apparently, he has plans in his head but he cannot disclose it because he knows it's too early. So there is hope.

(Data) He learned all that doing business.

(Pierre) Yeah. You don't disclose your information.

(Joe) Even though he's a businessman, he's been in political circles as well. He would know the way Washington works.

(Pierre) You know in this video about Trump over the past 30 years, what keeps coming back is this guy has been sticking to his ideas. He seems to...

A: Keep in mind that he is not a "green horn".

Q: (Pierre) In those videos, he keeps coming back to talking about ordinary people suffering, about Americans losing their jobs. Is the man - despite his success and money - really driven by empathy or a deep desire to make the life of Americans better?

A: He sees the waste of human resources as bad business.
luc said:
I agree, and I don't think the Cs suggested Trump is an "expert at playing everyone", I understood their comments more as "he knows more than he admits", which seems reasonable and is to be expected from a guy like him. They also said he "will try" (in terms of foreign policy). But this doesn't mean he will succeed, and it doesn't mean that he really knows what he's doing, just that he knows what he's up against and that he's willing to give it a shot. At least that is how I understood it.

I think so too Luc. Take Trump's "travel ban" for example - he is probably aware that the CIA/State Dept/others have had no problem arranging visas for operatives to enter the US as described by the Moriartys and Springman ( In order to protect himself and Admin from False Flag attack, he might very well decide that an immediate ban on immigration/travel would prevent a planned influx of operatives needed for plans against him. This would give him time to sew up the holes that have developed over the years. Of course he can't come out and say that.

Will this be effective? Probably not - but it does fall into the category of "will try".
Well, the next terror attack that happens the administration can say they tried to do something. They won't be blamed for doing nothing. But they may get full credit either. Because I think it's probable the next attackers could be US born. I don't think the 7 country ban is giving so much actual security. Even so the courts will look bad to the american public for trying to stop the order.

Of course we hope that one won't happen. but I don't believe the administration really believes it could get in the way of what attack might be being planned by state agents by baring visa holders. And the other issue is the ongoing radicalization of us. citizens. This is what makes ISIS really different than Al Qaeda.

I'm not convinced the executive order is anything more than an interesting act of political theater and a fulfillment of the campaign promise.
Divide By Zero said:
I think Snowden is blind to what he was lead to because of his self importance. He might think he is really opening the back rooms, but obviously he is serving someone.

I also don't get why the leaks are so weak, documents of programs? What about the serious stuff? 9-11? Like Assange, they poo poohed 9-11...

So many whistle-blowers get taken out by "accidents", so quickly that we don't hear about them. Sometimes they discredit them or pin some crazy charge on them to make them look insane.

Even Putin said, how come they couldn't ground his flight from Hong Kong?

We also see that what he did was a service. Now people have been programmed that they are spied on and it also lead to the acceptance of it in the war OF terror.

Trump may be going in the same direction, despite him saying out loud what the PTB doesn't want us to know, the way he says it puts a "joke" onto it. The interview with Oreilly was taken as a big joke by people I spoke to. They don't seem to pick up the horror of that situation.

It's all a big joke, an accepted system of evil that now has MORE free will given away that they say what they say and people accept it. Soul smashing indeed...

The above comments are astute IMO and pretty much reflect my view/intuition about Snowden and Assange. I think that's one reason Putin is rather amused and bemused by Snowden. In one talk he described him as a young man who has chosen this path for himself and he says it in such a way that you realize he gets it that Snowden is basically being duped. It was some Q&A thing with the press some months back. But it stuck in my mind. I doubt that the Russians are at all interested in what Snowden has in the way of "leaks" probably because they know it is just what he was provided with intentionally. Same with Assange.
Divide By Zero said:
I think Snowden is blind to what he was lead to because of his self importance. He might think he is really opening the back rooms, but obviously he is serving someone.

I also don't get why the leaks are so weak, documents of programs? What about the serious stuff? 9-11? Like Assange, they poo poohed 9-11...

So many whistle-blowers get taken out by "accidents", so quickly that we don't hear about them. Sometimes they discredit them or pin some crazy charge on them to make them look insane.

Even Putin said, how come they couldn't ground his flight from Hong Kong?

We also see that what he did was a service. Now people have been programmed that they are spied on and it also lead to the acceptance of it in the war OF terror.

Trump may be going in the same direction, despite him saying out loud what the PTB doesn't want us to know, the way he says it puts a "joke" onto it. The interview with Oreilly was taken as a big joke by people I spoke to. They don't seem to pick up the horror of that situation.

It's all a big joke, an accepted system of evil that now has MORE free will given away that they say what they say and people accept it. Soul smashing indeed...

I just listened to some of the original interview with Snowden and I have also have some doubts to this guy. His way of delivering his message may just be due to the environment that he grew up in. According to the interview, then he walks around and some people recognise him on the streets and lots recognize him if he goes into a computer shop. Yet, he doesn't think that the US after 3 years knows where he lives :lol: I know that the US intelligence may be lacking but not knowing where a known face is who walks freely around after 3 years, is beyond belief.

In looking through the headlines of the numerous of articles that we have on Snowden on SOTT, then it is hard not to think that something fishy is going on. The guy did not bring anything groundbreaking that wasn't known already. That NSA listens to everybody, check, that dropbox and facebook is unsafe, check and on and on. Here are a few excerpts of the headlines:

This one involves the co-funder of the coup in Ukraine, Omidyar:
Why is billionaire co-founder of eBay Pierre Omidyar funding Glenn Greenwald's NSA-Snowden leaks to the tune of $250 million?

The following certainly has the effect of silencing whistleblowers and making sure they don't come forward:
John Bolton: Edward Snowden 'ought to swing from a tall oak tree'
NSA leaker Edward Snowden seems to be another false hero created by intelligence and media circles

The following could be meant to show the public that the intelligence is at a neanderthal level, when the reality is the opposite:
UK ordered Guardian to destroy hard drives in effort to stop Snowden revelations
SOTT FOCUS - About that 'greatest whistleblower ever': Ellsberg, Snowden, and the Secret Team

In the article Niall uses the example of Ellsberg and the work of the Secret Team as explained by Prouty to then make the following reflection on Snowden:
With this in mind, is it cynical of me to wonder what game is afoot behind these 'scandals' over solitary NSA powerpoint slides marked 'TOP SECRET'? Do we think U.S. intelligence agencies no longer function in this (or a similar) way? Did you catch the above remark about Noam Chomsky lauding Ellsberg as a "true patriot"? The darling of the American Left recently said of Ed Snowden:
I think he has carried out a heroic act. That is the proper act of a citizen to let people know what their government is doing. For the most part, the public should know what their representatives are doing.
Best of the Web - Matrix: Who is Edward Snowden?
Okay. Let's look at Snowden's brief history as reported by The Guardian. Are there any holes?

Is the Pope Catholic?

In 2003, at age 19, without a high school diploma, Snowden enlists in the Army. He begins a training program to join the Special Forces. At what point after enlistment can a new soldier start this elite training program?

Snowden breaks both legs in an exercise. He's discharged from the Army. Is that automatic? How about healing and then resuming service?

If he was accepted in the Special Forces training program because he had special computer skills, then why discharge him simply because he broke both legs?

"Sorry, Ed, but with two broken legs we just don't think you can hack into terrorist data anymore. You were good, but not now. Try Walmart. They always have openings." Circa 2003, Snowden gets a job as a security guard for an NSA facility at the University of Maryland. He specifically wanted to work for NSA? It was just a generic job opening he found out about?

Snowden shifts jobs. Boom. He's now in the CIA, in IT. He has no high school diploma. He's a young computer genius.

In 2007, Snowden is sent to Geneva. He's only 23 years old. The CIA gives him diplomatic cover there. He's put in charge of maintaining computer-network security. Major job. Obviously, he has access to a wide range of classified documents. Sound a little odd? He's just a kid. Maybe he has his GED. Otherwise, he still doesn't have a high school diploma.

Snowden says that during this period, in Geneva, one of the incidents that really sours him on the CIA is the "turning of a Swiss banker." One night, CIA guys get a banker drunk, encourage him to drive home, the banker gets busted, the CIA guys help him out, then with that bond formed, they eventually get the banker to reveal deep secrets to the Agency.

This sours Snowden? He's that naïve? He doesn't know by now that the CIA does this sort of thing all the time? He's shocked? He "didn't sign up for this?" Come on.

In 2009, Snowden leaves the CIA. Why? Presumably because he's disillusioned. It should noted here that Snowden claimed he could do very heavy damage to the entire US intelligence community in 2008, but decided to wait because he thought Obama, just coming into the presidency, might keep his "transparency" promise.

After two years with the CIA in Geneva, Snowden really had the capability to take down the whole US inter-agency intelligence network, or a major chunk of it?

If you buy that without further inquiry, I have condos for sale on the dark side of the moon.
The fundamentals of US surveillance: What Snowden never told us
Mission Accomplished? Snowden 'NSA Leak' had 'chilling effect' that scared people away from learning truth about terrorism
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations on government mass surveillance have apparently scared a significant number of people away from searching for terrorism-related information on Wikipedia, as a new study shows readers are afraid of being investigated.
With this editorial comment added:
Comment: This is what we said on at the time, that the purpose of these 'leaks' was to let people know, or make them think, that they are being watched. This would have the same effect of dampening dissent as the actual terrorism itself: making people fear the authorities.

PRISM for your Mind: NSA, WikiLeaks and Israel

Behind the Headlines: NSA's PRISM offers neither privacy nor security

And we were right.

The very fact that the Chilling Effect is 'controversial' in mainstream academic circles tells us that it's very well understood (and applied) in elite circles: they don't want people to understand why they do what they do.
Best of the Web - Edward Snowden's slow data dump: Where's the beef?

So, when the Snowden leaks became known, I rushed to all sites political to find the treasure trove of US misdeeds—er, asymmetric warfare - that I knew would be buried inside the raw data. But, alas, it was nowhere to be found! I wrote e-mails to everyone I could think of who might have access to the information, but continued to draw a blank. The dribble of stories, sanitized by a suspect press, was not good enough for me. I began to have my doubts about whether I would ever see the data for myself and search it for my research needs. Indeed, articles began to question if we would ever see the Snowden data.

Cryptome, a digital library site especially for whistle blowers, began to keep a count of the released data versus the total number of pages. On May 14, 2016, Cryptome estimated that at its current rate of release, it would take as many as 620 years for the public to see all of the Snowden documents.

Still, I believe he was right to inform us about what the US government is doing with our tax dollars, to its citizens at home and to the rest of the world. In my opinion, the US government is a rogue state and COINTELPRO, Operation Condor, WikiLeaks, and what little we know of the Snowden documents amply demonstrates that. The time for keeping secrets from the people who are paying for them is long over, in my opinion.

Edward Snowden said that he wanted to start a bottom-up revolution. The drip-drip-drip of the Snowden documents is the best way to ensure document release without revolution!
I think the questions about Snowden raised in this thread ought to be put into an article along with all Aeneas has brought up. Aeneas, you up to it?
Bear said:
Neil said:
Here are my notes from the webinar, with approximate times in the video, which will eventually come out, I'm sure.

I listened to the first part of the presentation prior the question and answer section last night. Neil’s notes are a good summation, so I won’t recreate them. Instead I will give some impressions from her presentation.

From what she said, Trump seems like he is in a very tough position both domestically and geopolitically. She says he is being put in a straitjacket by the press and the Congress via his appointments in that he and his cabinet are having to concede points, such as Russia taking over Crimea and that the US should continue to undermine Russia. Trump is up against a faction of TPTP (the Soros, financial, mainstream media neoliberal part) and trying to move quickly with campaign promises in order to garner support of the military, law enforcement and the other faction of TPTP (the industrialist). He has little support from his own party and is facing an increasingly agitated and hostile portion of the American people.

Geopolitically, he seems to be following Henry Kissinger’s advice to try to separate the Russian and Chinese partnership and also target Iran, yet the US position is very weak, since Russia is ok with the sanctions continuing for now and remembers how they were treated during and after the fall of the USSR. In short Putin will not fall for such moves even when the US eventually says they will give Russia back the influence they had in Eastern Europe and former republics to try to separate them from China. The US has the losing hand.

She says Trump has become president in a fading empire and she equates Trump with Gorbachev in that Trump is trying to reform and save the US Empire from collapse.

From my perspective of the presentation, it is almost like everywhere Trump turns and whatever action he takes he is in losing situation.

Overall, I was impressed with her presentation and will start following her work more closely.

Thank you Bear. This synopsis of the American political atmosphere seems right on. To use an analogy, Trump I see at the helm of a ship that he is trying to turn around in a raging sea. I breifly subjected myself to listening to CNN tearing apart his every thought, word and actions. Mainstream media and the Ted Cruzes and Rubios from their thrones are spewing constant dissent and resistance to everything that might better the average Americans life. The man behind the curtain is a large group of status quo maniacs that don't want to lose their control of the masses.

My other worry is how much can Trump change our international relations when he is up against such a tide of hate as we are seeing created or genuine in the bizarro groups that band together from the ozone?...I'm not sure. I was so brought down yesterday by the onslaught Trump is up against regardless of his best intentions.
Niall said:
Timótheos said:
Is it true that Breitbart is a Zionist website and staunch supporter of Likud? I've read that certain people claim that their website is "anti-semitic" in some way...

Nah, it's a ruse. Breitbart was founded in Israel:

Breitbart News: Founded for and by Israel?

Canada's The Rebel Media (Laura Southern et al) is, by the way, a project of Ezra Levant, a Canadian Israel-firster.

Timótheos said:
How does Abbey Martin reconcile these two claims?

Israel is kinda the contradiction at the heart of 'left-right'.

I think it works something like this: if you report about 'globalists and bankers', you're anti-Semitic because it's assumed that you're referring to 'the world Jewish conspiracy'. If you report about Israel's crimes or express support for Palestinians' rights, you're anti-Israel. The latter is the conservative's stance; the former, the liberal/progressive's stance. George Soros, for example, condones anti-Israel views right across his media empire. Breitbart counters with explicit support for Israel embedded throughout its castigation of 'the left' as being 'the root of all evil'. It's as if Breitbart has free reign to say whatever it wants about the global oligarchy, provided it pay homage to Israel. Soros networks can say whatever they want about Israel, provided they pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It's kinda the price to pay if you want to play in their casino (where the House always wins). Breitbart's revolution has just been handed the keys to the kingdom, at a cost. Same for anyone else. Len Pen may get her set of keys in France next year, and in order to get thus far, she first had to 'get with the program' and switch from anti-Zionism to anti-Islam.

Building on what I wrote above, something struck me today: Israel is - at one and the same time - the quintessential 'multi-cultural experiment' ('left'), and a 'fascist', apartheid, always-tending-towards-the-extreme-right-wing nation-state.

Superficially, it's 'the Jewish state'. It may as well post signs everywhere saying 'Jews Only' (though, actually, only 3/4 of its population is Jewish). But if you look at the demographic origins of these Jews populating Israel, they come from all over the world. For the most part, they are descendants of people who converted to Judaism. Or, in cases where they might have genetic lineage to the region, they were so 'absorbed' by their 'host' culture that by the time they 'made aliyah' in the 20th century, they'd become practically indistinguishable from 'Ethiopians', 'Romanians', 'Iranians' or whichever population they emigrated from. Once in Israel, they've been molded anew - through a blend of war, terror and jingoistic nationalism - into 'nationalist Israelis'.

It's a unique cultural setting, and it's interesting that Breitbart's (and others') support for 'nationalist Israel' is as fervent as their disdain against 'multiculturalism'.

Niall said:
It's a unique cultural setting, and it's interesting that Breitbart's (and others') support for 'nationalist Israel' is as fervent as their disdain against 'multiculturalism'.


Yeah, it's crazy. There's also Kevin MacDonald's research to consider, re: the reasons behind Jewish support for multiculturalism (for a wider view, not sure how relevant to this particular topic though). Also, I'm pretty sure that despite the country being a melting pot for Jews of all races/nationalities, even that is a failure. Black Jews are treated like second-class citizens.
Aeneas said:
I just listened to some of the original interview with Snowden and I have also have some doubts to this guy. His way of delivering his message may just be due to the environment that he grew up in. According to the interview, then he walks around and some people recognise him on the streets and lots recognize him if he goes into a computer shop. Yet, he doesn't think that the US after 3 years knows where he lives :lol: I know that the US intelligence may be lacking but not knowing where a known face is who walks freely around after 3 years, is beyond belief.

In looking through the headlines of the numerous of articles that we have on Snowden on SOTT, then it is hard not to think that something fishy is going on. The guy did not bring anything groundbreaking that wasn't known already. That NSA listens to everybody, check, that dropbox and facebook is unsafe, check and on and on. Here are a few excerpts of the headlines:

This one involves the co-funder of the coup in Ukraine, Omidyar:
Why is billionaire co-founder of eBay Pierre Omidyar funding Glenn Greenwald's NSA-Snowden leaks to the tune of $250 million?


The following could be meant to show the public that the intelligence is at a neanderthal level, when the reality is the opposite:
UK ordered Guardian to destroy hard drives in effort to stop Snowden revelations
Best of the Web - Matrix: Who is Edward Snowden?

Okay. Let's look at Snowden's brief history as reported by The Guardian. Are there any holes?

I'm still on the fence when it comes to an opinion of Edward Snowden. When the news first broke on Snowden and then the drama ended with him in Russia, my first question was "Who's this guy?" The Guardians "brief history? makes me want to giggle! The story starts out with Snowden living in Hawaii and working for NSA - when he suddenly decides to leave behind - an expensive lifestyle, a girlfriend and a decent paying job ... because he has gathered some "top secret docs" that he wants to reveal to the world. If you really think of it, NSA's arm reaches to the far corners of the world, with a few exceptions, like Iran, China and Russia, as examples. Bingo - he lands in Russia! Other than a few interviews, nothing earth shattering has come out? Why is there no mention of Snowden teaming up with Russia's multi-national computer security company, Kaspersky Lab? Could it be that Russia, although providing a safe haven, keeps Snowden at arms length, due to it's own security reasons?

There is very little background on Snowden, in the public sector, other than what has surfaced since Snowden became a celebrity of sorts. Maybe, he was brought up in a military family? Or one of the agencies connected to the Pentagon? And maybe ... Edward Snowden isn't his real identity? Either way, he's stuck in Russia and whatever the game plan was, if there was one, has failed? So, what happens now? Russia has extended his stay for another two years, with the chance of citizenship. The recent attempt by the US to have Snowden extradited failed since Russia doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US. Could President Trump - Pardon him - like Obama did with Manning?

Federal prosecutors seek to indict ‘2nd Snowden’ this week

7 Feb, 2017 - Prosecutors in Baltimore, Maryland say they are seeking to indict one of the biggest thieves of classified information in US history. It could happen as early as this week.

Harold T. Martin III, a former NSA contractor, has been held in detention since his arrest in August 2016 after authorities found thousands of pages of classified information in his car and home.

Martin was also accused of stealing 50 terabytes of highly sensitive data, including files from the Tailored Access Operations (TAO), an elite hacking unit that develops and deploys software to hack the networks of foreign governments.

US officials claim that Martin stole 75 percent of TAO’s hacking tools, according to the Washington Post.

Federal prosecutors called Martin’s alleged theft “breathtaking in its scale and longevity,” and say that he has “top secret” information from the last 20 years he was working with various federal agencies.

James Wyda, Martin’s attorney, has argued that Martin was taking his work home to improve his work, adding that he is “a compulsive hoarder” rather than a “traitor.”

“This is the behavior of a compulsive hoarder who could not stop gathering and possessing the documents he treasured,” Wyda told the Washington Post.

Martin’s charges could amount to a sentence of 30 years to life if they run consecutively, prosecutors say.
Neil said:
angelburst29 said:
In her references to Trump, like in the quote below, does Lada give any indication that Soro's will succeed in his "Color Revolution" against Trump?
I do distinctly remember her saying, "The NWO is finished." It is also interesting to note that on her timeline, that the dollar begins to hyperinflate in 2-3 years and Trump will leave office in 2-3 years. Then she says there will be radical changes on the political scene in 2019, again 2-3 years. In the scenario where she saw him lasting 5 years, she said it was due to the possible new timeline being created due to such an intense burst of activity and attempted reforms immediately upon entering office, that it may buy him some additional "credit" with the universe and he may last a bit longer; but his "destiny" appears to be to preside over the bankruptcy of the USA. She says she usually goes with her first intuition when making her predictions, and doesn't put much stock in the 5 year scenario. One possible reason given for him leaving office is that the electoral rules could be changed going into 2020 and the US may have a new constitution.

My deduction from all of this is that she sees the US is only held together by the dollar and the pursuit of money. Once the dollar dies, the populace will splinter into militant groups vying for power and control and/or independence. Russia had a taste of this with the Chechnya situation, but she is saying the US version will be much more pronounced. At this point Soros would be caught between trying to control a failed state which is bankrupt, which also happens to be a major source of his power, while simultaneously being banned from the rising Eurasian superpower. It looks to me like he will be desperately throwing out anything he can in an vain hope that something, anything, will stick and gain some traction. In Lada's scenario I don't think it is Soros that does Trump in per se, it will be the shattering of the national unity after there is no more money. Soros may control a couple of the factions, but it looks like it will be alongside a "real revolution" which would tend to push him into irrelevance.
Session140517 said:
A: In fact because there will soon be no money. Notice that banks are already making gestures toward confiscating funds.
Trump is a businessman, and when there is no money, there is no business, or not very much. So I think that when the dollar dies, Trump and his all-American lets make everything great again capitalism dies with it. Here I go a little further than Lada, I think this is where the NWO will make their last big push, but it will be from a higher level than Soros and Brzezinski, and if there's Nazi technology or whatever coming out of Antarctica, that's when it will happen. It may not last very long, but that's my prediction.

Appreciate the additional information Neil and deep insight.

The video below has some early interviews with Trump. The impression I get, is that he has educated himself on Politics and the laws that govern the different bodies of Government but has chosen to approach it - as a business model - with check and balances, to achieve a certain outcome. I'm guessing, he has spent years cultivating business and political relationships and building a platform towards running for the Presidency. He's probably working from a personalized blueprint, on what he wants to do and how to go about it and who he sees fit to oversee the progress. I don't see him, as being completely blind, to some of the obstacles that would be placed in his way by the Clinton's and some Democrats? I do question some of his "appointee's" for their backgrounds seem to be counter productive to the changes he's trying to cultivate but then again, maybe like Putin, he likes to play Chess? Once he accomplishes "the appointee's he really wants for a working team", (like I just noticed - the Senate approved Jeff Session's), he can swap out the one's he appointed that are working against him, like the one he replaced for Victoria Nuland's position?

Donald J. Trump: The Long Road to the White House (1980 - 2017) (43:15 min.)

Trump completely reversed the position Obama and Kerry had taken with Russia, namely video conference calls, several times a week.

US, Russia Hold Video Conference on Deconfliction in Syria Wednesday

US-Russia Deconfliction Meetings on Syria’s Al-Bab Occur Several Times Per Week

I wonder, if Jeff Session's will be working on getting the rest of Clinton's emails exposed and what was behind the Clinton Foundation's activities?

US Senate Confirms Trump's Nominee Jeff Sessions as Attorney General

Federal Court Hearing on FBI Clinton Records – Agency Wants Up to Two Years to Turn Over 35 Records

I wonder, if Trump will set up a committee to investigate 911?

Alleged September 11 Attacks Mastermind Puts The Blame on US

Guantanamo Bay detainee Mujahid Khalid Shaikh Mohammad said in a letter to former US President Barack Obama that the actions undertaken by the United States led to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, US media reported.

The report noted the 20-page letter was dated January 15, but it was sent to the White House right before Obama left his post on January 20.

"It was not we who started the war against you in 9/11. It was you and your dictators in our land."

Considering Trump's opinion on vaccine's, I noticed Bill Gates is getting knocked down - a notch or two ...

India Shuts Down Gates Foundation Program Over Ties to Big Pharma

Vaccine-derived Polio Spreading in “Polio-free” India

Bill Gates administering the live oral polio vaccine in India. His foundation funds much of the vaccine programs in India.

Obama's imitation of Putin?

Obama Knows How to Chill: Ex-President's Holiday Pics Drive Internet Crazy
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