Re: Re: Donald Trump wins 2016 US presidential election
mkrnhr said:
Pashalis said:
Looking at it from a bit broader perspective, I do wonder how the karma of that whole nation (or more specifically, all the horrible things that nation has committed around the world, in the name of ALL americans) plays into what is, and will happen there?
I mean, what Trump apparently is trying to do is exactly the right way at this point in time, but still there is a heavy load of guilt on the whole nation (and by extention, pretty much the whole western world) that is not dealt with, at least not yet.
I think the karmic debt is enormous and cannot be inverted over a short span of history. However, the way I saw yesterday's event (and today's hysterical reaction of the US press)
kind of looks like asking a guilty person whether she wants to change direction (perhaps for the last time, before the sentence) and that person refuses. What Trump offered in his speech was reasonable. Whether it will be implemented or not is another story. However,
seeing a large part of the intelligentsia refusing such sensible propositions as peace, prosperity, etc. is very disturbing, like witnessing the symptoms a malady of the soul.
I like the way you put it - maybe we shouldn't think of 'karma' as some sort of accumulated guilt, but rather the grim programming that especially the US population has been subjected to, and what's happening now is a gigantic last-ditch wake-up call. I mean, the 'man behind the curtain' is clearly exposed at this point, but the more you have been programmed, the more this realization hurts, and the harder it gets to take the necessary steps towards change. Maybe that's one way to look at the 'karma' of a nation?
So it's not that the US or the West is doomed per se because of karma IF people start seeing and, most importantly, taking the first step in their personal lives towards a new reality. As in the Wizard of Oz, the choice is always there, the ruby slippers are always available. You just need to take the first step - realizing that you have been living in luxury, making the rest of the world pay with their blood for it, and then: change. Change from a consumer's mindset of childish entitlement to a mindset of virtue and serving. Step by painful step.
This was part of Trump's message as well when he said that everyone needs to get together to make it happen and so on, and maybe it's the most important part of his message. Come to think of it, isn't it interesting how people are divided now - along spiritual lines? On the one hand, you have people waking up to the man behind the curtain, maybe some of whom will stop complaining, stop demanding and start using their ruby slippers, i.e. get to work. They understand that it's up to them, that they are not entitled to anything.
On the other hand, you have the childish and totally disintegrated libtards who feel entitled to everything and are offended by everything and everyone that doesn't stimulate their brain's pleasure center. It's like in the Cs transcripts about the reality shift and other prophecies that talk about some kind of rift. (Reminds me of Stephen King's
The Stand.)
There might be some reality split going on, don't know. Maybe some of the snowflakes are already living in a nightmarish reality where people who 'offend' anyone are put into gas chambers, or that is where it's headed. I hope we can somehow escape this future and create a better one - but for that, I guess we need to put in the work and start using these ruby slippers.