Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

Amusing 'fact-check' of Putin's knowledge of Russian-Ukrainian history from the BBC.

Characterizing Putin's history lesson as 'rambling', it itself proceeds to ramble through 'the inaccuracies' and is unconvincing. Even the expert it cited says at one point: "In a sense, he [Putin] is correct...", followed by: "If Ukraine is a fake country, then so is Russia." :lol:

I'm reminded of the rabidly anti-Putin Russian media outlet meduza[dot]io 'fact-checking' Putin's claim (in his long essay about Ukraine's history on the eve of the SMO) that Lenin (briefly) collaborated with the US government to partition Russia. When I read that myself, I thought "nonsense!"

Well, meduza found it to be... TRUE!

Putin isn't just a good historian. He is Collingwood's 'man of history', one who can go deep into history to find solutions to apparently insoluble current problems. Privy to archives both published and as-yet-secret, he knows MORE than 'the experts' about his region's history.
Strange as it is to say, I think there's also such a thing as 'good guys' in the CIA. Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern come to mind.
I think there are good guys keeping under the radar in a lot of powerful institutions etc. Doing what they can in the meantime but biding their time too for the right moments. As once they are 'outed' all their good works, and time invested, cannot continue.
If we remember, Caesar had to do the same. He had to get the openings, and the respect/kudos, in order to get into the best position to do the most 'good' for humanity.
I have just come home from an in-depth discussion with my avocat here. Truly aware thankfully, a rare breed. I told him he was heaven sent as it is very isolating, but I was grateful that my dad had signposted me to him.
Unfortunately he felt very sad and angry/frustrated that he could not change the status quo, as ever there are too many interested parties to keep it as corrupt as it is everywhere. (Choose your country).
However, he did say that my grasp on the situation, including politically, on who is who and why, was 'spot on'.
A total kindergarten of corrupted, dumb, imbeciles of power hungry, greedy puppets.

So we persevere with our case files, but do we see justice, fairness, and transparency? (Again, choose a country near you) :-(

LIVE: Tucker Carlson on US & Russia Relationship | World Government Summit, Dubai | Ukrain | IN18L​

Apparently this is "live" from a Dubai summit, and so you cant go back and forward. Just listen from where it starts you, and we can go back later when its complete. Ive listened to 10 minutes or so, and its pretty good. God, Religion, World leaders, Media conjoined with government tyranny and other things are discussed. He is being applauded, by those gathered in Dubai.

I have started the above video of Tucker in Dubai many times, and always I'm started somewhere different. And noticing there is no beginning and no ending and it appears that issues Iv seen discussed earlier are now missing. So, if anyone can find (later today) the whole thing please post it, and i will do the same.
LIVE: Tucker Carlson on US & Russia Relationship | World Government Summit, Dubai | Ukrain | IN18L
It is from a Forum which runs from the 12-14th of February. Tucker's timeslot only allows for 20 minutes and like you, Adobe, I have problems with seeing it from the beginning. What I have seen, approx. 10 minutes is interesting though the interviewer is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and sees things black and white. The interviewer wanted Tucker to have asked Putin about Navalny, about media repression in Russia etc. and also has the belief that it was Russia which just invaded Ukraine in 2022. So if the interviewer watched the interview, which it appears, then he didn't understand what Putin said.
When one sees this interviewer, then one is happy that it was Tucker who did the interview and not this guy.

Klaus Schwab also talked at the Forum in the morning and WEF is one of a number of strategic partners of this forum. The whole list is here.
I have started the above video of Tucker in Dubai many times, and always I'm started somewhere different. And noticing there is no beginning and no ending and it appears that issues Iv seen discussed earlier are now missing
I noticed that is seems to have no end also, as while I was watching it, I thought, hey, he already said this! :-D So it must have started over again without being obvious.

the conversation lasts about 53 minutes, and it is possible to include automatic subtitles for those who have difficulty following English.
Thank you Kika. If it is 53 minutes long, then it appears as if they extended it, which is likely due to the attention the interview got worldwide. There is a camera shot at the audience and it appears well attended.
Here is a screenshot of the original programming:
Tucker Carlson Dubai.gif
the conversation lasts about 53 minutes, and it is possible to include automatic subtitles for those who have difficulty following English.

Good one! I think probably his visit to Russia was an eye-opener for him. The only thing I didn't like was at the every end, where Tucker says that he's never heard a single leader say they don't have an answer to a question, that they simply don't know something (paraphrasing). Except that, just the other day, Putin DID say that twice or three times, if I remember correctly!
The last 5 minutes was extra good, and the audience broke into applause a couple of times. Those statements should grow some legs and walk:-)

A leader of a county is like a father to his children and how he/it can become illegitimate through immorality.

Two kinds of people: those that believe in God, and those that think that they are God.

As a jab I think to "someone" who spoke before him that day, he states "if you think you can create a better human being through technology then you are very dangerous, and you will get a lot of people killed."

The last 5 minutes starts at 49:30
Except that, just the other day, Putin DID say that twice or three times, if I remember correctly!
Tucker will get a chance if he watches the interview he had with Putin again ;)

I just watched this interview, which turns out to be 26 minutes long and saw that Tucker had a dig at Klaus Schwab at the very end. Tucker said that
...because that is the beginning of wisdom when you know you are not God that you cannot affect every change that you want you can't foresee the future that you're not omnipotent then you are much more likely to make good decisions wise Humane Decisions by contrast when you believe you have the power to shape the world and other people as we were hearing this morning through through you know bio-hacking (mirth) um when you think you can create a better human being through technology you're very dangerous because you don't understand your own limits and you will get a lot of people killed uh when you when you have those false beliefs.
Klaus Schwab was the one who did a speech in the morning and is clearly who Tucker is referring too, I think and good on him for that.
Good one! I think probably his visit to Russia was an eye-opener for him. The only thing I didn't like was at the every end, where Tucker says that he's never heard a single leader say they don't have an answer to a question, that they simply don't know something (paraphrasing). Except that, just the other day, Putin DID say that twice or three times, if I remember correctly!

Yes, he did. Tucker also asked Putin, on at least one occasion, what he thought other countries should do. I think Hungary was one mentioned, and Putin said 'I don't know'. My take on that is that Putin isn't going to presume to know what is best for other countries and that it's up to those countries to figure that out.

What Tucker might have been thinking about when he said that he's never heard a single leader say 'I don't know' is that there probably hasn't been too many leaders who agreed to an interview without a condition of sticking to a pre-approved set of questions. Some leaders need their tele-prompters organised in advance of the interview :lol:
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