Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

What if when Tucker applied to join the CIA, he was accepted, and is presently an asset? And Putin knew that. (stranger things have happened)

In my opinion, if Tucker were from the CIA, Putin wouldn’t have said it like that because he is honest. Also, what Tucker is doing (in general) goes against of what the CIA would want. Tucker has been exposing the corruption within the CIA for a long time already through the interviews. The machinery that led Tucker to be fired from Fox was coming from intel agencies.
What if when Tucker applied to join the CIA, he was accepted, and is presently an asset? And Putin knew that. (stranger things have happened)
I think it is not that important. or rather. It is very important (and putin in this was very but very clever, after all, it was not a level playing field, and the result was clear: you, daddy's boy :-) . don't even try for a moment to use me if it is not useful for me), but I think the big picture is more important. As I have already had occasion to point out, to be sure, the interview topics were agreed upon, with little excursion allowed. And certainly, aside from the inevitable adjustments to make the interview as fluid as possible, carlson's cameras were not the only ones in the room. So no editing that was not agreed upon was possible. Of course, opportunities for more incisive incursions were there. But they were not taken for obvious reasons. For example in front of putin's sacrosanct assertion about the role of elites in the united states, it could have been discussed how HE manages his oligarchs in Russia. Which for the audience would have been very useful, also and especially in relation to the hot topic of the known state's operations in Palestine. But all that was off limits by decision of both sides. I repeat. Given the basic conditions, sine qua non, an in-depth discussion was not possible. Anyway that bastard :-) still sowed a lot of discord, even with the endorsement of bush and trump, saying that in any case they in fact don't count a s*it.
What if when Tucker applied to join the CIA, he was accepted, and is presently an asset? And Putin knew that. (stranger things have happened)

To make a reasonable case that Tucker is CIA, you'd have to explain how giving Putin unbiased access to the the public is in the CIA's interest. Not saying it's not possible, just that it would first have to make sense.
And that is not counting, I suppose, the number of views on the TuckerCarslonNetwork site, where we watched it.
Add that to the 204,779,620 million
"The views of Putin's interview with American journalist Carlson amount to approximately 1 billion across all sources, in all languages worldwide," stated Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of RT and Rossiya Segodnya, Sputnik's parent media group.

"I asked my colleagues to count. It's difficult and challenging because we need to consider all languages, all sources where it was published, all views on all these sources. I assure you that this figure is around a billion. There has never been such an interview in the history of journalism."

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Russell Brand is a bit wary of trusting Putin in front of his viewers, or otherwise perhaps. However, he does make some very valid points. And these further go on to add to the millions that will be made aware of the interview and perhaps even watch it in full themselves. He has nearly 7 million followers.

Tucker & Putin Interview: The BOMBSHELL Takeaways​

What if when Tucker applied to join the CIA, he was accepted, and is presently an asset? And Putin knew that. (stranger things have happened)
Aha, that's why when talking about the destruction of the golf stream or whatever it is, I am always very bad remembering the names, when Tucker asked who did it and Putin answer "you did it". Tucker answered something that that day he was busy or something like that. :-D
While the meltdown of the propagandists is in full swing, let's remember that Lobaczewski laid it all out in Political Ponerology:

Any war waged by a pathocratic nation has two fronts: the internal and the external. The internal front is more important for the leaders and the governing elite, and the internal threat is the deciding factor where unleashing war is concerned. In pondering whether to start a war against the pathocratic country, other nations must therefore give primary consideration to the fact that such a war can be used as an executioner of the common people whose increasing power represents incipient jeopardy for the pathocracy. After all, pathocrats give short shrift to the blood and suffering of people they consider to be not quite conspecific. Kings may have suffered due to the death of their knights, but pathocrats never do: “We have a lot of people here.” Should the situation be, or become, ripe in such a country, however, anyone furnishing assistance to the nation will be blessed by it; anyone withholding it will be cursed.

Pathocracy has other internal reasons for pursuing expansionism through the use of all means possible. As long as that “other” world governed by the systems of normal man exists, it induces into the strivings of the non-pathological majority a certain sense of direction. The non-pathological majority of the country’s population will never stop dreaming of the reinstatement of the normal man’s system in any possible form. This majority will never stop watching other countries, waiting for the opportune moment; its attention and power must therefore be distracted from this purpose, and the masses must be “educated” and channeled in the direction of imperialist strivings. This goal must be pursued doggedly so that everyone knows what is being fought for and in whose name harsh discipline and poverty must be endured. The latter factor effectively limits the possibility of “subversive” activities on the part of the society of normal people.

With 200 million plus views and counting, it would seem the PTB have lost their grip on distracting the population from seeking what normal looks like. Even if Tucker isn't perfect or still has some bad programming or whatever, conducting this interview with Putin must have dealt a significant blow to the mind control programs of the western world. Kudos to him. Considering that the US threatened to not allow him back into the states and the EU considered sanctioning him, this interview caused some serious concerns for the PTB and probably still is. Who knew that a history lesson could be so impactful?
I would say there is a considerable amount of Americans taking Putin's point of view into heavy consideration, in which I was surprised. I believe this is due to the constant betrayal and belittling policies our own governments have imposed upon its own people especially the reactions of Christians... One of the things I noticed on Rumble and scrolling below X's propaganda comments is the acknowledgment of competency and patriotism of Russian leadership (Putin) vs Western leadership. Many people appear to be seeing what they desire in the US being expressed upon in Russia. While all the leaders of the west do is lie and reveal their rampant hypocrisy.

I would also echo the observation of Tucker Carlson's opinions of Putin painting him as "Hurt". I don't know much about Russia, but it seems our politicians are all about emotional reactions, insults and absolutely no control over their emotions when it comes to hot topics. This seems to bleed into our media as well (probably on purpose). I don't think Tucker Carlson was prepared to exchange dialogue with a leader whom appears to have higher awareness over the consequences of his words and emotions, despite the weight/heat of the topic at hand.

I personally thought it was a great interview. Tucker's post interview analysis also appears to have him "questioning" himself and his beliefs to some degree.
I received this link on TG, it's like a replication of the WEF yearly summit, but here its name is even more explicit : The World Government Summit, alias WGS. It looks like a new outgrowth of the WEF, or of the PTB.
Here the link to the site
Interesting to browse it, it'a a concentration of ... well ... almost same as the WEF, great people !

On this page, you have the agenda, 4 days : from today 11/2 to 14/2.

If you look the agenda of the 12/2, our friend Dark Scwhab will make a quick speech of 10 minutes during the morning, name of his speech is "Civilizations of Tomorrow: Built to Fail or Rise?", and what is interresting is that the same day, Tucker will also make one speech, from 16h40 to 17h00, name given to his intervention/speech is "Tucker Carlson's Vision: What's Next for Storytelling?"
There's also a quick summary, a "Brief", which is :
This session offers an all-encompassing experience with Tucker Carlson, the News Anchor known worldwide for challenging conventional storytelling approaches.

It will be interresting to listen to what he'll say.
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