Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

What I found interesting is what mainstream radio in Germany choose to report about the interview: they reported pretty accurately that Putin doesn’t want to invade other countries and especially Poland, unless Russia gets attacked by Poland. So, here is my question: Why would they choose to report that part of the interview? Mainstream radio in Germany is clearly and obviously completely bought and paid for by the interests of the western/american PTB. So, it seems likely that “somebody“ gave them the order to report exactly that. Why?

Here is my hypothesis: The PTB are either trying to bait Putin into “attacking“ another country (most likely Poland) and/or they are trying to create a situation that leaves Putin with no other choice. Then they will use his statements in the Tucker interview to “convince“ the general western public that Putin is indeed, after all, a “dangerous liar“, who is “the next hitler“ and therefore everything he tried to tell westerners is a lie too. Thereby wishing to reverse the “truth infection“ Putin has injected into the western world.

But Poland is in NATO. Are they that crazy/desperate/reckless? They might be.
Let's add to this something more: In Poland right now is large amount of people delegated to army health commissions for give them the "war category" I heard that also a lot of old people are taken for army preparation courses. What is the point in investing money to teach old man how to fight if according to Polish law he could only serve for about 3 years till reaching age that not allow to take him for army? Also new Polish government do things that people extremely don't like which government know and they don't really care (and this is year of local election's so they should care). Also in this new interview Putin try to show Poland as a bad player for Ukrainian ( eg. He started from 13 century when the Capitol of Poland was Cracow and says "Warsaw" and slightly jump to 16 century Chmielnicki uprising war showing "proofs papers" of how "Ukrainian" people want to go to Russia instead of bad Poland. Later he said that Poland co-op with Hitler. In my opinion he prepared some historical facts that he could misguide by proper words to amplify narration that Poland is very bad country for Ukrainian and Poland works with Nazist. And what is funny is that no one on the West don't try to misguide this narrative. Right know we've got "Poland death camp's" instead of Germany death camp's. Also West started those large scale NATO's army exercises in Poland, Lithuania etc. Soo maybe they want to provoke something and Putin want in this interview also be prepared for public opinion if he would need to take some steps. But I hardly can't imagine how Poland could invade Russia because Poland president said in some interview that Poland gave almost all working stuff for Ukrainian and right now it would take two years to order new military stuff and prepare it. Don't mind Polish citizens who don't want to go on war and are extremely tired of Ukrainian war, progression of Polish debts and government which only destroy everything. It's funny how new government in just three months do things more drastically in the direction of previous government and people choose this "new" option just because they promise to don't do those things
At the end of the interview Putin spoke about the soul again and I felt that Tucker, when he said thank you for the interview, something in his voice, I felt that Tucker was moved. Maybe it's my imagination, maybe I'm projecting.

That was an interesting moment at the end of the interview: Putin, without even trying and as natural as the sun rises, ended up in total control of the situation, to the point that HE ended the interview :) He wasn't doing that deliberately, it just happened, but it's the perfect symbolism: at the end of the day, it's the adult who takes the decisions, not the child. I think Tucker was lost at this point, facing this reality.
Another thought about Putin asking if Russia could join NATO - I have a feeling that he probably knew enough about NATO that maybe he really didn't want to, but posing the question could be a way to test the waters to see if NATO's attitude to Russia had changed after the disbanding of the USSR. A yes answer from NATO wouldn't have necessarily meant that Putin would have submitted an application.

A Guardian piece claims that ex NATO head George Robinson says that Putin wanted to join, but that he didn't want to go through the formal application process.

Apparently Putin said that he would not rule out joining NATO "if and when Russia’s views are taken into account as those of an equal partner”. I can't see that Putin would ever believe that could be the case because it flies in the face of what NATO actually does.
I have to chuckle when Tucker said Putin is wounded by West's rejection. :lol: Really? I think Putin is VERY diplomatic in explaining his position.

He might be wounded in the sense that he's not a western psycho leader and it's been painful to sacrifice so many men in a proxy war in Ukraine. Not to defend Carlson in that sense though, it does seem kind of juvenile, but I do wonder that if he didn't appear to have some doubts about Putin, would it not just be MSM fuel to further label him a pro-Russian traitor.
I agree, the interview is a perfect mirror of the miserable, naive, infantile and quite moronic state of affairs, most especially in the "collective west". And Tucker basically represented that sorry state of affairs, being totally outclassed and educated by the adult in the room. Nevertheless, given the level of programming that Tucker is infected with, what he managed to do was "quite good", for programmed western standards.

I think Tucker still has a long way to go in terms of deprogramming, and he might not be able to ever fully "go there" at the end. But if there is any famous American semi mainstream journalist who could be smart enough to at least improve significantly, I think Tucker is that person.

In terms of the "China, China" problem. I think Putin basically nailed "the problem" on the head by saying that is just another boogeyman story. I'm still amazed how obsessed many westerners (and in particular Americans) are with China, and the internal affairs of that and other foreign countries in general. Why? The typical distraction that was always used throughout history is at work: point the finger at someone else so that your own population doesn't concentrate on the real problems at home with their own leaders. And it's also amazing how many westerners still can't understand the simple distinction between an aggressor and the aggressed, and the resulting distinction between an action and a reaction. One of the latest interviews with Weinstein and Tucker is another good example of that. Weinstein discovered a camp apparently composed of "only Chinese man" that "seemed rather hostile towards Americans", near the Darien Gap who "were mostly not willing to talk at all" and possibly "funded by the communist party of China" in order to probably "invade the US" through the southern border in order to possibly be used as something like "sleeper cells" in the US that can be "activated later" by "the Chinese" for "nefarious reasons". Even if we assume that those assumptions are correct, it apparently never occurred to Weinstein nor to Tucker that what the US has done and is continuing to do aggressively in and around China for decades (bioweapon laps close to the borders, the South China Sea aggressions, Taiwan, the work of the CIA within the country, the Covid leak into China, to name just a few issues) might have resulted in a REACTION from the Chinese toward an AGGRESSION from the US and that what they can see in the Darien Gap might be one result of that. And that the VERY BLOODY and DESTRUCTIVE US HISTORY over the last decades causes great and very WELL FOUNDED and JUSTIFIED concerns in other countries. Is that so hard to understand? Apparently so, for many Westerners/Americans.

Edit (20.02.2024): Spelling
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I just watched the interview. I enjoyed it, it presents quite well the corruption of political leadership in the west. I liked Puitin's moment when he talks about the two hemispheres making the comparison between the brain hemispheres and the world broken in two as well.
Un abonné Twitter a écrit : "L'une de mes pratiques préférées est de vérifier l'historique des révisions de Wikipédia après un événement d'actualité majeur pour découvrir le récit du club. ces changements ont été apportés hier pour la révolution de Maidan, le coup d'État de 2014 en Ukraine, mentionné par Poutine dans l'interview de Tucker Carlson"
On s'aperçoit que Wikipédia (deuxième post) a modifié la réalité décrite par Poutine par "propagande russe".
Wikipédia est juste l'un des outils de l'Etat Profond utilisé pour leurs mensonges et manipulation !

A Twitter subscriber wrote: "One of my favourite practices is to check Wikipedia's revision history after a major news event to discover the club's narrative. these changes were made yesterday for the Maidan revolution, the 2014 coup in Ukraine, mentioned by Putin in the Tucker Carlson interview."
We see that Wikipedia (second post) has changed the reality described by Putin by "Russian propaganda".
Wikipedia is just one of the Deep State's tools used for their lies and manipulation!

Here is a good rundown of an American from Washington who moved to Russia in order to live there, 8 days before the Military operation in Ukraine started. A good one to share. He makes several good points that should be understandable for western people:

That was an interesting moment at the end of the interview: Putin, without even trying and as natural as the sun rises, ended up in total control of the situation, to the point that HE ended the interview :) He wasn't doing that deliberately, it just happened, but it's the perfect symbolism: at the end of the day, it's the adult who takes the decisions, not the child. I think Tucker was lost at this point, facing this reality.
I also think that he chose that time to conclude because it was leaving on a high. What better final thoughts, from the interview, t leave people with, than that of the SOUL.
Anything after that would diminish the meaning, effect, and lower the tone/energetic level. :-)

Boris represents the general British view. I took the step to test the waters with some liberal friends and essentially people are getting triggered and can't deal with the cognitive dissonance.

I'm particularly worried about the British v Russia divide as our Island is quite small compared to the collosal Russian landmass and for some weird reason people don't appreciate the existential threat we face by continually poking the bear.

I mean, aren't we lucky that we actually have a rational leader in Russia? Imagine some more crazy person succeeded Putin and wasn't essentially scared to fight directly with Nato... I mean, that'll be the end of modern civilization. I don't think they will break Russia up the way they think... at worst, it'll just end up in a war which is unwinnable. At best it ends up in some sort of stalemate in a constant state of tension.
I agree that Tucker, despite his supposed historical education, has no knowledge of European history and Russia and Ukraine in particular. I don't know if it's his ignorance or just an aside, but he opened his eyes wide during Putin's answer I don't know if out of surprise or lack of context and understanding. , "Contamination of the mind" with the Western style of the education system and the constant destruction of the mind with lies oozing from the mainstream media for decades seems to be taking its toll. I didn't like Putin's constant interruptions and returning to the same topic of 2022 it looked like Carlson was impatient with Putin's long, exhaustive answers and didn't let him finish his thoughts. The Russian president's knowledge and familiarity with the historical, economic, geographic context, seeing the directions of the changing world and correctly positioning Russia's role in the world beats many US presidents, and the current ailing Biden is a symbol of a declining superpower. But I must add that I have respect for Carlson for his civil courage and determination to reach out to Russia and Putin himself, and I think he realized what might await him in the Western media. DeepState is appalled that a Western journalist dared to meet Putin and allow him to speak freely, as this completely shatters the narrative repeated by the Western media.

Some people in the world can figure out who has lied and continues to lie and who is telling the truth, and this is what scares the MSM so much in the global West. It's a good thing that Carlson did it discreetly without announcing it publicly, because it might have been possible for the CIA to prevent him from going to Moscow by all means. My 3 cents.
Hopefully Tucker hasn't inappropriately looked at a female in the last 30 years so they don't play that card against him. At the minimum they'll try to find something to tarnish his image and credibility. I don't think they'll get him legally for interviewing Putin so they'll look to discredit him some other way. I heard they can even go as far as putting inappropriate stuff on his devices. I suppose depends how badly they want to stop him.

He definitely won't be walking away from this without some shots being fired his way by the PTB.
A couple of thoughts:

What if when Tucker applied to join the CIA, he was accepted, and is presently an asset? And Putin knew that. (stranger things have happened)

Tucker’s fixation with Putin being resentful of being rejected by the west, as well as other criticisms, could well be just the planned strategy to not look like a Putin fan boy. To find “something” to disagree with in an effort to combat what he knows he is going to be a battling with back at home. “Be tough Tucker!” Find one or two places to kick him in the shins. We don’t want this to look like the Andrew Tate interview.

Something I think doesn’t get enough attention, and Putin lightly touched on it with his answer to the AI question is: (I can’t remember who first coined the phrase, and I’ll have to paraphrase it.)

When man's technologies surpass his ethnics….DOOM!

And we pasted that warning sign a long time ago…
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