Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

Aha, that's why when talking about the destruction of the golf stream or whatever it is, I am always very bad remembering the names, when Tucker asked who did it and Putin answer "you did it". Tucker answered something that that day he was busy or something like that. :-D
I think Putin didn’t mean it that way but “you did it” as in “You Americans” did it.
And that is not counting, I suppose, the number of views on the TuckerCarslonNetwork site, where we watched it.
Add that to the 204,779,620 million
Plus on RT. Plus on Carlson's Telegram channel. It's also been re-uploaded multiple times on all platforms. And then there are non-Western platforms, as China has. The total audience could easily reach a billion people.
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This may be a premature assessment, but I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen Tucker in a situation where the person he was interviewing exercised complete dominion over the course and content of the interview. As you said above, his ingrained American exceptionalism prevented him from processing, and much less appreciating exactly what Putin was saying to him. Tucker, in his mind, still had an image to uphold for his audience while also not coming off as a shill for Putin. And in turn, we witnessed Tucker get outclassed—and by an order of magnitude.

But I do believe Tucker will learn from this. As will many others.

That might also explain Tucker's attitude in the interview, he comes from the world of simple narratives, tiny soundbite answers, and reductionist approaches to incredibly complex problems. Putin had no interest in offending, or perpetuating the myths Tucker arrived with and Tucker's audience hold, because that's not what an adult does when confronted with a complex issue.
I completely agree - I like Tucker I applaud him for interviewing such a variety of people and attempting to give a more unbiased and broader perspective of the news. However, I don't think he was really prepared for being face to face with someone with the commanding PRESENCE of Putin, and he did not come off well. Of course, he had to pretend to ask the "hard questions" in order to justify the interview and minimize of the heat he knew he would face from the western world after this interview. Unfortunately, i think some of these questions just made him look silly. I thought that Oliver Stone did a much better job, but then the times were different, and there was slightly less hostility from the collective West at that time. That said - I do hope this interview has helped to raise some questions in the minds of the sleeping masses....will be interesting to watch events unfold!

Also loved Putin's ending to the interview with his comments about the Russian soul - just perfect!!
At the end of the interview Putin spoke about the soul again and I felt that Tucker, when he said thank you for the interview, something in his voice, I felt that Tucker was moved. Maybe it's my imagination, maybe I'm projecting.

When you read Russian novels or watch Russian films, the soul is always present. It's very moving, it touches the heart, it's incredible. The Russian soul is present everywhere, and also in these Russian politicians.
Yes, I felt like Tucker was moved by that. Like they’d found a Christian common ground, with Tucker thinking, “Yeah, that’s what I was taught in church. But you’re supposed to be the devil, and America is supposed to be the Christian nation. I’m gonna need some time with this.”
To make a reasonable case that Tucker is CIA, you'd have to explain how giving Putin unbiased access to the the public is in the CIA's interest. Not saying it's not possible, just that it would first have to make sense.
Good point. I suppose if the deep state is aligned with the globalist agenda and the CIA is an arm of the deep state and you allow the US a picture of the leader of your enemy as more sane and rational than your own leaders then that would serve to demoralize and further fracture the targeted populace. But I agree there have to be loyal “good guy” agents in the CIA too. Who knows. Times are changing.
I see the Western powers losing control of the narrative and this is a major crack in the dam. Unfortunately, that means they will only become more desperate.
I agree; however, the consequences of desperation causes one to become more unstable, stupid, and more vulnerable. With “people” who thought themselves untouchable, I can’t see how this won’t end in their self destruction. Unfortunately the ignorant will perish with them, and I hope we at least as a group can acquire that knowledge to avoid the black hole of destruction they are creating and minimize the damage for the aware.
Plus on RT. Plus on Carlson's Telegram channel. It's also been re-uploaded multiple times on all platforms. And then there are non-Western platforms, as China has. The total audience could easily reach a billion people.
RT's editor in chief said according to her numbers, so far there have been over a billion views.


"Strange as it is to say, I think there's also such a thing as 'good guys' in the CIA." Agreed.

Well, the WEF did say that they had lost the media influence, and then this… BLAM! Tucker hit one so far out of the park that its historic…epic… and never before seen. Kind of proves the WEF’s point they have lost the masses. (A billion views for far :shock: )

Poor Tucker: How does he ever top this one?

Suspicious: the main stream outlets, pundits, lefties all could have treated this like the border issue (silence) and it wouldn’t be so visible, even highly visible…even they are hyphenating it! “Everyone raise your skirts and scream!”…. ?

Some people work for the alphabet agencies, and some don’t, but we are all in this big stinking mess together. As was just said, and repeated, there are bad guys among the good guys, and good guys among the bad guy. It’s a gray and ghostly time. The water has been muddied, and we all (them too) have to find our way through it. Its important to let people find out who they are in what situation and change, double down, or hold. (crunch time for the soul’s trajectory decisions)

It is said that when you get to heaven you will be surprised who you meet up there, and surprised again when you find out who went south.

“Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
And there's still time to change the road you're on.”

Led Zeppelin


"Strange as it is to say, I think there's also such a thing as 'good guys' in the CIA." Agreed.

Well, the WEF did say that they had lost the media influence, and then this… BLAM! Tucker hit one so far out of the park that its historic…epic… and never before seen. Kind of proves the WEF’s point they have lost the masses. (A billion views for far :shock: )

Poor Tucker: How does he ever top this one?

Suspicious: the main stream outlets, pundits, lefties all could have treated this like the border issue (silence) and it wouldn’t be so visible, even highly visible…even they are hyphenating it! “Everyone raise your skirts and scream!”…. ?

Some people work for the alphabet agencies, and some don’t, but we are all in this big stinking mess together. As was just said, and repeated, there are bad guys among the good guys, and good guys among the bad guy. It’s a gray and ghostly time. The water has been muddied, and we all (them too) have to find our way through it. Its important to let people find out who they are in what situation and change, double down, or hold. (crunch time for the soul’s trajectory decisions)

It is said that when you get to heaven you will be surprised who you meet up there, and surprised again when you find out who went south.

“Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
And there's still time to change the road you're on.”

Led Zeppelin
One good Zeppelin lyric deserves another.😉
“And if you feel that you can't go on
And your will's sinkin' low
Just believe and you can't go wrong
In the light you will find the road”
RT's editor in chief said according to her numbers, so far there have been over a billion views.
Yeah, plus I would not be surprised if the numbers were messed with using all sorts of algorithms or simply hiding them.

They seem to have a very sensitive program running to prevent that interview from being seen, it just happened to us in the Spanish SOTT radio while it was live. So perhaps there's Tucker's own team making sure no one uses the material unfairly, which is understandable and within their rights, but I think YouTube is using that to push for some extra censorship.

Not to deviate too much from the conversation, but I do think it's interesting that this happened and is happening as it is. It reminded me of the C's once mentioning that the PTB had a success rate of about 40% (if I am not mistaken) in all their machinations, I think this interview happening, and it garnering so much interest from everywhere, was a great display of exactly that lack of success.

Also, on Tucker's YouTube video, there's a comment that says: "Next I would like to see US president Biden being interviewed by Russians for 2hrs."

If you have some time, and are bored, and would like to read a lot of funny comments, do yourself a favor and read through the replies lol, you won't regret it.
Yup, the contrast is starking, competence matters and this was a in-your-face reminder of that. There is a longing for competence, for formidable characters and ways of thinking, oriented towards the truth, that have been missing across the board in the West. And in some way this has forced us to incarnate those values, because none else would.

In the West this should envigorate us, motivate us. The responsibility that has been rejected by our leaders should then be taken by us individually and collectively, this is the lesson of these difficult years IMHO.
Maybe, the goal Putin had was to leave Tucker and his audience with the following idea at least: "there's a lot more going on than you know." and that in the West is progress.

Well, hopefully it added many questions to western minds.

One thing Putin alluded to when Tucker kept at him on talking to western leaders (go ask them, was Putin's response), is that people who follow these things, anyone in the diplomatic core, know that in most case, despite the headlines and politicians words, there is a constant behind the scenes backchanneling happening. A Lavrov does not go unspoken to, nor do others in the diplomatic core on both sides (both sides includes other countries). What they talk about mostly will never be know unless a leak has been decided upon to gain advantage or reel in some potential. The military is the same, backchannels, although in this case it must be certainly strange - the NATO coalition et al. and they would need to coordinate at the diplomatic level, and besides, they probably don't always do this. Intelligence follows a different path, although they may make contact, yet may just as easily keep their own side in the dark. No doubt, all is highly untrustworthy these days, full of trip wires.

Basically, though, they will never divulge what is being said, which Putin basically told Tucker. Statecraft 101. In that respect, the upfront political western face is just saber rattling for the masses, and this is where the masses might get an unscripted peek at reality, and that is always a good thing. At some levels, a hypothesis only, is that the whole meeting may have had insider western sponsors that we might never know for reasons that things have gone way too far. Thus, I don't begrudge Tucker for doing it, even if he got some of it wrong and he was not really in control against Putin anyway. Tucker will learn and many of his viewers will learn with him. What he does with it all (what he is allowed to do with it) going forward, remains to be seen.
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