Vaccination of Dogs and Cats - Very Important Information

Keit : Eh bien, oui, parce que même si vos animaux ne quittent jamais la maison, vous pouvez encore apporter des bactéries ou des virus à votre maison par des chaussures et d'autres trucs. Mais il ya aussi ceux qui disent que même les vaccinations ne sont pas nécessaires. D'autre part, personnellement, je voyais cas de chiots et les chatons meurent très rapidement de parvovirose ou panleukopenia parce qu'ils ne sont pas vaccinés. Ce truc qui se passe. Il est la question de la revaccination qui est une imposture totale.

Merci Keit d'avoir pris la peine de me répondre. Si je vous comprend bien car prfois la traduction n'est pas très claire, la revaccination des chiens contre le PARVOVIRUS et des chatonnes contre le panleukopenia ne serait pas nécessaire puisque jusqu'à ce jour ils ont tous été vacciner avec des rappels chaque année ?... J'attends de vous lire impatiemment car si je dois faire ces rappels, il faut que je prenne rendez-vous chez le vétérinaire... Merci...

Keit thank you for taking the trouble to respond. If I understand you well because prfois the translation is not very clear, re-vaccination of dogs against the PARVOVIRUS and chatonnes against the panleukopenia would not be necessary since to date they have all been vaccinated with reminders every year? ... I look forward to hearing from you because if I have to make these reminders, I must take appointment with the vet ... Thanks ...
There was a study somewhere showing that puppies which were not vaccinated against parvo have much higher survival rate then those that were vaccinated once they contract the disease.
Some vets advise vaccinating against parvo as early as 3 weeks of age which is not only completely unnecessary ( if the mother was healthy the puppies will get antibodies via milk) but can also be harmful as there are many reports of disease outbreak following vaccination.

Perlou I would say in case of your dogs Ugo Gacon defintely doesnt need any more vaccine boosters. As for Hella if she received all the boosters during the first year and subsequent annual boosters next 2 years she could do without a booster for at least another 5 years. Especially given the fact you live in the apartment ( I assume in the city) and they go mostly on leash walks. Indeed the safest way would be to check the antibodies titer but this may be quite expensive.
When it comes to cats I think yearly boosters are completely unnecessary and I would opt for 5 year boosters. In any case when giving the boosters stay away from 7 in 1 cat vaccine as I have seen at least 3 cats which developed strange illness characterized by transient ataxia, inappetence and malaise that lingered for months, immediately following the vaccine. Two of them recovered fully after few months while one of them had to be put to sleep, in all of the cases no abnormality was showing on blood tests and it looked like neurological problem which makes me think its the reaction to vaccine. In any case best stick to feline core vaccine ( panleukopenia, herpesvirus and calicivirus).

Having said all this, the most important thing is that your animals are fed proper, species appropriate diet.
Z : Il y avait une étude montrant quelque part que les chiots qui ne sont pas vaccinés contre la parvo ont un taux de survie beaucoup plus élevé puis ceux qui ont été vaccinés une fois qu'ils contractent la maladie.
Certains vétérinaires recommandent de vacciner contre la parvovirose dès 3 semaines de l'âge qui est non seulement complètement inutile (si la mère était en bonne santé les chiots auront des anticorps par le lait), mais peut également être nuisible car il ya de nombreux rapports d'éclosion d'une maladie après la vaccination.
Perlou je dirais en cas de vos chiens Ugo Gacon ne marche pas defintely besoin des boosters plus de vaccins. Quant à Hella si elle a reçu tous les boosters au cours de la première année et des rappels annuels ultérieurs prochaine deux années qu'elle pouvait faire sans un rappel pendant au moins cinq années. Surtout compte tenu du fait que vous vivez dans l'appartement (je suppose que dans la ville) et ils vont la plupart du temps en laisse marche. En effet, le moyen le plus sûr serait de vérifier le titre d'anticorps, mais cela peut être très coûteux.
Quand il vient aux chats Je pense boosters annuels sont totalement inutiles et je voudrais opter pour 5 boosters de l'année. En tout cas, en donnant les boosters rester loin de 7 dans le vaccin de cat 1 comme je l'ai vu au moins 3 chats qui se sont développées étrange maladie caractérisée par une ataxie transitoire, inappétence et malaise qui traînait depuis des mois, immédiatement après le vaccin. Deux d'entre eux complètement remis après quelques mois tandis que l'un d'eux a dû être mis en sommeil, dans tous les cas, aucune anomalie n'a été diffusée sur des analyses de sang et il ressemblait problème neurologique qui me fait penser à la réaction de son vaccin. En tout cas le meilleur bâton de féline vaccin noyau (panleucopénie, herpèsvirus et le calicivirus).
Ayant dit tout cela, la chose la plus importante est que vos animaux sont nourris bon, espèces régime alimentaire approprié.

Comme vous pouvez le constater la traduction laisse à désirer...
Mais si j'ai compris, j'arrête tous les rappels de vaccins pour Ugo mon York garçon de 12 ans qui a eu tous ses vaccins et rappels depuis sa naissance...
Pour Hella, York fille de 3 ans, le prochain rappel serait à faire dans 4 ans maintenant puisqu'elle à eu tous ses vaccins et rappels jusqu'il y a un an depuis sa naissance...
Mes petits Yoks sortent uniquement en laisse en ville sur la Côte d'Azur...
Pour mes Chatonnes, Gaby et Granie, jumelles de 4 ans, Duchesse, 4 ans également et Isatis 2 ans ont toutes eu leurs vaccins et rappels tous les ans, d'après la traduction les rappels de vaccination sont inutiles ou éventuellement tous les 7 ans...
Merci pour vos précisions...

As you can see the translation is poor ...
But if I understood, I stop all vaccine reminders for Ugo York my 12 year old boy who has had all his vaccines and boosters from birth ...
For Hella, York 3 year old daughter, the next call would be done in 4 years now as it was in all its vaccines and boosters up until a year ago since birth ...
My little yoks out only city in leash on the French Riviera ...
For my Chatonnes, Gaby and Granie, 4 years of binoculars, Duchess, 4 years and also Isatis 2 years have all had their vaccines and boosters every year, according to the translation immunization reminders are unnecessary or possibly every 7 years ...
Thank you for your clarification ...
PERLOU said:
Mais si j'ai compris, j'arrête tous les rappels de vaccins pour Ugo mon York garçon de 12 ans qui a eu tous ses vaccins et rappels depuis sa naissance...
Pour Hella, York fille de 3 ans, le prochain rappel serait à faire dans 4 ans maintenant puisqu'elle à eu tous ses vaccins et rappels jusqu'il y a un an depuis sa naissance...
Mes petits Yoks sortent uniquement en laisse en ville sur la Côte d'Azur...
Pour mes Chatonnes, Gaby et Granie, jumelles de 4 ans, Duchesse, 4 ans également et Isatis 2 ans ont toutes eu leurs vaccins et rappels tous les ans, d'après la traduction les rappels de vaccination sont inutiles ou éventuellement tous les 7 ans...
Merci pour vos précisions...

As you can see the translation is poor ...
But if I understood, I stop all vaccine reminders for Ugo York my 12 year old boy who has had all his vaccines and boosters from birth ...
For Hella, York 3 year old daughter, the next call would be done in 4 years now as it was in all its vaccines and boosters up until a year ago since birth ...
My little yoks out only city in leash on the French Riviera ...
For my Chatonnes, Gaby and Granie, 4 years of binoculars, Duchess, 4 years and also Isatis 2 years have all had their vaccines and boosters every year, according to the translation immunization reminders are unnecessary or possibly every 7 years ...
Thank you for your clarification ...

If I'm understanding, I think for cats Z was saying a booster at 5 years, not 7 years. For dogs, Z is saying the same (boosters at 5 years), osit.

PERLOU, you can have a look at this French SoTT article, too: Vaccinations des chiens et des chats : plus de 99% des effets secondaires des vaccins ne sont pas rapportés
Merci beaucoup Voyageur, votre lien était fort intéressant ainsi que les deux autres donnés dans l'article...
Je ne ferai donc plus de rappels ni à mes chiens ni à mes chatonnes...
Par contre je vais m'intéresser à cette 'alimentations crue" car les miens mange de l'Almo Nature, des croquette Royal canin et un peu de steack haché chaque matin...
Merci à tous pour votre attention et vos bons conseils...

Voyageur thank you very much, your link was very interesting and the two others given in the article ...
So I will not make reminders or my dogs or my chatonnes ...
By cons I'm interested in this 'raw power' because mine eats Almo Nature, Royal canine kibble and a little chopped steak every morning ...
Thank you all for your attention and your good advice ..
Comme il est intéressant de lire vos expériences qui me touchent vraiment...
A 60 ans, il est difficile de se souvenir de toutes les personnes (et de leurs noms) que j'ai pu rencontrer, certaines ont partagé plus de temps, d'autre peu mais avec de l'intensité, des joies, des peines, des désillusions, des contraintes acceptées plus ou moins, des déceptions reçues et causées aussi ont été mon lot comme un chacun...
Je vis seule maintenant, handicapée avec mes 2 yorks et 4 chatonnes dont celle de ma Maman qui m'apportent chaque jour de la joie et le bonheur d'être ensembles...
Ma petite Maman chérie nous a quittés le 7 mars dernier... Je l'ai accompagnée du mieux que j'ai pu avec tout mon amour et ma compassion...
Je pense que c'est Elle qui m'a mis sur la voie de LAURA...
J'ai toujours été suicidaire depuis mes 16 ans malgré une recherche spirituelle très jeune, je faisais la messe à mes petites soeurs à 10 ans avec beaucoup de sérieux, pourtant ce n'est pas permis chez les catholiques... J'ai perdu mon père à 11 ans... Mon père était militaire de carrière donc il avait tué (Indochine, Algérie), j'ai prié Dieu de me prendre et de permettre à mon père de revenir pour qu'il se rattrape... Et j'attendais, étonnée chaque matin de me réveillée, sans doute mon âme a-t-elle eu pitié de moi et j'ai commencé ma recherche spirituelle...
Je suis en paix et n'ai jamais été aussi sereine depuis que j'ai lu les 7 tomes de l'Onde de Laura qui m'ont tellement impressionnée tant je les ressentais vrais comme si je l'avais toujours su...
La seule chose qui m'ennuyait c'était d'être séparée de mes petits amours de compagnons mais j'ai lu dans les transmissions de Laura avec les Cassiopéens que cela pouvait arrivé que les animaux restent avec nous, ce qui m'a grandement soulagé...
Cependant, mon ressenti me dit que la terre ne sera pas anéantie et que certains survivront même dans de difficiles conditions, que Laura et les siens vont trouver un moyen de nous éviter ce cauchemar et qu'un avenir plus juste et fraternel nous attend si nous le désirons vraiment...
Ainsi l'humanité ne sera pas balayée mais retrouvera un nouvel espoir et de la joie...

As it is interesting to read your experiences really touch me ...
At 60, it's hard to remember all the people (and their names) that I met, some have shared more time, but with little else in the intensity, joys, sorrows and disappointments, stresses more or less accepted, received and caused disappointment also were my lot as each ...
I live alone now with my disabled yorks 2 and 4 chatonnes including that of my Mom who bring me every day of joy and happiness of being together ...
My little darling Mom passed away on March 7 ... I accompanied her as best I could with all my love and compassion ...
I think it is she who put me on the path LAURA ...
I have always been suicidal since I was 16 years despite a very young spiritual search, I was Mass in my little sisters to 10 years very seriously, yet it is not allowed among Catholics ... I lost my father 11 years ... My father was a professional soldier he had killed so (Indochina, Algeria), I prayed to God to take me and allow my father to come back for it catches up ... And I waited, surprised every morning woke up, probably my soul she took pity on me and I began my spiritual search ...
I am at peace and have never been serene since I read the seven volumes of the Wave Laura who so impressed me so much I felt real as if I had always known ...
The only thing that annoyed me was to be separated from my little loves companions but I read in Laura communications with the Cassiopaeans that this could happened that the animals stay with us, greatly me relieved ...
However, my feeling tells me that the earth will not be destroyed and that some will survive even in difficult conditions, Laura and his will we find a way to avoid this nightmare and a more just and fraternal future awaits us if we really want ...
Thus humanity will not be scanned but will find new hope and joy ...
Reading this thread I have mixed emotions about rabies. My working hypotesis is that the rabies histeria is actually a scam. Since there is no proof that any vaccine works (I'm not talking about vaccines which make you sick (usually without symptoms - like polio), and then you have immunity like after a disease.
Since the last case of death from rabies among humans in Europe was about hundred years ago, we actually aren't sure if that was really rabbies, and we do know very little true facts about disease. Reading about Pasteur's procedures during working under rabies vaccine, one can suspect the disease is jus reaction for poor food, and age of dogs - so called rabbies might as well be some kind of Alzheimer disease among dogs.
There are tens of thousands of rabies cases in India each year, but is it really rabies? Why it doesn't come to other parts of the world, like Europe?
Michał said:
Reading this thread I have mixed emotions about rabies. My working hypotesis is that the rabies histeria is actually a scam. Since there is no proof that any vaccine works (I'm not talking about vaccines which make you sick (usually without symptoms - like polio), and then you have immunity like after a disease.
Since the last case of death from rabies among humans in Europe was about hundred years ago, we actually aren't sure if that was really rabbies, and we do know very little true facts about disease. Reading about Pasteur's procedures during working under rabies vaccine, one can suspect the disease is jus reaction for poor food, and age of dogs - so called rabbies might as well be some kind of Alzheimer disease among dogs.
There are tens of thousands of rabies cases in India each year, but is it really rabies? Why it doesn't come to other parts of the world, like Europe?

Well Rabies is probably one of the best researched zoonosis out there and I can assure you it is definitely not the case of hysteria.
Not sure where you got your data from but in many European countries rabies is real threat to this very day ( especially Eastern Europe) and people are still dying from it. During my student days ( which wasn't that long ago) I had an opportunity ( or misfortune) to visit the hospital to observe a patient in terminal stage of this disease, this is something one never forgets.

Rabies has distinct symptoms ( be it in humans or in certain animals), distinct pathohistology, distinct epizotology etc and cannot so easily be confused with other diseases.
You can have a look at this link, its very informative
Z said:
...but in many European countries rabies is real threat to this very day ( especially Eastern Europe) and people are still dying from it.

I'm from Eastern Europe actually (Poland), and we didn't have any case of rabies yet. Never. At least not recoreded in official data, which I have no reason to dismiss.
This is another proof of this histeria - somewhere on the end of the world. But really?
And those ppl who see whole hospitals with people dying from diseases we have vaccines is typical manipulation of medics. I was personally told, there are tens of people sick and dying from tetanus in small polish city, and then learned from statistic, there about 10 cases yearly in whole country. All of the victims vere 75 years old or older.
So, if you don't see it personally, you shouldn't believe if talking about vaccines with doctors.
Yep, none in Poland, although there are actually histeria in Poland over foxes - although nobody seen any rabies, and no one was diseased. Poles suspect it is in order to prevent people from going to forests. Besides, don't you think the 5-30 cases a year is a bit too less for an infectious disease? Have you heard Pastur had to repeat experiment 11 times until two dogs vaccinated were alive and two unvaccinated were dead after injection of brain into a brain of healthy one? And did you hear the that it cannot be transmited by biting, since the viruses aren't present in saliva? And as I say - many clues indicates it isn't an infection disease, but just a kind of old animals disease - not easily transmittable (via injections of sick animals brain).
Michał said:
Have you heard Pastur had to repeat experiment 11 times until two dogs vaccinated were alive and two unvaccinated were dead after injection of brain into a brain of healthy one? And did you hear the that it cannot be transmited by biting, since the viruses aren't present in saliva? And as I say - many clues indicates it isn't an infection disease, but just a kind of old animals disease - not easily transmittable (via injections of sick animals brain).

Yeah, I also heard of flat earth theory, but that doesn't mean it is true ;)
But joking aside, like I said rabies is one of the best studied diseases and what you are saying doesn't make much sense.
Most of the people that still die from rabies every year contract it from the bite of rabid animal. I have seen one person dying from rabies and they also contracted it from a bite of rabid dog. Even if I disregarded wast body of evidence in scientific literature for me this is evidence enough.

You say this is your working hypothesis, so lets work on it:

Michał said:
Reading this thread I have mixed emotions about rabies. My working hypotesis is that the rabies histeria is actually a scam.
There is actually no rabies hysteria. There is only healthy level of awareness about this disease AFAIK.
If you can provide references to back up your claims I would be very interested to look into them.

Michał said:
Since the last case of death from rabies among humans in Europe was about hundred years ago, we actually aren't sure if that was really rabbies, and we do know very little true facts about disease.
This simply isn't true. We DO know an awful lot about rabies. Again if you can provide references to back up your claims please do so.

Michał said:
Reading about Pasteur's procedures during working under rabies vaccine, one can suspect the disease is just reaction for poor food, and age of dogs - so called rabbies might as well be some kind of Alzheimer disease among dogs.
Pasteur may have been many things, plagiarist maybe, pathological sociopath? - quite possible. Many scientists are. His germ theory certainly isn't complete to the present day but he provided some invaluable observations about different infectious diseases including rabies.

Michał said:
There are tens of thousands of rabies cases in India each year, but is it really rabies? Why it doesn't come to other parts of the world, like Europe?
Rabies is indeed present in Europe to this very day. It is contained but still presents real threat. There are many reasons why so many people in India and Africa die of rabies each year.
To gain better perspective on these questions I recommend this book:
its currently out of print but perhaps you can find a copy in your library.

Also I recommend this link
Z said:
Also I recommend this link

WHO? The WHO which recently advised not eating meat, because it is cancerogenic?

I recommendy you very much following book:

Although there are few quite a good books that are saying something opposite.
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