Vaccination of Dogs and Cats - Very Important Information

If you want to travel within EU its acceptable to vaccinate against Rabies every 3 years , although some vets still maintain it at 1 year.
Rabies vaccine should be safe if administered at 4 months of age, its also done at 3 months in exceptional cases but I try to avaoid this whenever possible. The first vaccine should not cause any issues, for subsequent vaccines you can use homeopathic remedies should something happen. Thuja is a great remedy but over the years I learned that homeopathy shouldn't be used in "one size fits all manner". therefore I use homeopathy only if vaccinosis develops.
We have a group of remedies known as “vaccinosis remedies,” including silica, sulphur, mezereum, apis, sarsaparilla, etc.
Curing the vaccinosis state, like curing any chronic disease state, takes careful recognition of the patient’s symptoms, indicating how he is not well, and matching that ill state to a remedy capable of causing such a state, if it were taken in crude doses repeatedly.

When it comes to other vaccines- I recommend doing proper core immunization, Parvo, Distemper, CHV and Lepto. My protocol is to vaccinate at 8 weeks of age, booster after a month and then last booster after 6.5 months of age. This should give solid immunity that should last for years. We have a scientific proof now that immunity with these core vaccines ( except Leptospira whcih is the only bacterial diseases among those mentioned ) lasts for 3 years and possibly even much more. I recommend doing titer test after 3 years and then act accordingly. However reliability of leptospira vaccine has been subject of heated deate for years. I know for sure that none of the dogs I tested so far has satisfactory levels of antibodies 1 year after the vaccination. But I dont have large enough sample statistically speaking.
On the other hand i recently checked Rabies antibody titer in dog that hasn't been vaccinated for 7 years. Mandatory level for EU travel is minimum 0.5 umol/L - loo and behold this dog had 1.5umol/L!
It seems the winds are changing
The Canine Vaccination Guidelines within the WSAVA Guidelines for the Vaccination of Dogs and Cats state that, while antibody testing still can be relatively expensive, “The principles of ‘evidence-based veterinary medicine’ suggest that testing for antibody status (for either puppies or adult dogs) should be better practice than simply administering a vaccine booster on the basis that this would be ‘safe and cost less.’”

Some dogs maintain antibodies for their entire lives to canine distemper, canine parvovirus, and canine adenovirus, said Dr. Ronald D. Schultz, professor of immunology and founding chair of the Department of Pathobiological Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine and an author of the WSAVA and AAHA guidelines.

In his controlled studies, he has found that dogs maintain immunity to CDV, CPV-2, and CAV seven to nine years after vaccination, as proved by protection against virulent challenge. He said, “The presence of active antibody response to these viruses is a clear indication of protection. There is no confusion on this point.”
Thank you so much for the detailed information. I buy my dog vaccine at a veterinary supply store. I got his distemper/ parvo shot for $15 and administered it myself whereas it would have cost well over $250 at the vet. His last shot was around 3 years ago. I am in Canada and a lot of people are going to the veterinary supply pharmacy because the vets are just out of control with their fees . The only thing they won't dispense is the rabies vaccine because by law it has to be administered by a licensed vet. But it sounds like that's no loss because it is not needed anyway.
I disagree rabies vaccine is not needed. There is a solid body of evidence suggesting it provides good protection against this disease. In some countries its been almost completely eradicated thanks to oral bait vaccine given to wildlife. Rabies is terrible disease and the vaccine if properly used is pretty safe. In any case, I would rather have my dogs suffering side effects form the vaccine than risk them contracting this disease or even worse transmitting it to any human.

I know prices in America for vet services are high but 250 for vaccination visit sounds exaggerated. Information I have is that you can get it for 60$ on average. I dont think self administering vaccines is a good idea, for many reasons.
Autism Symptoms in Pets Rise as Pet Vaccination Rates Rise

Just as the incidence of Autism-Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) has risen alarmingly in children over the last half century, there is evidence that similar behavioral disorders have been observed in pets, most widely reported among pet dogs. It is too early for mainstream veterinary authorities to confidently confirm that dogs can develop autism, but there are numerous reports of behavior patterns in pets that mirror autism behavior in children. Studies are underway to evaluate the possibility that animals can become autistic.1

Autistic Behaviors Recognized in Dogs
Though the appearance of autism-like behaviors has been observed in dogs since the mid 1960s, the first researcher to specifically relate some of those behaviors to autism was Nicholas Dodman, DVM, who initially set out in 2011 to look for a genetic cause of obsessive tail chasing in bull terriers. This behavioral characteristic has been observed in as many as 85 per cent of a bull terrier litter and often results in self-maiming.

Presenting the evidence from his study at the 2015 American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, Dr. Dodman reported an autism-like condition, noting that “the vast majority of affected dogs were males, and many had other strange behaviors or physical conditions that accompanied the tail chasing, such as explosive aggression, partial seizures, phobias, skin conditions, gastrointestinal issues, object fixation and a tendency to shy away from people and other dogs.”2 He and his associates were further able to establish that two biomarkers common to children with autism were also present in the affected dogs.3

Referencing diagnostic criteria from the American Academy of Pediatrics, some of the most commonly recognized features of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in children include challenges associated with social interactions and communication, and “restrictive and repetitive interests and activities;”4 boys are five times more likely than girls to have ASDs; and autism in humans also is frequently associated with aggression, gastrointestinal and skin disorders, and object fixation.5 6

Solid research is lacking in the field of canine autism, but a collaborative study called Canines, Kids and Autism: Decoding Obsessive Behaviors in Canines and Autism in Children” is currently underway in hopes of shedding light on the condition as it occurs in children and pets.7 Funded by The American Humane Association, researchers from the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center, Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, and the University of Massachusetts Medical School are hoping to develop a genetic test for autism that will benefit both humans and animals.8

“Canine Dysfunctional Behavior” May Be Autism
Though most animal behaviorists still prefer to categorize animals with these traits as having “canine dysfunctional behavior” rather than “autism,”9 those who concede the condition may in fact be autism describe the condition as both “idiopathic,” meaning the cause is unknown, and congenital,” meaning the puppies are born with autism behaviors rather than developing autism sometime after birth. Theorizing that the syndrome may be caused by a “lack of mirroring neurons in the brain,” studies also suggest that autism may appear in puppies as a result of parental exposure to toxins or unnecessary vaccines.10

Adverse Reactions to Vaccines in Dogs
From paralysis to seizures, and from immune-mediated hemolytic anemia to injection-site fibrosarcomas, adverse reactions to vaccination are not uncommon in pets. Often attributable to annual vaccinations that some veterinarians consider totally unnecessary, vaccine reactions also may lead to allergies, skin problems, behavioral changes, and autoimmune diseases.11

Behavioral Changes Following Vaccination
Some of the most common behavioral changes are associated with the rabies vaccine, which is the only vaccine federally mandated for pets and must be re-administered at least every three years if not annually, depending on how the vaccine is labeled. Usually the two vaccines are identical, but a vaccine labeled for one year must be given annually, even if it is exactly the same dosage and formulation as one labeled as a three-year vaccine.12

Many veterinarians now agree that, as a general rule, dogs who have been vaccinated once tend to retain immunity for the rest of their lives, as can be confirmed through titer testing,13. However, no such testing is considered acceptable proof for opting out of the required rabies vaccine,14 so the immune systems of pets are artificially manipulated with the rabies vaccine time and again throughout their lives.

Reported changes following rabies vaccination may include those that mimic early symptoms of rabies itself such as increased aggression toward humans and other pets, loss of affectionate behaviors, excessive barking, and destructiveness.15 Such behavioral changes are often attributed to “Rabies Miasm,” a term used to describe an underlying disease process, in this case a condition akin to a mild form of “chronic rabies.”16

Could There Be Another Explanation?
Interestingly, many of those same “rabies-like symptoms” also mimic the ones described in discussions of canine autism.

Globally, the animal vaccine industry has been valued at $6.27 billion in 2015 and, at a calculated annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.9 per cent, it is expected to rise to $11.40 billion by 2024.17 North America and, particularly, the United States remains the lead market for animal vaccines, accounting for 37 percent of the total. Much of that market is fueled by the human companion (pet) animal segment. There are more pets in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world and, coupled with strict regulations on vaccination of companion animals in this country, the pet vaccine market is not expected to decrease.

Given the current laws requiring annual or three-year repeat rabies vaccinations, and the routine veterinary practice of vaccinating pets annually, it may come as no surprise that we are seeing an increase of autoimmune disorders and autism-like behaviors in pets.
As far as the official medicine is concerned - the link between autism and vaccines in children has never been proven. Andrew Wakefield has been “discredited” and his research declared a fraud. This is what most mainstream doctors ( and vets believe) so it will be a long time before this will be accepted in mainstream veterinary science. Sad indeed.
Lawsuit over vaccines
(Received via email 9-26-06; note date below)
Vet Sues Due To Overvaccination Of Dogs And Cats
Critter Fixer Pet Hospital Bob Rogers, DVM 5703 Louetta Spring, Texas 77379 281-370-3262
April 17, 2002
Office of the Attorney General Consumer Protection Division Box 12548 Austin, Texas 78711-2548

Dear Sirs,
I hereby file a complaint against all licensed Veterinarians engaged in companion animal practice in the State of Texas for violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct, rule 573.26 which states; Licensed veterinarians shall conduct their practice with honesty, integrity, and fair dealing to clients in time and services rendered, and in the amount charged for services, facilities, appliances and drugs.

I assert that the present practice of marketing of vaccinations for companion animals constitutes fraud by misrepresentation, fraud by silence, theft by deception, and undue influence by all Veterinarians engaged in companion animal practice in this state. Recommending, administering, and charging for Canine Corona vaccinations for adult dogs is fraud by misrepresentation, fraud by silence, theft by deception, and undue influence given the literature that states:

1. Dogs over eight weeks of age are not susceptible to canine corona virus disease. Disease produced by canine corona virus has never been demonstrated in adult dogs. Dogs over eight weeks of age that are immunized against canine parvovirus will not develop symptoms of canine corona virus disease. Addition of an unnecessary antigen to the vaccination protocol will result in a lesser immunity to the important diseases like parvovirus and distemper, and increase the risk of adverse reactions.

2. Immunologists doubt that Canine corona virus vaccine works, as it would require secretory mucosal IgA antibodies to protect against corona virus and a parenteral vaccine does not accomplish this very well. Twenty-two Schools of Veterinary Medicine including Texas A&M University do not recommend canine corona virus vaccine.

3. Gastroenterologist at Schools of Veterinary Medicine including Dr Michael Willard at Texas A&M University have stated that they have only seen one case of corona virus disease in a dog in ten years.
On several occasions large numbers of dogs have died from adverse reactions to corona virus vaccine.
A reasonable client would not elect corona virus vaccination for an adult dog if presented this information.

Recommending, administering, and charging for re-administration of modified live vaccines like Canine Distemper, Canine Parvovirus, Feline Panleukopenia, injectable Feline Rhinotracheitis, and injectable Feline Calicivirus on an semi-annual, annual, bi-annual or tri-annual basis is theft by deception, fraud by misrepresentation, misrepresentation by silence, and undue influence given the literature that states:

1. The USDA Center for Biologic and Therapeutic Agents asserts that there is no scientific data to support label claims for annual re-administration of modified live vaccines, and label claims must be backed by scientific data.

2. It is the consensus of immunologist that a modified live virus vaccine must replicate in order to stimulate the immune system, and antibodies from a previous vaccination will block the replication of the new vaccinate virus. The immune status of the patient is not enhanced in any way. There is no benefit to the patient. The client is paying for something with insignificant or no effect, except that the patient is being exposed to unnecessary risk of an adverse reaction.

3. A temporal association has been demonstrated between vaccinations and the development of Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia.

4. It has been demonstrated that the duration of immunity for Canine Distemper virus is 7 years by challenge, and 15 years by serology; for Canine Parvovirus is 7 years by challenge, for Feline Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis, and Feline Calicivirus is 7.5 years by challenge.

A reasonable client would not elect re-administration of any of the above stated vaccinations for a previously immunized pet if provided with the above information.
The recommendation for administration of Leptospirosis vaccination in Texas is theft by deception, fraud by misrepresentation, misrepresentation by silence and undue influence given the fact that:

1. Although Leptospirosis is re-emerging as an endemic disease for dogs in some areas of the country, Leptospirosis in dogs in Texas is a very rare disease. According to the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab there are only an average of twelve cases of Leptospirosis documented in dogs in Texas per year. Factors to identify those dogs that are at risk have not been identified. Given that there are over 6 million dogs in Texas, the risk of leptospirosis disease to a dog is less than 2 in a million.

2. The commonly used vaccine only contains serovars Lepto. canicola, and Lepto icterohaemorrhagiae, and no cross protection is provided against the other three serovars diagnosed in Texas. Newer vaccines containing Lepto pomona, and Lepto rippotyphosa are available but the duration of immunity is less than one year. To provide protection for a dog against Leptospirosis would require two vaccines with four serovars twice per year.

3. Although humans can develop Leptospirosis, the spread of Lepto. from a dog to a human has never been documented and is thought to be a very low risk. Given that the risk of an adverse reaction, a reasonable client would not elect Vaccination of their pet if provided with the above information.

The recommendation of Lyme disease vaccine for dogs residing in Texas is fraud by misrepresentation, misrepresentation by silence and undue influence given the literature that states:

1. The Texas Department of Health only reports an average of 70 cases of Human Lyme disease per year in Texas, all of which were likely acquired when people were traveling out of the state.

2. Julie Rawlings reported in her research on the incidence of the lyme disease organism in ticks in Texas State Parks for the Texas Department of Health that the Borrelia burgdorferi organism is not present in sufficient numbers or in the suitable tick vector for dogs for Lyme disease to be endemic in Texas.

3. Eighty per cent of Lyme disease cases in the U.S. are found in the nine New England States and Wisconsin.

4. Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine has not documented one case of Lyme disease in a dog acquired in Texas. Testing on shelter dogs has not revealed a single case.

5. Dr Jacobson, Cornell University has documented a temporal relationship in over 327 cases of dogs, which acquired poly arthritis after the Lyme disease vaccine.

A reasonable client would not elect Lyme disease vaccine for their pet if given this information on the risks vs. the benefit.

The recommendation for vaccination of cats with an adjuvanted vaccine without offering a safer alternative vaccine is fraud by misrepresentation, misrepresentation by silence, and undue influence given the literature that states:
1. Adjuvanted vaccines have been incriminated as a cause of Injection Site Fibrosarcoma in cats.

2. 1:1000 cats vaccinated develop this type of cancer, which is 100% fatal.

3. Safer alternative non-adjuvanted vaccines are available. A reasonable client would not elect adjuvanted vaccines for their cat if given this information.

The recommendation for vaccination of cats with Feline Infectious Peritonitis vaccine is fraud by misrepresentation, misrepresentation by silence, and undue influence given the literature that states:

2. Feline Infectious peritonitis is a rare disease.

3. Eight percent of adult cats carry the normal flora avirulent Feline Corona Virus. On rare occasions this Corona Virus mutates to become a virulent feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus. Every mutation is a different variant and there is no cross protection. This vaccine does not and cannot work.

4. Independent studies have not confirmed the manufacturers claims for efficacy.

5. Twenty-two Schools of Veterinary Medicine and the American Association of Feline Practitioners does not recommend this vaccine.

A reasonable client would not elect this vaccine if given this information.

The recommendation of annual Feline Leukemia Vaccine for adult cats, and cats that are not at risk is theft by deception, fraud by misrepresentation, misrepresentation by silence, and undue influence given the literature that states:

1. Cats over one year of age, if not previously infected, are immune to Feline Leukemia virus infection whether they are vaccinated or not.

2. Adjuvanted Feline leukemia vaccine can cause Injection Site Fibrosarcomas, a fatal type of cancer. This type of cancer is thought to occur in 1:10,000 cats vaccinated.

3. Only cats less than one year of age and at risk cats should be vaccinated against Feline Leukemia virus.

A reasonable client would not elect this vaccine for their cat if given this information.

The recommendation of annual rabies vaccination for dogs and cats with three-year duration of immunity vaccine is theft by deception, fraud by misrepresentation, misrepresentation by silence, and undue influence given that:

4. The vaccines has been licensed by the USDA and proven to have duration of immunity of three years by the USDA and seven years by serology by Dr Ron Schultz, therefore annual re-administration the client is paying for something with no benefit.

5. Beyond the second vaccination, no data exist to demonstrate that the immune status of the pet is enhanced.

6. The National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians recommendation is for vaccination of dogs and cats for rabies at four months, one year later, and then every three years subsequently. This recommendation has been proven effective in 33 States in the United States.

The recommendation of blood tests for antibody titers on dogs and cats in order to determine if re-administration of vaccine is indicated is fraud by misrepresentation, misrepresentation by silence, and undue influence given the literature that states:

6. The duration of immunity to infectious disease agents is controlled by memory cells, B & T lymphocytes. Once programmed, memory cells persist for life. The presence of memory cells is not taken into effect when testing for antibody titers.

7. Even in the absence of an antibody titer, memory cells are capable of mounting an adequate immune response in an immunized patient. A negative titer does not indicate lack of immunity, or the ability of a vaccine to significantly enhance the immune status of a patient.

8. A positive titer has not been demonstrated by challenge studies to indicate immunity.

9. The client is paying for a test when a Veterinarian can make no claims about the test results.

10. It has been proven that the re-administration of modified live vaccines has no effect, and that duration of immunity is 7 years or more.

A reasonable client would not elect this test if given this information.

I have brought these deceptive trade practices to the attention of this Board by writing six letters to the board, and appearing before the Board at three Board meetings. The Board members have demonstrated, by the questions that they have asked me, that they are uniformed on these issues, that they have not read the literature that I have sent to support my assertions, and that they have not read the letters I have written. On every occasion the Board members have refused to take any action on these matters.

The Board has also ignored my request to deny approval of Continuing Education credit for seminars on Vaccination of Companion Animals provided by Pfizer Animal Health drug company which are fraudulent by omission of material facts, a conflict of interest, and thereby influence Veterinarians to continue deceptive trade practice in the marketing of vaccines.

The people of the State of Texas have paid over $360 million dollars per year for vaccinations that are unnecessary and potentially harmful to their pets. Over 600,000 pets suffer every year from adverse reactions to unnecessary vaccinations. Many of them die.

A survey by the American Animal Hospital Association shows that less than 7% of Veterinarians have updated their vaccination recommendations, in spite of the fact that these new recommendations have been published twice in every major Veterinary Medical Journal since 1995.

Given that it is the compact of this Board with the State of Texas to protect the people of Texas, and whereby it is provided in the Texas Administrative Code Title 22, Part 24, Chapter 577, Subchapter B, Rule 577.16: Responsibilities of the Board (a) The Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners is responsible for establishing policies and promulgating rules to establish and maintain a high standard of integrity, skills, and practice in the profession of Veterinary medicine in accordance with the Veterinary Licensing Act, I hereby assert that the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners must take demonstrated and thorough action to stop the deceptive trade practices and fraud in the marketing of vaccinations for companion animals.

A reasonable solution would be for the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners to request an opinion from the Attorney General on these issues, and for the Texas State Board to issue a policy statement in the Board Notes indicating a Board policy prohibiting each of the practices I have outlined above.

An alternative solution would be to notify every Veterinarian engaged in companion animal practice in this state of the complaint that has been filed against them and prosecute each and every complaint.

If demonstrated and thorough action to stop the deceptive trade practices has not been taken by this Board within ninety days of receipt of this letter I will file a class action suit against the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners on behalf of the people of Texas, for negligence in the execution of their responsibilities, and I will request a Court order to instruct the Board to perform their duties.

Dr Robert L Rogers
I have a cat, for 9 years now named Poki. I took them in while I was still living in Slovenia, my homeland, with his brother Piki, who sadly passt away on the street, but I guess, it was his soul, decided that way. The gipsy lady, my neighbour at that time, who brought them, accused me, I stole them, but I didn't botther with it. They just came to my balcony, where I fed half wild strays from village, they became only milk with bread or macarony at her place. Since they were very sick, having cat cold and as I later found out cat plague and it was late autumn, I let them in, called my friend, who was working at veterinary ambulante and decided to try and cure them. Robert even went to Hungary, the border was very near to my place and brought antibiotics from there, since he knew, how much I'm spending on the strays and how much expensive it was, to buy them in Slovenia. They came thru and although I'm having Poki for 9 years now, he never again was badly sick. Yes, he still has cronical cough, mostly in autumn or winter time, but his condition is better now, since I smuggled him (that was stressfull, I prayed for one week, like poseesed, prior to that act) in to Swiss, from Austria, where we stayed at a woman, for who I took care, where were always a lot of her friends, gathering in her apartment and smoking like hell.
I never vaccinated him for any cat deseas, nor does he has a chip or passport. As he broke his tail, was the only time, we visited vet, but because the vet insisted, it is a bad break, with nervs cut and it will become gangrenous, after her claims, she saw it X times in her 25 year practice, and the tail must be cut off, I promissed, I'll come back next day, never went back again. Pokis tail started moving after 5 days of praying, while I was observing him the whole time, for signs of inflamation process. He is a happy and healthy cat, with his proud tail, which I call antenna 🤣.


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When we still had rabbits we had to take one of them to the vet, since he had a nasty eye infection. The vet asked me whether I would like to have him vaccinated, since it was vaccination week for rabbits! :O (This is The Netherlands.) I was gobsmacked and politely declined.

I hope that I can avoid vaccinations for our cat and dog. I have started giving them fresh beef liver every day and hope to keep them healthy. The eyes of our dog have now started clearing up wonderfully. Some stuff used to come out of her eyes every morning, but that has disappeared. I read an article in The Dot Connector Magazine about the folly to give our pets grains. And all the diseases that they suffer from because of grains.

So, meat every day keeps the vet mostly away?
Ten years ago you could get lard and fat trimmings from grocer for free. And when the chickens are laying I give them eggs too.
Because I have a lot of pets I usually by a grain free dog and cat food. That's the wrong pic of my dog but oh well20241108_153905.jpg
Merck is 'branching out' into killing pet dogs, apparently. Oh and transmisibility into humans is also something they've managed to achieve too. Unbelievable! I wonder if they can be sued?? :-D Probably not, this "cult" gets a pass on everything.

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