Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.

It's a small news that didn't make a lot of noise, but here too we see that the goal is not people's health, nor to do justice.
Mask or not mask in 2-wheelers?
In a decision of September 18, the Paris Administrative Court asked the Paris Police Prefect to modify his order of August 27, 2020, which made it mandatory to wear a motorcycle mask.
The French Federation of Angry Motorcyclists had strongly criticized this decision, because of the risks it made motorcyclists and scooterists take, in particular by quickly provoking mist on the screen ("the visor") of the helmet.
Concerning the users of motorized 2-wheelers, more than incoherent and unsuitable, this measure is downright stupid, even dangerous.
Beyond these obvious facts, the Paris FFMC notes that the Paris City Hall has put pressure on the Prefecture, which has just cancelled this order for cyclists. Through this lobbying action, the Paris City Hall is once again proving that it is prepared to do anything to favor one category of users, without hesitating to stigmatize or exclude others.
This inequality of treatment, whether on the part of the city council or the police prefecture, is intolerable.
The FFMC of Paris asks that this obligation for users of motorized 2-wheelers to wear a mask be cancelled immediately, failing which it will take the necessary legal measures.
[Street] Masque ou pas masque en 2-roues ? - Paddock GP
FFMC PPC obtains the cancellation of the mandatory mask in circulation!
The Court orders the prefect to modify his order before Tuesday September 22 at noon by removing the obligation to wear a sanitary mask for all users of 2 or 3 motorized wheels in circulation wearing a visor helmet.
This court decision follows a request filed on September 14 by Maitre de Caumont (lawyer, motorcyclist and president of the Association des Avocats de l'Automobile) at the request of the Paris Petite Couronne branch office of the FFMC, since previous letters sent to the Paris Prefecture (see article below) had gone unanswered.
This is a great victory for the Federation, to the benefit of all motorcyclists and scooterists in the Paris region!
It is also a beautiful "birthday present" for the weekend of celebration of the 40 years of the FFMC, organized by the FFMC 76!
40 years of fights and 40 years of victories; The opportunity to recall the relevance of our adage "More numerous, stronger"!!!!
[Street] La FFMC PPC obtient l'annulation du masque obligatoire en circulation ! - Paddock GP
let's share and acknowledged the beauty of the world. It's about a guy I've already posted, but here is a short version that still moves me a lot. Don't really know why. The beauty, the opening, the amazement ???

Wow, comme c'est émouvant. De voir ces photos si belles, si belles et cet homme avec les loups et de la façon qu'il parle de cette rencontre ça vous fait pétiller le coeur! Quelle aventure et quel courage et aussi... quel bel homme!

Wow, how moving. Seeing these beautiful, beautiful pictures and this man with the wolves and the way he talks about this meeting makes your heart sparkle! What an adventure and what courage and also... what a beautiful man!
Wow, comme c'est émouvant. De voir ces photos si belles, si belles et cet homme avec les loups et de la façon qu'il parle de cette rencontre ça vous fait pétiller le coeur! Quelle aventure et quel courage et aussi... quel bel homme!

Wow, how moving. Seeing these beautiful, beautiful pictures and this man with the wolves and the way he talks about this meeting makes your heart sparkle! What an adventure and what courage and also... what a beautiful man!

If you have missed it, I repost this wonderful docu, refreshing, regenerating, moving, calming, and moving again ;-)

Despite the title of the show, most of it is about intelligent design, and Michael Behe has the place of honour. So, if you haven't read the book, it's a very good summary with a lot of cool animes and pictures too!

(The guy seems to be a friend of Jean-Pierre Petit)
Good evening / Bonsoir.

If, among you, some enjoyed the last "Objective : Health" episode (Is your mind confined to your brain ?), here is the best book in French that I've read on this subject :
Si, parmi vous, certain(e)s ont apprécié le dernier épisode d'"Objective : Health" (Votre esprit est-il confiné dans votre cerveau ?), voici le meilleur livre en français que j'ai lu sur le sujet :
Les Miracles de l'esprit - Qu'est-ce que les voyants peuvent nous apprendre ? de Bertrand Méheust, éd. La Découverte (coll. Les empêcheurs de penser en rond), 2011.

The author, former philosophy teacher and PhD. in sociology, has a great knowledge on paranormal (and Ufology) and an active member of the International Metapsychic Institute (IMI), founded in Paris 101 years ago !
(His noteworthy doctoral thesis on the history of "magnetic somnambulism" is published in 2 tomes by the same editions, titled "Somnambulism & mediumnity"),
L'auteur, ancien enseignant de philosophie et docteur en sociologie, est un grand connaisseur du paranormal (et de l'Ufologie) et un membre actif de l'Institut de Métapsychique International (IMI), institut fondé à Paris il y a 101 ans !
(Sa remarquable thèse sur l'histoire du "somnambulisme magnétique" est publiée en 2 tomes chez le même éditeur, intitulée
Somnambulisme et médiumnité.)

Here is a video (in French) where he presents his research and books :
Voici une vidéo où il présente ses recherches et ses ouvrages :

(BTW, if someone of the "Chateau crew" reads this, IMI staff might be interested by the Cs experiment...)
Bonjour les amis francophones, I think you know Dr. Louis Fouché. Here is a video that I have not seen elsewhere on the forum and that I post here because it is not subtitled in English unfortunately. (Sorry if this has already been done)
Fear is contagious, but so is optimism and humanity if you connect to the right waves. Courage to all!

Point sur les réa
Bonjour les amis francophones, je pense que vous connaissez le Dr Louis Fouché. Voici une vidéo que je n'ai pas vue ailleurs sur le forum et que je poste ici car elle n'est pas sous-titrée en anglais hélas. (Désolée si cela a déjà été fait)
La peur est contagieuse mais l'optimisme et l'humanité aussi pour peu que l'on se connecte aux bonnes ondes. Courage à tous !
Bonjour à tous,
Voici une vidéo de Tappyskarma, une astologue, sur la pleine lune du 31 Octobre 2020. Sa lecture rejoint les annonces des Cassiopéens sur ces prochains mois, aussi ai-je trouver intéressant de partager avec vous son point de vue :

Here is a video of Tappyskarma, an astologist, on the full moon of October 31, 2020. Her reading joins the announcements of the Cassiopeans over the next few months, so I find it interesting to share with you her point of view:

Le 31 Octobre prochain, en plein Halloween, aura lieu la Pleine Lune en Taureau. Traditionnellement c'est le moment où nous entrons dans l'hiver et où nous pensons à nos proches disparus. La question du lien au corps et de la façon dont nous gérons le deuil est cycliquement posée ici. C'est justement ce qu'Uranus vient interrompre... sa conjonction avec la Lune parle d'interruption. De changement brusque . Mais d'autres points se révèlent à l'occasion de cette Pleine Lune... le carré de Mars et Mercure rétrogrades (repassé en balance) aux planètes lourdes semble indiquer un incident diplomatique ou des problèmes politiques importants. A n'en point douter l'entrée en Taureau également de la Lune Noire marquera l'arrivée d'une nouvelle énergie ambivalente et clivante pendant près de 2 ans....

Les énergies que cette pleine lune va engendrer se poursuivront jusqu'en Janvier 2021 où elles atteindont leur paroxysme. Au niveau collectif et individuel va se poser la question de la subsistance. Risque de crise alimentaire, économique et écologique. Le collectif et l'individu va devoir traverser des énergies lourdes et angoissantes, il faut avoir conscience de ces énergies pour ne pas se faire submerger par elles. Le signe du Scorpion nous encourage à la lucidité, à voir la réalité en face.

On va s'éclater cet hiver.

Next October 31st, in the middle of Halloween, will take place the Full Moon in Taurus. Traditionally it is the moment when we enter winter and think about our missing relatives. The question of the connection to the body and how we deal with grief is cyclically asked here. This is precisely what Uranus comes to interrupt... its conjunction with the Moon speaks of interruption. Of abrupt change. But other points are revealed on the occasion of this Full Moon... the square of Mars and Mercury retrograde (backwards) to the heavy planets seems to indicate a diplomatic incident or important political problems. There is no doubt that the entry of the Black Moon into Taurus will also mark the arrival of a new ambivalent and divisive energy for nearly 2 years....

The energies that this full moon will generate will continue until January 2021 when they will reach their peak. On a collective and individual level, the question of subsistence will be raised. Risk of food, economic and ecological crisis. The collective and the individual will have to go through heavy and anguishing energies, it is necessary to be aware of these energies in order not to be submerged by them. The sign of Scorpio encourages us to be lucid, to see reality in the face.

We're going to have fun this winter.
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