Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.

Grichka Bogdanov's death is making the rounds on social media right now. :-(
His twin brother Igor died today :

There is no doubt that the powers that be will take advantage of the fact that he officially died testing positive for Covid 19 when he was not vaccinated to emphasize the importance of vaccination.
Yes, most probably....

While the two brothers were apparently hospitalized at the same time "because of the Covid", the difference between the two is that Grichka was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome unlike his brother Igor.
According to a French radio broadcast with them, they were both "Aspies" (even if Grichka may have been the only one diagnosed) :

Very recently, I read their book "Avant le Big Bang", moreover prefaced by Arkadiusz.
I wonder if @ark will comment their death.

Oby Onetaopy

hier à 12:17
L'avocat américain Reiner Fuellmich inculpe et nomme Bill Gates et Klaus Schwab devant une audience du Parlement polonais en tant que complices criminels de la pandémie mondiale qui a causé des souffrances sans fin et la mort de millions de victimes innocentes dans le monde.....ON ATTEND IMPATIEMMANT les INCULPATIONS....

BREAKING NEWS: Reiner FUELMICH is starting NUREMBER TRIBUNAL 2.0 right now.... U.S. Trial Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich indicts and names Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab before a Polish Parliament Hearing as criminal conspirators of the global pandemic that has caused endless suffering and the deaths of millions of innocent victims around the world
Video by Oby Onetaopy
5,209 vues

Bruno Gaillard

hier à 9:16
A écouter attentivement, surtout à partir de la 10ème minute où il affirme de source d'un commissaire Européen ami que le 19 Septembre 2019, la CEE a programmé le passeport sanitaire, la vaccination obligatoire et le qr code. Il y a eu le "global vaccination summit" à Bruxelles avec la commission Eur. et l'OMS, 6 mois avant la pandémie.
Le 18 Octobre 2019, a eu lieu un exercice de simulation de pandémie de coronavirus (tout a été filmé : réunion qui a eu lieu en présence de Schwab et son club de Davos, Gates, et sa fondation : on a autour de la table big pharma, big data et big finance) Tout es simulé ainsi que l'utilisation des fake news. Vraiment écoutez çà et faites écouter si vous en avez l'occasion.

Listen carefully, especially from the 10th minute where he states from a friendly European commissioner that on September 19, 2019, the EEC has programmed the health passport, the mandatory vaccination and the qr code. There was the "global vaccination summit" in Brussels with the Eur. commission and the WHO, 6 months before the pandemic.
On October 18, 2019, there was a simulation exercise of a coronavirus pandemic (everything was filmed: meeting that took place in the presence of Schwab and his Davos club, Gates, and his foundation: we have around the table big pharma, big data and big finance) Everything is simulated as well as the use of fake news. Really listen to it and make others listen if you have the opportunity.

Translated with (free version)

Emmaüs France et 2 autres suivent

Evlyn Saerf



M. Ruffin demande une garantie que les Français peuvent aller voter :
Ministre : et rejeté par la majorité. Rassurant, hein !

Mr. Ruffin asks for a guarantee that the French can go and vote:
Minister: and rejected by the majority. Reassuring, eh!

Marquis de Dreslincourt



Situation effarante: pour justifier les propos injurieux de Macron, les députés Larem mentent sur un sujet aussi grave que le covid. Coralie Dubost hystérique affirme qu'avec la 3e dose, elle protége "son père fragile!"
Praud: Mais le vaccin ne protège pas de la transmission!

Appalling situation: in order to justify Macron's insulting remarks, Larem deputies lie on a subject as serious as covid. Coralie Dubost hysterically claims that with the 3rd dose, she protects "her fragile father!"
Praud: But the vaccine does not protect against transmission!


Charles Sorgue


4 janv.

J'ai un contact; officier français à l'Ambassade française à Washington. Il m'envoie un mail me disant que même au Secrétariat d'Etat des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, les gens sont horrifiés des propos tenus par le président français. C'est dire l'aura qui entoure cet abruti.

I have a contact; a French officer at the French Embassy in Washington. He sends me an e-mail telling me that even at the Secretary of State of the United States of America, people are horrified by the remarks made by the French president. That's the aura that surrounds this moron.
tradefutur tradefutur


Etats-Unis : Pfizer et AstraZeneca accusés d'avoir eu à « financer le terrorisme » en Irak — RT en français
Pfizer and AstraZeneca accused of "financing terrorism" in Iraq - RT
Etats-Unis : Pfizer et AstraZeneca accusés d'avoir contribué à «financer le terrorisme» en Irak
Une cour d'appel américaine a relancé une action en justice contre Pfizer et AstraZeneca, au motif que leurs contrats avec le gouvernement irakien auraient contribué à «financer le terrorisme» qui a...

United States: Pfizer and AstraZeneca accused of having contributed to "financing terrorism" in Iraq
A U.S. appeals court has revived a lawsuit against Pfizer and AstraZeneca, alleging that their contracts with the Iraqi government helped "fund terrorism" that has led to the death of...

Joseph Sylas Champagne laissezlesenfantsRespirer



Hier, un ami m'a informé, suite au propos de Macron, un voisin le sachant non vacciné, est venu le voir en lui disant, le Président nous a donné pouvoir de vous emmerder, je le ferais par tous les moyens ! Macron a pris la responsabilité d'armer des fous, pour qu'un drame arrive!

Yesterday, a friend informed me, following Macron's remarks, a neighbor knowing him not vaccinated, came to see him saying, the President gave us power to piss you off, I would do it by all means! Macron took the responsibility of arming madmen, so that a drama happens!




En France, décès après la vaccination d’un grand-père très fortuné, ancien chef d’entreprise parisien de Versailles, avec assurance vie de plusieurs millions d’euro pour le bénéfice de ses enfants et petits-enfants, l’assurance ne rembourse pas…

In France, death after vaccination of a very wealthy grandfather, a former businessman from Versailles, with life insurance of several million euros for the benefit of his children and grandchildren, the insurance does not reimburse...

Céline Blanc



L’hécatombe chez les vax continuent aux cabinets médicaux de mon secteur : covid, bronchites essentiellement. Tout âge et 3 ou 2 doses. Même chez les médecins ! La pharmacienne m’a dit j’ai jamais vu 1 vaccin être si merdique ! Les gens sont dingues et le gouvernement dangereux

The hecatomb in vax continue at the medical offices in my area: covid, bronchitis mainly. All ages and 3 or 2 doses. Even at the doctors! The pharmacist told me I have never seen 1 vaccine be so crappy! People are crazy and the government is dangerous

Le jour viendra où le peuple vaincra



Olivier Véran martèle partout qu'il y a 90% de non vaccinés en réa. En fait , de non vaccinés réels , il y en a 40% . Mais pour le ministre , si vous avez 2 doses , vous n'êtes pas vacciné . Génial comme astuce , non ?

Olivier Véran is hammering away everywhere that there are 90% of non-vaccinated people in the ICU. In fact, of the real non-vaccinated, there are 40%. But for the minister, if you have 2 doses, you are not vaccinated. Great trick, isn't it ?
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