Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner and Gang - Web Pathology

COINTELPRO History - Jay Weidner + Vincent Bridges do Nostradamus

A Review of the show published on Rense. It's quite good and gives a more or less blow-by-blow account of the show.

The Lost Book Of Nostradamus
A Review Of History Channel's New TV Documentary
By Nostradamus Scholar John Hogue

Sunday, 28 October 2007 was Nostradamus Day on History

First, we "warmed up" with a replay of the popular Ice
Road Truckers series. While burly men barreled down
roads of ice over frozen Canadian lakes, the upper
left corner of my TV frequently blazed a warm and
inviting Gothic title of the premier treat to come
with a time clock subtracting second-by-second the
time remaining before a documentary would introduce to
the world Nostradamus' greatest and long lost book of

After the sun went down and the ice truckers faded
into the Arctic sunset, earlier Nostradamus History
Channel documentaries played warm up band for the
big-ticket event. The first was a show I had the
pleasure to appear on as a guest called "The Other
Nostradamus" -- a comparative study of America's
greatest 20th-century prophet, Edgar Cayce, and the
16th-century mage of France, filmed in 2005. I regard
it as the best documentary I have appeared on, to
date. After "Other" came "Nostradamus: 500 Years
Later," a two-hour epic documentary from 2003 with
great production values -- except for some Nostradamus
sequences with an actor ruminating on the future in
his secret study with a stiff glued-on beard. It
struggled to be historically factual about the life of
Nostradamus while debunkers, such as bombastic Pen and
mute Teller (thank goodness because he really has a
potty mouth in private) go toe to toe with a stalwart
second string assortment of Nostradamian scholars. I
can't tell if some of them were trying to look like
Nostradamus or like yours truly.

Then came the big event: a two hour romp with great
production quality, whizz-bang special effects around
the subject of a book by Nostradamus no less, that had
been "discovered" in a public Library in Rome in the
mid 1990s. The manuscript apparently was handed down
to posterity by the prophet's son, Cesar (pronounced
"Say-zar") to Cardinal Barberini in Rome in 1629. Its
predominant feature is a set of esoteric pen and ink
illustrations, thought to be symbolic works of
prophecy about the future of the Catholic Church
during the end times -- our times it seems.

Ted Twietmeyer, a columnist and writer for,
has coined a new and apt phrase for it all. This
documentary often turned Nostradamus' prophecies into
"video bites." That is, quick flash pan blinking facts
in images with a starvation diet of background or
For much of the two hours the documentary
dwelled on projecting rather thinly and freely
associated bits taken here and there out of
Nostradamus' accredited prophecies to fit their
premise used as verbal captions to these all-too-vague
illustrations from the rediscovered book. The book
that really stepped into the limelight of this
documentary was not the new find but an old stalwart
of 450 years: Nostradamus' famous history of the
future "Les Propheties" (the Prophecies), the
authorship of which is without question.
It was
originally published in his lifetime in serialized
form from 1555 through 1560. Benoist Rigaud reprinted
it posthumously as one volume in 1568, in which form
it has since generally appeared.

This regurgitation of a true book to support a
doubtful work supposedly penned and painted by
Nostradamus should have been presented with less
end-time hysteria and more sober investigation than I
witnessed in this documentary.
The most important
mistake was an attempt to make Nostradamus fit with
the current Chicken-Little-ism fad of pinning the end
of the world on the year 2012.

Anyone who has read Nostradamus' confirmed prophetic
works knows that the end of the physical earth will
take place, according to his pen, in the year "3797"
and definitely not 2012! This documentary failed to
explain this discrepancy. It perpetuated this mistake,
as we will see.

The documentary introduces the six-by-eight inch book
in remarkable condition, its pages often one second
palmed with naked hands, the next second with gloved
hands of an army of Italian scholars.
Old book
researchers do not as a rule touch original editions
with their bare hands because the salts and sweat let
alone the minutest trace of spaghetti sauce ­ on their
fingers destroys the aged parchment. It makes me
wonder if the book in such mint condition was real or
a prop.

Quite late in the second hour, the documentary
introduces the findings of forensic testing that
concluded the book was a copy produced with zinc-laden
ink -- a unique signature in time for tomes penned no
earlier than the 18th century. Definitely not from
Nostradamus' time.
Still, in their defense, books
where frequently recopied over time as the rot and
dust motes of lonely libraries in Rome, Vatican or
otherwise, do inexorably devour unrefreshed, hand
drawn illustrated manuscripts. I would have preferred
this information come sooner in the documentary,
especially since it was established early in the
second hour that Nostradamus' son, Cesar, may have
painted the prophetic images because his father had no
talent to paint them himself. We are told the drawings
have the crude innocence of a young hand. Young
indeed! It is plausible, though. Cesar was twelve
years old when his father passed away in 1566. In his
final years, the great prophet was crippled with
arthritis ravaged hands that could scarcely scratch
his signature on papers dictated to his secretary,
Chavingy, who was hired among other things to make his
writing legible.

Cesar did indeed grow up to become a fine portrait
painter. Among his works are the best likenesses of
his father. I must say that I found these ink and
watercolor paintings no less sophisticated than those
prophetic images produced by Nostradamus'
contemporary, Paracelsus in the early 1500s. The lost
manuscript of Nostradamus seemed modeled after
Paracelsus in design. I find those images are also
equally vague and open to the whim of projection.

The documentary from its first moments to the last
based much of the strength and persuasion of its
argument for the discovered book's illustrations by
relying on pulling -- mostly out of context --
prophecies universally established as coming from
Nostradamus and not from the so-called lost
For example, we are told to decipher the
image of a castle keep vomiting flames from its
parapet and two arrow slits as a visual allusion to
Nostradamus' prophecies about the terrorist attack on
the World Trade Center Towers in New York on 9/11 --

It is my view that Nostradamus did foresee the 9/11
attacks in two prophecies indexed Century 6 Quatrain
97 and Century 10 Quatrain 49, but like so many
examples in this documentary the illustrations are at
best vague and don't clearly match. Yes, we had an
image of a turreted tower on fire like the "two"
towers of New York. I would have been far more
impressed if there two flaming castle keeps appeared
on the illustration, because in the prophecies
Nostradamus described them in the plural as manmade
"hollow mountains" plunged into the boiling caldron of
their own debris fields into "the tub." By the way,
the builders of the Twin Towers in New York erected
them out of an eight-story deep, watertight cement
foundation called "the tub." We know the hallowed pit
today as Ground Zero.

This so-called lost book has not resurfaced just now
but years ago in 1994. It was an Nostradamian scholar
and retired analyst for the Italian National Police
named Ottavio Cesare Ramotti who first published an
interpretation under the titles "The Nostradamus Code"
or "Nostradamus: The Lost Manuscript." I have both
versions, with the illustrations in my library since
they came out in 1998. The documentary flashes the
cover of one a few times before the TV viewers. By the
way, the picture on the cover is a self-portrait of
Cesar as an older man, and not the prophet. No mention
is made of this discrepancy in the documentary. Also,
the painting of Nostradamus shown as an example of
Cesar's skill as a portrait painter is not a work
painted by the son.
Nostradamus holds a telescope in
his hand. The artist, whoever he was, had to have
painted the portrait after the invention of the
telescope in 1600, at least 34 years or so after the
prophet's death. Certainly, that could have made him a
contemporary of Cesar. Some researchers believe the
portrait was painted as late as the early 1700s.

The documentary made another laborious attempt to
match a picture with another well-known vision of
Nostradamus: the suspicious death of the first John
Paul I by his own priests in the Vatican. The narrator
conditions our minds to see a pope standing beside a
jeering mob. In the illustration that they showed, I
saw an assembly of red robed Cardinals in broad rimmed
red hats. I did not see them showing disrespect to the
pope in any way. To my eyes, they were just standing
there in quiet reverence of the pope. The narrator
framed them as doing otherwise.

More projections on images mount the TV screen, many
of them spiced with flashing, reverse negative images
of Usama bin Laden and 9/11. A color illustration is
divided into vignettes; one we are told is the outline
of New York City during 9/11.

This was another stretch for me. I thought the
narrator was coaxing me to see what he wanted me to
see, not what was there. The skyline of the city, to
my eyes, looked like a ubiquitous skyline of any
fortified city one would find in the Renaissance era
drawing, definitely not New York. Now, if two towers
close together had risen above the skyline of this
city, I would have been very impressed!

Another picture displays a pope riding a dragon,
flashing his dagger at a bear. The documentary said,
this signified John Paul II's struggle with Russian
Communism during his reign.

OK, what I saw facing the pope was a bear. A rather
emaciated bear. Indeed, it could have been a big dog
standing on its hind feet. The narrator went on and on
about the Russian commie bear and ignored the dragon,
never explaining why the pope bestride this symbol for
communist China was fighting the Communist bear.

You've heard the story of the 800-pound gorilla in the
room no one mentions?

Things that make you go, Hmm...

Now I must come clean with all of you. In all fairness
to the production company, I was approached to do an
interview. Late in their production cycle, they
contacted me. When I examined the illustrations and
their conclusions I had to tell them that in all
fairness to my 30 years of study, I had to play the
role of a sympathetic though skeptical Nostradamian
expert. Especially as there are many circumstantial
clues to works like this being written either by
frauds under the name of "Nostradamus" or as an
embellishment of the prophet by his son, Cesar.

I proposed to contribute a theory in the second hour
of the documentary that Cesar had this devotional yet
jealous relationship with his father. No other friend
or sibling did more to establish Nostradamus' legacy,
and yet, Cesar may have had this weird desire to
garnish his father's prophetic work with prophecies of
his own. It could have been an act of rebellion
against his father for predicting in writing that none
of his descendants would possess his gift of prophecy.
(That means you too, Cesar.) The Lost Book of
Nostradamus could be another questionable tome penned
and painted by Cesar, or Nostradamus' grandson, Seve,
such as the Sixians. Seve presented the Sixians (six
line poems attributed to Nostradamus but written by
"somebody else") to King Henry IV of France in the
early 1600s.

In the documentary, researchers report that the last
page of the Lost Book states that it was delivered to
Cardinal Barberini (the future Urban VIII) no less) in
1629. This is a key fact supporting the manuscript
being produced by Cesar Nostradamus who, near the end
of his life, might have bequeathed the manuscript to
Barberini before dying of the plague in 1630. In
support of the documentary, I concur that it is quite
possible for a manuscript to reach Rome from South
France. Merchants and scholars traveling from Provence
to Rome did so frequently. Nostradamus had sojourned
through Italy more than once. He even mentioned his
long stay in Florence in his Treatise on
Pharmacists--his recollection of recipes for
medicines, preservatives and plague cures published in
1552, several years before his major prophecies.

When at last the forensic report about the book's
authenticity came through late in the second hour of
the documentary, it concluded that neither Nostradamus
nor his son Cesar had penned the copy.

Fair enough. Books are recopied all the time.
Nevertheless, one can still do a good job zeroing in
on the author by comparing writing styles. I would
have suggested that they compare Cesar's published
works to this manuscript. He had a specific style of
word use. His father, for that matter, had an
eccentric writing style very hard to mimic. Why didn't
the documentary look into this? This is a common
practice of trying to prove authenticity of

I thought the Cesar-writing-as-father story was worthy
of a television introduction. I hope to present it
myself on television someday. You can read about this
theory in detail in my biography "Nostradamus: A Life
and Myth."

By the time I pitched this idea, the producers of the
TV documentary had established a narrative story arc
that could not include this tributary story. I
understand and respected their decision not to have me
in the documentary. Actually, I am grateful I didn't
appear in this documentary as it turned out. I liked
many of its cinematic elements, but I have problems
with the near hysterical pace and emotive projections.

They did their heroic best to pin the "tale" of
Nostradamus' true works of prophecy on the donkey of
these illustrations. It didn't work for me, sorry to

I can't let on thing go by unaddressed. I found this
cinematic device of flashing 9/11 and Usama bin Laden
as the boogie man of doomsday throughout the show to
be the most brazen bit of propaganda,
as well as
another chance missed for a fascinating story. Bin
Laden, like Saddam Hussein and even the current US
president can all see their names decoded from
Nostradamus' anagram for whom he masks the name of the
third and final Antichrist -- "Mabus."

Then we come to the documentary's final, climax -- a
seemingly cogent but altogether far-fetched attempt at
dragging the poor Mayans and their 2012 "doomsday"
calendar together with Nostradamus.

First off, much is made of the parallel between the
illustrations and the Romanesque relief statuary of a
12th-century church located virtually next door to
Nostradamus' house in Salon de Provence, just a block
or so south. Because the Knights Templar built it, we
are to assume between the lines that Nostradamus was
part of the secret cult whose story was famously
edited together in the movie blockbuster bust, the Da
Vinci Code. (Actually, I loved the music score and the
opera buffo performances from Paul Bettany and Ian
McKellen!). Apparently, the Romanesque church statuary
matches the illustrations of the lost book, so there
must be a connection, right? I have been to that
lovely Church and at first; I even liked to think
Nostradamus prayed there. However, documentation of
baptisms of Nostradamus' children and other papers do
not support him being a member of that Christian
community. Rather, he worshipped at a smaller more
modest chapel outside of town to the north that has
since been destroyed. It was at this Church of the
Cordeliers that Nostradamus' body was first laid to
rest. It was his dying wish, written in his will.

The documentary completely missed these historical

You would think that if Nostradamus supported the
other church and its Templar symbolism he would have
been buried in its walls, as was the custom.

Next we are told that the statue on the wrong church
built by the Templars is a representation of an
illustration in the Lost Book of Nostradamus. It
illustrates, so they say, the constellation of
Ophiuchus -- sometimes known as the "thirteenth"
constellation of the Zodiac. You see the center of our
galaxy situated right near Ophiuchus. The arrow of the
nearby constellation Sagittarius is said to point
exactly at the galactic center. On the day the sun
rises in conjunction with Ophiuchus and the arrow of
Sag, we will experience what the documentary calls the
Great Alignment. This is the last day on the Mayan
Calendar, the Winter Solstice: 21 December 2012. At
that moment, it is predicted that time ceases and the
world will end.

I don't know if it is just me, but the image they
showed of Ophiuchus was about as close to the tropical
constellation demarcation line as any other
constellation hanging just outside of the 12 tropical
signs of the Zodiac. I mean, even the foot of poor
Ophiuchus was above the tropical line. Just pull out
your star charts everybody. If Ophiuchus is close
enough then why not sandwich the constellation of
Auriga next to Taurus or insinuate the head of Cetus
the Swan between Aries and Pisces. I found this to be
an astronomical and astrological stretch.

The warnings and astrological dates of Nostradamus'
authentic manuscripts and those of others are clearly
set for our times without the need to project them on
a recovered "Lost Book." We are at a critical stage in
human evolution and if a more balanced examination of
collective prophecy could find its way into a TV
documentary we might all be surprised how many time
cycles are converging in our times, right now. So many
in fact that the Mayan Calendar might be lost in the

Also, let me state for the record that great cycles of
centuries don't turn on a second's dime. The margin is
decades long. If one must find a regular year to mark
the shift of ages, we are in it now. Do not wait for
2012. The time of the shift in history's path is right
this moment.

The frightful interpretations proffered at the end of
the show about running out of food, water and
"ammunition" -- whatever that means -- are just more
examples of conclusions derived from fragments pulled
out of context, out of Nostradamus' authentic work, to
support nebulous illustrations from an 18th century
copy of a book that may or may not contain even the
writing style of Nostradamus or his son.

All of this leads at last to a climax that stands as
the most glaring and fundamental mistake of this
documentary: pinning Nostradamus to the Mayan Calendar
and the year 2012, forcing his predictions to align
with the end of the world at that time.

Anyone who has read the prophet KNOWS he predicted the
end of the world taking place nearly 1,800 years from
now, in 3797 A.D. I also recall one of the researchers
during the show shamelessly lifting that very prophecy
from the Preface out of context inferring it related
to the year 2012, and not 3797 as it is written by
Nostradamus in hard print!


I challenge these "experts" to retire from prophetic
research and get a life when 2012 comes and goes and
the wheel of time continues to role. This objectively
unsupported tie-in of Nostradamus with the Mayan
End-Time is a pure case of irresponsible, fear
mongering "Chicken-Little-ism." The sky is not falling
in 2012.

Let me say for posterity, right here, right now -- on
my 52nd birth day, it so happens (29 October 2007) --
that there will be no end of the world or an end of
time in December 2012. There will be a world full of
evolutionary crisis and challenge, that is for sure,
but the world will go on, and we will be responsible
for growing up as a people and as a more heartfull
culture in the year 2012, 2013, 2020, et cetera, or
continue to suffer the global consequences until we

The only thing we have to fear about the near future
is not bin Laden, Bush, or even 2012, but a hypnotic
addiction Americans have to fear itself.

It is fear used as a weapon of human unconsciousness
that makes the future a scary place. I have had
interchanges with the producers of this show. I do not
believe they consciously intended to foment fear.
Rather, they are like many of us, prone to interpret
the future and its prophecies fearfully. They did the
best they could and will do better next time,
hopefully. May we all do better.

I hope and work towards the day when a more balanced
and fact based documentary on Nostradamus' actual
prophecies might be produced for the sake of our
enlightenment beyond fear to grasp a future -- a
golden age.

John Hogue
(29 October 2007)
COINTELPRO History - Jay Weidner + Vincent Bridges do Nostradamus

About John Hogue:


John Hogue writes about Nostradamus with the clarity and interpretive accuracy of a kindred prophet. He uses his own gift of future insight along with the geopolitical savvy of a Noam Chomsky to unravel the complex issues affectng us today. Voices such as these are needed in our times. In 1987, John Hogue wrote the book Nostradamus and the Millennium. It sold 700,000 copies and was translated into nine languages.
Twelve books and 20 years later his understanding of Nostradamus' coded texts, as well as his grasp of the art of prophecy itself, has deepened with experience, earning him the distinction of being hailed the preeminent authority on Nostradamus and collective prophetic traditions. Hogue's documented predictive track record into the new millennium has achieved an accuracy surpassing 80 percent. John Hogue:

Call me Rogue Scholar.

I hate writing about myself. Anything said will only have a glass fragment of truth and not present before you the whole mirror reflecting a human being. Fragments held too tightly as the whole truth tend to cut and slice one�s hand. Any identity or label is a piece of the whole person; however, as this is the dark age of Kali Yuga, let us move forward in the darkness of print.Over the past 30 years, I must have studied enough on my own to become a Rhodes Scholar but I attained no degrees, short of the minimum requirement�a high school diploma�in 1974. More than this degree in society�s de-education of my intelligence was too much to bear. The price for a further dulling of intelligence required I assume to many others� degrees of BS, BMs, acidic PhDs of borrowed knowledge. Thus after a number of interesting adventures, nervous breakthroughs and jumps into the unknown, I currently, and somewhat cheekishly, go by the title �Rogue� scholar.

I define myself this way because I am in rebellion with education in general. I see it as the root cause of perpetuating fossilized traditions and human misery. I specifically rebel against the famous dictum “those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.” I propose that those who teach the lessons of history have done a lousy job and therefore have doomed us to repeat the lessons of history. We teach each new generation to repeat the past and call it the future and that past is full of false promises, aggression and war. The costumes and technology may change but essentially the same fearful, judgmental, aggressive and warmongering human pathologies are spoon fed to the young until they turn green with it and believe as they are told that this color of prejudiced perception is “normal.” If war, and aggression is to end, then programming each new generation to repeat the past has to end. I therefore strive in my books on past and future history to expose the taken-for-granted flaws in perception.

NostradamusA rogue scholar sets out to disturb the sleepy givens. He nourishes in the reader a true form of the word “skeptic” which means “one who investigates, digs deep for answers.” A skeptic is not judgmental. Mostly the word is used to promote cynicism and not its original meaning. A skeptic observes and never assumes anything. He doubts as that word was intended in its Indio-European roots: “To hover between two possibilities.” He does not stand on tradition. He looks with fresh eyes. He is always in the new moment living in a state of beginning. In that freshness there can come forth intelligence, innovation, and original insight about the inner and outer universe. A rogue scholar finds the doorway to eternity in the atomically small yet powerful point of each present moment.

A rogue scholar has the unenviable task of disturbing people’s sleep. He questions assumptions and poses often shocking alternatives. For instance, we assume we are civilized when perhaps civilization has yet to happen on this earth. We assume we are human when it may very well be that our humanity is still in seed form.

We are trained to think and feel that we are individuals when we are all idiots.

Yes. We are all idiots. That is our bondage through programming.

This Greek word comes from the root idios, which stands for “identity.” Society trains one to be excellent and extraordinary, be it in intellectual and social accomplishments or in pathological behavior. If I am to follow my society’s aim at living an extraordinary life then this requires that I I-dentify with emotions, thoughts and things. I am “John.” I am an “American.” I love this. I hate that. I hope, I fear, I do the I-diot.

Idios also means being “special” or “distinct” from other personalities. I-diocy is what you get when the society seeds the empty skylike being of a child’s soul with the dark rain clouds of a borrowed identity. Nevertheless, if one is aware, one sees that for any identification to exist, it requires its opposite. If society and religion can program you to I-dentify, there is a chance you can deprogram yourself from religious and societal conditioning and experience dis-I-dentification. No matter how dark is society’s hurricane of beclouded thoughts and feelings conditioned to roil life into ego personified, it must rotate around a profoundly becalmed inner eye in its center. That eye in the idiot’s storm can be a window to the larger sky we have forgotten. It is a reminder of the unbearable lightness of being infinite.

And now for something a little more biographical:

For all of you astrologers out there, my body and brains were born 7:32 AM (Pacific Standard Time), 29 October 1955, in Hollywood, CA. (No kidding! I am a native of Hollywood). Fortunately for me my beloved mother laughed the moment I slipped through the vaginal curtains onto life’s stage. I like to believe her laughter at that crucial moment–like so many of her other wonderful gifts of love and support down through the years–gave me a positive and life-affirming perception of existence. Truly, one needs a good sense of humor to get through life–more so if people tag the donkey’s tail tag on you of so-called “world authority” on Nostradamus and prophecy!

Before my mother’s labor of laughter, and before my parents met, Irene Hall and Bud Hogue were in the movie industry. Dad (who died in 1997) was a studio grip during the 1940’s and 1950’s and worked on over 200 of the era’s finest films. My mother was a dancer at MGM and Paramount Studios. She worked with some of that film era’s most famous musical comedy personalities: Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Judy Garland, Mitzi Gaynor, choreographer Busby Berkeley, and Ester Williams, to name a few. They worked on some of the same movies but didn’t meet and marry until after both had left “the biz.”

Between 1973-77, I also spent some time in the professional performing arts as a musical comedy actor and Opera singer under the tutelage of William Chapman, Broadway star and lead baritone of the New York City Opera, and his wife, Irene Chapman.

Those years in the theater expanded my capacity to celebrate life and singing helped open my heart and flood my brain and body with moments of ecstatic joy. Yet by the age of 22 I left it all. I had started practicing the techniques of Zen meditation the year before and had experienced a glimpse of something as vast and shattering to my perceptions as it was paradoxically quiet and ordinary. Thus I began to remove myself from the social and often back-stabbing political world of opera. The glimpse of perceiving a bigger more universal and connected world through meditation brought me back in touch with the innocence of childhood, and to a childhood need to delve into the mysteries of life and death and record these examinations in the creative solitude of writing.

My friends and colleagues from those days still puzzle over why I abandoned a promising singing career to become a wandering seeker and writer on mystical matters. All I can say to them is that the moments of heightened consciousness experienced while performing were of more interest to me than having a stage career. I wanted to discover if such moments of ecstatic awareness could become one’s moment-to-moment, twenty-four hour experience. Since the late 1970s I have embarked on an inner journey of self-observation, investigating and writing on subjects of the occult, parapsychology, mysticism, new religious movements and prophecy. This search has taken me several times around the world. I have spent extensive periods in India experimenting with ancient and modern meditation techniques and living in ashrams and alternative communities.

Meditation is the guiding force of my life, but how can I tell you about this journey inward to find my self again, without tarnishing it with judgments, dialectics, words?

If I ever greet you beyond the veil of these words, we might find a way to share this mystery called meditation. I will not speak of it, I will sing it to you, dance it; we will hug meditation, we will “silent” meditation. Our sutras will be giggles.

I do not yet know “who” I am but meditation allows me to often see “how” I am.

Through understanding the hows of my happiness-sadness-love-and-hate, I observe their rough-and-tumble within me with greater distance. Meditation helps me to watch the movement of my thoughts and emotions. I become more a spectator than a participant in stress, pain, and denial. Through meditation I have been able to uncover the root cause of all my misery: The fear of change, and lurking behind that, the ultimate fear–the fear of death. Meditation has helped me observe the mechanics of misery and fear.
There’s a Sufi metaphor about identification. Misery doesn’t come to us, we unconsciously seek it out and hold on to it, like flinging our arms around a pillar. As we squeeze tighter we yell, “Oh, if I only could be rid of this misery and pain!”

This misunderstanding is our choice. As American mystic Adi Da once remarked, we “do” misery, we “do” expectation. Hell is not a place, we “do” it.

My own journey into meditation and spiritual rebellion began from a nasty experience I had as a seven year old, when I moved to a new school in a new neighborhood.

I was in love with the little girl sitting next to me in my second-grade class. When she was moved to another spot in the classroom, I was brokenhearted. The teacher, like many adults I knew then (and now), liked to hide her fears behind a facade of power. She looked as big as her fear, and when she demanded to know what was the matter with me, I didn’t speak in words but in pain, and sobbed into my hands. My expression of naked feeling elicited from kids and teacher alike an immediate wave of hostility and derision. For weeks after that event, I was treated with disgust and fear as some kind of “thing.”

During an atomic air raid drill for World War III–so common in the years following the Cuban Missile Crisis–I accidentally bumped into the largest kid in the class while groping in the dark classroom for my place to “duck and cover” myself. His immediate reaction was to slug me in the stomach. Crying, doubled over in agony, I asked him why he hit me. Still a kid and not yet completely formed into the proper masked and label-loving adult, he was struck by the blow of my existential question.

“I don’t know!” he blinked, bewildered. “It’s what dad told me to do. When you’re hit, hit back.”

That was my first hard lesson in programming.

It got worse. When he and a gang of kids would chase me off the playground every recess with tether balls and stones, I had to run my little ass into a nearby storm drain trench. As I huddled there, I was forced to face the reality that people were neither sane nor loving; they only pretended to be. The children would forget about me and wander back to the swings and sandboxes, but I could never forget this heartbreaking truth, heartbreaking because it set me apart from people. It made me aware that I am alone.

But no bitter experience is without its sweetness. Crouching in the trench, chin buried in the pungent grass, with tearful, wide eyes gazing at dancing clouds in a silent sky, I also became aware that Nature did not - could not - reject me. It was more than a friend, it was a beloved. As I became aware of my aloneness, Nature accepted it. Was it.

After that I could not see fear in Nature, only innocence. There is no judgment in Nature’s stases and catastrophes. It is unnatural man, divided against the Self, who judges them. There is life, death, violence and peace flowing from animals, Earth and plants. They don’t judge or feel divisions like we do. The rosebush doesn’t compare itself to the lotus and commit suicide. In fact, no animal except man commits suicide or indiscriminately slaughters its own kind. We compare, and throw our minds and hearts into the turmoil of division. This division becomes projected onto all of our relationships with other human beings and with the Earth. As we become more and more split off from our fellow humans and from the planet, we create all the conditions that draw us closer to death, personal and global.

The insights of my personal apocalypse made it hard for me to buy into all the ways people suppress the natural within and destroy the ecology of Earth with their fearful greed. A new and tender consciousness arose that at the time had no words. Looking back on it years later, I realized it was then I made the commitment that has forever sabotaged my efforts to embrace life as it is socially presented and commonly accepted. That is why I never succeeded in opera or fit with anyone’s projections and expectations.

I somehow understood in my child-mind that a truly natural, spiritual person would be as silent as that sky, as playful as those eddying clouds, as rich with the fragrance of wisdom as the grass cushioning my chin. A natural human being, like the grass, could not dictate or push his or her fragrance on others but would simply be unable to contain it.

In the intensity of that terrible moment of rejection, Nature showed me how to sniff out the unbearable lightness and sacred light of a natural and ordinary, human being. These flowers in humanity’s manure field would possess the silence of Nature and an equanimity in the face of Nature’s two polar complementaries–destruction and creation. I would instinctively recognize these enlightening-up people by their laughter and celebration uncaused, by the gleam of a second and consciously recognized childhood sparking in their eyes. I would know them if their silent gaze and presence were not disturbed by fame or infamy, riches or poverty, life or death. They would remain inwardly blissful, unaffected by life’s vagaries or any attempts by those outside of their silence to abuse and disturb them. These natural human beings would be happy in a palace or in the dirtiest holding cell. And if sadness on rare occasions came to their doors, they would watch it rather than indulge it, until sadness moved on.

I have spent the bulk of my adult life traveling around the world in search of such men and women. I have found them. Many of their quotes about the human condition and its future appear in my books. They are my criterion for saying you and I are unnatural.They have also showed me–in their unique ways–that meditation, the science of self-observation, is the only medicine that can cure the insanity we have become and give us back a future.

I do not ask or expect you to believe me. In fact, there is no point in either believing or debunking what I’m saying without a sincere and intimate investigation on your own.

I am satisfied with the ongoing process of my own apocalypse. I have met a few members of the genus Homo novus (the new humanity foreseen by many prophetic traditions) and their fragrance is meditation.

The words “meditation” and “medicine” have the same ancient root. One heals the body, the other the soul. If we look from a more occidental angle, the words “meditation” and “mechanic” also have the same roots. If you can watch your entire mental-emotional engine without getting caught in its grinding gears, if you can see it as the dispassionate and watchful “mechanic,” you will then find ways to fix your “engine.” It will start working for you rather than disturb your ride through life.

The study of the world’s meditation techniques and religions naturally expanded into a study of prophecy. I first became interested in predictions out of fear. Fear that an apocalypse was unavoidable. At that time in the early 1970s, I felt no responsibility for my planet or myself in the matter of its survival. I was reading every prediction made in the last 10 millennia just to see if there was a safe place to weather the coming holocaust expected for the year 2000.

As the years passed, the addition of meditation in my life revolutionized my study of prophecy and the occult. As a result of practicing this inner science I became aware that no safe place exists for anyone except within the still point of consciousness itself. I have come through this 30-year study of predictions recognizing that each of us is responsible for the misery and auto-suicidal tendencies that could destroy this beautiful planet. In other words, each of us does our part to create either doomsday or a blooms day in the early decades of the 21st century.

It is my experience that prophecy works because we are predictable. Conditioning each new generation to blindly follow our habits and traditions without questioning them only condemns our children to be as predictable and tragic in their future history as we have behaved in history’s past. As I said earlier, I don’t believe we’ve ever had a future. We recreate the past and call it the future, with all of its predictable traps

So far we have failed to fix our world because we deal with the symptoms not the ‘dis-ease’ itself. We need a new science of self-observation so it can become aware of the roots of our suffering. Only this understanding, shared by millions across the Earth, can alter human destiny for the better. As I see it, if humanity wants a future – rather than a regurgitated past – it will have to be deprogrammed and deconditioned. In the next 30 years, Society’s habit of turning every enlightened child into a manageable mediocrity will have to end, or civilization will collapse from stresses coming from pollution and overpopulation. If people can free themselves from their fossilized religious and traditional conditioning then the new humanity of the next century will be spontaneous and unpredictable.

You cannot predict what untethered intelligence and love will do next. Perhaps that is why so many of history’s proven seers witness so few events beyond the first decade of the next century. Rather than 2012 being the date that time ends, as certain prophetic traditions and pop-Apocaloids believe, humankind begins to free itself from its past conditionings and therefore its future cannot be easily foreseen.

With this said, it is always important to remember that we live in no other time but this atomic and eternal moment. A study of prophecy should not nurture our future-oriented obsessions. Doomsday or a Golden age of peace never comes today. They are potentials of the living present. I propose that a study of prophecy has value if we use the foreseen future potentials as the reflections of our present actions. Only in the present do we have the power to change tomorrow. Only by living totally in this moment do we have a chance to avoid tomorrow’s darker potentials.

In 1986, I returned from my first wave of world travels and communal experiments to the “normal” world. I lived in a stairwell in Seattle for three days and then found marvelous digs along the Lake Washington coast in suburban Seattle where I eventually began writing my first book, Nostradamus and the Millennium, which came out in 1987. By early 1988 I flew a few more laps around the world collecting prophecies and experiencing spiritual communities in Italy, India, South East Asia and Australia then returned to Seattle in 1990. There I began a nine-year book writing marathon with the Millennium as the finish line.

The 1990s were the most sedentary decade of my life. I rarely was able to leave the confines of my modest one-bedroom flat–so intense was the outflow of books and the desire to share my experiences. It seemed as if I spent the last decade staring at the magic mirror of my Macintosh color monitor. Locked away like a termite queen in her chamber producing offspring, I gave birth to Millennium Book of Prophecy (1994), Nostradamus: The New Revelations (1994), the 1,000-page tome Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies (1997), The Last Pope (1998), 1000 for 2000 Predictions for the Millennium (1999), Messiahs: Visions and Prophecies for the Second Coming (1999), and right this moment I’m pasting together a little pocket book on Nostradamus for those of you who only have time to read 63 pages rather than 1,000 pages of Nostradamus.

I wasn’t always a literary shut-in. I did sneak out of my termite chamber to have a life whenever possible and as the decade moved along and the books started crowding the bookstore shelves I began to get a greater number of those do-I-know-you? stares. My owl-like and bearded mug, beret-covered head, and dandruff-dusted shoulders have found their way on over 40 American, European, and cable television shows to date. Some of you may have seen my talking head and beard on shows such as NBC’s “Ancient Prophecies Part I-IV,” “Encounters” (Fox), “Sightings” (Fox/Sci Fi Channel), “Lifestyles” (Chicago), “A&E’s Biography of Nostradamus”, “Ancient Mysteries with Leonard Nimoy” (A&E), “The Unexplained” (A&E), “Prophecies” (The Learning Channel), ABC’s “The View," "Unsolved Mysteries (CBS)," and Fox Channel’s “Prophecies of the Millennium.”

For nine years now some 30 to 50 million people have crowded onto my phone line for a listen. What I mean to say is that most of my 500 radio show interviews on three continents in the 1990s were held on the phone. It is a giddy feeling to pick up your receiver, converse with someone like Art Bell and know that 15,000,000 people are listening in.

I wish you all could see the view out my apartment window. While I’m on the phoner interviews I usually can look out my window at the Seattle downtown skyline and the Space Needle, the sun or moonlit sparkling waters of Puget Sound, and the enjoy the snow capped Olympic mountains sitting in their pleated fir tree foothill skirts. (Well, to be truthful, most of the time you can’t see that far, thanks to the famous Seattle rain. Usually I’m staring at a sheet of drizzle and watching Heaven’s drool trickle down my window in twisting Alanis-Morrisette tresses of H2O. But when I can see the view, it is Grrrreat!). Anyway, I’ve had the pleasure of hob-radio-knobbing with a few dissonant spikes but mostly a lot of wonderful and witty radio hosts from England, Ireland, New Zealand, OZ-stralia, Canada, America and Dreamland, coast-to-coast.

Page Top

I’m often asked if the world is going to end soon and my answer is an emphatic NO. There is life after New Years Eve, 1999! I reckon, if Nostradamus is correct, we have up to 1,800 more years of treats, tragedies and transcendental meditations to enjoy before that lucky ole’ Sun has nothin’ to do but supernova all day in the year AD 3797.

So, with that in mind, after the millennium hysteria and Y2K conniptions have passed–and I’ve gone through my reserves of canned food, water, and stockpile of gin and brandy–I expect I’ll have more time to African dance and romance. In the new millennium I plan to travel again and who knows, you might get up-to-the-week reports on my website of what strange new religious movement or meditation I’m trying to better wash my brain. (I’m all for brainwashing, especially after my meeting with the Indian mystic, Osho, when he gazed lovingly yet helplessly at me and said, “One must drop the mind, and your mind is so full of junk!”)

There will still be books to write. I have enough books jostling around in the mosh pit of a mind for five lifetimes. I hope the “uh-oh” decade of the “00s” will see me return to the fiction market and write on the subject of new religious movements. Certainly there will be more books on prophecy, because there’s a whole new millennium of ancient future history to record after the year 2000.

I guess it’s time to wrap this thing up. Here are some odd odds and ends of bio. data mixed in with some tawdry gossip about yours truly:

Affiliations: I am a member of World Future Society, Zero Population Growth, and WACSAC (the pugilistic punching bag of an acronym for the World Academy of Creative Science, Arts, and Consciousness.)

Favorite Pursuits: women, dancing, hiking, women, jogging, humor (you should see me jogging!), love play, meditation, women, painting, sex, (not in that order of course) and always with women friends whenever possible.

Favorite Music: classical; especially late German romantics like Nirvana, Whole (just kidding). I’m game for any kind of music if it has intelligence and innovation. I can rock to Alan Hovannes, Jim Morrison or Alanis Morrisette (I have a crush on the latter but don’t tell anybody.) Most of the time I gain inspiration while writing to classical music. Each book sees me usually focus on a certain composer or music genre. The fixations can be quite varied. I listened to ABBA while writing my first book Nostradamus and the Millennium (Lord knows why!). Try to picture writing about Nostradamus and Armageddon to “The Dancing Queen.” For a more recent book like Messiahs it came out of my typing fingertips to the background music of Mahler’s 2nd, 6th, and 8th symphonies.

I also listen to Anton Bruckner, Richard Strauss and Prokofiev. Wagner remains the constant though. His music helped me reconnect with being an orgiast. On the subject of sonic orgasms, at the moment I’m falling in love with Shostakovich’s 7th symphony. I’m afraid the little pocket book on Nostradamus I mentioned earlier will have to dance out of my mind to the syncopated snare drum march and staccato string parts of the “Leningrad Symphony”: rat-a-rat-a-tat, tata-rat-a-rat-a-tat, rat-a-rat-a-tat, tata-rat-a-rat-a-tat, dumm, dumm, dee-dum-dum…

Eye Color: blue
Hearing Capacity: better if I’m listening to people.
Typing speed: 80 words a minute. (I’m rather proud of that because I was the worst typing student in my typewriting class in high school. The teacher took pity on me and gave me a passing grade even though I could only plunk 15 words a minute–8 words if you count the typos.)
Hair Color: dusky brown. I have nine gray hairs too, one for each book.
Height: five foot eleven inches
Exercise Habits: running 60 minutes every other day–about 6 miles. Sometimes I train for running 7 miles every other day when I’m feeling frisky. Seattle is a great place to bike ride. I know a real “Rhodes” scholar–Vikki Rhoades. I regularly bike ride on weekends with her and her lifetime squeeze, Paul Cullen. We peddle in the wine country surrounding Seattle. Sometimes we cycle up to 35 miles. It’s a great way to pump the wine and cheese out your pores and keep your girlish figure. The steep slopes of the Cascades and Mt Rainier are also great love-and-butt-handle stair masters.
Weight: fluctuating
Sex: yes!
Shoe Size: 12.5, Triple-E width;
Foot Condition: flat
Hat Size: eight and above. Some people say I have a big head.
Vision: above normal but tons of flecks swimming in there.
Back Tickling and Head Rubs: often!
Genetic Makup: French Huguenot (if you spell your name H-o-g-u-e you may be a distant French relative about 400 years removed). I’m also Dutch, Irish, English, Viking, German, Russian/Ukranian Jew, and perhaps a little smattering of Canadian Indian, but if I have a nose bleed I’m out of the tribe. In other words, I’m mostly a mutt from Europe.
Favorite Wine: French reds, zinfandels, cabernets, lembergers–not Ripple.
Favorite Reclining Position: in a hot bath.
Favorite Color: rainbow
Favorite Meditations: Dynamic, Gourishankar, Sufi Whirling, Vipassana and Tantra.
Political Affiliation: Meritocrat
Spiritual Affiliation: Just religious, thank you...

Okay, I’ve run out of things to list so I’ll be saying bye bye for now...

PS–I’d like to hear from you. E-mail your questions, jokes, cards and letters, or observations about the future and please send your comments about my work–say hello. Okeeday?. I’m cramming as much meditation, life, and writing into this mortal container as I can so it might take me some time to sift through the tome of thousands of e-mails per week, but I intend to respond to all of you before we finish the new millennium.

Please e-mail me at

Until then, have your best future today,

Love and giggles,

John Hogue
COINTELPRO History - Jay Weidner + Vincent Bridges do Nostradamus

anart said:
Just to interject my personal reaction to seeing part of this (sorry for digressing a bit) - - :lol:- omg -
I thought your post was hillarious too. Haven't laughed that much in a while.
COINTELPRO History - Jay Weidner + Vincent Bridges do Nostradamus

Another review by their "peers" published on Rense. Again, a complete absence of the names Bridges and Weidner.

Nostradamus 'Lost Book'
TV Documentary Review
By Ted Twietmeyer

This is a review of some of the highlights given on the lost book of Nostradamus television documentary which aired Oct. 28, 2007 on the History Channel. Oddly enough, this book was found in a modern public library in Rome.

I'll cover the highlights and statements given in the documentary with asterisks, followed separately by my observations. Wherever one my comments is shown in the highlights section, it will be enclosed in ( ). I've attempted here to cover the points chronologically presented made by the documentary and in the order they were presented for the reader. Numerous Nostradamus researchers and numerous experts on him presented short one and two sentence remarks throughout the documentary. Apparently we have moved from the age of sound bites to the age of video bites, which is a very annoying post-editing technique which is almost like being spoken to with baby talk.


Though exact dimensions were not given, based on the gloved hands of those handling the book the dimensions appear to be approximately 8" tall and about 6" wide. Thickness of the entire book appeared to be about one-half inch. It is also hard bound, but does not appear to be a leather cover. It contains several dozen very detailed pen and ink sketches throughout the book, each one carefully water-colored. Pages are in nearly perfect condition with almost no frayed edges. For a book of this age its condition is incredible.


* The television special started out immediately showing how the book directly supports the infamous 9-11-terrorist theory, with pictures of Bin Laden and the WTC attacks. (More on this later.)

* A color sketch of a single slightly rectangular, relatively short castle tower with a classic parapet-like top wall was shown with flames coming out of the top and window-like openings. This was sketch attributed to predict 9-11 by the experts on camera.

* It apparently all began when a Nostradamus researcher received a phone call that the lost book was found in Rome in a PUBLIC LIBRARY. And it is a MODERN public library, not in some dusty forgotten stack. (Nostradamus lived in France.)

* Nostradamus is well known for writing hundreds of cryptic Quatrains without any illustrations. This book has highly detailed pen and ink sketches, which are also carefully filled in with water colors.

* Events like the two attempted assassinations of the pope back in the 1980s were supposedly predicted by Nostradamus.

* Numerous quotations about Nostradamus' earlier writings were also presented.

* A color sketch showing a wheel on the back of a man is called "the wheel of time" by the narration. Between two of the spokes is a sketch of a modern city outline. One researcher stated "this looks very much like the city of New York's skyline and is referring to 9-11."

* More references to 9-11 were made.

* Another highly detailed color sketch shown shows a Pope pointing his sword at the neck of a bear. The Pope shown is supposedly riding on the back of a dragon or lion. (My comment here - the image did not clearly show him riding on anything, but it clearly appeared that a black dog was shown standing in front of the Pope, in an action position as though it was turning to attack the Pope. It did not resemble a dragon at all.)

* It was stated by one forensic expert that "There is compelling evidence that this is his [Nostradamus] work." (This was before more was known later about the authenticity.)

* Comparisons to Tarot cards pictures were also made a number of times.

* Ian Wilson, a professional researcher, did state on camera that Nostradamus was known as "having no talent for artistry and that those pictures were done by someone with artistic training."

* One of the many colorized sketches in the book shows the head of a bearded figure similar to that of Jesus, but having the body of a serpent. In front of the figure was an Islamic symbol of the moon. It was stated by experts that this is saying that "Christianity is being threatened."

* Last page states that in 1629 this book was given to Cardinal Barbarini.

* No one seems to know exactly what the paper the book is printed on. (Considering the state of artistic forensics today, this is a strange statement indeed.)

* Throughout the documentary, every few minutes various videotape footage of Bin Laden was repeatedly flashed on the screen usually whenever the antichrist or terrorism was mentioned.

* Tests were performed to verify the authenticity of the book. Tests showed that the paper used was probably used in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. Ink on the last page of the book has an unusually high level of zinc. The discrepancy indicated that at least the last page was written in the eighteenth century ­ at least 100 years after Nostradamus had died. This page was bound into the book with the other pages, and was not added later.

* Seven images near the end of the book appear to tell a story about the apocalypse.

* A church behind Nostradamus' house was built in the twelfth century, and has the same seven symbols on it in the book which are visible even today. It was further stated that Nostradamus might have been secretly associated with the Knights Templar who built this same church.

* Ophiuchus, the thirteenth constellation in the night sky, is supposed to be associated with the end of time in the book. The Great Alignment will be when the sun rises with perfect center of the Galaxy as indicated by this constellation.

* Supposedly the constellation Sagittarius is pointing an arrow at the center of the Galaxy. An expert stated that at that great moment, the knowledge of the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden will be revealed.

* Image 67 shows these two words, "one male." Nostradamus never wrote in English, but these two English words supposedly are there to make sure people of our time see it. The two words are supposedly a reference to the antichrist.

* Experts who study the book stated that the last page is a message to the reader. The author of this page claims that many images are missing in this book, and that this book is a copy from "another source." The name of this other source was not mentioned in the documentary.

* Experts stated that there are two types of writing, and the ink is also different in each section of the book.

* Experts concluded that the HANDWRITING is NOT that of Nostradamus or his son Cesar. (Pronounced as "say-zar.")

* Only one image in the book appears to point to the time, a period defined as starting in 1992 and ending in 2012.

* One expert stated that soon "We'll run out of food, run out of clean water, oil and ammunition."

* It was stated that the end has begun, and that almost all land world-wide will be flooded.

* Image 72 was stated by a researcher as probably a warning to our time. In that image, the wheel of time no longer has spokes, which may indicate the end of time.

* We have a choice at the end of time to become our destiny and have complete knowledge, or we will fail and lose all that we gained.


Is this an elaborate yet subtle attempt at damage control by the government to show how Nostradamus foresaw 9-11, to make it more believable? It is hard to believe that this ancient book by today's standards which was written by one of the most famous authors in history could have been LOST in a modern public library. This is a library which uses computers to track every book, disk and tape.

Is this documentary and "lost book" yet another production by covert forces, to support the Taliban/terrorist concept of 9-11? Would this surprise anyone if this is true?

All the earlier works of Nostradamus were cryptic, which is believe to have been intentionally to protect his life. In the newly found lost books, direct statements were made without the cryptic style.

One of the trademarks to the NWO is the encoding of 11 into the date of an event. Their staged events either take place on the eleventh day of the month, or when the digits of the date add up 11. This documentary aired on 10/28/2007. This date on which the show aired adds up to 11, which could be a mere coincidence. However, there are only one or two such days in each month, so this explanation seems to defy the odds of a mere coincidence.

Ted Twietmeyer
So far, everything we have found out points to Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner being involved with a blatant hoax and COINTELPRO.
COINTELPRO History - Jay Weidner + Vincent Bridges do Nostradamus

ark said:
I am often telling our dog, Sebastian, when he is barking for not a good reason "Why are you barking? It's our neighbor! Just relax!." And, with his little brain, he understands -; But I am also not surprised that he barks. He is doing his job, which is to protect us.
Yes, but Sebastian has an advantage over me, because he is much cuter than I. ;)


(it is Halloween, after all)
COINTELPRO History - Jay Weidner + Vincent Bridges do Nostradamus

In the documentary, researchers report that the last
page of the Lost Book states that it was delivered to
Cardinal Barberini (the future Urban VIII) no less) in
1629. This is a key fact supporting the manuscript
being produced by Cesar Nostradamus who, near the end
of his life, might have bequeathed the manuscript to
Barberini before dying of the plague in 1630. In
support of the documentary, I concur that it is quite
possible for a manuscript to reach Rome from South
France. Merchants and scholars traveling from Provence
to Rome did so frequently. Nostradamus had sojourned
through Italy more than once. He even mentioned his
long stay in Florence in his Treatise on
Pharmacists--his recollection of recipes for
medicines, preservatives and plague cures published in
1552, several years before his major prophecies.

When at last the forensic report about the book's
authenticity came through late in the second hour of
the documentary, it concluded that neither Nostradamus
nor his son Cesar had penned the copy.
It seems that the Vatican bypassed it all, ignoring the scoop. They didn't raise a finger for pope Urban VIII's alleged interest in Nostradamus or so it seems.

...This John Hogue is literally everywhere! He's good at Nostradamus, but seems he has no other real pragmatic goal other that this very subject, almost an obsession maybe.

Anyway, I'd like to email him the 'Afterwords' chapter contained in SH, it would be interesting to see any reaction to it.
COINTELPRO History - Jay Weidner + Vincent Bridges do Nostradamus

I’m watching the HC documentary right now. Enza Massa is alive and has been interviewed along with Roberto Pinotti. They both seems to agree about the old manuscript being attributed to Nostradamus himself. Actually they are the first ones who say they were shocked by the connection between the watercolor depiction of a tower in flames inside the m. and the WTC’s explosions, and after introducing the ‘smoking gun’ from there on the documentary follows with the blurbs about Arabs and 9-11. Later on, when talking about the ‘3 antichrists’, Osama’s image goes flashing on the screen, more than once, along with Hitler's and Saddam's, of course!

VB (labelled as ‘Author and N. Researcher' and named as 'top' consultant for the video, along with Peter Lemesurier and Larry Weitzmann) and JW (labelled as ‘Author, Secrets of Alchemy’) get most of the shots. Other ‘Nostradamus scholars’ (and their HC’s labels) interviewed are:

Victor Baines (President, N. Society of America’ - the one who’s obsessed by linking N’s prophecies with the evil Muslims and 9-11, Pope P.John II killing attempt, and the End of the World… he looks like a agent!)

Ellie Crystal (Psychic and Author) – crystalinks’ site owner

Scarlett Ross (Methaphysical Writer)

Roberto Pinotti (Journalist and N. Researcher)

Enza Massa (Italian Journalist)

Leonie Freida (Author: ‘Catherine de Medici: Renaissance Queen of France’)
There’s a parenthesis about C. de M. here, “the eccentric queen who is poised to become N.’s protector – wife of Henry II, whose death is predicted by N.)

Peter Lemesurier (N. Scholar)

Bernard Chevignard (Descendant of N.’s Secretary, and Author)

Ian Wilson (Author, ‘N.: The Man Behind the Prophecies’)

Ron Picco

Osvaldo Avallone (Director of th National Italian Library)

Dr. Louis Turi (Astro Psychologist)

Maria Misiti (Prof. Biblioghrapher)

-Livia Martinon (Librarian, Italian Central National Library)

-Valentina Piccinin (Consultant, Italian Central National Library)
-[These latter two give details about the manuscript’s discovery. A certain ‘man’ named Pivoli registered the manuscript as ‘prophecies by Ab. Gioacchino (da Fiori)’. But in the Manuscript Catalog it is registered as Nostradamus Michele Vaticinia – “The Library cannot explain the discrepancies between the two Catalog’s entries”]

Maria Fadiga (Manuscript Specialist – perhaps ‘Sudio Crisostomi SrL’s researcher, the lab where the manuscript is studied – she says that by looking at the last page, a sort of letter to the reader, there’s probable evidence that the m. is an older copy of an early original – the writing is different in two-three section of the m. as also is the ink utilized to write it)

Michel Chomarat (N. Archivist)

Last words about it all states that the manuscript is a true copy of an original, and survived the quest of time by going from library to library, seemingly bypassing what M. Fadiga was just saying. In the end it all seems like an orchestrated attempt to make a big scoop, and that’s all. The last images are said to point to the “exact time - something terrible for humanity - is going to happen” (VB is stressing the point here). The last 20 minutes are almost owned by VB and JW, going up and down and through end of times scenarios clearly depicted in the manuscript’s symbols. No doubts about it all.
An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

I found the following while looking up on Webster Tarpley. He appears to be a rather unpopular guy in many circles and I came across a forum post on Indymedia UK denouncing him. The link is here : _

The first comment however caught my eye for rather obvious reasons.

chrisc said:
The problem with 911cultwatch is that they are really poor at doing what they claim to do, they fail to notice actual cults, for example, Laura Knight Jadczyk's Cassiopaea Cult.
He provides a link to his page where he posts a discussion committed to attacking Laura, the Cassiopaean Experiment, SOTT and even SOTT editors Joe Quinn and Henry See whom he denounces as "fellow cultists". Link: _

As to be expected he cites Vincent Bridges and his website, the insidious cult article (which he thinks is "very good and well worth reading" despite the fact that no intelligent and reasonable person could take it seriously), "Colleen Johnston" and the MAAR hit piece on Laura.

I'm not quite sure what chrisc's motivation is. He seems absolutely convinced that SOTT really is a cult and is posting everything on the internet that confirms that belief. He also tries to link Laura with Judy Wood for some reason, claiming Laura plagirized her work, which seems to revolve around him believing that Laura is trying to push 911 disinfo on everyone else.

chrisc said:
It appears to me that these people represent a classic case of a cult exploiting the disiorientation that the realisation that 9/11 was an inside job causes, to sucker people into giving money and their lives to a crazy cult.
One poster tries to defend SOTT and call chrisc on his "cult obsession" but to no avail. So far the guy has managed to convince several people of his cult fixation on SOTT even if he resorts to ad hominem attacks, reading material that has long been proven false, and taking SOTT and Cassiopaea material and twisting it out of context.

All in all, the guy is just performing a cheap, quick hit, posting the discredited material, constantly and emphatically calling SOTT a "cult" and then backs off saying "They are clearly a cult and I just wanted to get that off my chest, I have no interest in persuing the matter any further -- I've got lots of better things to do."

However, even at the beginning he admits a number of things

chrisc said:
Well, I have been looking at their stuff on-and-off for a year or more trying to work out what they are and where they are comming from and I have done quite a bit of research on them and I have no doubt whatsoever that they are a cult....

I have yet to properly read these articles, or Joe Quinn's one on the Pentagon Strike site, Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon - And Neither Did a Boeing 757 but I expect that they contain some significant disinformation and misinformation...
In other words his research has been sloppy and he's just doing to confirm his already held beliefs on the matter. BTW "These articles" that he refers to are Quinn's articles on Ruppert, Hopsicker and Hoffman. A clue to his motivation? Who knows. All I can tell is that the guy basically justs puts up a bunch of definitions of cults and then states that Laura and SOTT are clearly one of them. He puts up Cassiopaean material without context or in a false context, puts up the Bridges, Johnston and Insidious Cult sites and that's pretty much his entire argument on why SOTT is a cult. No actual logic or argumentation or, more importantly, genuine PROOF. Despite the fact that all of the sites he quotes present NO actual evidence he takes them for their word. Sadly many other people have swallowed this tripe.
An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

opinmynd81 said:
As to be expected he cites Vincent Bridges and his website, the insidious cult article (which he thinks is "very good and well worth reading" despite the fact that no intelligent and reasonable person could take it seriously), "Colleen Johnston" and the MAAR hit piece on Laura.
Probably just another 'persona' of vinny or 'stormbear' - they spend most of their time posting on different sites using different names, pretending to be different people just spewing the same tripe over and over with no proof or back up whatsoever. They almost always reference their own material when doing so, so no surprise there.

We've found out over time that more people are brought to sott and the related sites by this sort of nonsense than are turned away - they come out of curiousity or to see if 'it's true' - they read a little and realize that what they read from 'chrisc' or whatever persona vinnie is currently using, is a huge lie and they stick around for the information.

It's one of the reasons sott and the related sites are so stringent on research, backup and data - when people read the facts (and back up documentation) it becomes really obvious who the liar is - so - as a wise young lady once said, "as long as they spell your name right, who cares what they say?"
An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

anart said:
Probably just another 'persona' of vinny or 'stormbear' - they spend most of their time posting on different sites using different names, pretending to be different people just spewing the same tripe over and over with no proof or back up whatsoever. They almost always reference their own material when doing so, so no surprise there.
I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. But I forgot to mention that chrisc is the owner of the site, not just a random poster. His influence might be slightly more than that of a random poster.

anart said:
We've found out over time that more people are brought to sott and the related sites by this sort of nonsense than are turned away - they come out of curiousity or to see if 'it's true' - they read a little and realize that what they read from 'chrisc' or whatever persona vinnie is currently using, is a huge lie and they stick around for the information.

It's one of the reasons sott and the related sites are so stringent on research, backup and data - when people read the facts (and back up documentation) it becomes really obvious who the liar is - so - as a wise young lady once said, "as long as they spell your name right, who cares what they say?"
I agree, that's why I keep coming back to SOTT. But one technique I found that guys like chrisc uses (whether he is a cointelpro agent or not) is to bombard the person who is ignorant of the topic with a bunch of different sources that basically say the same thing and originate from one single source and also by using different but specifically selected quotes from those sources in order to give the reader a certain impression. chrisc definitely does this in spades, he even includes a lengthy quote from Bridges on the Raffling affair that portrays Laura and Ark as basically scammers. For people who don't know any better, the presentation of all these different accussations could weigh enough in their minds to form a judgment even if they never even read a word that Laura wrote. While there may be a few who are genuinely inquisitive enough to read for themselves most people aren't that way at all, but are rather easily impressionable by such tricks. So some people who are genuinely interested in seeking truth will sadly get vectored away by guys like chrisc who can't get beyond his own social programming.
An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

This quote from chrisc (somewhere in the middle of the thread) is priceless:

They are clearly a cult and I just wanted to get that off my chest, I have no interest in persuing the matter any further -- I've got lots of better things to do.

Well, obviously he doesn't, given the flood of posts yet to come. Perfect example of troll behaviour.

Trolling on your own site is going to be BIG in 2008 :)
An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

OPINMYND81 said:
While there may be a few who are genuinely inquisitive enough to read for themselves most people aren't that way at all, but are rather easily impressionable by such tricks. So some people who are genuinely interested in seeking truth will sadly get vectored away by guys like chrisc who can't get beyond his own social programming.
I would suggest that "people who are genuinely interested in seeking truth" are also "genuinely inquisitive enough to read for themselves".
An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

Pepperfritz said:
Opinmynd81 said:
While there may be a few who are genuinely inquisitive enough to read for themselves most people aren't that way at all, but are rather easily impressionable by such tricks. So some people who are genuinely interested in seeking truth will sadly get vectored away by guys like chrisc who can't get beyond his own social programming.
I would suggest that "people who are genuinely interested in seeking truth" are also "genuinely inquisitive enough to read for themselves".
From my own experience, I agree with Pepperfritz on this. Before I came across Laura's work I was interested in all sorts of channelled material, and was a regular reader of Sheldan Nidle's Yahoo forum. The more that I read there, and on other similar sites (Kryon, Hosts of Heaven, etc), the more the 'splinter in my mind' became more like a huge stake and my degree of frustration with the material I was reading rose. Without having experienced all that frustration and boredom, and felt the concerted effort of such material to send me to sleep, I would not have been ready for the Cassiopaeans and Laura's writings, and I would not have appreciated the truth, clarity and external consideration of this forum.

So I would say that people like chrisc, Bridges, Nidle, and all the others, are actually performing a very valuable work providing the first steps in awakening for those who are ready.
An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

What frustrates me at times is how close-minded people can become about a subject once they hear terms like "channeler" and "cult," even tho they have no prior knowledge of the subject. People that I know personally who are normally open-minded shut down when SOTT or Laura's name is mentioned. I implore them to read the material but its like pulling teeth once they hear those "trigger" words. is what it is. I find that anyone that gives the material a chance becomes a believer.
An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

Ominous said:
What frustrates me at times is how close-minded people can become about a subject once they hear terms like "channeler" and "cult," even tho they have no prior knowledge of the subject. People that I know personally who are normally open-minded shut down when SOTT or Laura's name is mentioned. I implore them to read the material but its like pulling teeth once they hear those "trigger" words. is what it is. I find that anyone that gives the material a chance becomes a believer.
Heh that was me Ominous. First time I found sott it was via the Pentagon Strike video, after watching it I was like, "who made this?!" so i clicked around, flipped through one article, noticed it was hella long and there were adverts for High Strangeness on the left. As soon as I saw it I was like, "What do aliens have to do with 9-11? This lady channels, wth.... this stuff is whack." And left the website. I 'wasn't ready', so then about 1-2 years later I was feeling a bit blah and searching for info on 'the apocalypse' and came back to it again, read the whole series on 'Who wrote the bible and why' and from there I was hooked.

It wasn't until after I had read The Wave & Adventures series that I 'had a clue' and then it 'clicked' that I was reading the same website that I had discarded over a year ago. Funny how this stuff works. People will find the material when they are ready and able to assimilate it, until such time Vinny Et Al serve as gatekeepers, keeping out those who are easily dissuaded while inviting those who have an open mind and 'burning desire' for the truth. Petty Tyrants do indeed service a great many purposes.
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