Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner and Gang - Web Pathology

An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

Cyre2067 said:
Vinny Et Al serve as gatekeepers
Yes. A better description of their function than:

mada85 said:
providing the first steps in awakening for those who are ready
I meant my remark in the context of becoming aware of being lulled to sleep by newage, and Cyre, you said what I meant to say. A lack of external considering on my part ;-)
An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

Ominous said:
What frustrates me at times is how close-minded people can become about a subject once they hear terms like "channeler" and "cult," even tho they have no prior knowledge of the subject. People that I know personally who are normally open-minded shut down when SOTT or Laura's name is mentioned. I implore them to read the material but its like pulling teeth once they hear those "trigger" words. is what it is. I find that anyone that gives the material a chance becomes a believer.
That was basically what I was getting at. All the guy had to do was say that SOTT is a cult, post some random quotes that talk about chanelling, the C's, UFOs, and whatever else that triggers people's emotional programmed reactions and, boom, the deal is done. Once that is done he just posts the Bridges and Insidious Cult stuff and people swallow it hook, line and sinker without any critical review of the material that is present. They will believe anything bad about Laura at that point; Bridges or whoever else could write even more terrible and horrible stuff about Laura and SOTT, offer not one shred of proof, write in a way that anybody who looks at the writing objectively will know that something is up, but still people will fall for it and feel smug about being above those who "fall" for the "cult".

I first came across this material about 5 years ago when I read the Independence Day article. Now, the article was not shy about using the C's transcripts but what was interesting is that instead of turning away from the material I got more interested into it, even though I was a solid atheist/materialist (whatever you want to call it) who would normally never consider taking the "new age" stuff seriously. A year later I had read all the adventure series and Wave series. What made me do it? I don't know, perhaps it was because I was going through the emotional equivalent of hell at the time because of the actions of someone else & had a lot of time on my hands, and thus was "receptive" to the material, in the way of having to go through the forge to "be ready", so to speak.

But had I read something like what chrisc had posted before hand would have I been as receptive? Perhaps, it might have caught my interest and I would have read some of the material but the initial impression provided by chrisc would might have tainted my outlook on it and my interpretation of the material for an indefinite time afterwards. The damage is already done and for those who WOULD be interested and receptive to the material, guys like chrisc and their biases and sloppy research would close the door even more for those people.
An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

Ominous said:
I find that anyone that gives the material a chance becomes a believer.
I don't think Laura and/or the C's are looking for "believers", especially if you take a closer look at what the word "belief" entails (see below). I think that first of all, they would want people to simply "consider" the material, rather than rejecting it out of hand for superficial reasons. And then they would want readers to "test" the material against objective truth, in order to determine its validity and value.



1. something believed; an opinion or conviction: a belief that the earth is flat.
2. confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief.
3. confidence; faith; trust: a child's belief in his parents.
4. a religious tenet or tenets; religious creed or faith: the Christian belief.
An attack on Laura, Cassiopaea and SOTT on

Funny, I came across that site just today myself while searching for a bit of text in one of my old articles. Yes, I noticed that the guy just gives one side, is heavy on citing Bridges etc, and writes stuff in one sentence and then contradicts himself in another.

I checked the whois data and posted it here this morning:

I noticed this: Created On:06-Jan-2007

Now, if ya'll will go back and remember what all was going on on January 2nd of 2007, you will remember that this was when sott was suspended due to the activities of the abovetopsecret gang and their neocon lawyer, Wayne Jaeschke. It wasn't too long after that that sott exposed them for the cointelpro/psy-ops agents they are. And of course, the chief, number one issue that had them going was Joe's dissection of the CatHerder article on the Pentagon Strike. So, we can figure pretty well that the main agenda of abovetopsecret was to vector 9-11 disinfo.

So, it looks like they either got going with another sister site that is supposed to appear to be not connected... to do their dirty work.

Who knows? Maybe they made Vinnie an offer to support him with a website and he is this chrisc. After all, he did once write a fake email to me as "Christaofer Richarde" pretending to be some "insider" of the Priory of Sion or something. So, it is a name he is attracted to. Or, it could just be a creation of Vinnie and Stormbear.

Too bad. I'm sure there are some sincere people there trying to figure things out and think it is a legitimate site.

And too bad there isn't someone there to post all the links to the Vinnie Bridges stuff so that the people can know what kind of person is being quoted as an "expert."

But I don't have time for that sort of thing myself. I've got too many writing projects going on that will help people - those who can get through the cointelpro barriers. And maybe that's the thing: if they can't get through that, then they aren't ready.
He can't stop obsessing over you, Laura!

I just did a Google search of my forum name and Godlike Productions appeared. As I was interested in the context in which a post of mine may have been used, I clicked and found this:

[quote:Vincent Bridges 425050]
Another interesting discusion at SnOTT:

Yesterday 18:24:13

The Force is strong with this one
Registered: 2008-04-19
Posts: 15

Re: Personality Disorder Treatment

How can you tell if you are a hereditary narcissist yourself. My mother and grandmother, I am quite sure, are both narcissists and my brother (who is autistic) is obviously narcissistic. My father's not though or anyone on his side of the family. How can you tell if you're not a narcissist yourself? I have been looking online and there doesn't seem to be very good information for self-diagnosis since narcissists don't seem to self-diagnose very often. surprise, surprise. Im actually pretty worried now. Any suggestions?
It's better to be an unhappy Socrates than to be a happy pig.


#7 Yesterday 22:37:11

From: Australia
Registered: 2006-02-07
Posts: 196

Re: Personality Disorder Treatment

You can do a search on the internet for the commonly accepted criteria for NPD. Apparently you have NPD if you satisfy 5 or more of the following:

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Has a sense of entitlement
6. Is interpersonally exploitative
7. Lacks empathy
8. Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

VB: This last guy goes on to do a self examination, which is a very good thing...LOL! It is certainly something Laura will not do...

But Purplehaze is still lurking, sucking up to the Great One:

Today 02:14:51

Padawan Learner
Registered: 2008-03-10
Posts: 65

Re: Personality Disorder Treatment

Number 6 -- interpersonal exploitation. I take it this means using someone. I find the concept ghastly and abhorrent.

TDR - you haven't read the stories of the exposed on our website (

We spent most of our time helping the exploited try to pick up the pieces and deal with the aftermath; which inevitably involves personal smear & attacks by the disordered predator.

ACONS (Adult Children of Narcissists) usually become magnets for a lifetime of Ns. A certain amount of narcissism is healthy. A true narcissist, Jimbo - would never bother to ask they questions you are asking us and yourself. Why would a perfect person need to ask questions? wink


#10 Today 07:30:57

VB: Okay, So with 3DR setting a good example and Purplehaze cheering it on, why wouldn't Laura check in with her own self examination? But of course, a pefect person doesn't need to answer questions...

From: France
Registered: 2006-01-18
Posts: 3920

Re: Personality Disorder Treatment

purplehaze wrote:

A certain amount of narcissism is healthy. A true narcissist, Jimbo - would never bother to ask they questions you are asking us and yourself. Why would a perfect person need to ask questions?

That's pretty much it, you know. I don't think you really, REALLY grok the genuine narcissist. Having some narcissistic traits, and behaving narcissistically doesn't a real narcissist make, believe me! My mother was pretty darn narcissistic; you could even say she was a "narcissist" in a general sense, but she did not have NPD which is a whole other kettle of fish!

And that, of course, does not excuse or lessen the damage that a narcissistic person can do to others. Someone who does not have NPD can still cause a LOT of pain to others - as can any one of us if we forget others and stop trying to put ourselves in the shoes of the other person and see things from their point of view.

I just think about it as categories and gradations of emotional retardation. Some retardation is "fixable" to a great extent. Some "slow" people can learn a lot if care and the right approach is taken. Others can never learn anything.

Same with narcissists - but not NPD - the real thing. That's like profound emotional retardation, irreversible, can't be fixed, fuggedaboutit.

VB: Notice that Laura can only approach any kind of emotional or empathetic content through platitudes: " can any one of us if we forget others and stop trying to put ourselves in the shoes of the other person and see things from their point of view."

So how does she do with the checklist (Remember, five or more is a positive):

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance

VB: So let's not say the word cult; let's just say that she is the leader of a devoted group of followers who hang on her every word and troll through cyberspace looking for recruits and support and attention for her craziest ideas. She believes that her "information" is the most important thing going, that only knowledge from her ouiji alien contacts can save humanity, and that she is the target of a COILTELPRO action from multiple governments. If this is NOT a case of "grandiose sense of self-importance, I really don't know what would be...
Oh yes, I hang on every word of Laura's and hers alone! I do not think anything is possible until she says so! I have no brain of my own, I cannot do my own research, and why would I want to when Laura is there to tell us the TRUTH!

VB cannot see that the very foundation of SOTT is Work -- meaning doing work upon oneself. This also involves a LOT of research and only each individual can do the research/reading necessary to assist with such Work. And when did Laura ever say that the C's were "aliens"? He throws these words around like "aliens" and "cult" (despite saying, "let's not say the word 'cult'" -- because he clearly just DID anyway). The best way to turn people away from examining a person's or a groups' new ideas is to use such emotionally-loaded words like "aliens" and "cult". And where did VB get the idea that Laura thinks that the C's information is "the most important"? He obviously doesn't ever read SOTT properly, because he would know that SOTT has always stressed the importance of doing research. The C's have only ever served as a guide for doing the right kind of research -- never has their word been used by itself -- research has always been conducted to confirm anything they've said, and along the way many more interesting things have been discovered.

2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

VB: See Amazing Grace, especially the part about her and Ark's transtemporal love affair, lifted whole from Elizabeth Haitch's Initiation.

3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique

VB: The "only" channeler who can communicate with the Cassiopaeans and save the world is... Laura Knight-Jadczyk!

4. Requires excessive admiration

VB: Crooning egroups and admiring minions cheering her on... and never a disparaging word or an inconvenient question... I think that qualifies as excessive admiration...
Many "inconvenient" questions are asked all the the time on SOTT. But inconvenient is the wrong word, as it implies that people are trying to trick others in a narcissistic, ego-driven way or similar. Rather, forum members DO question some of the ideas put forth by others, Laura included, but if so, it is done with respect, intelligence, and data. And this is the only method of questioning that I can see which is applied by Laura and others to the ideas of all forum members who respect the forum rules. Which brings me to "never a disparaging word" that VB mentions -- that's because the FORUM RULES prohibit certain types of behaviour, and disparagement is a way of insulting another person. VB just can't get his head around this simple fact, nor can he get that insulting another for the sake of one's own ego is not only incredibly childish, but also symptomatic of much deeper issues.

5. Has a sense of entitlement

VB: Truly believes that whatever she does is justified by the importance of her "mission." Even pulling a fake house raffle and moving to France on the money.
He STILL goes on about this, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

6. Is interpersonally exploitative

VB: I think the "systematic harassment" email is pretty solid proof of that...
Dear me, I don't think VB has a mirror in his residence -- he ought to go and buy one ASAP, not that that would do any good.

7. Lacks empathy

VB: I offer as evidence her laughter over the Not-Cs declaration that I had been abducted and anal probed many times. See the post July 2001 sessions where ever they hide them at the "esoteric" website. There are of course many, many other examples...

8. Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

VB: This one doesn't quite fit, because Laura isn't envious, just entitled to anything she desires. I also don't think she believes others are envious of her, because she lays on the martyr trip as part of her specialness.

9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

VB: Like calling anyone who doesn't agree with her a deviant government agent?

So, is it the real thing? Does she really have NPD, and is therefore the product of "profound emotional retardation, irreversible, can't be fixed, fuggedaboutit."

Seems like it to me...

The overall impression I get is that this guy just can't get enough of Laura! He seems to make a point of doing some Laura-related "research" (a bad choice of word, I know) every day of his life. Many of the points I don't have the time to reply to (I have MUCH better things to do with my time), but in any case they are so ridiculous and so obviously false -- anyone who's spent any amount of time here knows this. I just thought I'd post this recent excerpt (it's from April 29 or so) as more evidence of the unnatural, pathological obsession VB has with Laura and SOTT.
He can't stop obsessing over you, Laura!

The sad part is that it's so transparent. He probably doesn't see it as an obsession because he's getting paid to do it, thou imho that's the equivalent of a heroin addict getting paid to do heroin.

He also can't understand the concept of a group, sure there's more experienced members, and less experienced members and those of us with less experience do learn a lot from the more experienced peeps but that doesn't mean there exists any sort of hierarchy of 'leadership' with Laura at the top. We follow her example, not her orders.

I guess its good to know what VB is saying, but on the other hand it's come to be expected, especially on a forum like GLP. I don't even know if you have to argue the things VB says anymore, the simple fact that he says them renders them not worth contemplation, at least in my mind. You seem to be a little hung up on the fact that this psycho is using your post, remember the best way to avoid their manipulations is to refuse to engage their discussions/interactions.
He can't stop obsessing over you, Laura!

The commentary from VB is so superficial and fake sounding, it's impossible for me to believe that he could have come up with that by himself. The commentary lacks any depth or reason, is loaded with emotional-sounding pseudo-bitterness, and the whole thing is contradictory because he seems to place himself in the center of LKJ's world- all reasons for her "diagnosis" of NPD revolve around this individual.

It seems like this VD is not getting paid very much because his logic is so flawed and senseless.
He's either a pawn of some agency or other, or he's got NPD himself (or, maybe both!)
He can't stop obsessing over you, Laura!

While VB continues with his obsession and rants, the positive side -- those who read his stuff who possess, OPEN and INQUIRING minds just may check out the site (SotT) for themselves. Generally, OPEN and INQUIRING minds seek answers, data, proof, evidence for whatever is being proclaimed. "Negative advertising" can be a good thing. :)
He can't stop obsessing over you, Laura!

I think, though as always, I may happen to be wrong, that this poor boy indeed does not have a serious life of his own - except his obsession. Therefore any serious commenting about his rants is a food for him. Of course he thinks, I am sure, that telling the people on the Discovery channel that the world is going to end anyway in 2012 is a serious thing. Yet I missed his point as to WHY the world is going to end at that time. What exactly is going to happen? Can one give me some clues?
He can't stop obsessing over you, Laura!

What's funny is even if Laura and this group really were all the lies he spouts about them, or better yet, were even 10 times worse, it still wouldn't compare to the dungloads of real groups out there that are FAR bigger and far more influencial and much more damaging than anything Laura and this group would be doing. I'm not just talking about the major brainwashing cults like organized religions, but many groups that are smaller but nevertheless have millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands if not millions of brainwashed followers.

So if VB is trying to portray himself as just someone who is concerned about people being sucked in by "cults", the very fact alone that he spent so many years focusing on just ONE GROUP - which if it was a cult would be one of the tiniest cults on the planet, shows that he has no issues at all with cults - he just has a personal agenda against that particular group, nothing more.

It's like someone speaking against the evils of government by spending years attacking a town hall of some small town and ignoring all other minor and major governments on the planet. Please.

So he looks utterly ridiculous even without anyone pointing out that everything he says about this group is a complete lie that can be easily seen as a lie by anyone who spends 5 minutes looking at how this group works and what it does for themselves.
He can't stop obsessing over you, Laura!

oh , jee! man i fell in the traps of a cult , i wish i had such a good advise such an objective advise about the cults as only VB and other like him can offer , the world should be thankful for people like him , and all of you wake up to the truth SOTT is a cult!! ,..........LOL

well , what can i say i mean it is beyond obvious that he has never read SOTT , or the wave , or any work , with objective mind , or as you guys already said , he's probably getting paid to not be objective... , on one hand you could argue that he's just doing his job , and i believe that it will hurt us to the extend that we pay attention to him... it almost feels like arguing with a child , or a teenager , or just a very egotistic person. i mean what can i say.....
He can't stop obsessing over you, Laura!

Don't you just love the universes genius in how it manifests its different faces?
He can't stop obsessing over you, Laura!

Cyre2067 said:
I don't even know if you have to argue the things VB says anymore, the simple fact that he says them renders them not worth contemplation, at least in my mind.
Agreed. Anything coming from that guy is subject to complete invalidation.

You seem to be a little hung up on the fact that this psycho is using your post, remember the best way to avoid their manipulations is to refuse to engage their discussions/interactions.
About being hung up -- no, not at all. I was most amused by how he tries to use other people's posts "against" Laura. I know that others have discovered that their posts have appeared in odd places and in odd contexts, especially those associated with VB. But I agree that it's best to avoid engaging with VB, which is why I only really responded to the most absurd accusations. The main purpose of my copy-and-pasting was just to reinforce something which most people probably already know -- VB is a pathologically obsessed individual. That he makes his life work out of combing through the SOTT forum on a regular basis, just proves that.

What was interesting was that I only did a search for my forum name because I received an email from some guy doing research into people's cometary dreams (he found a post I made on that matter). I was trying to find which post it was he was referring to, and I accidentally came across the GLP site.
He can't stop obsessing over you, Laura!

I think it's really fascinating how VB uses his "intellect". As Dabrowski says, a psychopath's will and intellect are fully integrated with primitive drives. So for VB, the use of data strictly serves his goals, not objectivity. This phenomenon gives rise to the frequent contradictions in what psychopaths say, and what VB has demonstrated repeatedly. They will manipulate facts to serve their ends, but have no regard for those facts in other situations. For example, notice how VB takes the narcissistic trait of fascination with "ideal love" and uses that as evidence that Laura is a narcissist. Never mind the fact that the logic is faulty (there is a qualitative difference between psychopathic and healthy idealism). He does this too, regarding Lobaczewski and Ponerology. When it is convenient, Lobaczewski is a great mean whose work is corrupted by Laura. And yet, when convenient, Lobaczewski does not exist and is a creation of Laura's. At yet another moment, Lobaczewki is a quack Stasi agent. At yet another, his work is bogus because psychopathy is a false construct, etc. ad nauseum. In other words, psychopaths like VB use "facts" strictly in terms of debate: how can the data be manipulated to give an appearance favorable to convincing people that I am right. And in typical psychopathic fashion, VB or one of his "alter egos" will no doubt blame me of doing this very thing, because they truly cannot see that there is anything other than this strictly instrumental use of facts. For them, that's all there is.
He can't stop obsessing over you, Laura!

-There are so many sorts of insidious, ammoral, entropic, destructive and self-immolating actual "cults" out there in this stinky world and the mighty V is not humping one of their legs or pointing and screeching all pod person at anybody else.
His "crusade" begins and ends here.

You are his unrequited love,
The one who gave him validation and then withdrew it.
It would almost seem so diabetic, so Hollywood obsessive if he wasn't so gross and dutiful with his pursuits.

Wouldn't it be funny if Mighty V took a break from LKJ and went after say, Scientology?

Flash to Tom Cruise and the Mighty V on top of the Scientology Headquarters with light sabres in a lightening storm.
Vin uses his shamanic dog breath to overwhelm Cruise and Mighty V is crowned king of all Hubbardland.
Then he wakes up, damp as usual, and counts the minutes before he must sit naked before his computer, search out his unrequited love and deride her above all others.

I recently read some op-ed he wrote for some bum nugget site (amazingly, not all about Laura).
He is no writer, period.
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