Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner and Gang - Web Pathology

Re: Pathological opinions on the Cassiopaea website.

tykes said:
i know that so much has been said about Vincent bridges and COINTELPRO, but due the highly agressive nature of his atacks, {...} i´d like to know the oficial position of the group about this "Prominent examples "(acording to this guy) of seriously disturbed individual (he is refering Laura).that people are so insanely obsesed whith this "cult"! we all know why but what a drag!!.

I guess you are asking forum/group members what THEY think about me and the transcripts, is that it?

You quote Vinnie as follows:

Vincent Bridges said:
("Reading even the heavily edited transcripts of the Cassiopaean sessions available on the website provides ample evidence of Ms. Knight-Martin-Jadczyk’s self-absorbed ego involvement, her love freewheeling newage scams, and her ardent desire to cash in on her connection to the Cassiopaeans. In her other even more voluminous autobiographical writings, we find more evidence of a seriously disturbed individual"),

My experience has been that people who read the transcripts (which are provably NOT "heavily edited" at all) do NOT find any such evidence. But let's separate each item so that perhaps. members of the forum can offer you feedback on them:

Vinnie claims that reading the transcripts will show proof of my "self-absorbed ego involvement." Can you please find some direct quotes from the transcripts that demonstrate that assertion?

Next, Vinnie claims that reading the transcripts will show proof my "love freewheeling newage scams". Again, can you (or anyone) please find some direct quotes from the transcripts that demonstrate that assertion?

Then, he says that reading the transcripts will give evidence of my "ardent desire to cash in on her connection to the Cassiopaeans". Yet again, please find direct quotes in the transcripts that support this claim! (Someone?)

This last one is so blatantly dishonest it's actually evidence of Bridges pathology. You see, the Cassiopaeans say they are "me in the future" (sometimes that is singular and sometimes it is collective, depending on who is present at the sessions. What is obvious is that the Cassiopaeans are definitely connected to me, personally. Otherwise, any of the other members of the experiment could have "connected to the Cassiopaeans," but obviously have not done so.

As for "cashing in", just notice that we give everything away on the website free and have done so for over ten years. That has never changed. Yes, you can buy our books to help keep our work going, but if you can't afford them, you can still know everything that is going on by reading the site and/or visiting the forum here! Actually, the Cassiopaeans themselves addressed this very matter on one occasion as follows:

It should be noted that the STS system can only be penetrated by becoming "wise as serpents and gentle as doves." There is nothing negative about networking. Details of a network include the necessity for those who are involved to invest "energy" in the exchange. If the individual comes upon the life work of another and expects to benefit and gain by that work, they will naturally wish to have their own position balanced by putting forth a commensurate amount of energy. Otherwise there will be an imbalance of energy. This then leads to an STS pyramid. An example of this principle in reverse is a teacher who demands payment for no real work on their own part.

The fact that both of you have devoted yourselves to this work for not just a short time, but literally your entire lives, and have not asked for the support that this intensive labor earns has, in effect, created an imbalance for those who are benefiting. Many of those who are experiencing blocks in their own lives would find those blockages dissolved by the action of opening the flow of energy in the exchange. In your world, money equals energy!!!

It is painfully true that we have NOT asked for the support that the intensive labor we undertake daily earns.

Finally, Vinnie asserts "In her other even more voluminous autobiographical writings, we find more evidence of a seriously disturbed individual"...

It strikes me that Vinnie must be referring to The Wave and the Adventures with Cassiopaea series which goes into some depth exposing him (and others in the New Age Sewage Community) for the fraud, manipulator and plagiarist that he is. In fact, you could say that The Wave is why Vinnie was assigned the task of either taking over our work so he could divert it into COINTELPRO acceptable channels, or, failing that, taking it (or me) down.

The only "evidence" Vinnie finds of a "seriously disturbed individual" is when he is heavily into what is called "projective identification."

Projective Identification: The psychopath (and true narcissist) is an individual who divides the world into black and white, good and evil, and this division is very rigid in a particular way. That is, the psychopathic reality is organized around a very simple structure: "feels good, is good / feels bad, is bad." But, just because this structure is rigid, that doesn't mean it is rational or stable! Things are good or bad, but what is good or bad depends on the immediate circumstances, i.e. what the psychopath wants at the moment.

But this is not a "defense mechanism," it is just simply that, for the psychopath, the locus of reality is centered in what "feels good" with no reference to any other human being at all except as objects that can serve this need. You might almost say that the psychological structure of the psychopath is equivalent to a newborn infant, and it never develops, never grows up.

An infant has no internal self other than being at the center of a bundle of neurological inputs and outputs that seek pleasure and reject discomfort. Of course, with a grown up psychopath, there are highly developed neurological circuits that have developed in the process of learning what works to get his needs and demands met. But that internal core of being nothing but a bundle of neurological inputs and outputs is static - it never changes. In other words, there is no core self, just a sort of black hole that wants/needs to suck everything into it.

Under the influence of this internal structure, the psychopath is not able to appreciate the wants or needs of other human beings, the subtle shades of a situation or to tolerate ambiguity. The entire external reality is filtered through - made to conform to - this rigid and primitive internal structure.

When the psychopath is frustrated, i.e. doesn't get what they want, what they seem to feel is that everything in the world "out there" is against them and they are, good, long-suffering and only seeking the ideal of love, peace, safety, beauty, warmth and comfort. That is, when a psychopath is confronted with something displeasing or threatening, that object (person, idea, group, whatever), is placed in the "all bad" category because, of course, if the psychopath does not like it, it cannot be good! There is never even an instant when the psychopath feels "traumatized" or "shamed" or "helpless." The grandiosity is ever present.

Now, here's the kicker: when the evidence mounts that some choice or act of the psychopath created a problem or made a situation worse, this, too, must be denied as part of the self and projected as coming from "out there."

That is, anything that is defined as "bad" is projected onto someone or something else because the internal structure of the psychopath will admit to no wrong, nothing bad, no errors. And keep in mind that this is not because they choose to do that, it is because they cannot do otherwise. That is the way they are made. They are like a cat that enjoys torturing a mouse before eating it. That's just what they do.

Psychopaths are masters of Projective Identification. That is, they project onto and into others everything that is bad (remembering that "bad" changes according to what the psychopath wants), and seek in manipulative ways to induce in that other person what is being projected, and seek to control the other person who is perceived as manifesting those "bad" characteristics. In this way, the psychopath gains enjoyment and feels "in control."

Keep in mind that what the psychopath considers to be good has nothing to do with truth, honor, decency, consideration for others, or any other thing than what the psychopath wants at any given moment. In this way, any violation of the rights of others, any foul, evil deed, can be perpetrated by a psychopath and he will still sleep like a baby (literally) at night because he has done nothing wrong!

The EVIDENCE of Vincent Bridges' pathology is on the web and can be easily understood by anyone. (See HERE) When I say "evidence," I mean documentary and experienced by many people. There is NO evidence for anything Vincent Bridges has ever said or claimed literally about anything! That's part of his pathology! It's all just claims with no proof.

Let me give you a small example. Vinnie copped a photo from the St. Pete Times taken by Cherie Diez, the Times Photographer, and posted it on his site with a statement that it was a photo of me drinking whiskey because I am an alcoholic.

The TRUTH is that I was drinking a cup of coffee when the photo was made. That's it. What's more, for more than 25 years I was a teetotaler- I NEVER drank alcoholic beverages EVER. Since I now live in France, I do occasionally have wine or a social drink, but at this particular moment, while I am dealing with health issues, I am not even taking a glass of wine with my dinner and haven't for this whole year.

It IS interesting to notice that some people will read Vinnie's claims cited above and then, as a consequence, do NOT read the transcripts. Others will be curious, go and read the transcripts, feel confused because they do not find any evidence of what Vinnie claims and will, instead, be inspired and greatly helped by doing so. In an odd sort of way, this actually does us a service. Those people who will read Bridges claims and NOT read the transcripts as a result are close minded and easily manipulated and there isn't much hope for them so it would just waste our time to have to deal with them. Those who check things out for themselves are the kind of people we like to work with.

As to what some others think about me and my work, there is Richard Dolan who I have spent some time with who has quite a different view as he states in his review of my book, High Strangeness:

Richard Dolan said:
{...}It's a rare book that has the ability to truly change one's mind about the world. Rarest of all are those gems with the ability to change one's life.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk's The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and the Process of Alien Abduction is such a book.

It follows that such a book can only be written by those rarest of thinkers, someone possessing profound insights, freedom from convention, and the utter fearlessness necessary to tear down illusions and stare down the face of the abyss. Laura Knight-Jadczyk is such a person.

I believe that Laura understands, better than probably anyone you will ever know, just how dire is the plight of our civilization - the plight of our species. She also understands that to change one's life, one must be willing to fight.

"Fight what?" one might ask. The answer may seem strange within the context of our post-post-post modern 21st century setting, but it is ... to fight evil.

Crazy? No. Not at all. {...}

But here is why I feel what the Cs are genuine. In the first place, I have had the pleasure of knowing Laura, of spending time with her in deep conversation, as well as with many people who belong to her global salon, the Signs of the Times (SOTT). In other words, I don't just think that Laura is honest - I know she is. I know that she is a down-to-earth mother of five, who just happens to be brilliant and totally relentless. I have been fortunate indeed to meet many extraordinary people in my life, but even among these people, Laura is special. {...}

I should point out that not all of this book deals with the Cassiopaeans, although this is its core. But there is a great deal of trenchant analysis by Knight-Jadczyk throughout, something that her readers have come to expect over the years. {...}

am also grateful to Laura Knight-Jadczyk for her courage in facing some of the most difficult issues human beings can face. She is a shining light in a world of darkness.

Richard Dolan is a super-sharp and observant individual; he is also a great human being (so is his wife! They are a terrific team!) I think that people can learn a lot about Richard by reading his work and observing his actions. I think the same is true about me - IF people actually take the time to read and observe.

Certainly, there will always be pathological people who have aims of dominance and control and self-aggrandizement, and when they are thwarted in their twisted aims, they go on the attack and engage in Projective Identification. Such is the nature of our world. And the nature of our world is what I am interested in learning and exposing.

I hope that, in some way, I have answered your questions.
Re: Pathological opinions on the Cassiopaea website.

tykes said:
i´d like to know the oficial position of the group about this "Prominent examples "(acording to this guy) of seriously disturbed individual (he is refering Laura).that people are so insanely obsesed whith this "cult"! we all know why but what a drag!!.

Well, first off, how would you think a forum of many people would render an "official position"? That is a wierd question unless you are referring to some official part of the forum membership such as the administrators / moderators or some such thing? Clarifying that would help.

Secondly, for my own part, I have recognized that I am fairly easily swayed (although I am learning) but I still read material that is critical of Cassiopaea or SOTT related people and ideas, if I happen to come across it. It doesn't seem to be smart to ignore new criticisms because I guess anyone can be corrupted or misled at any time.

However, so far I haven't seen anything but people that seem to have an almost vitriolic hatred directed specifically at Laura for some reason. I did see something one time that disturbed me that was related to some "lottery for a house" or something like that but I didn't find anything related to back that up and given the tone of what I was reading and that lack of information, I eventually ignored it.

It seems to me if instead of asking for an official group "position" on something broad and open ended, you should research the stuff here and then ask some targeted question on some specific point.

Also, I would ask in this case why you want to know. Is it affecting your knowledge advancement or something similar? Answering that may help others address your issue in other helpful ways. Otherwise it looks like Laura directly addressed your specific question. Especially since in the context of these forums, she and a few others ARE the officials :)
Re: Pathological opinions on the Cassiopaea website.

Laura said:
It IS interesting to notice that some people will read Vinnie's claims cited above and then, as a consequence, do NOT read the transcripts. Others will be curious, go and read the transcripts, feel confused because they do not find any evidence of what Vinnie claims and will, instead, be inspired and greatly helped by doing so. In an odd sort of way, this actually does us a service. Those people who will read Bridges claims and NOT read the transcripts as a result are close minded and easily manipulated and there isn't much hope for them so it would just waste our time to have to deal with them. Those who check things out for themselves are the kind of people we like to work with.

Fwiw, years ago, before this forum existed and I came across and the writings of Laura as well as the Cass. transmissions, I was quite intrigued by the material. However, I was also skeptical at first due to New Age stuff and channelings I've come across before and was utterly disappointed with past experiences. SO much junk out there. So I did some search on the background and found some articles that portrayed Laura as a cult leader, etc.... However, having already read some articles of her and part of the Wave series, it didn't add up to me, so I actually emailed my concerns incld. the links I came across to the Cassiopaea group. After a couple of days I got a reply from ark and the most interesting part of his email was that he didn't try to defend their work but even send me more links of defamatory claims against them, including the infamous dedicated site made by Vincent/Weidner.( he wrote: "here is more of that:...") In a sense that impressed me and I was wondering why would someone go out of his way and dedicate a whole website to try to discredit someone who is already on the "left field"? Why are they so "scared" of Laura and her work? Why the need to ridicule them so much? It seemed so exaggerated.

So in that sense, it motivated me to look more into the material, the Wave series, etc.... and as I learned and read, it became more and more clear that Vincent and his friends are full of @#$%. Laura is right, he does them a service in a way. For without his attacks on her I wouldn't have been that curious at the beginning. In my case his intention had a reverse effect and I questioned his over-the-top attempts to discredit someone who is doing very interesting research and giving it away for free on the web to begin with.

Laura said:
As to what some others think about me and my work, there is Richard Dolan who I have spent some time with who has quite a different view as he states in his review of my book, High Strangeness:

Richard Dolan said:
{...}It's a rare book that has the ability to truly change one's mind about the world. Rarest of all are those gems with the ability to change one's life.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk's The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and the Process of Alien Abduction is such a book.

It follows that such a book can only be written by those rarest of thinkers, someone possessing profound insights, freedom from convention, and the utter fearlessness necessary to tear down illusions and stare down the face of the abyss. Laura Knight-Jadczyk is such a person.

I believe that Laura understands, better than probably anyone you will ever know, just how dire is the plight of our civilization - the plight of our species. She also understands that to change one's life, one must be willing to fight.

"Fight what?" one might ask. The answer may seem strange within the context of our post-post-post modern 21st century setting, but it is ... to fight evil.

Crazy? No. Not at all. {...}

But here is why I feel what the Cs are genuine. In the first place, I have had the pleasure of knowing Laura, of spending time with her in deep conversation, as well as with many people who belong to her global salon, the Signs of the Times (SOTT). In other words, I don't just think that Laura is honest - I know she is. I know that she is a down-to-earth mother of five, who just happens to be brilliant and totally relentless. I have been fortunate indeed to meet many extraordinary people in my life, but even among these people, Laura is special. {...}

I should point out that not all of this book deals with the Cassiopaeans, although this is its core. But there is a great deal of trenchant analysis by Knight-Jadczyk throughout, something that her readers have come to expect over the years. {...}

am also grateful to Laura Knight-Jadczyk for her courage in facing some of the most difficult issues human beings can face. She is a shining light in a world of darkness.

Richard Dolan is a super-sharp and observant individual; he is also a great human being (so is his wife! They are a terrific team!) I think that people can learn a lot about Richard by reading his work and observing his actions. I think the same is true about me - IF people actually take the time to read and observe.

I have much respect for Richard Dolan and I got to meet him at the UFO Congress at the beginning of this year, where he held the keypoint presentation.
We got to talk a bit and I was asking him what he thought of Laura and her work. I even asked him about the "cult" issue. He was laughing and said that they are not a cult at all, but just a great group of people who are dedicated to research and truth. In a sense he said, that is what "we" all want in a way, a community where people work towards a common goal, especially when researching topics people usually shy away from. He told me about his stay in France and basically everything else he wrote in the above review as well. The "cult" projection is laughable to say the least.

I've followed Dolan's work and his presentations for some years and what impressed me always is that he is very critical and just doesn't believe everything he comes across. For years he denied any channeled material, simply for lack of proof. He is skeptical, yet open minded and has an academic approach. That's quite a rare and great combination.
For that reason he's much respected in the "UFO community". The fact that he wrote this review about Laura's book is just proof that she and the group made a positive impression on him. He didn't have to write it and he had nothing to gain from it. It seems more he wrote it because he himself saw something that is important and true and that needs to come out to the light.
I also got the chance to correspond with his wife over email and they both are just very humble and down-to-earth people. That can not be said of Vincent and gang. I never met him, but the way he writes is already enough. Interesting that he just can't let go, but keeps coming up again and again......
Re: Pathological opinions on the Cassiopaea website.

Laura said:
Let me give you a small example. Vinnie copped a photo from the St. Pete Times taken by Cherie Diez, the Times Photographer, and posted it on his site with a statement that it was a photo of me drinking whiskey because I am an alcoholic.

The TRUTH is that I was drinking a cup of coffee when the photo was made. That's it. What's more, for more than 25 years I was a teetotaler- I NEVER drank alcoholic beverages EVER. Since I now live in France, I do occasionally have wine or a social drink, but at this particular moment, while I am dealing with health issues, I am not even taking a glass of wine with my dinner and haven't for this whole year.

Hah! So that is where that absurd claim has come from!

After I had first started reading the Adventure series, I had lost the url for the site and was googling it and came across the woman who claimed that Laura was an alcoholic and child abuser. This is just what I read in the couple of lines on the google page. It got me thinking of all of the pages of work on the websites, the books that Laura had written, (literally mountains of the stuff) and actually what Laura was saying in these books and articles and I thought to myself, "There is no way an alcoholic can write, research and do it so very coherently if that person was an alcoholic. That right there has made me look at all of these false, derogatory filth that is being spewed as just that - false, derogatory filth. There is no truth to any of it.

And to read how hatefilled and derogatory the statements are towards her, I always get the feeling that these people are actually panicked and trying very hard to submerge the work that Laura and Ark are doing.

But, hey! As has been said before, it's great publicity. :cool:
no excuses

i just wanted to say sorry, though i know that is not enough, and just admit the unconcious and dangerous way i acted when yesterday i post that topic, i really have no excuse, i transgresed the politics of this forum when i fell into asumptions and i just post it whith a lack fo argumenting and reasoning. I understand that for respect to the people who are learning here, these kind of imprudent attitudes are precisely the limitations to remove. I didnt notice really that right through me, those atacks was filtering into the forum. Again, i agree with you, it was pathological, the ignorance is dangerous as well the asumptions, i made that mistakes precisely, and i understand that the tolerance for that kind of imprudent and unwise attitudes must be minimum for the requirementes of the nature of this learnings. And i have to face the truth, im not ready yet for this forum beacause i haven´t learn that basics , and i sincerely apologize with you all for the bad moment.
Re: Pathological opinions on the Cassiopaea website.

Hi Tykes, it wasn't an enormous 'bad moment' - if it were, the post would have been deleted. It is a learning opportunity. One you can utilize and benefit from or one you can run away from. I don't think leaving this forum is the 'best' answer, but that is up to you.
Re: Pathological opinions on the Cassiopaea website.

anart said:
Hi Tykes, it wasn't an enormous 'bad moment' - if it were, the post would have been deleted. It is a learning opportunity. One you can utilize and benefit from or one you can run away from. I don't think leaving this forum is the 'best' answer, but that is up to you.

This is why I love this forum.
Re: Pathological opinions on the Cassiopaea website.

FireShadow said:
anart said:
Hi Tykes, it wasn't an enormous 'bad moment' - if it were, the post would have been deleted. It is a learning opportunity. One you can utilize and benefit from or one you can run away from. I don't think leaving this forum is the 'best' answer, but that is up to you.

This is why I love this forum.

I fully agree
Re: Dan Winter

Greeting all,

Has anyone seen this stuff out by Dan Winter? I'm sure someone out there probably has, wondering what our "educated" members have to say about it, or even the C's??

A lot of what he talks about seems to relate to what I've read here...


also, you tube video: Dan Winter, the purpose of DNA
Re: Dan Winter

He has been mentioned on the forum previously. Search the forum for his name and get caught up to speed on the previous discussions.
Re: Dan Winter

Hi Nipmuck

There has been ongoing discussion about Dan Winter in the following thread, so I'm moving your post there.

It's a good idea to use the "Search" function at the top of the page before starting a thread about a specific person and/or subject, to see if a thread has already been established. We just like to keep threads organized, and keep repetition to a minimum.

Re: Dan Winter

Sorry 'bout that, :-[ tried looking around before posting, but didn't see anything, checked several categories, but missed this one :-[
Kinda thought that if anyone had knowledge of this guy it would be you guys!
Still learning my way around here, so bear with me! :D
Thanks for the info!
Re: Dan Winter

"RA: Thought-form entities feed upon fear..."

"Some exist in the astral plane. Others wait within the Earth's surface. It is our impression that this type of information is unimportant. (B2, 101)"

I assume this is the type of information that was ignored in the RA material.

This is a quote from the links that were provided, namely h!!p://
Re: Dan Winter

Nipmuck4truth said:
Sorry 'bout that, :-[ tried looking around before posting, but didn't see anything, checked several categories, but missed this one :-[
Kinda thought that if anyone had knowledge of this guy it would be you guys!
Still learning my way around here, so bear with me! :D
Thanks for the info!

No worries Nipmuck. I forgot that search part so much, that I now have a yellow post it note on my monitor that says the following:

"Search threads before posting on Cass. forum. 12/08--sincerely, your brain." :lol:

You'll get the hang of it. Just don't be shy of letting folks know you can't find something.
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