Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner and Gang - Web Pathology

Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

mark said:
StrangeCaptain said:
I am not even half way through with reading this thread yet, so pardon me if my following comments are redundant. I wanted to comment on the following though:

mareiki said:
Well Laura what 'they are doing' to you and your children is your choise. And your choise alone.
You yourself have choosen to do research, to inverstigate, to go on the world wide web, to be a 'channeler' Nobody forced you into doing this! You made a choise to publish all the material.
There is a kind of "blame the victim" theme that helps pathocracy stay powerful and central in our world.
No kidding, eh? It's hard to fathom the kind of mentality that would blame the victim. I'm just about sick of seeing it happen time and time again. Then again, every time it does happen it's another confirmation that the material, especially Ponerology and all the related work regarding psychopaths, is spot on and obviously aggrevates those who don't want to be exposed for what they are. After all, as you basically wrote, they only hold power as long as they can work in darkness. Bright daylight must be painful upon them.

I've met and spent a bit of time with Laura, Ark, her children, the Signs team, and others related to this group and I found every one of them to be very caring, loving, considerate, understanding, and honest people. In fact, I've never met any people who more truly live those attributes. So to read anything Bridges and gang (Mareiki included) writes about these people is to read lies and hatred -- it is the equivelant of reading a portion of the mind of a psychopath, who naturally has a huge hole in their being where in normal people a heart would be found.
Sometimes I wonder about those who are so fast to accuse others of those things that they may be guilty of themselves. It reminds me of the story of Dorian Gray where we become direct reflections of the choices we make. Someone once said that no matter how much we try to blame others our actions fundamentally begin with us. Mareiki appears to be seeing the reflections of her own poor choices in the portrait that she portrays on another.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

What is so curious is that Mareiki reveals herself to be a hypocrite.

See this thread

where there is this:

Mareiki said:
lucy wrote:

She was wearing a fringed cowgirl outfit and was impossible to ignore. I'd noticed her bopping around, and remember being surprised when I realized she was David's wife; I guess I was expecting a more serious looking type of person.
i find it quite inapropriate to describe someone's outfit and someone's expression of behaviour and then judge this person not being serious.
I would like to remind you that it is your very own perception and your very own projection you describe here.
And then she writes:

Mareiki said:
When I first heard your voice I didnt find your voice sympathetic.
A picture of Kate Banes appeared for me.
Why Kate Banes I wondered?
Well the kate Banes in the film Misery.
I trust my first feelings about a person but i always give the benefit of the doubt.
After this i go back to my first feelings.

Mareiki said:
But i am not easily impressed by intelectual answers. In fact when intelectual answers appear it is a sign for ME to let go the discussion because in my experience it never led to anything but more intelectuel words.

Mareiki said:
Laura choose the picture of the film Wizzard of OZZ.
laura is the little girl ( wich she still is) listening to the motherfigure behind her( her own mother). The motherfigure is holding a star( the C's?) above her head.
Laura believes in miracles as the motherfigure is also a kind of good witch. And she is providing Laura with miracles. laura still believes her mother can provide her miracles.
She is still depending on her mother and hoping her mother will notice her for once.
Now laura's signature tells us she is afraid missing the boat ( Ark).

Mareiki said:
Laura is even worse then a psychopate. She is a vampire.
She sucks energy from all the people that connect to her. That makes hear definitly a psychopat as Gunberg describes.................look at pictures of hers: overweithed, slumby, even her children are overweithed.
They suck and suck all of them because they cannot do otherwise..........they do exactly as mommy does.
besides she has 100'dreds of kilo's knowledge in her brain, body and blood.
Of course they eat the american way: prefabd food that is obvious. She has no time to cook like the French do!!!
She must read, research, networking as she is choosen to do the job of saving the world.

My God what a mess!
On hypocrisy:

Mouravieff said:
Hypocrisy from Mouravieff:

It is also necessary to guard against a variant of the habit of lying to
ourselves, one which we commonly adopt from early childhood and against
which we must fight by every means.

This variant is widespread because at first glance it appears to us to be a
positive attitude. Such an attitude can normally be adapted easily to any
case; used in spoken language or in writing; in mundane conversation, or in
a thesis for a doctorate, it is betrayed by the phrase: yes but...'.

This in itself does not imply any harm when it is used. On the contrary,
such usage is helpful and even indispensable in discussions, controversies
and pleadings -where we resort to it quite frequently.

However when applied to ourselves and for our own benefit, with the aim of
softening a shock, or rediscovering our inner peace after we have sinned,
or excusing our actions or faults, this idiom crystallizes within us over a
period of time to create a true auto-tranquillizing mechanism.

It is to be noted that the effects of this mechanism are not to be compared
with 'sang-froid', or the ability to answer well and quickly, or those of
inspirations from consciousness.

On the contrary, it is a true mechanism of mental anaesthesia, founded on a
refined and disguised lie. It sows hypocrisy in man towards himself. This
auto-tranquillizer, like all other moral buffers, must be destroyed. ...

Among the lower centres, the emotional centre is worst off. In our
civilization - as we have already observed - it generally receives neither
rational education nor systematic training. Its formation and development
are now left to chance, since religious education today has been largely
intellectualized and rationalized.

All sorts of considerations dictated by worldly wisdom and mundane vanity;
the habitual practice of lying - especially to ourselves - and hypocrisy,
from which no one is totally exempt, imprint dangerous distortions on the
emotional centre.

Frequently struck by a feeling of inferiority and by the need for
compensation, its usual motivation; accustomed as it is to judge and to
criticize everybody and everything; surrendering itself to a strangely
voluptuous enjoyment of negative emotions; this centre becomes
unrecognizable. It degenerates to the point where it becomes the instrument
of destruction of our being, which it accelerates on its way towards ageing
and death. ...

We shall now better understand the attitude of the Tradition to lying. If
man wants to reach the Way, it is imperative that he stops lying to himself
from his first steps on the track. If not, he will not be able to build his
cage or, if he is able to start building it, the walls will tumble as soon
as he intentionally seeks to cheat himself.

He must no longer try to justify himself when a fall occurs, while he knows
in his inmost heart that the reasons he is giving himself are not valid. A
sincere error is forgivable, but an 'arranged' error ruins everything.

We have here one of the aspects of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, that
hypocrisy towards oneself that will not be forgiven now, or in the time to
come. This concerns the famous leaven of the pharisees, which in spite of
all its dangers, always finds human hearts in which to settle. ...

In talking about this to his disciples, Jesus added: ' Before anything else,
beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy...

Hypocrisy: the pretence of virtue, of praiseworthy sentiments, with the
intent to deceive persons of good faith...
Finally, Mareiki quotes Vincent Bridges:

Mareiki said:
This I found very striking in VB's satement:
Laura said:
"And of course, the children have asked us: Why do you even do it? Why not just walk away from the world such people inhabit? Why not just go back to "normal life," and forget about it. Let the world do what it wants to do, let everybody just go away and leave us alone?
And frankly, as I write this, I am hard pressed to answer that question. Why, indeed?"
Vincent Bridges said:
Why does this make me angry? Of course having no insight about me, I'm sure you haven't a clue. Since you are the ones who shamelessly involve your children in your dramas and trot them out when you need a little sympathy or convenient witnesses, I am not surprised at this latest attempt to use your children as pawns in your strange blame game.

But remember, I met your kids, spent time in your house and so forth. I know that they are neglected, used as servants around the house instead of going to school (home schooling in what exactly?) and used as emotional support for the constant theme of the world is out to get Laura. Anyone reading the St. Pete Times article knows how you used Jason's childhood fantasies to build a case for his reincarnation, and refused to back down on it after the Cs were proved flat out wrong.

And now, trot the children out again for sympathy because people are going to say some mean things about Mommy dearest... Never mind if they are true or not, or that you published them before anyone else had even mentioned the subject, they are bad things and you had to warn the kids that even people they liked, such as myself and "Frank", were evil and bad because they questioned Mommy dearest's motives.

Frankly, it just makes me want to puke. Such hypocrisy and self-serving narcissistic behavior is simply beyond the pale of human decency, and I am not sure which shocks me more - your sense of egoistic entitlement or your complete lack of understanding and compassion toward your children.

Why not walk away from it as they asked you to do? Or at least, try to admit your errors and fix things? That would be the STO thing to do, but then that path seems to have little attraction for the lower astral ouiji aliens who have enslaved you. There are as devoid of compassion and ethics as you are, and they are apparently only concerned with how much of your negative emotional energy they can consume. Therefore, they encourage you to just keep piling it on. website:vincentbridges(dot)com/?page_id=27
As I have already mentioned, Vincent Bridges met me exactly two times. See this thread for a discussion of one of those times: where I mention:

[Among the people present when Vinnie visited were] my children who "saw through" Vinnie. Two of my children in particular. The youngest didn't like him from the instant she laid eyes on him and told me that he was a "vampire." She actually said to Vinnie "When are you leaving?" I was mortified. Well, she was only 12 at the time and at that "stage" where a kid can be obnoxious. Naturally, Vinnie had to pronounce on this saying that my daughter was "psychologically damaged" because I had allowed her to learn too much too soon and hadn't protected her from the "dark side" or whatever... Go figure.

My son had a conversation with Vinnie which he told me about later as we were discussing if it could be true that he was the fraud that we were thinking he was. Apparently Vinnie had been telling him some story that included name dropping and it just so happened that my son knew more about the subject than Vinnie and immediately spotted the lies but didn't let on and, in fact, kept drawing Vinnie out on the subject (can't remember exact details, but had something to do with martial arts which is my son's great interest) just to see what other outrageous things he would say.
As it happens, Vinnie does go on about children in other places. He was, in fact, attending a "Star Kids" meeting at one point when he claimed to us, via email, to be down with the flu and unable to even write a message... It was only later that we learned this because the meeting was described in loving detail on the internet. The odd thing is that we have also found that the folks that started and run Godlikeproductions(dot)com seem to have a particular connection to trafficking in children, and again and again hints of this sort of thing come up among some of the Black Magic types such as Vinnie. Indigo kids, Star kids, whatever they call them, they are all out there working with kids and if any of you read Dave McGowan's book "Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder," or Anna Salter's book on Sexual Predators, you will know that the is definitely something wrong with this picture.

Strangely enough, Mareiki used the following example:

Mareiki said:
Well Ark let me ask you this: you are desparetly in need for a babysitter and you know neighbour is a pedofiel and you know he would love to babysit as he did once but you are in such a great need you need him, would you ask him or would you stay at home to protect your child?
And that is just the point. Of course, if you know that your neighbor is a pedophile, you won't ask him to babysit your kids. It's what you DON'T know that hurts you and your children. The problem is that pedophiles are generally "hidden" under a mask of lies and deception. That's how they do their evil work. And Vinnie himself was hidden under a mask of lies and deception on all fronts... and has an extraordinary interest in my children - and other people's children - that completely creeps me out.

I wrote about this in one of my Blog Posts that might do Mareiki some good if she really intends to protect her children:

As Robert Canup writes, we face a particular, even monstrous, problem in our world: that most of what we know or think we know is based on plausible lies. A person who is sincere and speaks the truth really has almost no chance against a plausible liar. Yes, I know that goes against everything we have been taught from childhood in the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave," but it is all too sadly true. We have been taught that "the Truth will always win" and that "anybody who believes a lie about you wasn't your friend to begin with", and a whole host of other platitudes that actually would work in a different world: a world run by people who tell the truth!

But since our world is run by people who lie for a living, you might expect that they have set things up so that liars will always win. And that is, oh so sadly, the case.

Anna Salter said:
"Our culture agrees on the signs of lying. Ask anyone how to tell if someone is lying and they will tell you that they can tell by "lack of eye contact, nervous shifting, or picking at one's clothes." Psychologist Anna Salter writes with dry humor: "This perception is so widespread I have had the fantasy that, immediately upon birth, nurses must take newborns and whisper in their ears, "Eye contact. It's a sign of truthfulness."
The problem is, if there is a psychopath - or those with related characteropathies - who doesn't know hot to keep good eye contact when lying, they haven't been born. Eye contact is "universally known" to be a sign of truth-telling. The problem is liars will fake anything that it is possible to fake, so in reality, eye contact is absolutely NOT a sign of truth telling.

Anna Salter said:
The man in front of me is a Southern good-ole-boy, the kind of man I grew up with and like. If anything, I have a weakness for the kind of Southern male who can "Sam Ervin" you, the Southern lawyer who wears red suspenders in court along with twenty-five-year-old cowboy boots and who turns his accent up a notch when he sees the northern expert witness coming. A "northern city slicker" on the witness stand will elicit the same kind of focused interest that a deer will in hunting season. You can have some very long days in court with men who wear red suspenders and start by telling you how smart you are and how simple and dumb they are.

I survey the man in front of me. I am not in court; I am in prison, and he is not an attorney but a sex offender, and he has bright eyes along with that slow, sweet drawl. He is a big man, slightly balding, and he has - I have to admit there is such a thing - an innocent face. ...

My Southern good-ole-boy certainly knows eye contact is considered a sign of truthfulness. He describes his manner in getting away with close to 100 rapes of adults and children.

Sexual Predator said:
The manner that I use when I was trying to convince somebody - even though I knew I was lying - I'd look them in the eye, but I wouldn't stare at them. Staring makes people uncomfortable and that tends to turn them away, so I wouldn't stare at them. But look at them in a manner that, you know, "look at this innocent face. How can you believe that I would do something like that?" It helps if you have a good command of the vocabulary where you can explain yourself in a way that is easily understood. Dress nice. Use fluent hand gestures that are not attacking in any way.

It's a whole combination of things. It's not any one thing that you can do. It's a whole combination of things that your body gestures and things that say "Look, I'm telling you the truth, and I don't know what these people are trying to pull. I don't know what they're trying to prove, but I haven't done any of this. I don't know why they're doing this. You can check my records. I've got a good record. I've never been in any trouble like this. And I don't know what's going on. I'm confused."...
As if reading my thoughts, he breaks off: "You don't' get this, Anna, do you?" he says. "You think that when I'm asked, "Did I do it?' that's when I lie. But I've been lying every day for the last twenty-five years."

The practiced liar: a category of liar that even experts find it difficult to detect.

Problem is, even when dealing with people who are not practiced liars, such as college students who have volunteered for a research study of lying, most observers are not as good as they think in detecting deception. The research shows consistently that most people - even most professional groups such as police and psychologists - have no better than a chance ability to detect deception. Flipping a coin would serve as well.

Sexual Predator said:
"If you want to deny something, make sure you've got an element of truth in it. It sounds like its true, and there are elements of it that are very true that can be checked out, and try to balance it so that it has more truth than lie, so that when it is checked out, even if the lie part does come out, there's more truth there than lie."
This man was good enough that once he got away with stomping out of court in a huff. He was accused by his sister of raping her and molesting her daughter on the same day. He played it as a preposterous charge. His sister, he told the court, had once accused his uncle of abuse. She was well known in the family for making up crazy charges like this. He said he wasn't going to put up with such nonsense and walked out. No one stopped him, and no one ever called him back. The charge just disappeared somehow. He now admits that both charges were true.

It is likeability and charm that he wields as weapons.

The double life is a powerful tactic. There is the pattern of socially responsible behavior in public that causes people to drop their guard, and to turn a deaf ear to disclosures. The ability to charm, to be likeable, to radiate sincerity and truthfulness, is crucial to the successful liar - and they practice assiduously.

"Niceness is a decision," writes Gavin De Becker in "The Gift of Fear." It is a "strategy of social interaction; it is not a character trait."

Despite the decades of research that have demonstrated that people cannot reliably tell whose lying and who isn't, most people believe they can. There is something so fundamentally threatening about the notion that we cannot really know whether or not to trust someone that it is very difficult to get anyone - clinicians, citizens, even police - to take such results seriously.
And that describes ole Vinnie to a "T": " It is likeability and charm that he wields as weapons. The double life is a powerful tactic. There is the pattern of socially responsible behavior in public that causes people to drop their guard, and to turn a deaf ear to disclosures. The ability to charm, to be likeable, to radiate sincerity and truthfulness, is crucial to the successful liar - and they practice assiduously. "

That is what we discovered about Vincent Bridges: that he lives a double life. He presents a face of likeability, charm and social responsibility. His public behavior is "for the good of society" and he chooses those topics that he knows are "emotional triggers" and will suck gullible people in. Read again psychologist Anna Salter's words above - she's an expert on sexual predators - and I can assure you that you are reading a description of Vincent Bridges as many people have come to know him - those who have seen BOTH sides of him.

I just thank the C's and my friends that I was shown how to look at him. I can imagine, with his interest in my children - which he brings up again and again - that he may have been stalking them and not me.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

Having managed to catch up here again with the lastest vampire (no doubt there will be plenty more) it does give one a nasty feeling when they suddenly reveal themselves in all their vitriolic and spiteful glory. I'll never get used to that. It's like some bizarre horror movie. All it takes is a "scratch" and they're off either rapidly or as a slow dissolve of there temporary mask. It is not a questioning of just disagreeing with points, but rather this cognitive dissonance that goes directly to the heart of the void when confronted with the dynamic of defending truth against lies. Fascinating stuff.

It also reminds me of the scene in 'Matrix Revolutions' where those spidery things are crawling all over the Nebacanezzar and they're having their work cut out to keep the integrity of the hull.

Well, it's not like that yet, but I get the idea it certainly will be. And that means more opportunities to understand the intricacies of the entropic pathway and to combat its machinations.

Man the turrets!

Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

Talking about pedophiles, this week a new political party 'Love, Freedom and Diversity' presented itself in The Netherlands. Main agenda: to decrease the legal age for sexual activities from 16 to 12 years. They also want to legalize the ownership of child porn. How tolerant.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

salleles said:
Talking about pedophiles, this week a new political party 'Love, Freedom and Diversity' presented itself in The Netherlands. Main agenda: to decrease the legal age for sexual activities from 16 to 12 years. They also want to legalize the ownership of child porn. How tolerant.
Not a surprise. When we published the information about Elaine Belisha and Godlikeproductions, where Vinnie Bridges, Colleen Johnston, StormBear William, Linda DeCloedt, Andrew Rowland, and others "hold court," we immediately received a threatening email that came - you guessed it - from the Netherlands. We were told that just because we are in France, don't think they can't get to us... and if we didn't take down the expose of Elaine Belisha and her XXX activities we might be sorry.

Well, of course, I wasn't inclined to remove it, but a couple of days later, I went to market and something VERY strange happened. Some really rough looking guy (and I don't mean roughly dressed, he was pretty snazzy, but rough in the look in his eyes and his general demeanor) was taking photographs of me and acting very suspicious. Later, we noticed strange cars in our neighborhood parked where people don't usually park, and not long after that, we discovered that our chain link fence had been cut.

So, with children to protect (even if Mareiki doesn't think that we are very good parents because we believe in standing up for the truth), I removed that page from the site and kept it down for almost two years. Only as I have become more and more aware of the terrible tragedy of the trafficking in human beings, because we have several group members researching this, and after reading Dave McGowan's book that lays the whole horrible tragedy out, exposing what liars and creeps those kind of people are (and they could be the preacher in your church, a priest, a government official, etc) did I think that no matter what, I really need to get that information out there. Those who can receive the warning will... those who are "lunch" will just be lunch.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

Hello All,

I wish to share my observation on this recent issue.

In my opinion, "mareiki" acted as a portal of attack and was "possesed". And by telling it, I do not mean that she is "innocent" and was JUST a portal of attack. She definitely had a predisposition to become one, (psychopathic tendincies or OP nature). I mean that this was a reason of her sudden "activation", activation of some very strong verbal and energy "venom like" flow. She wasn't quite "herself", but became "slave" of the energy that carry a "signiture" of VB "masters".

Why do I think this way? I am working on developing ability to sense energy behind the words. To "interpretate" and understand it's "source", intent or meaning. Communications such as forums and internet, lack the "physical proximity" where, if you are sensitive enough, you can feel the energy of a person you are talking to, and not be decieved by "smart talk". So this is crucial to learn how to see beyond the words and sense the person behind them. This is also deffinetly doable.

For now my abilities in this area (sensing words) are limited, but I still can "catch the flow" so to say. I can "tune"/resonate with person's frequency, and examine the thoughtforms that come to my mind. This is of course, not the optimal method, becouse the goal is - to understand the flow without becoming part of it, because there is always danger that I won't be able to recognise what is "mine" and what is imposed on me by this "foreign energy flow". But, as I said - I am only at the beginning.

Anyway, when I was reading her posts, I was feeling a strong anger, anger toward Laura and Ark.
This anger was very strong and came out of "nowhere", like it was imposed on me.
And then I reached the part where mareiki quoted VB. In this point I was already "into the flow of the posts" so to say. I thought that she was quoting only several sentences from VB, and didn't notice that the rest of the post was also said by VB. I even didn't notice that it says: "But remember, I met your kids, spent time in your house and so forth." I just thought that maybe she also was Laura's guest once.Talking about hypnotic energy!!
Only in the end of the post I realised that I was "listening"/tuning into VB's frequency. And then, when this realisation hit me, I had a split headache, like something was squashing my head. So I had to make a concious effort to cut myself from this nasty attempt to cloud my mind and suck my energy, because this is exactly how it felt. By tuning into the energy of those letters, I "allowed" this something to create link to me, and after I've realised what happened, this "something" became inraged by "exposure". It was like waking up from a hypnosis.

It was like VB energy (or actually his "masters") were talking through her. That's why I didn't notice that it was still a VB quote, the energy was indistinguishable. Later I dealt with this anger, by analyzing what was "mine" and what is not. So now I am sure that mareiki was not herself, but was acting as a portal of attack, maybe opened before or during her reading on VB's site. She "caught" this energy, because was "suitable for possesion".

And this experience lead me to several realizations:
That there are other forces then human/physical/3d COINTELPRO agents that we should be aware of.
Until we will gain full understanding and connection with our inner/higher selfs, we all can become "conduits or portals of attack". This "something" act through our thoughts and words, and we should be aware that such thing can happen. it is not enough to learn "verbal discernment" because COINTELPRO will adapt eventualy. We already witnessed a more "sophisticated verson" in the case of Angelo.
So in my opinion, we should be aware of our thoughts when we express them, be aware that we say something that WE mean, and not something that was imposed by external influence. We should know what is "ours" and what is not, that's why sincerity with ourselfes is most important.

Maybe we should learn to develop another aspect of "discernment", connection with our inner/higher self, learning to understand our "gut feeling" in order to spot those who came to disrupt, and also to avoid misunderstandings between forum participants.

Here insightful post by EQ on this issue of possible types of "attacks":

And to add something else from personal experience:
I have a site and a forum (now under construction). And untill a year ago we had so called "working group" on this forum. Several people who learned how to understand the reality. And when we reached a moment when we started to learn how to work together in a true and productive way, attacks begun. Those weren't attacks by other people, those were attacks that came from us. Anger, misunderstandings, need to argue or to be "right". Eventually we started to understand what was going on, but it was too late. It was also too late because not all of the participants accepted the possibility that they can be portals of attack, that they can be compromised. They weren't sincire enough with themselfs, and didn't want to see that there is something inside us that allowed such attacks to happen. And our work came to an end. People just left. I learned this lesson very well, and I think we should be aware of such danger and avoid it.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

Keit said:
They weren't sincire enough with themselfs, and didn't want to see that there is something inside us that allowed such attacks to happen. And our work came to an end. People just left. I learned this lesson very well, and I think we should be aware of such danger and avoid it.
I completely agree. We need to be continually vigilant, so that we do not act in a similar way. These various ongoing attacks are a very useful education, in what to look out for in ourselves. It can be a real eye-opener to see someone be completely taken over by the 'predators mind' and their behaviour change, and for that person to appear to be completely unaware of what he/she is saying, and to suddenly lose all understanding of everyone else. And to think that next time 'it could be me'.

This is the strength of a network - where people are determined to be sincere with one another. In this way we can act as a mirror for one another, if we have the strength to really examine ourselves.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

Keit said:
So in my opinion, we should be aware of our thoughts when we express them, be aware that we say something that WE mean, and not something that was imposed by external influence. We should know what is "ours" and what is not, that's why sincerity with ourselfes is most important.

Maybe we should learn to develop another aspect of "discernment", connection with our inner/higher self, learning to understand our "gut feeling" in order to spot those who came to disrupt, and also to avoid misunderstandings between forum participants.
And stepping out of ourselves and looking at us in the third person is a good way to get there, osit.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

Keit said:
Hello All,

It was like VB energy (or actually his "masters") were talking through her. That's why I didn't notice that it was still a VB quote, the energy was indistinguishable. Later I dealt with this anger, by analyzing what was "mine" and what is not. So now I am sure that mareiki was not herself, but was acting as a portal of attack, maybe opened before or during her reading on VB's site. She "caught" this energy, because was "suitable for possesion".

And this experience lead me to several realizations:
That there are other forces then human/physical/3d COINTELPRO agents that we should be aware of.
Until we will gain full understanding and connection with our inner/higher selfs, we all can become "conduits or portals of attack". This "something" act through our thoughts and words, and we should be aware that such thing can happen. it is not enough to learn "verbal discernment" because COINTELPRO will adapt eventualy. We already witnessed a more "sophisticated verson" in the case of Angelo.
So in my opinion, we should be aware of our thoughts when we express them, be aware that we say something that WE mean, and not something that was imposed by external influence. We should know what is "ours" and what is not, that's why sincerity with ourselfes is most important.

Maybe we should learn to develop another aspect of "discernment", connection with our inner/higher self, learning to understand our "gut feeling" in order to spot those who came to disrupt, and also to avoid misunderstandings between forum participants.

Here insightful post by EQ on this issue of possible types of "attacks":

And to add something else from personal experience:
I have a site and a forum (now under construction). And untill a year ago we had so called "working group" on this forum. Several people who learned how to understand the reality. And when we reached a moment when we started to learn how to work together in a true and productive way, attacks begun. Those weren't attacks by other people, those were attacks that came from us. Anger, misunderstandings, need to argue or to be "right". Eventually we started to understand what was going on, but it was too late. It was also too late because not all of the participants accepted the possibility that they can be portals of attack, that they can be compromised. They weren't sincire enough with themselfs, and didn't want to see that there is something inside us that allowed such attacks to happen. And our work came to an end. People just left. I learned this lesson very well, and I think we should be aware of such danger and avoid it.
I think you made some excellect points Keit. What you say above makes me think of what Gurdjieff refers to as influences from the moon or lunacy and how this ties in with his idea of 'food for the moon.' I just found this definition in the Cassiopaea Glossary which I think is a very good definition of what Gurdjieff meant.

Food For The Moon

This is one of the more troubling and less explained concepts of the 4th Way. In the 4th Way cosmology, creation proceeds outward and downward from a central point, called Sun Absolute. Creation passes through multiple levels, known as cosmoi or worlds and finally reaches the level corresponding to Earth. Due to special cosmic circumstance , organic life on Earth is necessary for receiving this energy of creation and transforming this into a form that is passed further along, to 'feed' the 'moon,' which is said to be growing. All this is seen as a natural process where organic Earth life, including man, performs a function in a cosmic organism, a little like bacteria perform a function in the human digestive system. The fact of mankind collectively being required to produce certain 'vibrations' or 'energies' for serving various cosmic purposes is stressed throughout Gurdjieff's Beelzebub's Tales. So called planetary influences cause mankind to fight wars and endure cataclysms so that a certain quota of energy release be fulfilled and the 'moon fed.'

Exactly what the moon represents is not described in much detail. The food in question is described as vibrations generated by intense human experience, for example the experience of violent death. While being food is inescapable, man may still modulate the quality of his contribution to the cosmic demand of vibrations. With man being less and less conscious, nature found it necessary to substitute quantity for quality of vibrations, thus leading to population explosion and increased incidence of natural catastrophy and war. From Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson:

""And so, my dear Hassein, when it appeared that the instinctive need for conscious labor and intentional suffering in order to be able to take in and transmute in themselves the sacred substances Abrustdonis and Helkdonis and thereby to liberate the sacred Askokin for the maintenance of the Moon and Anulios had finally disappeared from the psyche of your favorites, then Great Nature Herself was constrained to adapt Herself to extract this sacred substance by other means, one of which is precisely that periodic terrifying process there of reciprocal destruction."

Gurdjieff is not alone in proposing that man feeds something else. In the following we will make a quick tour of various other sources' take on the matter:

In archaic Christianity, in the the Gospel of Thomas we have:

(60) They saw> a Samaritan carrying a lamb, who was going to Judaea. He said to his disciples: (What will) this man (do) with the lamb? They said to him: Kill it and eat it. He said to them: While it is alive he will not eat it, but (only) when he kills it (and) it becomes a corpse. They said to him: Otherwise he cannot do it. He said to them: You also, seek a place for yourselves in rest, that you may not become a corpse and be eaten.

This is at some variance with the theme of the good shepherd. This is understandable though, since the Nag Hammadi texts had not gone through the centuries of selective editing undergone by the rest of the Bible. Even so, this may be interpreted in countless allegoric ways. The core of the matter is that man is food only insofar he is "dead," which we may interpret asmechanical, without consciousness.

Castaneda, in his last book, The Active Side of Infinity, speaks of a cosmic predator that uses man as food: Man has a glowing coat of awareness which the predator eats, leaving just the bare minimum of "consciousness stuff" for mamn to remain physically alive. The predator "milks" man through arranging for constant trouble and crisis and senseless preoccupation, so as to generate flashes of awareness that it then proceeds to eat. "Seek a place for yourselves in rest in Thomas above means do not waste "soul stuff" for feeding the predator. In other words, do not react mechanically to whatever the world throws at you, or, yet in other words, "remember yourself."

Boris Mouravieff, drawing on Gurdjieff and possibly Eastern Orthodox monastic tradition, states the following:

"This task is crushing. Under normal conditions of peace, insufficient quantities of energy are transmitted to the Moon as a result of the work of human society and its surrounding fauna and flora. This necessitates interventions on the part of the Deuterocosmos, which provoke convulsions in the Tritocosmos. The aim of the latter is to increase the energy expended at this level, so as to ensure the nourishment and growth of that cosmic foetus that is the Tessaracosmos. This is, for example, the cosmic origin of wars and revolutions, of epidemics, and of all the other large-scale catastrophes that plague humanity. ... considerable conscious efforts must be made by exterior man on the esoteric plane before man can efficiently contribute as he must - by his own evolution - to the harmonious evolution of the System of Cosmoses."

The Gnostics, who also may have figured among Mouravieff's influences, maintained that the Earth and material creation in general were the product of an evil demiurge, chief of the "archons of darkness" or "princes of the air." Mouravieff calls this being or principle Absolute III and also indirectly identifies it as the Yahweh of the Old Testament, just as the Gnostics did. This Absolute III through various spirits plays humanity against itself as in a game of chess, with the effect of generating vibrations for "feeding the moon."

Various modern channeled sources speak of man being a source of psychic food for various beings. They speak of this as they would of eating bread, as a most obvious state of matters. We'll take Barbara Marciniak's Bringers of the Dawn as an example:

"Consciousness vibrates, or can be led to vibrate, at certain electromagnetic frequencies. Electromagnetic energies of consciousness can be influenced to vibrate in a certain way to create a source of food. Just as apples can he prepared and eaten in a variety of ways, consciousness can be prepared and ingested in a variety of ways. Some entities, in the process of their own evolution, began to discover that as they created life and put consciousness into things through modulating the frequencies of forms of consciousness, they could feed themselves; they could keep themselves in charge. They began to Figure out that this is how Prime Creator nourished itself. Prime Creator sends out others to create an electromagnetic frequency of consciousness as a food source for itself. The new owners of this planet had a different appetite and different preferences than the former owners. They nourished themselves with chaos and fear. These things fed them, stimulated them, and kept them in power. These new owners who came here 300,000 years ago are the magnificent beings spoken of in your Bible, in the Babylonian and Sumerian tablets, and in texts all over the world. They came to Earth and rearranged the native human species. They rearranged your DNA in order to have you broadcast within a certain limited frequency band whose frequency could feed them and keep them in power."

The idea is in no wise new, but Marciniak is rather more blunt in talking about matters where Jesus, the Gnostics, Gurdjieff, Mouravieff and even Castaneda found it necessary to tread somewhat carefully.

Also at the modern end, we have the UFO phenomenon. To make sense of the abduction phenomenon we cannot very well claim that this were scientific research. This sounds rather more like a systematic exploitation or breeding program. The phenomenon appears to be partly physical, yet not entirely so. Jacques Vallee states:

"The UFO Phenomenon exists. It has been with us throughout history. It is physical in nature and it remains unexplained in terms of contemporary science. It represents a level of consciousness that we have not yet recognized, and which is able to manipulate dimensions beyond time and space as we understand them."

As concerns the idea of man being psychic and sometimes physical food, the reader may read up on the abduction phenomenon. This is however extremely confused and we may only say that this is not so by chance.

The practice of sacrifice to various gods goes throughout all ages. The sacrifice phenomenon goes from having a religiously flavored way to eat meat to complicated and ritually strict forms of human sacrifice. In the latter category, the practices of the Aztecs are informative. In Aztec Warfare, Western Warfare Richard Koenigsberg documents how it was a declared purpose of warfare to procure sacrificial victims for feeding the Sun god. The Western powers of WWI engaged in the precisely same activity, however more hypocritically: The author argues that the nations competed in which would sacrifice more young men, so that their blood would nourish the greatness of the nation. The name of the would-be god is changed but the idea remains. The trench battles of WWI were militarily extremely inefficient and costly in casualties. The moon always makes a profit while the nations bleed. The Aztec's peculiarity was that this was openly recognized and they were willing participants in feeding a bloodthirsty god.

Even the most cursory review of diverse cultures and ages points to the theme of man being food. Indeed, this is hard to miss, once one looks. Still, this is the strictest taboo and object of denial, where materialistic man relegates this state of matters either into ignorant past or the fringe realm of cookery.

In modern popular culture we have new renditions of the theme, maybe best exemplified by the Matrix movies. This has a dual effect: On one hand, it creates an automatic association of the theme with the realm of science fiction, a time honored technique of dealing with anything troubling. On the other hand, it provides a modernized version of the ancient theme with at least a partly valid outline of the profile of the question. Thus, as with legend in general, these works speak at different levels to different audiences. Ignorance and denial cannot be overcome by force, thus for man to benefit from any such information there must exist a certain questing spirit. The impulse is generally beneficial but again can get diverted by too much identification with specifics of one story or hero.

The QFS understands that Gurdjieff in his day needed to have recourse to allegory and could not right out say that so-called aliens or 4th density service to self entities used humanity as a sort of natural resource, to be farmed and harvested and kept forever ignorant of their fate. The 'evil magician' parable in Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous comes very close to saying this explicitly, though. In present day popular culture, the Matrix movies are another well known allegory for the same.

What to do about it? Gurdjieff devotes a whole chapter of Beelzebub's Tales to the impossibility of any political solution to the scourge of war. History and present bear witness to the grim correctness of his views. Man should wake up and change. In Castaneda's words, man should no longer honor the contract binding him to the predator. But the predator is internal, as is Gurdjieff's mythical "organ kundabuffer." Such a revolution is in the first place internal, yet it does not necessarily take the form of political pacifism or any other ism. The Gnostics' denouncing of the human condition cost them dearly. Gurdjieff may have taken the lesson of history to heart and refrained from including evil demiurges or bloodthirsty intrusive aliens into his cosmogony because this would on one hand have invited even greater enmity against him and secondly would have diverted attention off the central aspect of the problem: The evolution of man. The situation is not seen as a moralistic punishment for a fall. It is seen as a natural consequence of a state of being, just as it is a natural consequence of being a rabbit to sometimes get eaten by a fox. Freedom exists only on a vertical axis, where man may evolve "being" and thus escape certain otherwise inevitable laws. We might speak of outgrowing a spiritual-ecological niche or of not being "dead," as in the parable of the Gospel of Thomas.

Humanity as a whole cannot escape but groups of individuals can become aware of this situation and find an escape. This is exceedingly rare and QFS understand such an escape to mean 'graduation to 4th density' or accomplishing the 'great work' of the alchemists.

Man's tendency to subjectivity and egocentrism serves to maintain this status quo.

Gurdjieff, as well as the Cassiopaeans, maintains that man was in its earliest history intentionally modified by other forces to become impervious to reality, for better to be used as a tool. The specifics of the stories differ but the common thread is man's subjectivity and wishful thinking being an outside imposition, first genetically, then culturally enforced.

See Evil Magician, Abduction, Fall, The, Predator's Mind, Gnosticism, Cosmoses.]
As I understand it, the Gurdjieffian cosmology sees organic life as a quasi-independent creation within what he calls the "cosmic octave" and this quasi-independent creation is a center for self organization or what we call autonomic existance. Autonomic means having laws of its own. Organic life could be considered as being an echo (echo is a good word since it relates to sound...'The Word') of the creative power of the Sun, but organic life is constrained by the conditions occurring on the surface of the earth. The creative power within the sun relates to the evolving aspects of the solar system, including organic life on earth, which also plays a part in the evolution of the solar system. However Gurdjieff referred to the moon as feeding or 'sucking' on the 'organic sensitivity' (life) of the earth. You can see this feeding in Mareiki where she seeks to provoke reactions from Laura on "sensitive issues" relating to her family. Such is also the case with Vincient Bridges and his kind who all show very little differences in the underlying motivations which drive them. In a way they represent the moon in Gurdjieffs cosmology and like the moon they feed on the "organic sensitivity" (of the earth) which, I think, would explain why they are motivated to always go for the "soft underbelly" and seek to exploit their victims on "sensitive issues."
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

Keit said:
It was like VB energy (or actually his "masters") were talking through her. That's why I didn't notice that it was still a VB quote, the energy was indistinguishable. Later I dealt with this anger, by analyzing what was "mine" and what is not. So now I am sure that mareiki was not herself, but was acting as a portal of attack, maybe opened before or during her reading on VB's site. She "caught" this energy, because was "suitable for possesion".
Well, there is nothing supernatural in it. The two appropriate keywords are "Neopaganism" and "Wica". Vincent Bridges wrote about himself:
Well, I'm a Christian non-denominational minister, a Wiccan initiate, a high ranking GD adepti, a member of the Al Haggagi Sufi Order of Luxor, Egypt, and a Nyngma-pa Buddhist terton holder. That makes me a Christian Wiccan Enochian Sufi Buddhist - am I a pagan?
and Storm Bear Williams, VB's buddy, is the founder of the Pagan Unity Campaign Political Action Committe. Remember that one of the mottos there is Aleister Crowley's motto 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.'

Which solves the whole puzzle: 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.' Hard to imagine for us. But once we understand the mechanism behind - then there are no surprizes.

So, these are the forces we are dealing with. Once one is close to such a force, once one catches the "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" virus, as Mareiki apparently did, then the rest is predictable.

Vincent Bridges describes himself as a high initiate of Enochian magic. You do not know what Enochian Magic is about? Check here:

"[...] If the magician wishes to direct the demon to the aid of his
work, he will present the symbols of the work to the demon, and state
his will clearly. Then he should charge the demon to put his force
into the symbol of the work, and to cause that work to be accomplished
through the forces he represents.

"Be advised that the demons may do their work in a manner that is
offensive to "community standards of conduct". The magician should not
allow himself to become emotionally involved through such offense. He
must always consider himself to be superior to such creatures, and
consider that it is doing his will within the limits of its abilities.

"For example, a cacodemon might choose to transfer his three
aspects to the symbol of the work by spitting on it, then copulating
with it, then defecating on it. Think not that it intends any dis-
respect by this. It barely has enough intelligence to be conscious,
and there is none left over for cleverness. Think of it thus, as a
particularly stupid animal, which must be dealt with firmly, but
without trying to change its instinctive nature. [...]
And that what certain people, as exemplified, for instance, by mareiki, are attracted to.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

salleles said:
Talking about pedophiles, this week a new political party 'Love, Freedom and Diversity' presented itself in The Netherlands. Main agenda: to decrease the legal age for sexual activities from 16 to 12 years. They also want to legalize the ownership of child porn. How tolerant.
Not only that but they also want to make Bestiality legal. Come to that, it has been legal in Sweden since 1944, and the latter country has had so many cases of vets reporting the abuse of animals that there are several studies going on right now to determine the scope of the problem.

What a world.

Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

mark said:
No kidding, eh? It's hard to fathom the kind of mentality that would blame the victim. I'm just about sick of seeing it happen time and time again. Then again, every time it does happen it's another confirmation that the material, especially Ponerology and all the related work regarding psychopaths, is spot on and obviously aggrevates those who don't want to be exposed for what they are. After all, as you basically wrote, they only hold power as long as they can work in darkness. Bright daylight must be painful upon them.
I agree. It is difficult to imagine the mentality of such a person who would blame the victim, or one that gets satisfaction slinging such dirt at people, and essentially making it their mission in life to destroy someone else's life and work. But such people exist. They're out there. I've seen them ever since I was a child and wondered how it was possible for some people to do what they do. Now, thanks to the information on psychopathy, there is some explanation. I think the information here is of vital importance to all of us, and this is precisely why it is attacked.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

Alan Parsons Project - I Am A Mirror

Suppose I were to tell you that the meaning of dreams
Is not all that it seems and the ultimate truth is a lie.
And you are just a puppet who can dance on a string.
Do you feel anything?
Would you laugh? would you care? would you cry?

But the meaning of life is a mystery, how can anyone disagree?
And the music (of life) is a symphony which we play in a minor key.

I am a mirror. I am a mirror. looking at me you see yourself

I am a mirror. I am a mirror. every face is someone else.
Look at me smile and you're the clown. and if I dance you turn around.
Look in my eyes and see your tears until the music disappears.

So if you are confused and don't know which way to go.
You will certainly know. from the moment we're living we die.
And if it's all a crazy game you don't want to play
Tell me what you can say.
It's a joke. it's the truth. it's a lie.

But the meaning of life is a mystery that we don't understand (so far).
And the music (of life) is a rhapsody if you're happy the way that you are.

I am a mirror. I am a mirror. looking at me you see yourself
I am a mirror. I am a mirror. every face is someone else.
Look at me smile and you're the clown. and if I dance you turn around.
Look in my eyes and see your tears until the music disappears.

the meaning of life is a mystery though we live it from day to day.
But the music of live should be harmony so that anyone here can play.

I am a mirror. I am a mirror. looking at me you see yourself
I am a mirror. I am a mirror. every face is someone else.
Look at me smile and you're the clown. and if I dance you turn around.
Look in my eyes and see your tears until the music disappears.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

It's funny that when I first started reading the cass material, I did a search on google and, of course, ran across Mr. Bridge's site. I read quite a lot of it. I admit that when I first starting reading it, I felt flushed. What the hell had I gotten myself into?, I thought. As I continuted reading, though, it occured to me that none of it made sense. He detailed the ways to identify a cult, but made no correlation between that and the Cass groups. The statements he made about, for example, the rules of the chat groups were exactly the opposite of the actual rules.

It really turned out to be a great learning experience. While I know this probably doesn't help Laura in dealing with the attacks she has undergone (and I can relate on a smaller scale), I have to say, "bless you Vinnie Bridges, you have provided me with a great object lesson on the machinations of a psychopath." Even before I started reading the psychopath material Laura has posted (life changing reading, in my opinion) I saw that there was something really "off" about this guy. It was a good introduction to the reading I've done since.

To Laura and the SOTT team, keep up the good work. While there are the Vinnie Bridge's out there, there are also those of us who appreciate what you do perhaps more than you know!

Added later:
Perhaps I'm being overly sensitive here, but I hope no one takes offence to my turn of phrase, "bless you Vinnie Bridges." Perhaps something like, "thanks Vin" would've been more appropriate. I was thinking of a quaint English way of addressing someone who is not particularly liked: Mr. Bridges, bless him. It is something like saying, "what an a-hole" in a very polite way.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

allen said:
It's funny that when I first started reading the cass material, I did a search on google and, of course, ran across Mr. Bridge's site. I read quite a lot of it. I admit that when I first starting reading it, I felt flushed. What the hell had I gotten myself into?, I thought. As I continuted reading, though, it occured to me that none of it made sense. He detailed the ways to identify a cult, but made no correlation between that and the Cass groups. The statements he made about, for example, the rules of the chat groups were exactly the opposite of the actual rules.

It really turned out to be a great learning experience.!
I had a similar experience. Having been associated with a cult as a kid (Jehovah's Witnesses) I was hyper-sensitive to the accusation. The last thing I wanted to do was get mixed up in another "cult." But the cognitive dissonance I experienced while reading his stuff was like an alert to me to pay closer attention, and by doing so I was able to use my past experiences with a "real cult" to 'see' the difference, and identify the lies. Knowledge truly does protect, and we can come by that knowledge in some surprising ways.
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