visibility of the 4th density

In Cassiopedia we find:

Q: (A) I have another question. In a session from April, you made the following comment: 'four dimensional, fourth density, see?' So you related four dimensions to fourth density. I don't know a mathematical representation of density. I know how to represent four dimensions. This was the first time that you related dimension to density. Is there really a relation?

A: Yes, because 4th density is experienced in 4th dimensional reality.

Q: (A) Speaking now about 4 dimensional reality, is it four dimensional reality of the Kaluza-Klein type?

A: Visual spectrum.

Q: (A) Does that mean that the fourth dimension is NOT related to the fifth dimension of the Kaluza-Klein theory?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Yes it is related?

A: No, yes it is not. There is a flaw in these theories, relating to prism. What does this tell you?

Q: (A) To prism?! Visual spectrum? I don't know what it tells me. I never came across any relation to prism. But, what is this 4th dimension? Is it an extra dimension beyond the three space dimensions, or is it a time dimension?

A: Not "time," re: Einstein. It is an added spatial reference. The term "dimension" is used simply to access the popular reference, relating to three dimensions. The added "dimension" allows one to visualize outwardly and inwardly simultaneously.

Q: (A) When you talk about this 4th dimension, what is the closest thing in currently understood physics that corresponds to this term? I cannot find anything that corresponds. It is not in relativity theory, it is not in Einstein, it is not in Kaluza-Klein...

A: Exactly, because it has not been hypothesized.

It is interesting C's said 4th density is experimented in 4th dimensional reality. This means we must be able to perceive time for what it really is (or is not) in order to perceive 4th density. This is why time is meaningless for 4th density beings and maybe the reason we cannot perceive them at all.

However I am quite perplexed, as Ark seems to be. I am trained in physics and simply cannot grasp what could this "added dimension" be, provided it is really a dimension. Neither I can understand what they mean with the prism reference and "the added dimension allows one to visualize outwardly and inwardly simultaneously".

Edit=Changed Code to Quote for easier reading.
Vulcan59 said:
The relevant extract where Tertium Organum is discussed in the Wave can be found here. :)
Thanks Vulcan. :)
This was a very interesting chapter for me because it covers one of the areas where I and others often disagree in our perception of reality. I believe animals do speak, exchange information, and plan coordinated actions verbally because I hear them do it all the time.....especially crows, ducks, coyotes, etc. Of course I can't understand all of their languages, but some of the patterns (words) are very distinct and I've picked up bits and pieces over the years... especially from those that use a musical scale.

I perceive animals to have VERY highly evolved, extremely efficient languages, some of which are completely out of average human hearing range. The slightest variation in tone, timing, etc. can change the entire meaning of the concept they are transmitting to each other.

Personally, I think most humans don't believe animals can speak because most humans don't spend enough time listening to them.....but then again, everyone else could be right, and I could just be totally nuts and hearing things. Some days, it's really hard to tell. :cry:
There are a few things to consider, which have been brought up. Maybe bringing them together can get us closer to the answer. First, densities 1, 2, and 3 are physical. 5, 6, and 7 are "spiritual" or ethereal. 4 is the only one of variable physicality. Second, beings with higher awareness can choose not to be seen by beings with a lower awareness. If we so choose, we can create an environment where 2D creatures cannot see us, e.g. by creating a cage. Third, when a lower density sees a higher density being, it only sees it on his level. It's like a psychopath trying to "grok" a saint. To the psycho, the saint just looks like a silly, naive "human". When we "see" a 4D being, it just looks like a silly gray alien or a strange reptilian humanoid (or a blond Nordic god-man!).

So, we inhabit a physical realm with lower density creatures. Those creatures "see" us, but to them we may appear just as strange animals who magically make things like food and destruction appear. 4D chooses not to be seen by us, and inhabits a different realm that influences our own in strange ways: i.e. symbolically. When they "cross borders", we see them as physical, albeit with paranormal qualities. And higher awareness does NOT equal higher spirituality. Just as humans can be totally selfish and less "humane" than some animals, so can 4D beings be even more "evil" than 3D psychopaths.
Guardian said:
Personally, I think most humans don't believe animals can speak because most humans don't spend enough time listening to them....

Reminds me of an old proverb: "Learn to Listen, Not Hear". ;)
Guardian said:
Personally, I think most humans don't believe animals can speak because most humans don't spend enough time listening to them....

Here is another quote from the C's

Session 941107 said:
Q: (L) Dolphins and whales communicate telepathically?
A: Yes. So do dogs and cats and snakes etc. etc. only humans have learned the "superior" art of verbal
my bold
Vulcan59 said:
Here is another quote from the C's

Session 941107 said:
Q: (L) Dolphins and whales communicate telepathically?
A: Yes. So do dogs and cats and snakes etc. etc. only humans have learned the "superior" art of verbal
my bold

Thanks Vulcan...I needed that
I think our body is 2D and our mind (or awareness) is 3D which also contains 2D awareness. Animals perceive our 2D body and our 2D part of our awareness.

Guardian said:
Animals (undomesticated ones) live in harmony with their environment. They don't take more than they need. They live simply for the sake of living, in a system of balanced interconnectedness we can only envy.

What but our egos and our own skewed perceptions make us think we are somehow more "aware" and "evolved" than the other beings we share this planet with? Even a lowly tit mouse knows not to poop in its water source, but for some reason humanity has yet to grasp this very basic concept of survival.

Just because we like to think we're superior creations to the rest of the animal kingdom...doesn't make it true.

I think we are not superior to the animals but also they are not more unselfish just because they don't behave egoistic. It doesn't make a 2nd grade student more successful that he didn't fail geometry class because (s)he didn't get that class yet.
So our 2D friends are not dealing with what we're dealing: ego. That's why we pollute our waters but they don't :)
I think it's important to emphasize a few key points in the working hypothesis that have already been touched on.

Approaching Infinity said:
There are a few things to consider, which have been brought up. Maybe bringing them together can get us closer to the answer. First, densities 1, 2, and 3 are physical. 5, 6, and 7 are "spiritual" or ethereal. 4 is the only one of variable physicality. Second, beings with higher awareness can choose not to be seen by beings with a lower awareness. If we so choose, we can create an environment where 2D creatures cannot see us, e.g. by creating a cage. Third, when a lower density sees a higher density being, it only sees it on his level. It's like a psychopath trying to "grok" a saint. To the psycho, the saint just looks like a silly, naive "human". When we "see" a 4D being, it just looks like a silly gray alien or a strange reptilian humanoid (or a blond Nordic god-man!).

So some important things to consider: higher density beings (especially STS) can CHOOSE not to be "seen" when it suits them, and choose to be "seen" when that suits them. But even when we "see" them or their manipulations of what they want us to perceive, we most probably don't perceive the thing in itself, OBJECTIVELY. Heck, we have enough trouble perceiving objectively on our level. It does seem that the 4th density STS have been manipulating 3rd density perception and belief systems for a very long time for their own purposes.

Approaching Infinity said:
So, we inhabit a physical realm with lower density creatures. Those creatures "see" us, but to them we may appear just as strange animals who magically make things like food and destruction appear. 4D chooses not to be seen by us, and inhabits a different realm that influences our own in strange ways: i.e. symbolically. When they "cross borders", we see them as physical, albeit with paranormal qualities. And higher awareness does NOT equal higher spirituality. Just as humans can be totally selfish and less "humane" than some animals, so can 4D beings be even more "evil" than 3D psychopaths.

As the C's have said (paraphrasing): No, no, no. Enlightened does not mean "good," it means "smart." We should not forget the STS and STO aspects to densities. IF we were (still) 3rd density aligned with 4th density STO, everything about us and the way we interact with our environment would be so different that it would almost be like being in a higher density. It's probably "higher in the spiral" so to speak when STO -- i.e. closer to the next higher density.

Laura has covered all this in great depth, not only in the Wave series and High Strangeness, but also in The Secret History of the World. Also, Ouspensky's Tertium Organum (as mentioned, and excerpts included in the Wave) has some fascinating speculations on the nature of consciousness and "dimensions." Also the nature of "time." Some of it correlates pretty closely with concepts the C's have explained and hinted at.

Another thing to read and consider in the Cassiopaea Glossary and in Laura's works above are the hypothesized LESSONS for each density. These are very insightful. For example, evolution in 2nd density being about biological / physical survival and serving primarily the species; evolution in 3rd density being primarily about choosing to Serve Self or Serve Others and "individuate" -- polarizing to STS or STO being primary. This also implies that at 3rd density, awareness of "something higher" becomes possible to be assimilated, and biological survival can serve a higher purpose, growth and development (evolution) of "that which is higher," etc. Or, to put it another way, developing the lower centers harmoniously so that a permanent connection can be established with the higher centers that is only a potential that needs conscious efforts to be realized. Look into the concepts of "Short Wave Cycle" and "Long Wave Cycle," as well.

The quote from the C's transcript about "prism" and "visual spectrum" is intriguing. It's hinting at EM frequencies. All this also reminds me of "invisibility" experiments going on. Finally, we should remember that it is VERY likely that the SECRET scientific research has uncovered MUCH more about all these things than what's in the public domain, albeit with a heavy dose of wishful thinking (inescapable for STS), so not totally objective.
un chien anadolu said:
So our 2D friends are not dealing with what we're dealing: ego.

I used to have two cats. One of the things I remember about them which was hilarious was when one or other of them would sulk if they were told off, or caught doing something silly, or something wounded their pride, for example, one time, one of them fell in the bath (yes it had water in).
This covers much of the same ground as the post by SeekinTruth above, though I hope it can further explain by coming at it in a somewhat different way:

Guardian said:
Mrs. Peel said:
Yeah, what I meant is that while 2D can 'see' us, they can't think and perceive on our level.

How do we know that? Perhaps they can think and perceive on our level, and are just disgusted by us?

Animals (undomesticated ones) live in harmony with their environment. They don't take more than they need. They live simply for the sake of living, in a system of balanced interconnectedness we can only envy.

What but our egos and our own skewed perceptions make us think we are somehow more "aware" and "evolved" than the other beings we share this planet with? Even a lowly tit mouse knows not to poop in its water source, but for some reason humanity has yet to grasp this very basic concept of survival.

I think that while most people compare the intelligence (in terms of capacity) of humans and animals and conclude that humans have more of this capacity, you seem to compare the stupidity (in terms of destructiveness, particularly self-destructiveness) of humans and animals and conclude that humans have much more of this stupidity.

However, intelligence and stupidity are not necessarily opposites, and both conclusions are true. It can be thought of this way: A simple system has little capacity for error; a complex system has more capacity for error. A stone is incapable of being stupid; animals have a comparatively small capacity for stupidity; and humans have a huge capacity for stupidity. This goes along with the complexity of our systems (mainly brain functioning), and their lack of perfection means that this potential for stupidity becomes manifest; we have to Work to make it otherwise. The typical 2D STS being is a fairly complete being of its design; the typical 3D STS being is an unfinished, broken mess. Also, among us are certain pathological beings even worse, and they hold immense influence and responsibility in the self-destructive acts of humanity.

Going further, you could look on 3D STS and 4D STS much like you do on 2D STS and 3D STS; 4D STS beings have no redeeming qualities of any kind; among humanity there are at least such. Rather, they live only to feed, feed, feed on the very life of those "below" them, and they do so in a blind, self-destructive frenzy that sustains them as they grow in their nastiness to the point that they eventually contract away first from interaction with the rest of the universe, and second into themselves, collapsing completely into "dead", primal matter. Looking at this like you look at 2D and 3D, you could in much the same way say that it is the other way around, and 3D beings are really superior to 4D beings. As can be seen, the "stupidity" has grown further on the level of 4D STS, along with capacity; it becomes clear that this stupidity is a quality brought by STS evolution, and that this is the reason why 3D STS beings manifest more of it than 2D STS beings.

You can see that humans are in a state of further development compared to animals - the question is: towards what?

And in which direction to go now?

This is where the Choice comes in; choosing one's direction - though by the time of consciously doing so, one has likely been moving toward it for some time, having a "seed" of its nature; otherwise, it is likely that the opposite choice would have been made.

Guardian said:
Just because we like to think we're superior creations to the rest of the animal kingdom...doesn't make it true.

Finally, saying that 3D is the step above 2D in evolving through the densities does not imply saying that 3D is superior; for the point of All is lessons and learning, and existence being a school, being more "aware" and "evolved" does not imply superiority. (for is a third grader superior to a second grader? no, simply further along in his studies) Judgment of superiority is separate, and an attribute of STS thinking. So simply recognizing where things are in the learning cycle need not be accompanied by conceit.

In my opinion, we don't have yet the awareness, knowledge to perceive 4th density. We can only see 4th density being when they choose to appear within our perception boundary and we'll see only what our perception limits will permit.
Aren't the inspirations which emanate from the 4th density (both STS and STO) some kind of perception although the vast majority is unaware about the source of these inner voices ? It's of course not a full-capacity perception due to inabilities of our awareness but still perception, IMO.
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