Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Robert Kennedy's cognitive dissonance concerning Israel couldn't be more twisted or perverse when you consider that the man who was set up as the Patsy concerning his own father's murder has been repeatedly heralded by Israel/Jews ever since as the world's first Islamic terrorist. Robert Kennedy must know this as much as he knows that Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian Christian, was no Islamic terrorist let alone no murderer, as he also knows that L Harvey Oswald was set up to be the patsy for his uncle's murder, a man who tried everything to stop Israel from acquiring nuclear weapons. How his mind can do what it does to be such a lackey for Israel over his father and uncle's dead bodies blows my mind... as for Jordan Peterson... would the man just... shut the expletive up!
Miscellaneous Reports From The Battle Zone

IDF Commander Killed In Clashes on Gaza Border
Times of Israel

IDF Major General Killed By Hamas

Pictures of missing female soldiers of the IDF published

Earlier on Saturday, the Hamas Movement announced that it captured dozens of Israeli soldiers and officers during the military operation carried out by members of the resistance in the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip.
The spokesman for the military wing of Hamas said: “We give good news to our prisoners and our people that we have dozens of captured officers and soldiers in our hands, and they have been placed in safe places and resistance tunnels.”

The story by Efrat Fenigson reminds me very much of the stand down policy on 9/11.

Border crossings were apparently left open, army units securing the Gaza border were moved to the West Bank.
Mossad this time seems to have administered its catastrophy-fostering medicine to the homeland, it seems.

Is there no connection to the CIA this time? Those people might be happy to get a distraction from the downturn of the war in Ukraine.

I hear that Israel has replenished the ammunition stocks of Ukraine and may be getting short on supplies itself should Hezbollah enter the frame of confrontation. Will the U.S. be able to supply both countries with enough war material?
Miscellaneous Reports From The Battle Zone

IDF Commander Killed In Clashes on Gaza Border
Times of Israel

IDF Major General Killed By Hamas

Pictures of missing female soldiers of the IDF published

I understand that the third article (by the Yemen Press Agency) is practically disinformation as the pictures of young women are taken out of context - see article by Gateway pundit above.
I don't know what to think about this video.
First, for the last first 26 seconds, the sky is not exactly the same than in the rest of the video, the sky looks like dawn. Seems to be the same point of vue, yes, but not the exact same time of the day; In the rest of the video, light is different than for the first 26 seconds as if it were later, once the Sun had really risen...

Second, during these firts 26 seconds, we can see something that explodes on the roof. When looking at a slower speed, it looks like (to me) a "tiny mushroom" (mini atomic bomb, or something?), AND one can see that the explosion takes place above the roof and not on it. And then, the antennas on the roof don't seem to have been destroyed by the blast at all (visible between the first strike and those that follow, aka between seconds 26 and 28 seconds. So what is the aim of this first strike, to begin with?

Third, for the second part, after the first 26 seconds, one can see cars stopped in the middle of the street to the right of the building in question and even what seems to be a vehicle with a flashing light (ambulance, fire brigade, other?). Are they there because of the 1st explosion which must have happened before (change of light and clouds not quite the same in the sky)? Or are they there because they know (if so, how?) something is about to happen, aka what looks like one or more missiles which then destroy the building at its base and bring it down like a controlled demolition?
Same building, different times of day.

Roof knocking (Hebrew: הקש בגג)[1] or "knocks on the roof" is a term used by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to describe its practice of dropping non-explosive or low-yield devices on the roofs of targeted civilian homes[2] in the Palestinian territories as a prior warning of imminent bombing attacks to give the inhabitants time to flee the attack.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9] The practice was employed by the IDF during the 2008–2009 Gaza War, Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012, and Operation Protective Edge in 2014 to target the homes of police officers or Hamas political or military leaders.[10]

During the October 2023 Gaza−Israel conflict a strike by IDF on a high-rise building in Gaza reportedly also came after roof knocking.[11][12]


As early as 2006 the IDF had the practice of warning the inhabitants of a building that was about to be attacked.[13] Roof knocking was used during the 2008–2009 Gaza War, Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012, and Operation Protective Edge in 2014. In the six months prior to its use, Israel collected data on Hamas members, which they used to issue warnings.[6] Typically, Israeli intelligence officers and Shin Bet security servicemen contacted residents of a building in which they suspected storage of military assets and told them that they had 10–15 minutes to flee the attack,[4][9][14][15][16] although in some cases the delay has been as little as five minutes.[17]

Adoption by the U.S. military​

In 2016, it was published that the US military adopted the Israeli battlefield tactic in its war against Islamic State.[18] It was used in an attack against an ISIS storage facility in Mosul, Iraq. As women and children lived in the house, a Hellfire missile was initially shot at the roof as a warning.[18]


In some cases, residents who were warned about an impending bombing climbed up voluntarily to their roofs to show they would not leave.[4] When Nizar Rayan, a top Hamas military commander, was warned but didn't leave his home, he and his family of 15 were killed in the subsequent bombing.[4][6] When faced with similar situations, IDF commanders have either bombed, called off the bombing or launched a warning missile at empty areas of the roof, in order to frighten the people gathered on the roof into leaving the building.[3][8][19]

The New York Times stated that according to Israel, Hamas asked residents to stand on the roofs of buildings to dissuade Israeli pilots from attacking their homes.[8] However, Amnesty International argued that Hamas' purported call may have been "motivated by a desire to avoid further panic" among civilians, considering both the lack of shelters in Gaza and the fact that some civilians who heeded the IDF's warnings had been casualties of Israeli attacks.[20] Many reporters, including from the BBC,[21] The Independent,[22] and The Guardian[23] have said that they have found no evidence of Hamas forcing Palestinians to stay and become unwilling human shields.


The practice has been controversial, as many human rights and news organizations have shown that 'roof knocks' have killed and injured civilians.[16] In July, 2014, Amnesty International called for a United Nations investigation into what it alleged were war crimes committed by Israeli fighters, and Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa Programme Director for the organization, condemned the practice.[24] The spokesperson for Gaza Health Ministry indicated that the same missiles used to give warnings are also used in assassinations, resulting in dozens of casualties and deaths where "remains were scattered, making it impossible to identify them immediately".[25]

The Goldstone Report commented that civilians inside their homes "cannot be expected to know whether a small explosion is a warning of an impending attack or part of an actual attack". It stated that the practice is not an effective advance warning, and is instead likely to "cause terror and confuse the affected civilians".[26]

The Israeli Government stated "While these warnings, could not eliminate all harm to civilians, they were frequently effective," and that aerial video surveillance by IDF forces showed civilians departing from targeted areas prior to an attack as a direct result of the warnings.[27] According to the Israeli army, striking homes suspected of storing weapons, when sufficient warning is given to the residents, falls within the boundaries of international law and is legitimate.[28] In November 2014, the most senior US military official, General Martin Dempsey, cited "roof knocking" as an example where Israel "did some extraordinary things to limit civilian casualties" during Operation Protective Edge.[29]

Salah Abdul Ati, the directory of the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights in Gaza, described the "policy of destroying homes" a war crime and accused Israel of attempting to circumvent international law to avoid accountability.[25]

Marouf Hasian Jr., a professor of Communication at the University of Utah, describes the talk of the "beneficent usage" of "knock on roof" tactics as one that "plays well in front of American or Israeli audiences who feel that older Geneva Convention rules are too 'quaint' and too solicitous of the rights of civilians who may be aiding and abetting terrorist, but it infuriates critics who argue that satellite surveillance is being used in discriminatory systems that assume that homes of police officers or Hamas political or military leaders can be "precisely" targeted to minimize collateral damage".[10]
In his latest video, Alex Christophorou devotes a good 5 minutes to the LIHOP hypothesis, looking at it as an attempt to destabilise BRICS+ by creating tensions between Iran, who are Palestine aligned, and Saudi Arabia, who are in the middle of a deal with the US and Israel to increase oil production to bring gasoline prices down during the US election cycle in return for ‘civilian’ nuclear technology.

He also notes that the situation in Israel is creating a significant geopolitical divide, bringing together all elements of the collective west in opposition to the Arab world and other BRICS aligned countries in an even stronger way than the Ukraine conflict ever managed to do, quoting Orban and all the prospective presidential candidates’ pro-Israeli statements as examples.

He also foresees the media in the US ramping up the pro-Israel rhetoric, uniting the public consciousness in, again, a stronger way than the war in Ukraine did, while at the same time acting as an off-ramp to draw people’s attention away from the Ukraine debacle.

Robert Kennedy's cognitive dissonance concerning Israel couldn't be more twisted or perverse when you consider that the man who was set up as the Patsy concerning his own father's murder has been repeatedly heralded by Israel/Jews ever since as the world's first Islamic terrorist. Robert Kennedy must know this as much as he knows that Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian Christian, was no Islamic terrorist let alone no murderer, as he also knows that L Harvey Oswald was set up to be the patsy for his uncle's murder, a man who tried everything to stop Israel from acquiring nuclear weapons. How his mind can do what it does to be such a lackey for Israel over his father and uncle's dead bodies blows my mind... as for Jordan Peterson... would the man just... shut the expletive up!

Do you suppose his support of Israel could just be political manoeuvring? Given the amount of Zionist influence in the US, I think anyone running for U.S. Presidency does need to play ball and virtue signal for the Jewish state. At any rate I can't imagine he's happy this conflict has come up while he's been campaigning on peace and truth, and being held to account over remarks over which he may very well have been holding his nose while speaking about. For JBP I think it goes much deeper and he genuinely seems like a 'true believer.' Given the principled stance he's taken against some repressive measures in the West early on in his catapulting into the public sphere, it does feel jarring to see him miss the mark on so many other things, like his credulity towards big pharma in his drug use and vaccination history, and his adoration of the Israeli Cinematic Universe.

Depending on how this conflict unfolds, I expect we may see a lot of personal belief bubbles about how the world works finally popping, with all the disintegration, positive or negative, which may unfold from that.
In his latest video, Alex Christophorou devotes a good 5 minutes to the LIHOP hypothesis, looking at it as an attempt to destabilise BRICS+ by creating tensions between Iran, who are Palestine aligned, and Saudi Arabia, who are in the middle of a deal with the US and Israel to increase oil production to bring gasoline prices down during the US election cycle in return for ‘civilian’ nuclear technology.

He also notes that the situation in Israel is creating a significant geopolitical divide, bringing together all elements of the collective west in opposition to the Arab world and other BRICS aligned countries in an even stronger way than the Ukraine conflict ever managed to do, quoting Orban and all the prospective presidential candidates’ pro-Israeli statements as examples.

He also foresees the media in the US ramping up the pro-Israel rhetoric, uniting the public consciousness in, again, a stronger way than the war in Ukraine did, while at the same time acting as an off-ramp to draw people’s attention away from the Ukraine debacle.

It is also worth noting the close relationship between India and Israel, which was quick to condemn the Hamas attacks.
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