Was Julius Caesar the real Jesus Christ?

He surely didn't understand that part of the review that says
Don't pay any mind to the naysayers, the "true believers" in the artificially created religion who deny the truth that could set them free.
mkrnhr said:
He surely didn't understand that part of the review that says
Don't pay any mind to the naysayers, the "true believers" in the artificially created religion who deny the truth that could set them free.

Omniscient people like Mister Stucco do not need to read books or reviews to form opinions on them, apparently.
I clicked that Mister Stucco didn't add anything to the discussion. He could have made a perfectly good rebuttal by using other authors quotes, or exactly where he thought Carotta went wrong, and he hasn't even written a review of his own about the book that I can see. It's like he just wanted a piece of Laura for whatever reason.

More and more I can see where the person of Caesar is much more like the person we've been led to believe is Jesus. The NT is more about Caesar than about the real Jesus in almost every way. Especially how we have this program of , "you want to work to be more like Jesus" thing always going on. If you want to be more like anyone it would be more like Caesar and less like the person I think Jesus was.

I think the C's were right on, that Josephus was the "father" of Jesus, (he helped whip up the biblical stories using the name of Jesus, but the person in those biblical stories is based on Casear), and we'll find the actual person of Jesus in Josephus's writings. Even with my very limited access to information, one would have to be blind not to be able to see if one if willing to actually look. Just my feelings for now, and those are always subject to change.
Laura said:
Some ignorant nutzoid posted a comment on my review of Carotta's book on amazon:


G. Stucco says:

Laura, I applaud your enthusiasm. The liberator has come! The New Galielo! Laura, seriously, how much critical sense do you actually have? Do you get the same enthusiasm when you read the "revelations" of tabloids at the supermarket's stands? Do you even for a nano second, entertain the POSSIBILITY this book is sheer b/s? No? Pity.....

That's the funniest thing I've read all day! What ironic hilarity: "how much critical sense do you actually have?" I laughed out loud just now typing it! Poor soul's obviously been ravaged by the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Well, they are coming out in force, it seems:


Oct 31, 2013 8:25:03 PM PDT
MythicalPoet says:

You've fallen to a demonic deception Laura. The heavenly events and the spiritual events on earth are one and the same. As above, so below. Many people miss this and focus only on the heavens, half of the equation. They twist the truth and say Christianity was merely created from observing the heavens. The truth is they COEXIST and are happening at the same time. Christianity is the one true religion of the world and the heavens proclaim it thus.
Diane said:
I clicked that Mister Stucco didn't add anything to the discussion. He could have made a perfectly good rebuttal by using other authors quotes, or exactly where he thought Carotta went wrong, and he hasn't even written a review of his own about the book that I can see. It's like he just wanted a piece of Laura for whatever reason.

I agree, they are just trying to attack Laura as if they knew her.. I wouldn't be surprised If they were trolls that had been banned from this forum :rolleyes:

I see the problem is not only the PTB but the people in general, they are so afraid of losing their beliefs that they even don't want others to investigate on their own, for the fear of the discoveries.. I was talking some weeks ago with a relative, he has been to Vatican Archives many times to investigate, he said that you can only enter with a recommendation letter from a researcher who had been previously accepted or known by the Vatican. He also said that one of his University teachers (he studied in the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome) had come one day to class with the book "The name of the rose" by Umberto Eco and he told the students to burn it, because it was full of historical mistakes. Well you could argue that it's a novel, but the fact that the teacher was so mad at the book makes you think.. and those students became University professors also so the system/false knowledge perpetuates..
JGeropoulas said:
Laura said:
Some ignorant nutzoid posted a comment on my review of Carotta's book on amazon:


G. Stucco says:

Laura, I applaud your enthusiasm. The liberator has come! The New Galielo! Laura, seriously, how much critical sense do you actually have? Do you get the same enthusiasm when you read the "revelations" of tabloids at the supermarket's stands? Do you even for a nano second, entertain the POSSIBILITY this book is sheer b/s? No? Pity.....

That's the funniest thing I've read all day! What ironic hilarity: "how much critical sense do you actually have?" I laughed out loud just now typing it! Poor soul's obviously been ravaged by the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

:lol: Yeah, anyone with even a modicum of critical sense would start suspecting the Bible is "sheer b/s" as far as it being the infallible "word of god" and "historical." Seems the only thing historical is mostly stolen history from other times and/or cultures. And distorted, edited and reedited to suit whatever agenda was being serviced at the time of writing (whatever version).
MythicalPoet says:
[...]... Christianity is the one true religion of the world and the heavens proclaim it thus.

;)Yeah, right, same as on Wall Street when they say "it's different this time", meaning of course ;) ;)
Laura said:
Well, they are coming out in force, it seems:


Oct 31, 2013 8:25:03 PM PDT
MythicalPoet says:

You've fallen to a demonic deception Laura. The heavenly events and the spiritual events on earth are one and the same. As above, so below. Many people miss this and focus only on the heavens, half of the equation. They twist the truth and say Christianity was merely created from observing the heavens. The truth is they COEXIST and are happening at the same time. Christianity is the one true religion of the world and the heavens proclaim it thus.
It seems that they can not reason. Like they could not move from his position even a little. And it must be that for some people is almost impossible to abandon the propaganda/promises of salvation and immortality with which they have been reared from childhood.
I read that "savior" was something present in Rome and Palestine before Christianity. And then it would be the sum of the "the chosen of the gods","light of the world" from Rome culture and "the first of all the gods" Jew, resulting in something like "yes, this is definitely the real true very true universal god, the last god and the only one can save us". What intrigues me to know is whether the replacement of the cult of Caesar by Jesus in the beginning they could sell to the masses with "proof" that the new god saves (always sts propaganda). That is to say that maybe when the fire in the sky calmed they could sold this to the masses as the "first salvation" (saves you in this world so then saves you from the annihilation of the self with the death of the physical body), how shows the power of the "true god" Christian, the one who calm cometary bombardment. So the God of peace and love also confirmed (taken from Caesar too).

Leonarda said:
I see the problem is not only the PTB but the people in general, they are so afraid of losing their beliefs that they even don't want others to investigate on their own, for the fear of the discoveries.. I was talking some weeks ago with a relative, he has been to Vatican Archives many times to investigate, he said that you can only enter with a recommendation letter from a researcher who had been previously accepted or known by the Vatican. He also said that one of his University teachers (he studied in the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome) had come one day to class with the book "The name of the rose" by Umberto Eco and he told the students to burn it, because it was full of historical mistakes. Well you could argue that it's a novel, but the fact that the teacher was so mad at the book makes you think.. and those students became University professors also so the system/false knowledge perpetuates..
I'm very agree with you, Leonarda.
And on that teacher is incredible but he is repeating the same as the character in the book of Eco, "Jorge of Burgos", the old blind librarian! Say in passing that character, seen today, maybe instead of trying to hide all the time the second book "Poetics" of Aristotle would make equal o more sense if he hide an astronomy book of Caesar. :)
Yes, not wanting genuine investigation / research is a sign that the truth is NOT what is being protected.
Christ returns - Speaks his truth
Letter 2. Continues the story of his life on earth, his return to his mother in Nazareth and reception! His first public healing and the tremendous response. Choosing disciples. His true teachings.
Download letter 2: Letter 2.pdf (290 KB )
Pierrrr said:
Christ returns - Speaks his truth
Letter 2. Continues the story of his life on earth, his return to his mother in Nazareth and reception! His first public healing and the tremendous response. Choosing disciples. His true teachings.
Download letter 2: Letter 2.pdf (290 KB )

You're joking, right?
Perceval said:
Pierrrr said:
Christ returns - Speaks his truth
Letter 2. Continues the story of his life on earth, his return to his mother in Nazareth and reception! His first public healing and the tremendous response. Choosing disciples. His true teachings.
Download letter 2: Letter 2.pdf (290 KB )

You're joking, right?

take a look at the link! he really must be joking! otherwise...
Perceval said:
Pierrrr said:
Christ returns - Speaks his truth
Letter 2. Continues the story of his life on earth, his return to his mother in Nazareth and reception! His first public healing and the tremendous response. Choosing disciples. His true teachings.
Download letter 2: Letter 2.pdf (290 KB )

You're joking, right?

Apparently not: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,31445.msg454245.html#msg454245
gdpetti said:
MythicalPoet says:
[...]... Christianity is the one true religion of the world and the heavens proclaim it thus.

;)Yeah, right, same as on Wall Street when they say "it's different this time", meaning of course ;) ;)

OMG.... :lol2: :rotfl:

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