Was Julius Caesar the real Jesus Christ?

Thank you for again giving more insight into the required reading as to being on level par in order to at least ably follow your upcoming argument.

Apart from some Livy, Tacitus, Horace, Virgil and Caesar both in the original and in translations while at school, I've only read #1 of your list ages ago and # 11 fairly recently, and from Carcopino his Daily Life in Ancient Rome also while still at school as one of the alluded to side texts to broaden my understanding back then.

So there's still plenty left to choose from. :)
Laura said:
10) Julius Caesar: The People's Dictator by Parenti

Do you mean The Assassination of Julius Caesar by Parenti? Or People's Dictator by Canfora?

There are also some interesting papers on the topic of Pompeius (a real characteropath), Antony, and one I like the best that reinterprets (very convincingly, I should add), Caesar's alleged "last words". He didn't say "And you, too, my child?" He said the Greek slang equivalent of: "F*ck YOU, Brutus!"

That's my Caesar!

Source?? :evil:
Laura said:
I did get sidetracked for a bit by Publius Clodius Pulcher and his wife, Fulvia, reading numerous papers about them and one entire, very expensive book that I was fortunately able to get via the library. There are also some interesting papers on the topic of Pompeius (a real characteropath), Antony, and one I like the best that reinterprets (very convincingly, I should add), Caesar's alleged "last words". He didn't say "And you, too, my child?" He said the Greek slang equivalent of: "F*ck YOU, Brutus!"

That's my Caesar!
Yes!, it is more likely to say that when a humanoid (several actually) open your chest with a dagger.
Thank you Laura for the list of books to go deeper into the subject.
I remember reading somewhere that Caesar had his own personal astrologer to advised him, are there any other references to that, or any thoughts on how that might relate to his great successes in battle, etc?

It`s probably not even an issue, it`s just that it reminded me of the Arthur and Merlin stories, somewhat.
Approaching Infinity said:
Laura said:
10) Julius Caesar: The People's Dictator by Parenti

Do you mean The Assassination of Julius Caesar by Parenti? Or People's Dictator by Canfora?

Yes, and I've corrected the title. But Canfora's book is useful too. I also added the ALL IMPORTANT book: Syme's "Roman Revolution". But you really can't read that one until you have a couple under your belt about Caesar and his times and doings otherwise you won't know what the heck Syme is talking about. He assumes you know your history!

Approaching Infinity said:
There are also some interesting papers on the topic of Pompeius (a real characteropath), Antony, and one I like the best that reinterprets (very convincingly, I should add), Caesar's alleged "last words". He didn't say "And you, too, my child?" He said the Greek slang equivalent of: "F*ck YOU, Brutus!"

That's my Caesar!

Source?? :evil:

LOL! Got me. I didn't have it to hand when I wrote the post, so let me go down the hall and get it off the bookshelf....

Found it:

"Julius Caesar's Last Words: A Reinterpretation", by James Russell, in Vindex Humanitatis: Essays in Honour of John Huntly Bishop, edited by Bruce Marshall, The University of New England, Armidale, 1980.
Laura said:
Found it:

"Julius Caesar's Last Words: A Reinterpretation", by James Russell, in Vindex Humanitatis: Essays in Honour of John Huntly Bishop, edited by Bruce Marshall, The University of New England, Armidale, 1980.

Thanks! Couldn't find it online, but I found this summary from Always I Am Caesar:

But does [this last statement -- kai su teknon? -- give Caesar a suitable exit, define his character]? Not if you ask me. After all, as ordinarily parsed, Caesar's final words can hardly be described as masterful or truculent. Where is the will-to-power? Where is the rage? In this telling of the story we get such a poor excuse for a Caesar that, face to face with the favourite who betrayed him, the best he can do is to sound peevish and (worse) sentimental. It is possible, however, that this disappointing construction of the dying dictator can be repaired if we come at Caesar's little Greek sentence by way of a less saccharine interpretation. Or such is the recommendation of the archeologist James Russell, who, in an often-overlooked paper published more than 25 years ago, called attention to the Mediterranean habit, extending from the Orontes to the Tiber, of employing the expression kai su ("you too") as an apotropaic formula not merely to ward off evil but actually to destroy it with a curse, kai su being a briefer version of kai su erre ("as for you, perish!"). The imprecation will have been a natural and convenient form of abuse, understood everywhere and by everyone as something along the lines of "go to hell." As for the word teknon ("child"), there is no good reason, outside the literary confines of Attic tragedy, for any of us to react by collapsing into maudlin emotionalism. In other contexts, kid just means kid, which is sometimes a put-down. And that, suggests Russell, is the signification of the word here, in view of Caesar's seniority and Brutus' relative youth. In other words, instead of whining something along the lines of "it breaks my heart Brutus, that you, whom I have cherished and protected, should join with these perfidious villains and deliver me into the next world," perhaps, just perhaps, Caesar died with a curse on his lips: see in you in hell, punk! Now that is a Caesar I feel more comfortable with - the indomitable scrapper who ruthlessly made himself master of Rome, and who died without a Roman son.

And here: _http://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-1156,00.html

I THINK it's generally accepted that Caesar's dying words were the Greek 'Kai su, teknon'. Romans of his class moved easily between Latin and Greek. But it's important to recognise that he was not asking 'You too, my son?' The words 'Kai su' - found in Greek comedy and on mosaics - mean 'Screw you!' and the 'teknon' ('kid') just makes it fiercer.

Greg Rowe, The Queen's College, Oxford.
He didn't say "And you, too, my child?" He said the Greek slang equivalent of: "F*ck YOU, Brutus!"

That's my Caesar!

That was hilarious enough for me to share on the book of faces. Thank you for doing this research :D
The Historicity of Jesus Argument.

There is more historical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ than for Julius Caesar.
The above seems to be a reply one constantly comes across from believers :O

Now apart from it being a ridiculous claim, we have Jesus Christ yet again linked to Julius Caesar.

Is it possible that when the PTB started feeding the masses the Jesus nonsense, they realised it was Julius Caesar and the PTB used the "There is more historical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ than for Julius Caesar" line on them? And that line has survived through history?
Hi dia6olo I saw that you didn't write an intro so far, so I like to bring up SeekinTruths suggestion again :)

SeekinTruth said:
Welcome to the forum dia6olo.

Seeing as this is your first post on the forum, we would appreciate it if you would post a brief intro about yourself in the Newbies section, telling us how you found this forum, how long you've been reading it and/or the SOTT page, whether or not you've read any of Laura's books yet, etc.
Some of the earlier video posting's have been removed. No surprise there. Oh how "They" fear the discloser of the truth to the myth.
But the true word is getting out.

Correction's if one see's any discrepancies, please. TY!

Published on Jun 22, 2013
Julius Caesar Was Jesus Christ!
Prologue 1.1Published on Jun 22, 2013
A brief generalized outline on the history and typological correlations between Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ.This precedes an in-depth study into the history, etymology, typologies between these two characters, how they meld in history and eventually appear today in their present forms.


......In God and Empire: Jesus Against Rome, Then and Now (2007), Crossan starts with the presumption of reader familiarity with key points from his earlier work on the nonviolent revolutionary Jesus, his Kingdom movement, and the surrounding matrix of the Roman imperial theological system of religion, war, victory, peace, but discusses them in the broader context of the escalating violence in world politics and popular culture of today. Within that matrix, he points out, early in the book, that "(t)here was a human being in the first century who was called 'Divine,' 'Son of God,' 'God,' and 'God from God,' whose titles were 'Lord,' 'Redeemer,' 'Liberator,' and 'Saviour of the World.'" "(M)ost Christians probably think that those titles were originally created and uniquely applied to Christ. But before Jesus ever existed, all those terms belonged to Caesar Augustus."[6] Crossan cites the adoption of them by the early Christians to apply to Jesus as denying them of Caesar the Augustus. "They were taking the identity of the Roman emperor and giving it to a Jewish peasant. Either that was a peculiar joke and a very low lampoon, or it was what the Romans called majestas and we call high treason." [6] He ends the book asking the question "Is Bible-fed Christian violence supporting or even instigating our imperial violence as the New Roman Empire?"....

"Nearly always people believe willingly that which they wish".
- Julius Caesar (47bc)

"I came, I saw, I conquered."
- Julius Caesar (47bc)

"The die is cast."
-Julius Caesar (49bc)

"And you, son?"
- Julius Caesar (his last words spoken to one of his murderers, Marcus Brutus, Ides of Mar.15th 44bc)
Typology 1.2
Etymology 1.3
_www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VBVFjYPhy8 (Graphic depiction of Caesars death at the end)

Fasces in the United States
Fasces in France
An Icon representing the Strength and Power of Ancient Rome


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Just want to thank you all for a most enlightening read. Took me a couple of months to get through all the posts. Not a lot of time these days so your work is very much appreciated. Will start to read some of the suggested materials. :)
As for the battle of Actium, the great myth of the battle of Romans against the evil demon Queen of Egypt, was a propaganda coup. Syme's book is worth reading just for his analysis of that event.

I`m just throwing out some recent teaching on the legal term of..Casus Omissus.. or simple term of Clan Mother, by [Meredith Quinn - International Legal Adviser, of the Dakota Empire, registered with the United Nations.] I find it interesting/curious, that any part of this topic is being mentioned as old knowledge of the Dakota, or even more curious, why all of this would be coming out now?

.. on the "Original religion" of the American Indians;

The KING JAMES VERSION, which all Religions follow, was re-translated by the BEDE (bedae) SCHOLARS OF ENGLAND in the 1500’s, while the original Bible first printed in 451 A.D. and distributed throughout the world, did not get re-translated till 1716 A.D. by the PETERBOROUGH MONASTERY.

In the BRITISH MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY FINDS, sits the SEPTUAGINT BIBLE, but also in this same MUSEUM, sits an Ancient translation of the Bible taken from the territories of the American Indian here that outdates or is older than the SEPTUAGINT by 2000 years. (ref; HE WALKED THE AMERICA’S)

So the Indian of the America’s has been learning about these writings 2000 years before the White Man started to read the KING JAMES VERSION.

Of course, over 99% of American Indians do not practice this original religion because the United states Congress passed a Resolution on November 20, 1890 making this Ancient Christian religion and its culture, HOSTILE to the United States.

Let us find out what has been omitted from the new Christian Bible that was used by people that had the old translation and just how it dealt with history.

Let’s begin with JULIUS CAESAR. According to Dynasty Records- PLUTARCH, JUL. CAES. Cap. 87; DIO CASS, xliv.; VIRG.GEORG. i., 406-Caesar was killed or murdered or died 45 B.C. Don’t hold me to the year because the Gregorian years did not start till October 1582 A.D. and October was the eighth month, so it was in August according to the Gregorian. But the JULIAN--- did not have the months of July and August. Also when scholars went back and changed the years to Gregorian years, from 1582 A.D. to 45B.C= 1629 years (0 B.C. to 0 A.D.) there was 407 leap year days, which would give us another year, so it would be safe to say, CAESAR’S death was in the year 44 B.C.

Along with CAESAR’S historical identity, the name of CLEOPATRIA is synonymous. She is known as QUEEN CLEOPATRIA. There is one legal fact that is omitted in history that brought these two together.

To begin, JULIUS CAESAR was not Italian, but Greek as all Roman Leaders were. RHOMAIKOS is their proper ethnic identity, who were Greek Royalty that escaped their own country, while the common people were taking over their nation.

QUEEN CLEOPATRIA was not a Queen, but a HEAD-Clan Mother for the White Kleopatria- Tribes who recognized the Romans as GREEK (for this reason all that is written about the Alleged-Queen Cleopatria, is from Greek records).

Julius Cesear, 45 B.CC. recognized by Kleopatria, who was the Head Clan Mother of the White Tribe. She recognized Ceasars family for who they were, ethnically the Rhomaikos, the Greek Royalty who were kicked out of Greece after the peasants revolted.

The Rhomaikos fled to Rome and became the Ruling class there, but they had also signed a Treaty appr...ox. 1000yrs prior to cesears time. She made Him Honour the terms of that Treaty.

That is why he was assassinated by the Senate, as they thought he had sold them out to Kleopatria by revealing their true identity.

When the truth was She just recognized them for who they actually were, and made Julius Honour the Terms.

So here was the situation!

The Roman’s who had hidden their identity from the Italians and passed as Italians, was discovered by a tribal woman, as to their true identity and that was RHOMAIKOS or Greek Royalty. She wasted no time in telling the Roman Senate about a Treaty the RHOMAIKOS had signed with the White Kleopatria tribes 1000 years earlier; wanted the stipulations of the Treaty to be met.

As a hostile religion, “we” know the book referred to as the Wars of the Lord should have been called the Daughters of the Great Spirit. The first Christian Bible of 451 A.D. contained this book which was removed by the Bede (Bedae) Scholars of England in the 1500’s. The new translation forms the foundation for ...the present Christian bible used throughout the world today.

The Great Spirit referred to “Women of the Clan” as his daughters and were referenced therein as Angels. In Daughters of the Great Spirit; Chapter 1:1, it tells of the head clan mothers of Mu, Norway, Africa, Kleopatria, and Atlantis.
In Chapter 1:2, the Great Spirit directs these Women to journey by a certain star.

In Chapter 1:3, the Women see the star and begin to prophesied the journey which today is called the “Legend of the Sky Woman” by many Tribes. The nine solar systems must be traveled and the journey must be made in less than eight years. The Women were to bring “something” that would overcome the torturing hells the people were forced to live by.

Chapter 1:4 Instructs Tribal People how and when to sit in Council (“when” is the key word). It instructs Tribal People how to synchronize the power of the Earth with the Universe. [In other words, the Clan Women were given the knowledge and were to instruct Tribal People how to utilize the forces of Nature for their benefit in certain situations.]

Chapter Two (2) Instructs how to care for Mother Earth and be the Guardians of the Earth (it is understood by Tribal People the Earth is the Female manifestation of the Creation and is referred to in some cases by ancient Tribal People as the Grandmother).

First World Tribal Clan Mothers, also known as ..Casus Omissus..

Under International Law there are only three classes of Physical Beings.

1. A Savage.

2. A Person. With a sub classification known as the Private person.

3. an Inhabitant. 3rd world citizen, meaning they have no legitimate Clan Mothers, who are the Title holders to the Territory.

That`s why you had the Noble Savage. In European Terms the Indians at that time of, still being ruled by Clan Mothers, who appointed the chiefs to take care of the business of the Nation were Royalty to the Europeans.

There are six aboriginal treaties that are the foundation for all international law, hence from them comes the Law of Nations which has Clan mothers who hold Territorial Right, also referred to as Cession Jurisdiction. In all International Law including today, Clan mothers hold Title to the Territory of a Nation, both White or Indian.

The Six Aboriginal Treaties...

*Wampum Belts
*Canes of Authority
*Peace Pipe Treaties [These treaties cover all Indian Tribes of North and South America]
*The Seal of Solomon Treaty [Covers all Blacks, Arabs and Israelites]
*The Palladium of Troy Treaty [Covers Asia and Minor Asia]
*Noah’s Ark Treaty [Covers all Anglia, Saxon, Mercia and Northumbrian Groups or The White Tribes of Europe]

The Law of the Signatory Tribes supercedes the domestic law of the white governments both here in what is called Canada and the United States. The United States of America (still legally a British colony) are ruled by Corpus Juris Secundum (corporate) or Second Law of the Land.. Canada is a Defacto type government or Corporation and is registered on the stock markets of the world as such. Canada goes by Crown Law which is the law of the Crown of England, but remember at the time Rome surrendered it’s power in 408 A.D., England was given the responsibility of fulfilling the articles of the Camel’s Eye Treaty, because England was considered the second Rome. The ROMAN EMPIRE included the Crown of England, France and Spain. To this day, should you follow the bloodlines of the ROYAL FAMILIES, you will find them to be the descendants of the OLD ROMAN EMPIRE or the ROMAKOS who are the descendants of GREEK ROYALTY.

The RULE OF LAW binding these treaties is followed letter perfect today, and should a SIGNATORY TRIBAL GOVERNMENT be re-established, as it was in 1995, (see THE EXACT PEOPLE OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS) it would protect itself by asserting jurisdiction to stop any type of government from imposing it’s laws and jurisdiction over the Tribal Members.

Federal District Court Judge Warren Urbom, in the case, United States –V- Consolidated Wounded Knee Cases, {Supra. 1975], gave the exact construction of a Tribal Government, when he stated to 65 Sioux Indians trying to prove Sovereignty, “this court cannot supply a ..Casus Omissus.. in a Treaty any more than in a Law”. Interpreted, he is saying, Clan mothers are the Law. This judge was acknowledging the power of the Clan mother over any Nation.
Very interesting, Meager1, that connection between Caesar and the Greeks. That reminds me the poem, written in old English, "Widsith". Discusses the memories of a "Anglo-Saxon" or German bard, the sites that he visited and their kings. Also sings about ancient kings:

He began then to speak at length:
‘I have heard of many men who ruled over nations.
Every leader should live uprightly,
rule his estates according to custom,
if he wants to succeed to a kingly throne.
Hwala for a time was the best of all,
and Alexander too, the noblest of men,
who prospered most of all of those
that I have heard of across the earth.
Attila ruled the Huns, Eormanric the Goths,

Becca the Baningas, Gifica the Burgundians.
Caesar ruled the Greeks and Caelic the Finns,
Hagena the Holmrycgas and Henden the Glomman.
Witta ruled the Swaefe, Wada the Haelsingas,
Meaca the Myrgingas, Mearc the Hundingas...


Still I don't understood the origin of both, Greeks and Romans. As far as I know, both comes from the Etruscans, who were descendants of peoples from the east, perhaps from the kingdom of Lydia area. Continuing with the issue of the Greek royal and Caesar, maybe the link is not with the lineage of Cleopatra (Ptolemy's), but yes with the Perseid family, the killers of dragons, The Christs?
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