What are you listening to?

Fake nothing, just like all of us who haven't been, except in thought only.

My young son tells me that this battle cost 80 men per FOOT of ground gained.

And he looks at me with real tears in his eyes, Soul hurt, and asks is it really this stupid? Where are all the real people? THEY were there, WHY did they do this?

I cry, not an Adept.
Merry Christmas to guitar lovers who don't mind the more classical acoustic nature of the instrument. I don't think I have heard of
Nadia Kossinskaja before but she has such a disciplined precise and sensitive skill I thought I'd share it. I don't think we're going into Oblivion but if we did what a beautiful way to go...

Merry Christmas to guitar lovers who don't mind the more classical acoustic nature of the instrument. I don't think I have heard of
Nadia Kossinskaja before but she has such a disciplined precise and sensitive skill I thought I'd share it. I don't think we're going into Oblivion but if we did what a beautiful way to go...

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