Jedi Council Member
As a lighter footnote there are many silly comments to the Heilung video but I liked this one from AlbinoBadGuy: "I watched this one night with me cat sitting next to me. In the morning, my cat brought me 3 squirrels, 2 birds and a Deer."

Yes I think I get what you're saying also, there's certainly something subconscious going on when I listen to this kind of thing - visceral almost.
'Valhalla' calling I guess?
The Hu's intro from Yuve Yuve Yu probably put it into words better than I can;
It has been so long eating and drinking being merry
How strange how strange
Taking our Great Mongol ancestors names in vain
How strange how strange
Yet, would not honor our oath and destiny
How strange how strange
Why the valuable ethics of ancestors become worthless?
How strange how strange
Love that they cover Metallica kind of guys