Boiled batata (sweet) potatoes unpeeled. Chopped yellow onions & cooked it in coconut oil, when it started to brown I put the sliced (gooey) potatoes in and tried to mimic cooking them like a mashed white potato. At the end put in a (refrigerated) buckwheat shortbread slice, mashed the thing to warm it up and it was ready when the onion burnt down a tiny bit. Added 1 or 2 tblspoon of ordinary mustard. Gobbled it down with hawthorn tea (tiny bit of raw sugar and lemons.) It was delicious!
Only it tasted too good. Got suspicious, looked up the Adamo guide and yeah, i wrongly remembered that i cannot eat sweet potatoes(TypeA), they were only recommended for Grandma's Type 0 blood. :) No wonder i gobbled up almost the whole plate, forgetting it was already too late in the evening. (chemicals in the meal overexcited taste buds)
Took: ~50 minutes to prepare because had no idea how long the batata needs to become tender.