What's for Dinner?

Last night we had chicken livers and gizzards cooked with garlic and fresh onions :)
Hamburger fried with onions, brandy and honey. With salad and one tomatoe. Thats all. Very good!
Pork Hamburgers with wild rice, fried pink tropical bananas and fried eggs! All fried in ghee! :P

I'm mega full!
Following the A bloodtype poll:
I'm A+ and tolerate all meat wonderfully, with no exceptions. Hubby's also A+ and still has some problems with pork (specially at night) but that must be because he's not on the diet.

Tow nights ago we had pork ribs on the oven with sea salt only. I had mine with baked green apples and rocket salad, he had them with fries. He throwed up yesterday morning while I had leftover ribs and eggs for breakfast. Being on the diet can grant some privileges :D
skycsil said:
Following the A bloodtype poll:
I'm A+ and tolerate all meat wonderfully, with no exceptions. Hubby's also A+ and still has some problems with pork (specially at night) but that must be because he's not on the diet.

Tow nights ago we had pork ribs on the oven with sea salt only. I had mine with baked green apples and rocket salad, he had them with fries. He throwed up yesterday morning while I had leftover ribs and eggs for breakfast. Being on the diet can grant some privileges :D

I'm blood type A too, on the diet, and like your husband, if I ate pork ribs, I would react too. We are all different, individual, in our sensitivities to various foods, including meat, independent of blood type.
I think so too. Bloodtype may have some influence, but we are not all the same, not to mention our particular history of intoxications, liver damage, etc.
I am A+ and still don't do well with pork, though it is mostly just some stomach/intestinal upset and gas (also psychologically and taste-wise, I don't dig it for some reason). Lamb I have had only 2-3 times since becoming not-veggie (9 months now!!), it is not so great for me either though easier to digest. Beef 'n' birds are good though. Hoping to get my hands on some game meat come the fall, I haven't seen any in local markets yet.
Another one I like very much: Grated carrot with avocado and lamb ribs accompanied with "all i oli" (a mayonnaise made with virgin olive oil, egg and one or two cloves of garlic)
Tuesday: stewed rump steak, with a bit of onions, celery and some arugula. Little water to make a nice sauce with the juice from the meat and veggies. Salt, pepper, cilantro, oregano. It lasted 1 hour and a half.

The meat was delicious, the sauce was not bad, however it had a bit of a bitter taste, so maybe I should have put much less onions, or no onions at all.

Yesterday: Baked pork loin with sweet potatoes, with salt and pepper.
Graalsword said:
Tuesday: stewed rump steak, with a bit of onions, celery and some arugula. Little water to make a nice sauce with the juice from the meat and veggies. Salt, pepper, cilantro, oregano. It lasted 1 hour and a half.

The meat was delicious, the sauce was not bad, however it had a bit of a bitter taste, so maybe I should have put much less onions, or no onions at all.

Yesterday: Baked pork loin with sweet potatoes, with salt and pepper.

Actually onions contribute more sweetness than bitter.

Arugula however is decidedly bitter, and oregano if overused can add bitterness also.- fwiw
We have just retired from eating a fantastic meal tonight worth mentioning......

Anyone try duck prosciutto? It's basically a smoked, salt/air-cured duck bacon with LOTS of fat. More than any pork bacon I've ever cooked or eaten. A few pieces in a frying pan will have plenty of good, fatty oil for cooking which is what we started with.

We had boiled pork ribs with onion and garlic, readying them for the frying-pan so then the duck went into the broth from the ribs, with carrots and green beans, rosemary and salt and the ribs went into the frying pan with all that fat(oil). After the ribs were crispy the remainder of the fat oil went into the soup.

All was very, very rich. :cool2: Highly recommended.

Edit: Though exceedingly rare here, I guess duck prosciutto is pretty common elsewhere, making my question moot. :rolleyes:
Jerry said:
Graalsword said:
Tuesday: stewed rump steak, with a bit of onions, celery and some arugula. Little water to make a nice sauce with the juice from the meat and veggies. Salt, pepper, cilantro, oregano. It lasted 1 hour and a half.

The meat was delicious, the sauce was not bad, however it had a bit of a bitter taste, so maybe I should have put much less onions, or no onions at all.

Yesterday: Baked pork loin with sweet potatoes, with salt and pepper.

Actually onions contribute more sweetness than bitter.

Arugula however is decidedly bitter, and oregano if overused can add bitterness also.- fwiw

Ah! Thank you for that. Mmmh, maybe it was both arugula and oregano, that is good news, I didn´t want to take out the onion.
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