Oxajil said:Gertrudes said:Having eaten supermarket meat for my entire life, I am amazed at how flavoursome the free range, properly fed meat I've been buying lately is. This grass fed beef is just so delicious!
Good on you Gertrudes! Nice that you found a source that sells grass fed meat! The comments about tongue made me curious, I'll definitely will be trying it soon, though I don't have a stainless steel pressure cooker yet, so I'll try to fry it instead, adding some water to it, so hopefully it'll cook through.
Yes, having found an affordable source of grass fed meat has made all the difference!
Just a note, tongue takes a lot of time to cook, so you need to stew it instead of frying it, otherwise you'll get something that will taste and feel like a rubber sole! If you don't have a pressure cooker it can take up to 4 hours. Before we got ours, it took us between 2 to 3hours of boiling a cow's tongue in a regular pot before we could peel all of the skin off. After that, it took us about another one to two hours to cook the tongue. If it's lamb tongue it takes less time because the tongue is much smaller, instead of one big chunk of meat (as with the cow's tongue), you get several little tongues.
If you want to try it fried what you can maybe do is stew the tongue, and as it reaches the point of being almost completely done (after a few hours without a pressure cooker), change it into a pan and fry it to get a brownier look and crispier texture.