What's the weather where you are?

Also wanted to add that an Air Quality Alert was declared this morning. Hazy skies, high particulates from the Saskatchewan, Canadian Forest fires...over 1000 miles away!

Interesting... just looked up "Saskatchewan Forest Fires" to find the distance from here and got a hit for an article posted exactly one year ago, for poor air quality from forest fires in the Northwest Territories.


A small sample of what a raging fire can do to air and weather quality.
Got our first real cold snap this winter in Northern NSW, Australia. Daytime temps around 4 - 5 C, down to zero overnight. Received some sleet and then snow yesterday morning, with very light rain since then. Strong and gusty westerly winds making the days even colder.

It's a very slow moving system, taking time to clear. Another cold front is forecast to follow in a day or so, producing similar conditions.
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
Heimdallr said:
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
About to get slammed here in in central Texas again. :cry: I know so many people who are suffering. I guess it was only wishful thinking we could dry up a little today. Could one of the admins check on Howtobe and Monotonic?

Monotonic logged in at 3am today, so he appears to be ok.

Thankyou for letting me know.

I can see blue sky today! The first blue sky in a month :bacon: :dance: :dance:
I just wanted to pop in here and thank Horseofadifferentcolor for the concern. This is my first post in some time (struggles) and I found it touching. Yes, we personally weathered it okay, although our roof has seen better days! It sure was a lot of rain, but it was mainly one single storm that caused most of the local damage - specifically, the brief blast of high winds that preceded it. It took down large branches, trees in places, etc.

The peak of the heat wave of Croatia, according to the announcements should draw on Friday and Saturday when the mercury in the thermometer in the shade could reach 40 degrees.
Very hot and humid, night temperatures are 27 degrees.Fires have become a "normal" phenomenon.
Heat wave is at its peak also in Macedonia. Yesterday night a could not sleep well all night. It was too hot. I was sweating all night. Today also bery hpt day. In the shadow it was around 40C . At the sun it was almost impossible to stay more then few seconds.It was burning the skin. Now at 9 p.m its a just a little better but still too hot. Forecasts says that it will be the same next few days.
Although the heat wave is pounding Europe, here where I can observe (continental and coastal Croatia) temperatures are still well under all time high records but duration and persistence of heat is what's unusual. What's even stranger is sea surface temperature of Adriatic which I didn't experience ever in my life. Last Sunday I was with my family on small island south from city of Krk (island of Krk) where we are usually escaping from overcrowded beaches. Water temperature is usually somewhere between 21-24 C (70-75F), but this Sunday was unbelievable 28,6 Celsius (83 F)! You could swim all day and not get uncomfortable cold if you want it. That is quite rare event.
Yes, the heat here in France has continued for the past few weeks. We had a couple small breaks with clouds and then a storm last Saturday night with torrential rain for about half an hour. But now, back to the heating up phase. If we close down the house in the morning, we manage to keep it around 28/29 C while it goes up to 30-35 outside, but that's still pretty miserable. I think it must get over 40 or so in the sun. At night, we open the windows to let the cool air in and, with a fan, it is possible to sleep. But the heat sure does take the energy out of a person!
The heat is almost impossible in Macedonia. Currently in my office at my job, its a 34 C inside with a fan running all day. The office is in the middle of the building so it does not have a window. At night at home its very hard to sleep even for a few hours. Some more Melatonin helps to rest for a few hours.

Outside is around 38C in shadow. At direct sun its much , much hotter.
Laura said:
Yes, the heat here in France has continued for the past few weeks. We had a couple small breaks with clouds and then a storm last Saturday night with torrential rain for about half an hour. But now, back to the heating up phase. If we close down the house in the morning, we manage to keep it around 28/29 C while it goes up to 30-35 outside, but that's still pretty miserable. I think it must get over 40 or so in the sun. At night, we open the windows to let the cool air in and, with a fan, it is possible to sleep. But the heat sure does take the energy out of a person!

We get used to the heat here in Oz, and one way of cooling down is to damp down some hessian and blow cool air over it. Primitive, but effective.
Don't forget to keep the fluids up!
Also lethargy can be caused by loss of electrolytes (sweating). Replace salts.
Here in Central Alberta has been raining for about a week off and on, after a very dry year. It started with one of the most powerful lightning storms i have ever witnessed.
Konstantin said:
The heat is almost impossible in Macedonia. Currently in my office at my job, its a 34 C inside with a fan running all day. The office is in the middle of the building so it does not have a window. At night at home its very hard to sleep even for a few hours. Some more Melatonin helps to rest for a few hours.

Outside is around 38C in shadow. At direct sun its much , much hotter.

Hi Konstantin,

That kind of heat is difficult to live with, especially having to work in it all day. I remember reading an article on SOTT about making your own little air conditioner using a Styrofoam cooler, a small fan, ice, etc. and it costs about $20.


Maybe this is something you could try for sleeping at night?
Right now, it is 34.5 in the shade outside, god knows what it is in the sun.

It is 29 inside.

That's 95 F outside, 84 F inside. We keep the windows and shutters closed during the day because it does keep it a BIT cooler than outside.
After some rain and temperatures in the low 20s for the previous week, the heat is back. Today and the next five days the temp is forecast to hit 30, with the possibility of thunderstorms, but I'm not holding my breath on that.
Good to see that Northern Saskatchewan got rain. The forest fires are now well contained or extinguished. Which means no more smoke pollution.
Weather at this very moment (half past nine in the evening) where I live. I stroke with red cities where I live.


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We also had some heat waves and it is sometimes difficult to stay concentrated all the time and on the other side it is sometimes pretty easy at least for me to get too identified with the heat or weather in general. Sometimes a good reminder to remember Gurdjieff and not to get too much identified with the weather.
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