What's the weather where you are?

Northeastern Pennsylvania - a week ago, temperatures in the single digits and artic air. In the matter of two days, complete reversal into the 40'sF. lows at night in the upper 20'sF. Yesterday, periods of heavy rain with strong winds and into the high 40's. By 6PM, thunder and lightning with the force of the wind and rain pelting the windows - like someone was throwing pebbles. Just a quickly as the storm developed, after about two hours, the storm passed and it got quiet - like no sound outside - like we were in some type of vacuum where nothing moved.

This morning, this in the news: 27 Tornadoes across Mississippi, Louisiana, Virginia, Alabama, Georgia and Florida.

https://gma.yahoo.com/2-dead-virginia-due-severe-weather-officials-213927398--abc-news-topstories.html# Video - WoW!

The line of vigorous downpours and t-storm is now to our east, leaving us in the showery wake of a departing storm system. Expect showery periods today, but no steady rain as temps drop through the 40s into the afternoon. With colder temps arriving, rain showers will change to and mix with snow showers into this afternoon and evening. Expect a wet dusting of showery snow, but no travel issues. Tomorrow, we get back to a vibe of winter. With temps in the 20s and 30s, a chilly wind and only a few flurries mixing.
itellsya said:
More strange circular ice seen. I think last year there was just one huge one which actually rotated with the movement of the water.. these may be caused by the same thing.. Their explanation could be correct - the foam freezes like that - but they don't sound so sure of themselves, osit ;) It's in Aberdeen, Scotland.



More of this 'rare' phenomena spotted again this year:
This unusual phenomena called 'ice pancakes' was spotted on the River Irthing yesterday.



Pancake ice is a phenomenon where discs of ice anywhere from 20 - 200 cm wide are formed creating a unique spectacle.

Pancake ice is a relatively rare phenomenon that tends to occur in very cold oceans and lakes. It has most frequently seen in the Baltic Sea and around Antarctica but can also form relatively frequently on the Great Lakes of the United States and Canada.

It requires some rather specific conditions in order to form and can form in one of two distinct ways.

In oceans, seas and lakes the discs are created when waves cause forming pieces of ice to knock against each other rounding their edges as they freeze and grow. Small rims are created on the edges as the knocking causes splashing water to freeze and join the rim.

They are also believed to form when foam on a river begins to freeze which begin to join together and as they are sucked into an eddy (a swirling current of water) and form into a circular shape as a result. As other bit of frozen foam and ice hit the forming disc they freeze to it and increase its size.

Whilst ice pancakes look like solid discs, they are often quite slushy and easily break apart when lifted up.

However when given the conditions to consolidate, ice pancakes can end up binding with each other to form sheet ice and in rougher conditions waves can move these sheets of ice causing them to bend and crack to create ice ridges.

Thanks to Joan Thirlaway for sharing these amazing pictures.

Meanwhile on the NW coast of England, Fylde. The weather was mild but in the last week shifted to quite cold, still but damp air which felt very cold. From 13C to 6/7C in the day and 0-3/4C at night.

We never did receive a winter deluge as kinda predicted by Piers Corbyn. It has been an odd month though; rain, a bit of hail, sunny mornings and afternoons, cloudy later, even a spot of snow falling and the odd wind storm. It does feel as though winter will drag into spring though, especially since it's just started to dip late February.
70-ish and sunny! I'm planting seed trays of optimism. :D Coastal plain, NC, USA.
This afternoon very dark clouds in Macedonia. Outside everything looks so Yellowish. It looks like somebody took a picture and apply some yellow filter/ color to the image. Very dark and cloudy. Temperature around 10 C.
Here in Southern Bavaria we had about 5cm snow over night (2 inches). It is still snowing. Temperature is around 0 degree centigrade. So a bit of normal winter now. :)
NW coast of England: 20mph winds last night. This morning was very cloudy and it rained for much of the day. We are apparently expecting Storm Jake our 10th named storm(see below), so perhaps that was the front of it. This evening the wind is back.


Areas from Southwest England through Wales and Northern Ireland will experience the strongest winds with gusts over 50 mph (80 km/h). Cornwall and Pembrokeshire will likely be hardest hit with isolated gusts over 60 mph (95 km/h) from midday Wednesday through the afternoon and evening.

Coastal flooding is also a concern for Cornwall due to the combination of high seas and strong winds at high tide on Wednesday morning.

The stormy weather pattern will not end with Storm Jake. Thursday will feature less disruptive weather with a few showers and less wind; however, another storm will renew rain and gusty winds on Friday.

As i travelled along the coast this afternoon it was clear that, once again, many areas are too soaked, waterways are rising and so flood risks are expected.
I'm not sure how common this is all I know is I haven't ever seen this before. I am in Canterbury in the UK and between at least 12:00-12:30 today it appeared to be both raining and snowing at the same time. When I looked down at my black trousers I saw they were covered in white icy specs, though the rain seemed to immediately melt the snow from all other surfaces.

Looking on the internet I found this video of someone who filmed the same thing in 2012.
Seato said:
I'm not sure how common this is all I know is I haven't ever seen this before. I am in Canterbury in the UK and between at least 12:00-12:30 today it appeared to be both raining and snowing at the same time. When I looked down at my black trousers I saw they were covered in white icy specs, though the rain seemed to immediately melt the snow from all other surfaces.

Looking on the internet I found this video of someone who filmed the same thing in 2012.

there have been endless reports today of snow in the higher altitudes; Yorkshire and Lancaster for instance.


Wintry scenes this morning for parts of the UK. Richard Edwards snapped this snowy scene in Chevin, West Yorkshire this morning.

Is there more ‪#‎snow‬ on the way? Colder weather will continue this week with the risk of ice overnight for many places. Warnings have been issued for snow and ice for many areas on Friday. As often is the case in snow situations in the UK whether the precipitation falls as rain or snow is finely balanced resulting in some uncertainty in the details of the rain and snow mix. At this time it is likely that snow will largely be confined to higher ground above 200-400m however sleet and snow may temporarily fall to lower levels in heavier precipitation.
Here's a video of sleet (wet snow) falling today:
Sam Brands reports to us Sleet now falling in West Sussex


I did watch the video, and i do know what you mean. I've seen rain, very light snow, a clear sky and a rainbow in the UK before.. For an idea of why that may be happening, this link is discussing the meandering jet-stream/flucatuations in the atmosphere which may help give an idea of what may be happening.
Re: The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!
The past few days in Washington State (Pacific Northwest) have seen very strong windstorms of high gusts (rain approaching horizontal) with heavy downpours. Sometimes the air and rain are warm, sometimes very cold. Fleeing indoors anywhere was a necessity several times.

Freaky weather here the last few days.

Today we had hail the size of golf balls.
Massive thunder and lightning storm.
Followed by sunshine and rainbows.

Ocean said:
Freaky weather here the last few days.

Today we had hail the size of golf balls.
Massive thunder and lightning storm.
Followed by sunshine and rainbows.


Funnily enough, i was just reading an article stating same:
Heavy rains and hailstorms were recorded in Samai, Oman and in Saudi Arabia on March 1, 2016.
Here some pictures and videos of these anomalic weather events.




Saudi Arabia has also been pounded by large hail two days ago. Look at this crazy video:
Published on 27 Feb 2016


And for Russian speakers, this appears to be the VK group collating the images: http://vk.com/fobosplanet - like Earth Changes? or just anomalous weather?
Merci pour tous vos partages...
Cette nuit sur la Côte d'Azur, une grosse tempête qui a sévi toute la nuit, vent à 170 km/Heure qui a renversé une armoire chargée sur mon balcon et fait volé ma table et mes fauteuils de jardin, ce matin gros nettoyage...
Heureusement le filet de protection pour mes chats a empêché que ces meubles ne passent par dessus le balcon...

Thank you for all your shares ...
That night on the French Riviera, a big storm that raged all night, wind at 170 km / hour that overturned a loaded rack on my balcony and actually stole my table and my garden chairs this morning heavy cleaning. ..
Fortunately, the safety net for my cats has prevented these furniture will pass over the balcony ...
NW coast of England:
Temps hovering around 1-2C at night and 6-8C in the day - and Storm Jake had some of the strongest wind gusts we've had for a month or two...30mph+ at night time. Then there was a full day of rain.

itellsya said:
there have been endless reports today of snow in the higher altitudes; Yorkshire and Lancaster for instance.
Some areas were covered in cloud or felt relatively normal, where as 30 minutes down the road they had snow, and at just slightly higher altitudes it snowed heavy - but i don't think it lasted. It's strange for it to snow and to melt so quickly, i think, even for the UK.

We're supposed to be entering the beginning of Spring, and while this aint catastrophic, it is strange.
about two days ago:
30 minutes from where i live - we saw no snow.

And today there haven't been any reports on social media about snow, and where i am it's been beautifully clear all day, the sun is warm against your skin but the wind is chilly.
It's been an interesting 24 hours in Northern California.
Where I live there was about 8 to 9 inches in precipitation in 24 hours with more on the way

We had strong winds and saturated soils (a lot of run-off everywhere) resulting in trees falling over on the road blocking traffic and breaking power lines, mud slides, etc.

Here's an article on the situation:

The phenomenon is called the pineapple express (in reference to the Hawaiian islands)

Picture from the article that illustrates it all:
Storm plaguing the Istria and part of Kvarner,video:


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