What's the weather where you are?

I took these photos on facebook. I do not know the city, but I think he is in Canada.


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Here in Québec, in the Montreal region, we have experienced unsusually cold temperatures, as in 10 to 15 degrees Celsius below the normal for the past 2 months at least. We (my partner and I) just spent three days in the countryside, and we noticed that all of nature was sort of behind schedule, the flowers and plants are like 3 weeks to a month behind schedule for flowering and such.

BACKGROUND: Soil frost is still happening on and off, so animals and insects are trying to get inside the houses and buildings just for some warmth, moreso than the past decade as far as our friends and neighbours could tell. There was a cycling event (bycicle race) scheduled in the closest villlage to our friends house, last weekend and for the first time, the cyclists were wearing full garb, long sleeves and even windbreakers (for the cold, no wind no rain) whereas last year they were in shorts and sleeveless t-shirts at same event.

As a long time reader of SOTT, I have spoken of the oncoming Ice Age a lot in the past 5 years, and now some of our aquiantances are asking me questions, and for links to more info abour 'my theory'. If memory serves me right, the C's said that the ICE AGE: grips in Southern Hemisphere first, and with all the articles of sleath, snow, and ice falling in the southern hemisphere since the start of 2016, it makes us wonder how quickly this change will take?

PerSONNAL EXPerienCE: Of course, none of us want to believe that it (onset of Ice Age) could happen in a matter of months, yet, my partner and I are seriously making plans for a bug out trip to a rural location nonetheless. This was the first weekend when as I spoke of my feeling about the change coming to the friends sharing this weekend with us, yet none of our 3 friends present shook their heads. Somehow, they all were very interested in what I had to say? (Maybe the information is starting to permeate people subconsciously as well? That would be a relief, if people started to take this more seriously!) As the C's warned us that 2015 was year Zero, I now feel that year One of the Ice Age is now!
Alaska, Finland, China, Russia, New York State JUNE SNOW Crop Losses Follow | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035
Published on Jun 11, 2016
Rare Snowstorms abound across the planet. Mid-June and every continent received snow across both hemispheres. Record snows in Argentina/Chile, New York state, Russia, China, Finland

Global Warming Alarmists to be Prosecuted Under California Bill 1161, Get Your Lawyers Ready
Published on Jun 14, 2016
California tried to pass the Senate Bill 1161 which would allow for prosecution of climate alarmists. The Bill was so broad that it could include the Global Warming alarmists who's predictions have not come to fruition in over 20 years as well. The bill was eventually pulled because of this reason, not because of pubic outcry. Lets see where we could use this bill to prosecute AGW climate scare mongers.
It is snowing in the mountains right now and the temperatures aloft are more appropriate for January than mid-June.

Winter in June (Photos)

Let me "warm up" by showing you the latest cam shots at Mt. Rainier's Paradise Ranger Station at approximately 5500 ft, where temperatures are around freezing and it is snowing. You want to throw a snowball...no problem.

Or a Hurricane Ridge in the Olympics, at a similar elevation? Yes, snow is falling.

And Crystal Mountain is a winter wonderland.

Or Stampede Pass, in the central Cascades, at only 4000 ft? You guessed it: its snowing.

Our friends at the Seattle NWS office even have a winter weather advisory for parts of the Cascades, warning of winter-like conditions and 4-8 inches of snow!

The temperatures over us are unusually cold and much more like the typical conditions of January. I can prove this using the marvelous upper air climatology capability available from the NOAA/NWS Storm Prediction Center. Here is the climatology of 500 hPa (about 18,000 ft) temperatures at Quillayute on the Washington Coast. Red shows daily record highs, blue indicates daily record lows and black is average. The black dot show this morning's observation.

Today is a virtually tie for the record low for this date, or any date in June. BELOW NORMAL TEMPS ANYTIME OF THE YEAR.

CBC meteorologist Johanna Wagstaffe says this 'Juneuary' weather isn't abnormal

It's snowing on the North Shore — in June! (Photos)

It's snowing on the North Shore — in June!

Photos and videos posted to social media on Tuesday show snow falling — and sticking to the ground — at Grouse, Seymour and Cypress Mountains.

Winter wonderland at Grouse

But before you think the summer season is officially bust, CBC meteorologist Johanna Wagstaffe says this isn't abnormal.

"Cold low pressure systems often have a habit of sliding down to B.C. from Alaska during the month of June, bringing with it a much cooler air mass in the upper atmosphere," she said. "Hence our 'Juneuary' reputation."

The contrast between the cooler temperatures higher up in the atmosphere and the warmer ocean temperatures is the perfect setup for unsettled weather.

While it isn't as common to get snow below 1,200 metres in June, it's definitely not out of the questions and it has happened before. Back in 2011, Grouse Mountain even kept the runs open through the month of June.



South Central France: more days of lots of rain and 11.5 C this morning. That's about 53 F. In short, winter weather in Florida.

Summer isn't a'cummin'in. It's like a protracted March for four months.
The colder than usual weather is being noticed here in Southern Hemisphere too. Even though it is supposed to be cold now (we are entering winter), reports have been that this has been an unusually cold Autumn, from what I heard, in my country (Paraguay), Argentina and Brazil.

Here, we had temperatures of 2° and 3° C for two days and then 5-8° C during other days. Staying up to 15-17° C during noon when it's the hottest time. That doesn't sound like a lot for people living in countries where it's normally cold. But Paraguay is a warm country with sub-tropical weather where having many days of 45-8° C in summer is consider normal, then in the coldest month (July) it's usually around 15-17° C of average temperature with a few days of temperature below 5° C.

These recent temperatures aren't unprecedented, yet what is strange is that they are lasting for many days. Normally, we can have two or three cold days and then we have some warm days again, and then cold days, and so forth. Now it's been quite cold for 2-3 weeks, and since it is just Autumn, the forecast is that it is going to be colder next week (winter starts on the 21st).

People are saying this is very unusual because this is the coldest weather we had in 5 years or so. We have noticed that we didn't have winter anymore during that time. Now, we have it again, but it seems that it will be colder than before.
South east france : the rain has come, but it is a covered blue sky with eparsely and brief flood.

68 ° F, 20 °C, 88% Humidity. The spring is hidden by clouds.
Split, Dalmatia:

Today we have cloudy sky (finally!) with strong Yoogo southern wind and some rain occasionally - so nice break from hot sunny weather past few days; i am enjoying it quite a bit. A welcome break from everyday tarrying on local beaches - but not for long since weather forecast is saying that weekend will be HOT, over 30oC due to large amount of warm air that is arriving from Africa...
In the last two weeks, there was an unexpected cold especially in some northern parts of Turkey and also excessive rainfall in many other parts.

June 3: Huge and violent hailstones in Bilecik
http://www.haber11.net/haberlergos-12689-bilecike_yumurta_buyuklugunde_dolu_yagdi.html (interesting photos)

June 3: Severe hail caused a winter view in Ilgaz, Çankırı
http://www.haberler.com/cankiri-da-dolu-yagisi-8498211-haberi/ (video)

June 5: Unexpected snow at Mount Madur, Trabzon (no video)

June 9: Surprizing snow fall at Mount Ovit, Rize

June 9: Unexpected snow in Gümüşhane
http://www.gumushane.gen.tr/v2/gumushane/gumushaneye-yazin-da-kar-yagdi-h15329.html (no video)
Dans le sud est de la France, sur la Côte d'Azur, après une journée pluvieuse et grise hier, le soleil est revenu dans son ciel bleu sans nuage avec de douces températures...

In the south of France, on the Riviera, after a rainy and gray day yesterday, the sun came out in his clear blue sky with mild temperatures. . .
A heat wave in Macedonia since yesterday. Today's temperatures are from 35 to 40 C , and its very hot outside in the sun. After a pretty chilly weather all the time, now dramatic temperature increase in just 24 hours. Its a shock for the body.
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