What's the weather where you are?

Re: Major Storm in France (Mediterranean) now

Yes, be careful over the next few days!

My location on the Island shows to be just on the edge of the storm. Areas further South like Victoria to Nanaimo are right in the track of lighting and very heavy rain, for now. It is raining sheets of rain here just the same.

All we can do is watch. Gives meaning to "wait and see".
Re: Major Storm in France (Mediterranean) now

Wow, that's one powerful storm! Stay safe and take care!

That was a really interesting find with the names, Chu.
Re: Major Storm in France (Mediterranean) now

WIN 52 said:
Yes, be careful over the next few days!

Ditto! Hoping it is something only for these days, stay safe!
Re: Major Storm in France (Mediterranean) now

On Nice last year at the same period, floods that drowned people and put cars on trees. About 150 mm in 3 hours.


October 2015



This year seems to take the same track, except that my body is under this storm : I discover Reiki these days and I'm more conscious of electrical impact of this storm on the body : shaking it was. There was also my first loose of car control due to water (or not ?) on the road, and I was driving at just 50 km/h (31 mph), nothing bad happen. This storm is decharging something great :).
Re: Major Storm in France (Mediterranean) now

Well, we made it through the first 2 storms but the worst is yet to come ashore. The remains of the Typhoon Songda has crossed the Pacific and is poised to hit us on Saturday, the 15th. They are saying it will be worse than the 1962 storm which devastated the Pacific Northwest.

There is a breakdown of the storm surge at


Then we have a super Moon on the 16th. I believe that it is going into Aries. According to astrological bufs, there will be a great influx of new energy.

These times are sure interesting to watch!

Oh and we can't forget about the big coronal hole in the Sun, also going on right now!
After heavy rain (reportedly fell 90 liters of rain per square meter!) now the sun is shining.
The temperature of the air and the sea is the same - 18 °.
casper said:
After heavy rain (reportedly fell 90 liters of rain per square meter!) now the sun is shining.
The temperature of the air and the sea is the same - 18 °.
A small correction, for better understanding, this is not a minus 18, this is a dash(-) :)
I am in the Pacific Northwest too, 30 miles east of Seattle. We are prepared to ride out the storm, and luckily there are no big trees near our house. I am at work today, so my worry is getting home later today. I have a 45 minute commute. Stay safe everyone
Angela said:
I am in the Pacific Northwest too, 30 miles east of Seattle. We are prepared to ride out the storm, and luckily there are no big trees near our house. I am at work today, so my worry is getting home later today. I have a 45 minute commute. Stay safe everyone

According to the cliffmass blog, you will miss the worst of it. He has it going north of Seattle.

Unfortunately, it is likely to pass directly over Vancouver Island. It's already raining heavily in The Comox Valley.
Singapore and its been raining a lot - with intense lightning and thunder at times. Expected to rain all week, and remain cloudy most of the week as well. Temperatures, very tropical between 25-30C; and high humidity.
Big storm with a lot of rain and lightning this morning in Gostivar - Macedonia. Strong thunder woke me up this morning. Its pouring rain. Temperatures are around 7-8C. No signs of stopping or weakening yet.
If there is a battle between STS and STO that shows up in 3D as weather, then I would have to say that the storm which was set to ravage the Pacific Northwest got its teeth knocked out. There was still plenty of rain but it was falling straight down rather than sideways. There is more wind today with the rain.

We are seeing more of this type of thing these days, like hurricane Matthew.
New Westminster, BC.

We are also in the path of the remnants of Hurricane Songda. Last night was supposed to be the worst part, part 3, but it appears to have been a dud in our neck of the woods. Watching the news it appeared that the worst of it was South of us. The worst area being hit being Oregon.

Overall we didn't seem to get much of a summer here. The best weather we got here seemed to be around April and May.
In Montenegro we saw today several quick changes from clear weather to heavy rain, so if someone has decided at the wrong moment not to take umbrella with him, he could have deeply regretted it after 20 mins :)
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