What's the weather where you are?

Berlin has a pretty mild summer with 24 to 29°C (75 to 85°F) in comparison with previous summers that often produced 35°C (95°F) for weeks on end.
Public parks and forests are definitely in need of rain.

This shortage of precipitation is in stark contrast to western parts of Germany were heavy rains and inundation rule.


In Rhineland-Palatinate the Ahr river has flooded the village of Schuld (engl. 'guilt'), population 660.
Berlin has a pretty mild summer with 24 to 29°C (75 to 85°F) in comparison with previous summers that often produced 35°C (95°F) for weeks on end.
Public parks and forests are definitely in need of rain.

This shortage of precipitation is in stark contrast to western parts of Germany were heavy rains and inundation rule.


In Rhineland-Palatinate the Ahr river has flooded the village of Schuld (engl. 'guilt'), population 660.
Honesty it's a tragedy and I'm sorry for the people who lost their lives during the flood. I hope to not be an inconsiderate jerk but I find the name of the village pretty symbolic, "Guilt", the DCM indeed speaks to us in different ways unfortunately not many of us are able to notice it.
Mind-numbing 36°C / 97°F heatwave continues unabated in Hungary, 90 miles west of the Ukrainian border. Cools down somewhat by midnight, so we can sleep. Very little rain. During the day we sometimes find slight solace in dark grey bellied clouds as they at least block the heat from the sun and bring some refreshing cooler winds.
Where I live this morning it was heavy smoke, visibility on the tops of the mountains, was a hazy white shadow.this latest report, which disturbs me greatly first the report.

The Sparks Lake fire remains the largest wildfire in B.C. as the BC Wildfire Service deals with a growing number of blazes across B.C.

Fire information officer Hannah Swift said on Wednesday (July 14) that the fire remains estimated at 40,267 hectares in size, though there has been growth that cannot yet be measured due to heavy smoke from the flames.

The out of control fire, suspected to be human-caused, was ignited on June 28 about 15 kilometres north of the west end of Kamloops Lake and about 40 kilometres northwest of Kamloops.

While this seems unimaginable that anyone could/want or create such an effect, for gods, know what in their minds, it strikes as someone that is severely mentally deranged. Just a thought, but for example destroying viable food crops, just my thought,

In fact, of the 13 evacuation orders in place across B.C., six are connected with the Sparks Lake fire, with all orders and alerts, and maps, available online at tnrd.ca.

According to the Kamloops Fire Centre, from April 1 to July 14, there has been 315 wildfires, up from the 10-year average of 139 in the centre — a massive area that spans from Wells Gray Park in the North to Revelstoke in the east, to the the Canada-U.S. border in the south and to Pemberton in the west.

Swift said there are 90 firefighters, 10 helicopters and 58 pieces of heavy equipment working the fire, in addition to 109 support personnel, including 32 members of the Skeetchestn Indian Band helping with structural protection.

This evening, the smoke is not so bad, which indicates to me that they have somewhat the ther is some degree of fire control. I did see some helicopters with water bombers in the area earlier in the day.

One thing that struck me with all this heat in the Pacific Northwest, I was reminded of this article fromn SOTT today, all the devastating flood in Europe.

Seem to me as devastating as wildfires are, and the temperatures we are experiencing, the the most catastrophic effect, are from the torrential rain, and effect of water, the absolute turmoil and destruction, that water can create. I am reminded of Randall Carlson and his description and destruction, during the Ice Age Melt a few thousand years ago.

In the heat, we have air conditioners, fridges,, things, l that will help us overcome the heat,. Nothng can help with the unpredicatble sheeets of rain and the turmoil of a churning mass of water.
July was as far as I remember always the hottest month of the year with almost no rain and with temperatures over 30.
Two days ago, we had a small storm with a bit of rain, here in Middle Dalmacija, Croatia, and since then, temperatures didn’t rise above 29; with cold strong wind and overcast.

Usually there would be rain but for the night and then sun again.
now is 24 degrees with max od 28 degrees to be expected and then again rain in the night and tomorrow.
As I‘m sitting on the terrace, it wouldn’t be cold if there isn’t this strong cold wind.
Maybe it will blow away the clouds and change the weather….

I woke up and it was raining here in Middle Dalmacija, Croatia. With 22 degrees but cold cold wind so I had my sweater and jacket while sitting and smoking. 🥶
But sun was soon shining with 27-28 degrees and we took opportunity to go to the beach before next wave of wind and potential rain.

And here I‘m sending photo I took; contrast between crystal clear sea still bathing in the sun while next wave of clouds were coming.
You can see islands merging with the clouds and rain in the background.

We are having some warm days in SW France finally. It made it up to 27.9 yesterday, and today is supposed to go up to 32, but we'll see. I'm still keeping my weather journal, recording high and low temps from two remote thermometers, barometric pressure, wind direction and speed, and general observable conditions.

Nevertheless, it went down to 16.9 last night and is not warming up very fast; it's only 20 at 10 am.
Low to mid 30s here in Southern Saskatchewan Canada during mid noon. For past 3 days, forecast same until 26th. Temp drops to 15-20 overnight. Farmers very worried, grain crops drying up due to no rain to speak of. Shows you how industrial agriculture mono-cropping is so fragile and unsuited for plains environment. For Native grasses this is something they take in stride. Ranching far more suited to plains ecology. Before advent of farming here, the Plains, from Gulf of Mexico to Boreal Forest, supported 60-100 million bison. Cattle ranching, which is usually done responsibly, does not involve ripping up the land and destroying native habitat and poisoning the environment and humanity with chemical fertilizers and pesticides TO GROW CROPS not fit for human consumption anyway. Maybe this hot weather is a wake-up call from the DCM-UNIVERSE. Give me a juicy steak any day over a bowl of corn flakes.
Finally cooling down
Stockholm, 18 July 2021

We finally got more normal temperatures, around 20-22°C in Stockholm, which feels really refreshing after a weak cold front passed through (that one was mainly active over Finland with plenty of thunderstorms and lightning) - but at my place the transition was barely noticeable, other than lower temperatures, and an increase of clouds - but nothing dramatic.


Unexpected asperatus clouds

Over a small area, which we call "Uppland", the eastern part of Middle Sweden (Svealand), showed signs of instability. As I woke up, had coffee starting to read through the latest post in threads in our forum - I noticed an interesting development in the cloud formations at my balcony - which then increasingly looked like what I used to call "Jupiter clouds" - but the proper name for them is "asperatus clouds" (I will post most images in the "Strange clouds" thread)

The area of instability, looked a bit like "failed Thunderstorms" (no lightning was registered) - ultimately only created some minor rainfall in the evening.

Here in Massachusetts this summer has so far included some really unbearably hot days (98 or above), some very unseasonably cool ones, some beautiful summer days when the weather is "just right." More extremes than usual. Rain over the holiday weekends--Memorial Day and the 4th of July. Rainy weather after the heat moves through and lots of thunder and lightning.
Low to mid 30s here in Southern Saskatchewan Canada during mid noon. For past 3 days, forecast same until 26th. Temp drops to 15-20 overnight. Farmers very worried, grain crops drying up due to no rain to speak of. Shows you how industrial agriculture mono-cropping is so fragile and unsuited for plains environment. For Native grasses this is something they take in stride. Ranching far more suited to plains ecology. Before advent of farming here, the Plains, from Gulf of Mexico to Boreal Forest, supported 60-100 million bison. Cattle ranching, which is usually done responsibly, does not involve ripping up the land and destroying native habitat and poisoning the environment and humanity with chemical fertilizers and pesticides TO GROW CROPS not fit for human consumption anyway. Maybe this hot weather is a wake-up call from the DCM-UNIVERSE. Give me a juicy steak any day over a bowl of corn flakes.
Unexpected and not forecasted break today from the heat. Only 18 at 9:30AM. Max of 29 called for..Smoke pollution from fires in the north, situation as critical as BC.

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